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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王秀槐, WANG, XIU-HUAI Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之主旨,在探討國中高學業成就 及低學業成就兩組學生在家庭環境及學習態 度緒變項上的差異,以了解導致國中生低學業成就的相關因素,作為教師及學校輔導 低成就學生之參考,全文為一冊,分五章。 主要的研究問題有:(一)高、低成就生在家庭社經地位、家庭氣氛、家庭要求等變 項上是否有差異﹖(二)高、低成就生在學習態度緒變項上是否有差異﹖(三)在智 商、家庭環境、學習態度、性別地區、母親就業諸變項中,求取預測學業成績的最佳 變項。(四)探討家庭環境、學習態度、及學業成績的交互作用。(五)自編家庭要 求問卷的效度及鑑別力。 本研究採比較法及問卷法抽取台北市七所國中丕四八名學生為樣本,分為高、低成就 兩組,實施﹁家庭氣氛問卷﹂、﹁學習態度問卷﹂及自編的﹁家庭要求問卷﹂,所得 資料以SPSS統計程式進行t檢定,複迴歸、卡方檢定及二元變異數分析。 本研究結果發現:(一)高、低成就生在家庭環境及學習態度上均有顯著差異,(二 )預測學業成績的最佳變項依序為家庭環境、智商、學習態度、性別地區、母親就業 ,(三)學業成績、家庭環境及學習態度三者間沒有明顯的交互作用,(四)自編的 家庭要求問卷具有鑑別高、低成就生的效力,(五)家庭文化設施如電視、電腦、書 籍、雜誌與學生的成業成績有密切的關係。


文永沁 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解低成就學生的情緒調節對學業情緒與偏差行為之影響,並探討青少年學業情緒、情緒調節與外顯偏差行為及自傷行為之間的關係。本研究使用「學業情緒量表」、「情緒調節困難量表」、「偏差行為量表」與「自傷行為量表」作為研究工具,並以國中一年級作為研究對象(有效樣本141人,男生81人,女生60人)進行調查。以學生國一入學時智力測驗所得的智力成績,預測學生學業成就分數。實際學業成就分數:利用學生95學年度上學期的總成績,經過標準化得到一學業成就的標準化T分數來代表學生的學業成就值。當學生實際成就值低於預測成就值1/2個估計標準誤時稱為「低成就」。以此方式將受試者分為「一般成就」與「低成就」兩組。調查結果分別採用描述統計、t 考驗、共變數分析、積差相關、與階層迴歸等統計方法加以分析,研究結果如下: 一、 低成就學生有較多的負向學業情緒及較少的正向學業情緒。 二、 「使用有限的情緒調節策略」與「缺少情緒覺察能力」越多的低成就學生,越容易有負向學業情緒產生。 三、 低成就學生較不覺察自己的情緒,但卻容易表達自己心中的想法。 四、 排除控制性別因素後,低成就學生並未有更多的偏差行為。 五、 學業成就與自傷行為的關聯並未顯著。 六、 學生的正向學業情緒越多偏差行為就越少,情緒覺察能力越高的低成就學生偏差行為就越多。 七、 低成就學生的自傷行為與有限的情緒調節策略關係密切。 基於以上的研究結果,本研究針對教育與輔導實務工作及提出建議,以作為未來教育、輔導與研究在執行上之參考。

透過文化學習提升國中英語低成就者英語學習態度之研究 / A Study on Motivating JHS English Low Achievers through Cultural Learning

朱秋怡, Chu,Chiou-yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國中英語低成就生接受一文化學習計畫之後,對於英語本身學習態度之成效影響,並藉由此實驗進而探究英語科低成就者最佳的文化學習模式。本研究採等組前後測準實驗之設計,研究對象為新竹縣一所中型國中的九年級的英語科低成就學生,總共三十人。將受試者隨機等程度分配到對照組和實驗組各十五人。研究期間,實驗組進行每週一節共十週的文化學習活動,而對照組則於同時間自修英語功課,但無任何學習活動。資料之收集包括有研究者參考文獻編製的英語態度問卷調查、文化單元學習回饋問卷、及追蹤訪談。 本研究以「英語學習態度」,分別測量受試者在實驗處理前、後在英語學習態度上的反應情形,所得資料以獨立樣本t檢定及配對t檢定分析,同時以實驗組成員所填寫的文化單元學習回饋問卷、及追蹤訪談結果作進一步研究結果佐證及補充分析。 本研究結果顯示實驗組於接受文化學習計劃後,其整體的英語學習態度問卷分數,有意義優於對照組,其中尤以其對英文概括性的態度及對英文的社會文化態度有顯著性改變。但實驗組英語學習動機分數並無有意義高於控制組,且受試者於訪談中表達其課後英語學習態度尤無明顯改變。另文化學習單元回饋問卷的分析,亦顯示英語低成就者對文化學習過程及內容的偏好。據研究結果,研究者對英語低成就者的文化學習設計及未來相關研究提出數點建議。 / The study was to investigate whether culture learning can efficiently and effectively improve low-achievers’ English learning attitude and to perceive the characteristics of English low achievers’ culture learning. A total of 30 JHS English low achievers, matched into two groups—the experimental group and the control group participated in the study. SELAM Questionnaire was distributed to each subject before and after the treatment, the culture learning project, to perceive the change of their English learning attitude. The pretest and posttest scores of SELAM Questionnaire were examined by the software SAS (Statistic Analysis System) Version 9.1, including t-test and paired t-test. Besides, the interval CLF Questionnaires and the follow-up interview were analyzed to provide the answer to the qualitative study on English low achievers’ optimal culture learning mode. The results of the study were summarized as follows. (1) The subjects’ overall learning attitudes toward English were significantly and positively affected by the cultural learning project especially their general attitude and social cultural attitudes toward English learning but the culture learning project exerted no evident effect on their desire and motive to learn. (2) In terms of culture learning content, the subjects’ interest in the culture project was highly related to the content of the culture study unit—cultural materials relevant to their background knowledge and catering to their preferences could lead to their more active learning involvement. (3) As to the culture learning process, English low achievers’ culture learning requires a lower pace of culture instruction, more instructional repetition, a variety of cultural learning activities and cultural instructors’ attention to their ongoing learning feedbacks is in need in English low achievers’ culture learning process. The major findings of this study suggested that a culture learning project experience helped significantly to enhance English low-achievers’ English learning attitude but other measures should be adopted to sustain their motivation to learn and affirmative attitude toward English learning.

實施補救教學之行動研究 / Implementing a Remedial Class: An Action Research

方苡蓁, Fang, Yi Jen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採行動研究,旨在探討如何設計出一套符合低成就學生需求的補救教學課程。實施對象為九年級六位體育班學生並選取其中兩位做深入的紀錄。地點為南部一所特偏國中,經歷十五週。研究結果如下: 第一,對低成就學生有幫助的教學設計應考量到: 1. 教材應就低成就學生程度而做適宜的改編。 2. 診斷學生學習困難之處並對症下藥,以提升學生學習信心。 3. 根據學生偏好的學習模式,課程應減少老師講課,多讓學生做活動。 第二,補救教學課程確實能幫助低成就學生學習,基於以下五點: 1. 師生互動頻繁。 2. 不必趕進度,學生做中學。 3. 學生告訴老師自己想學的東西,落實學習者中心的理念。 4. 友善環境下,學生逐漸培養出讀書習慣。 5. 活動多元,從各面向訓練學生英語能力。 第三,如何提供一套有效的補救教學課程,有以下三點發現: 1. 將課堂學習與學生的生活經驗相連結。 2. 學生主導自己的學習。 3. 提供支持的學習環境。 實施過程中面臨到最大的挑戰為學生時輟時學,搖擺不定的態度。因應方式為冷靜處理,堅持到底。 最後,根據研究結果,對教學與未來研究提出相關建議。 / This study adopted action research to explore how to design an effective remedial instruction based on the low-level students’ varied needs. This remedial English program was implemented to six ninth PE specialty graders, lasting for fifteen weeks in junior high school locating in the extremely rural area. The findings of this study are as follows: As the aspects of offering a helpful remedial instruction, first, the contents must be adapted to meet the low-level readiness levels. Second, the class can focus on students’ difficulties to enhance students’ confidence. Third, the teachers can reduce lectures to allow for activities based on the students’ leaning styles. The low-level students were proved to benefit from the remedial English class because first, there was lots of interaction between the students and the teacher. Second, the remedial class did not have to follow the fixed schedule, and the students could learn through participating in activities. Third, the students told their needs to the teacher. The learner-centered concept was carried out in this way. Fourth, the low-level students were provided with constant support and help, and they gradually cultivate study habits. Fifth, the remedial class offered diverse activities to develop students’ proficiency. After implementation, the researcher concluded three points to design an effective remedial instruction. First, connect the learning to students’ personal experience. Second, let the students take the active role. Third, create a support environment. In the process, the challenge was the students’ lax attitudes and inconsistency. The teacher solved the dilemma with reason and persistence. Finally, based on the findings, suggestions for teaching and future studies were discussed. Keywords: Remedial instruction, Low-level students, An effective instruction


曾玉玲, ZENG, YU-LING Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要目的在於探討高智商(學業性向)低成就國中學生及與其智力(性向 )相當的成就生在學習信念、學習態度與學業行為上的差異情形。並探討學習信念 學習態度與學業行為和國中學生之學業成就的相關情形。 本研究主要分為兩部份,第一部份為編選及發展適合國中學生使用之學習信念、學 習態度與學業行為量表。第二部份則分析高智商(學業性向)低成就國中學生及與 其智力(性向)相當的成就生在學習信念、學習態度與學業行為等三個量表與其分 量表上得分的情形。研究樣本取自民生、螢橋、大同、木柵、南港與三民等六所學 校,以百分等級的方法甄選高智商低成就學生,再選取人數相當的高智商成就生為 對照組受試,計得低成就受試200人與對照組成就生203人。研究資料以電腦 SPSS/PC+套裝統計軟體處理,統計方法包括t考驗、積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析 以及區別分析。 研究結果如下: 一、就高智商成就生與低成就生在「學習信念」、「學習態度」與「學業行為」上 的差異情形而言: 1.高智商成就生無論在「學習信念」、「學習態度」與「學業行為」上均顯 著的優於高智商低成就學生。 2.在「學習信念」各分量表方面,高智商成就生之「自我效能」與「無習得 無助」顯著優於低成就學生,在「控制信念」的方面則二者差異未達顯著 。 3.在「學習態度」各分量表方面,僅「對讀書之態度」一分量表上出現高智 商成就生顯著優於高智商成就學生之現象,在其餘各分量表上則差異的情 形不顯著。 4.在「學習行為」各分量表方面,高智商成就生在「時間管理」、「專心程 度」、「學習策略」、「考驗經驗」、「資源運用」等分量表上均顯著高 智商低成就學生。 二、就影響英語科學業成就的主要預測變項而言: 1.影響英語科學業成就的主要預測變項為「學習行為」。 2.影響英語科學習的次要預測變項為「學習信念」。 3.「學習態度」對於學習者英語科的學業成就預測力未達顯著。 4.各分量表中,進入迴歸方程式的預測變項依次為:「自我效能」、「對課 程之態度」、以及「時間管理」。 三、就影響數學科學業成就的主要預測變項而言: 1.影響數學科學業成就的主要預測變項為「學習信念」。 2.「學習態度」與「學習行為」對數學科學業成就之預測力均未達顯著水準 。 3.各分量表中,進入迴歸方程式的預測變項依次為:「自我效能」、「無習 得無助」、以及「制握信念」。 四、就「學習信念」、「學習態度」、與「學業行為」對於學業成就的區別程度而 言: 1.「學習信念」、「學習態度」與「學業行為」均能有效區別高智商成就生 與高智商低成就生。其中,以「學習行為」的區別力最大,其次為「學習 信念」,「學習態度」的區別力則較低。 2.以「學習信念」、「學習態度」與「學業行為」三變項區別高智商成就生 與高智商低成就生,可以有效預測學習者的學業成就,預測的正確率為 62.58 ﹪。 研究者根據以上之研究結果,提出建議。

一位明星高中成績低落學生自我認同歷程的敘事研究 / Narrative Research: An Underachiever's Self-identity Process In A Prestigious High School In Taiwan

楊貴雯, Yang, Quei Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用敘說研究方法,探討一位明星高中成績低落學生形成自我認同的心理歷程。以後現代的觀點,來瞭解受訪者如何看待自己在耀眼的明星高中裡,所經驗到的課業問題以及對自我形象的認定。本研究採立意取樣方式,邀請正就讀於北部某明星高中,且高一至高二其間學業成績明顯低落的受訪者KK,進行半結構式的訪談。經過文本的分析詮釋後整理出KK的自我認同歷程階段表,來描述受訪者在進入明星高中前後,所經歷不同時期的自我認同樣貌;此外,研究者亦參考各心理學家所提出自我認同的相關理論來檢視受訪者的自我認同程度,並以質性的方式來描述;最後,研究者歸納出受訪者如何重新賦予自我新形象的心理模式。本研究亦針對教育工作者、質性研究者與諮商員提出反思與建議。 / The main purpose of this study is to inquiry what an underachiever expe¬riences his academically lagging behind in a prestigious high school in north Taiwan and how he establishes his self-image in the process of self-identity. By taking a post-modern perspective, I tried to understand the participator’s experiential world through his narrative language in a semi-structured interview. The method of text analysis is the holistic-content model by Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach(1998). After a narrative interpretation, I concluded the participator’s self-identity process describing his different self-image before and after entering the prestigious high school, assessed the participator’s degree of self identity by relevant theories in a qualitative method and discussed the way he established self-images. Finally, I proposed some educational suggestions for practical educators, qualitative researchers and counselors.


林曉芳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究屬於探索性的相關研究分析,旨在嘗試發展一套能夠敏銳偵察數學學習之診斷分析的評量方法,主要欲探討國中一年級之數學低成就學生在潛能開發班的學習情形,以瞭解學生的整體學習認知歷程。其研究特色即是透過客觀的學業成就評量,以知識結構的表徵為基礎,利用徑路探測網路分析方法,試圖提出並驗證一套新的評量技術,是認知診斷測驗的重要先驅。 本研究所使用的工具計有:第一次月考考卷、教師之自編成就測驗。樣本為數學低成就學生15名及同校普通班學生15名作為對照組。研究程序以量化分析為主,欲透過一系列學生客觀的學業成就評量結果,利用Schvaneveldt(1994)所發展的電腦程式(KNOT)進行知識結構分析,並將算則參數r設為∞,參數q設定為n-1,計算接近性數值、徑路探測網路、圖解理論距離等量數,並且呈現學生概念學習之徑路探測網路圖解,以明確瞭解國中一年級數學低成就學生在代數概念上的學習情形,並藉此得知學生在潛能開發班的補救教學中,是否獲得實質的補救效果。 本研究歸納提出下列的結論。 一、 低成就學生在代數概念上的理解情形遠不及普通班學生。 二、 普通班學生在代數概念上的理解情形近似於教師,尤其數學學習成就較佳的學生,其學習的表現與教師相同。 三、 低成就學生的概念結構圖大多相仿。 四、 普通班學生的概念結構圖有些許差異存在。 五、 低成就學生的概念結構圖與普通班學生的概念結構圖有明顯的差異存在。 六、 低成就學生的概念結構圖與教師的概念結構圖差異甚大;普通班學生的概念結構圖與教師的概念結構圖較相似。 七、 以學生在校的實際評量成績為依變項,三種相似性指數值為自變項,分別對其進行迴歸分析,由結果可得知PFC指數(或C值)的預測效果果然最佳。 研究者根據本研究之結果與討論,以及整個研究過程中所獲得的心得,提出若干建議,以作為未來的研究者、數學科教學的任課教師以及教育實務界研究的參考。 第一章 緒論 第一節 問題背景與研究動機 第二節 研究目的 第三節 名詞釋義 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 低成就學生的探討 第二節 數學概念的學習 第三節 知識表徵 第四節 徑路探測網路分析及其相關研究 第三章 研究方法 第一節 待答問題與研究假設 第二節 研究樣本 第三節 研究工具 第四節 研究程序 第五節 資料處理 第四章 結果與討論 第一節 普通班學生與潛能開發班學生的作答反應 第二節 普通班學生與潛能開發班學生的概念結構圖與知識表徵 第三節 教師與普通班學生的概念結構圖與知識表徵之比較 第四節 教師與潛能開發班學生的概念結構圖與知識表徵之比較 第五節 三種指數之預測效果的比較 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 第二節 研究限制 第三節 建議 參考書目 附錄 附錄一 SAS/IML 程式 附錄二 PCKNOT程式 附錄三 SAS/ARRAY程式 附錄四 第一次月考考卷 附錄五 教師自編測驗

教師回饋對台灣高中EFL低成就學生段落寫作之效用:「直接訂正法」與「語意重述法」 / The Effects of corrective feedback on Taiwan high school EFL low-achievers' paragraph writing: “direct correction” vs. “reformulation”

許凱絨, Hsu, Kaijung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對台灣EFL低成就學生之段落寫作,比較「直接訂正法」與「語意重述法」兩種寫作回饋之成效。本研究對象為台北市某高職學生,共56名學生全程參與這項從2009年9月到2010年1月的研究。進行修改寫作時,教師對實驗組使用「語意重述法」,學生比較原稿與老師保留學生原意但改寫成符合英文語法的段落,並將發現的文法錯誤記錄並自行訂正;對照組則運用「直接訂正法」,學生審視老師直接在上面訂正的原稿。經過看圖英文段落寫作的前測與後測、實驗組與對照組後測結果比較、以及針對實驗組的訪談,研究結果如下:(1)整體性評量上,「語意重述法」對學生改進寫作較為有效;(2)兩組中程度較差之低成就學生進步程度均優於程度較好之低成就學生,尤其實驗組之程度較差者進步程度猶勝於對照組的;(3) 「直接訂正法」對減少學生文法錯誤之功效優於「語意重述法」;(4)絕大多數參與者認為「語意重述法」有助增進寫作能力。論文最後討論此研究在教學上的意涵與提出對之後研究的建議。 / This study aimed to compare the efficacy of “direct correction” with that of “reformulation” on Taiwan EFL low-achievers’ paragraph writing. Fifty-six students in a vocational high school in Taipei City participated in this study from Sep. 2009 through Jan. 2010. When conducting revision activities, the teacher implemented the “reformulation” technique in the experimental group. The students compared the originals with the reformulated versions given by the teacher, and detected, recorded, and corrected all the grammatical errors mainly on their own. The control group received the “direct correction” treatment, examining their originals with the teacher’s corrections on them. With the pre-test and the post-test on a paragraph-length English picture description, the comparison of the post-test results between the experimental and control groups, and interviews with the experimental group, the results are as follows: First, in holistic rating, “reformulation” was more helpful than “direct correction” in improving the participants’ writing performance. Second, the low-achievers with lower proficiency benefited more from “reformulation” than those with better proficiency. Third, “direct correction” was more effective than “reformulation” in reducing the participants’ grammatical errors. Fourth, the majority in the experimental group were positive of “reformulation” as a way to improve writing. Finally, some implications for pedagogy and suggestions for future studies were made.

國小學生多元智能與英語閱讀能力之相關性研究 / The Correlation between Elementary School Students' Multiple Intelligences and English Reading Proficiency

韓維仁, Han, Wei-jen Unknown Date (has links)
過去二十多年來,多元智能理論在教育界受到極大的重視與推崇,該理論對於外語課程與教學亦有所啟發。本研究旨在調查國小高年級學生的多元智能與英語閱讀能力之關係,主要探討和英語閱讀能力相關的多元智能,並比較英語閱讀高低成就者與不同性別學生在多元智能與英語閱讀成績方面之差異,以供英語閱讀課程設計及教學作參考。 本研究之對象為台北縣257名國小六年級學生,以「多元智能評量表」及「英語閱讀能力測驗」為研究工具,進行量化調查研究,以描述統計、多元迴歸、獨立樣本T考驗等統計方法分析結果。 本研究之主要結果如下: 一、以國小學生之多元智能分佈而言,其人際智能、空間智能、內省智能以及 肢體運動智能較強,然其自然智能、語言智能以及音樂智能較弱。 二、以國小學生之英語閱讀能力而言,其英語對話能力差異較大,然其單字部 分差異則較小。 三、國小學生的英語閱讀能力與多元智能有顯著相關,亦即英語閱讀能力與邏 輯數理智能、音樂智能達顯著正相關,與自然觀察智能達顯著負相關。 四、英語閱讀高低成就者在多元智能分佈上有顯著差異。亦即高成就者每一項 多元智能皆顯著高於低成就者,且以邏輯數理智能、音樂智能、及語文智 能差異最大。 五、英語閱讀高低成就者在英語閱讀能力方面有顯著差異。亦即高成就者之英 語閱讀能力,在單字、句子、對話的等方面,皆顯著高於低成就者之英語 閱讀能力。 六、不同性別的學生在多元智能分佈有顯著差異。亦即女生的音樂、人際、語 文、內省等智能皆顯著高於男生。 七、不同性別的學生在英語閱讀能力上有顯著差異。亦即女生在閱讀英語單 字、句子的表現方面,皆顯著高於男生。 八、不同性別的學生主要和英語閱讀能力相關的多元智能並無差異,亦即男女 生之邏輯數理智能皆與英語閱讀能力達顯著正相關,且女生的人際智能和 英語閱讀能力達顯著負相關。 最後,研究者根據上述之研究結果,對英語教師與教材編輯者提出建言,期能藉由瞭解國小生多元智能與英語閱讀能力之相關性,增進對於英語閱讀能力的理解,進而提升英語閱讀課程設計與教學之效能。 / The Multiple Intelligences theory, having received great attention of educators over the past two decades, has made great contributions to language education by casting light on curriculum development and pedagogy. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to explore the correlation between elementary school students’ multiple intelligences and English reading proficiency. In addition, the study compared the differences between students’ English reading proficiency and multiple intelligences in terms of proficiency level and gender. The participants were 257 sixth graders from two urban and two rural elementary schools in Taipei County. The MI Inventory and English reading proficiency test were adopted in the study. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, multiple regression, and T-test. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. Elementary school students were stronger interpersonal, spatial-visual, intrapersonal, and bodily- kinesthetic intelligences, yet weaker in naturalist, linguistic, and musical intelligences. 2. As far as elementary school students’ English reading proficiency was concerned, the greatest gap existed in their dialogue ability, yet the smallest gap existed in their vocabulary ability. 3. Elementary school students’ multiple intelligences were significantly correlated with English reading proficiency. Their English reading proficiency was positively correlated with logical-mathematical and musical intelligences, but negatively correlated with naturalist intelligence. 4. There were significant differences in the distribution of multiple intelligences between high and low achievers in English reading proficiency. High achievers were stronger in all of the eight multiple intelligences than their counterparts, particularly in logical-mathematical, musical, and linguistic intelligences. 5. There were significant differences in English reading proficiency between high and low achievers. Compared with low achievers, high achievers performed better in the vocabulary, sentence, and dialogue sections of the English reading proficiency test. 6. There were significant differences in the distributions of multiple intelligences between different genders. Namely, girls’ musical, interpersonal, linguistic, and intrapersonal intelligences were significantly stronger than those of boys’. 7. There were significant differences in English reading proficiency between different genders. More specifically, girls performed better than boys in the vocabulary and sentence sections of the English reading proficiency test. 8. Boys and girls had the same dominant intelligence of English reading proficiency, i.e. logical-mathematical intelligence. In addition, girls’ interpersonal intelligence was negatively correlated with English reading proficiency. Based on the findings of the correlation between multiple intelligences and English reading proficiency, the researcher provided English teachers and material designers with constructive suggestions to improve the curriculum development and pedagogy for English reading.

英文童謠教學對國小英語補救教學效能之研究 / The Effects of Nursery Rhyme Instruction on EFL Remedial Teaching in Elementary School

吳雅真, Wu,Ya Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討英文童謠教學對台灣國小英語學習低成就學童對英語的音素覺識、認字、拼字能力、以及英語學習態度的影響。實驗分兩階段進行。第一階段進行小規模的前測作為正式研究的準備,先行測試選用的英語童謠是否適切、教學活動是否可行,以及低成就學童在音素覺識與學習態度是否因此改善等等,並根據初探結果規劃正式實驗。第二階段的正式實驗,除音素覺識與學習態度外,更進一步探討英文童謠教學對認字及拼字能力的影響。 在正式實驗中,實驗對象為桃園市某國小36名四年級的學習低成就學童(學業表現為後百分之十)。研究者將此36名學童隨機平均分配為兩組;實驗組及對照組兩組,各18名學生。對實驗組施以平衡閱讀「由整體到細部」(whole-to-parts)架構設計的英文童謠教學,將音素覺識及字母拼讀法(phonics)等技巧訓練自然地融入有趣的英文童謠情境中;而對照組則單獨採用字母拼讀教學,循序教授字母與音的對應關係。實驗組及對照組每週均有兩節英語補救教學,每節課40分鐘,持續十二週。兩組學生在教學前後各施以前測及後測,內容包括音素覺識測驗、認字測驗、拼字測驗,以及英語學習態度問卷調查,以評量受試者在早期讀寫技巧上的發展,及學習態度上的改變情形。 同組組內前後測比較結果顯示,在十二週實驗教學後,實驗組及對照組二組學生在音素覺識、認字及拼字能力三方面,均有顯著的進步。然而,只有實驗組學生對英語學習的態度有顯著的正向改變,對照組學生則無。此外,兩組組間比較結果發現,雖然在實驗前,兩組學生英語拼讀能力相當,對英語的看法也類似,但經實驗教學後,兩組的後測成績有非常明顯的差異,實驗組學生在音素覺識、認字、拼字能力的進步幅度,以及學習態度各方面,均顯著優於對照組。 以上研究結果顯示,運用英文童謠進行補救教學確實極為有效,不但能增進台灣英語低成就學童的早期讀寫技巧,且能改善其學習英語的態度。本研究之結果及教學建議,可供未來國小補救教學相關研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of nursery rhyme instruction on Taiwanese elementary school EFL underachievers with regard to their development on phonemic awareness, word recognition and spelling abilities, and their attitudinal changes toward learning English. The present study was conducted in two stages. A small-scale pilot study was first carried out as a preparation for the formal study. The feasibility of nursery rhyme instruction and the effects of this instruction on phonemic awareness and learning attitudes were tested on seven EFL underachievers preliminary to the formal study. In the second stage, a formal study which followed closely the design of the pilot study, further explored the effects of nursery rhyme instruction on word recognition and spelling abilities. In the formal study, thirty-six fourth grade underachievers (whose academic performances were at the bottom 10 percent) with deficient phonemic awareness were screened for this study. The experimental group and the control group were evenly matched with eighteen students each. The experimental group received nursery rhyme instruction using the “whole-to-parts” framework of balanced reading within which training in skills including phonemic awareness and phonics is embedded into the context of children’s literature. The eighteen subjects in the matched control group received explicit phonics instruction wherein the isolated sound-letter correspondences were sequenced and taught explicitly and systematically. To assess their development in early literacy skills, all subjects took the pretests and posttests of phonemic awareness, word recognition and spelling. Moreover, to measure their attitudinal changes toward learning English, they were administered the attitude questionnaires before and after the remedial instruction. Data was collected from early-September until early-December, 2006, covering twenty four 40-minute class periods for each group. Comparison of within-group performance indicated that both the experimental group and the control group made significant post- over pretest improvements in phonemic awareness, word recognition and spelling abilities. However, only the experimental group had a significant positive change on their attitudes toward English. In addition, at the onset of the study, both groups started with equivalent early literacy skills, and held similar attitudes toward English learning. However, posttest scores revealed that the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group in phonemic awareness skills, word recognition and spelling abilities. Significant differences can also be found in their attitudes towards learning English. The findings from this study indicate that a remedial instruction utilizing nursery rhymes can effectively help Taiwanese EFL underachievers improve their early literacy skills, and more significantly, their learning attitudes towards English. Based on the findings, pedagogical implications and suggestions for further studies are provided.

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