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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

日本音樂產業之創新商業模式- 女子偶像團體AKB48個案探討 / Innovative Business Model in Japanese Music Industry: A Case Study of Girl Group AKB48

朱俊宇 Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來音樂產業的商業模式,就是藉由創造歌手、偶像團體,並販賣實體CD唱片營利,但1990年代後期以來,由於網際網路的普及化與盜版的猖獗,讓世界各國實體唱片市場大幅萎縮,不過近年來全球最大音樂市場日本出現了一個女子偶像團體AKB48,顛覆了實體唱片業的不景氣,連續12張CD單曲銷量賣破百萬張,締造許多紀錄。故本研究主要想探討六個研究問題,包括AKB48的商業模式中,有哪些關鍵影響因素?什麼原因造成AKB48實體CD銷量可以持續銷售破百萬張?音樂產業中的競爭對手有無可能複製其商業模式? AKB48如何在日本其他地區複製其商業模式?AKB48的商業模式有何管理意涵?AKB48的管理意涵如何應用在其他領域? 本研究從商業模式的角度切入,運用體驗經濟與共創價值的概念,探討AKB48的劇場經營、與歌迷間的互動關係等,並以Osterwalder and Pigneur(2010)提出的「Business Model Canvas」研究為基礎架構,逐一分析AKB48的九大商業模式要素,希望藉此找出本研究的研究問題之答案。 本研究探討的結果,認為AKB48成功的關鍵因素來自創新的價值主張、共創價值的執行、體驗經濟的應用與卓越的領導者四點;防止競爭者複製商業模式的方法主要透過強大網絡的建構,讓競爭者無處可突破;AKB48成功地複製自己商業模式於日本其他地區,本研究將成功原因歸於成功在地化、與在地經紀公司合作、姐妹團彼此拉抬三點;至於實體CD銷量提升,來自於AKB48將單曲CD的附加價值提高,並設計出多樣式的單曲封面、內容等,最後藉由消費者與AKB48成員間的情感聯結促使他們消費購買。

與顧客共創價值之新商業模式-以行動通訊產業為例 / New Business Model based on Co-Creating Value with Customers -An Example of Mobile Communications Industry

林鈺穎, Lin, Yu-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
現今企業為因應科技不斷創新及產業結構之快速變動,當顧客需求變動更加快速,且顧客個別需求差異又大時,企業要如何快速因應?本研究探討的主題以顧客導向、顧客關係與共創價值為理論基礎,探討顧客與企業共創價值的新商業模式;並透過行動通訊產業的實務驗證,對顧客與企業共創價值的流程、概念與互動關係進行研究,肯定此新商業模式之價值。研究目的包括:探討企業與顧客共創價值之相關理論、發展企業與顧客共創價值之新商業模式以及藉由行動通訊產業實務驗證此商業模式之價值。 延續共創價值理論、顧客關係管理以及網路外部性與行動通訊價值鏈等前人研究與理論基礎,本研究所提出的新商業模式概念以企業經營利潤的提升為目的,就顧客與企業合作之創價路徑以及時程演進進行探討描述。透過產業研究驗證得到,創價路徑分為價值創造互動點、關鍵樞紐公司、經驗環境平台以及價值轉運機制等四個階段。而時程演進則分為引誘期、維持期、成長期與更新期四個階段。而研究結論包括:此新商業模式創造獨特價值、新商業模式能夠協助企業因應產業變化以及行動通訊產業為新商業模式之應用先驅。建議企業在應用新商業模式上先就企業本身的產業定位及優勢進行全面性檢討,才能夠發揮本身的優勢,以發展平台整合目標資源,透過價值轉運機制即時迅速地提供關鍵顧客獨特價值。 / The thesis focuses on new business model based on co-creating value with customers. It provides an overview of distinctive features of the unique value creating by corporate and customer. The specific purposes of the thesis are to define the co-creating value with customers, to develop a new business model based on that, and to enhance the value of the new business model in conjunction with mobile communications industry. Based on the researches regarding to co-creating value, customer relationship management and network externalities, this thesis analyses the key players and interactions that form part of co-creating value between corporate and customer, providing a foundation for future strategic analysis and drawing on some of the key factors that may influence the take-up of the new business model---including value creating process (value-creating interactive point, key nodal company, experience platform and value-transferring hub) and timeline developing (inducing period, preserving period, growing period, and renewing period)---the thesis also provides predictions regarding the future of industrial applying. A field experiment was conducted in mobile communications industry. The experiment reveals that the new business model has unique value, the new business model can facilitate the corporate adoption to the variation market and the mobile communications industry is found to be the first mover in terms of the implementation in this new business model. The importance and managerial implications of the new business and follow-up research are also discussed.

雷亞遊戲公司之商業模式與策略創新 / The innovation of business model and strategy of Rayark Inc.

呂挺嘉, Lu, Ting Chia Unknown Date (has links)
台灣曾創造出軒轅劍、大富翁、仙劍奇俠傳等膾炙人口的經典國產遊戲,而隨著線上遊戲的興起,台灣的遊戲市場開始充斥著來自日本、韓國等海外作品,遊戲公司也多以代理為主要業務,國產遊戲便漸漸地消失在市場上。時至今日,隨著手機遊戲平台的興起,台灣的自製遊戲公司又有如雨後春筍般冒出,而其中,雷亞遊戲是相當具有代表性的一間公司。   雷亞遊戲成立於2011年9月,至今不過五年左右的時間,就已創造出數款深受全世界玩家喜愛的遊戲,甚至在許多國家的付費排行榜上名列前茅。雷亞不僅僅是一間遊戲公司,更將其IP(Intellectual Property;智慧財產權)做跨領域應用,不斷地學習成長,拓展自己的營運範疇,持續朝泛娛樂產業的方向發展。   本研究以雷亞遊戲公司為個案,透過商業模式圖及策略鑽石的架構,分析其在商業模式與策略上的創新。研究的資料來源包括訪談、實地觀察與次級資料,透過其與文獻之間的互動,漸漸描繪出個案公司的模樣,並試著去找出其創新之處。   最後,本研究將雷亞遊戲之創新歸納為三點:原創內容及一源多用、平台與共創價值、有機式粉絲經營。然而,這樣的商業模式及策略創新並不一定適用於其他組織,本研究期許的是透過個案研究的方式,對於雷亞遊戲有完整且深入的了解,提供台灣遊戲業者一些不同的觀點與做法做為參考。 / Taiwanese companies had produced several prestigious and successful games such as The Legend of Sword and Fairy, Xuan-Yuan Sword and Richman. However, since the age of online-game came, the game market in Taiwan had been filled with games coming from Japan, Korea or any other country overseas. Accordingly, the game companies became the agency of foreign games, Taiwanese-produced games had disappeared. Today, along with the rise of mobile games, Taiwanese-produced game companies sprung up. This research will mainly focus on the discussion about Rayark.   Established in September, 2011, Rayark has produced plenty of games which are hit around the world. Rayark is not only a game company, they also applied their intellectual property in different areas and keep growing. Trying to extend their business scope, in order to develop themselves in pan-entertainment industry.   This research is the case study of Rayark, to analyze the innovation on business model and strategy through Business Canvas and Strategy Diamond. The material came from interview, participant observations and secondary datas. Through the interaction with the literatures, depicts the appearance of the company then discover the innovation inside.   At last, this research concludes the innovation of Rayark into the following 3 points: original contents and one-source-multi-use; platform and value co-production; organic fans business. Yet, the intention of this research is not to apply the innovation to other organizations. This research aims to provide complete and in-depth introduction of Rayark, hoping that it could give some insights to Taiwanese game companies.

虛擬社群之價值共創活動 -- 以BBS社群為例

張元力, Chang, Yuan Li Unknown Date (has links)
2000年dot com泡沫化後,許多人對於網路公司的夢想破滅,網際網路回到更務實的面向。網路中的價值創造並非無中生有,但是網路的價值創造打破了價值鍊的架構,而是以一種共創(Co-creation)的形式來進行。本研究以個案探討的方式,深入研究台灣具代表性的BBS虛擬社群平台,藉以探討下列三個問題: --在虛擬社群中,社群成員、發展者與社群平台如何共創價值? --商業化與非商業化社群在價值共創上是否有所不同? --從非商業化到商業化的過程中,虛擬社群的組成有何變化? 研究發現顯示,虛擬社群間的共創價值活動,仰賴著共同的經驗網路,以價值星系的方式來創造。而因為社群組成與內容的不同,會面臨不一樣的管理議題與平台需求。合適的跨平台與平台多角化,將可以拓展虛擬社群間共同的經驗網路,增加價值共創的機會。 而商業化與非商業化的虛擬社群,在價值共創的本質上並無不同,但是社群平台商業化色彩過濃將影響社群成員在其中的活躍度。非商業化社群的經營在學術網路的規範下,能取得營運經費的管道較少。但相對而言是一個較佳的發展環境。 從非商業化到商業化的過程中,產權的轉移需要妥善規劃,而在管理風格與管理理念上,也不應該有太大幅度的變動,否則將導致社群成員的重組、甚至流失。 / After the dot com foam, the dream to the internet company of a lot of people evaporated. The internet got back to more practical facing in 2000. The value in the internet is created and does not create something out of nothing, but the value of the internet creates the structure of breaking the value chain, but goes on in a kind of form created “Co-creation". The way probed into by the case in this research, further investigate representative BBS platform of virtual community of Taiwan, and use to probe into the following three questions: --In the virtual community, how with the platform, community, and developer create value? --Is commercial community different from in-commercial community in value co-creation? --From commercialization to commercialized course, what changes does the composition of virtual community have? Discover that shows, value creation activity among the virtual communities are dependent on the common experience network; create by way of value galaxy. And because the community makes up different content, it will face the different management topic and platform demand. Suitable stepping the platform can expand the common experience network among the virtual communities; offer more opportunities that value is created. Commercialization and in-commercialization virtual community are not different on the essence that value creates, but it will influence community members in activeness degree among them that the commercialized color of community platform is passed thick. Commercialize management of community under academic norm of network, can is it operate channel of funds less to obtain. But comparatively speaking a better development environment. From commercialization to commercialized course, the transformation of the property right needs appropriate planning, in idea; there should not be change by a large margin either in the managerial style and management, otherwise cause the reorganization, even loss of community members.

品牌承諾影響顧客關係之研究 / The study of the effect between brand commitment and customer relationship.

陳茂鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
新品牌的崛起,一般的建議是1.建立起令人有豐富且深刻聯想的品牌識別系統;2.以強力的整合行銷傳播建立品牌高知名度,假以時日,就能成為強勢品牌。但以筆者多年擔任行銷顧問的觀察,按表操課的企業未必都能獲得成功,深究其原因,可發現從新品牌開始曝光,消費者就一直拿著放大鏡來檢視打造這個品牌的企業所有的一切作為,是否真的下定決心、義無反顧地想做好品牌。這篇論文正是研究企業究竟要做出什麼承諾,才有取信顧客,讓顧客心悅誠服願意建立關係。 本研究將品牌承諾定義為:「企業為打造品牌所做出重大投入或投資」,並認為品牌承諾的主要目的是為了將外部顧客鎖入內部,所以品牌承諾的作用就是促進顧客願意建立長久而穩定關係的意願。 由於品牌與顧客的關係是由一次次的接觸而建立起來,所以本研究由品牌接觸點切入,認為品牌接觸點就是顧客判斷品牌承諾可信與否的線索。並以關係意願取代購買意願來衡量顧客願意建立關係的強度,其原因為許多消費者在沒有能力消費某品牌前,可能已經成為該品牌的粉絲,這些粉絲常常為喜愛的品牌捍衛辨護,尤其在網際網路上。 本研究經實證分析得到以下的發現: 1.單一類型品牌承諾投入愈多,則顧客的關係意願愈高。 2.以品牌接觸點的觀點,將所有接觸點上的品牌承諾加總,承諾愈高,則顧客的關係意願愈高。 3.品牌印象會造成關係意願的顯著差異 4.品牌忠誠者的關係意願較未購買者高。

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