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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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王鴻源 Unknown Date (has links)
在都市發展成長影響下,傳統土地使用分區管制過於僵化的法令規範,無法因應都市動態快速發展情況,更欠缺引導開發管理機制,常造成公共設施不足、生態環境破壞、土地資源誤用等公共成本付出,也導致土地所有權人的暴損與暴利,產生可發展的與發展受限的土地所有權人間之不公平對待。因此,為補償發展受限的土地所有權人的權利損失,並調和土地使用分區管制的僵化,我國土地使用分區管制制度下,應用容積移轉方式作為彈性開發的手段。 容積移轉制度可作為一種對土地所有權人損失補償的法定手段,這是無庸置疑的,但究竟其損失補償效果如何卻頗受爭議,故本文冀能釐清此議題。首先,透過財產權理論與損失補償理論的文獻分析,檢視容積移轉制度在我國損失補償體系中的定位。其次,討論我國容積發展制度與美國發展權移轉制度之始末,藉以探討我國容積移轉制度之損失補償課題及效果。再者,依據私有公共設施保留地之容積移轉個案,瞭解容積移轉制度之市場運作與法令限制,且剖析其損失補償範圍與實際效果如何。最後,本研究發現我國現行容積移轉制度之損失補償效果不佳,究其原因在於容積移轉市場無法有效運作與法令制度設計不夠健全,故而本文建議改善其法令制度,以使市場運作順暢,如此提高其損失補償效果,保障土地所有權人之財產權。

容積移轉環境補償機制之探討-以台北市公共設施保留地為例 / A Study on Environmental Compensation Mechanism of TDR:Application on Reserved Lands for public facilities in Taipei City

蔡宗諺 Unknown Date (has links)
政府為紓解財政負擔及公共設施保留地得以順利興闢而鼓勵容積移轉,使得都市容積總量增加,恐引發整體環境品質衝擊。接受基地容積總量增加,公共設施需求也相對增加,導致環境與設施容受力下降,造成環境品質、公共設施、交通停車、建築景觀等方面問題。本文期藉由建構環境補償機制來控管適當移入之容積與環境容受力,避免損及公共利益並維護良好居住環境品質。首先透過文獻與理論回顧了解容積移轉引發日照、陰影、採光、景觀等環境問題,其次由探討開發業者移入容積增量獲取利得,是否應提供環境補償或貢獻,其比例與對價關係為何等公平問題。至於審議應核給開發基地多少比例移入容積增量,核准比例是依基地條件差異或者是通案固定比例核給;而環境補償與審議核准比例之間的比例原則與對價關係要如何取得平衡,才符合公平正義之精神。 本文採德爾菲法,蒐集專家學者、政府相關單位承辦與專業設計者意見,目的在確認問題的共識,以及專家學者對環境補償方式的想法及內容之認同。期望藉由建構容積移轉環境補償機制,確立合理的環境補償比例規範,來改善開發基地周邊環境品質,達到都市永續之發展,並使開發業者審議時,有明確標準得以依循。然現行容積移轉制度不當導致都市環境品質低落,故首應對都市環境進行管控,容積移轉造成環境外部性問題應透過設計手法內部化方式處理,而開發行為者應從移入容積增量樓地板所獲取額外增加開發利得中,提供一定比例之環境貢獻作為基地周邊環境維護及公共設施之興建或補償,以改善基地周邊環境容受力及設施容受力,來避免民眾居住權益受到損害,期能解決環境衝擊與社會公平困境。 本研究所建構的環境補償機制分為下列補償措施及配套措施兩部分:(1)補償措施為基地開發規模及完整性、基地周邊境界線退縮與公共設施之供給、增加地面層廣場式或沿街式步道開放空間、交通問題改善方式、地面層綠覆率、基地保水設計、送出基地位置選擇、送出基地本身開闢時程、移入容積增加建物量體退縮、基地周邊環境改善項目、基地協助公共設施改善(高齡者簡易健檢站或婦幼安全照護站)等,據此,本文製作成環境補償方式容積衡量表依基地提供環境貢獻核給移入容積。(2)配套措施包含建議短期內政府應將環境補償機制法制化以確立其法治地位,加強大型基地容積移入審查,重視協商環境補償措施內容達到控制居住環境品質,設置管理維護基金做為環境補償措施之管理維護,並進行不定期追蹤查核。中長期則應進行環境補償方式成效追蹤及實證,並建立環境品質衡量指標,透過量化標準做為使用管理階段衡量補償措施執行成效之評估分級,其目的是作為日後增修法令或調整項目核給移入容積比例之參考。

臺北市都市容積空間分佈與容積移轉制度研究 / A Study on the Distribution of Urban Building Capacity and the Urban Building Capacity Transfer in Taipei City

鄭于玲 Unknown Date (has links)
我國「都市計畫容積移轉辦法」中規定容積接受區須與容積送出區為同一都市計畫地區,以臺北市為例,全區屬同一主要計畫,申請者於房價較低之行政區取得公共設施用地後,將其容積移入房價較高之行政區,產生某些行政區開發量暴增、公共設施服務品質不佳、都市景觀衝擊、都市交通擁擠及缺乏最適容積總量管制等課題。 本研究以都市容受力理論觀點,提出最適容積總量的評估機制,利用ArcGIS系統了解臺北市各行政區及街廓發展現況,掌握其各種屬性,作為建立分類指標參考,再藉由因子分析、集群分析等研究方法,進行都市容受力評估以及街廓條件分類。 最後,根據實證研究結果,建議臺北市容積移轉制度須檢討各行政區容積發展總量、評估都市發展容受力、考量其他容積管制政策、調整容積移轉範圍、規定各行政區接受基地街廓分類與移入容積上限及擬定容積移轉接受基地相關規範,以作為容積移轉政策之執行參考。 / As stipulated in the Regulations of Urban Building Capacity Transfer, the recipient and donor of transferred building capacity need to be located in the same urban planned district. Take Taipei City for example, it is covered in the same urban planned area. As developers acquire public facilities lands in administrative areas of low land prices, and then transfer the building capacity got from the former to the administrative areas of high land prices. The behavior of developers mentioned above, will trigger a rapid increase of development capacity in certain administrative areas, impact the service quality of public facilities, urban landscape, traffic condition, and optimal control of building capacity. Based on the theory of urban carrying capacity, the study proposes an optimal building capacity assessment mechanism. ArcGIS is used to trace the current development and understand the various features of the administrative areas and street blocks in Taipei City so as to help establish relevant classification indicators. Factor and cluster analyses are then conducted to facilitate urban carrying capacity assessment and classification of street blocks. Finally, on the basis of the empirical results , this study offers the following suggestions for achieving more effective implementation of the urban building capacity transfer system in Taipei City: reviewing the total building capacity in every administrative areas, assessing urban carrying capacity, exploring other policies for building capacity control, adjusting the scope of building capacity transfer, classifying the street blocks of the recipient sites in every administrative areas, limiting the volume of transferred building capacity, and drafting regulations for recipient sites of transferred building capacity.

容積銀行制度對相關利害關係人影響之研究 / A study on the effect of TDR bank on involved stakeholders

鍾映婕, Chung, Ying Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
民國八十八年內政部頒布「都市計畫容積移轉實施辦法」,允許公共設施保留地土地所有權人將土地(容積)予以出售給開發業者,由業者支付價金,政府並從中無償取得該容積移轉後的土地,纾緩政府財政負擔。然而,這樣的容積移轉制度造成市場由少數私人掌控,資訊不公開透明,使市場交易產生許多問題。爰此,臺北市政府於民國一○三年六月制定「臺北市容積移轉審查許可自治條例」,期望透過政府興辦的容積銀行制度解決私人市場容積移轉的相關課題,加速公共設施保留地的取得,完善整個容積市場之發展。然而,由於容積銀行制度目前僅為初步推動階段,相關內容仍有待進一步探討,又過去文獻多集中在制度的功能與內容,對於容積銀行制度最直接影響的市場利害關係人─公共設施保留地地主、開發業者、地方政府,卻缺乏相關討論,但一公共政策的推動,除了政策本身的周延性外,也需要透過相關個人及團體的密切配合,換言之,利害關係人在政策推動中扮演著關鍵的角色。故探討容積銀行制度對於相關利害關係人之影響成為極重要之議題,期望透過不同利害關係人對於制度之看法瞭解容積銀行機制之建立對於容積移轉市場所產生的影響,並將其意見納入參考使制度更為有效周全的發展。   容積銀行是為解決私人市場容積移轉課題並達到健全容積市場發展之目標。故本研究首先綜整私人市場容積移轉制度之緣起目的及相關問題,並探討國內外容積銀行之相關文獻,釐清容積移轉與容積銀行之異同,其次,探究目前臺北市容積銀行制度之內容,並將其與美國各州發展權銀行制度做綜合比較分析,作為後續問卷訪談內容之基礎與容積銀行機制研擬之重要參考依據。在問卷訪談部分,公共設施保留地地主與開發業者本研究採發放問卷形式;而在地方政府部門部分則以訪談形式進行調查。   最後,根據國內外文獻回顧及制度相關利害關係人之問卷訪談調查結果,本研究分析容積銀行制度對於利害關係人可能產生的正負影響層面,並根據不同利害關係人之看法及建議,提出「容積銀行機制之研擬」,將制度應具備之目標歸納為六大項目,分別為:提高容積資訊透明度、保障交易價格、穩定容積市場供需量體、加速公共設施保留地之取得、保障容積交易過程、健全都市建設發展。此外,本研究也研擬了容積銀行制度的操作架構與相關具體內容,透過建立容積資訊系統、研擬公平合理補償及估價機制、並說明容積代金收入如何有效運用,而容積銀行也需有專責機構負責,明確規範政府的角色功能等,建構更完整的容積銀行運作模式。另外,本研究也針對臺北市提出未來容積銀行制度發展之方向與相關配套措施,期望對於容積銀行有更完善的機制研擬,提供未來政府推動容積銀行政策相關之建議與參考面向。

公共設施保留地容積移轉與競標機制績效之研究 / A study on the performance of the TDR of land reservations for public facilities and bidding mechanism

范振鋒, Fan, Chen Feng Unknown Date (has links)
容積移轉(Transfer of Development Rights, TDR)制度,源自於歐美國家為保護自然環境、生態環境及文化資產所創設之發展權移轉,多應用於歷史古蹟、歷史保存區與環境敏感地區之保護及保存,此外,並利用都市成長管理計畫加以管理。而在台灣地區,因政府長期受限於公共設施保留地取得問題,故而將容積移轉適用範圍擴大應用於公共設施保留地取得,於是各縣市政府陸續依據內政部訂定之「都市計畫容積移轉實施辦法」訂定自治條例。 政府為解決私有既成道路徵收補償問題,於是訂定「中央補助直轄市縣市政府取得私有既成道路試辦計畫」,希望能以競標方式為手段取得私有既成道路,基於私有既成道路因係私有財產權受有財產權制度性保障,以避免民眾權益受到損害,解決社會不公平問題。 本研究採取對容積移轉及競標制度相關理論做文獻回顧,認為藉由實施容積移轉制度確實是一種可保護自然環境、生態環境、文化資產及取得公共設施保留地的一種方法,卻不是唯一可行的方式,在制度面上有許多未盡周延或實際操作上極待克服的課題。 從本研究中發現容積移轉制度的容積價值換算及競標制度的競標價格,並不能真實補償私有公共設施保留地土地所有權長期無法補償的損失,且確實尚未達到各縣市土地徵收補償標準及容積移轉適用性。期望藉由建構競標價格權重分配模型之補償機制,確立合理的競標價格補償比例規範,透過量化標準尋找競標價格補償比例,其目的是作為日後增修法令調整項目核給競標比例之參考。 政府制定及執相關都市計畫政策都應要有宏觀的視野,對於容積移轉及競標政策,我們認為政府的設計與做法應該更謹慎,才是一個政府永續經營的負責態度,才能為人民建立一個安居樂業的生活環境。 / The mechanism of TDR is for the protection of the conservation of natural environment and eco-system and cultural assets in United States and Europe area. Most casts of TDR are used to reserve the historical district and the sensitive areas, in addition to manage the urban development. In Taiwan, the government expands the use of TDR to retain the lands for public-facilities use, in order to resolve the long-tern struggling of the storage of public-facilities lands. Base on the regulation of the 「The Implementation Measures of TDR in Urban Planning」, the local government formulate the measures one after another. The government in order to solve the issue of the compensation for privately owned road expropriation. To formulate the「The central government subsidy municipalities and counties to obtain a privately owned road into a pilot project」, it is hoped that a privately owned road can be obtained by bidding means. Based on the private ownership of the road, because of the system of private property rights protected by property rights. To avoid damage of the public rights and interests. And solve the problem of social unfair. In this thesis, the capacity transfer theory and the bidding mechanism are reviewed. We conclude that the current system of the capacity transfer is one method to conservation of natural environment and eco-system and cultural assets and in the acquisition of the public reserved but not the only best one. There are still some problems in the system, especially in the practical execution aspect. We found that the current formula for the estimation of the capacity value in the capacity transfer system and the bidding price in the bidding mechanism, they do not really compensate the loss of the long-term private ownership of the public reserved. Furthermore, it does not meet the standard of the compensation for expropriating land, neither does the capacity transfer appropriation. Except to build the compensation mechanism of bidding price weighting allocation model. Establish the reasonable compensation proportion specification of bidding price. Find the compensation proportion specification of bidding price through the quantification criteria. The purpose is to adjust the project as a future increase in the proportion of approved bidding reference. The government should have a global consideration in the urban planning and in enhancement of the living quality in the city. For the capacity transfer theory and the bidding mechanism, we suggest that the government should be more prudent designing the system and the execution. For the sustainable management, it is a responsibility for a city government to help citizens lead their happy life.


王春木, Wang ,Chun Mu Unknown Date (has links)
我國長久以來公共設施建設最感困擾的事,即地方政府財政困難,而未能及時取得公共設施保留地的問題,若要解決此問題,可能必須尋求以非金錢的方式為之。以往的研究證實,以容積移轉方式來取得公共設施保留地是可行的途徑之一,然經本研究發現,目前我國容積移轉交易市場處於資訊不對稱的環境中,且相關配套制度並不完善,以致於市場存在著許多交易成本,造成市場交易不活絡的現象。因此,本研究以交易成本理論為觀點,並以台北縣為空間研究範圍,探討國內公共設施保留地容積移轉市場交易過程中所產生之相關成本,以及了解形成這些成本之原因為何,並提出健全我國公共設施保留地容積移轉市場之相關配套措施,以促進公共設施保留地容積移轉市場交易的活絡。 本研究在相關理論與文獻的基礎上,透過個案分析及深入訪談方式,探討容積移轉問題與建立交易平台之可能性,本研究發現國內的公共設施保留地容積移轉市場有以下的缺點:1.市場資訊不對稱;2.交易談判協商困難;3.執行契約成本過高;4.交易完成後之監督與管制措施困難。是以,本研究針對以上市場上存在的困難,試擬出以下運作之機制,藉以改善容積市場的交易情況,內容包括:1.建立交易平台提供交易者解決搜尋上的困難;2.由TDR銀行與仲介公司成立中介組織,並由政府部門加以協助與監督管制,以提供相關資訊予市場中之供需雙方,作為衡量降低本身成本的參考依據;3.建議建立一交易平台所需之相關配套措施供公私部門之參考。本研究建議公部門可建立以下之配套措施,內容包括:1.相關容積移轉法源依據之整合與容積權利之法制化;2.適當的揭露容積移轉區位資訊與容積供給者資訊;3.訂定相關罰則以減少政府部門之監督成本。而建議私部門可建立以下之配套措施,內容包括:1.設立容積銀行供容積憑證之存放;2.代理制度的引入;3.由仲介公司扮演資訊提供的角色。 關鍵詞:公共設施保留地、容積移轉、交易成本、交易平台


張瑞雲 Unknown Date (has links)
我國自民國八十六年起,於文化資產保存法中導入容積移轉之概念,利用容積移轉補償古蹟等存用地所有權人發展受限之相關損失。嗣後,陸續於其他法律與都市計畫中亦有相關容積移轉制度之產生,抑且更將此等原作為補償手段之容積移轉,進一步擴張為公共設施保留地等特定土地之取得手段,此亦成為我國容積移轉之重要特色。惟探究當初容積移轉導入國內時,學術界與實務界泰半針對容積移轉所將引發之相關都市發展等規劃面問題加以討論,對於容積移轉相關之法律問題卻未加探討,實有不甚嚴謹之處。據此,本文則針對現行容積移轉於我國法體制下,所產生之相關法律問題加以探討;抑且鑑於日本容積移轉運作之過程中,產生與我國類似之法律問題,以及其容積移轉運用於積極都市開發之層面等作法,該等相關內容皆具有相當之參考價值。是以,本文以日本容積移轉制度為借鏡,以期解決我國現有容積移轉之相關法律問題,並參考其容積移轉之優點,以改善我國容積移轉之相關作法。 從而,本文首先於第二章中闡述相關容積移轉之原理與內涵,並參考日本相關討論,針對容積移轉於大陸法體制下,其得自所有權分離而為移轉之法律原因加以探討,以明確我國容積移轉之先決要件。並於第三章中詳細介紹我國容積移轉相關規定與運作現況,以瞭解我國容積移轉制度之內涵,並探求其特色與相關法律問題。其中,目前相關法律主要有容積移轉之公示問題以及相關民眾參與之問題。 再者,於第四章中詳細介紹日本相關容積移轉之內容,以探求其容積移轉之特色以及相關問題與解決方式,以期日本相關容積移轉制度內涵,得提供作為我國制度問題解決與改進之參考。 其次,以第三章與第四章之內容為基礎,於第五章中提出我國容積移轉公示問題與民眾參與問題之解決方式,以及參考日本容積移轉之優點與長處,提出相關我國容積移轉制度得加以參採之方向與內容,以期更加完善我國容積移轉制度。 最後,於第六章中作前述各章之總結,並期望我國容積移轉制度得進一步針對法律問題加以改善,並且就制度本身之運用得加以擴張,使我國都市發展與容積移轉制度更加完備。

土地使用分區管制制度之執行與制度變遷--財產權觀點之分析 / The Enforcement and Change of Zoning Institution in The Perspective of Property Rights

張剛維, Chang,Kangwei Unknown Date (has links)
財產權的發展,具有將外部成本內部化,以及減輕租值消散的功能,同時也會影響誘因機制與市場行為,因此,建立可執行的財產權或契約系統,有助於降低交易成本,促進市場交易的效率。土地使用分區管制是政府用以界定財產權的一項重要工具,但在執行的過程中,會受到資訊不完全的因素所限制,而產生許多社會經濟衝突的問題,所以,在財產權界定不完全的情形下,分區管制制度的執行可能是一種負和、零和或正和的賽局。 在台灣的都市規劃管制制度下,土地使用分區管制一直被視為政府執行都市公共政策的重要工具,但是土地使用分區管制制度變遷的原因及對財產權配置的影響,很少被深入的探討,亦少有相關的實證研究予以論述說明。由於分區管制決策直接影響人民的土地財產權範圍,因此,以財產權為研究的焦點,連結制度及執行層面的動態分析,可以更深入地了解政策運作的過程,檢視分區管制制度設計的問題,藉以提供更佳的制度環境。本研究嘗試以新制度經濟學的基礎,基於財產權的觀點,連結制度變遷及執行層面的分析,研究所有權人及利益團體如何透過與政府的協商,改變土地使用分區管制制度,進而影響財產權配置的問題。在方法上,則透過賽局理論及個案研究,建立參與者行為互動模式及進行實證分析,以剖析制度變遷的原因及問題。 本研究除了進行以上所述的議題,亦同時關注制度選擇、容積移轉的問題,以及違規使用的行為,並將從一系列的行為分析中,進一步探究尋租行為對分區管制制度及經濟發展的影響。研究的結果,除了對分區管制制度提出具體的建議外,亦對制度變遷的行為及政府角色,提供更多的認知面向,值得作為都市研究的參考。 / Zoning institution is regarded as an important instrument for enforcing urban policy in Taiwan. Zoning not only control the quality of urban environment, but affect the price of real estate. However, the reasons of zoning institution changed and the factors influenced the assignment of property rights are very rarely investigated. The decision of zoning will directly influence the scope of landowners’ property rights. Thus, based upon the viewpoint of property rights, incorporated with institutional and enforcing dimension to conduct a dynamic analysis can deeply investigate the process of policy operation and the problems of institutional design so as to provide better institutional environment for zoning. This research, based on the property rights perspective and the approach of property rights analysis of New Institutional Economics, intend to investigate the change of zoning institution and its enforcement. The study pays special attention to the bargaining among private landowners, interest groups and government authority. In order to improve the institutional environment, this paper will also try to find the institutional problems in the process of enforcement through cases study. Cases study is used for further analysis the interaction among the actors participated so as to understand the processes of bargaining, re-assignment of property rights and the reasons of zoning institution changed. After the cases study, the research will address some suggestions of institutional design of zoning and try to review the policy of urban development and land use control in Taipei city. A promise suggestion on the institutional design of zoning will be provided for the reference of understanding and research on zoning institution and behaviors. In addition, the impact of the rent-seeking patterns and the production paths on the zoning behaviors resulting in the change of zoning institution are explored. The results of the research will make further suggestions to the issues of institutional design of zoning, and to the avoidance of the negative effects of rent-seeking behavior. Moreover, the source and process of institutional change of zoning related to rent-seeking behavior, and the ways government responds to the rent-seeking behaviors are provided for the reference of further study of urban planning.

公共設施保留地容積移轉市場交易機制之研究 / Study on the market transaction mechanism of the transferable development rights of land reservations for public facilities

劉厚連 Unknown Date (has links)
公共設施保留地容積移轉在於藉由市場交易機制,使公共設施保留地地主在等待政府徵收之前,得透過容積出售給開發業者獲致價金補償之機會,並免除政府直接辦理徵收之財政壓力。容積移轉制度基本精神是以市場效率解決土地分區使用之公平問題,然現行制度下,不同地區之公共設施保留地移出容積可得價金懸殊缺乏公平性,且容積交易集中於特定地區,造成當地生活環境品質之惡化。故本研究在制度建立之政策層面,尋求達到「受損補償,受益付費」公平原則,使容積購買者付出合理的價金購買公共設施保留地地主持有容積並透過制度設計控管容積移轉對生活環境品質衝擊之問題。在容積交易市場層面,則透過市場機制設計,塑造有助於市場形成與價格維繫之環境及降低容積買賣雙方之交易成本,以促進市場交易之效率並實現前述對地主之公平為目標。 本研究首先從市場供需之角度,分析容積供需失衡,對公共設施保留地容積移轉市場中容積價格之影響,並檢視影響TDR方案成功之市場運作因素與供需條件。其次,就買賣雙方交易盈餘分配進行探討,運用賽局理論中那許均衡之概念,分析討價還價之均衡解,以闡明信息不對稱下,如何解決地主在容積交易中議價資訊不足之問題,提高容積移轉價格,增進該制度在保障公共設施保留地地主財產權之貢獻。第三,引用中間層理論探討TDR銀行在解決交易成本問題之優勢,並闡明非營利性質因減少中介費用支出,增加交易雙方之交易剩餘,較能使TDR方案成功。第四,藉由前述理論之探討,本研究研擬改善現行公共設施保留地容積移轉的市場機制之相關議題,透過學者專家問卷及權利關係人的問卷調查之設計,汲取市場機制改善之建議。 本研究認為我國容積移轉市場存在容積總量超出環境容受力、市場所能提供之交易資訊不足、容積價格落差過大、中介者所提供的服務仍待加強及交易成本偏高等問題,需透過政府介入加以解決。因此,提出以容積銀行為容積移轉政策執行核心之市場交易機制,由各直轄市、縣市政府成立一個非營利性質的容積銀行,作為容積移轉交易平台,並成立專款專用之容積銀行運作基金,作為政策性購買容積取得所需公共設施保留地之用,賦予容積銀行資訊提供、中介媒合、價格引導、確保交易等功能,降低容積移轉交易成本,創造有利之交易環境,確保公共設施保留地地主,能以合理價格出售變現、政府財政可以負荷及都市居住環境品質得到掌控與維護的政策目標。根據研究結果提出建立公共設施保留容積移轉政策之決策與實踐機制及以容積銀行交易平台為主之交易市場機制等制度建議,作為政府未來改善公共設施容積移轉制度之參考。 / The transferable development rights (TDR) of land reservations for public facilities are a unique transferring method of development rights in Taiwan. This system allows the owners of land reservations for public facilities to sell the land, through market transaction mechanism and before the acquisition by the government, to developers through TDR in order to earn land transferring compensation. This system can also reduce the financial burden on the government on land acquisition. However, TDR has been questioned for deteriorating the urban living environment due to overdevelopment, and the transaction mechanism may reduce the market function and efficiency due to high transaction costs. Therefore, this study aims to design a market mechanism that can control the impact of TDR on the living environment, create an environment that is conducive to market formulation and price maintenance, and reduce the transaction costs of sellers and buyers, in order to facilitate the efficiency of market transaction and realize the fairness on the land owners. This paper first analyzes the imbalance between the TDR supply and demand from the market supply and demand perspective, and examines the effect of TDR of land reservations for public facilities on volume price in the market, as well as the market operational factors and supply/demand conditions that affect the success of TDR plans. Then, it discusses the surplus distribution of buyers and sellers, and applies the concept of Nash Equilibrium in the Game Theory to analyze the equilibrium solution of price bargaining. It aims to expound on how land owners could raise the TDR price under insufficient information due to information asymmetry during the bargaining process, and enhance the contribution of this system on the proprietorship of the land owners on land reservations for public facilities. Third, this paper applies the intermediation theory to discuss the advantages of TDR banks in solving the problem of transaction costs, and explains the reason that non-profit characteristics are more likely to guarantee the success of TDR plans. Fourth, based on the above discussions, this paper aims to improve the market mechanism of the TDR of land reservations for public facilities, and conduct questionnaire survey on experts and interest parties in order to collect opinions on the improvement schemes. Lastly, this paper proposes the market mechanism of using TDR bank as the policy executor of TDR, and establishing a non-profit TDR bank in each city/county by the local government as a transaction platform for TDR transaction. TDR bank operational fund should be established for exclusive use on the policy-oriented purchase of TDR of land reservations for public facilities. Thus, the TDR bank has the functions of providing information, mediating, price guiding, and transaction guaranteeing, in order to reduce the TDR transaction costs, create a favorable transaction environment, ensure the land owners of land reservations for public facilities to sell their lands at reasonable prices, reduce the financial burden of the government, and maintain a fair urban living environment. Suggestions are provided based on the research findings as a reference to the government on improving the TDR system of land reservations for public facilities.

容積移轉接受基地居住環境品質改變認知與政策滿意度之研究-以新北市中和地區為例 / A Study of Cognitive and Policy Satisfaction of the Residential Environment Quality Changes in the Transfer Development Right Receiving Area - A Case Study of Zhong He District in New Taipei City

高筱菁, Kao, Hsiao Ching Unknown Date (has links)
在都市發展環境當中,居住環境品質取決於居住者本身之感受程度,可分為內部環境及外部空間結構,內部環境係指針對居住者本身所在的生活圈裡,外部空間結構則多半為公共設施的鄰近程度、交通便利性及嫌惡設施等因素,世界衛生組織曾於1961年世界衛生報告中提出理想居住環境為安全性、健康性、便利性、舒適性等基本理念,經由探索性、驗證性因素,分析彙整出解釋社區居民對居住環境品質之衡量著力點在於實體性、社區服務與管理、現代化等三大方面,因此居民感受度是與前開四種基本理念相呼應的。 在針對居住環境品質與社區滿意度相關文獻探討後發現,居住環境品質多與社區滿意度有關聯,顯示在建構生活品質模式應先將領域分群,透過客觀、認知及評估因子,即可呈現各領域的滿意度。 為解決公共設施保留地取得、歷史建築物保存及公共開放空間之提供等議題,我國開始實施容積移轉制度,主要目的為追求環境寧適、健全實質建設、保留彈性立法規則及民眾參與,惟接受基地在注入原基準容積後,其鄰近居民之居住環境品質是否受到影響及衝擊,為本研究所關注之重點;本研究係探討容積移轉制度實行迄今,接受基地容積移轉案件在興建完成後,對週邊土地所帶來之影響。 本研究以容積移轉接受基地興建前後對居住環境品質之問卷調查,以新北市中和地區之接受基地周邊住民作為受訪對象,以因素分析、結構方程模式為分析方法,以五大變數-接受基地興建前既有環境滿意度、接受基地興建後正面環境改善、接受基地興建後負面改變影響、容積移轉政策修正建議及其政策滿意度進行模式驗證;研究結果發現既有環境滿意度對負面改變影響、政策修正建議呈正向影響,對正面環境改善、政策滿意度呈負向影響,另負面改變影響、政策修正建議則具有著之中介效果,該研究可作為未來推動容積移轉制度辦理之修正建議。 / In the urban development environment, living environment quality depends on how residents feel. It can be divided into internal and external spatial structure environments. The internal environment refers to living areas where the residents themselves reside; the external spatial structures are mostly the proximity, accessibility and distaste factors of public facilities. The World Health Organization’s 1961 World Health Report proposed the basic concept of the ideal living environment for safety, health, convenience, comfort, etc. They compiled an analysis of the environmental community to explain the measure of the quality of living through exploratory, confirmatory factors. The analysis compiled an explanation of the way community residents measure environmental quality. The focal point lies in the three aspects of modernization: physical properties, community service and management. Therefore residents' susceptibility echoes the former four basic philosophies. In regards to the quality of living environment and community satisfaction, after disscussing relevant literature, we found that the quality of living environment correlate with community satisfaction interaction. This shows that during the construction of life quality models, domain clustering should first take place, then go through the analysis of objective factors, perceived factors, evaluated factors before presenting various domains of satisfaction. However, to address topics on land reserved for the public infrastructure, topics on historical building preservation and public open space topics, Taiwan began to implement transferable development rights control. The main goal of this system was to pursue environmental quality, improve substantive construction, maintain the flexibility of legislative rules and promote public participation. However, the main concern of this study is whether or not the environmental living quality of nearby residents' was affected after the development rights of the receiving area received incremental development rights and built high-rise buildings. This study mainly dicusses ways to implement the so far accepted transferable development rights case after construction is complete, and the effects brought on by the surrounding land. This study looks at environmental quality before and after transferable development rights acceptance and construction. A questionnaire was designed for this study and was administered to local residents of the Zhong-he, New Taipei City development rights receiving area as target respondents. This study was conducted by way of factor analysis and structural equation modeling analysis. Five variables were proposed, which are variables of nearby residents of the development rights receiving area regarding environmental satisfaction before construction; variables of nearby residents having positive evaluation after construction; variables of nearby residents having negative evaluation after construction; variables of nearby residents regarding transferable development rights policy amendment; variables of nearby residents regarding transferable development rights policy satisfaction, to conduct a model confirmatory. The results show that environmental satisfaction variables have a positive impact on negative evaluation variables and policy amendment variables, but have a negative impact on positive evaluation variables and policy satisfaction. In addition, negative evaluation variables have indirect effects on policy amendments. This study can be used as a reference for the implementation of the transferable development rights system in handling amendments in the future.

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