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中國大陸侵害發明專利權行為之研究郭俊賢 Unknown Date (has links)
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以國際專利訴訟為例探討台灣廠商之專利品質 / Using International Patent Litigation as Examples to Evaluate Taiwan High Tech Industry Patent Quality陳怡婷, Chen, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本論文針對研究對象進行基本被引證數(forward citation)分析,以及使用品質檢驗表分別檢核美國廠商及台灣廠商美國專利之品質。所得結果顯示多數研究對象之專利被引證數確實高於該年度的平均被引證數。專利品質檢驗表檢核結果顯示研究對象確實可能獲得極高分,然台灣廠商之美國專利,也有可能得分不低。
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企業對專利權如何經營管理之研究 / A Research of How a Enterprise Managing Its Patent Right賀華谷, Ho, Hua-Ku Unknown Date (has links)
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間接引證資料於專利指標的運用─間接被引證次數對企業價值影響之研究 / Relevance of indirect citation in patent indicators – The influence of the number of indirect citations received on corporate market value陳穎重, Chen, Geoffrey Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以在美積極從事專利活動的美國公開上市企業為樣本,期間為1980年至2002年,以二因子固定效果模型,觀察化學、電腦與通訊、電子與電機產業的創新活動對企業價值的影響。本研究有兩點重要發現:一、研發強度與專利產出效率與企業價值相關性低,甚至呈負向相關,而兼顧量與質的專利指標則與其呈現正向相關,表示研發必須值、量並重;二、間接被引證次數具有價值攸關性,且其影響力會逐層遞減,此結論不僅提供未來相關研究的重要基礎與新的研究方向,更表示在從事專利分析或專利指標設計時,需將間接引證資料納入考量。 / Innovation always plays an important role in both economic development and corporate competition, therefore patents that protect innovation are key. But because patent values are highly dispersed and skewed, corporations must focus on quality and not merely on quantity in R&D management to prevent a technology trade deficit while increasing the quantity of patents granted. Much literature has found that the number of citations received is a good proxy for patent quality. But most people only consider direct citations and ignore indirect citations in their research and practices. These people ignore three important facts: the value relevance of indirect citations, the weight difference of each citation count, and the quality dispersion of citing patents. As a result, this study utilizes empirical methods to discuss the influence of the number of indirect citations received on corporate market value and then assesses the relevance of indirect citation in patent indicators.
The samples used in this study are 1,624 U.S. listed firms that have been active in applying for for patents in three areas: chemical, computer and communication, and electric and electronics between the years 1980 and 2002. This study uses two-way fixed effect model to evaluate the influence of innovation activities on corporate value. The first conclusion suggests that patent indicators based on quantity and quality has positive correlation with corporate value while R&D intensity and R&D efficiency based on patent quantity both have low correlation and sometimes even a negative correlation with corporate value. This implies that corporations must develop a R&D strategy that focus both on quantity and quality at the same time. The second conclusion confirms the value relevance of the number of indirect citations received and finds the progressively declining influence of ascending citation orders. This study not only offers an important basis and brings up new issues for future related research but also confirms that taking indirect citation data into consideration is necessary.
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專利權撤銷制度之比較研究謝岳龍 Unknown Date (has links)
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專利權之衡量與評價-以某記憶體模組公司為例 / Measurement and valuation of patent-by taking memory module company for example蕭鈞昱 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:專利權、衡量、評價 / With the era of knowledge economy, intangible assets play an important role in corporate decision-making.Intangible assets in which the patent is the company to maintain a major competitive weapon, so the measurement and valuation of patents which every business must face in the future.
Patent quality is measured through the setting of data such as database about patent and the content of patent specifications and the existence of objective facts.By enforcing the measurement way I mentioned so that I can get a objective outcome.
The valuation of patent start from valuation test.The purpose of valuation test is matching a suitable valuation mode to valuate.After valuation test,I will set out the parameters to calculate the actual number of patent value.Finally,I will combine measurement and valuation to establish a patent evaluation system
Through objective and subjective consideration,I make a conclusion for patent quality. After valuation test,I chose market method and income method to valuate.Through the setting of parameters and assumption,I calculate the actual number to approve the feasibility of valuation mode.
After measurement and valuation, I will focus on the applicability conclusion of the measurement index and select the most suitable valuation model for practitioners.
Key words:Patent、Measurement、Valuation
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公眾審查制度與專利品質之關聯性研究 / Study of the relationship between public participation in patent examination and patent quality朱浩筠 Unknown Date (has links)
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專利檢索系統與分析方法之探討與革新 / The review and reform of the bygone systems retrieving and the methods analyzing for patents林家聖, Lin,Chia Shen Unknown Date (has links)
一、檢討既有國內外專利檢索系統、專利地圖分析方法之優缺;研究國內外數個相關專利檢索系統(國內:Patent Guider、Patent Pilot,國外:Derwent、Delphion)的現況,分析界面、功能的差異,並且探討系統中對於專利分析方法的優缺。
關鍵字:專利檢索、專利分析 / The patent retrieval and the analysis acts an important character as policy-making reference in the intellectual property management regarding the enterprises, the research and development institutions, the academia and so on the other difference assignees. At present, there are many specious methods and the theories about the region. Therefore, it appears difficult to utilize an appropriate tool with an objectively analysis method for transforming static and corresponding dynamic information of patent into structured and systematized data so as to analyze patent disposition path of each assignee. What described above emphasizes the important of accurate patent retrieval and objective patent analysis.
Therefore goal of the this thesis includes 4 subjects as below:
First, the analysis methods of bygone patent map are studied through reviewing 4 patents retrieval system including domestic and foreign ones. I researched 4 patents retrieval systems which domestic: Patent Guider, Patent Pilot, overseas: Derwent, Delphion, and addressed differences between them by comparing each other’s present situation, data sources, user interface, functions, and so on.
Second, the fallacy of the past patent retrieval procedure is inspected. According to the existing patent retrieval system design, the patent retrieval method, and how to read out from retrieval result, this thesis proposes some problems in the past patent retrieval procedure and discusses in detail the user’s demand and expectation for the patent retrieval and analysis.
Third, I researched and analyzed the patent retrieval procedure so as to emit a new process. The patent retrieval procedure in steps is nothing more than as follows "sort out a clear goal, limits a reasonable scope, utilize a proper tool, adopt an objective method, present the retrieval result”. It gauges user’s demands first, then finds target products, areas, and companies to be researched and analyzed deeply later from the alternately relations of the actual industry chain, the value chain, the supply chain, the target products with their output value, different areas, and companies. Based upon the new process, the patent retrieval process and result will be clear and useful, if the technical structure of target products is expanded to find out the correspondence between patents and market information.
Fourth, chapter 4 of the thesis presents an objective method for analyzing patents. This paragraph proposed new analysis forms with its data sources, definitions, user interface, and the limiting conditions within the analysis method linked to the user’s demand. The core of patent retrieval in the new analysis forms is the technical structure that is expanded as modules, components, structural technology, and process technology in a hierarchical way within the target product. After stacking out the retrieval target, the method defines every analysis forms and non-patent material using an objective and reliable way.
After examined past patent retrieval system and the analysis method, the thesis reorganizes four existing questions "the fallacy of patent quantity, the quantitative index formula, the over dependence on patent classification, the patent derives the market". These questions have seriously affected accurateness, objectiveness, and the feasibility of the bygone patent map. Therefore, in order to pursue the patent map to be able to have a more actual help to the user, we should eliminate the past fallacy to carry on the patent retrieval and analysis by the brand-new idea and the method.
Besides the conclusion, the thesis also inducts 5 innovations "diversifying the data sources, integrating the user interfaces, modularizing the retrieval process, the flexible retrieval method, the objective analysis method".
Keywords: patent retrieval, patent analysis
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利用專利檢索與分析提供產品發展方向-以靈芝產業為例 / Utilzation of patent search and patent analysis as a tool to aid product development: an empirical study of Ganoderma Industry周書瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用專利檢索與分析來探討靈芝產業中專利佈局情況,技術領域現況及發展重點,產業中的競爭者、合作者及廠商,以及得知靈芝於全球、區域或不同國家的產品應用情況。研究範圍以廣泛使用之靈芝(Ganoderma lucidum)及松杉靈芝(Ganoderma tsugae)為主要研究對象,分析範圍包括其子實體、菌絲體及擔孢子各部位外,亦包含其所含之各種活性成分及各類相關應用。
透過分析PCT、美國、台灣及中國大陸之靈芝相關專利,將專利件數、國際專利分類表分析(又稱為IPC分類分析)及專利權人分析等結果製成圖表並對照產業資訊後可得知:(1)韓國及中國大陸為主要的靈芝消費市場,其中中國大陸消費市場正逐年擴大,且產品種類繁多,為全球最重要的靈芝消費市場;(2)靈芝普遍以醫藥品開發及保健產品應用為最主要的技術發展方向,而醫藥品研發則以抗腫瘤及治療免疫或過敏疾病為主要治療的疾病;(3)不同國家靈芝研發領域有些許差異,美國及歐洲國家主要針對特定細胞株或特定疾病之醫藥品開發,而韓國或中國大陸則是以靈芝保健食品開發或傳統複方製劑為主要產品開發方向;(4)靈芝產業中的競爭國家有美國、日本、中國大陸及韓國;(5)台灣有數家廠商於不同國家進行專利佈局,其中中央研究院內靈芝多醣體團隊其專利產出最為亮眼,為國際上具有相當研發能力之機構;(6)台灣靈芝相關的研發能力仍優於中國大陸,專利品質較佳,故於靈芝產業中台灣廠商仍具有相當之優勢;(7)靈芝醫藥品開發之專利佈局以美國最為完整,而中國大陸則是在靈芝子實體栽種及茶代用品的專利數量較其他兩國家為多。 / This study is to explore the use of patent search and patent analysis in understanding the situation of current patent portfolio, technology mainstream development, competitors, collaborators, and their applications within the Ganaderma industry at the national, regional as well as international levels. Ganoderma lucidum and Ganoderma tsugae are the subjects in this study. The areas of investigation included different forms of fruiting bodies, mycelium, basidiospores, their active components as well as their respective applications.
In this study, Ganoderma related patents in US, Taiwan, China as well as international patents under PCT (Patent Corporation Treaty) were searched and studied. By incorporating the industrial information together with visual display of the related patent information using tables and graphs, the following conclusions can be obtained: (1) Korea and China are the main consumer markets of Ganoderma in the world, especially China market is expanding every year with various categories of product; (2) the mainstream technologies are health related products such as dietary supplements and medicinal preparations for the use as antineoplastic, immunological or allergic agents; (3) Ganoderma is investigated in various fields among varous countries; for example, the focus of United States and European countries are concentrated in medicinal use of Ganoderma for specific cell line and treatment of diseases whereas China and Korea are concentrated in the dietary supplements and classical complex mixture preparation development; (4) the United States, Japan, China and Korea are the major marketers as well competitors among each other in Ganoderma industry; (5) several firms in Taiwan own patent portfolio in more than one country, and among them Academia Sinica is considered one of the best in the world; (6) the quality and strength of Taiwan patents is considered better than China; as such Taiwan Ganoderma industry should have superior capability in technology development compared to China; (7) in the field of medicinal product development and treatment of diseases, United States is the distinct leader in the patent landscape whereas China patents are concentrated in Ganoderma fruit body cultivation and their use as tea substitutes.
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軟體可專利性相關問題之研究 / A Study on Software Related Patentability Issues林金東 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著電腦化的普及,軟體程式控制的機器或日常生活用品亦成為經濟活動的主流。美國最高法院在1981年Diamond v. Diehr案中開啟電腦軟體程式可專利之先河。該案所請求之電腦軟體程式雖係利用數學公式計算橡膠固化的完成時間,但法院認為其專利請求並非主張該數學公式之獨占(pre-empt)使用權。相對的,發明人係主張排除他人使用該公式與該請求程式中所有步驟之聯結關係。本案對於軟體專利的標的適格(patent subject matter eligibility)作了相當明確的闡述與界定。
1998年聯邦巡迴法院State Street Bank案提出「有用、具體、且實體的結果(UCT, useful, concrete and tangible result)」作為檢驗軟體專利的檢驗方法之後,聯邦巡迴法院在2008年的Bilski案又宣稱此一檢驗方法將不再適用於軟體專利審查。Bilski案與State Street Bank案的主要差別在前者專利範圍內,隻字未提是否使用電腦或其他硬體之技術手段或裝置(means),以達成其發明之目的。其所請求專利方法之行為模式是否具有可重複性(repetitiveness)或具體性(concreteness)因此受到質疑。
2007年發生AT & T控告微軟(Microsoft)侵犯其軟體專利權,本案經紐約地方法院及聯邦巡迴法院審理皆認為,微軟將包含AT & T語音文字轉換軟體在內的視窗作業系統光碟,交給國外電腦製造廠商複製安裝於電腦中出售,侵犯AT & T之專利權。雖然最高法院依據現行美國專利法271(f)規定,認為微軟僅交給原版光碟並未侵犯AT & T專利權,外國電腦廠商將微軟作業系統複製安裝於其他電腦出售係屬治外法權(extraterritoriality)法律適用問題。但最高法院亦表明,國會未來若能在271(f)加註組件另包括"資訊,指令"或"可用以產生組件之工具",則上述情況即可能改觀。本案爭訟過程引發軟體實體性(tangibility)的廣泛討論。
本文主要目的在探討有關軟體可專利性標的之適格(patentable subject matter eligibility),包含實用性(applicability)、具體性(concreteness)及實體性(tangibility)等問題,從正反意見之比較分析中,希望能提供問題爭點一個更清礎的全貎,促成相關產學界對軟體專利作進一步的探討,供國內專利主管單位未來修法的參考,茲依序說明如下:
第一章 緒論
第二章 軟體專利相關發明之概念
第三章 軟體專利標的之適格問題
第四章 軟體專利要件之審查
第五章 軟體專利之法律適用
2008年10月聯邦巡迴法院在Bilski案的判決中宣稱軟體專利須符合一定條件才能取得專利,對於1998年State Street Bank案以具體性、實體性、實用性的檢驗方法,今後將不再適用。在2007年發生之AT & T與MICROSOFT的侵權訴訟,其中對於軟體是不是一種實體的組成元件(tangible component)有相當詳細的說明與爭辯。本章希望從相關判決理由中,獲致軟體專利較明確的法律關係。對於軟體專利侵權之實務方面,本章亦以TGIP與AT & T之侵權訴訟,探討美國在專利範圍解釋(claim construction)及均等論(doctrine of equivalence)之應用及其實務上發生之法律適用。
第六章 結論與未來展望
軟體創作屬著作權保護的對象之一,通常以目的碼的比對作為軟體著作權侵權與否的判別依據。自1970年代開始,軟體專利一直圍繞著有關可專利性標的適格(patentable subject matter eligibility)的問題打轉,美國從1981年的Diehr案到2008年的Bilski案歷經二十幾年的時間與爭訟,仍無法獲致明確的結論可供公眾遵循。本文探討軟體的標的適格問題,以及涉及軟體專利本質的實體性問題,從各國軟體專利法制之比較,希望能提供前述爭點一個清礎的原貎,促成相關產學界對軟體專利作深入的探討,作為將來國內專利修法的參考,使我國軟體專利法制能站上世界科技產業競爭的高點。 / After years of debates over the patentability of software related patent, the first software related patent was finally allowed in the United States in 1981. And in 1998, the Federal Circuit decided in State Street case that the software patent is patentable if it passes the test, namely, to produce “useful, concrete and tangible (UCT) result.” However, in 2008, the Federal Circuit reasoned in Bilski case that it would be inadequate to adopt that test in the future, and decided not to use it any longer. While focusing on the subject matter of patentability issues, the Microsoft v AT & T case is being selected herewith for its full scale debates over the essence of software tangibility. Although the Supreme Court held that Microsoft's conduct falls outside 35 USC 271(f)'s compass would be resolved by the presumption against extraterritoriality, the holding also revealed that Congress might have included within 271(f)'s compass “information, instructions, or tools from which those components readily may be generated.” It did not.
This thesis aims to deliberate on the patentability of software related patent, primarily on the applicability, concreteness and tangibility of the software patent. The author wishes to provide a comprehensible scenario on the patentability of software related patent through analysis and comparison of the subject matters presented in the context of the thesis.
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