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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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高職英文教師對於字彙學習策略融入教學的信念與實踐 / Vocational High School English Teachers' Beliefs and Practices in Integrating Vocabulary Learning Strategies into Their Instruction

廖乙驊, Liao,I hua Unknown Date (has links)
回溯過去的研究,教師信念對於其教學行為影響非常深遠,但是對於字彙學習策略融入教學這個議題,相關的研究仍然不多。本研究旨在探討高職英文教師對於字彙學習策略融入教學的信念還有實際的教學情形。文獻探討涵蓋字彙教學的發展、字彙學習策略的理論以及教師信念與實踐。 本研究所蒐集到的有效問卷為二百零一份,研究的對象為台灣的高職英文教師。研究方式採用量化的教師問卷佐以質性的教師訪談。共有八位教師參與本研究的訪談。訪談的內容經過整理分析,用來解釋或補充問卷統計的結果。分析問卷時,採用的統計方法有描述性統計、相關係數、單因子變異數分析。本研究的主題如下:(一) 教師信念及教學情形:分別以認知策略、社會策略、後設認知以及學習媒介等策略來探討、(二)教師信念與其實踐情形是否符合,與造成兩者之間不相符的可能原因以及(三)探討影響教師信念與實踐的各種因素。 本研究的主要發現是: 1. 教師對於字彙學習策略融入教學抱持相當正面的態度,而實踐程度是中低等以上。 2. 由於統計顯示教師信念和實踐是正相關,教師實踐和他們的信念大致符合,不過教師所面臨的一些問題如教學時數限制、學生動機、教科書的設計、資源不足等會使他們無法完全遵照其信念於教學。 3. 一些因素如教學年資、教師學歷、學生程度、英語教學時間長短、教師是否參加字彙相關研習,以及是否接觸學習策略相關的研究報告等確實會影響教師的教學信念與實踐。 本研究有助於了解高職英文教師對於字彙學習策略融入教學的信念以及他們實踐的情形,希望能夠提升老師對於策略教學的覺知。研究者對於英文教師、師資培育機構、教育部還有教師書出版社提出建議改善之道,期望能進一步提升高職的英語教學。 / Although research has shown that teacher beliefs play a decisive role in teachers’ instructional judgments and decisions, their beliefs and practices in integrating vocabulary learning strategies have not gained enough attention in the recent English educational forum. This study aimed to explore what attitudes vocational high school English teachers held toward the instruction of vocabulary learning strategies and their practices of the beliefs. Literature review ranged from vocabulary instruction, vocabulary learning strategies to teachers’ beliefs and practices. The participants of this study were vocational high school teachers in Taiwan. The data collection instruments were questionnaire and interview. The former provided mainly quantitative data and the latter qualitative data. A total of 201 valid questionnaires were analyzed and computed by means of descriptive statistics, correlation, t-test and one-way ANOVA. Eight teachers were contacted for the follow-up interviews. Their interview results were utilized to further support and explain the questionnaire data. There were three issues investigated in this study. The first one was teachers’ beliefs and practices in integrating vocabulary learning strategies into their instruction. Teachers’ beliefs and practices of cognitive strategies, social strategies, multiple sources, and metacognitive strategies were discussed. The second was the consistency and inconsistency between teachers’ beliefs and their practices and the possible problems that might cause the inconsistency. The third one was influential factors that affected teachers’ beliefs and practices. Based on the results of the study, major findings were summarized. First, teachers approved highly of the integration of vocabulary learning strategies and the frequency of their practices ranged from low to high. Second, based on the significant correlation of teachers’ beliefs and practices, the relationship was generally consistent. However, teachers were not able to teach what they believed completely. Some of the strategies revealed larger gap due to the problems from the curriculum, students’ motivation, textbook design and teachers’ preparation. Third, variables such as teachers’ teaching experience, educational background, students’ BCT test score, instructional time, teachers’ attendance of workshops and their exposure to related research were found to be significant in affecting teachers’ beliefs and practices. It is hoped that the study can contribute to more understanding of vocational high school teachers’ beliefs and practices in vocabulary learning strategies. Teachers may inspect their teaching process and raise the awareness of integrating vocabulary learning strategies into their teaching. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher further made suggestions to English teachers, teacher education institutes, the Ministry of Education and the textbook publishers. Results of this study might help enhance English teaching in vocational high schools.

加護病房護理人員之非理性信念、情緒特質與情緒管理對人際關係影響路徑之建構 / A Path Model Construction of ICU Nurses’ Irrational Beliefs, Emotional Traits, Emotional Management, and Their Interpersonal Relationship

陳世芬, Shih-Fen Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於建構加護病房護理人員之非理性信念、情緒特質及情緒管理對人際關係之影響路徑模式。本研究採問卷調查法,參與者為200位加護病房護理人員,研究工具則包含非理性信念、情緒特質、情緒管理與人際關係等四份量表。研究中以驗證性因素分析、描述統計、單因子多變量變異數分析及結構方程模式分析資料,主要的研究結果如下: 一、教育程度在大學以下者比教育程度為研究所者具有較強烈之「希望感」正向情緒特質。護理年資高者較護理年資淺者能在人際關係方面展現主動關懷的行為。此外,修過情緒管理課程或壓力管理課程者比從未修過該課程者,具有較強烈之正向情緒特質。值得注意的是,從未修過壓力管理課程者卻比修過該課程者,具有較強烈之「自卑感」負向情緒特質。 二、非理性信念愈強者,其負向情緒激發愈強烈。但非理性信念與正向或負向情緒特質交互作用後,非理性信念對負向情緒激發的影響會被削弱。此外,非理性信念對積極回應策略沒有效果。 三、正向情緒特質對負向情緒激發具有負向效果,但卻對積極回應策略具有正向效果。 四、負向情緒特質對負向情緒激發具有正向效果,但對積極回應策略具有負向效果。 五、不同非理性信念者,其人際關係並無顯著差異。 六、正向情緒特質對人際關係具有正向效果。 七、負向情緒特質愈強者,其人際關係愈差,且負向情緒特質是透過負向情緒激發或積極回應策略對人際關係產生間接影響效果,雖然其效果並不大。 八、不同負向情緒激發者,其人際關係並無顯著差異,但當負向情緒激發受到正向情緒特質的影響後,會對人際關係產生正向的效果。 九、積極回應策略對人際關係具有正向效果。 十、修正模式一與二顯示非理性信念對負向情緒激發與積極回應策略皆無直接效果,非理性信念對人際關係亦無間接效果。但不同的是,在修正模式一中,正向情緒特質會對負向情緒激發產生負向效果,但對積極回應策略與人際關係產生直接的正向效果。此外,正向情緒特質會分別透過負向情緒激發與積極回應策略的中介,進而對人際關係產生負向與正向的效果。而在修正模式二中,負向情緒特質會對負向情緒激發產生正向的直接效果,但對積極回應策略會產生負向的直接效果。此外,負向情緒特質會透過積極回應策略的中介,對人際關係產生負向的效果,且負向情緒激發會透過積極回應策略的中介,對人際關係產生正向的效果。   針對上述結果,本研究分別針對護理人員培育機構與醫療院所提出課程教學與人員輔導之建議,並指陳後續研究可以參考與改進的方向。 / The purpose of this study was to propose and examine a path model of irrational beliefs, emotional traits, emotional management, and interpersonal relationship among nurses in the intensive care unit (ICU). Two hundred ICU nurses in Taiwan participated in this study. The employed instruments included the Inventory of Irrational Beliefs, the Inventory of Emotional Traits, the Inventory of Emotional Management, and the Inventory of Interpersonal Relationship. Moreover, the used data analysis methods were Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), One-way Multivariate Analysis of variance (MANOVA), and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. Participants with an educational degree under college had a stronger “sense of hope” than those with an educational degree of graduate schools. Those with long period of working experiences in hospitals showed more proactive caring behaviors than their counterparts. Moreover, those who had taken emotional-management or stress-coping courses had more positive emotional traits than their counterparts. Finally, those who had never taken stress-coping courses had a stronger sense of inferiority complex than their counterparts. 2. Participants who had a stronger irrational belief experienced more negative- emotion arousal than their counterparts. However, the interaction of irrational beliefs and emotional traits could weaken the effects of irrational beliefs on negative-emotion arousal. On the other hand, the participants’ irrational beliefs did not have effects on their employment of proactive response strategies. 3. While the ICU nurses’ positive emotional traits did not have effects on their negative-emotion arousal, such traits had positive effects on their employment of proactive response strategies. 4. While the nurses’ negative emotional traits had positive effects on their negative- emotion arousal, such traits had negative effects on their employment of proactive response strategies. 5. The nurses’ irrational beliefs did not have effects on their interpersonal relationship. 6. The nurses’ positive emotional traits had positive effects on their interpersonal relationship. 7. The nurses’ negative emotional traits had negative effects on their interpersonal relationship, and such effects were brought about via negative-emotion arousal or the employment of proactive response strategies. 8. The nurses’ negative-emotion arousal did not have effects on their interpersonal relationship; however, when influenced by positive emotional traits, the negative-emotion arousal had positive effects on interpersonal relationship. 9. The nurses’ employment of proactive response strategies had positive effects on their interpersonal relationship. 10. The results of Modified Model 1 and Model 2 indicated that the nurses’ irrational beliefs did not have direct effects on their employment of proactive response strategies as well as on their interpersonal relationship. In modified Model 1, however, positive emotional traits had negative effects on negative-emotion arousal and proactive emotional strategies; moreover, positive emotional traits had indirect negative effects on interpersonal relationship via negative-emotion arousal while such traits had indirect positive effects on interpersonal relationship via proactive response strategies. In modified model 2, on the contrary, negative emotional traits had positive effects on negative-emotion arousal while such traits had negative effects on proactive emotional strategies; moreover, negative emotional traits had indirect negative effects on interpersonal relationship via proactive response strategies while negative-emotion arousal had indirect positive effects on interpersonal relationship via proactive response strategies. With accordance to the above findings, the researcher proposed some suggestions with regards to teaching and counseling for nursing training institutes and medical institutions; moreover, some suggestions were proposed for future studies.

高中職生個人知識論信念與創造性人格、創意生活經驗之關係 / The Relationship Among Personal Epistemology Belief, Creative Personality and Creative Life Experience of High School Students in Taiwan

許嘉家, Syu,Jia Jia Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲探討個人知識論信念、創造性人格與創意生活經驗整體及各因素間的相互關係,最後並瞭解三者間的關連性。研究使用改編之「高中職生個人知識論信念量表」、「創造性人格量表」、以及吳靜吉(2002)等人所編製之「創意生活經驗量表」三種量表進行構念測量。分為北、中、南三區分層取樣,共803名受試,有效樣本共745人。問卷回收後,以描述性統計、Cronbach’s α信度係數、探索性因素分析、驗證性因素分析、皮爾森積差相關、獨立樣本t檢定、多元迴歸分析、及典型相關分析進行信效度考驗及各項研究問題分析。 研究結果顯示: (1)高中職二年級學生個人知識論信念比一年級學生偏向純真型信念、更相信學習能力天生,且較不具創造性人格特質。 (2)越持純真型個人知識論信念者,則其在人格特質上越不依從傳統、越不機 智靈巧、也越不自主勇敢。 (3)個人知識論信念越偏向純真型信念者,則其在創意生活經驗中的「運用新 知精益求精」、「開放心胸」、「製造驚喜意外」及「舊瓶新裝」四個領域上 的經驗越少。 (4)當個體越具有創造性人格,就擁有越多創意生活經驗。 (5)越持純真型個人知識論信念者,越不具有創造性人格特質;越不具有創造 性人格特質者,也有較少的創意生活經驗產生;但個人知識論信念的傾向, 對個體創意生活經驗並不具有直接的影響力。 (6)個人知識論信念越「未分化」,則越不具有「創造性人格」,也越不常有「創 意生活經驗」。 由研究結果,建議可透過對學生個人知識論信念的調整,而間接促成創造力之有效提升。以下提出幾點對於教學實務上之建議: (1)讓學生透過「覺察、反思、行動、實踐」的歷程進行學習。 (2)採用跨領域及討論式之教學方法進行教學。 (3)增強學生對學習的正向思考。 另提出對未來研究之幾點建議: (1)可對個人知識論信念之「依領域而不同」進行探究。 (2)以「實驗研究法」探討個人知識論信念與創造力之關係。 (3)針對高中職階段學生的「智力本質觀」與學習動機之相關進行探究。 / This study is to explore the relationship among personal epistemology belief, creative personality and creative life experience. Three scales were used to measure those constructs, “Personal Epistemology Scale for High School Student”, “Creative Personality Scale”, and “Creative Life Experience Scale”. There are 803 high school students from north, middle and south areas of Taiwan participated in this survey. The descriptive statistic, Cronbach’s α coefficient analysis, explorative factor analysis, confirmative factor analysis, Pearson’s correlation analysis, independent student test, multiple regression analysis and classical correlation analysis were used to analysis data. The main findings of this study were: 1. The personal epistemology belief of second grade high school students were naiver than first grades students, and with less creative personality. 2. The one who tends to hold naïve personal epistemology belief, may obey tradition less, and with less witty and braveness. 3. The one who tends to have naïve personal epistemology belief, would have less creative experience. 4. The one with more creative personality, the more creative life experiences he or she has. 5.The less differentiation of personal epistemology belief, the less creative personality and creative life experience one has. Based on the findings, the following were suggested for teaching and future research: For teaching: 1. Learning by “knowing, reflection, action and practice” 2. Using cross-areas and discussion instruction. 3. Strengthen students’ positive thinking for learning. For future research: 1. To investigate the domain specific of personal epistemology belief thinking. 2. Conduct the relation between personal epistemology belief and creativity by experimental method. 3. To explore the relations of high school students’ entity intelligence belief and learning motivation.

中、外籍英語教師的信念及其對實踐影響:新竹市國民小學協同教學個案 / Native and Non-Native English Speaking Teacher's Beliefs and their influences on Practices: A Case Study of Elementary Collaborative Teaching Teachers in Hsin Chu City

王藝樺, Wang,Yi-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解新竹市協同教學中、外籍英語教師之信念及其對實踐影響。 比較中、外籍老師們的信念及查看他們的信念是否顯現在教室行為中。 本研究採用質性研究方法選擇了一對有一年協同教學經驗的中、外籍英語教師在某新竹國小任教。在這個案研究中,資料收集有兩個月的時間,主要來源為訪談、信念問卷、觀察、文件分析。資料分析後涵蓋比較中、外師的以下信念: (1) 中、外籍教師優勢與劣勢; (2) 協同教學; (3) 英語; (4) 語言學習及學習者; (5) 句型在英文教學中的角色。 本研究以根據以上之五個議題討論結果,進一步提供相關建議,作為教育學者們及中、外籍教師們做參考。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the beliefs and practices of team teaching native English speaking teachers (NESTs) and non-native English speaking teachers (non-NESTs) in Hsin Chu City. The teachers’ beliefs are compared and contrasted, and checked to see if they are manifested in the classroom practices. This study adopted a qualitative research method and selects a pair of NEST and non-NEST who have a year of team teaching experience in an Elementary school in Hsin Chu city. In this case study, the data collection lasted for two months, and the instruments for collecting data included interviews, beliefs inventories, classroom observations, and document analysis. The data is analyzed to present the teachers beliefs in the following areas: (1) the advantages and disadvantages of being native and non-native English teachers, (2) team teaching (3) the English language (4) language learning and learners (5) the role of sentence structures in English language teaching. Finally, pedagogical implications and suggestions derived from previous discussions are presented mainly for policy makers and NESTs and non-NESTs.

幼兒園品質信念與幼兒園品質關係之研究 / A Study Of The Relations Between ECE Program Quqlity Beliefs And ECE Program Quality

劉蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
高品質的幼兒園對幼兒發展具有重大影響,且幼兒園品質的意義隨著時代思潮的演進,其所指涉的範圍愈來愈寬廣,並有由內部導向的幼教歷程,擴展至外部導向的全面品質之趨勢。因此,幼兒園品質衡量之探討,便成為一個理論和實務兼具的重要課題。 本研究發展幼稚園品質問卷,為台北市347所幼稚園的園長與教師進行問卷調查,並利用SPSS13.0套裝軟體進行統計分析,旨在探究幼兒園品質信念與幼兒園品質之構面、園長與教師幼兒園品質信念與幼兒園品質之關係,及其相關因素之影響,並比較園長與教師在內、外部導向幼兒園品質信念差異情形。 本研究之結論如下: 一、本研究發展出幼稚園品質問卷,包含幼兒園品質信念與幼兒園品質兩量表。 二、台北市幼稚園幼兒園品質信念與幼兒園品質之現況佳。 三、教師與園長在幼兒園品質信念的差異,係受到個人特徵的「教育程度和幼教服務年資」之交互影響。 四、「幼稚園屬性」是形成教師的幼兒園品質信念差異之主要的幼兒園特徵;而「生師比」是形成園長的幼兒園品質信念差異之主要的幼兒園特徵。 五、教師、園長的幼兒園品質信念與幼兒園品質之相關均不高。 六、教師與園長在內、外部導向幼兒園品質信念之差異,僅表現在外部導向幼兒園品質信念之差異上。 七、教師與園長的內、外部導向幼兒園品質信念之一致性,與幼兒園品質無關。 八、幼兒園品質的差異,係受到「幼稚園屬性與幼稚園規模」之交互影響,以及「幼稚園規模與生師比」之交互影響。 最後研究者根據結論,就幼兒園品質之實務面與後續研究方向提出具體的建議,以期對未來幼教的發展有所助益。 / Research has shown that high ECE program quality has great effect on children’s developmental outcomes, and the concept of ECE program quality evolving over time has extended its contents from internal-oriented to external-oriented. As a result, defining and measuring ECE program quality has become an important issue, both in theory and practice. The purpose of this study is fourfold: (a) to identify the dimensions of both ECE program quality belief and ECE program quality, (b) to examine the relations between directors’ and teachers’ ECE program quality belief and ECE program quality in their own kindergarten programs, (c) to ascertain the influence of related factors, and (d) to compare the difference between directors and teachers’ ECE program quality belief, both in internal-oriented and external-oriented ECE program quality belief. For achieving this purpose, this study developed the ECE program quality questionnaire to conduct mailed surveys in a sample of 347 kindergartens in Taipei city, and the data was analyzed with SPSS 13.0 to find possible significances. The conclusions are as follows: 1.This study developed the ECE program quality questionnaire which included both ECE program quality belief and ECE program quality scale. 2.This study revealed that both ECE program quality belief and ECE program quality in Taipei kindergarten programs were good. 3.This study showed that when it came to staff characteristics, the interaction of education level and staffing experience had effects on the difference in both directors’ and teachers’ ECE program quality beliefs. 4.This study indicated that the program attribute was the main program characteristics in the difference between teachers’ ECE program quality beliefs; but to directors, the child: teacher ratio mattered in the difference between directors’ ECE program quality beliefs. 5.This study demonstrated modest relations between both directors’ and teachers’ ECE program quality belief and ECE program quality in their own kindergarten programs. 6.This study showed that teachers and directors had differences in external-oriented ECE program quality beliefs, but not in internal-oriented beliefs. 7.This study showed that the consistency of both directors’ and teachers’ internal and external-oriented ECE program quality belief had no relations with ECE program quality. 8.This study showed that both the interaction of program size and program attribute, and the interaction of program size and child: teacher ratio had effects on the differences in ECE program quality. Overall, findings from this study pointed to several relevant implications for the early childhood education practice and follow-up ECE program quality research.

高中生品格發展之因子模式 / A Model for the Development of High School Students' Characters

余青霞, Yu,Ching Hisa Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高中生的教師品格教學、父母品格教養、批判思考能力、品格信念及品格行為之關係。研究參與者來自台北縣市公立高中二、三年級,有效樣本計538人。本研究採用的研究工具包括「品格行為量表」、「品格信念量表」、「品格教學行為量表」、「父親品格教養行為量表」、「母親品格教養行為量表」及「批判思考測驗—第一級」(CTT-Ⅰ)。資料分析所用的統計方法包括描述統計、單因子多變量變異數分析及線性模式分析。本研究主要發現如下: 1.就學校教師而言,大多身兼導師的國文、英文、數學科老師,對高中生品格影響最為深遠;就一般對象而言,母親及父親對孩子的品格影響最大。 2.不同性別的高中生在品格信念及品格行為上均有顯著差異:在品格信念方面,女生顯著優於男生,尤其在「責任」、「關懷」及「公民性」等指標的信念;在品格行為方面,女生亦顯著優於男生,尤在「值得信賴」、「公平」「關懷」及「公民性」等指標的表現。 3.不同年級的高中生在品格信念及品格行為上沒有顯著差異。 4.不同父母的教育程度的高中生在品格信念及品格行為上沒有顯著差異。 5.高中生品格信念及品格行為會相互影響:亦即品格信念程度愈高者,其本身品格行為表現愈好;品格行為表現愈佳者,擁有的品格信念程度愈高。 6.教師的品格教學行為對高中生的品格信念及品格行為有顯著效果,亦即知覺教師品格教學程度愈高者,其品格信念也愈強,品格行為表現程度也愈佳。 7.父母的品格教養行為對高中生的品格信念及品格行為有顯著效果,亦即知覺父母品格教養程度愈高者,其品格信念也愈強,品格行為表現程度也愈佳。 8.高中生批判思考能力對品格信念和品格行為沒有顯著的正向效果。 9.就高中生品格行為發展之子模式而言,教師品格教學行為及父母品格教養會互動之後,分別對品格信念及品格行為產生直接和間接的影響,且品格信念和品格行為間會相互影響。 最後,本研究依據上述的研究結果進行討論,並提出相關建議以供教師教學、父母教養及後續研究之參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among teachers’ character teaching, parents’ character parenting, critical-thinking abilities, character beliefs, and character behaviors of high school students. The participants included 538 students sampled from six high schools in Taipei City. The employed instruments in this study were the Inventory of Character Behaviors, the Inventory of Character Beliefs, the Inventory of Character Teaching, the Inventory of Father’s Character Parenting, the Inventory of Mother’s Character Parenting, and the Critical-thinking Test, LevelⅠ. The employed analysis methods included Descriptive Statistics, One-Way Multiple Analysis of Variance, and Structural Equation Modeling. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1.As for school teachers, Chinese, English and Mathematical teachers who usually serve as tutors had the greatest effect on the high school students’ character development; as for general subjects, mothers and fathers had the most profound effect on the high school students’ character development. 2.There were significant gender differences on character beliefs and character behaviors. Specifically, the females outperformed the males in character beliefs, especially in “responsibility”, “caring”, and “citizenship”; moreover, the females outperformed the males in character behaviors, especially in “trust worthiness”, “fairness”, and “citizenship”. 3.There were no significant differences on character beliefs and character behaviors between the second graders and the third graders. 4.There were no significant differences on character beliefs and character behaviors among the three parents’ educational levels. 5.The relationships of character beliefs and character behaviors among the high school students were bi-directional. In other words, those who had stronger character beliefs performed more character behaviors and those who performed more character behaviors had stronger character beliefs. 6.The teachers’ character teaching had significant effects on the high school students’ character beliefs and character behaviors. Specifically, those who perceived higher degree of character teaching had higher character beliefs and performed more character behaviors. 7.The parents’ character teaching had significant effects on the high school students’ character beliefs and character behaviors. Specifically, those who perceived higher degree of character parenting had stronger character beliefs and performed more character behaviors. 8.The high school students’ critical-thinking abilities had no positive effects on their character beliefs and character behaviors. 9.In terms of the Model for the development of high school students’ characters, teachers’ character teaching and parents’ character parenting interactively influenced, both directly and indirectly, the high school students’ character beliefs and character behaviors; meanwhile, character beliefs and character behaviors influence each other. Finally, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instructions, parental upbringing, and future studies.

台灣、德國品牌個性、廣告訴求與消費者價值信念之跨文化比較 / The Intercultural Comparison between Taiwan and Germany in Brand Personality, Advertising Appeals and Consumer Value-Beliefs

鍾韶庭, Chung, Shao-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
自從歐盟成立後,歐洲市場對於台灣經濟的重要性與日俱增,目前為台灣主要貿易國家 (地區) 中出口成長率最高的地區,而德國又為台灣在歐洲進出口貿易額中最高的國家,然而國內學術界對於德國乃至於歐洲地區的消費者研究卻屈指可數,大多著重於中國大陸、美國與日本的研究,造成此現象的原因除了是過去歐洲市場在台灣的經濟地位不比中、美、日之外,也與台灣留學國外少以歐洲為主有關,造成與消費者相關的初次級資料取得不易、研究成本過高等因素,但隨著國內研究生赴歐洲交換學生的趨勢漸增,將提供國內學術界與實務界暸解歐洲消費者的機會。 本研究首先從過去的跨文化研究中暸解台灣與德國在各文化構面上的差異,推論受到文化所影響的品牌個性、廣告訴求與消費者價值信念,在台灣與德國消費者的認知中同樣會產生差異;此外,本研究也進一步探討品牌個性、廣告訴求、消費者價值信念與品牌偏好度的關係。本研究以問卷調查的方式蒐集台灣與德國消費者的第一手資料,並根據此初級資料進行分析比較,問卷內容包括品牌個性構面、品牌偏好度、廣告訴求、消費價值信念以及基本資料等五個部份,品牌則選定「Mercedes-Benz賓士汽車」與「Acer宏碁電腦」等兩個在台、德具有知名度的品牌。為了能夠順利進行調查,本研究分別以中文及德文版問卷在台灣與德國進行研究,採隨機發放的方式,總共蒐集了495份有效問卷,其中台灣問卷有247份,德國問卷有248份。 研究結果顯示,台灣與德國消費者對於同一個品牌的品牌個性、廣告訴求具有顯著差異,均對本國品牌較有正面的觀感,而台、德消費者價值信念也因為文化的不同而在「名牌情結」、「他人導向」、「情面影響」、「享樂主義」、「簡約習性」及「保障需求」上具有顯著差異。本研究的實證結果還發現,品牌個性會與消費者的品牌偏好度有關,而品牌偏好度受到廣告訴求與消費者價值信念的影響程度就相對較小。 廠商可依據本研究結果針對台灣消費者的「他人導向」、「簡約習性」、「保障需求」與「價格敏感」等信念,以及德國消費者的「享樂主義」、「價格敏感」與「簡約習性」等信念設計行銷活動,也可以藉由塑造品牌個性來增加消費者的品牌偏好度,對於學術而言,本研究不僅增加國內學術界對於歐洲市場的瞭解,更得到品牌個性、廣告訴求與消費者價值信念皆能影響品牌偏好度的結果,其中品牌個性又能明顯影響品牌偏好度,本研究成果可供後續相關研究作為深入探討的基礎。 / Since the establishment of the EU, the importance of the European market to Taiwan has been steadily increasing. Among Taiwan’s major trading countries (areas), the European market has the highest export growth rate, with the highest volume of trade happening between Germany and Taiwan. Despite this fact, researches about German or European consumers are still rare in the domestic academia, where the focus is mostly on China, USA, and Japan. There are some reasons causing this. First, Europe’s economic status of was lower than the previously mentioned countries. Also, there were fewer scholars from Europe, which may lead to higher research costs and difficulty in collecting data among others. Nevertheless, with the increasing number of exchange students going to Europe, this would offer domestic academia and businesses an opportunity to better understand European consumers. This research starts with an examination of previous culture-related literatures to discover the differences in all cultural dimensions between Taiwan and Germany. From this, the research infers that there would also be differences in brand personality, advertising appeals, and consumer value-beliefs. Moreover, the research discussed the relationship between brand preferences and brand personality/advertising appeals/consumer value-beliefs. Two well-known brands were selected, Mercedes-Benz and Acer, and questionnaires for each brand were developed and distributed randomly in Taiwan and Germany. Four hundred ninety five valid questionnaires were collected, among which 247 were collected in Taiwan and 248 were in Germany. The results revealed that there were significant differences in one brand’s brand personality and advertising appeals. Furthermore, consumers had more positive attitudes toward their home country’s brand. The research also found that consumer value beliefs affected by the culture were different between Taiwan and Germany in “Brand Favor,” “Conformance Orientation,” “Face Influence,” “Hedonic,” “Frugality Intention,” and “Security Needs.” In addition, it was proved that brand personality was significantly related to consumers’ brand preferences. However, advertising appeals and consumer value-belief had relatively lower influence on the brand preferences. Businesses could utilize the results of this study to devise marketing initiatives depending on consumer value-beliefs, such as Taiwan’s “Conformity-orientation,” “Frugality intention,” “Security Needs,” and “Price Sensitivity” and Germany’s “Hedonic,” “Price Sensitivity,” and “Frugality Intention.” Moreover, businesses could also build favorable brand personality to influence brand preferences. As for the academia, this research not only broadens the understanding of the European market, it also finds the relationship influence between brand personality, advertising appeals, consumer value-beliefs, and brand preferences, especially that in which brand personality significantly influences brand preference, which could be the base of further investigation.

建構取向教學在國中一年級數學課之實驗研究 / The experiment on math achievement of the seventh grade students - the constructivist approach

葉倩亨, Yeh, Chien-Heng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要依據建構主義理論基礎,在一般教學和學習理論基礎上建構所謂的「建構主義取向的教學方法」。為探討建構取向教學法在數學學習成效的效果,乃選取國中一年級兩個班為研究對象,進行為期兩個月的教學實驗,以進行實地的建構取向教學與傳統教學之比較,並對學生在教學前後與其間所填答的問卷或資料進行分析,本研究所採的研究工具計有:(一)數學段考考卷;(二)數學學習成就測驗;(三)國中新生數學能力測驗;(四)數學學習經驗量表;(五)學習日記表格;(六)數學學習回饋問卷。使用的資料分析方法有:(一)獨立樣本單因子共變數分析;(二)質的分析。精分析結果如下: 一、建議教學組的學生與傳統教學組的學生在數學段考成績無顯著差異存在。 二、建構教學組的學生與傳統教學組的學生在數學學習成就測驗後測得分有顯著差異存在。且建構教學組顯著優於傳統教學組。 三、建構教學組的學生與傳統教學組的學生在數學焦慮量表後測得分無顯著差異存在。 四、建構教學組的學生與傳統教學組的學生在數學動機信念量表後測得分有顯著差異存在。且建構教學組顯著優於傳統教學組。 五、建構教學組的學生與傳統教學組的學生在班級氣氛量表後測得分有顯著差異存在。且建構教學組顯著優於傳統教學組。 六、建構教學組的學生與傳統教學組的學生在民主溝通態度量表後測得分無顯著差異存在。 七、由接受建議教學法的學生的數學學習回饋問卷與學習日記上可發現多數學生對建議教學持正面肯定的態度。 本研究針對上述發現加以討論,並對數學教學、行政措施與未來研究提出若干建議以供參考。 / The experiment on math achievement of the seventh grade students - the constructvist approach

團隊偵錯與創新之相關研究 / A study of team failure-detection and team innovation

林燊揚, Lin, Shen Yang Unknown Date (has links)
現今變化快速的環境下,科技團隊面對研發過程中日益增高的失敗率,失敗帶來打擊但也可能是創新的來源。然而,團隊創新的研究卻少有團隊失敗、錯誤與創新關係的研究。有鑑於此,本研究以國內485位研發工程師(某法人單位35個團隊共323位成員、科技產業38個團隊共162位成員)共計73個團隊為研究對象。本研究檢視錯誤管理實務(團隊偵錯能力與團隊錯誤溝通能力)與團隊創新績效之間的關係、錯誤管理實務與錯誤管理氛圍(錯誤學習信念與情緒)的關係、錯誤管理氛圍與前導因子(鼓勵實驗、教導型領導、目標清晰度、衝突處理方式)的關係。結果發現:(1)團隊偵錯能力越高時,團隊創新績效越高;(2)群體從錯誤中學習信念越高時,團隊偵錯能力越高;(3)團隊鼓勵小型實驗與主管進行教導型領導時,群體錯誤學習信念越高。顯示錯誤管理是團隊創新中不可忽視的一環。   另本研究發現教導型領導、鼓勵實驗對團隊形成錯誤學習信念有正向影響,與社會認知理論呼應。本研究也發現,團隊之年資多樣性與錯誤處理情緒與錯誤溝通能力皆呈負向影響。 / Extending previous research on team error management, this thesis is conducted to examine the antecedents, error management climate, error management practice and consequences of team innovation. Data is collected from 35 R&D teams (an anonymous government research institutions in Taiwan) and 38 R&D teams (Top 1000 Technology enterprises in Taiwan). We give the following three hypotheses. First, we hypothesize that detecting capability and misunderstanding communication skills influence team innovation performance. Second, we hypothesize that error management climate (shared belief and emotion) influence detecting capability and misunderstanding communication skills. Third, we hypothesize that effective coaching, clear direction, conflict management and encouragement of experiment influence error management culture (belief and emotion). The results of structural equation model analysis revealed that detecting capability positively predicts team innovation performance. Shared belief positively predicts team detecting capability. The results also show effective coaching and encouragement of experiment positively predict shared belief which is extended from social cognitive theory. Results of the analysis also indicate that tenure diversity negatively predicts error management emotion and misunderstanding communication skills.

B2C電子商務信任之研究:以齊氏影響力模式闡述網路購物流程 / A study of B2C E-Commerce trust: applying cialdini’s influence model to internet shopping process

吳翊齊, Wu, Yi Chi Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的成長,促使電子商務快速發展。然而,回顧電子商務的市場現況,即使網路購物規模不斷成長,但是卻仍有54.9%的網路商店未能達到損益平衡,主要原因在於激烈的市場競爭環境導致商品毛利率降低,獲利速度減緩。因此,資策會認為網路商店若想在競爭市場中脫穎而出,網站的技術安全必須值得消費者信任。   消費者不願意在網路上購買商品或服務,是因為缺乏對網路購物相關安全性的信任與缺乏對網路上企業可靠性的信任。因此,如何建立消費者對網路商店的「信任」,是企業獲得顧客的關鍵因素。   過去文獻指出,信任信念能藉由改善網站的結構性確保來提升,且消費者對網站的信任信念會影響到其信任網站的態度。因此,本研究根據文獻探討的方式找出Cialdini影響力模式及其所會影響的消費者信任信念的各個構面,並利用此模式作為結構性確保的實驗變數來設計網站,從中操弄各項實驗變數以探討各種不同影響力原則影響消費者信任信念之效果。接著,再進一步分析各個信任信念分別如何影響消費者的信任態度,以全盤了解消費者初次瀏覽網路商店網站時,利用Cialdini影響力模式所歸納的網站結構性確保所影響之效果。   本研究透過實驗室實驗法模擬網路商店的購物情境,並操控不同Cialdini影響力原則所設計的結構性確保,研究結果發現: 1. 除了「好感」原則的結構性確保外,網站中其餘的結構性確保在消費者瀏覽網路商店時,皆會正向影響到消費者的信任信念。 2. 消費者的「認知診斷」、「認知保證」、「認知信心」、「認知能力」、「認知可靠」、「認知嚮往」等信任信念的各個構面,會正向影響消費者的「信任態度」。 / The e-commerce environment has developed rapidly with the fast growth of Internet. However, by reviewing the market status of e-commerce, there were still 54.9% of Internet shops which couldn’t make the profit and loss balance even the internet shopping was growing constantly. The environment was so competitive that the profit margin of product reduced and the rate of making profits slowed down. Therefore, the Institute for Information Industry advised internet shops to enhance their internet security of websites if they wanted to stand out from the competitive environment.  Consumers are not willing to purchase the products or services due to the lack of trust in the security of the website and credibility of the internet shops. For this reason, the key to gain the consumers is how to make them trust the internet shops.  Past researches indicated that the consumer’s trusting beliefs can be enhanced by improving the structural assurance of the website. In addition, these trusting beliefs were positively related to the trusting attitude toward the website. Therefore, we identified the constructs of the trusting beliefs which could be affected by Cialdini’s Influence Model from literature review. We used this model to design the structural assurances of the website as experimental variables to probe the differences of consumer’s trusting beliefs under the model’s principles. Furthermore, we understand the effect of structural assurance by analyzing how the constructs of trusting beliefs affected consumers’ trusting attitude when consumers visit the Internet shop at the first time.  This research manipulated the principles of Cialdini’s Influence Model to design the structural assurance of website and simulated the situation of internet shopping via laboratory experimentation. The research result was shown as below: 1. The structural assurances designed by Cialdini’s Influence Model were positively related to the trusting beliefs of consumers except the “Liking” principle. 2. The constructs of consumer’s trusting beliefs were related to the trusting attitude toward the website positively and respectively.

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