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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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基層警察人員在職進修成評估之研究 / The Evaluation of Police Officers’ In-Service Training

沈明昌, Shen, Ming-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣警察專科學校專科警員班第二十期進修組學生為主要研究範圍(不含消防及海巡人員)。接受專科警員班教育訓練的學生為全國警察機關所屬基層員警於民國九十一年九月至九十二年六月間,在台灣警察專科學校接受一學年的在職進修。成效評估從教育計畫的執行以至受訓後的整體訓練成效,前項調查評估於在職進修期間即進行,但對學生進修之後的影響評估則設定在受訓後一個月到三月間,此時結訓學生最能表現、體會受訓成效。進修學生共約九百二十名,進行抽樣調查三百六十九名以上學生的意見。 本研究從文獻探討階段,針對國內外訓練評估理論的相關學說、著作、期刊論文及實證研究結果等進行資料的整理與分析,歸納出相關的研究發現與貢獻,以作為本研究決定實證研究方向的重要參考基礎。問卷設計及前測階段,則根據前階段文獻分析與整理所得,建立以Kirkpatrick所提出的訓練成效評估四層次-反應、學習、行為與結果之評估理論為依變項,「個人性格特質」、「工作環境」與「與個人基本屬性資料」為控制變項與自變項形成研究架構做為後續實證研究的基本模型,並據此設計問卷,透過前測之進行以檢驗本問卷的信度與效度並修正之。問卷的前測與正式施測,利用SPSS for windows 10.0 中文套裝軟體運算問卷回收資料,以推論出研究結果。 經由實證調查與分析,對於基層警察進修教育的過程有更深入的認識與了解後,評估其各項成效。為證明各變數之間是否有關聯或差異性存在,以虛無假設方式提出,期望研究結果能拒絕虛無假設,進而接受對立假設。並於結論與研究發現中提出相關具體建議,檢驗在職進修學生的成果與價值,並具以改善未來的執行方案,提昇參訓學生的學習成效,達成警察人力資源發展的整體目標。 本研究並根據第五章結論之研究發現,提出七點建議,以供實務界參考:一、重視基層警察人員的進修權益;二、建立警察人員教育訓練專業量表;三、加強學校硬體設備,提升學習成效;四、強化進修學生的自我效能;五、形塑開放學習的組織文化;六、增加專任教官師人數;七、提供多元的進修與學習管道。 關鍵詞:基層警察人員、在職進修、成效、評估


楊淑蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟概念之興起、政府對回流教育政策之改革,提升了在職進修意願,在職進修人數也日漸增加,在職進修研究生兼具在職者與研究生身份,多重角色的壓力可能使其產生學習困擾,而在職進修研究生對自身學習困擾之瞭解及採取合適的因應策略,亦越顯重要。 本研究旨在探討在職進修研究生學習困擾情況及採行因應策略之情形;探討不同背景變項,其學習困擾情況及因應策略之差異情況;並分析學習困擾與因應策略之間的關係,以提供相關教育主管機關或學校、在職進修者及有意進修者面臨學習困擾時為一參考。 本研究參酌相關文獻及資料,以問卷調查及訪談為研究工具,研究對象為國立臺灣師範大學在職進修研究生,對全體夜間班學生發出365份問卷,回收有效問卷273份,回收有效率為74.79%;訪談則抽取男、女生各三人,期藉由訪談來強化問卷分析之結論及找出其他學習困擾和可能之因應策略。 研究問卷以不同個人背景變項為自變項,考驗不同變項之學習困擾及因應策略是否有顯著差異。所得資料以SPSS 11.0版統計軟體進行描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關等分析,得到下列結論: 1.在職進修研究生以女性、31-40歲、已婚者居多,個人需負擔總家用比例 則以需負擔50%以上者最多,共佔58.4%;職業別則以軍公教者居多, 佔80.1%%;工作年資則以滿5年至未滿15年間為最多,佔56.7%; 工作負荷方面則以不需加班及需加班10小時以內者為最多,佔84.1%; 最主要就讀動機則以認知興趣及職業進展二者為最多,佔86.9%。 2.在職進修研究生之學習困擾程度為中等,以學習能力與成就困擾為最高。 3.不同的背景變項會影響在職進修研究生學習困擾感受程度。 4.在職進修研究生最常使用之因應策略為紓解調整策略、積極管理策略。 5.不同的背景變項會影響在職進修研究生因應策略之運用。 6.學習困擾與因應策略之間僅部分層面具有顯著相關。 根據上述結論,本研究提供以下建議: 1、對在職進修研究生就讀學校之建議: (1)提供在職進修研究生有關學習之諮詢。 (2)配合在職進修研究生學習所需,延長相關設施開放時間。 2、對在職進修研究生工作單位之建議--鼓勵並支持員工在職進修,促進 單位成長: 在職進修研究生所服務單位,長官及同事對於進修之認同與否,影響在職進修研究生學習困擾程度相當大;雇主應以員工進修可回饋單位之態度來予以進修者鼓勵,並適時予以支援及協助,創造雇主與雇員雙贏之局面。 3、對在職進修研究生及有意進修者之建議: (1)加強與家人、長官及同事之溝通技巧。 (2)瞭解自身學習困擾原因並以正向積極之態度面對學習困擾。 (3)加強自身英文、資訊等基本能力及時間管理技巧。 4、對未來相關研究之建議: (1)擴大問卷對象以瞭解更多學習困擾與因應策略狀況。 (2)採用縱貫性研究,以瞭解學習困擾及採行因應策略之動態過程。 / The purpose of this study is to inquire situation of learning disturbances and coping strategies for the in-service graduate students, to explore the situation of learning disturbances and coping strategies for the in-service graduate students when differing in personal characteristics, to analyze the relationship between the learning disturbances of in-service graduate students and their coping strategies, to provide the results of research to the correlated organizations and individuals for references and suggestion when confronting learning disturbances. The study methods were adopted within literature review, questionnaire and interview. The subjects are covered 365 National Taiwan Normal University students by after taking census from the all students. The background is independent variables in the questionnaire. The dependent variables are the learning disturbances and coping strategies. The collected data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, an ANOVA technique and Pearson product-moment correlation. Conclusions were made as the follows: 1. Female, 31-40 years old, married, bearing family livelihood, public employee, 5-15 years seniority, to work overtime under 10 hours are the major samples of the in-service graduate students. The major motives of learning are interesting and development of work. 2. The level of learning disturbances for the in-service graduate students is middle ,the most disturbance is learning achievement. 3. The learning disturbances for the in-service graduate students may be influenced by different personal-characteristics. 4. The in-service graduate students tend to use various coping strategies to solve the learning disturbances. 5. The coping strategies for the in-service graduate students may be influenced by different personal-characteristics. 6. There are some significant relations between the learning disturbances and coping strategies. To sum up, the conclusions of the study offers the related references and the suggestions for the correlated organizations, individuals and future researchers.

公務人員在職進修之研究--以中央行政機關為例 / The In-service Education of Civil Servant.

楊一鳴, Yang,Yi Ming Unknown Date (has links)
由於社會急速變遷,政府職能及任務日益繁重,公務人員亟需隨時進 修、充電,始足嗣應。本研究遂以公務人員在職進修為主題,探討公務人 員進修之理論、研究,藉供實務上規劃公務人員進修措施、培育人才之參 考。本文主要的研究目的有六: 一、瞭解公務人員參加進修活動的現 況及對各項進修活動需求的情形。二、探討公務人員參加進修活動的動機 。三、探討公務人員所感受到的進修阻礙及其對公務員進修的影響。四、 比較不同自重感與人口統計特質的公務人員,其在進修動機、進修參與程 度、感受到的進修阻礙及對各項進修活動需求上的差異情形。五、瞭解自 重感、進修動機、進修阻礙對公務人員參加進修活動及對進修需求上的影 響。六、提出增進公務人員參加進修意願、激發進修動機、提昇進修風氣 之具體建議,俾供人事行政當局作為規劃公務人員進修措施之參考。 本研究係以問卷調查法為主,文獻法為輔。資料之分析,係由文獻研究所 得資料進行質的分析;再應用研究者自編的「公務人員在職進修意願調查 問卷」,搜集資料,進行量的分析。主要的研究變項包括:自重感、人口 統計變項、進修實況、進修需求、進修動機、進修阻礙。調查的資料係利 用「社會科學統計軟體程式」(SPSS/PC~F0;+~F0; 4.0)進行統計分析, 採用的統計方法包括:ヾ皮爾遜積差相關、ゝCronbach Alpha信度係數、 ゞ兩個平均數差異T檢定法、々單因子變異數分析、ぁScheffe 多重比較 等五種。研究結果主要發現如下: 一、公務人員參加進修的情況不理 想,公務人員參加較多、需求較多的進修活動均是研讀專書、學術演講、 專題研討等,參加較少、需求較少的進修活動均是實習、國外進修項目。 二、公務人員之進修動機多為求知或職業進展、社會服務等,而較少 受逃避或刺激、外界期望等動機影響而進修者。 三、公務人員感受到的 進修阻礙多屬情境阻礙與制度阻礙。 最後,綜合文獻資料分析、貫徹 研究結果,提出下列建議: 一、公務人員應建立終生進修的觀念,及 早作生涯規劃,積極參與符合自己能力、需求之進修活動,並尋求外界對 其進修之支持。 二、人事行政當局應廣泛調查公務人員之進修意願, 規劃多樣化、彈性化的進修活動以符合不同組群者之需求,尤應加強輔導 弱勢組群之進修,並竭力解決公務人員進修之阻礙。 三、後續研究可 針對不同層級、性質、地區之公務機關人員,瞭解其進修需求及阻礙因素 等情形,藉以規劃兼顧個人與組織發展之進修措施。

國民小學教師參加在職進修課程與教師效能關係之研究 / A study of the relationship of the elementary school teachers taking in-service courses and teacher efficacy

張峰森 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解國民小學教師參加在職進修課程與教師效能之現況與內涵,並利用線性模式探討變項間的影響關係。首先,進行廣泛地文獻蒐集與探討,厚實研究理論基礎與研究結構;其次,將編製專家效度問卷寄送給8位相關領域之專家學者,進行問卷內容修訂。接著,以分層隨機抽樣方式從臺北市、新北市、桃園縣、基隆市四縣市抽取500位國民小學教師抽取作為問卷調查對象,回收情形為370份問卷,有效問卷352份,有效問卷率為70%,利用統計套裝軟體分析兩變項之現況與影響關係,本研究發現如下: 一、國民小學教師參加在職進修課程與教師效能關係之內涵與現況 (一)國民小學教師參加在職進修課程包括七個向度,包括「教育信念與專業 態度」、「學科知識與教學策略」、「班級經營與學生輔導」、「教育政策與 新興議題」、「專業發展與研究知能」、「學校經營與行政管理」、「生活知 能與實用智慧」,教師參加在職進修課程整體得分情形為中低程度,分向度以「學科知識與教學策略」向度得分最高。 (二)國民小學教師效能包括七個向度,包括「班級經營效能」、「親師溝通效 能」、「課程規劃效能」、「教學執行效能」、「評量診斷效能」、「教學革新 效能」、「抗衡環境效能」,整體得分情形為中高程度,其中分向度以「班 級經營效能」向度的得分最高。 二、不同背景變項在國民小學教師參加在職進修課程與教師效能關係之差異情形 (一)不同背景變項在國民小學教師參加在職進修課程的得分方面:研究發現 除了性別外,在年齡、服務年資、最高學歷、現任職務、學校規模皆達 顯著差異。 (二)不同背景變項在教師效能關係的得分方面:研究發現除了學校規模外, 在性別、年齡、服務年資、最高學歷、現任職務皆達顯著差異。 三、國民小學教師參加在職進修課程各向度與教師效能之影響情形 國民小學教師參加在職進修課程各分向度對教學效能對國民小學教師效能皆具有顯著影響力,各向度之影響情形如下:在教育信念與專業態度向度中以「教育理念與實踐」影響力最高;在學科知識與教學策略向度中以「多元化教學策略」影響力最高;在班級經營與學生輔導向度中以「親師溝通技巧與策略」與「學生問題行為輔導策略」影響力最高;在教育政策與新興議題向度中以「生命教育議題」影響力最高;在專業發展與研究知能向度中以「教師生涯發展與規劃」影響力最高;在學校經營與行政管理向度中以「教育領導知能與實務」影響力最高;在生活知能與實用智慧向度中以「情緒與壓力管理策略」影響力最高。 四、國民小學教師參加在職進修課程與教師效能整體之影響情形 上游潛在變項「國民小學教師參加在職進修課程」對下游潛在變項「國民小學教師效能」具有顯著影響力,其中以「專業發展與研究知能」對「教師教學效能」影響力最高。 最後,依據研究發現進行討論並提出建議,俾提供國民小學教師、教育行政機關與後續研究參考。


徐仁斌 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解我國中央及地方縣市教師研習中心組織運作之現況,並探討其執行功能之差異。為達成上述目的,研究者採用文獻分析法與問卷調查法進行研究。首先探究教師在職進修的意義與必要性,其次探討美、英、日等國家之教師研習中心的沿革與現況,並和我國之發展作一比較;接著編製「中央及地方縣市教師研習中心之組織架構問卷」和「中央及地方縣市教師研習中心之執行功能問卷」,針對全國中央層級與地方縣市之教師研習中心進行調查研究。問卷調查結果再經訪談以進一步探究組織運作相關問題,最後綜合研究結果,提出結論與建議,以提供相關單位決策及後續之研究。 / 本研究主要以問卷調查法進行,研究對象為中央層級之教師研習機構和地方各縣市教師研習中心之相關業務承辦人,共獲取21所機構之有效問卷372份,問卷資料處理採用SPSS12.0版進行統計分析。研究結論如下: 一、 教師研習專業機構有其重要性但形式不一 二、 我國地方縣市教師研習中心體制尚未完整 三、 部分縣市研習中心淪為活動場地並無完整功能 四、 研習中心執行功能強弱與人員編制和資源挹注有關 五、 研習中心和其他機構合併是否帶來正面效用值得關注 六、 教師研習進修形式宜多樣化 七、 除了組織客觀條件之外,經營團隊亦是成功關鍵之一 / 本研究根據文獻探討、調查研究發現與結論,作成建議如下: 一、 對於執行成效不佳之研習中心,宜進行組織再造或整併 二、 建構完整的地方縣市教師研習中心體制,朝法制化邁進 三、 進行跨縣市研習中心資源整合與共享 四、 增進與學術機構合作之伙伴關係 五、 跳脫經費與資源的迷思,營造優質團隊運作模式

基層警察人員在職進修教育需求評估之研究--以專科警員班26期進修學生組為例 / The needs assessment of police officers’ in-service training—Taking 2008 police in-service training programs for example

何志黎 Unknown Date (has links)
教育訓練是各組織人力資源發展中重要的一環,而訓練需求評估又是教育方案成功與否的關鍵,警察教育亦然。本研究希望能從訓練制度中的訓練規劃與訓練需求的部分切入,並以97年報考並入學就讀臺灣警察專科警員班第27期進修學生組的學生為研究範圍,探討基層員警對在職進修教育訓練規劃的看法及訓練需求為何,以提供教育訓練單位作為設計出提昇人力素質且符合員警需求進修方案的參考,並藉以提昇基層員警進修意願及報考率。 本研究採問卷調查方式,前測與施測均利用SPSS for windows 12.0 中文套裝軟體運算問卷回收資料,以推論出研究結果。經實證分析結果與研究發現,提出以下建議供相關單位參考:壹、在訓練規劃方面:一、調整期程安排;二、精緻師資遴聘、教學方法與教材;三、長官與單位同仁應予支持;四、經濟影響因素應予考量;五、其餘如隊職官的遴派及進修結束後之陞調職等也應一併考量。貳、訓練需求方面:重要的排序為專業知識與為民服務技能的增進。此外,基層員警希望除藉由進修獲得專業智能外,對其餘生活品質、發展潛力、自我成長等層次提昇也有其需求。 關鍵詞:基層員警、在職進修、訓練規劃、訓練需求評估 / Education and training is a crucial part of the development of organizational manpower resources. It is likewise for police education. Assessment of educational needs is the key to success of educational implementation. Using data derived from surveys conducted with trainees of the 2008 police in-service training program, this study examined the expectations and needs of those trainees. It aimed to provide implications to improve the quality of educational training and enhance officers’ willingness to participate in this training program. This study adopted a survey format. Results of pre- and formal tests were analyzed with SPSS version 12 (a statistical software package). In the aspect of program planning, the following suggestions are proposed: (1) re-arrangement of training program; (2) intensification of selection of instructors and enhancement of instructional paradigm and materials; (3) provision of support from supervisors and colleagues; (4) consideration of officers’ financial needs; (5) consideration of completion of this in-service training as a possible factor for career advancement and promotion. In the respect of training needs for trainees, enhancement of professional knowledge and skills was found to be the most important. In addition, quality of life, career advancement, and self-growth are also vital to trainees. Key words: police officers; in-service training; training planning; assessment of training needs

在職進修公務人員之工作壓力、工作滿足與成就動機之研究-以臺灣中央機關為例 / The Study on the Stress, Satisfaction and Achievement Motivation of the In-service Training Public Services in the Central Administration of Taiwan

何雅鳳 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著社會環境變遷與發展,在職進修對於公務人員已成為時代趨勢,為使公務人員在兼顧工作與課業情況下,維持良好工作表現及服務品質,本研究探討在職進修公務人員工作壓力、工作滿足與成就動機之情況,依研究結果提出相關建議,提供相關單位進行公務人員人力資源管理之參考。 本研究採取深度訪談法,訪談10名任職中央機關公務人員參與在職進修,研究發現如下: 1.公務人員在職進修之現況:(1)工作性質與工作特性是公務人員選擇在職進修方式的主要影響原因;(2)部分中央機關依規定提供進修補助,在職進修者可選擇申請公假或學分費補助。選擇學分費補助能有效減輕進修者的經濟負擔;(3)工作年資較長有利於參與進修;(4)已婚者較未婚者更需要家人的支持。 2.工作壓力之來源:主要係因工作量大或複雜度高之工作性質、長官與同事的不支持態度、課業與畢業壓力及角色衝突所造成。 3.工作滿足之情形:影響在職進修者之工作滿足感的主要因素包括:服務機關是否穩定、參與進修能否獲益、角色轉移、時間管理等;提高在職進修者工作滿足感主要有利影響因素包括:升遷的公平與開放、長官的重視與支持、機關的實質獎勵與積極支持。 4.成就動機之情況:在職進修者選擇再進修的動機,受本身內在影響與環境外在影響而有不同,進修過程中如能提高成就動機,將間接影響工作表現;提高在職進修者成就動機之主要有利影響因素包括:長官的鼓勵與肯定、組織進修文化的推動及政府終身學習之積極推行。 本研究根據研究發現,提出以下建議: 1.在減輕在職進修公務人員之工作壓力方面:(1)建議單位長官應適時予以支援及協助;(2)建議政府機關對於人力是否充足或配置適當,應定期進行診斷;(3)建議學校可配合在職進修者學習需求,延長相關設施開放時間;(4)建議學校提供更多職場所需的課程以因應在職生需求;(5)建議參與在職進修者,加強自身的英文及資訊軟體使用能力,減少進修過程之學習困擾。 2.在提昇在職進修公務人員之工作滿足方面:(1)建議政府機關應積極提升公務人員對工作的認同感;(2)建議政府機關應積極鼓勵進修,而非消極支持;(3)建議參與在職進修者應加強時間管理。 3.在加強在職進修公務人員之成就動機方面:(1)建議政府機關應提供更多元化的進修方式;(2)建議學校能提高入學考試之門檻,維持學生品質;(3)建議參與在職進修者可適時回饋服務單位;(4)建議參與在職進修者應充分了解自身學習需求並以積極態度面對工作與課業。 / The in-service training becomes current trend for public servants with the development and evolution of our society. The study determinates how the public servants have great performance in duty during in-service training period. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to understand the stress, satisfaction and achievement motivation of the in-service training public servants to provide practical advice for the human resources management of public servants in authorities. Ten in-service training public servants in the central governments were in-depth interviewed and the results as following: 1.The current situations of in-service public servants: (1)The characteristic of jobs is the major factor for public servants to choose the ways of their in-service training. (2)Some central governments can subsidize the in-service training public servants based on specific regulation. The in-service training public servants can choose to apply the official business leave or the study allowance to obtain financial aid. To choose study allowance can give them practical financial support. (3)The public servants who have long working experience take advantage to participate in-service training. (4)The married public servants need more family support than single. 2.The situation of job stress is caused by overloading or sophisticated work, the negative attitude of supervisors and colleague, study stress and role conflict. 3.The main factors of the situation of job satisfaction for in-service training public servants include the administration steadiness, the self-benefit, the transformation of roles, time management and so on. The main factors of increasing sense of achievement contain the fairness and disclosure of promotion, the attention and support of supervisors, the practical award and active support of governments. 4.The motivation of in-service re-training participant is influenced by internal and extrinsic factors. Work performance will be indirectly affected by improving the achievement motivation in training. The main factors of increasing the achievement motivation of in-service training persons include the encouragement and appreciation of supervisors, the promotion of in-service training and lifelong learning in government. Based on this study to provide the following advice: 1.To alleviate the job stress of in-service training public servants: (1)Supervisors should help and support in time. (2)The management of human resource should be monitored by authorities regularly. (3)School should keep open longer to tie in the request of in-service training people. (4)School should offer more necessary course related to their job. (5)In-service training people should improve their ability of English and information technology to make their study easier. 2.To improve the job satisfaction of in-service training people: (1)Authorities should actively increase the professional self-identity of in-service training people. (2)Authorities should positively encourage them to get training instead of supporting negatively. (3)In-service training people should improve the ability of time management. 3.To enhance the achievement motivation of in-service training people: (1)Authorities should provide much more diverse training ways. (2)School can distinguish prospective students well based on discerning entrance examination. (3)In-service training people should pay back to their servicing place. (4)In-service training people should entirely understand what they need and have positive attitude to deal with work and study.


張光明 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解國民中學社會學習領域教師對領域教學在職進修之需求與成效。為達成研究目的,本研究以自編之「國民中學社會領域教師領域教學在職進修需求與成效問卷」為調查研究工具,以台北縣、市所抽樣學校社會學習領域教師390人作為正式問卷調查對象,回收332份有效問卷(回收率84.9%)。本研究針對所得的資料,以SPSS8.0 for Windows套裝軟體進行次數分配、獨立樣本單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)、Tukey法事後比較分析、獨立樣本t考驗(Independent-Samples t Test)等統計分析。依據資料分析發現,獲致以下結論: 壹、國民中學教師對領域教學進修之需求: 一、教師進修方式需求 (一) 就「授課方式」而言,教師覺得最有效的方式依次為「講述式」、「討論式」、「教學觀摩」、「個案研討」、「工作坊」。 (二) 就「授課講師」而言,教師覺得最有效的授課講師依序為「實務工作者」、「資深教師」、「大學教授」、「教育行政人員」。 (三) 就「上課成員組成方式」而言,教師覺得最有效的上課成員組成方式依序為「領域核心課程共同上課,專門科目分科上課」、「單科教師單獨上課」、「不同科目教師合科上課」。 二、教師進修科目需求 (一) 領域核心課程部分以「社會學習領域概論」最感需要。 (二) 專門課程部分: 1. 歷史:台灣史、世界史、中國史、世界史概論、史學概論。 2. 地理:臺灣地理、氣候學、世界地理、地學通論、地形學。 3. 公民:經濟學、法學緒論、民法(一)、刑法(一)、社會學。 三、教師進修內容需求 (一) 在「課程設計」方面較需要的項目是教學活動設計、六大議題融入教學課程設計、領域統整課程設計以及領域教學計畫撰寫。 (二) 在「教學方法」方面較需要的項目是教學方法與教學創新、教學模式與教學技巧、資訊融入教學。 (三) 在「教學資源與研究」方面較需要的項目是教學相關軟體應用與資訊概論、教學檔案之建立、社區教學資源發掘與應用。 (四) 在「評量與評鑑」方面較需要的項目是瞭解學生個別差異與診斷學生學習困擾、多元評量實務設計、回饋學習者之技巧。 貳、教師領域教學進修成效 一、在「課程設計」方面較有成效的項目是教學活動設計、領域統整課程設計、領域教學計畫撰寫。 二、在「教學方法」方面較有成效的項目是教學方法與教學創新、教學模式與教學技巧、資訊融入教學。 三、在「教學資源與研究」方面較有成效的項目是教學檔案之建立、社區教學資源發掘、教學相關軟體應用與資訊概論、教師行動研究。 四、在「評量與評鑑」方面較有成效的項目是教學評鑑、課程評鑑、多元評量實務設計。 最後依據研究結論,本研究提出一些建議,作為未來繼續推動領域教學進修之參考。 關鍵字:社會領域、九年一貫課程、領域教學、在職進修、需求、成效 / The purpose of the study is to understand the needs and the effects of the teachers of social learning field in junior high schools for in-service education. In order to achieve this research, the survey employed self-administered questionnaires. Schools chosen for these questionnaires were sampled from Taipei county and Taipei city. Teachers of social learning field in the sampled schools were 390 persons for the questionnaires. The effected returns were 332. According to the returned data, statistics results by One-Way ANOVA and Turkey and Independent-Samples t test were drawn as the following conclusions: I、The needs of the teachers of social learning field: 1. The methods of the needs: (1). For instructional ways, teachers think the efficient ways in sequence are 「speaking」, 「discussing」,「teaching demonstration」, 「case studying」 and 「working shop」. (2). For instructors, teachers think the efficient instructors in sequence are 「experienced workers」, 「senior teachers」, 「university professors」 and「 educational administrators」. (3). For members in class, teachers think the efficient ways in order are the 「core curriculum together but specialized disciplines separately」, 「specialized disciplines separately」, 「all specialized disciplines together」. 2. The needs of the subjects: (1). For field core curriculum, teachers think 「social learning field generality」 is the most required subject. (2). For specialized disciplines: i. history:History of Taiwan,History of the World,History of Chinese,Introduction to History of the World,Introduction to History. ii. geography:Geography of Taiwan,Meteorology ,Geography of the World,Introduction to Geography,Geomorphology. iii. civics:Economics,Introduction to Law,Civil law,Criminal Law,Sociology. 3. The needs of contents: (1). For curriculum projects, the items are teaching activities design, six topics included in teaching curriculum design, field integrated curriculum design and field teaching plan writing. (2). For teaching methods, the items are teaching methods, teaching innovation, teaching models, teaching techniques and information technology used in teaching. (3). For resoures and research , the items are application of teaching related softwares and information technology , building teaching files and findings and applications of community teaching resources. (4). For assessment and evaluation, the items are understanding the differences of students and diagnosing problems of students learning, multi-assessment practical designs and feedback learners techniques. II、 The effects of the teachers of social learning field: 1. For curriculum projects, the items are teaching activities designs, field integrated curriculum designs and field teaching plan writing. 2. For teaching methods, the items are teaching methods, teaching innovation, teaching models, teaching techniques and information technology used in teaching. 3. For teaching resources and research, the items are teaching application softwares and information building teaching files and findings and applications of community teaching resources. 4. For assessment and evaluation, the items are teaching evaluation, curriculum evaluation and multi-assessment practical designs. Based on the conclusions of this research, there are some suggestions which will be the references for the social field learning in the future. Keywords:social learning field,1 - 9 curriculum,field teaching,in-service education,needs,effects.

國軍人員參與在職進修動機取向及其自我效能、工作績效之研究 / The Influence of Studying Motivation on Self-efficacy and Work Performance for Military Officers

方雪玲, Fang, Hsueh Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國軍人員參與「碩士專班及碩士學分班」在職進修動機與自我效能及工作績效之關係,根據文獻回顧與推論,本研究主張國軍人員參與在職進修的動機會影響到個人的自我效能,並進一步影響其工作績效。根據此一概念,本研究共提出五個假說並進行實證的分析驗證。 研究方法主要是以問卷調查法為主,問卷的編制是以文獻探討與研究假說所形成之研究架構為依據。以便利抽樣之方式針對北區國軍在職進修人員寄發問卷,總共發出200份,回收有效問卷151份,回收率為79.50%。 研究結果顯示,國軍人員參與在職進修之動機會影響進修者之自我效能與工作績效。其中進修動機為「追求成就」、「成長認知」、「專業發展」、「社交關係」及「外界期望」等五個層面得分愈高者,其學習自我效能及工作績效表現也愈高,另外,本研究亦發現在職進修的動機具有多元取向且動機取向間互有關係。 由於目前國內針對國軍人員參與在職進修的動機、學習自我效能與個人工作績效之相關研究尚屬少見,因此本研究結果除了可以提供國軍推動終身學習政策的實務參考外,對自我效能與學習動機的理論發展,也提供了具體之建樹。 關鍵字:國軍人員、在職進修、進修動機、自我效能、工作績效 / The purpose of this research is to probe the relationship among learning motivation, self-efficiency and job performance for military officers who participate in the in-service learning program of master degree or related credit class. Based on the literature review and theoretical inference, this research argues that learning motives of participant will influence learning self- efficiency and, further more, his or her job performance. Accordingly, this research proposes and tests five hypotheses by way of field data. The research methodology is mainly the survey approach and the design of questionnaire is according to the research framework based on the literature and hypotheses. By convenience sampling approach, 200 questionnaire mails were sent to the military officers in northern part of Taiwan and 151 effective questionnaires were received with the valid response rate of 79.50%. The result shows that the learning motivation of program participant has significant impact on self-efficiency and job performance. Among these motivations, the higher of ‘pursuing achievements’, ‘growing recognition’, ‘professional development’, ‘social relationship’, and ‘external expectation’, the higher of self-efficiency and the better of job performance. Furthermore, the study also finds that the learning motivations are multifaceted and correlated with each other. At present, it is rare to study the relationships among learning motivation, self-efficiency, and job performance about military officers. The result of this study, therefore, offers a meaningful mirror for military department to consider the improvement of life-learning program. In addition, this study makes a great contribution in terms of the theories about learning motivation and self-efficiency. Key word: military officers, in-service learning, learning motivation, self-efficacy, job performance

英語教學在職碩士班對高中英文老師影響之研究 / A Study on the Influence of In-svice English Teaching Graduate Programs on Senior High School English Teachers

黃素端, Huang,Su Duan Unknown Date (has links)
教師的專業發展是提昇教師品質的關鍵,它包含職前的師資教育以及在職的教師進修。在臺灣,為了倡導英文教師的終身學習,在職英語教學碩士專班在民國八十八年成立。 本研究旨在探討在職英語教學碩士班對高中英文老師的影響。研究方法包含問卷,訪談及教室觀察。問卷調查部分,所使用的問卷是研究者根據文獻及三所在職英語教學碩士專班課程內容所編製的,目的在於瞭解進修教師對於在職英語教學碩士專班對他們的專業態度,專業知能及教室實務影響的自我認知。問卷調查採全國普查,有九十八所學校回函,有效問卷為一百零九份。教室觀察的部分則對兩組教師的教學進行觀察、錄影、分析及比較。這兩組教師來自同一所高中,第一組的兩位教師有在職英語教學碩士班進修的經驗,另一組的兩位教師則無。 本研究的重要發現為: 1. 在專業態度方面,在職英語教學碩士班增強了進修教師嚐試新教學法的動機,  提高了他們的專業自信及教學熱忱,並增強了他們參與進修活動的動機。 2. 在專業知能方面,進修教師在本身的讀寫能力及語法、構詞及言談分析等語言  知識獲益最多。 3. 在教室實務方面,專業知能的充實非常有助於進修教師應用新的教學技巧於字  彙、語法、閱讀和寫作的教學,並有助於他們採用更多樣的教學資源及材料。 4. 運用進修所得知識於教學中讓具有在職英語教學碩士班進修經驗的教師在教 學上和不具此經驗的教師有所不同。 此研究結果對進修在職英語教學碩士班與改進英文教學方式之間的關係具有豐富啟示,是值得投注更多關注與研究的領域。 關鍵字: 在職進修  研究所  高中英文老師  專業態度  專業知能     教室實務 / Teachers’ professional development is the key to teacher quality. It encompasses pre-service teacher education and in-service teacher training. In Taiwan, in an effort to promote English teachers’ continual learning, in-service English teaching graduate programs were started in 1999 in place of what was called "Forty-Credit Program". This study aims to investigate the influence of the in-service English teaching graduate programs on senior high school English teachers. Three methods, questionnaire survey, interview, and classroom observation, were used. In the part of questionnaire survey, a questionnaire was designed to elicit participants’ self-perceptions of the influence the in-service English teaching graduate programs have on their professional attitudes, professional knowledge and classroom practice. Then, a general survey was conducted island-wide. Ninety-eight schools responded with 109 valid questionnaires. Follow-up phone interviews were conducted with seven willing respondents to further explore how they apply their new knowledge to their teaching. Regarding the classroom observation, two groups of English teachers from the same school participated in this part of study. In the first group were two teachers with the in-service English teaching graduate program experience while in the second group were two teachers without the experience. The teaching of one lesson conducted by the four teachers were observed, video-taped, analyzed, and compared. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with each teacher after the observational data were collected. The purpose of the interview was to know the reasons why they adopted current ways of teaching. This study has the following important findings. Firstly, in terms of professional attitudes, the in-service programs affect participants most in their motivation to try out new teaching methods, professional confidence, enthusiasm for English teaching and motivation to partake in in-service training activities. Secondly, in the aspect of knowledge about the English language, participants benefit from the programs the most in their own reading and writing ability as well as in knowledge of syntax, morphology, and discourse analysis. Thirdly, with regard to classroom practice, the enrichment of professional knowledge helps a lot in participants' application of new techniques to their instruction of vocabulary, grammatical structure, reading and writing. It also contributes to participants’ use of varieties of learning resources and materials. Lastly, the application of the new knowledge leads to the differences between teachers who have the in-service English teaching graduate program experience and those who do not. These findings have rich implications for the relationship between in-service English teaching graduate programs and the improvement of English teaching practice of senior high school English teachers, an area well worth more attention and research. Key words: in-service graduate programs senior high school English teachers professional attitudes professional knowledge classroom practice

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