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專利聚集之運作模式分析 / Operating Models of Patent Aggregators陳香羽, Chen, Hsiang Yu Unknown Date (has links)
專利交易平台與專利聚集不同之處在於其不直接取得專利或專利授權,僅以專利供給方與需求方之交易中介者自居,然從廣義概念上,其亦為專利聚集之一種形態,有助於專利買賣雙方取得資訊,降低搜尋、談判或執行等交易成本,並透過其他業務互補專利交易平台業務可能之不足,惟其仍舊有所缺失,亦即價格決定機制之困難、服務範疇過大導致成本控管之不經濟與交易公開之接受程度等問題。從本文各章節之分析中,可比較各市場參與者之不同,亦得觀察彼此間之互動與缺失,從而提出未來可能之研究方向,並針對專利市場之管制與開放給予建議。 / The propertization of patents which intrinsically show the traits of public goods including non-excludable and non-rival was established to encourage inventors and therefore leads to positive and negative influence to the society indirectly. The privatization of patents protects the exclusive rights of the owners, whereas what we called the accumulated innovation set up the patent thickets that enhance the risks of infringement and promote the strategic litigations raised by new patent aggregators.
The methods of acquiring patents could systematically divided into internalization which includes R&D and M&A, and externalization which includes licensing and so on. While the motivations of acquiring patents transform from industrial applications to strategic considerations, and the patents gradually become commercialized and even express its monetization.
This paper classifies different players in the patent market, such as patent aggregators, patent transaction platforms, patent information providers and operating companies, while with the focus on patent aggregators and patent transaction platform. Besides, the patent aggregators could be categorized into “offensive patent aggregators”, “defensive patent aggregators”, “running by licensing patent aggregators” and “hybrid patent aggregators”. Moreover, the findings of this paper stand on what each patent aggregator and patent transaction platform has its scheduled activities of the value chain, the five forces model to the analysis of its industry and the strategic activities system for supporting its core competence, and even the demerits of its operating model.
The offensive patent aggregators provide licensing services, while its services apparently contain compulsive licensing model by raising claims against the operating companies. Instead, defensive patent aggregators help the downstream buyers in need to fight against the offensive patent aggregators by licensing or selling patent portfolios which cover broad technological areas and benefit risk management. Next, the running by licensing patent aggregators package their patents by standards of technologies or products and provide “one-stop-shop licensing solutions” to the downstream buyers to save the transaction costs. Furthermore, the hybrid patent aggregators embrace the advantages of three kinds of patent aggregators mentioned above and try to create the IP capital market leading to the transformation of the industry structure.
On the other hand, the patent transaction platforms are different from the patent aggregators in the ownerships of patents. The patent transaction platforms will never become the owner of the patents or acquire the rights of patent licensing, it just named themselves intermediaries of transaction that reduce the transaction cost and enhance the transparency of information. Nevertheless, the diversified operating models of different patent aggregators and patent transaction platforms exist its improvable or inevitable drawbacks. The analysis of each chapter in this paper could help to compare the players in patent market and contribute to observe the shortages and interactions between the ones. What’s more, this paper gives some suggestions for further researches in the future as the conclusion.
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以實質選擇權法評價高科技產業之專利權價值 / The Value of Intellectual Properties for a firm in the Hi-Tech Industry: A Real Options Approach謝明志 Unknown Date (has links)
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3G的技術標準及專利聯盟 / 3G Technical Standards and Patent Platform涂旭志, Roger,Tu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球3G行動通訊產業的快速發展,行動通訊服務市場正從傳統的單純語音走向與資料傳輸整合的趨勢,並發展出多種不同型態的通訊服務方式與系統設備,其中所牽涉到的3G技術範圍十分廣泛而複雜,其技術標準規格的發展則是由3G的技術標準組織所負責制定。本論文研究針對3G行動通訊產業進行解析,並探討3G行動通訊技術標準組織的運作及功能,並進一步瞭解在3G行動通訊技術標準的制定過程中所衍生出來的關鍵性專利問題,此外也特別針對專利聯盟公司3G Licensing Ltd.的成立與運作做一說明,以進一步瞭解3G產業中專利平台運作的情形,最後並總結對台灣行動通訊產業所可以參考的結論與建議。 / 3G technologies are being deployed to worldwide markets rapidly. The mobile services are converging with voice and data transmission. There are various companies involving in 3G system and terminal business. The relative technologies are complicated and quite broad. The 3G standard organizations are the main bodies responsible for the establishment of 3G technical specifications. This article would describe an overview of 3G industries and 3G standard organizations. It would specify how the 3G standard organizations function and discuss the issues of 3G essential patents. Regarding 3G patent platform, this article would also talk about the history and status of 3G Licensing Ltd. In the last chapter, it would try to summarize the key points as the references for Taiwan mobile industry.
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宣告取得專利權、專利授權與代理權之資訊內涵黃瑞卿 Unknown Date (has links)
在競爭激烈的產業環境中,企業必須具有產品價值的創造能力,才能開發新產品以滿足顧客的需求。故本研究欲探討當企業宣告取得專利權、專利授權與代理權促使競爭優勢提升之資訊內涵。本研究以民國94年及95年宣告取得專利權、專利授權與代理權之公司,及依同產業及相似公司規模配對之公司組成研究樣本。首先以事件研究法探討宣告樣本是否能獲得正向報酬,並將樣本分為專利權、專利授權與代理權三組子樣本以觀察不同競爭優勢對報酬影響之程度是否有差異,最後再將專利權樣本分為發明專利與新型式專利兩組子樣本以瞭解不同種類專利權對報酬影響之程度是否有差異。實證結果如下:一、當企業宣告取得專利相關競爭優勢時,有正向報酬產生。但惟有當企業宣告取得專利授權與代理權時才能獲得顯著正報酬;二、企業宣告取得不同競爭優勢對報酬影響之程度有差異,企業宣告自行研發專利與取得專利授權所能獲得的報酬有顯著差異,宣告自行研發專利與取得代理權在事件宣告後的報酬有顯著差異,而宣告取得專利授權與代理權所能獲得的報酬則無論短期或長期皆無顯著差異;三、企業宣告取得發明專利或新型式專利,兩者所能獲得的報酬並無差異。 / In the keenly competitive environment、enterprises must have the abilities of product value creation to develop new products and to satisfy customers』 demand. So this essay want to discuss the information content that enterprises announced that they acquired patent、patent licensing、and authority of agency to enhance competitive advantage. Based on the use of a control sample design and the firms selected have announced acquiring patent、patent licensing、and authority of agency in 2005 or 2006、and are listed on the Taiwan Security Exchange or the OTC. At first、this research employs event study to discuss whether sample of announcement could acquire positive abnormal returns. And then、in order to compare the degree of returns affected by different competitive advantage、this research divided the whole sample into three subsamples including patent、patent licensing and authority of agency. Finally、it also divided patent sample into two subsamples including invention and non-invention in order to compare the degree of returns affected by different types of patent. The empirical finding indicates that (1) when enterprises announced that they acquired competitive advantage、they will have positive abnormal returns significantly. However、only enterprises announcing that they acquired patent licensing and authority of agency could have positive abnormal returns significantly. (2) The degree of returns affected by information is different from different kinds competitive advantage、especially between patent and patent licensing、and between patent and authority of agency. (3) When enterprises announced to acquire different types of patent、they will have insignificant variance of abnormal returns.
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考量專利品質下之台灣IC設計產業研發效率分析 / R&D Efficiency Analysis of IC Design Industry in Taiwan with Patent Quality Consideration臧友文 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討民國88年至94年台灣IC設計產業之研發效率分析。採兩階段資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA):第一階段以保證區域資料包絡分析法(Assurance Region DEA,AR/DEA)衡量績效,以避免傳統DEA方法可能出現產出或投入的乘數為0之狀況。第二階段採資料切齊的(censored) TOBIT迴歸模型探討影響研發效率值的效率因子。
率表現。 / This study investigates R&D efficiency analysis of IC design industry in Taiwan from 1999 to 2005 by using the two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). To avoid the situations that the multiplier of the input or output might be zero, we adapt the method of Assurance Region DEA (AR/DEA) to measure achievements in the first stage. We then use censored TOBIT regression model to study the factors that influence the efficiency value in the second stage. Through our study, we conclude that:
(1) Although there is no significant difference in the
results of statistical test whether we take patent
quantity into account or not, both the value of R&D
efficiency and ranking of a few firms do change. We can
grasp more information of research and development and
understand the true value of firm’s patent as we put
patent quality into account.
(2) The correlation coefficient between the amount of
patent cited and the value of R&D efficiency is
positive significantly.
(3) The empirical results of TOBIT regression show that:
a. There is no significant relationship between the R&D
efficiency and the company’s scale.
b. There is no significant relationship between the R&D
efficiency and the density of R&D workers.
c. There is a negative relationship between the R&D
efficiency and the ratio of R&D expense.
d. The yearly revenue of R&D workers does not
significantly influence the R&D and technology
e. The ratio between the flow rate of external knowledge
and the owned knowledge storage affects positively on
R&D efficiency.
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DNA定序產業之美國專利訴訟分析 / U.S. patent litigation analysis of the DNA seqencing industry蘇祐諄, Su, Yu-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從DNA定序產業之美國專利侵權訴訟,了解該產業中廠商的訴訟行為與系爭專利之特性。本研究由商用資料庫取得DNA定序產業之美國專利侵權訴訟共100件及其系爭專利共168件,分析訴訟資訊、訴訟主體資訊(原告及被告)和訴訟客體資訊(系爭專利和被控侵權產品)。本研究也由次級資料中歸類各廠商在DNA定序產業鏈中之位置和其各世代產品技術之發展。由訴訟主體資訊可得知在DNA定序產業中,主要發起美國專利侵權訴訟之廠商為中游的儀器平台廠商,被控專利侵權的廠商也多為具有相同商業模式在同樣產業鏈位置上的競爭者。而由訴訟客體資訊中,除了以產品技術結構定位系爭專利之保護標的和技術特徵外,也從專利的被引證數、專利家族大小、所有權移轉次數、國際分類號分佈等指標比較系爭專利和一組同樣專利權人在相同時間間隔內申請的同技術領域之對照組專利,可發現系爭專利和對照組專利相比屬於較有價值的專利。 / The present research analyzes the U.S. patent infringement cases of the DNA sequencing industry to understand the features of patent-in-suit and litigation behaviors in said industry. The present research obtains 100 U.S. patent infringement cases and 168 patent-in-suit from commercial databases. The litigation history, parties in the litigation (plaintiff and defendant), subject matter of the litigation (the patent-in-suit and the infringing products) are analyzed. The present research identifies the position of different corporate entities in the DNA sequencing industry chain and the development of each generations of DNA sequencing technology. By analyzing the parties in the litigation, the present research identifies that most of the plaintiffs are corporate entities developing sequencing instrument, and most of the defendants are competitiors having the same business model with the plaintiffs. By analyzing subject matter of the litigation, the present research identifies the technical features and subject matter of the patent-in-suit. The present research compares the citation, patent family size, number of ownership transfer and IPC distribution between the patent-in-suit and a control group patents of the same technical field within the same time frame. The patent-in-suit is more valuable than the control group patents.
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專利權的保護與專利侵權行為之判定研究鄒建祺 January 2008 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law
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專利價值影響因素、管理與報導之個案研究 / A case study of patent value-driven factor, management and reporting陳巧雲 Unknown Date (has links)
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專利國際授權契約限制條款之研究鮑世亨, BAO, SHI-HENG Unknown Date (has links)
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基因治療之發明專利保護陳明群 Unknown Date (has links)
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