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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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組織間交易過程中我方交易管理之研究 / Managing Contractual Fulfillment For Inter-organizational Transactions

許淑寬, Hsu,Shu Kuan Unknown Date (has links)
如何有效率管理或執行組織間交易活動,是學術界及實務界有興趣的議題。以成本觀點觀之,交易組織管理交易活動愈多,即代表付出的管理成本愈高。 本研究以交易買方角度,思考組織間交易過程中,我方管理交易活動複雜度。故本研究焦點設定在我方在決定與他方進行交易後,交易過程中的協調與管理活動。研究問題主要欲瞭解我方在決定交易對象後,執行該交易的管理成本為何;即瞭解影響我方管理交易付出活動多寡的因素為何。 為能確認研究議題相關之實務現象,本研究先進行個案研究,訪談六家電子產業公司、十二個交易個案。與理論對話後,整理出「我方交易管理複雜度」構面,並建構出本研究架構﹕考量交易特性、交易重要性及交易經驗與知覺他方投機行為對我方交易管理複雜度之影響。進一步地進行實證研究。 本研究透過問卷調查,共蒐集電子製造業產業170個有效交易樣本,研究假設經檢測後,本研究結果發現,在組織間交易過程中影響我方交易管理複雜度之因素包括:(1)交易任務流程的相互依賴程度愈高,因作業流程彼此銜接或為合作的資訊取得需要,我方管理重點將置於流程的協調,故我方會付出較多的管理行為來溝通協調交易的作業,包括對內整合與對外(即他方)溝通協調的管理活動。(2)交易任務不確定程度,包括交易品質的不確定與交易數量的不確定,我方將增加管理複雜度,例如進行監督、增加互動頻率或溝通來降低品質與交期的不穩定。(3)交易的重要程度高,表示該交易標的物取得對我方具有潛在優勢。當交易的作業重要性愈高時,我方在管理該交易時將增加管理行為取得或增加我方權力、或降低對他方的依賴,故我方交易管理複雜度將提高。(4)當我方知覺到他方有投機行為時,因交易任務流程相互依賴高的情況下,我方擔心資訊不對稱可能造成我方損失、或擔心我方須不平衡地多付出,我方除加強溝通協調取得更多作業資訊外,也須付出其他監督他方行為成本,形成我方整體交易管理愈趨複雜。 / Managing inter-organizational transactions efficiently is an important issue in practice and in research field. From cost perspective, when an organization manages transaction activities more, it pays the management cost more. This study takes the view of the buyer organization on transactions, and it considers the management complexity for inter-organizational transactions. It focuses on coordination and management for inter-organizational transactions after buyer organizations decided the transaction party. In other word, this research wants to explore what influence buyer organization to manage inter-organizational transaction on management cost. In order to explore the issues, this study adopted two study researches. At first, this study took 12 case studies form 6 companies to develop the construct of management complexity and build this research framework. Secondly, the study collected 170 samples of transaction in electronic industry by questionnaire investigation. The findings include below. (1) The higher the task-process interdependency is, the more management complexity buyer organizations pay for coordinating, communicating inter-organizational operational process or gathering more transaction information. (2) Task gets more uncertainty, including quality uncertainty and quantity uncertainty of transactions, then buyer organization will do more management complexity, e.g., monitoring transaction party and interacting frequently to each other. (3) As the transaction is important to buyer operations, buyer organization would do more management complexity in order to get more power in inter-organizational relationship or reduce dependency on transaction party. (4) If buyer organizations feel the transaction party opportunism, they would pay more attentions to safeguard. Especially, buyer organization will do something more to prevent getting loss from asymmetric information, when the task-process is getting more interdependent. Hence, the higher task-process interdependency trends to make buyer organizations pay more management complexity, when buyer organizations perceive higher opportunism

任務性、脈絡性及適應性績效表現與主管獎酬決策影響效果之研究 / The study of the effect of task performance, contextual performance and adaptive performance on supervisory reward decision

簡博浩, Chien, Po Pao Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究目的在探討工作績效理論中任務性、脈絡性及適應性績效表現對主管獎酬決策的影響。研究一以「特定職位或職系適用」的角度,以業務經理為標的,運用實驗法以影片模擬實驗法的三因子實驗設計來進行,以233位企業主管為受試對象。研究二以「跨職位適用」的角度,運用調查法以150位主管選取一位部屬來評量三種工作績效表現。兩個研究結果顯示,任務性及脈絡性績效表現如過去研究結論一致,對主管獎酬決策有影響;適應性績效表現亦對主管獎酬決策有影響。透過實驗法驗證,適應性績效表現與脈絡性績效表現的交互效果對主管獎酬決策有影響;但與任務性績效表現的交互效果則是不存在的。透過調查法驗證,在任務越複雜的工作,脈絡性績效表現及適應性績效表現對主管獎酬決策的正向關係則越強。在研究三中,針對上述研究結論及實務應用,以兩個職務屬性為干擾效果,發現顧客接觸需求程度及任務相互依賴性越高的職位,適應性績效表現與主管獎酬決策的關係就越強。 本論文之研究延伸工作績效內涵,驗證適應性績效表現對主管獎酬決策有其影響。並以三個不同的研究來驗證假說,從不同的職務適用觀點及研究方法的角度,更具理論及實務的價值。 / The current research aims to examine how adaptive performance, contextual performance and task performance correlate supervisory reward decision. The study employed the methods of survey and laboratory experiments and virtually comprises three parts. In Part One, from the perspective of specific occupations or job families, 233 manager subjects were recruited to view a previously-videotaped simulated sales executive’s job performance and give rating afterwards in terms of his task performance, contextual performance, and adaptive performance. In Part Two, from the perspective of applicable across jobs, 150 manager subjects randomly chose one of their subordinates and rated his/her task, contextual and adaptive performance. The findings in either Study 1 or Study 2 were congruent with results of previous research, which indicated not only the main effects of task and contextual performance but also (that of) adaptive performance affected supervisory reward decision. In addition, the experiment study justified that the interactional effects of adaptive and contextual performance were crucial factors to modify the supervisory reward decision, while the field study illustrated how employees’ contextual and adaptive performances reinforced supervisory reward decision especially when task complexity were taken into consideration. In Study 3, based on the former findings and practical application, we found that a job position of high customer-contact requirements and high task interdependence significantly strengthened the correlation between adaptive performance and supervisory reward decision. This study not only endorses the essentiality of job performance but also testifies effect of adaptive performance on supervisory reward decision. Moreover, this study, using different methodologies, has extended theory and provided practical implications.


錢中媛, Chien,Chun-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
大學校史館是指在一個所大學中,由相關的策略、人員、館藏和設備所組成的單位,該單位保存、維護該校文件方面的歷史遺產,並將其整理成可系統性保存和易於取得的形式。其組織定位是相當重要的問題,因為行政層級與隸屬的規劃將影響日後校史館在校內進行各項相關工作的權限與方向,同時將影響其他單位的配合方式,而主管單位的看法也將影響校史館的發展及其所發揮的功能。 為能深入瞭解有關大學校史館在不同行政隸屬下所受到的影響,本研究先針對研究主題蒐集國內、外相關文獻加以分析,彙整歸納出可供研究參考之資料後,再採用「多重個案研究法」模式進行研究,以「訪談法」作為意見資料之蒐集工具。本研究以我國大學校史館為主要之研究對象,分別針對我國大學中獨立為一級單位、隸屬於祕書室及隸屬於圖書館之校史館抽樣進行訪談,訪談對象共計十館,分別提出相關經驗及看法。 研究結果包括:一、歐美各國大學校史館多隸屬於圖書館,中國大陸之大學校史館均獨立為一級單位,我國則多隸屬於祕書室;二、隸屬於祕書室及圖書館之大學校史館,其業務多為兼辦性質,人力不足則為各校普遍遭遇之限制;三、獨立為一級單位及隸屬於圖書館之大學校史館人員具有相關之專業背景,對校史館之整體業務推展及運作較有直接幫助;四、大學校史館普遍缺乏明確之任務,而以典藏及展示為主,並未因行政隸屬之不同而有顯著差異;五、不同行政隸屬之大學校史館在部分業務及功能上呈現明顯差異,包括:(一)獨立為一級單位及隸屬於祕書室之大學校史館大多已建立明確之定期徵集模式,對校史資料之徵集工作較為有利;(二)隸屬於圖書館之大學校史館多採常態開放型式,且開放時段較長;而獨立為一級單位及隸屬於祕書室之大學校史館則多採預約開放或定期開放型式,且開放時段較短。開放型態及時段將影響校史館之普及性及其所發揮之效益;(三)獨立為一級單位及部分隸屬於圖書館之大學校史館多訂有校史資料之利用規則,對史料的提供利用已具備一定的規範;(四)隸屬於祕書室之大學校史館多具有記錄及出版校史之功能;(五)獨立為一級單位之校史館具有支援教學與研究之功能,已將校史資料的利用層次向上提昇,亦為校史館開創新的發展方向;六、不同行政隸屬之大學校史館在部分業務上面臨之問題呈現明顯差異:(一)隸屬於祕書室者之主要問題在於欠缺資料處理與管理方面之相關專業能力;(二)獨立為一級單位者則認為校內其他各單位的配合度不高,以致部分業務運作上有困難;(三)隸屬於圖書館之大學校史館在業務推展上,則明顯地面臨較多問題,包括:1.欠缺史學專業,影響對資料內容的掌握程度;2.經費不足,主要因為易與圖書館預算項目產生排擠現象,此問題亦為國外大學隸屬於圖書館之校史館的三大問題之首;3.徵集資料時,權限不足、資訊掌握度不足及各單位配合度不高。 最後針對以上研究結果提出五項建議:一、呼籲各校設置專職人員規劃校史館業務,並由圖書館管理,或更進一步設置獨立的校史館;二、訂定明確之校史館任務;三、促請校方高層分別針對各校不同行政隸屬而引起之問題進行修正,包括:加強校史館人員之專業背景及相關訓練、建立明確之校史資料定期徵集模式,並與校內各單位保持密切聯繫、加強對校史之重視程度、採用分工方式分別進行徵集工作及其他後續工作;四、增強校史館在校園內存在之價值與必要性,可努力的方向包括:支援教學與研究、編纂校史與出版、配合募款工作,以發揮校史館功能;五、組成全國、區域或主題性大學校史館之合作組織,分享經驗或進行館藏分享與合作,共同推動大學校史館之發展。

交融記憶系統、資訊精緻化與團隊創新-任務衝突、賦權領導及情感氛圍的調節效果 / Transactive Memory Systems, Information Elaboration and Team Innovation: The Moderating Effects of Task Conflict, Empowerment Leadership and Affective Tone

林昭宏 Unknown Date (has links)
時下企業使用團隊以促進創新的方式非常普遍,藉由成員背景的多元性發展出更多可行的新創方案,然而在團隊的專業分工模式下,團隊成員如何快速地瞭解其他成員的專長,並相互配合、協調,高效率地完成任務要求,成為重要的探討議題。團隊成員熟悉團隊內各種技能與知識的分布,並且信任其他成員的專業,彼此溝通協調,此現象稱為交融記憶系統,本研究以真實企業中的團隊為研究對象,且以從事研發或行銷等創意發想工作的團隊為主,探討交融記憶系統與團隊創新之間的關聯。另外,團隊成員對於任務資訊的交流與整合稱為資訊精緻化,本研究也探討資訊精緻化行為是否在兩變項之間擔任中介效果的角色。在交融記憶系統、資訊精緻化與團隊創新的主效果之外,本研究也好奇任務衝突、賦權領導及正、負向情感氛圍是否於其間具有調節效果。   本研究共蒐集到70組研發團隊共334位團隊成員作為研究樣本,經過信、效度分析、配適度檢定、趨同性分析、相關分析及層級迴歸分析之後,得出之研究結果顯示交融記憶系統與資訊精緻化之間存在顯著正向關係。任務衝突、賦權領導與正向情感氛圍各自與資訊精緻化之間具有顯著正向關係,而賦權領導對於交融記憶系統與資訊精緻化之間之正向關係具有顯著正向調節效果。另外,任務衝突對於交融記憶系統與資訊精緻化之間之正向關係具有顯著負向調節效果,而賦權領導對於交融記憶系統與團隊創新之間之正向關係具有顯著負向調節效果,此兩者與原假設之調節方向相反。

合作式翻譯學習任務設計研究 / Design-based research on developing cooperative translation tasks

王慧娟, Wang, Hui Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
過去十年,翻譯學習已成為外文系大學生學習的重點之一,但是許多研究發現教師仍使用傳統的翻譯教學法。在傳統的教室,學生過度依賴以教師為中心的學習,教師本身亦接受或間接鼓勵被動的學習方式。學生只想聽取教師的建議,而鮮少了解自己的翻譯過程、翻譯風格及自我解決問題的方法。 本研究的目的在設計一個翻譯學習活動:「合作式翻譯任務」。此設計經過三個階段:(一) 初步設計;(二) 施實「合作式翻譯任務」的二個原型;(三) 完成合作式翻譯任務的設計。本研究採用設計本位研究方法 (Design-based research method),並試圖對真實學習情境作深入地了解。在原型(一)共有五個活動:活動一為書面同儕回饋、活動二為組內討論及翻譯者研討會、活動三為口頭同儕回饋、活動四為口頭教師回饋、活動五為最終校正。 研究的參與者為科技大學的外語系學生,在第一循環共有56位學生參加,在第二循環有25位學生參加,另有二位翻譯教師參與此研究。本研究採用三角測量研究法 (triangulation) 來收集資料,包含影片、訪談及學生的翻譯文本等。研究分析的工具為「活動理論」,並從社群、分工、媒介三方面進行分析,以尋求可能解決設計問題的方法。 經過二個原型的實施,本研究設計出「合作式的翻譯任務」。活動一為訓練學生描述及解釋翻譯錯誤的能力。活動二為個人的書面同儕回饋,學生需使用文書處理軟體中的「新增註解」功能給予回饋。活動三為學生研討會及教師研討會。每位學生需記錄自己在研討會的討論結果。教師研討會的時間較短,以便讓與會的學生回學生研討桌分享研討的結果。活動四為學生翻譯員上台分享在學生研討會中得到的回饋及達成的共識。活動五為二個教師給予口頭回饋。活動六為學生使用「新增註解」註明所收集到的回饋、是否接受建議及理由。每組需交出一份校正後的翻譯,及附有註解的檔案。 研究發現學生較相信教師的評語,但是對同儕評語的不信任卻增加學習自主性。學生經分析同儕建議的翻譯、重組或修改後才採用。影響學生互動的因素為問答的溝通模式、同儕間的熟悉度及對同儕回饋的信念。學生的回饋方式傾向於找出有問題的翻譯、提供建議的翻譯及給予讚許。但他們很少給予針對自己的評語作解釋。 本研究提供理論上及實務教學的建議。在理論方面,本研究提出三種理論:領域理論、設計框架、及設計實施方法。在實務教學方法,合作式翻譯任務提供翻譯教師另一種教學模式,以期達到最佳的教學成效。 / For the past decade, translation learning has been one of the main foci for university language learners, but a number of studies have found that many translation teachers still utilize traditional translation teaching methods (Chang, Yu, Li & Peng, 1993; Dai, 2003; Mu, 1992). In traditional classrooms, students tend to depend heavily on teacher-centered instruction, and teachers accept or encourage the students’ passive learning attitudes (Kiraly, 1995). As a result, students only follow the teachers’ suggestions and rarely reflect up their own translating process, translation styles, and problem-solving approaches. The goal of this study was to design a translation learning task called the Cooperative Translation Task (CoTT). It was achieved in three phases: (a) the initial design of the CoTT; (b) the implementations of two prototypes of the CoTT and (c) the finalized CoTT. The current study followed a design-based research (DBR) framework to clarify the complicated interactions in an authentic learning environment. In total, there were five sessions in Prototype I:Session 1: Written Peer Response; Session 2: Within-group Discussion & Translator Seminar; Session 3: Oral Peer Response; Session 4: Oral Teacher Response; and Session 5: Final Revisions. The student participants in both cycles were technological university students, including 56 students in Cycle I and 25 in Cycle II. Two translation teachers participated in the study. For data collection, triangulation data were collected, including videos, interviews, and student documents. The data was put into the framework of Activity theory to diagnose implementation problems in terms of community, division of labor, and mediating artifacts, and innovations with solutions were provided. Following the second prototype, the latest version of the CoTT has been constructed. In Session 1, training in describing and explaining errors is conducted. In Session 2, a peer group gives written responses for the translator group to make revisions. To encourage students to give explanations to their own peers, individual accountability is included. The peer group uses the Comment function in the word-processing software to identify, describe, and explain the agreeable and disagreeable translations. In Session 3, a student seminar and a teacher seminar are conducted simultaneously. To help students take organized notes on the results of their discussions, and to prevent students from not accepting responsibility in the discussions, an individual seminar sheet is given to each student. The teacher seminar finishes earlier than the student seminar so that the members can return to the original seminar and share the teachers’ suggestions with the group. In Session 4, the translator group needs to present the comments from each seminar. In Session 5, the two teachers can use multiple criteria for error analysis. In Session 6, translator members use the Comment function in the word-processing software to insert collected comments, their acceptance level, and the reasons why they accept or reject each suggestion. Each group needs to turn in the final product, one copy with and one without the comments, to the instructor. The present study has found that students have a tendency to trust and use the teachers’ comments. However, this distrust of peers’ review increased students’ autonomy. Students underwent a process of analysis of the suggested translations and reformation of the translation. The influential factors in student-student interaction are an Asking and Answering communication mode and Acquaintance (2A), and students’ values in peer response. When giving a linguistic-level evaluation, students provided the most comments on mechanics, then comments vocabulary and sentences. As for the types of responses, they focused mainly on the identification of translations, provision of suggested translations, and some compliments on agreeable translations. They seldom gave explanations for either agreeable or disagreeable translations. The present study has both its theoretical and practical implications. This design-based study offers three kinds of theories: domain theories, a design framework, and design methodologies. The CoTT and its six sessions provide translation teachers an alternative way to teach, especially for teachers trained in other professions.


張以諾, ZHANG, YI-NONG Unknown Date (has links)
在一個科技制度化的時代,科技人員不再個別地從事研究,而是經由任務小組(Task Force)或工作團隊(Team Work )的組織方式來從事集體的創作。就組織設計權變 研究途徑的觀點言之,此種由科技人員為主所組成的技術機構,其所面臨的環境、使 用的技術、組成的成員均不同於一般行政機關或產業組織,故其組織內部的結構和過 程必有特殊之設計。 本篇論文以省屬農林技術機構(包括五個試驗所及桃園區農業改良場)為研究對象, 就組織設計之權變研究途徑及科技人員在組織中之行為研究為理論基礎,採用文獻分 析法、問卷調查法以及觀察訪問法對研究對象目前之組織設計情形作詳盡之分析,嘗 試對既有的學理主張予以檢證,進而提出建議供實務者及後讀研究者之參考。全文共 七章,約九萬餘言,茲將各章簡述如次: 第一章,緒論:敘述研究動機與目的、有關名詞詮釋,以及研究方法和研究對象。 第二章,理論基礎與研究架構,提出本篇論文之理論基礎,包括組織設計之權變研究 途徑以及科技人員在組織中進行之研究,並提出論文的研究架構和基本假設。 第三章,省屬農林技術機構之結構面設計,就研究對象其組織結構面設計之情形加以 分析討論,包括水平分化情形、垂直分化情形、結構型式以及結構特性。 第四章,省屬農林技術機構之過程面設計,就研究對象其組織過程面設計之情形加以 分析討論,包括領導與激勵過程、溝通與互動過程、決策與目標設定過程、以及控制 考核與績效評估過程。 第五章,省屬農林技術機構之權變因素設計:探究可能影響技術機構組織設計的內外 在因素,包括策略與技術特性、環境與人員特性、昇遷與報酬制度。 第六章,問卷調查結果之分析與討論,就上述各種組織變項之特性,編成問卷,對五 所一場之技術研究人員加以施測,並就調查結果作相關分析,及不同組樣本之差異分 析。 第七章,結論:除了對整個研究過程加以檢討,並對研究發現加以整理,提出建議。

論平衡計分卡於我國中、小型產物保險公司之應用--以建立策略核心組織為目標 / Application of the balanced scorecard to the small and medium non-life insurance companies in Taiwan - with the goal of establishing a strategy focused organization

吳明青 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用「平衡計分卡」之觀念,以我國中、小型產險業為對象,探討及建議其建立策略核心組織之相關作法。首先以總體性的經營危機,喚醒業界對「經濟任務」之關注,而平衡計分卡經評估與實證之經驗為最有效的策略執行工具,提供了經濟任務達成之具體藍圖。認識「平衡計分卡」之關鍵精神外,業界必須從基本體認「策略管理」理論主張,再深入分析計分卡轉化策略為營運架構的五個構面:財務面、顧客面、績效行銷面、內部流程面及學習與成長面。接著,以正確的認知,構築策略地圖與計分卡-策略規劃流程圖與績效衡量系統(法則一),它強化了企業策略執行面的語言,並奠定推展「策略核心組織」之後續法則基礎:法則二、以策略為核心整合組織資源、法則三,將策略落實為每個人的日常工作、法則四、讓策略成為持續性循環流程、法則五,由高階領導帶動變革,透過這些法則流程引導產險業「變革計劃」之執行。其中,以筆者創意之目標市場:「溫心小棧」為本研究之主要差異化策略、並利用績效行銷構面中之計量模型,在一定前提性假設下,估算出每張保險單之實效額以及示範性之部門間「服務協約」、整合性獎勵辦法、修正式預算制度等,使業界於應用平衡計分卡時具實務上之可行性。 關鍵字:平衡計分卡、策略核心組織、經濟任務、五個構面、變革計劃、溫心小棧 / This thesis undertakes the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) concept to examine the issues related to establishing a strategy-focused organization for the small and medium non-life insurance companies in Taiwan. It emphasizes on the issue of macro-business crisis and intends to awake the target companies' perception on their economy mission. The BSC is one vehicle in strategy implementation based upon survey and practical application, and able to accomplish economy mission of target companies with streamlined map. With respect of the BSC fundamentals, target companies need to understand the basic proposition of strategy management planning, then analyze five perspectives of the BSC, namely finance, customer, performance, marketing,internal, and learning and growth. With the above perceptions, the following rules need to be undertaken: establishing a strategy map and scorecard (rule 1), integrating resources of organizations under the strategy (rule 2), transforming the strategy into the staff’s routine job (rule 3), making the strategy as a continuing procedure (rule 4) and conducting a change plan by the senior management (rule 5). As the conclusive recommendation, certain mechanisms integrated for facilitating practical availability are submitted to small and medium non-life insurance companies in Taiwan: 1. Key differentiated strategy - targeted markets: a “Sweet Inn”; 2. Merit evaluated based on certain assumptions; 3. Demonstrated service agreements among units; 4. Integrated compensation system; and 5. Revised budgeting plans. Keywords: The Balanced Scorecard、The Strategy-Focused Organization、Economy Mission、Five Perspectives、Change Plan、Sweet Inn

從網路觀點探討多國籍企業之內部控制機制─臺灣企業大陸投資之管理 / An Integrated Perspective of Network and Agency Theory on the Internal Control Mechanisms of MNE: The Management of Taiwaness Enterprises' Investment in Mainland China

李韶洋, Lee, Shao Yang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的是在於了解台灣企業母公司內與大陸子公司的內部網路 關係,在結合代理理論之下,期望能提出一個適合的海外單位管理模式。 經過對相關文獻的歸納之後,本研究認為多國籍企業母子公司的網路關係 會影響代理型態,由於必須管理不同的代理型態,企業會有較適的內部控 制機制。經過歸納整理後,本研究以「網路間母子公司互動程度」及「子 公司相對重要程度」來區分母子以司網路關係,而「互動程度」與「資訊 不對稱」呈反向關聯;「相對重要程度」與「任務風險性」呈正向關聯, 而在其交互影響下區分代理型態。本研究係屬於探索性之研究,採取個案 研究法進行資料的收集與分析。試圖結合網路理論與代理理論而能對多國 籍企業之內部控制機制有更進一步了解。主要的研究對象是在大陸投資經 營的本國企業。研究結果發現,在由資訊不對稱與任務風險性所構成的四 種代理型態中,其所著重的問題都不太相同,在資訊不對稱高且任務風險 性高的代理型態型Ⅰ中面臨的是雙重的壓力,母公司會傾向採用「掌控代 理」型管理方式。此時公司會有較多的正式化機制;適度中等的授權;採 用社會化機制維持員工的忠誠度;選擇行為統治的績效制度,使員工的作 為能符合公司的目標。在資訊不對稱高但任務風險性低的代理型態型Ⅱ中 ,公司對子公司的控制是設法突破分離可能帶來的問題,母公司會傾向採 用「監控代理」型管理方式。因此公司會有較多的正式化機制;對於子公 司給予相當的授權;透過社會化機制的採行與產出的績效制度,以維持員 工的向心力與激勵員工。在資訊不對稱低但任務風險性高的代理型態型Ⅲ 中公司對子公司的控制應是使子公司能夠正確有效的運作以配合公司的策 略,母公司會傾向採用「主理掌控」型管理方式。因此公司會有較多的正 式化機制;較高的集權掌握子公司的運作;並有社會化機制維持子公司幹 部的向心力,能按步就班完成任務;選擇行為的績效制度來評定員工的貢 獻。在資訊不對稱低且任務風險性低的代理型態型Ⅳ中對子公司的控制應 是如何激勵小兵,使其充分發揮效能,母公司會傾向採用「代理自主」型 管理方式。因此公司並不需投入太多的正式機制;並會給予較高的授權; 主要是透過產出統治的績效制度來加以管理。

團隊式任務發掘於多重代理人系統 / Team-Based Mission Discovery in Multi-Agent Systems

林宜謙, LIN, I-Chien Unknown Date (has links)
過去多重代理人系統相關研究中,皆假設任務是預先知道而且確定的,這使得它們無法即時滿足使用者需求,因而在實務上受到限制。因此本研究期望能將多重代理人系統的工作向前延伸,引入人類社會中的價值觀,進而模擬出人類解決問題的思考模式,將能夠放寬任務給定的限制,幫助傳統多重代理人系統提昇彈性、適用於更為動態複雜的環境,即時地滿足使用者需求。任務發掘意指幫助多重代理人系統找出合適任務的過程,將任務發掘應用於多重代理人系統,最主要的挑戰在於-「什麼任務才能滿足需求」;換句話說,「找出需求」。價值(value)正是引起社會交換(social exchange)的元素,價值觀則是人類對於該價值之看法。重視該價值觀為希望於交換過程中獲得該價值,不重視該價值觀為願意於交換過程中犠牲該價值,然而重視有程度之分,即希望獲得/願意犠牲之優先順序。衝突即為依據該優先順序以重視之價值換取不重視之價值的交換行為;最低衝突則為以最不重視之價值換取最重視之價值的交換行為。若能以最低衝突進行交換即最能符合使用者價值觀;最符合使用者價值觀之決策則能滿足使用者之需求。透過本研究所發展之衝突解析演算法,將能夠找出與使用者價值觀最低衝突之代理人團隊,以使用者價值觀點出發,發掘出情境化任務,有效地滿足使用者需求。 / Most existing multi-agent systems (MAS) presume that the tasks to be resolved are given. However, this assumption sometimes renders the systems unrealistic. A sound mission discovery mechanism would exempt this assumption and offer flexibility and adaptation in resolving the user’s problem in dynamic complexity environments. The major challenge of mission discovery in MAS, in general, rests on how to associate missions to the user’s needs (i.e., the identification of the user’s needs). “Value” is anything that can give rise to exchange. For instance, if someone can help his friend no matter what the price he would pay for, then it means that the moral value surpasses the economics value for the case. Based on the theory of social exchange, this paper devises a Conflict Resolution Algorithm that aims to allocate an agent team of the members with the least value conflict so as to discover the contextualized missions that could fulfill the user’s needs.

電腦輔助英語歌曲聽力學習任務之研究 / A Study of Computer-Assisted Song Listening Tasks for EFL Students

陳慧珠, Chen, Hui-chu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文為一教學實驗之研究,探討如何運用以電腦科技為媒介設計創新的學習環境,激勵台灣技專院校英語低成就學生之學習動機,增進其英語聽力能力。本研究以英語歌曲作為提升學習興趣的動源,電腦輔助學習任務為提供好玩有趣學習過程的憑藉;如此,學生可由愉悅聽歌、趣味活動中實作學習並達成學習任務目標。本論文並探索英語歌曲聽力電腦輔助學習任務對學生聽力字彙與知覺能力之影響,並了解學生對教學設計之歌曲聽力學習任務之評估。由學生在全民英檢聽力、英語母音知覺測驗、及歌曲單字聽力各方面的成績進步,顯示本實驗教學能有效改善低成就學生英語字彙與聽力學。根據相關與變異數分析結果,對學習任務評估越滿意的學生英語歌曲單字聽力成績進步越大。因此,本研究所設計之英語歌曲聽力學習任務能激發學生運用電腦與相關軟體學習編輯聲音影片,來了解英語 聲音與意義的連結、訓練養成辨識斷句的知覺聽力。此教學設計融入聽力教學、任務型學習、電腦輔助學習;且以設計研究方法觀點記錄理論基礎探討、教學資源運用、英語聽力課程中歌曲時間排練及歌曲切割之投影片簡報、歌曲對嘴表演影片製作學習任務之設計執行,提供其他英語教師作為電腦輔助聽力學習活動設計之參考。 / This study is an instructional experiment on how an innovative learning environment is constructed to motivate and improve English learning of the low-achievers at Taiwanese polytechnic colleges. Thus, this research employs English popular songs as a motivator and computer-assisted task design as a mediator for the students to do listening and play with the song materials. This instructional design provides these students with concrete task experiential learning and the pursuit for goal-oriented success, along with joyful song listening and playful task activities. This research also investigates the effects of these song listening tasks on the improvement of listening vocabulary and perceptual skills of the participants as well as their appraisals toward the designed tasks: time-rehearsing, segmenting, and lip-syncing. The effects of these song listening tasks are consolidated from the participants’ improved listening test scores from the elementary GEPT Listening Test, the Perception of Spoken English Test, and the Target Lexical Listening Test, their enhanced learning motivation and involved task performance, and their affirmed appraisals about their task fondness and the task usefulness. Furthermore, this study documents the design, implementation, and evaluation of such a song listening task-based syllabus in a digital language lab, which demonstrates an integration of second language (L2) listening instruction, task-based learning and teaching (TBLT), and computer assisted language learning (CALL). The design-based research (DBR) perspectives are also adopted to explain the role of the computer-mediated context to the innovative task construction; in addition, the task features which facilitate listening skills development and stimulate learning experience are identified by the appraisal components of song fondness and easiness, task playfulness and easiness, and task usefulness. Thus, the designed listening tasks can be shared and applied to other similar learning contexts.

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