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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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曾玉玲, ZENG, YU-LING Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要目的在於探討高智商(學業性向)低成就國中學生及與其智力(性向 )相當的成就生在學習信念、學習態度與學業行為上的差異情形。並探討學習信念 學習態度與學業行為和國中學生之學業成就的相關情形。 本研究主要分為兩部份,第一部份為編選及發展適合國中學生使用之學習信念、學 習態度與學業行為量表。第二部份則分析高智商(學業性向)低成就國中學生及與 其智力(性向)相當的成就生在學習信念、學習態度與學業行為等三個量表與其分 量表上得分的情形。研究樣本取自民生、螢橋、大同、木柵、南港與三民等六所學 校,以百分等級的方法甄選高智商低成就學生,再選取人數相當的高智商成就生為 對照組受試,計得低成就受試200人與對照組成就生203人。研究資料以電腦 SPSS/PC+套裝統計軟體處理,統計方法包括t考驗、積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析 以及區別分析。 研究結果如下: 一、就高智商成就生與低成就生在「學習信念」、「學習態度」與「學業行為」上 的差異情形而言: 1.高智商成就生無論在「學習信念」、「學習態度」與「學業行為」上均顯 著的優於高智商低成就學生。 2.在「學習信念」各分量表方面,高智商成就生之「自我效能」與「無習得 無助」顯著優於低成就學生,在「控制信念」的方面則二者差異未達顯著 。 3.在「學習態度」各分量表方面,僅「對讀書之態度」一分量表上出現高智 商成就生顯著優於高智商成就學生之現象,在其餘各分量表上則差異的情 形不顯著。 4.在「學習行為」各分量表方面,高智商成就生在「時間管理」、「專心程 度」、「學習策略」、「考驗經驗」、「資源運用」等分量表上均顯著高 智商低成就學生。 二、就影響英語科學業成就的主要預測變項而言: 1.影響英語科學業成就的主要預測變項為「學習行為」。 2.影響英語科學習的次要預測變項為「學習信念」。 3.「學習態度」對於學習者英語科的學業成就預測力未達顯著。 4.各分量表中,進入迴歸方程式的預測變項依次為:「自我效能」、「對課 程之態度」、以及「時間管理」。 三、就影響數學科學業成就的主要預測變項而言: 1.影響數學科學業成就的主要預測變項為「學習信念」。 2.「學習態度」與「學習行為」對數學科學業成就之預測力均未達顯著水準 。 3.各分量表中,進入迴歸方程式的預測變項依次為:「自我效能」、「無習 得無助」、以及「制握信念」。 四、就「學習信念」、「學習態度」、與「學業行為」對於學業成就的區別程度而 言: 1.「學習信念」、「學習態度」與「學業行為」均能有效區別高智商成就生 與高智商低成就生。其中,以「學習行為」的區別力最大,其次為「學習 信念」,「學習態度」的區別力則較低。 2.以「學習信念」、「學習態度」與「學業行為」三變項區別高智商成就生 與高智商低成就生,可以有效預測學習者的學業成就,預測的正確率為 62.58 ﹪。 研究者根據以上之研究結果,提出建議。

國中導師信念、班級經營策略對班級經營效能相關之研究 / The investigation of how homeroom teachers' beliefs and their classroom management strategies relate to classroom management efficiency in junior high schools

邱錦堂 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在以國中導師信念、班級經營策略與班級經營效能之關聯作實證性之研究。具體而言,本研究欲瞭解:(1)國中導師信念、班級經營策略及班級經營效能的現況。(2)國中導師信念及班級經營策略在導師背景變項上之差異程度。(3)國中導師信念、班級經營策略與班級經營效能的相關程度。(4)國中導師班級經營策略與效能在導師性別及信念上之差異程度。(5)各變項對國中導師班級經營效能的預測力。 本研究之研究對象為桃園縣公立國中導師及學生,以「國中導師信念及班級經營策略量表」、「國中學生反應意見量表」為工具進行研究。預試有效導師樣本95份、有效學生樣本149份,以次數分析、因素分析、相關分析、信度分析等方法,分析研究信度與效度。正式施測的有效導師樣本183份、有效學生樣本1113份,分別以描述分析、t考驗、單因子變異數、二因子變異數、積差相關分析、逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行研究分析。本研究重要發現如下: 一、「導師職責信念」與「學校地區」、「年齡」、「婚姻狀況」、「導師年資」等變項達顯著差異。 二、「開明領導信念」與「婚姻狀況」達顯著差異。 三、「班級經營策略」分別與「導師年資」、「任教年級」達顯著差異。 四、「班級經營策略」分別與「導師職責信念」、「開明領導信念」成正相關。 五、「班級經營效能」分別與「導師職責信念」、「開明領導信念」成正相關。 六、「班級經營效能」與「班級經營策略」成正相關。 七、在威權管理與消極防堵信念方面女性導師的班級經營效能優於男性導師。 八、「任教年級」、「團隊合作策略」、「學校規模」三變項對班級經營效能具有預測力。 本研究根據研究結果提出建議,以提供中小學教師、中小學校、教育行政機關、師資培育機構及未來研究者之參考。 / The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationships among classroom management beliefs,strategies and efficiency of hoomroom teachers in junior high schools. The Subjects in this research are 183 teachers and 1113 students in Tao-Yuan County's junior high schools.The statistic methods used in this research include: descriptive analysis, T-test, One-way ANOVA, Two-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation, etc.The findings are as follow: 1.Significant differences existed among "Schools' location", "Age", "Marriage status" and "Years of being teachers" for "Tutor-charge belief" . 2.Significant differences existed between "Marriage status" and "Open-minded leadership belief". 3.Significant differences existed among "Years of being teachers" and "The grade the teachers teach" for classroom management strategies. 4.Significant positive correlation among "Tutor-charge belief and "Open-minded leadership belief for classroom management strategies. 5.Significant positive correlation among 'Tutor-charge belief and "Open-minded leadership belief for classroom management efficiency. 6.Significant positive correlation between "Classroom management strategies" and "Classroom management efficiency". 7.As to "authoritive-management belief and "negative -prevention belief , female teachers' management efficiency are higher than male teachers' management efficiency. 8.The best predictors for classroom management efficiency are "The grade the teachers teach", "Co-operation strategy", and "The scale of the school" . Based on the results of this study, to make some suggestions for educational administration, the elementary and high schools, the teachers in elementary and high schools and future study.

國民小學學校組織氣候、教師內外控信念與教師組織承諾關係之研究 / A study on the relationships between school climate 、teachers internal-external control and organizational commitment in elementary school

蔡寬信, Tsay Kuan shin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學學校組織氣候、教師個人背景變項、學校背景變 項、教師內外控信念與教師組織承諾之關係。從相關理論分析和實證調查 的結果,獲得結論和建議以作為提升或改進國民小學教師組織承諾之參考 。研究樣本來自高屏地區公立國民小學教師,採分層隨機取樣方式,共抽 取76所國小1022位教師,所得有效樣為859人,以組織氣候描述問卷、內外 控量表和組織承諾問卷進行調查研究。根據實證調查結果與討論,本研究 結論歸納如下:一、教師在開放型的學校組織氣候中,組織承諾最高;在 投入型和離心型的學校組織氣候中,次之;而在封閉型的學校組織氣候中 ,組織承諾最低。二、內控型信念教師的組織承諾高於外控型信念教師。 三、學校組織氣候和教師的內外控信念在組織承諾上無交互作用。四、個 人背景變項與教師組織承諾的關係: (一)男性教師在組織認同方面高於 女性教師。 (二)年輕、未婚和新進教師的組織承諾較低。 (三)教師服務 年資愈長,組織承諾愈高。 (四)一般大專院校畢業背景的教師組織承諾 最低。五、小型學校和偏遠地區、鄉鎮地區的學校,教師組織認同高。六 、組織變項對教師組織承諾的影響大於個人屬性變項。七、校長的支持行 為影響教師的組織承諾最大。最後,根據研究結果與結論,對教育行政機 關、師資培育機構、學校校長、教師本身和進一步研究等五方面分別提出 具體建議。

臺灣3G手機服務使用者的期待-價值滿足之研究 / A Study on the Expectancy–Value Gratification of 3G Mobile Phone Service Users in Taiwan

吉佳媛, KHIL KHA WON Unknown Date (has links)
隨著廣播、電信、網路的匯流與數位科技發展,消費者在手機上隨時隨地接受「到處存在」(ubiquitous)的電視服務時代已來臨。2003年,第三代行動通訊系統(The Third Generation,3G)服務在台灣正式推行,2009年2月底3G用戶數首度超越2G,使得3G用戶數佔全行動電話用戶數的一半以上。台灣的3G市場及3G用戶數正繼續成長,不過,卻出現許多3G用戶未(曾)使用3G服務的現象,值得關注。 因此,本研究以使用者角度出發,以Palmgreen與Rayburn的GS-GO模式為主軸,探討目前3G服務使用者跟曾使用3G服務者、3G服務非使用者的追求滿足(GS)。另外,也探討目前3G服務使用者,與曾使用3G服務者的獲得滿足(GO),以及此兩者的GS與GO差異及相關性;並討論此差異是否動搖使用者原始信念,並對後續行為產生影響。還有,目前3G服務使用者與曾使用3G服務者,其滿意度差異為何。進一步,本論文還以Rogers的「創新傳佈理論」,加以比較目前3G服務使用者、曾使用3G服務者,與3G服務非使用者之間的創行特質為何。 本研究選定《i.Q線上問卷調查網》會員作為研究樣本,進行電子郵件的網路問卷調查。研究結論如下: 一、探討目前3G服務使用者、曾使用3G服務者及3G服務非使用者的GS因素部分,本研究結果獲得:以下的GS因素中,三者皆相同,且依序為便利追求、娛樂追求、資訊追求、個人化、社會性、時髦性,以及價格因素。然而,三者在GS因素中,時髦因素無差異,其餘因素則都有差異。而目前3G服務使用者與曾使用3G服務者的GO因素中,三者亦相同,依序為便利追求、娛樂追求、資訊追求、個人化、社會性、時髦性,以及價格因素。然而,兩者間的GO因素中,資訊追求顯示有差異,其他GO因素則沒有差異。 二、探討目前3G服務使用者與曾使用3G服務者的追求滿足(GS)、獲得滿足(GO)差異,與相關性部分,據本研究推論:滿意程度會影響後續使用3G手機服務與否,然而,不滿意程度不會影響後續使用3G使用服務與否。 三、探討創新特質部分:目前3G服務使用者與曾使用3G服務者的兩者間,其創新性並不影響使用3G服務與否。然而,目前3G服務使用者與3G服務非使用者兩者間的創新性差異,則會影響3G服務的使用。此外,創新性差異與各項GS因素的分析結果皆呈現顯著性,其中,又與GS因素中的時髦性因素產生最高度相關。

探討學習者的語言學習信念之動態本質: 兩位英語教學所碩士生的個案研究 / Focusing on the dynamic nature of learner belief: a case study on two TESOL MA students

洪郁閔, Hung, Yu Min Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討學習者的語言學習信念之動態本質。研究對象為兩位北部英語教學所的碩士生,研究方法主要包含半結構式訪談和研究對象自己寫的英語學習歷程,目的在於了解研究對象在人生各個階段的語言學習信念。資料分析方式採用「整體—內容」的分析法。研究結果顯示研究對象的學習信念會依他們和其所在情境的互動關係而改變,而這樣的改變彰顯了學習信念並非固定不變。而是動態的。此外,研究結果發現學習信念和情境、自我、以及身分相關。值得點出的是,雖然學習信念會依情境而改變,但是重點並非情境本身,而是學習者如何看待和解讀情境。除了情境因素,本研究亦探討不同自我(理想自我和應該自我)與身份(核心身份和情境身份)如何影響學習者的語言信念。在所有階段,兩位研究對象都表示努力是語言學習的關鍵,而學習者和所學語言之間的關係會決定學習者願意投入多少心力在語言學習上。最後於文末提出教學和研究上的建議。 / The study aims to explore the dynamic nature of learner belief through investigating two Taiwanese MA-TESOL students' beliefs at different stages of their lives. The participants are two TESOL MA students in a graduate school in northern Taiwan. Data collection methods mainly include written narratives and semi-structured interviews. The data collected are further analyzed using a holistic-content approach. The results of the study show that the participants' beliefs shift in interaction with the context and thus reveal that the nature of learner belief is dynamic. Moreover, the study indicates that learner belief is connected with context, self, and identity. It is noted that what really matters is not the context itself but how learners perceive and interpret the context. Then, the conceptions of ideal self vs. ought-to self and core identity vs. situated identity are introduced to shed light on their relationship with learner belief. Across all stages, while both participants claimed that effort is critical to language learning, it is how they relate themselves to the target language that determine how much effort that they are willing to make into language learning. Finally, it is expected that the study can help educators as well as researchers better understand the dynamic nature of learner belief. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for future research are provided at the end of the thesis.

教師信念的形成:非正式學制英文老師的個案研究 / The Formation of Teacher's Belief: A Case Study on English Teachers outside the Formal Educational System

全美禎 Unknown Date (has links)
讓孩子在正式學制外學習在台灣家長始終蔚為風潮。在台灣,雖然小學三年級才開始正式學習英文,許多孩子早在這個年紀之前就開始學習,或在這年紀之後,也會利用課後時間在非正式機構學習。本研究旨在了解台灣的兩位非正式教育機構英文教師的教師信念的形成。 本研究採用質性研究的個案研究方法,研究對象為二位擁有豐富非正式教育機構教學經驗的英文老師,其學生年齡介於2至16歲。資料透過與每一位研究對象的五次半結構式的深度訪談。收集到的研究資料包含研究對象的:(1)外語學習經驗,(2)外語學習者信念,(3)英文教學經驗,(4)教師訓練及教育,(5)英文教師信念。 研究結果顯示兩位教師的外語學習者信念、教師訓練、和教學經驗都會促成他們的教師信念的形成。然而,他們會做出與自己的身為外語學習者的信念不一致的教學決策。這樣的不一致性是因為他們在教學環境中所感受到的難題還有存在於他們學習者信念和英文教師信念當中的矛盾所產生的。在非正式教育機構裡,英文老師們所感受到會影響教學決策的難題是關於:(1)學生的學習環境,(2)課程規劃,(3)機構政策,(4)學生狀況,和(5)家長的期待。 最後,依據本研究結果,進一步提供相關的建議,作為教育立法者、非正式教育機構、以及學生家長們的參考。 / Having children learning outside the formal educational system for academic purposes has been a trend among Taiwanese parents. In Taiwan, although formal English instruction is provided from the third grade in formal schools, many children start to learn English before the age and learn English outside the school time at and after the age at informal education institutes. The purpose of the study is to investigate the role of the formation of beliefs as teachers of two English teachers outside the formal educational system in Taiwan. This study adopted a qualitative case study method. The participants were two English teachers with rich experience of teaching students aged from 2 to 16 at various informal educational institutes. Data were collected through five semi-structure in-depth interviews with each of the participants. The collected information included each of the participant’s: (1) FL learning experiences, (2) beliefs as a FL learner, (3) English teaching experience, (4) teacher training, and (5) beliefs as an English teacher. The findings suggest that the two teachers’ beliefs as FL learners, teacher training, and teaching experience all contributed to the formation of their beliefs as English teachers. However, the teachers would make teaching decisions inconsistent with their beliefs as FL learners. The underlying reasons behind the inconsistencies were their perceived problems in teaching contexts and the contradiction between their beliefs as FL learners and as English teachers. In the informal educational institutes, the English teachers’ perceived problems which constrained the realization of their beliefs as FL learners were about: (1) students’ learning context, (2) curriculum, (3) school policy, (4) students’ conditions, and (5) parents’ expectation. Finally, these pedagogical implications and suggestions are served as a reference for educational policy makers, informal educational institutes, and parents.

電腦支援合作學習與知識翻新對師培生數學信念與數學教學實踐之影響 / Effects of computer-supported collaborative learning and knowledge building on preservice teachers’ mathematical beliefs and teaching practice

張喻涵, Chang, Yh Han Unknown Date (has links)
數學能力向來被視為解決問題能力的重要基礎。隨著知識經濟時代的來臨,數學愈加受到重視,數學教師的教學效能亦面臨新的挑戰。為了協助師培生發展更具創意與多元的教學方式,本研究在中學數學科教材教法之課堂中,提供學生以知識翻新(knowledge-building)(Scardamalia, 2002) 教育理念為核心的課程設計,並使用知識論壇(Knowledge Forum™)數位學習平台作為本課程的線上輔助學習環境。研究主要目的在利用教室中與論壇上的知識翻新活動以提昇師培生對數學相關信念之反思與瞭解。研究對象為9位師培生。本研究透過混合研究設計以蒐集資料,資料來源包括:(1)整學期師培生在「知識論壇」平台上之討論與貼文;(2)期初與期末的數學信念開放式問卷;與(3)師培生的試教。資料分析方式如下:(1)平台上的貼文主要使用知識論壇分析工具(Analytic Toolkit for Forum)探討師培生在平台上的互動與知識翻新歷程;(2)數學信念開放式問卷主要以兩種觀點進行內容分析並交叉檢證;與(3)試教過程(錄影檔)以開放式問卷所產生之編碼進行影片內容的分析。 研究結果發現:(1)以知識翻新理論為原則之課程設計有助於師培生發展更建構取向之數學信念;(2)使用知識論壇平台有助於師培生分享知識與自我反思;(3)數學信念與教學實踐呈現相互影響的關係;以及(4)透過知識翻新的課程設計,師培生逐漸理解多元與彈性的教學對學生學習的重要性。本研究根據研究結果提出以下幾點建議以供未來師培教育之參考:(1)數學師資培育必須將專業學術知識的學習與成熟信念的養成作更密切的銜接;(2)師培機構進行課程設計時,應提供更多元開放的教學方式來幫助師培生學習;(3)師培教育應鼓勵師培生發展更能適應未來學生學習之教學方法。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of knowledge building pedagogy and technology on preservice teachers’ views on the nature of, and teaching practices in, mathematics. Participants were nine preservice teachers who took a university course titled “High-School Mathematics Teaching.” A software program called Knowledge Forum was employed to enable an online knowledge building environment for preservice teachers to explore, reflect, and discuss about the nature of, and teaching practices in, mathematics. Data mainly came from three sources: (1) preservice teachers’ online posting and discussion recorded in a KF database, (2) a survey about mathematical beliefs with eight open-ended questions, and (3) preservice teachers’ teaching practice videos. To analyze, (1) online discussion records automatically recorded in Knowledge Forum were analyzed using descriptive statistics; (2) open-ended survey questions were content-analyzed following an open-coding procedure; and (3) two cases of preservice teachers’ teaching practice were further explored by employing video analysis techniques. The main findings were as follows: (1) engaging in knowledge building was found to help preservice teachers develop more constructivist-oriented mathematics beliefs; (2) use of Knowledge Forum was helpful for preservice teachers in sharing their knowledge and reflecting on their teaching; (3) mathematics beliefs and teaching practice could mutually influence each other; (4) after engaging in knowledge building for a whole semester, preservice teachers were able to realize the importance of capitalizing on more diversified ways of teaching to enhance student learning. Building on the results, this study made the following three suggestions: (1) teacher education program should pay more attention to integrating the learning of pedagogical content knowledge into the development of more mature mathematical beliefs among preservice teachers; (2) teacher education program should encourage more diversified and flexible ways of teaching practice when designing its courses; and (3) teacher education program should encourage preservice teachers to develop more adaptive teaching practices to help students learn in the future.

癌症相關失眠之睡眠失功能信念與病理機轉探討 / The Dysfunctional Beliefs and Pathological Mechanism of Cancer Related Insomnia

蕭立瀛, Hsiao, Li-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
睡眠失功能信念在慢性失眠的病理上扮演重要的角色,可能讓個體產生不良睡眠行為與過度睡前激發狀態,進而造成失眠。而癌症相關失眠患者由於其病理的獨特性也可能出現其獨特的睡眠失功能信念,本研究探討在癌症相關失眠的病理機轉中加入癌症相關睡眠失功能信念,是否可較單純一般慢性失眠之睡眠失功能信念對癌症相關失眠有更全面的了解。而癌症相關失眠具有許多不同於一般慢性失眠的要素,其中除了與疾病相關的特殊睡眠失功能信念外,尚有可能與睡眠困擾相關的癌因性疲憊干擾存在。因此,本研究的目的在探討:1)加入癌症相關的睡眠信念之整合睡眠失功能信念與失眠症狀的關聯性是否與單純一般的睡眠失功能信念有所不同;2)其影響路徑是否透過不良睡眠行為與睡前激發狀態影響失眠嚴重度;3)疲憊嚴重度是否使整合睡眠失功能信念對不良睡眠行為的預測力增加。本研究使用問卷調查對混合癌症患者進行各因素的測量後 (N=148),運用結構方程模型進行路徑與因果分析,研究結果顯示,在疲憊嚴重度較高時,加入癌症相關睡眠失功能信念的整合睡眠失功能信念,其中「對失眠之負向影響預期與擔憂」向度會透過睡前生理激發狀態對「失眠對白天功能影響」程度有正向預測力、而「安眠藥物對疾病影響」向度對「失眠對白天功能影響」程度有負向預測力、不良睡眠行為對「失眠對白天功能影響」程度有正向預測力、一般睡眠失功能信念之預測路徑則多透過認知激發狀態影響;在疲憊嚴重度較低時,「對失眠之負向影響預期與擔憂」向度對「失眠對白天功能影響」程度有正向預測力、「睡眠與健康及病後修復關聯性的信念」向度對「失眠對白天功能影響」程度有負向預測力、「安眠藥物對疾病影響」向度對「睡眠困難」與「主觀痛苦」程度有正向預測力、一般睡眠失功能信念可預測之細項有所減少。研究結果顯示一般睡眠失功能信念會透過睡前認知激發影響失眠嚴重度,而加入癌症睡眠失功能信念後的整合睡眠失功能信念會透過睡前生理激發影響失眠嚴重度,疲憊嚴重度在其中扮演調節變項的角色,疲憊程度高低會使癌症睡眠失功能信念透過不同路徑影響失眠嚴重度。 / Dysfunctional beliefs about sleep play an important role in the pathological mechanism of chronic insomnia. Sleep-related behaviors and presleep arousal may mediate the relationship between the dysfunctional beliefs and severity of insomnia. Since cancer-related insomnia is associated with specific physiological and psychological conditions, there are specific dysfunctional beliefs that might have different influence to patients' sleep. Also, cancer-related fatigue could be closely related to sleep disturbance in cancer patients and demands to be explored. Therefore, the primary purpose of the current study is to explore: 1) whether adding cancer-related dysfunctional sleep beliefs to general dysfunctional sleep beliefs would show different pattern of association with severity of insomnia, comparing to the pattern of general dysfunctional sleep beliefs alone; 2) whether the sleep behavior and presleep arousal mediate the relationship between the dysfunctional beliefs to severity of insomnia in this path of model or not; 3) whether the severity of fatigue is a moderator of the predictibility of combided dysfunctional sleep beliefs to sleep-related behavior. The study recruited 148 mixed cancer diagnosis patients. They were instructed to fill out a package of questionnaires to assess their dysfunctional sleep beliefs, insomnia severity, cancer-related fatigue, etc. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was conducted for path analysis and causality test. Accroding to the result of SEM, presleep arousal was found to be a mediator of the positive association between the beliefs about “expectation and worries of negative consequence of insomnia” and daytime difficulties among subjects with high level of fatigue. Also the beliefs about “harmfulness of hypnotic” have negative predictibility to “daytime difficulty” in these subjects. Sleep behavior, on the other hand, have positive prediction to the “daytime difficulty”. General sleep dysfunctional beliefs showed pathway through presleep cognitive arousal level. For subjects with lower level of fatigue, the beliefs about “expectation and worries of negative consequence of insomnia” have positive association with the “daytime difficulty”. The beliefs about “beliefs about association between sleep and health and recovery from illnesss” were shown to have negative prediction to the “daytime difficulty”. The belief about “hypnotic related to disease” showed positive association with the “sleep difficulty” and associated “distress”. General sleep dysfunctional beliefs had less predictive factors. Based on the results of this study, adding cancer-related dysfunctional sleep beliefs was shown to have different relationship with severity of insomnia compared to general sleep dysfunctional beliefs. General dysfunctional sleep beliefs showed a pathway to insomnia severity through the mediation presleep cognitive arousal level. On the other hand, combided sleep dysfunctional beliefs showed a pathway to insomnia severity through the mediation of presleep somatic arousal level. Furthermore, severity of fatigue is a moderator. Subjets differed in the level of fatigue showed different path from combided dysfunctional sleep beliefs to severity of insomnia.

科技學科教學知識、教師信念和知識創新學習環境相關之研究 / A Relationship among Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Teaching Belief, and Knowledge Building Environment.

王巧鳳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在於了解國中教師資訊科技融入教學的情形,並探討教師教學信念、科技學科教學知識(Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, TPACK)和知識創新學習環境間的關係;同時並分析教師背景變項對TPACK表現造成的影響。 本研究的問題主要如下:(1)了解教師在不同背景變項下其TPACK表現是否有所不同?(2)探討教師的教學信念、TPACK和學生知識創新學習環境之間是否具有相關?(3)教師的教學信念是否對教師的TPACK表現具有預測力?(4)教師的TPACK表現是否對知識創新學習環境具有預測力? 本研究改編外語教師TPCK調查研究問卷(Chai et al., 2011)和知識創新學習環境(Lin et al., 2014)之問卷,形成本研究資訊融入教學的問卷,對桃園市國中老師390位進行施測,統計方法上使用一般描述性統計、皮爾遜積差相關、單因子多變異數分析、多元迴歸分析以驗證假設問題。 研究發現如下:(1)教學年資較淺、任教術科教師、有使用教學平台及每周上網時間較長的教師在TPACK表現較佳。(2)學習者中心的教師信念、TPACK和知識創新學習環境之間具有顯著關係存在。(3)學習者中心的教學信念對TPACK的表現具最佳預測力。(4)教師的TPACK能力對知識創新學習環境也具預測力。本研究並根據上述研究發現提出相關的結論與建議以供教師或教育機關參考。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), teaching belief, and knowledge building environment, in order to understand how teachers may integrate information technologies into their instruction. This study attempts to answer the following research questions: (1) what are some major demographic variables that may influence middle school teachers’ TPACK level? (2) How are teaching belief, TPACK level, and knowledge building environment related to one another? (3) Can teaching belief help predict middle-school teachers’ TPACK level? (4) Can higher TPACK level help teachers to cultivate more creative knowledge building environment? Data from 390 samples were obtained from middle school teachers in Taoyuan, Taiwan, through an adapted survey. The statistics employed for data analysis include descriptive statistics , Pearson's correlation analysis, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression. The major findings were as follow:(1) Teachers who had less years of teaching experiences, or taught non-examination-oriented subjects, or had experiences of using teaching platforms or used Internet more often, tended to have higher TPACK level. (2)There were significant correlations among teaching belief, TPACK level, and knowledge building environment. (3)Student-centered teaching belief was found to predict teachers’ TPACK level. (4) Higher TPACK level was also found to predict teachers’ capacity to foster more creative knowledge building environment. Based on the findings, relevant conclusions and suggestions were also made for teachers and educational policy-makers.

從產品知識與說服知識的差異,探討比較式手法對閱聽人廣告態度的影響 / 一個中介模式的驗證

黃聖哲, Huang,Sheng Jer Unknown Date (has links)
首先我要譴責你!就是你!正在看這本論文打算印這篇摘要的你! 我知道你懶得看完整本論文,所以只想印這篇摘要應付了事, 哈!我偏不寫,看你怎麼辦?! 其實這篇論文整本都是精華,字字珠璣,是無法摘要的。

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