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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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相對財富與貨幣內生成長:最適化的不完全競爭總體模型 / Relative Wealth And Monetary Endogenous Growth:The Optimizing Model With Imperfect Competiton

蕭淑云, Hsiao,Shu-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本文建構一個商品市場為不完全競爭以及經濟體系中存在相對財富效果的貨幣內生成長模型,並採用消費受到現金付現的方式將貨幣引入模型中,而商品市場為不完全競爭的特質乃是根據Benhabib and Farmer (1994)的設定,並討論在這個架構之下,經濟體系的相關動態特質。 由於體系中存在著相對財富效果,因此得到貨幣成長率增加會提振經濟成長率的結果,此乃是不同於既存文獻之處,所以可清楚的了解到相對財富效果所扮演的重要角色。接著分析預料到恆久性貨幣成長率與預料到恆久性資本所得稅稅率對體系中的動態路徑所造成的影響。 再者,因為體系中存在相對財富效果及商品市場為不完全競爭這兩種特質,使得分權經濟的競爭均衡並未達到社會的最適,有鑑於此,本文最後一章乃採用Greiner and Hanusch (1998)和Shieh, Lai and Chang (2002)極大化社會福利的處理方式,找出體系中最適的貨幣政策與最適的財政政策,且不同於既存文獻之處在於,本文會藉由所求出的最適政策來矯正體系中所存在的扭曲,以使得體系回至社會的最適境界。 最後,本文得出經濟體系中存在相對財富效果以及商品市場為不完全競爭這種特質時,則央行與政府均可以找出最適的貨幣政策與最適的財政政策,分別來矯正體系中的扭曲現象。

要素累積與技術進步之內生成長研究 / Research of endogenous growth in factor accumulation and technic- al change

黃文志, Hwang, Wen Jyh Unknown Date (has links)
經濟成長一直是人們所關心的問題。而以前的經濟學家則是利用新古典的成長模型,來解釋經濟成長的現象。但是,他們對於在長期各國成長率不一致的現象,卻一直束手無策,直到最近內生成長理論的出現,這個問題才獲得圓滿的解釋。   由於上述的理由,本文就根據成長的動力是內生的角度,著手探討邊做邊學的效果對經濟長期的影響,並且再加入政府支出的效果,來討論兩者對經濟成長的解釋,是否要比單獨用邊做邊學效果來得好。   另外,本文除了理論模型的推導之外,還加入了實證分析。此分析乃是利用臺灣與南韓的資料,根據時間序列計量的方法,來進行迴歸分析。結果證明:邊做邊學的效果的確會影響經濟成長率,而且如果再加入生產性的政府支出,則會對經濟成長的解釋更有幫助;但是,如果加入的是消費性的政府支出,則會降低經濟成長率或者是經濟成長的解釋。此結果所顯示的經濟涵義乃是:一個國家如果要維持長期且持續的成長,則必須一方面累積資本,擴大邊做邊學的效果;另一方面,政府必須增加生產性的支出,減少消費性的政府支出,如此才能產生連鎖效果,帶動經濟的成長。


李春長, LI, CHUN-CHANGE Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要目的在探討政府部門支出規模對經濟體系長期成長的影響,並且輔以實證分 析研究。 本文的特色著重於對內生成長(Endogenous Growth) 理論的評述,其主要總結為,當 廣義可累積資本為固定報酬時,換言之,資本的邊際報酬固定不變,使得經濟體系不 須依賴外在力量,即能夠穩定自發的成長。 本文結論證明了理論基礎的成立,對臺灣地區、韓國及日本之實證研究結果發現,政 府支出規模(政府總支出占國內生產總額比重)增加時對經濟成長造成不良的影響, 顯見此三國之政府部門規模似乎過度膨脹(若以追求經濟成長率最大為目標的話), 另外政府投資性支出比率愈大其愈有利經濟成長率提高。

分紅制度、不完全競爭與經濟成長 / Share-based Schemes, Market Imperfections, and Economic Growth

劉嘉瀅, Liu, Chia Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本論文試圖在一個內生成長的理論架構下,去探討分紅制度所扮演的角色。在第二章中,我們設立一個商品市場不完全競爭的內生成長模型。在分紅比率為外生給定的情況下,我們發現分紅比率越高,對於就業越有利,但對經濟成長的效果則是不確定。此外,我們也探討在規範分析下的最適稅率。在第三章,分紅比率經由廠商與工會協商談判決定,藉著這樣的設定,我們成功的解釋為何失業與經濟成長率之間存在正向的關係。並且,在一個分紅制度的經濟體系之下,工會化的程度與經濟成長之間並不存在一個單調的關係,而是取決於談判的方式。為了解釋廠商為何會有動機去採行分紅制度,第四章我們將效率工資引進一個採行分紅制度的成長模型中。經由分紅制度的採行,我們發現,效率工資可視為一個使經濟成長的動力。並且,我們發現,資本使用與經濟成長率之間存在一同向關係,但勞工的努力程度和經濟成長之間的關係則是不確定的。 / This dissertation is a theoretical attempt to examine the role played by share-based schemes in an endogenous economic growth model. In Chapter 2 we set up an endogenous growth model with monopolistic competition in the goods market. Given an exogenously-determined worker share, we show that while a higher revenue-sharing ratio attributable to workers will promote employment, it will have an ambiguous effect on the balanced-growth rate. In addition, we investigate the optimal tax policy response to a revenue-sharing scheme and market imperfections, which are two market distortions. In Chapter 3, the worker’s share is determined via the negotiation between a trade union and an employer federation. By shedding light on the role of revenue sharing and the bargaining institution, we successfully provide a theoretical explanation as to why unemployment can be quite compatible with high economic growth. In addition, in a share economy, unionization does not exhibit a monotonic relationship with growth. It also depends on the presence of revenue sharing and the bargaining institution. To explain why firms themselves could be motivated to accept revenue sharing, we introduce the efficiency wage into our analytical framework and focus on the incentive effects of revenue sharing and their consequences on economic growth in Chapter 4. Specifically, our model comprises work effort and capital utilization. By virtue of the characteristics of modeling, we show that work effort can serve as an engine of economic growth. Of interest, we find that the balanced-growth rate is procyclical in relation to capital utilization, but it may be countercyclical in relation to work effort.

公共基礎建設、人力資本與內生成長 / Public Infrastructure, Human Capital, and Endogenous Growth

楊馥菁 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著知識經濟的崛起以及許多社會現象與研究文獻的證實,人力資本對一國的經濟成長而言,已是不可或缺的動力;因此,本文沿用Barro (1990)模型,將人力資本要素引進生產函數,並設定政府部門對私部門的人力資本投資有特定比例的補貼,據此探討加入人力資本要素後,Barro (1990)模型是否有不同的結果?而人力資本與其補貼對於經濟成長的影響又為何? 本文分析的結果發現,租稅政策對經濟體系的影響大致與Barro (1990)模型的結論相同,分別為:一、所得稅率的變動,為經濟成長率帶來的影響仍是不確定的;二、在給定特定的人力資本補貼率,如果政府所課徵的所得稅率能夠達成經濟成長率的極大,就能夠使社會福利水準達到極大。但與Barro (1990)不同的是,因為本模型的體系中存在著人力資本的補貼,因此在極大化經濟成長率的水準下,所得稅率會較Barro (1990)模型下的所得稅率大。 此外,由於人力資本與補貼的加入,使得本文有所突破之處:一、和一般認知不同的是,政府對於人力資本投資的補貼增加,在其他條件不變下,使得對於經濟成長率的影響並非正向,而是不確定的。二、給定特定的所得稅率,當政府決定的人力資本補貼率能使經濟成長達極大時,亦會使社會福利水準達到極大。

環境與自然資源經濟的三個議題 / Three Essays on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

洪志銘, Hung,Chih-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本論文由三篇文章所構成。第二章主要針對參考點(reference points)的選擇問題。在綠色國民所得帳中,選擇哪個參考點作為扣除環境質損與自然資源折耗是很重要的。由於既有文獻中的參考點選擇大多過於極端,本文遂針對文獻上的缺失,建議以法定的環保標準做為參考點,使得環境質損、環境效益、自然資源折耗與服務都可顯示出來。 第三章則以台灣的烏魚業為對象,以不合作賽局分析大陸漁民在烏魚迴游路徑上捕魚以及溫室效應對台灣漁業及消費者造成的影響。 第四章則指出Huang and Cai (1994)一文在理論模型設計上的問題,並提出改正,以使其論點獲得支持。 / This dissertation is made up of three essays that address the issues of green net national product, renewable resources and pollution externalities. In Chapter 2, the issue of choosing reference points is discussed. The reference point is a key parameter for estimating the values of environmental degradation and natural resource depletion that are used to adjust the Net National Product. Most of the reference points used in the literature are extreme points in the spectrum of environmental quality and may thus result in estimated values of degradation and depletion that are not consistent with the standard theory of environmental economics. In this chapter, we argue that by using clearly defined standards as reference points, e.g., environmental quality standards, for managing environmental quality and natural resources, correct values of environmental degradation and services, and natural resource depletion and direct nature services, as well as green NNP can emerge. In Chapter 3, we examine the problem of non-cooperative fishing between Mainland China (MC) and Taiwan (TW) as well as the effects of rising sea surface temperature (SST) on the grey mullet fishery. By setting the three stages of the non-cooperative game, it is shown that the expansion of the fleets in MC and the rising SST cause the rent obtained from the TW fishery to decline, and that Taiwan may partially offset such an adverse effect by adjusting its fleet size. This essay also shows that Taiwan can expand its fleet to a greater extent when facing an imperfectly elastic demand for fish than when facing a perfectly elastic demand. In addition, when consumer welfare is included in the determination of the size of the fleet, fleet size can expand more than when profit is considered alone. In Chapter 4, we point out the problems in Huang and Cai (1994) that arise from the absence of a “pollution externality.” We modify their model by introducing the emission tax and find that it supports Huang and Cai (1994)’s claim that the share of private abatement expenditure is constant at all times, a claim that is criticized by Shieh, et al. (2001).

實質與貨幣內生成長模型的稅制改革政策 / Tax reform policies in real and monetary models of endogenous growth

李國豪, Lee, Kuo Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本論文在實質與貨幣內生成長模型中探討政府租稅的效果,而其中又以稅制改革政策為主角。 在第二章中,我們將內生生育率的概念引入了Romer (1986)的實質經濟成長模型,並說明當政府在維持稅收中立的原則下將所得稅制轉換為消費稅制時,將可能對經濟成長與社會福利有所傷害。而後我們也提供了一些數值模擬以支持我們的論點。至於第三章,我們將勞動供給內生的概念引入一個有預付現金限制(Cash-in-Advance)的貨幣經濟成模型,在本章中我們得到了所謂「Mundell-Tobin Effect」與「消費稅中立性」的成立與否,將取決於政府稅收的用途;接著我們把焦點放在資本的生產外部性與消費稅所造成的扭曲上並導出最適貨幣政策;最後,在維持政府的支出水準下,我們得到將消費稅制轉換為通膨稅制時,將對經濟成長有正面的效果。 / The dissertation provides a theoretical framework to investigate the effects of tax policies, especially the tax reform, in real and monetary models of endogenous growth. In Chapter 2, by shedding light on the endogenous fertility choice, we set up a simple Romer (1986)-type endogenous growth model and show that, in a departure from the existing literature, a switch from a decrease in income tax rate to an increase in consumption tax rate so as to ensure a revenue-neutrality could be harmful, rather than favorable, to both growth and welfare. In addition, we also conduct a simple numerical analysis to investigate the conditions in which the negative effect on growth and welfare occurs. As to the monetary model, an endogenous growth model with endogenous labor-leisure choice and cash-in-advance (CIA) constraint which is only imposed on consumption is established in Chapter 3. Through the model, we found that the Mundell-Tobin effect and the validity of consumption tax neutrality depend on the usages of tax revenue. Next, focusing on the distortions due to the production externality of capital and consumption tax, the optimal monetary policy is also derived. Finally, we show that a switch from consumption taxation to inflation taxation to finance a given stream of government expenditure, namely tax switch, enhances economic growth through the increase in labor supply in a CIA economy and the qualitative equivalence between MIU and CIA approaches is still valid.

最適非線型所得稅與內生成長:開放經濟的分析 / Optimal Non-Linear Income Taxation and Endogenous Growth in a Small Open Economy

黃靖華, Huang, Ching Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要以Turnovsky (1996)和 Lai and Liao (2012)的模型架構為基礎,在政府基礎建設的支出以所得稅融通之下,建構一個開放經濟的內生成長模型,探討政策當局追求社會福利極大時,如何制定一套最適當的非線型所得稅制。依據本文的分析,可得到以下之結論: 一、在分權經濟體系的分析下,最適的所得稅尺度應等於基礎建設生產的 外部性,而課徵所得稅造成的代表性個人決策的扭曲,則由累退的 所得稅程度來矯正。當政府透過適當的非線型所得稅制矯正了所有分 權經濟體系決策行為的扭曲,使得總體經濟成長率極大化的同時,也 保證社會福利水準達極大。 二、在集權經濟體系的分析下,最適基礎建設的支出佔所得的比例應等於 基礎建設生產的外部性。再者,經過最適租稅結構的調整後,分權經 濟體系與集權經濟體系有相同的靜止均衡、總體經濟成長率和社會福 利水準,表示政府透過非線型所得稅矯正了分權經濟體系決策行為的 扭曲,使分權經濟體系的福利水準可達至最佳境界的狀態,即 Pareto 最適。

資本不完全移動性與最適非線型所得稅:小型開放經濟的內生成長模型 / World capital mobility, optimal non-linear income taxation and endogenous growth in a small open economy

王琇華, Wang, Hsiu-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本文以Barro (1990)、Turnovsky (1997)與Lai and Liao (2012)的模型為基礎,建構一個小型開放經濟的內生成長模型,為凸顯資本市場移動性所扮演的角色,分別探討政府當局在面對資本完全移動及資本不完全移動時,該如何制訂一套最適之非線型所得稅以追求社會福利極大。根據本文的分析,可得出以下結論: 一、在資本完全移動的情況下,為矯正政府基礎建設的生產外部性,可透過課徵所得稅矯正市場失靈的扭曲,並利用累退稅率矯正因所得稅尺度所造成資本邊際生產力過低的扭曲。政府可以透過最適租稅結構矯正所有分權經濟體系的扭曲,使得經濟體系達到最佳境界的經濟成長率與福利水準。 二、在資本不完全移動的情況下,當最適的所得稅尺度等於基礎建設的生產外部性,矯正了基礎建設的生產外部性,並且透過累進/累退稅率矯正課稅後導致資本邊際生產力過低的扭曲,然而代表性個人在做最適決策時視國外利率為固定,總體決策中利率會隨著借債規模而變動,存在資本不完全移動性的扭曲,經數值模擬的結果得知,代表性個人相對社會最適借債過多,因而無法使得經濟體系達到柏拉圖最適境界。 / Based on the Barro (1990), Turnovsky (1997) and Lai and Liao (2012) model, this thesis specifies that on endogenous growth model of a developing economy facing an upward-sloping supply curve of debt. The analysis includes both perfect world capital market case and imperfect world capital market case. The government’s infrastructure expenditure is financed by nonlinear income taxation, and examine how the fiscal authority devises its nonlinear tax structure from the viewpoint of welfare maximization. Several main findings emerge from the analysis. First, in a world of perfect capital market, it is found that a suitable package containing two instruments can fully remedy the inefficiencies arising from the production externality and distortionary taxation, as a result, the Pareto optimality can be restored. Second, according to the calibration results, in the face of imperfect world capital market, there are three distortions in the economy: the production externality, the capital externality, and the financial externality association with the upward-sloping supply of debt. Two policy instruments for the tax scalar and tax progressivity/regressivity causing the distortion arising from the production externality and the capital externality to vanish. Consequently, one remaining distortion, namely, the financial externality association with the upward-sloping supply of debt, are present in the economy. As a consequence, the structure of the optimal tax policy that won’t permit the attainment of the first-best optimum.

通貨膨脹率指標與內生成長:小型開放經濟的分析 / Inflation Targeting and Endogenous Growth: An Analysis of Small Open Economy

王敬惟, Wang, Ching Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本文建立一個小型開放經濟的內生成長模型,並且以貨幣進入生產函數的方式,將貨幣引入經濟體系。據此,我們分別探討勞動外生及勞動內生的狀況下,央行以釘住通貨膨脹率作為貨幣政策,民眾的信念是否可以造成景氣的波動,並探討央行採行未預料到的貨幣政策及預料到的貨幣政策會如何影響經濟體系相關變數的成長率。   根據本文的分析,我們發現在勞動外生的狀況下,通貨膨脹率與Tobin q值呈現負向關係,由此我們可以推論,提高通貨膨脹率目標將對經濟成長率造成負面的影響。當央行採取通貨膨脹率指標作為貨幣政策時,經濟體系呈現均衡的確定性,表示民眾的信念不會造成景氣的波動。若央行調整通貨膨脹率目標時,名目貨幣供給成長率和通貨膨脹率呈現不同比例的變動,且變動方向不確定,需端視實質餘額成長率下降的效果與通貨膨脹率調整的效果何者較大才可決定。在政策宣示的部分,宣告期間的長短僅影響經濟成長率、實質資本成長率及實質貨幣餘額成長率的跳動幅度,不影響動態調整路徑的形狀。   在勞動內生化的狀況下,通貨膨脹率增減不影響Tobin q值的變動,故提高通貨膨脹率目標不會影響經濟成長率。當央行採取通貨膨脹率指標作為貨幣政策,勞動需求線斜率大於勞動供給線斜率時,經濟體系呈現均衡的不確定性,表示民眾的信念可以造成景氣的波動在央行調整通貨膨脹率目標時,名目貨幣供給成長率和通貨膨脹率呈現同方向、同比例變動。最後,政策宣示部分,政策宣告期間的長短會造成經濟成長率、實質資本成長率及實質貨幣餘額成長率呈現不同的動態調整路徑。

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