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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


石田, 咲子 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(生命科学) / 甲第24044号 / 生博第470号 / 新制||生||63(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院生命科学研究科統合生命科学専攻 / (主査)教授 河内 孝之, 教授 荒木 崇, 教授 中野 雄司 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy in Life Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM


謝鈴媛, XIE, LING-YUAN Unknown Date (has links)
非再生性資源(NON-RENEWABLE ROSOURCES)係指存量(STOCK)只可能減少的資源, 又因其流量(FLOW)可增加與否分為兩類,一為可透過回收(RECYCLE) 而使資源的 勞務流量增加的資源,如鐵礦;另一為無法透過回數而增加資源勞務流量者,如石油 、天然氣、煤礦,後者即所謂的耗竭性資源(EXHAUSTIBLE RESOURCES) ,或稱折耗 性資源(DEPLETABLE RESOURCES),為本文討論的對象。此類資源由於不能再生,在 自然界中的存量係固定的,就現代的人使用一單位的資源,對後代子孫而言,即少了 一單位資源之使用機會,此機會成本即所謂的使用者成本(USER COST) ,因此對耗 竭性資源而言,最重要者在決定一最適開採軌跡。 LEWIS GRAY(1914)為最早用靜態個體理論,配合數學例子說明礦產的價格時徑 和稅負效果的學者,但若廠商要獲得最大的累積貼現利潤,則必須以動態方法求最適 條件,HOTELLING(1931) 即是最早以變分學方法求礦產者的最適產出軌跡、價 格軌跡及稅負效果的學者,唯HOTELLING 模型係假設存量固定已知,故本文擬將模型 擴充,使之結合探勘活動,透過探勘活動而使資源存量增加,進而分析各項租稅對開 採率及探勘活動水準的影響效果。 本文共分為六章,第一章為緒論;第二章介紹自然資源的租稅工具及租稅效果;第三 章則為各國自然資源課稅情形的簡介;第四章文獻回顧;第五章則為本文理論模型部 分,在結合探勘活動求取最大的累積貼現利潤下,分析各項租稅對開採率及探勘活動 水準的影響效果;第六章結論。


趙文瑾 Unknown Date (has links)
一胎化政策起始於1978年,在改革開放政策的年代,作為一項跨時代的政策,它改變了中國人口、社會的發展,也撤徹底底的改變了中國婦女的生命面貌。政策的出發點是為了國家的需求,中共宣稱,一胎化政策不但可以解決中國社會沈重的人口壓力,也可以使婦女藉由降低再生產壓力而投入生產,從而提昇婦女地位。表面上看起來,國家發展需求與重視女性地位的性別意識型態需求在一胎化政策中得到很好的理論結合。 但是當我們進一步檢視這些政策時,卻發現有許多規定存在著矛盾之處,也許再生產和生產之間的關聯並不是這麼簡單的加減問題,政策中所呈現的婦女與國家關係也不如想見的客觀中立,在許多政策無法顧及或自圓其說之處,傳統的父權觀點隱隱然出現在政策的判準中發揮影響。本文企圖自女性主義立場論的觀點出發,以國家生物性發展需求、性別意識型態需求與文化上的父權需求這三股力量,討論一胎化政策中的矛盾與不協調性。發現在一胎化政策中存在著一個邏輯,它希望藉由婦女再生產的降低促進婦女進入公領域的生產,並進而提高婦女地位,如此一來,一胎化政策推行時所面臨到的性別選擇性問題也將因婦女地位提高而達到解決,即便是政策面臨到父權障礙時也是依循這樣的邏輯繼續進行。然而,這種以經濟角度出發的論述其實是一方面是以男性的標準判定性別的生育偏好來自於女性的生產力不足,另外一方面則窄化了再生產的意義,將再生產只等同於生育,忽略了婦女在私領域中所負擔的家務勞動以及人口撫養。國家自認為中立,藉由胎兒性別檢定的禁止將性別選擇性生育的責任移轉到個別的家庭,並且在生產力的論述上將偏好生育的問題本質化,而父權的壓力也至此被零碎化、個別化,成為個別婦女與家庭必須獨自面對的困境。這種過度將經濟與女性地位相聯繫的論述形成中共一胎化政策中一種自相矛盾的說法,無論中共多麼強調對於性別的重視與敏感,但這種矛盾若沒有進一步的解決與釐清,終將成為國家邁向性別主流化發展的障礙。 / One child policy have begin in 1978, in the era of reform and opening to the outside world, it have change the Chinese population, development of the society, and the life of Chinese women in the bottom completely. The starting point of the policy is for the demand of the country, the Communist Party of China declares, one child policy can solve Chinese society in population pressure ,also can make woman by is it produce and then pressure and put into production to reduce, thus promote the woman status . Seem on the surface, it have combined well in the One Child Policy and sex ideology demand that the country develops the demand and pays attention to women's status. But when we look over these policies further, it have a lot of regulation have contradictory place to find, perhaps it’s not such simple question of production and reproduction, the relationship between women and the state is not so good as the objective neutrality wanted to see in the policy, in the place where a lot of policies can't be taken into account or justified oneself, the traditional patriarchy view gives play to in the declaring accurate of the policy to influence indistinctly and rightly. This text attempts take the view of Standpoint Theory, discuss the contradiction and harmony in One Child Policy in three ways: country development, sex ideology and patriarchy in culture.There is a logic in the One Child Policy , it hopes to promote women to enter production of the public field with the reducing of the woman reproduction, improve woman status, thus,the sex selective birth would be solve by improving women status. However, this kind of argument is actually judging women’s production with the male standard , in the other hand, it is insufficient to explain the meaning of reproduction, only equates the reproduction with bearing, have neglected the house work and population that women bear in the private field.The country stand neutrality and transfer the responsibility that the sex selective birth to the specific family , and the pressure of the patriarchy is melted individually, become the predicament that specific woman and family must face alone.


片山, 正昭, Katayama, Masaaki, 小川, 明, Ogawa, Akira, 森永, 規彦, Morinaga, Norihiko 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

再生能源經濟政策工具之研究 / A Study on Economic Incentive Program for Renewable Energy

林益豪, Lin,Yi-Hao Unknown Date (has links)
在能源被最終消費之前,能源的開採、運輸或轉換過程都需另以能源為要素投入來源。現今再生能源生產技術尚處萌芽階段,許多技術之生產未能通過「能源分析」而尚處於研究發展階段,此時政府若以促進再生能源總產量為政策目標,並獎勵能源生產,可能導致不具生產效率的再生能源技術被使用,進而造成能源耗竭與環境問題的擴大。 本研究提出現今再生能源補貼基礎的錯誤,會導致能源浪費的情況發生,進而造成政策目標與執行結果不一致。針對這樣的問題,本研究以簡單的模型解釋問題發生的原因,更針對問題癥結提出有效的解決方法,並得到不錯的結果。避免能源浪費具體的解決方針為,改變舊有補貼「能源粗產出」的形式,政策目標應朝社會「能源淨產出」最適的方向發展,而這也是主要的研究重點所在。最後研究仍認為,讓所有能源價格反映其生產的社會成本,才是導正能源市場扭曲最佳的方法。 / The extraction, processing, transformation, and delivering of energy all need energy itself as an input. However, the technology for producing renewable energy seldom passes the energy analysis and is still in its infancy. If the government regards promoting the total output of renewable energy as a policy goal at this moment, it may induce inefficient technology to be used and may accelerate the exhaustion of natural resources and the degradation of environment. This study found that subsidy for encouraging renewable energy production based on gross output fails to solve the problem of market failure. It will lead to a waste of energy, and then cause the policy goal to be inconsistent with social optimality. This study explicitly solved the problem with a net output model. The contribution of this study is to prove that policy goal for renewable energy production should base itself on net output instead of on gross output. The best policy for solving market failure is to let energy price reflect its social cost.

都市的五行循環-以基隆市中心的再生為例 / City from the cycle of five elements perspective-Downtown Keelung City's regeneration

林姵君 Unknown Date (has links)
基隆,一個早期興盛的貿易港口,在搭乘著郵輪來台的日本老婆婆眼中,這個港口似乎還留著她年輕時所見的繁華過往。隨著產業變遷及全台各地後起發展,基隆不再是唯一貨港,反而隨著逐年興起的旅遊業,成了大量郵輪的停靠岸。基隆像是停留在過去的時空中,與現今全球都市的均一化成了極大的反差對照,但卻也因此而保存了自我的地域風貌。 近年來城市興起一股以設計、創意為主導模式,企圖帶領都市走出一條有別於以往的思考模式,都市不再是以大量開發及建設做為金流指標,而是轉向由居民的互動參與及凝聚在地情感的生活指標,城市改由在地出發,重新思考如何在價值與價格、保存與開發、過去與未來中找到平衡。 本研究以基隆市中心為研究範圍,由設計思考模式以發覺、發現、發想、發展四個過程,經由反覆的發散與收聚斂過程,透過城市五行循環與制約特性中建構出平衡機制,分別對標竿案例及研究案例做分析。在標竿案例以美國紐約High Line Park經由城市五行分析其轉化歷程發現其成功是來自於多向的平衡機制。而在研究案例以基隆市中心區域分析在城市五行運行中所導出的問題及找出問題背後的關連性,透過城市五行診斷及分析為基隆市中心的再生提出具體建議。最後經由案例分析中驗證城市五行的歸屬。 / Keelung, a trading seaport boomed in late nineteenth century under the Japanese colonial era, seems still having its former glamour and busy days in the eyes of an old Japanese grandma, who just embarked from a docked cruise liner at the port in present day. Due to the change of core industrial transformation in Taiwan and the raise of other ports, Keelung is no longer the only trading seaport in the region. It has transformed to a popular cruise line destination from the recent increase in the tourism business demand. Contrast to other global cities’ modern and urban movements, Keelung looks like a city staying unchanged from its earlier days. Also because of this frozen in time, the city was able to preserve its charms and geographic terrain. During the recent decades, design thinking and creativity have been the leading model for city development. The intention behind was to create a design concept from a different thought process. Urban development is no longer targeting massive development and construction nor valued by the economic growth. Instead it is focusing on residents’ interactions within and the quality of life for the community. A city is transforming into local communities; and trying to find a balance between its value and price, between conservation and development, and between past and future. The scope of this project is downtown Keelung City. Use design thinking to review the project in four stages: Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver. From repeated divergence and convergence processes, through the cycle of five elements (in the city) with mutual generation and mutual restriction properties, a balance was formed. The comparison analysis was conducted between the High Line Park Project and this Keelung City Project. First, utilizing the five elements in the city, it was found that the success of the High Line Park project was due to a formed balance between these five. Second, the Keelung City project emphases on using the cycle of five elements to diagnose and analyze the problems and the connections between these problems among smaller sections of the downtown area. In addition, through the diagnosis and analysis, a recommendation was outlined for the Keelung City regeneration. Finally, detailed cases of the project confirm the matching category between the five elements and the city.

台灣綠色電價政策之關鍵因素研究 / The Study on Key Factors of the Green Power Pricing Policy in Taiwan

陳秋伶, Chen, Chiu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
為了因應全球暖化,鼓勵再生能源發展,先進國家逐步推動「綠色電價」。由於再生能源發電成本較一般傳統電力成本來得高,故再生能源電能之價格也會高於傳統電能之價格。對於高成本高售價之再生能源電能,多數國家在市場上透過用電戶自願認購方式進行銷售,並收取所謂的綠色電價,以作為綠色電力基金之來源,或作為未來發展再生能源之資金來源。透過這樣的制度,可以讓整體社會共同參與環境保護的工作,也可提高人民的環保意識和各界環境責任感,也可籌措再生能源發展所需的資金。 本研究透過問卷調查法,以網路問卷-Google Form發放,觀察並探討民眾對於綠色電價政策之購買意願,以及民眾對於當前政策之考量,透過ANOVA檢定,分析民眾填答問卷之結果,了解民眾本身對於環保問題的認知與意識,及民眾對於綠色電價政策之考量因素主要為何。根據問卷分析與檢定結果發現:多數民眾對於綠色電價的概念仍然相當模糊,但是大多會選擇購買綠色電價。 其次是對於本文所歸納的五個政策因素考量存有疑慮-政府政策宣導、綠色電價的制度設計、相關法規制定、執行單位之效能,以及支付額外的綠色電價對國人經濟上的負擔。五項當中,又以執行單位可能效能不佳之疑慮評分為最高。 本研究另外發現,民眾對於綠色電價的願付價格,接受度最高的是綠色電價比一般電價貴10%以下,意即在回收的221份問卷中,當綠電價格每度低於3.18元,一般民眾有五成以上會選購,與目前綠電價格設定3.96元存有落差。據此,在綠色電價政策推行上,和實際民眾購買意願之間,應該如何制訂一個合理的綠色電價,是需要仰賴國內產、官、學各界充分討論,以及民眾意見妥善表達,在國家與社會民眾間,取得一個平衡點,並且參考各先進國家發展自願性綠色電價之經驗。如此,方能在國家發展經濟的同時,又能兼顧環境保護和節能減碳,達到國家永續發展之政策目標。 / In response to global warming, the development of renewable energy is encouraged. Advanced countries are gradually promoting “green power pricing programs”. Due to the higher generating costs of renewable energy’s electricity than conventional one, therefore renewable energy electricity prices will be definitely higher than traditional electric energy prices. The high cost of renewable energy’s electricity pushes most countries in the market to sell this type of electricity to consumers through a voluntary subscription mode and charge a so-called green power pricing. Using green power as a source of funds or as the future development of renewable energy funding sources and with such a system, you can make the whole society participate in environmental protection work. People from all walks of life will have their environmental awareness and responsibility adequately improved. This study uses an online questionnaire-Google Form to survey, observe and explore the public’s reaction towards green power pricing policy, its willingness to purchase and its considerations for the current policies. Through the ANOVA test and the analysis of the results of the survey to understand the public’s cognition and awareness of environmental issues and the public’s main considerations towards the green power pricing policy, for most people such concept is still quite vague but anyhow they will choose to buy green. Secondly, this article summarizes five policy factors for consideration –doubts about government policy and advocacy, the designing of the green power pricing system, the related laws and regulations, the performance of the executive units and the payment of the green power pricing adding to the economic burden of the people. In the above five points, the poor performance of the units will, undoubtedly, carry the highest score. This study also found that the public is willing to pay for green power pricing and there is even a higher acceptance if the price would not exceed more than 10% of conventional electricity price. In other words, according to the response of 221 questionnaires, if the green power price lower than NT$3.18 /kWh, there will be half of people to purchase it. This study conducted a gap analysis between the current green power price-NT$3.96 /kWh and the price people accepted generally. Accordingly, the implementation of a policy on green electricity and the real willingness of the people to purchase such electricity depend on how reasonable the green tariff is. The industry, the government , the academia should all express their opinions. The state and the society must seek and strike a balance while referring to the development of green energy voluntary subscription tariffs in advanced countries. In this way, while simultaneously developing the economy of the country and taking into account the environment protection, energy saving and carbon reduction, we can reach our national goals of achieving a sustainable development.

台灣太陽光電競標市場研究 / The Study of Solar Energy Bidding Market in Taiwan

江柏珊 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著油價上漲,核能發電的安全性受到質疑,越來越多人關注再生能源發電的可行性,而台灣石油及煤礦等天然資源缺乏,再生能源變成可行的替方案。有鑑於此,政府開始透過政策補助以創造再生能源使用的經濟誘因,2009年「再生能源發展條例」通過後,我國綠能發電市場產生重大變化,其中發展最快速的即是太陽能發電市場。由於台灣太陽能產業發展多年,上、中、下游產業鏈佈局已經成熟,以地理環境條件來看,太陽能無論從成本、維護跟可行性來看都是再生能源中最適合於國內深耕的選項,因此在政府提出補助政策後,太陽能發電市場快速活絡起來,太陽能發電成為最新的企業或個人投資管道,形成國內一股安裝太陽光電的熱潮。 本文即以太陽能發電是否為合宜的投資標的為研究目標。首先從觀察市場的角度出發,說明我國太陽光電產業結構、下游發電系統類型、太陽能電廠案件的開發流程,接續介紹競標市場的形成背景、法令依據,並且逐步歸納歷年來補助政策調整對市場所造成的影響以及說明整體政策調整的方向,讓有意於電廠領域深耕之業者能夠對競標市場本質有完整認識。另外,為求找出影響競標市場變化的關鍵因素,本研究也蒐集各期得標資訊,包含折扣率、件數、容量等,用統計圖表方式呈現歷年來各指標變化,觀察競標市場的成長速度、影響折扣率變動之因子以及推論業者的競標策略。最後以目前已完成競標的折扣率資訊和假設的成本條件,試算歷年投資太陽光電的投資報酬率變化,藉此推判現在進入太陽光電競標市場,是否仍然有利可圖?研究結果提供給有意進入此市場的投資人與相關政策制定者作為參考。

Development of Combination Processes Consisting of Ozonation, Coagulation and Ceramic Membrane Filtration for Water Reclamation based on Evaluation of Risk and Energy / リスクおよびエネルギー評価に基づくオゾン、凝集、セラミック膜ろ過による複合水再生処理プロセスの開発に関する研究

Wang, Hong Yang 25 March 2013 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第17538号 / 工博第3697号 / 新制||工||1563(附属図書館) / 30304 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市環境工学専攻 / (主査)教授 田中 宏明, 教授 清水 芳久, 教授 伊藤 禎彦 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当


王, 忠融 24 September 2013 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第17906号 / 農博第2029号 / 新制||農||1018(附属図書館) / 学位論文||H25||N4802(農学部図書室) / 30726 / 京都大学大学院農学研究科地域環境科学専攻 / (主査)教授 星野 敏, 教授 川島 茂人, 教授 村上 章 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

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