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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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葉淑貞, YE, SHU-ZHEN Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


吳存金, WU, CHUN-JIN Unknown Date (has links)
本文計一冊,分六章二十節,共約五萬餘字,其大綱分述如次: 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與研究目的 第二節 研究範圍與研究方法 第三節 研究流程 第二章 台中市軍眷區之分析 第一節 軍眷區之形作與發展 第二節 軍眷區實質環境分析 第三節 軍眷區社會環境分析 第四節 眷村更新之必要性 第三章 軍眷村改建國宅之探討 第一節 政策目標與法令規章 第二節 土地取得與經費來源 第三節 機構組織與專業人才 第四節 規劃、設計、發包、施工及配售 第五節 原眷戶之安置 第六節 管理維護 第七節 其他 第四章 台中市眷村改建之意見調查與分析 第一節 眷區已完成改建之國宅住戶意見彙總 第二節 未改建之眷區住戶意見調查 第三節 推行改建工作之承辦人員意見彙整 第四節 調查結果分析 第五章 眷村改建國宅可行性之研究 第一節 眷村改建國宅總論-整體分析 第二節 眷村改建國宅個論-個體評估 第六章 結論與建議


林政緯, Lin ,Zheng Wei Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的政治發展歷程中,地方派系長期扮演著一個特殊的角色,因此派系政治成為學者所關注的焦點。在探究影響選舉結果的實証研究中,「政黨」與「派系」兩項變數是經常被提出討論。的確,在台灣地區的民主化過程下,諸多選舉結果是深受這兩個變數所影響,然而都市化的進展程度是否會干擾「政黨」與「派系」對選情的變化,是值得觀察研究的問題。由於台灣各縣市均有各自的特性,地方政治的研究乃因縣市區域的不同而有異動,無法以同一標準看待全部區域,所以相關研究宜採用以縣市為單位,進行個案研究。 本論文是以台灣中部地區都市化最深的台中市為個案研究,企圖探究在2000年政黨輪替前後,政黨與派系兩項變數對選舉投票率之間的因果關係,並藉此對台中市支持國民黨的張、賴兩派與擁護民進黨的何派作一系統性論述,使地方政治研究更臻完整。另外,從派系的發展歷程中觀察,主要的支持來源在都市人口擴張與政治民主提昇下,已由初級關係為主的社會人際網絡,改成以經濟利益來維持對內團結與對外擴張的都會型派系結構。 根據文獻分析與訪談結果發現,台中市地方派系對選舉的影響力,已隨著民主化與都市化的浪潮而逐步下滑;尤其經濟衰退更是致命之擊,派系對選舉影響的比重,已從昔日的多數決定性轉變成為少數關鍵性。 經過實証結果的分析,本研究亦發現台中市不論在政黨輪替前後,基層選舉候選人得票率與政黨和派系的關係,呈現正向相關,換言之,候選人具有派系色彩或政黨背景者,得票率越高;另外,根據比較所得,政黨對候選人之得票率的影響程度皆大於派系的影響程度;但是政黨與派系對候選人得票率之影響力,有逐漸式微的趨勢。 台灣地方政治的研究,將可援用本個案分析架構,藉由模型假設的套用,累積並修正可應用的事實發現與研究假設,如此更將建構台灣地區之政黨、派系與選舉三者互動影響的實証理論。 【關鍵詞】:台中市、政黨、地方派系、選舉

韓信崇拜的歷史源流與在台灣的發展─以台中寶林寺為例 / The history of Hen Sin worship and its development in Taiwan: taking the Taichung Bao Lin Temple as the example

楊東憲 Unknown Date (has links)
被譽為漢初三傑之一的韓信,歷史記載被呂后與蕭何用計所殺,一代功臣名將便如此畫下人生句點。然而,其豐功偉業以及果敢勇猛的形象皆烙印在人民的心中,因此除了劉邦為他埋首級處有祠廟外,韓信所到之處也都有所傳說,且為之立廟,例如:河北獲鹿縣的韓信祠。 韓信在中國的歷史上是個英勇的將軍形象,但跨過一個海峽後,卻被賦予不同的形象。在台灣,韓信的傳說與中國流傳的故事大相逕庭,傳說韓信死前將兵法化成象棋,而台灣則將這則傳說重新編纂,讓韓信除了發明象棋外,還發明了麻將、骰子等,並且將之奉為賭博神,使之成為民間所謂的偏財神。韓信從原本的鬼神變為萬人尊敬的武神,又從武神轉變成萬人膜拜的財神,這樣的變化因素到底為何?而韓信崇拜在台灣為何會產生如此重大的轉變? 除此之外,台中烏日的寶林寺更是將韓信的神明性質擴大變成萬能神,雖然此間寺廟是以觀音菩薩為主神,但信眾都將觀音菩薩與韓千歲齊名,祈求時更是將兩者稱號並列,其中的演變過程如何?而此是否可以看出台灣韓信崇拜發展的普遍脈絡?或者此僅為韓信崇拜發展中的特例? 台灣的宗教環境特殊,其宗教發展也與中國宗教有所異同。雖然台灣的宗教多為中國的原鄉型態,但經過幾十年的發展,台灣的民間信仰已漸漸在地化,可以看出許多與中國原鄉不一樣的宗教型態。而韓信崇拜就是一個明顯的例子,不僅在傳說上,在神明性質的塑造上以及儀式的展演上都有著極大的差異,因此也可藉由此例,觀察台灣宗教發展的獨特性。 / Han Sin, was a person of talent in the initial stage of Han dynasty, but he was executed by Queen Lyu and Prime Minister Siao He. Although he was accused of an armed rebellion, he is still considered a sage by later generations after he died. To commemorating him, the state and nation founded memorial temples in several locations in China. In the Chinese history, Han Sin was a renowned strategist and god of war, but he actually turned into the god of wealth in Taiwan. The Taiwanese changed the Chinese anecdote that Han Sin was the ancestor of Chinese chess and shaped him into the inventor of all gambles. Why was Han Sin changed from a ghost to the god of war, and then into the god of wealth? Furthermore, why would his character have developed such significant changes in Taiwan? Besides, Han Sin almost became to the multi-purpose god in the Taichung Bao Lin Temple. There are two primary gods, Avalokiteshvara and Han Cian Suei. However, what is the relation between Avalokiteshvara and Han Cian Suei, and why does it have those developments in the Taichung Bao Lin Temple history? Is it possible to find the rule of Han Sin worship development? Is this a special example of Han Sin worship in Taiwan? The environment of Taiwanese religion is unusual and different from the development of Chinese religion. After several dozens year of development, the Taiwanese folk religion has localized gradually and Han Sin worship is an obvious example. In Taiwanese folk religion, there is a notable difference not only in fable, but also in shaping the gods' character and in ritual. In this way we can observe the uniqueness of Taiwanese religion through the development of Han Sin worship.

用地理加權迴歸分析獨立式與集合式住宅之價格分布-以改制前台中市為例 / The Price Distribution of Detached Houses and Condominiums in Taichung: Geographically Weighted Regression Approach

程稚茵, Cheng, Chih Yin Unknown Date (has links)
不動產價格的影響因素可按影響範圍區分為三大類,分別為影響整體不動產市場的「總體環境因素」,對一定範圍內不動產產生價格影響的「區域環境因素」,及對於單一不動產價格有所影響的「房屋個體因素」。其中,區域環境因素為影響個別不動產價格之首要因素,不動產之價格會受到所屬區域之政治、經濟、自然、社會等因素影響,「公共建設因素」為重要之區域環境之一,包含公共設施水準及其配置狀態。影響個別不動產價格之次要因素為「房屋個體因素」,可再次細分為三大影響因素如下:房屋本身所具有的特徵因素,即建築物之內部結構;房屋的建築方式,住宅類型等與全棟房屋有關的因素;與房屋鄰近地區環境有關的因素。而集合式與獨立式住宅因分屬不同房屋類型,即上述房屋價格形成因素中「房屋之建築方式」。實際交易上,獨立式住宅多半以「整棟建物」作為交易計算單位,對於坐落之基地權利持分通常為全部,而集合式住宅係以「樓層」、「戶」作為交易之計算單位,所有之基地持分與其他住戶共同持有,基於上述差異,過去研究多將建築方式視為影響房屋價格的條件之一,並據此分類次市場,因此較少有研究同時探討二者在空間分布上所具有的區位差異,及購屋者對於環境的偏好是否有所不同。且過去文獻多半以使用傳統迴歸模型為主要分析方法。但傳統迴歸分析所使用最小平方法迴歸模型,經常會產生殘差項存在有空間自相關的問題,及空間本身所存在之空間異質性偏誤,即空間不穩定性。因此 本文以台中市都會區內之住家使用房屋為樣本,依特徵價格理論將獨立式住宅與集合式住宅視為差異化商品,其內外特徵納入變數,使用GeoDa軟體進行空間自相關分析,並使用ArcGIS軟體中的地理加權迴歸模組(GWR)進行迴歸分析,藉以探討不同類型房屋所偏好之外部特徵,瞭解不同空間環境對房屋價格之影響及台中市都會區空間發展型態,並驗證其於規劃建設產生的空間不穩定性。 研究結果顯示,台中市建立之重大市政建設及土地開發計畫會影響集合式住宅與獨立式住宅之地價熱點分布,其共同之房價熱點均座落於高地價市地重劃區及重大市政建設分布位置,而獨立式住宅之房價熱點,進一步分布於與高地價市重劃區鄰近之市地重劃區;在購屋者對周圍設施偏好方面,集合式住宅購屋者對於國中小學、大學、重大市政建設、市場、公園均有顯著偏好,惟獨立式住宅購屋者對於大學、重大市政建設、公園有顯著偏好,對於國中小學、市場有不偏好情形,顯示不同類型住宅對於公共設施之偏好不完全相同;集合式住宅與獨立式住宅之房屋特徵屬性呈現空間不穩定性,分析結果顯示,上述二種住宅類型,對於本研究所有公共設施距離特徵屬性均呈現空間不穩定、非均質性的結果,顯示不同類型住宅均會與彼此具有相依性,並形成各區域間的異質性。 / Locational characteristics are the determinants of house prices. While former research have examined the effects of proximity to resources and facilities have on residential property values, and the change of the importance as located regions or submarkets vary, the effects of different types of houses are rarely compared due to their dissimilarity in ways of building and ownership. Do house price effects of the same facility alter when properties are situated in different submarkets? Further, the issues of spatial non-stationarity are usually overlooked by previous studies. By using transaction data of two common types of residential houses in Taichung City, we found house price hot spots of both detached houses and condos in regions with major constructions and development plans. Apart from the mutual hot spots found in high land price redevelopment zones, we also discovery hot spots of detached houses in areas in proximity to these redevelopment zones. As for desirable facilities for home buyers, neighborhood schools, universities, major constructions, local markets and parks were found to have an notable price impact on condos, whereas only universities, major constructions and parks in vicinity of in detached houses can we found significant price effects, suggesting the differences in the preference of consumers in distinct regions. Also, spatial dependence and heterogeneity are verified in both types of houses, making the entire market area spatial non-stationary.

戰後台灣佛教僧俗關係的轉變及意涵:由台中蓮社、大專青年齋戒會、香光尼僧團考察 / The Professional Choice: The Changing Relation between Buddhist Clergy and Lay People in Postwar Taiwan

黃詩茹, Huang, Shih Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本文主旨為探討戰後台灣佛教僧俗關係的轉變與意涵,時間由1945年以降,並以台中蓮社、大專青年齋戒會、香光尼僧團三個中部淨律道場為個案。首先陳述1945年後的台灣宗教環境,包括大陸僧俗來台,及既有的齋教、日本佛教、民間信仰等同時並存的情形。此期間最關鍵的二者,一為中國佛教會結合政治力量主導推動的傳戒活動,二則是大陸僧人紛紛發展其「宗教專業」,於弘法新地進一步拓展其「宗教事業」,此即建立僧俗關係的重要過程。 其次,以台中蓮社、大專青年齋戒會為例,探討其於1960年代至1980年代由僧俗合作推動的佛學教育內涵,不僅引領中部地區學佛風氣,更帶動一波大專青年學佛熱潮,其造就眾多僧俗人才,包括興起於1980年代的香光尼僧團。然其中也突顯僧俗的理念差異,包括「學佛」與「佛學」的問題,及持戒、處眾的不同風格。 1980年代至今則以香光尼僧團為例,其延續大專青年學佛運動重視青年與教育的精神,以僧俗教育為志業主軸,前者以香光尼眾佛學院為基礎,培育高學歷青年尼眾,使僧團發展方向精英化;後者則以佛學研讀班提供一般大眾基礎佛學教育,在該場域中僧俗間具體化為師生關係。由這些基礎進一步針對跨地域性信徒網絡的說法提出檢討,本文認為跨地域性的網絡確實存在,但未有明顯的信徒性質。 經由分析上述三個個案的僧俗關係,本文認為僧人專業化的取得與應用使宗教成為社會專業分工的一環,並因教育政策而漸具學科性質,僧人為「宗教師」的身分雖仍屬宗教範疇,但其「師」的角色顯然有世俗倫理的意涵,異於傳統以宗教薰陶人之完整性、作為終極關懷的神聖概念。 由本文觀察可見,戰後刻意分別的僧俗至今又再度交錯。雖然當前人間佛教風潮似乎為俗人地位之提升帶來新契機,但僧俗關係尚需更多的對話與經驗累積以縮小理想與實踐的落差,並予以僧俗彼此刺激及適應的機會。


徐核朋, hsu,Hopeng Unknown Date (has links)
隨著IC卡的使用,它正深深地影響著我們的未來生活方式,其應用發展趨勢也是值得我們重視的課題。本研究主要從「IC智慧卡成為主流的資訊載具」、「我國內政部、衛生署、交通部及財政部等中央各部,對IC卡之應用發展各擁管轄範圍且各自發展」、「民間業者各自引進或發行電子現金儲值卡」等三方面,說明其可能造成的結果及相關重要課題,以作為本研究之動機。 本研究從我國IC卡應用發展相關文獻中,搜集和本研究主題較相關者,提出IC卡票證整合、IC卡安全整合機制及IC卡規模經濟等值得研究課題,以作為進行IC卡應用發展趨勢研究之參考。 對於IC卡目前應用發展現況,本研究主要說明政府推動國民卡的沿革、政府推動自然人憑證的沿革、政府推動健保IC卡沿革及交通IC票卡目前應用發展,以利了解我國IC卡目前應用發展現況。 針對交通IC票卡,本研究說明北、中、南各地區電子票證IC智慧卡應用發展,包括悠遊卡、台中e卡通、Taiwan Money Card等,後續說明IC票卡規格發展及交通IC票卡系統架構發展,以更深入了解交通IC票卡目前應用發展現況。 本研究針對IC卡應用發展問題,進行更深入的分析,主要論述面向,包括技術面(IC卡規格、IC卡系統架構) 、法令面(IC卡法令規定)、經營管理面(含IC卡管理組織、發行、經營模式)等方面,以發掘問題,分析問題及提出解決策略。 本研究針對所提出之解決策略,予以聚焦,以提出更關鍵的解決策略,包括:(一)技術面:1.建立IC卡共同憑證。2.建立IC卡安全認證。3.建立IC卡整合架構。(二)法律面:1.修改銀行法及交通運輸相關法規中不合IC卡現有運作之規定。2.增訂電子票證法規。(三)經營管理面:1.建立規模經濟發卡量。2.建立IC卡發卡機構經營模式。 3.建立憑證認證機構公信力。4.建立IC卡資訊交換中心。 本研究針對三個構面,提出核心解決策略為「一卡通用」及其整體解決架構及實施步驟,且對整體解決策略之構想方案,提出IC卡卡片規格整合矩陣架構圖,以找出更為適當的IC卡規格方案,該矩陣架構圖,以「共同憑證一卡整合」及「多憑證一卡整合」二構面為縱軸,及「IC卡規格中不存放各類別資料」和「IC卡規格中存放各類別資料」二構面為橫軸,提出四種IC卡片規格整合架構,並列出其優缺點,經研析後,本研究建議初期以具有共同憑證及各類別憑證但不存放各類別資料之架構,作為一卡通用整合規格初期架構,稱為「IC卡共同多憑證不存放各類別資料一卡整合」,最後本研究提出長期一卡通用願景,以「IC卡共同憑證不存放各類別資料一卡整合」為目標。 本研究之結論為:1.我國各類別IC卡規格各行其道,未有整合前瞻性。2.各產業IC卡系統運作架構未整合,導致我們卡滿為患。3.IC卡應用發展於法律面應積極訂定「交通運輸業電子票證法」。4.「非銀行不得發行現金儲值卡」已超越母法規定應修法。5.IC票卡發行機構透過銀行發卡可享有發卡權利金等商機。6.建立IC票卡資訊中心作為全台IC票卡整合運作中心。7.IC票卡業者透過整合可增加發卡量,共創雙贏。8.IC卡於技術面應發展整合技術,以達成一卡通用目標。9.IC卡一卡通用宜建立IC卡資訊交換中心及憑證整合認證中心。10.IC卡一卡通用宜建立整體解決架構之實施步驟。11.IC卡一卡通用卡片規格整合可建立矩陣架構圖,以利分析。12.IC卡一卡通用共同憑證之運作於技術上為可行方案。 最後建議未來可持續探討之課題:1.IC卡一卡通用宜建立認證API(Application Programming Interface)程式介面及標準作業程序。2.IC卡一卡通用宜建立憑證整合認證中心及資訊中心之經營模式。3.IC卡一卡通用宜評估對IC卡產業及憑證認證產業之衝擊。 / A study of trends in the applications and developments of IC cards The IC card is being used widely and it will deeply affect our future living mode. Therefore, trends in its applications and developments have become important subjects of study. This research explores the possible outcome and related important subjects for the utilization of IC card, based on the following three propositions. 1. The IC card is one of the modern world’s primary information media. 2. Government units such as the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Ministry of Finance ROC, the Department of Health and the Executive Yuan ROC all have jurisdiction over the development and control of development and potential applications of the IC card. 3. Private enterprises have introduced or developed electronic cash-stored cards. The information related to the research subject was collected from the relevant literatures in regard to the applications and developments of IC card in Taiwan, presenting the current safety and integration mechanism of IC ticket cards and the economical magnitude of IC card use, which are both topics that should be taken into consideration in the study of the applications and developments of IC cards. Based on the current situation of the applications and developments for IC cards, the main purpose of this research is to show the evolution of IC cards promoted by the our government, including National Card, Citizen Digital Certificate IC Card, National Health Insurance IC Card, as well as current applications and developments of the Transportation IC Card, in order to help understand the current situation for the applications and developments for existing IC cards in Taiwan. In the Transportation sector, this research shows the applications and developments of various IC smart cards in north, central and south Taiwan, i.e. Easy Card, Taichung e-Cartoon Ticket Card and Taiwan Money Card. It also shows the development of the specification for IC Ticket Cards as well as the development of Transportation IC Cards’ systematic infrastructure, in order to help understand the present situation for the applications and developments of a Transportation IC Card. This research is an analysis of IC card’s applications and developments, covering technical issues (specification and systematic framework of IC card), legislation issues (laws and regulations for IC Card), management issues (operation and administration, release and business model for IC cards), so as to discover and analyze the possible problems as well as propose solutions. Focusing on strategies for finding solutions, presenting more critical strategies for IC Cards, consisting of: 1. Technical: (1) To establish a common certificate (2) To establish safety authentication (3) To establish integration infrastructure 2. Legislation: (1) To revise the Banking Law as well as the laws and regulations relating to public transportation, which are not suitable for the existing operations (2) To revise and augment the laws and regulations for electronic tickets 3. Management: (1) To establish an economic circulation of scale (2) To establish the management pattern for card-issuing organization (3) To establish public credibility for a certificate authentication organization (4) To establish information interchange center To consolidate the above-mentioned three areas, this research proposes a core strategic solution – the concept of “one card for common use (All-in-One Card)” along with integrated solution scheme and operation steps. In addition, for an overall solution strategic plan, in this research it also presents a matrix composition for the integration of specifications to discover a more applicable specification scheme for the IC card. The matrix composition is proposed in four types of framework of specification integration with a file of advantages/disadvantages, based on the concept of X, Y coordinate system – X axis being “One Card integrated with Common Certificate” and “One Card integrated with Multi-Certificates”, Y axis being “No data deposited in the IC card specification” and “All sorts of data deposited in the IC the card specification”. Through detailed research and analysis, it is suggested that at the primary stage, to create the “One card for common use” with an integration of “Common Certificate and Multi-Certificates but no data depositing in the IC card specification”, which is called “One card with common and multi-certificates but no any data deposited in the specification.” The long-term goal will be to achieve “One card with common certificate only and no data deposited in the card specification” for long-term use. Conclusions: 1. In this country, various IC cards have their own specifications and there is still no prospect for integration. 2. The IC card system being used by different industries is still not being integrated, so the market is full of different IC cards. 3. The enactment of the “law on electronic tickets” should be pursued more vigorously for the IC card applications and developments. 4. The stipulation of “A non-bank may not issue a stored value card” might have overtaken the stipulation of “Banking Act”. It should be amended. 5. So long as the IC Ticket Card agency issues IC cards through a bank, the agency will possess the business opportunity of charging the bank a card-issuing fee. 6. To establish an IC Ticket Card information center to integrate the operation of the many IC ticket cards using in Taiwan area. 7. It will be a win-win situation, if IC ticket card operations can be integrated, and this will increase card-issuing quantity as well. 8. On the technical front, integration technology for IC cards should be developed in order to achieve the goal of an “All-in-One Card”. 9. An “IC Card Information Interchange Center” and an “Authentication Center of Certificate Integration” for the “All-in-One Card” should be established. 10. A standardized operational procedure should be established for an overall solution to the “All-in-One IC Card”. 11. The integration of the specifications of the “All-in-One IC Card” can be done through a matrix composition to assist analysis. 12. Technically, an “All-in-One IC Card” with “Common Certificate” is a feasible plan. In the end, this research also offers suggestion on valuable topics that can be the subject of continued discussion in the future: 1. “All-in-One IC Cards” should have an authentication with API (Application Programming Interface) program as well as a standard operational procedure. 2. A business model for “IC Card Information Center” and “Authentication Center of Certificate Integration” should be established. 3. An evaluation of the impact on the IC card industry and the certificate authentication industry should be made.

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