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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

政治 KUSO 創作者:動機與展演 / The Political KUSO Creators in the Internet: Motivation and Presentation

楊璨瑜, Yang, Tsan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以 2014 年台北市長選舉期間的政治 KUSO 創作為研究對象,採用網 路民族誌為研究方法,深度訪談四位競選期間 KUSO 作品知名度、人氣皆高的 KUSO 創作者。從創作方式、創作動機與目的、創作與自我展演三大面向探究台 灣政治 KUSO 創作與創作者之關係,研究結果發現: 一、政治 KUSO 創作者是「反輔選」之「分身」:創作者將自己視為政治人物的 「分身」,把自身對社會議題的省思以娛樂包裝,透過反輔選的方式表達立 場,體現了 Bakhtin 的「狂歡化」語言。 二、創作動機是不滿政治環境:幾乎所有 KUSO 創作者都認為受到 2014 年「太 陽花學運」的影響,並以娛樂、抒發個人意見及獲得認同為主要創作目的。 三、政治 KUSO 創作者不在意反對之社群聲音:創作者雖然創作目的之一是獲 得認同感,但面對對立黨派支持者的反對聲浪不在意。 四、KUSO 只是工具,創作者意在參與、表達意見:KUSO 本身是一個傳遞資訊 的工具,在政治議題之下產生的 KUSO 就是創作者參與政治、表達意見的 方式。 五、KUSO 創作者選擇匿名以避免社交障礙:在全新的匿名身份保護下,創作者 可以暢所欲言,不用擔心自己的政治立場被眾人審議,政治性言論也不會影 響到真實生活的人際關係。

網際網路瀏覽行為之研究 / Browsing Behaviors on World Wide Web

趙光正 Unknown Date (has links)
This study examined the context of browsing behaviors. According to uses-and gratifications approach, the motives of World Wilde Web (mentioned as WWW later) generate the expectations of the WWW and the other sources, which lead to differential patterns of browsing behaviors. On-line focus groups were performed three times in December 1999 and January 2000. The criterion used when we choose the respondents of the focus group is that they should have experienced in Internet at least one year. The purpose of the focus groups is to explore the context of browsing. In addition, an on-line survey was undertaken on and . The session of is from March 25, 2000 to April 20, 2000, and the session of is from April 11, 2000 to April 12, 2000. The primary purpose of the survey was to test hypotheses related to browsing motives, browsing strategy motives, and browsing activities. This study found that surfers were segmented into four groups according to the motives of WWW: ritualistic dominant motives, instrumental dominant motives, high motives, and low motives. Besides, the motives of browsing strategies ere probed in this study. Six factors of the motives of browsing strategies were extracted: to increase data completeness, to help awareness of site options, to avoid site redundancy or information duplicate, job factor, no scare at the loss in cyberspace, and to kill time in a high-speed or favorable site. These factors co-operated with browsing skills explaining medium to low variance of the browsing behaviors.

網際網路瀏覽行為之研究 / Browsing Behaviors on World Wide Web

趙光正 Unknown Date (has links)
This study examined the context of browsing behaviors. According to uses-and gratifications approach, the motives of World Wide Web (mentioned as WWW later) generate the expectations of the WWW and other sources, which lead to differential patterns of browsing behaviors. On-line facus groups were performed three times in Decemember 1999 and January 2000. The criterion used when we choose the respondents of the focus group is that they should have experienced in Internet at least one year. The purpose of the focus groups is to explore the context of browsing. In addition, an on-line survey was undertaken on http://www.k4.com.tw and http://www.moex.gov.tw. The session of http://www.k4.com.tw is from March 25, 2000 to April 20, 2000, and the session of http://www.moex.gov.tw is from April 11, 2000 to April 12, 2000. The primary purpose of the survey was to test hypotheses related to browsing motives, browsing strategy motives, and browsing activities. This study found that surfers were segmented into four groups accoring to the motives of WWW: ritualistic dominant motives, instrumental dominant motives, high motives, and low motives. Besides, the motives of browsing strategies were probed in this study. Six factors of the motives of browsing strategies were extracted: to increase data completeness, to help awareness of site options, to avoid site redundancy or information duplicate, job factor, no scare at the loss in cyberspace, and to kill time in a high-speed or favorable site. These factors co-operated with browsing skills explaining medium to low variance of the browsing behaviors.


杜麗芳, DU, LI-FANG Unknown Date (has links)
第一章研究動機與目的:電視新聞是少數高收視率電節目之一,本研究要探討台灣電 視觀眾抱著什樣的動機看電視新聞,以及收看動機和收看行為之間有何關係。 第二章文獻探討:本研究的理論架構由「使用與滿足」理論而來。國外已有針對電視 新聞觀眾做的研究,國內則欲由本研究建構出我國電視新聞觀眾的收看動機類目。 第三章研究方法:本研究使用問卷調查法蒐集資料。根據行政區域、人口密度及第三 類行業等標準,在全省抽選十個地區作為訪問地區,訪問九百位十八歲以上的民眾, 有關收看電視新聞的動機及行為。 第四章資料分析:採用內容分析法分析收看動機。並用電腦統計分析收看動機和收看 行為、人口變項等之關係。 第五章結論與建議。


方盈潔 Unknown Date (has links)
微網誌是目前炙手可熱的新興網路應用之一,配合手機使用而發展出的140字字元限制,就字面定義上是小型的網誌,它即時性強、參與者多、互動性強,整合網際網路與行動網路,是具備web3.0概念之先趨應用。微網誌兼具了廣播與人際傳播的能力,提供個別使用者向世界發聲的簡便管道,是個人媒體、我群媒體的一類,同時也具備與他人聯繫情感、交換意見等社交功能。 為了解使用者如何認知微網誌,其使用動機、行為與相關影響因素為何,本研究以使用與滿足理論出發,援引部落格、網路相簿、網路影音分享等相關研究結果與討論,分就個人使用和社交使用兩方面對理論面上進行補充。  本研究採取質化取徑,獲得使用行為的細部輪廓與背後思維,針對廣受亞洲使用者歡迎、也是台灣最多人使用的微網誌服務Plurk,進行使用者深度訪談和參與觀察。本研究並訪問Plurk共同創辦人雲惟彬(Alvin Woon),了解Plurk發展的相關理念。 研究結果發現,使用Plurk的動機,包括自我層面的──情緒抒發、自我記錄、自我展演,以及社交層面的──尋求陪伴、期待互動、拓展人脈,另包括社會面的──獲取新知/樂趣。研究結果也發現,無論一開始使用的動機為何,人際關係是多數受訪者持續使用Plurk的理由。 Plurk的成功在於重視對話的特色,並專注在這部分的相關功能開發,歸結它受歡迎的六項因素是1. 提供即時更新與回應的彈性;2. 使用型態輕鬆;3. 滿足對於互動(資訊交換與情感陪伴)的期待;4. 易於拓展人脈、維繫以及經營友誼;5. 對隱私權機制的重視:6. 介面特殊、語言可親。


李君順, Lee ,chun-shun. Unknown Date (has links)
新聞性談話節目近年來流行於各頻道中,尤其開放電話叩應或觀眾現場秀應的,更是受到廣大民眾歡迎。一來為喜好發表的政治人物找到了新的舞台,而閱聽大眾也發現,除了傳統的新聞報導外,談話節目不但討論時事或民眾關心的政治議題,更提供參與發聲的機會,可以與政治人物或公眾人物直接對話。因此新聞性談話性節目扮演的社會功能為何,是研究欲關注的焦點,本文從閱聽人角度出發,探討對於新聞性談話節目的收視動機、行為及滿足程度間關聯性,藉以反映出閱聽人心理上及社會上的特殊需求;同時也觀察閱聽人在2002年台北市長選舉的政治參與情形與「新聞性談話節目」收視動機、行為間的關聯性。研究以親身訪問及問卷發放調查法,並就618份有效問卷進行分析。 研究結果發現: 閱聽人因性別、年齡、學歷、婚姻、收入、職業、政黨傾向、戶籍行政區之不同,在收視新聞性談話節目的使用動機、行為上都出現顯著差異。而從市長選舉過程中發現,政治參與程度愈高的受訪者,在「政治守望型」、「替代性參與型」動機愈強;政治參與程度愈低的,則在「社交互動型」動機表現較強。另外收視行為方面:政治參與程度愈高的受訪者,其收視的涉入程度愈高。 在使用動機與滿足程度的關聯性方面,「政治守望型動機-政治守望型滿足」、「替代性參與型動機-替代性參與型滿足」、「逸樂消遣型動機-逸樂消遣型滿足」、「社交互動型動機-社交互動型滿足」、「欣賞偶像型-欣賞偶像型滿足」等相對應動機滿足上,皆達到高度相關。同時研究發現,新聞性談話節目收視涉入程度愈高的受訪者,「替代性參與型」方面的使用動機愈強;涉入程度愈低的,則是在「欣賞偶像型」方面的使用動機較強。

顧客基礎網路品牌權益構面之再思 / Rethinking of customer-based on-line brand equity

李嘉玲, Lee, Chia Ling Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路普及背後孕育著龐大商機,但電子商務仍然面臨商業競爭與來自消費者的挑戰。研究者認為引進品牌權益的概念,協助電子商務經營者建立強勢網路品牌,是一可行辦法。回顧文獻,發現過去顧客基礎品牌權益研究多半為行銷者導向,較少重視消費者個別差異。為了更進一步區分消費者的差異,研究者欲藉由使用與滿足理論對媒體使用動機的研究成果,來瞭解消費者在不同的使用動機下其重視的網路品牌權益構面。本研究以Aaker(1996)提出的品牌權益為基礎,並使用網路消費者為研究對象,建構顧客基礎的網路品牌權益構面。也一併瞭解消費者個別差異,作為電子商務經營者在發展電子商務時的重要參考依據。 本研究分四階段進行。第一階段為定義何謂網路品牌;第二階段透過焦點團體,發展出顧客基礎的網路品牌權益內涵;第三,透過第一、二階段的成果,進行網路品牌權益問卷編製與大樣本施測,確立顧客基礎的網路品牌權益構面。第四階段使用典型相關分析,以瞭解不同使用動機下的消費者,是否重視不同網路品牌權益概念。網路品牌權益量表透過線上調查,收集358份有效問卷。研究結果指出,網路品牌權益可分作五大構面,分別為網站管理(包含營運方式與互動關係)、品牌忠誠(包含使用偏好與使用習慣組成)、品牌聯想、自我表達及知覺品質,因素負荷量達52.77%;量表共33題,信度.905(p<0.01),效標關連效度達.512(p<0.01)。本研究亦發現在不同網路使用動機之下,消費者重視的網路品牌權益不同;在資訊蒐集與娛樂動機下,消費者重視網路品牌的網站管理與知覺品質;在人際與娛樂動機下,則重視知覺品質與自我表達。 最後則對電子商務業者提出品牌經營參考,及未來學術發展方向。 關鍵字:品牌、網路品牌權益、顧客基礎、使用與滿足。 / Despite the universal availability of the Internet and the immense business opportunities generated e-commerce, e-commerce itself is confronted by endless business competition and consumer mistrust. How should e-commerce managers react to these competition and challenges? This research proposes that the introduction of the brand equity concept is viable in helping e-commerce managers establish strong online brands, yet existing literature on customer-based brand equity are mostly marketer oriented rather than customer oriented, thus not much weight is given to individual consumer differences. We use mass media theory “uses and gratification” theory to understand if customer have different internet use motivation will cause them prefer different online brand equity. We use online consumer as research participant, and build customer-based online brand equity construct, describe individual differences as our results. E-commerce managers can utilize as important reference when developing their business affairs. This research is conducted in four stages: the first stage is intended for understanding consumers’ definition of online brands; the second stage develops preliminary customer-based online brand equity constructs via focus groups; the third stage develops customer-based brand equity constructs by designing and testing a survey based on the results of the first two stages using large samples; and the fourth stage uses canonical analysis to find out whether customer have different internet use motivation will cause them prefer different online brand equity. We collected 358 validate questionnaires. Findings indicate that online brand equity can be divided into five dimensions: web site management, brand loyalty, brand associations, self expressions, and perceived quality. Totaling 33 items, factor loading 52.77%, with 0.905 in reliability and 0.512 (p<0.01) in criteria-related validity. When conusumer’s internet use motivation is search information and entertainment, the online brand equity construct they will prefer is web site managemet and perceived quality. But when conusumer’s internet use motivation is interpersonal and entertainment, the online brand equity construct they will prefer is perceived quality and self expressions. According results above, we propsed some recommdations for e-commerce managers and scholars. Keywords: Brand, Online brand equity, Customer-based, Uses and gratification

社群媒體平台之內容發展策略分析 / Understanding Content Development on Social Network Sites

莊英杰, Chuang, Ying Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,使用社群網站的公司數量急遽的增加,公司視社群網站為是另外一種渠道,可增加產品的曝光,並且獲取新客戶與維繫現有客戶。因此,許多公司企圖藉由多種形式與特色的內容去吸引觀看以及與客戶互動,以發揮社群網站的最大效用。然而,如何去吸引到最多客戶仍就是一個未解的謎題。管理內容發展包含許多不同的面向,包括呈現的內容、什麼樣的類別能受到顧客喜愛,以及決定最適當的時間發布,為了加強對於內容策略的了解,本篇研究提出一些方法,藉由發展社群網站內容刺激顧客參與。 根據使用與滿足理論框架,本篇研究專注於透過內容發展來滿足顧客。藉由學術文獻上的參考與實際案例分析,本研究識別出幾個重要的元素,最能夠去影響內容人氣的程度,分別是生動、互動、豐富、情緒。本篇研究使用知名雜誌內容中我們所提到的四個重要元素,測驗其帶來的影響程度。 透過本研究,我們不僅發現互動與情緒元素可以對於顧客參與帶來正向的影響,並且也證實顧客參與於粉絲專頁上,對於公司而言是有利益的。這些發現可以改善公司對於內容特色上的了解,以及知道如何有效去刺激顧客參與於社群網站。 / The number of enterprises that use social network sites (SNS) has increased dramatically in recent decades. Companies consider SNS to be another channel for increasing brand and product exposure and acquiring or retaining customers. Many companies attempt to leverage social networks by providing various forms of content to attract views and interact with customers. How to reach and attract the maximum number of customers remains a significant question for all types of businesses. Managing content development involves various dimensions, including determining what to present to viewers, what type of content customers prefer, and when the appropriate time is to post new content. To enhance the understanding of content strategy, this study aims to address ways to stimulate customer engagement by developing SNS content. Based on the use and gratification framework, this study focuses on the spectrum of strategies for satisfying users through content development. By employing a review of academic research and practical cases, this study identifies factors that can influence the intensity of content popularity and users’ behavior on SNS. The four components of content development are vividness, interactivity, richness, and emotiveness. This study tests the level of influence of each factor using data from brand fan pages of famous magazines. Through the research, we not only find that the interactivity and emotiveness factors would positively affect customer engagement but also verify that the intensity of customer engagement on the brand fans page is beneficial to companies. The findings can improve companies’ understanding of the attributes of quality content and how to stimulate customer engagement on SNS.

廣播聽眾媒介使用與滿足之研究-以警察廣播電臺為例 / Radio Listener’s Media Use and Gratification- Example of the Police Broadcasting Service

信立君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從「使用與滿足」理論,以警察廣播電臺為探討的對象,研究聽眾願意主動提供路況資訊的使用動機與滿足程度。 警察廣播電臺為公營廣播媒體,節目內容以治安交通等公共服務為主。警廣自1971年設立第一座交通專業電臺臺北臺,以電話接收聽眾提供路況;於1996年率先啟用智慧型電話系統,將全省免付費路況提供專線統一為0800000123,受理來自全省各地聽眾提供即時路況。近年來,路況報導為廣播閱聽眾收聽廣播的重要因素之一,且從幾次重大的意外災害發生後,警廣很快的從聽眾提供的資訊掌握災情,聽眾主動提供的資訊發揮了功能。 本研究以量化研究方式,採用問卷調查法。研究結果發現,聽眾願意主動提供路況的動機,分別為「分享參與」、「資訊守望」、「人際連絡」、「尋求解決困難的方法」以及「個人化需求」等五個構面。並且想知道即時的路況是聽眾收聽警廣最主要的動機。 關鍵詞:使用與滿足、主動的閱聽人、廣播、路況報導 / Radio Listener’s Media Use and Gratification- Example of the Police Broadcasting Service Abstract This study employs 「uses and gratifications」theory to investigate motivations for actively providing road condition information and resulting gratification among listeners of Police Broadcasting Service. Police Broadcasting Service is a public radio station with program content chiefly comprising public service matters connected with law and order and transportation. Since it established Taiwan's first specialized traffic station—Taipei Station—in 1971, Police Broadcasting Service has received telephone reports of road conditions from listeners. The station launched the 0800000123 smart phone system—Taiwan's first—in 1996, to provide a Taiwan-wide toll-free road condition hotline to accept real-time road condition reports from listeners throughout Taiwan. In recent years, the station's road reports have become one of the most important factors causing the public to listen to the station. Furthermore, after several major accidents that occurred in the past, Police Broadcasting Service quickly gained a picture of the situation from information provided by listeners, showing that the voluntary provision of information by listeners is very effective. This study employed a quantitative research approach and used the questionnaire survey method. The study's findings indicated that listeners' motivations for actively providing road information included the five aspects of 「shared participation」, 「information watchman」, 「interpersonal contact」,「looking for means of solving problems」, and 「individual needs」. Furthermore, wishing to hear real-time road conditions constitutes listeners' chief motivation for listening to Police Broadcasting Service. Keywords: uses and gratifications、active audience、listeners、radio station、road condition report

圖文創作部落格使用動機、使用行為、滿意度與忠誠度之研究 / A study of the user motivation, behavior, gratification and loyalty on creative graphic blogs

黃郁珮 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以「使用與滿足」理論探討圖文創作部落格閱聽人使用行為,以時常造訪圖文創作部落格之網友為研究對象,本研究利用「問卷調查法」與「深度訪談法」進行研究,兼顧量化及質化兩種研究途徑。透過網路問卷抽樣調查方式,回收有效問卷325份,並針對知名圖文創作部落客及圖文創作部落格的重度使用者進行深度訪談。 本研究目的在探討圖文創作部落格讀者使用動機、使用行為、滿意度、忠誠度變數之內涵。分析不同人口統計變數對使用動機、使用行為、滿意度與忠誠度之差異性。檢定使用動機、使用行為對滿意度與忠誠度之關係。經由量化分析與質化訪談對經營圖文創作部落格之部落客提出行銷建議。 研究結果顯示圖文創作部落格讀者以女性上班族為主,年齡層以21-35歲居多,教育程度以大專為最多,居住地區以北部為主。圖文創作部落格之使用動機以「休閒娛樂動機」因素最高。在使用行為方面,讀者通常每天或每3-5天就會回訪一次,可見圖文創作部落格的讀者黏著度高。在使用滿意度上整體滿意度偏高,其中以「歡愉滿意度」因素最高。在使用忠誠度上則以「再訪忠誠度」因素最高。 經過質化與量化的分析,本研究建議想經營圖文創作部落格之部落客,應多著墨於有趣、好笑、生活化及流行話題的相關內容,並提高發文頻率,藉由舉辦實體活動,結合虛擬與實體創作,達到延伸性的長久經營。 / In this study, "uses and gratifications" theory of creative graphic blog audience usage behavior. To the users frequently visit the creative graphic blog as the research object. The present study, use"questionnaire" and " interviews" to research, both quantitative and qualitative study of two kinds of ways. Sample survey questionnaire via the Internet way, 325 questionnaires were usable, and for the well-known graphic creative bloggers and fax heavy users interviews. The purpose of this study was to explore the use of creative graphic blog readers motivation, behavior, satisfaction, loyalty variables of the content.Analysis of different demographic variables on the use of motivation, and use of satisfaction and loyalty of the differences. Test the use of motivation, and use of satisfaction and loyalty to the relationship. By quantitative analysis and qualitative interviews with creative graphic bloggers make marketing recommendations. The results showed that creative graphic blogs for readers are women, mainly of office workers, mostly age to 21-35 years of age, educational level to college as the most northern area of residence-based. To the use of motivation is "leisure motivation" factor in the highest. The use of behavior, the reader is usually every day or every 3-5 days would be a return visit, we can see creative graphics blog readers adhesion is high. The use of satisfaction on overall satisfaction high, in which the "joy satisfaction" factor high. On the use of loyalty by "revisit loyalty" factor in the highest. Through qualitative and quantitative analysis, this study suggests that wish to create a blog of business creative graphic bloggers should be more to write about interesting, funny, daily life and popular topic relevant content and increase issued a document frequency, by holding physical activity, combination of virtual and physical creativity, to achieve an extension of long-term business.

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