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因子分析模型中因子軸旋轉之程序吳方瑜, WU, FANG-YU Unknown Date (has links)
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複因子實驗設計與分析之研究林錦耀, Lin, Jin-Yue Unknown Date (has links)
第一章為緒論。第二章, 討論普通複因子實驗設計之模型及統計分析, 顯著性測驗 ,
分析是依完全隨機設計與完全區集設計進行。第三章: 討論進行複因子實驗時, 由於
參試因子增多, 或是每因子水準數增加時, 導致處理組合數過多時, 實驗者設法犧牲
實驗中較不重要或不易存在高次交互作用, 使其與區集發生交絡, 以換取區集情報方
法, 將借助群論及幾何學性質闡明各種對稱複因子實驗之交絡體系。第四章是討論在
複因子實驗中, 發現參試因子重要程度有別時, 實驗者應如何安置實驗較為正確呢﹖
乃引發所謂裂區實驗設計, 文中對各類型裂區設計模型作統計分析及顯著性測驗。第
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流動性與買賣價差因子分解:興櫃轉上市櫃之實證研究吳佩玟, Wu,Pei-wen Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to compare the liquidity and the components of the bid-ask spread for thinly traded firms switching from a dealer market (Emerging Stock Market (ESM)) to an order driven market (Taiwan Stock Exchanges (TSE) or GreTai Securities Market (GTSM)). Firstly, we follow Christie and Huang’s (1994) method to measure the liquidity performance. Our finding shows that thinly traded firms could improve their liquidity by switching from a dealer market to an order driven market. Secondly, we apply Huang and Stoll’s (1997) and Lin et al.’s (1995) model to estimate the bid-ask spread components. Our results show that the adverse selection cost is significantly smaller on ESM than TSE or GTSM using both Huang and Stoll’s (1997) and Lin et al.’s (1995) model. The inventory holding cost is lower on ESM than TSE or GTSM estimated by Huang and Stoll’s (1997) model. However, the estimates of order processing cost and the probability of trade reversal do not produce consistent results by applying Huang and Stoll’s (1997) and Lin et al.’s (1995) model.
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性犯罪者的「自負特質」與再犯因子的關係鍾昭瑛 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣、香港、大陸股票市場與美國股市間整合度分析─以NYSE上市的ADR為例潘幸甯 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以在紐約證券交易所掛牌上市的美國存託憑證(American Depository Receipts;ADR)為研究樣本,運用隨機折現因子(Stochastic Discount Factor;SDF),檢測台灣、香港、大陸股市與美國股市間的整合程度與發展趨勢。實證研究顯示,在研究樣本期間內,香港股市與美國股市的整合程度最佳,整合程度僅受總體股市股重挫的影響,且整合程度穩定性較高;台灣股市與美國股市整合程度,則隨時間進展,有逐漸改善整合趨勢;相較與台灣香港,大陸股市與美國股市整合程度最差,顯示兩市場間尚未整合。 / This paper discusses the application of the stochastic discount factor model to analyze the financial market integration between Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and U.S. stock markets, and to find out their integration trends in the long term. It also discusses the stability of financial market integration by σ- convergence and factors that cause the difference in stochastic discount factors.
The empirical results show that the financial market integration between Hong Kong and U.S. stock market is the best among the three, and the degree of integration is influenced mainly by macroeconomic shocks. On the other hand, the degree of integration between Taiwan and U.S. stock market deteriorate temporarily due to FX rate changes and the issue of new ADR, but it is getting better as time goes by. The integration between China and U.S. stock market is the worst among three, these two markets are basically not integrated yet.
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財務報表重編和資金成本之關聯性周玉娟 Unknown Date (has links)
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固定收益資產風險因子的隨機模型研究許立興 Unknown Date (has links)
在金融海嘯與次級房貸後,如何有效的進行風險管理已為金融服務業的重要課題。此外我國政府為與國際接軌,正逐步開放金融服務業對外投資的限制。然而對金融服務業而言,既要增加對外投資、又要有效的控制風險,並同時考慮不同國家之間的相關性是困難的。本研究的主要目的是針對我國金融業主要投資的貨幣,建立固定收益風險因子的隨機模型,進而產生隨機模擬情境,最後以該情境做一簡單的應用說明。透過此模擬情境與隨機模擬模型,風險管理者可以依情況需要計算各種所須要的風險指標與投資損益,進而評估避險投資組合整體的績效。 / Effectively controlling risk in investment has become an important issue since the impact of subprime mortgage crisis. On the other hand, government in Taiwan has reduced bundle of investment in foreign countries; however, it’s a tradeoff of financial services companies between increasing investment in foreign country and risk management. It’s also a hard work to concern the correlation between interest rate and foreign exchange rate in different country. In this research, we are trying to construct a risk factor model and generate simulation for currency in Euro, America, and Asia area. The simulation can provide financial services companies as a reference of risk management.
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一籃子違約交換評價之演算法改進 / Improved algorithms for basket default swap valuation詹依倫, Chan, Yi-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
各項信用衍生性商品中,最廣為人知的商品即為違約風險交換(credit default swap; CDS),但由於金融市場與商品的擴張,標的資產不再侷限單一資產而是增加至數家或數百家,而多個標的資產的違約風險交換稱為一籃子違約風險交換(basket default swap; BDS)。
根據Chiang et al. ((2007), Journal of Derivatives, 8-19.),在單因子模型中應用importance sampling (IS) 來估計違約給付金額,不僅可以確保違約事件的發生,還可以提高估計的效率,因此本文延伸此一概念,將此方法拓展至多因子模型。本文分為三種方法:一為將多個獨立因子合併為一邊際因子,並針對此邊際因子做importance sampling;二為找出其最具影響性的因子應用importance sampling;最後,我們針對portfolio C 於Glasserman ((2004), Journal of Derivatives, 24-42.) 將標的資產分為獨立兩群,我們將分段利用exponential twist及Chiang et al. (2007)所提出的單因子方法,提升違約事件發生的機率。
借由數值模擬結果,發現將多個獨立因子合併為一邊際因子的方法應用於標的資產為同質模型(homogeneous model),會有較佳的結果;對具影響性的因子應用importance sampling的方法於各種模型之下的估計結果都頗為優秀,但其variance reduction較差且流程較不符合現實財務狀況,方法三則為特殊模型的應用,其只適用於能將標的資產獨立分群的模型,並且估計準確與否和選取exponential twist的位置有重要關係,第四節我們將同時呈現兩個不同位置的估計值與variance reduction. / Credit default swap (CDS) is the most popular in many kinds of credit derivatives, but number of obligor couldn’t be one always because of the expansions of financial market and contracts. CDS which has been contained more than one obligor is called basket default swap (BDS).
According to Chiang et al. ((2007), Journal of Derivatives, 8-19.), applying importance sampling to estimate the default payment in one factor model could not only guarantee the default event occurs but also improve the efficiency of estimation. So this paper extends this concept for expanding this method to multiple factors model. There are three methods for expanding: First, merge multiple factors into a marginal factor and apply importance sampling to this marginal factor; second, apply importance sampling to the factor which has higher factor loading and third, we consider portfolio C in Glasserman ((2004), Journal of Derivatives, 24-42.) and divide total obligors into two independent groups. We would use the ways of exponential twist and the method in one factor model of Chiang et al. (2007) considered in two parts to raise the probability of default event occur.
Borrow by the result of numerical simulation, method 1 has better results when obligors are homogeneous model; the results of method 2 are outstanding in each model, but its efficiency is worse and the procedure doesn’t fit with the realistic financial situation; the third method is the application of the special model, it could only apply to the model which could separate obligors independently, and the accuracy of estimates is strongly correlated to the position of exponential twist. In section 4, we would display the estimator and variance reduction in two different positions.
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半折疊解析度Ⅲ之二水準部份因子設計徐佳琳 Unknown Date (has links)
在部份因子設計的領域中,『半折疊設計』(semifolding design)的觀念與技巧在解析度IV的設計裡已有詳盡的介紹與探討,但在解析度III的設計中,到目前為止,卻尚未有詳盡的探討,所以本篇論文主要是針對16-run及32-run解析度III的設計,利用John (2000) 和Li and Mee (2000) 所提的概念與作法,進行半折疊。本論文所建議之半折疊過程為先將原始設計分成二集區,然後再對其中一集區進行折疊。文中將表列最佳分集區的因子組合,並將應用實例與在四種不同的考量下,來對半折疊設計與全折疊設計做一比較。 / In the area of the fractional factorial design, the concepts and techniques of semifolding have been developed for resolution IV designs, but they are not yet done for resolution III designs. This paper, however, focuses on 16-run and 32-run resolution III designs. We apply the concepts and techniques of semifolding in John (2000) and Li and Mee (2000) to resolution III designs as they have established for resolution IV designs. The procedure we suggest in doing semifolding in this paper is to block the original design into two sections, and then fold over one section. The “optimal” blocking factors are listed in tables, and the performance of semifolding designs in comparison with that of foldover designs are shown by means of examples.
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價值特徵在台灣股票市場之實証研究林季甫 Unknown Date (has links)
國外的實証結果普遍支持規模效果(投資小規模股票報酬高於大規模股票報酬的市場異常現象)和價值效果(投資相對高淨值/市價比、低市價/盈餘比、低市價/現金流量比、低市價/銷貨比等所謂價值型股票所能獲取的報酬率會高於成長型股票報酬率的市場異常現象) 存在的現象,但對此種市場異常現象背後發生的原因卻沒有一致性的結論。Fama 和 French(1993,1996)認為規模效果和價值效果發生的原因是反應背後所隱含的投資風險,規模(市值衡量)和價值(以淨值/市價比衡量)可以視為某種投資風險的代理變數(proxy),而Lakonishok, Shleifer,和Vishny(1994)(LSV)則從投資人心理面的角度來解釋,認為這些現象只是反應投資行為上過度反應的情況。從投資的涵意來說,如果投資風險的解釋成立的話,那代表這種市場異常的現象會繼績存在,投資人投資小規模和價值型股票必能持績獲得較高的報酬水準,而如果此現象的發生只是投資人過度反應所造成時,那麼當投資人修正過度反應的行為後,這些市場異常現象便會消失。
本研究採用Daniel and Titman (1997)的投資組合分類方法,探討台灣股票市場價值效果背後產生的原因。研究結果顯示支持投資人心理面過度反應的角度。
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程與架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 規模效果和價值效果 5
第二節 產生價值效果之原因 8
第三章 研究方法 12
第一節 研究假說 12
第二節 研究期間、投資期間、取樣標準與資料來源 12
第三節 價值效果和規模效果之檢定 14
第四節 價值因子風險共變結構穩定性之檢定 17
第五節 在相同價值因子負載程度下,不同價值特徵是否影響股票投資
第六節 超額報酬率是否決定於價值因子之檢定 26
第七節 周轉率高低對股票投資報酬影響之研究 27
第八節 研究限制 28
第九節 研究方法流程 29
第四章 實証結果和分析 30
第一節 價值特徵、規模特徵和報酬率之關係 30
第二節 價值因子風險共變結構穩定性之檢定 34
第三節 價值效果和價值特徵之關係 36
第四節 價值效果和投資風險之關係 41
第五節 價值效果和股票流動性之關係…………………………………..46
第五章 結論和建議 48
第一節 結論 48
第二節 建議 49
參考文獻 ………………………………………………………………51
一、中文部份 51
二、英文部份 53
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