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保險安定基金相關法律問題之研究 / Study of Insurance Market Stabilization Fund林瑩姮, Lin,Ying-Heng Unknown Date (has links)
本文以我國保險安定基金法制為中心,研究各國關於保險業退場機制之立法例設計,並將之與保險安定基金或其類似制度做一連結探討,如:美國保險安定基金、英國金融服務補償機制,日本支付保證制度等。雖然各國在資金募集與補償方式等方面各有差異,但皆致力於減輕保險公司失卻清償能力對保戶與社會金融秩序所可能造成的損害。本文介紹目前我國保險法規定下之保險安定基金法制架構,並針對現行法可能衍生的問題進行分析討論,如:保險安定基金之功能定位、徵收方式、墊付限額、規模適足性等,最後提出相關建議供立法者與主管機關參考。 / An insurance guaranty fund is set up to cover an insolvent insurer’s financial obligations, within statutory limits, to policyholders, beneficiaries, annuitants, and third-party claimants. The basic purpose of it is to protect policyholders, beneficiaries, annuitants, and third-party claimants against losses which might occur due to an insolvency of an insurer. Consequently, when an insurer is impaired or insolvent, the system is complete or not is quite important.
At first, this study researches the insurance insolvency law of Taiwan and other developed countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan. Even if there are many differences in the coverage, statutory limits, and how the funds are assessed, their purposes are the same , that is to reduce the damage might caused by insolvency of an insurer. Moreover, the study focuses on the insurance market stabilization fund law in Taiwan. After discuss the issues and problems which are encountered, the suggestions for resolving such issues and problems are submitted as the conclusion of this study.
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平衡計分卡應用於就業安定基金運作及管理之探討 / A study on the application of Balanced Scorecard in the Employment Stabilization fund溫秀琴, Win, Shu-Chin Unknown Date (has links)
一、 就安基金之經費執行與成果和上級之使命、願景及施政目標的關聯性有待強化。
二、 就安基金管理會屬任務編組,組織層級低且欠缺專責經營團隊。
三、 就安基金經費運用符合法定設置目的,惟較欠缺中、長程之規劃,資源分配模式有待調整。
四、 就安基金之績效評核機制與績效衡量指標,欠缺考量非財務性之領先指標及顧客回饋指標,無法有效指引成員朝向使命達成的方向前進。
就前述研究結果,本研究嘗試引用平衡計分卡之觀念與精神,對於附設於政府組織下之就安基金管理會,提出建議性之績效評估及管理架構與策略地圖,以作為協助就安基金管理會建構「以策略為核心」運作機制與績效管理之參考。 / The Employment Stabilization Fund (the Fund) is a special fund under the category of governmental funds. The Fund has been an importance resource for the Council of Labor Affairs in promoting domestic employment. The economic downturn and financial tsunami in recent years has severe impacts on Taiwan’s economy. Th shutdown of companies has resulted in the decrease in sources for funding from taxation for government and an increase in domestic unemployment. The Management Council Employment Stabilization Fund (the Management Council), formed as a task force under the Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training, the Council of Labor Affairs (the Bureau), is responsible for the performance of the Fund. As an important resource for promotion of domestic employment, the effective and efficient use of the Fund is essential.
Using a case study approach, this thesis analyzes the operation and performance related issues with respect to the Fund. Literature review, the collection of secondary data and in-depth interview has contributed to findings in this study. The major findings of the current operation and management of the Fund are as follows.
1. The linkage between the allocation of funding and mission and policy of the Bureau needs to be enhanced.
2. Operation team should be formed with a higher hierarchy for the Management Council.
3. The allocation of funding is in compliance with the designated uses of the Fund. However, the mid-range and long-range planning is also required to enhance a more effective and efficient use of the Fund.
4. There appears room for improvement of performance management system. Non-financial leading measures such as feedback indicators from service recipients of the agency is not included in the current evaluation system.
Based on the findings above and the concepts of the balanced scorecard, this thesis provides a performance management framework for the Fund. The suggestions include a better link between the use of the Fund and the mission of the Bureau, the operation and management action strategy of the Management Council, and the strategy map for the Fund.
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論我國保險安定基金有關保障被保險人之規範李家興 Unknown Date (has links)
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我國保險安定基金之研究 / Guaranty Fund in Taiwan陳慧如, Doris Chen Unknown Date (has links)
Guaranty Fund in Taiwan
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廣義財務模型於保險公司資產配置與破產成本之研究 / Asset allocation and bankruptcy problems of insurance company in general financial models楊尚穎, Yang, Shang Yin Unknown Date (has links)
這篇論文研究跨國投資與監理寬容下保險公司之破產問題,同時論文的相關內容簡述於論文第一章中。第二章研究考慮匯率可預測下對跨國投資人資產配置的影響,結果顯示匯率可預測性能有效的提升投資人期末財富。第三章考慮監理寬容下保險公司的破產問題,在美國破產保護法第11章的架構下,保險人與被保險人之權利義務關係,可利用巴黎式選擇權描述,同時建構保證給付指標來衡量不同監理干預準則,數值結果顯示過於寬鬆的監理準則將導致被保險人的財務損失。第四章探討監理寬容下保險安定基金保險費率問題,依照美國破產保護法第11章的架構,安定基金保費可簡化成2個巴黎式選擇權,結果顯示,當前台灣保險單定基金費率有偏低的情形,建議主管機關訂定安定基金費率時需更加謹慎小心。 / This thesis focuses on the international portfolio selection and the bankruptcy cost of the insurance company under regulatory forbearance. The main theme of this thesis is outlined in chapter 1, which also serves as an introduction to the three papers (appearing here as Chapter 2, Chapter 3 and Chapter 4) collected in this thesis.
In the theme of the international portfolio selection, Chapter 2 investigates the investment behaviors when learning effect is considered. According to the exchange rate predictability, the investor updates his information and adjusts his portfolio allocation. Finally, the numerical results show that the learning mechanism significantly improves the terminal wealth.
In the theme of the regulatory forbearance, Chapter 3 provides an illustration of the impact on the ruin cost due to regulatory forbearance. The concept of the U.S. Chapter 11 bankruptcy code is employed to determine regulatory forbearance. Throughout the framework of Parisian option, a quantitative index of regulatory forbearance called Guarantee Benefit Index (GBI) is developed. The GBI is used to evaluate the different supervisory intervention criteria i.e., relative and absolute intervention criteria. Finally, numerical analysis is performed to illustrate the influence of different financial factors and the intervention criteria.
Another important issue in bankruptcy problem is discussed in Chapter 4, i.e., the cost of insurance guaranty fund. It is important to determine the cost of bankruptcy when the insolvent insurance company is took over by the government. Under the U.S. Chapter 11 bankruptcy code, the cost of guaranty fund can be determined through Parisian options. Results show that the current premium rates of Taiwan insurance guarantee fund are far from risk sensitive. Hence the results suggest the government should more prudent to face the bankruptcy problem in insurance industry.
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問題壽險業退場機制之研究 -兼論過渡保險機制 / A Study on the Exit of Troubled Life Insurers from the Market - Extended Study on the Transition Insurance Mechanism林沛瑩, Lin, Pei Ying Unknown Date (has links)
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論我國保險安定基金之改革-與英國金融服務補償計畫及我國中央存款保險公司相比較 / A study on the reform of insurance stabilization fund in Taiwan in comparison with the FSCS of the UK and CDIC of Taiwan吳毓文, Wu, Yu Wen Unknown Date (has links)
因此本研究將保險安定基金與金融制度完善之英國的金融服務補償計畫,以及處理我國存款金融機構退場事件經驗豐富,功能與組織皆堪稱完備的中央存款保險公司進行制度比較,並對於保險安定基金各層面改革之相關問題,諸如法律規範、組織架構、資金之徵收、資金不足之處理、各項工作執掌及作業、與其他單位之配合等事項,提出具體建議以供主管機關參考。 / The Insurance Stabilization Fund system of Taiwan, found in 1992, has operated for more than 15 years according to the Insurance Act. After the amendment of 2007, some major differences were brought to the system. First of all, the two originally independent foundations for life and non-life insurance stabilization fund would be merged and organized with substantial structure. Moreover, by amending article 143-3 of the act, the legislature expanded more functions for the stabilization fund. As a result, the Fund would no longer be just a “pay box”, but instead, handling the liquidation procedures, and providing constructive assistance to the regulation of insurers. However, with the scale and level of the reform, it is inevitable to face lots of challenges and problems.
The following study dedicated to the introduction of the Insurance Stabilization Fund in Taiwan, the Financial Services Compensation Scheme of the UK and Central Deposit Insurance Corporation in Taiwan, then make thorough comparison over main aspects among the three systems. Through the analysis with these three systems, this study will provide solutions and recommendations to the conflicts that may occur.
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