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台灣大學僑生之涵化- 傳播行為之研究

鍾雲蘭, ZHONG, YUN-LAN Unknown Date (has links)
本論文乃一實證研究,全文約五萬字,分成五章,各章內容提要如下: 第一章緒論,旨在說明本文之研究目的,理論架構,以及研究假設:涵化動機、環境 因素兩變項,與僑生的人際傳播行為,和大眾媒介消費行為有顯著關聯性。 第二章文獻探討、回顧以往國外有關移民與外籍生傳播行為的研究,並予以批評。 第三章,研究方法,說明資料的蒐集,抽樣、問卷設計以及所用的統計方法。 第四章,研究結果的敘述,以及圖表的呈現。 第五章,探討本研究的限制,並提出若干建議。


陳慧嬌, Tan Hooi Chiao Unknown Date (has links)

高中僑生自我概念、生活適應與學業成就之相關研究 / The Relationship with Overseas Chinese Student's Self-Concept, Life- Adjustment, and Academic Achievement.

李麗花, Lee, Li Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在調查並分析高中僑生在自我概念及生活適應與學業成就之相關,研究結果提供教育當局,作為高中僑生教育政策及加強僑生教材教法、課程設計及生活輔導之參考。   本研究依據研究目的,以文獻分析法探討自我概念及生活適應與學業成就之理論及相關研究,以問卷調查法測量高中僑生的自我概念及高中僑生生活適應困擾,並分別就自我概念及適應問題,比較不同背景變項僑生之差異,加上學期學業成績之蒐集,用以分析不同自我概念及適應狀況僑生學業成就之差異情形。   本研究以國立華僑實驗高級中學高中部僑生344位為對象,使用「田納西自我概念量表」(2000年版)及「高中學生生活經驗量表」為研究工具,問卷回收後篩選有效樣本316份,將所得之資料分別以下列方法處理:描述性統計、單因子單變量變異數分析、二因子單變量變異數分析、獨立樣本T檢定,F檢定,Scheffe法事後比較,Pearson積差相關法等統計方法,探討各變項間的關係。   綜合上述,本研究假設結論如下:   一、不同背景變項之高中僑生,自我概念有顯著差異:    1.在「道德自我」及「家庭自我」項目有顯著差異。女生均高於男生。    2.不同年級的高中僑生,在「道德自我」「學業自我」「自我認同」「自我滿意」「自我總分」等項目,高二僑生得分優於高一僑生,另外高二僑生及高三僑生在「心理自我」得分上,皆優於高一僑生。    3.不同區域的高中僑生,在「生理自我」、「家庭自我」「自我認同」「自我總分」項目上,第一區域即印尼、緬甸、泰國、菲律賓等地的高中僑生,其得分優於第二區域即香港、澳門、新加坡等地的高中僑生。    4.「自我行動」項目,第一區域的高中僑生及第三區域高中僑生,得分皆優於第二區域的高中僑生。   二、不同背景變項之高中僑生,生活適應問題有顯著差異:    1.在「用錢」項目上,男生困擾大於女生。高二、高三僑生困擾都大於高一僑生。    2.在「就業前途」項目上,高三僑生困擾大於高一僑生。    3.男生生活適應,最感困擾的是「用錢」,其次是「就業前途」,「課業」。而在女生的適應經驗排序上,最感困擾的是「就業前途」,其次是「課業」,而「用錢」排行第三。    4.高一僑生生活適應困擾首推「課業」項目,而高二高三僑生生活適應最感困擾則為「就業前途」項目。   三、不同背景變項之高中僑生,學業成就有顯著差異:    1.在性別上:女生優於男生。    2.在年級上及科目上:    (1)高二僑生國文科成績優於高一、高三僑生。    (2)高一僑生英文科成績優於高二僑生。    (3)高一、高三僑生數學成績皆優於高二僑生。   四、年級、地區交互作用後,高中僑生自我概念與生活適應有顯著差異:    1.在「生理自我」項目,第二區域高二僑生得分優於高一僑生。第一區域高一僑生得分優於第二區域高一僑生。    2.在「學業自我」項目,第一區域高二僑生得分優於高一僑生。第一、二區域的高二僑生得分優於第三區域的高二僑生。    3.在「人際交往」項目,第一區域的高二僑生得分優於第二區域的高二僑生。   五、高中僑生自我概念、生活適應與學業成就部分有顯著相關:    1.自我總分與學業成就,學業自我與學業成就,學業成就科別之間,分別顯現正相關。    2.生活適應各向度,課業項目或整體生活適應總分上與學業成就皆無顯著相關。    3.自我總分高低分組在生活適應總分性別、年級間,也未顯示出顯著相關。   依據上述幾點結論,提出各項對僑教政策、僑生教育及未來研究者研究方向之建議:   一、在僑教政策上的建議   僑生返國之人數在不同地區有消長的情形,最明顯為港澳地區的僑生,因為,受兩岸政治情勢的影響,加上取消加分優惠,因此,返國就學的人數明顯地逐年下降。可見得政策的改變與僑生的返國行為之間存在一定的關係。因此符應需求修訂僑教政策有其必要。    (一)委託國內大學培育僑教師資。    (二)提供清寒僑生工讀機會。    (三)建立僑生監護人公證制度。    (四)設立國語文中心,編製銜接教材。   二、僑校編制上的建議    (一)國立華僑高中    (二)對其他高中僑生就讀之學校   三、在教學上的建議   四、對未來研究之建議    (一)研究對象    (二)研究變項    (三)研究方法    (四)文獻資料的蒐集 / The purpose of this research on investigation is to analyze the relationship with overseas Chinese student's self-concept, life-adjustment, and academic achievement. The results of research will provide an education authority as references for overseas Chinese student educational policy, instructional material teaching reinforcement, curriculum design, and living guidance.   According to the purpose of research, our research has applied literature analysis to discuss with theory of self-concept, life-adjustment, and academic achievement and related research. For example, a questionary method measures overseas Chinese student's self-concept and life-adjustment problem. Furthermore, from self-concept and life-adjustment, it compares students with different background variables and collections of academic achievement at school that analyze different self-concept, life-adjustment, and academic achievement situation.   The objects of our research were 344 students from National Overseas Chinese Experimental High School, and research tools were “Tennessee Self-Concept Scale” (version 2000) and ”Senior High School Student's Life Experience Measurement”. After questionary feedback and filtration, there are effective 316 copies. Then, all information has dealt as the following processes to discuss with correlation among variables, such as Descriptive Statistics, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, independent sample for Matched-pair T-test, F-test, Scheffe Rule of Post Hoc Tests, Pearson’s correlation statistics method etc.   In summary of the mentioned statements, conclusions of our research hypotheses are as the followings:   1 Overseas Chinese senior high school students who have different background variables, obvious self-concept differences:    a. There are obviously differences on item of ”MOR” & “FAM” variables that school girls have greater than boys.    b. For the different year of senior high school overseas Chinese students on the items of ” MOR ”, “ACA”, “IDN”, “SAT”, and “TOT”, sophomore year of students have scored more than freshman year of students; furthermore, on the item of “PER”, sophomore and junior year of students have scored greater than freshman year of students.    c. On the items “PHY”, “FAM”, “IDN”, and “TOT”, in the different locations overseas Chinese students of the first region (Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Philippines etc.) have scored the second region Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore) of students.    d. On the item of “BHV”, students of the first and third region have scored greater than the second region.   2. Overseas Chinese senior high school students who have different background variables, life-adjustment problems that have dramatically differences:    a. On the item of “spending”, schoolboys have disturbance greater than girls; sophomore and junior year of students have disturbance greater than freshman year of students.    b. On the item of “career prospect”, junior year of students have obsession greater than freshman year of students.    c. Schoolboys on the life-adjustment have harassment, for example, first item is “spending”, and the followings are “career prospect” and “school work”. In contrast to schoolgirls on the living accommodation experience in sequence are the first item of “career prospect”, the secondary item of school work” and the third item of “spending”.    d. Freshman year of students on the life-adjustment is “school work”; nevertheless, sophomore and junior year of students is “career prospect”.   3. Overseas Chinese senior high school students who have different background variables, obvious differences on academic achievement:    1. On the item of sex: schoolgirls are greater than boys.    2. On the item of grade and subjects:     a. Sophomore year of student's scores on Chinese subject has greater than freshman and junior year of student.     b. Freshman year of student's scores on English subject has greater than sophomore year of student.     c. Freshman and junior year of student's on math subject has greater than sophomore year of student.   4. After grade and location interaction, overseas Chinese senior high school students who have remarkably differences on self-concept and life- adjustment:    a. On the item of “PHY”, sophomore year of students in the second region has greater than freshman year of students; freshman year of students in the first region has greater than that of the second region.    b. On the item of “ACA”, sophomore year of students in the first region has greater than freshman year of students; sophomore year of students in the first and second region has greater than that of the third region.    c. On the item of “interpersonal relationships” sophomore year of students in the first region has greater than that of the second region.   5. Overseas Chinese senior high school students who have highly relationship with self-concept and life- adjustment, and academic achievement:    a. Obviously, there are some correlations among “TOT vs. academic achievement”, “ACA vs. academic achievement” and “academic achievement”.    b. Nevertheless, there are no correlations among “life-adjustment condition”, “school work subjects” or “total of general life-adjustment ” and “academic achievement”.    c. There are no obviously differences on TOT score of life-adjustment between sex and grade.   According to the previous suggestions, here are some suggestions on overseas educational policy, student education, and future research approach:   I. Suggestions on overseas Chinese educational policy   The numbers of overseas Chinese students in different locations have growth or decline situation, especially for students from Hong Kong and Macao. Because political situation between China and Taiwan and cancellation on premium score, the numbers of students have obviously down year after year. Hence, policy change and students returning Taiwan for studying behavior have certain relations. Therefore, it is necessary to modify a suitable overseas educational policy.    (1) Authorizing domestic universities to educate qualified teachers for overseas Chinese students    (2) Providing straitened overseas Chinese students who have opportunities for part-time jobs    (3) Setting up overseas Chinese student's guardian notarial system    (4) Establishing Mandarin centers and compiling connected teaching materials   II. Suggestions on overseas school system    (1) National Overseas Chinese Experimental High School    (2) For other overseas Chinese students who study at senior high school   III. Instructional suggestion   IV. Suggestions for future research    (1) Research object    (2) Research variable    (3) Research approach    (4) Literature collection

馬來西亞留台僑生之教育歷程與「僑生」身分對其在台生命經驗之影響 / The education processes of ethnic chinese students from Malaysia and the impact of the “Overseas Chinese Student” Identity on Their Life Experiences in Taiwan

洪淑倫, Hung, Shu Lun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究一方面剖析馬來西亞僑生來台前的教育歷程以及他們選擇來台的原因,另一方面亦深入探討馬來西亞僑生群體內部之國籍異質性對其在台生活經驗及「僑生」身分認同上的影響。本研究採用質性研究方法進行研究,主要透過訪談法與參與觀察法,分別於台灣與馬來西亞地區蒐集田野資料。主要研究發現為: 一、國籍的差異建構了馬來西亞馬籍與台籍僑生個人與國家(馬來西亞、台灣)關係上的差異,以及來台前教育歷程上的歧異性。來台之馬來西亞僑生中,馬籍僑生多畢業於著重華文教學之獨立中學中體系,而台籍僑生主要來自海外台灣學校。在馬來西亞獨立中學與海外台灣學校就讀的學生面對的是迥異的學習環境與教材、隱藏性課程與參考團體,但在不同因素的考量及作用下,他們不約而同地選擇來台就讀大學,並成為「僑生」。不論是馬籍或台籍僑生,他們對於其所具有之「僑生」身份多是採接受但不認同的態度,不過原因不盡相同。 二、「僑生」身份在台灣社會特殊的歷史脈絡中已逐漸與原始意涵脫鉤,並累積了如學業程度不好、說中文有口音及升學制度中之既得利益者等負面標籤,讓「僑生」成為一個被污名之群體。馬來西亞籍僑生由於其成長及受教背景之故,較易具備外顯的僑生符號(如說中文有口音),容易被辨識為「僑生」,因而常需背負「僑生」所具有的污名。台灣籍僑生因為具有台灣國籍以及講中文沒有口音等,迥異於台灣民眾對於一般僑生之想像,而難以被辨識其「僑生」身分,或其僑生身分較難獲得他人認同而另給予「假僑生」的稱謂。 三、依據自身與情境的特質,馬籍與台籍僑生發展相關策略以避免因「僑生」身份而被污名化,包括諸多規避(passing)行為(如口音轉換、呈現在地之身分認同、避免參與僑生團體)以避免身分暴露、構成強凝聚力之僑生團體以獲取社會支持及建構群體認同等策略。另外,台籍僑生一方面由於不符合社會對「僑生」的刻版印象,另一方面也為避免承受「僑生」身份的污名,往往接受「假僑生」的稱謂,並視其為一「戲謔性」但不具污名的稱呼。 / This study alalyzes the the education processes of Malaysian overseas Chinese students and their reasonings for studying in Taiwan on the one hand, and explores how the difference in nationality (Malaysia vs. Taiwan) affect their life experiences in Taiwan and their attitudes toward the “overseas Chinese student” identity given by the Taiwanese society on the other. The study utilizes qualitative research methods and collects field data (mainly through participant observation and in-depth interviewing techniques) from Taiwan and Malaysia. The major findings are stated as follows: 1. Difference in nationality between Malaysian and Taiwanese Chinese students constructs the divergence in their relations with respective states (Taiwan and Malaysia) and eductation tracking processes prior to their study in Taiwan. Among ethnic Chinese students from Malaysia studying in Taiwan, Malaysian Chinese students mostly graduated from independent high schools while Taiwanese Chinese came from overseas Taiwanese schools. The distinctions in these two schooling systems in the academic melius, teaching materials, hidden curriculums, and reference groups shape the different reasonings to study in Taiwan. For various reasons, these students accept but not necessarily agree on the “overseas Chinese student” identity given by Taiwanese soceity upon their arrival in Taiwan. 2. Under the changing historical context, the identity of “overseas Chinese student” has gradually lost its originally denotation and even become a stigmatized label. Malaysian Chinese students tend to be more easily identified as “overseas Chinese students” due to their more salient outer attributes (such as accent) and thus more likely to be stigmatized. Taiwanese Chinese students (from Malaysia), due to their Taiwanese nationality and Taiwanese accent, are less likely to be seen as “overseas Chinese students.”Even if this identity is disclosed, such identity is often challenged by others because of the misfit with the stereotype of “overseas Chinese student” that exists in the Taiwanese society. As a result, Taiwanes Chinese students from Malaysia are often called “psudo overseas Chinese students.” 3. Both Malaysian and Taiwanese Chinese students from Malaysia develop various strategies to aviod or overcome the possible stigmatization brought by the identity of “overseas Chinese students,” including many “passing” techniques as well as forming proactive and powerful overseas student associations. For Taiwanese Chinese students from Malaysia specifically, they often playfully accept the seemly degrading and yet un-stigmatzied title of “psudo overseas Chinese students” as a way to avoid stigmatization embedded in the identity of “overseas Chinese students.”

戰後中華民國「僑生政策」對馬來西亞華文教育發展的影響(1954-1974) / The Impact of "Overseas Chinese Students’ Policy" of Taiwan on the Development of Malaysian Chinese Education during 1954 and 1974

藍元鴻, Na, Yuan Horng Unknown Date (has links)
「僑生回國升學」是中華民國建國至今一貫進行的政策,也是政府遷台後獲致成效的一項政策性工作。僑生政策之實施,使清寒的華人子女亦有機會獲得高等教育的機會,其意義尤值重視。臺灣與海外各國實質關係之中,馬來西亞華人社會與臺灣的關係最為密切。五十多年來,來台僑生數量以馬來西亞地區居全球之冠,渠等返回僑居地後多數成為馬來西亞社會各界之菁英,成為當地華人在政經文教上的有力資源;也是臺灣現今在當地最大的友我力量。因此,馬來西亞的華文教育殊為僑生政策中最為成功的一個例子。本研究聚焦於探討馬來西亞華文教育發展史中,臺灣在其中扮演的角色,以及所發揮的歷史影響。臺灣的華僑教育在相關研究中,多著重於政府政策的制定與形成,較少關注其影響或支援的對象──華僑華人所居國的華文教育;而馬來西亞國內的華文教育在研究上則面對主客觀環境限制之下,又多著重在華文教育在本土與當地政府之間的抗爭關係。這使得臺灣和馬來西亞華文教育之間在華僑或華文教育上的互動關係,鮮少被論述之。因此,本論文企圖補充臺灣在馬來西亞華文教育的關鍵聯繫(Vital Link)──僑生政策,期以填補雙方的歷史。 / “Overseas Chinese Students back to their homeland for studies” is the persistent policy carried out by the Taiwan authority, this is also a successful policy since the KMT government shifted to Taiwan. The implementation of this policy is to create opportunity for the underprivileged Chinese students pursuing their higher education, the significance is regarded. Among all the relationships with foreign nationalities, Malaysia Chinese society and Taiwan is intimately related. For the past fifty years, of all the numbers of overseas Chinese students, Malaysia ranked the first. After returning to their residing country, becoming the elites from all sectors and, also becoming the most powerful resources in the local Chinese community. Which implies that, they strengthen the friendship with Taiwan as well. Hence, the Malaysia Chinese education under this policy is the most successful example. This research mainly pinpoints on the role play and historical influence of Taiwan on the developing history of Malaysia Chinese education. The related study mainly emphasizes on the formulation of government policy and formation, sparsely concerns its impact or support of the residing local Chinese education. Under the subjective and objective environmental restrictions, the study focuses on the confrontation between the local Chinese education and local government. It is rarely been discussed the interaction in the overseas Chinese education between Malaysia and Taiwan. Therefore, this paper attempts to add the history of Taiwan‘s “overseas students policy” as a Vital Link for Malaysia Chinese education.

飄洋過海來適應:馬來西亞在台僑生使用臉書與跨文化適應 / Adapting overseas: A study of Facebook usage and cross-cultural adaptation among Malaysian Chinese students in Taiwan

黃玉蘭, Huang, Yu Lan Unknown Date (has links)
旅居者在進入新文化社會時,往往面臨著跨文化適應的議題。而社群媒體的出現與滲透,也改變著旅居者流動於原文化與主文化之間的樣貌。本研究透過深度訪談探究背負著特殊脈絡的馬來西亞僑生,在進入台灣社會過程中所歷經的文化衝擊與跨文化適應歷程,並以新傳播科技臉書社群平台的角度切入,分析線上管道對馬來西亞僑生的疑慮消除及雙邊文化連結的影響,試圖描繪出臉書在旅台馬來西亞僑生跨文化適應經驗中所扮演的功能與角色。 研究發現,多數馬來西亞僑生在來台前透過人際與媒體管道的接觸而對台灣有著美好的印象,因此進入台灣社會即面臨著種種的文化衝擊,其中包含:生活、語言溝通、學業、人際關係、意識型態與價值觀等五個方面的適應問題。其跨文化適應歷程呈現壓力-調適-成長的螺旋上升模式。在旅居新文化社會台灣的初期,由於擁有較劇烈的衝擊,因此會在臉書採取主動、被動與互動的疑慮消除策略兼用的方式適應台灣,有助於初期龐大壓力的調解;而隨著時間的積累,雖然他們仍會面臨新議題事件的碰撞,但由於日常人際網絡日趨穩固以及跨文化經驗的提升,因此轉向被動策略的臉書使用。 整體來說,臉書為馬來西亞僑生在台灣的跨文化生活所提供的助益包括:資訊獲取與整合、情感支持、維繫關係與發展關係。在旅居初期如同橋樑一般,提供馬來西亞僑生在台灣社會中凝聚與跨越雙邊文化網絡的管道,讓流動於不同脈絡的他們,可以同時發揮不同連結人際網絡的潛力,將衝突化為成長的奠基,從而達到更好的跨文化適應階段,並在成長過後,更加自如地運用臉書作為生活的調味料,點綴其旅居生涯,成為更深層的跨文化能動者。 / Sojourners often come across the issue of cultural adaptation when they step into a new social environment. However, the presence of social media and its penetration change the way sojourners shift between host and ethnic culture. This study is about the cultural adaptation of Overseas Malaysian Chinese students in Taiwan’s social environment, through the social media platform, Facebook. This research analyzes in which way Facebook affects uncertainty reduction and bilateral culture context of the students, therefore demonstrating the functions and the role of Facebook in the cross-cultural adaptation of Overseas Malaysian Chinese students in Taiwan. The study is done through in-depth interviews with the students. This research shows that before most Overseas Malaysian Chinese students arrive, they have a remarkable impression of Taiwan. All these made up through social and media exposure of the country. It is also the reason they encounter culture shock upon their arrival, adaptation problems include living, communication, academic, social relationships, personal ideology and values. The stress – adaptation – growth model shows a rising spiral pattern during the period of adaptation. Due to severe culture shock during the early stage of the sojourners’ arrival, they tend to actively, passively and interactively utilize uncertainty reduction strategies to adapt Taiwan, it is effective to accommodate the high level of stress faced by them. In time, although they would still bump into new issues, they could passively make use of Facebook because they have stronger social networks and more cross-cultural experiences. To conclude, the benefits of Facebook toward Overseas Malaysian Chinese students in Taiwan include, gathering and compiling information, emotional support, sustaining and developing relationships. In the early stage, Facebook acts as a connecting bridge, providing a channel that bonds and breaches bilateral culture contexts, at the same time unleashing the potential their social relations among different ties. Eventually this will improve the cross-cultural adaptation process as conflicts are transformed into a foundation for growth. Subsequently after the growth, they are more casually utilizing Facebook being a condiment in their lives, to enhance the living in the country, as well as being an experienced cross-cultural agent.

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