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商業方法專利適格性研究:從美國Alice v. CLS Bank及其後續出發 / From Alice v. CLS Bank to Patent Eligibility: Trend and Development郭彥君 Unknown Date (has links)
在資訊科技與知識經濟緊密結合的新時代,網際網路發達與電子商務普及使得「電子化」當道的商業方法發明成為專利申請的新趨勢。尤其是美國在1990年代末期正式承認商業方法是可專利標的之後,原本就是資訊科技龍頭與全球貿易大國的美國,也因此成為商業方法專利的「新樂園」。 電子商務業者紛紛搶進,積極申請並取得美國的商業方法專利。相較於歐洲直接排除商業方法的可專利性,美國是公認對商業方法專利審查寬鬆的國家。然而,這樣的專利政策也使得美國商業方法專利的品質良莠不齊,進而引發許多專利爭議的訴訟案件。2014年的Alice案可謂美國商業方法專利的分水嶺,美國最高法院藉此宣告商業方法專利寬鬆政策的終結,並將專利適格性作為嚴格審查可專利性的首要門檻。
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生技製藥產業涉及專利法及競爭法之爭議問題研究周慧菁 Unknown Date (has links)
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企業專利管理與內部報導之個案研究陳貞佑 Unknown Date (has links)
五、透過專利報導項目與企業實際之管理做法相互比較後,分析個案公司之三項管理缺口。 / Recently the competitive resources of the enterprise is switching from tangible assets to intangible assets. Among those intangible assets, patents represent the R&D and innovation abilities of the business, and include high valued infromations. However there is short of complete framework of patent management and patent internal reporting system in those patent-relative research areas. Therefore, this study use case study research, and is supported by the questionnaire to show how could the enterprise use valid management and reporting system to achieve great patent results. The conclusions of this study are the followings:
First, the patent management framework is established from the business strategy to patent strategy, and develop the relative patent management and internal reporting systems. Use the patent management to achieve the reporting objectives; use the patent reporting ways to evaluate the management performance.
Second, use the internal questionnaire to select twenty-seven important internal reporting items.
Third, through the interviews with the target company summarize eight patent management ways, and classify them to general and strategic management ways.
Fourth, there are two reporting methods. One is quantification items, using quantified information and compare to the earlier stage to show the management results; the other is non-quantification items, describing the management conditions or reporting questionnaire results and compare to the earlier stage to evaluate the management performance.
Fifth, according to the comparisons of the reporting items and management ways, this study analyse three management gaps of the target company.
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台灣廠商與美國大廠專利訴訟之因應─3M控告中國砂輪公司案件為例楊謹瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 企業所擁有的專利品質越強,在專利訴訟的較容易佔有優勢地位。不過成功的專利範圍詮釋(Claim Interpretation),可以補足專利品質上的不足,使得專利訴訟地位提昇,獲得較為有利的判決。
2. 企業所在的價值鏈地位,與是否願意進行專利訴訟相關,當所在的產業價值鏈地位越高,下游企業依賴性越高,更容易獲得資源進行專利訴訟。
3. 企業的目的在於獲取利潤,因此企業多以商業考量,來替代公平正義的法律考量。當訴訟成本小於訴訟預期收益時,企業會繼續進行訴訟,但當訴訟成本大於預期收益時,企業會選擇不再繼續訴訟。
4. 由於專利訴訟的最終目的在於增加商業談判籌碼,因此當被控告專利侵權時,就算經過檢視專利認為自身沒有侵權,仍應立即予以回應(提出反訴、進行商業結盟、立即變更製程、舉發對方專利無效等),並非等待專利訴訟結果後才有所反應。
5. 在進行專利訴訟時,選擇有利的訴訟地點或方式,將會增加訴訟獲勝的機會,以及增加商業上的籌碼。
6. 當專利訴訟結果對於企業有利時,對於產品市佔率、股價等財務指標有所助益,尤其是對於小型的企業,其表現會更加亮眼。
1. 中小企業面對跨國大企業的專利訴訟,應先檢視自身是否有侵權,以及是否有能夠提出反訴的專利。
2. 當面對專利訴訟時,應選擇專業與經驗兼具備的律師與專家證人,不要為了節省成本,因而因小失大。
3. 中小企業本身也要具有為顧客解決問題的能力,提高自身企業在產業價值鏈的不被替代性,才可以以結盟的力量對抗跨國企業的訴訟。
4. 當面對專利訴訟時,應該要立即應對,不管是與對方和解、進行反訴、舉發對方專利、變更製程或是商業結盟等,不可以等待訴訟結果。
5. 所有專利訴訟還是要以成本考量為依歸,一旦預期獲益小於訴訟成本時,企業應衡量是否應該繼續訴訟。 / Taiwan corporations have always been at a disadvantage behind foreign companies when it comes to the protection of intellectual property rights. The media repeats the stereotype that most cases of patent infringements between foreign companies and Taiwan corporations end up with costly settlements from Taiwan corporations. Moreover, patent violations are widely regarded as problems exclusive to the high-tech industry and have nothing to do with traditional industries. The Kinik Company, one of the traditional industries, surprisingly prevailed in a patent litigation dispute with the world renown, 3M Corporation. Not only did the Kinik Company successfully claim a settlement fee from its opponent, but also that it garnered commercial benefits and recognition for challenging a foreign company on equal grounds.
This research begins with the patent quality and the position of an industry in the industry value chain. This thesis will involve with domestic and international theories, secondary data, published studies and case interviews, analyzing what strategy the Kinik Company adopted in its patent litigation suit against the world renowned 3M Corporation. The study will provide useful reference for Taiwan corporations of similar situations.
The major findings are as follows:
1. The higher quality of the patents an industry possesses, the more leverage the industry will possess in a patent litigation. However, a good Claim Interpretation can supplement patent quality inadequacies and gain grounds during patent litigation, thereby winning a favorable judgment.
2. The industry’s positions in the value chain closely correspomd to its inclination to proceed with the patent litigation. The higher position it is situated in the industry value chain, the greater the downstream corporations depend on its survival and the more support it will garner to proceed with patent litigation.
3. A corporation’s ultimate goal is to maximize profits, and so a corporation weighs more on commercial profits than social justice. When the cost of litigation falls below expected benefits, the corporation will pursue litigation. On the other hand, when the costs of litigation exceed expected benefits, corporations will forgo litigation.
4. Since the ultimate goal of a patent litigation is to fight for bargaining chips, the defendant must react immediately (putting forth counter claims, forming a strategic alliance, immediately switching production techniques, invalidating the opponent’s patent etc.) when being sued for patent violations, even if it believed that there was no violation at all. Never wait for judgments to react.
5. Choosing a favorable location and approach for a patent litigation will increase the odds as well as bargaining chips over commercial benefits.
6. A favorable judgment from a patent litigation improves an industry’s market share, share price and other financial indicators, especially for smaller companies.
This research offers the following suggestions for the industries:
1. When small and medium enterprises are involved in patent litigations initiated by multinational corporations, they must make certain whether they did the violation in the first place, and whether they possess any patent that can be used for a counter claim.
2. Always choose professional and experienced lawyers and expert witnesses for patent litigations. Do not risk losing big over cost considerations.
3. Small and medium enterprises should also develop problem-solving skills for their customers. The only way to fight against a multinational patent litigation is to become indispensable within the industry value chain and to be backed by a powerful alliance.
4. React immediately to any patent litigation: to make settlements, to proceed with a counter claim, to invalidate the opponents’ patent, to switch production techniques, or form commercial alliances. Never wait for judgments.
5. Evaluate all patent litigations based on costs and benefits. Once the expected benefits become less than the costs of litigation, the decision makers must ponder whether to pursue litigation or not.
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Myriad案後基因檢測產業之問題與挑戰 / Problems and Challenges of Genetic Testing Industry after Myriad Case王薏媗 Unknown Date (has links)
在1852年,最高法院在Le Roy v. Tatham案中勾勒出天然產物不符合專利適格的雛形,由於自然的力量、抽象的概念及自然的產物不符合專利適格的原因除了是因為沒有人可以獨佔自然的力量,也因其會阻礙未來進步與發明。Myriad案中論述的過程當中,各級法院分別由分離及純化後的基因的分子特性以及分子化學結構的途徑來剖析基因是否落入自然產物的範圍而不符合專利適格。最終,美國最高法院由分子特性的角度出發,認為Myriad並沒有創造或更變任何BRCA1或BRCA2基因之遺傳資訊,而應獲得專利保護;相對的cDNA則因其係為mRNA逆轉錄而成的,仍可以獲得專利。然最高法院的論述卻忽略cDNA在特性上同樣攜帶遺傳資訊。然自然法則之外,最高法院的判決可能更加是因為為了要讓患者獲得第二檢測意見政策因素而做出傾向限縮基因專利的判斷。
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軟體專利與商業方法專利適格性實證研究—以美國最高法院Alice v. CLS Bank判決後續影響為中心 / An Empirical Study of the Patent Eligibility of Software Patent and Business Method Patent:One and A Half Year After U.S. Supreme Court Alice v. CLS Bank Decision黃莉婷 Unknown Date (has links)
美國最高法院於2014 年6 月對Alice v. CLS Bank 案作出判決,對於商業方法專利與軟體專利之專利適格性產生巨大之衝擊。最高法院在Alice v. CLS Bank案專利適格性的判斷上援用了Mayo 案的二步驟測試法則,首先判斷系爭專利是否使用了司法判定不予專利適格標的之類別,再者就專利請求項「個別」及「整體」綜合觀察判斷請求項是否存在發明概念,使其顯著不同於司法判定不予專利適格的類別。而最高法院認為,以消除交割風險為目的之系爭專利與Bilski 案的避險概念相似,屬於商業運作中的基礎經濟實施行為,而為抽象概念。且不論是系爭方法、系統或是媒介專利請求項,皆只是使用了一般電腦功能來完成習知的商業步驟,並未加入了實質的發明概念使其顯著不同於抽象概念,因此系爭專利應不具適格性。然而最高法院除了並未在判決中對於「抽象概念」進行定義外,在發明概念的判斷上,最高法院提出了不能僅是利用普通運算功能之電腦設備來完成抽象概念,而是需與「特定機器」加以結合才能符合專利適格性的要件,但仍未說明「特定機器」之定義,以及方法與「特定機器」間應達到何種程度的結合,才能具備顯著不同於抽象概念的發明概念。
根據實證研究結果之建議,「當下級法院能有機會探索並發展見解時,最高法院將得以在重新審視議題時從下級法院的經驗中得到啟發」。因此在最高法院尚未明確解釋專利適格性判斷的細部分析要件時,下級法院之判決經驗與見解不僅將得以協助最高法院對於「專利適格性」的議題做出更適切的詮釋,更是在短期內瞭解司法判決趨勢之方法。因此,本論文蒐集聯邦法院在「2014 年6 月19日最高法院判決日後至2015 年12 月31 日」間引用Alice. v. CLS Bank 案所作成之判決案件主文中判決結果為「系爭專利具備專利適格性」者,以及針對美國發明法案中對於專利適格性此一議題較切為相關之「涵蓋商業方法專利複審程序」(CBM)為實證研究範圍,藉由判決實證分析方法瞭解下級法院與專利審判暨訴願委員會(PTAB)如何在個案中詮釋與適用二步驟測試法則中的「抽象概念」與「發明概念」,並著重於通過適格性判斷之判決,試以對於軟體專利及商業方法專利權人及發明人未來的專利申請方向提出建議。
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應用專利管理以促進技術加值之個案研究陳姿妏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現專利管理的策略是與企業成長週期有關,在不同的成長時期應有不同的專利管理策略。但無論何時都需實行專利管理規劃,讓專利管理可以促進技術加值活動,帶給企業更多利潤。而我們可從專利分析知道專利趨勢、競爭對手與潛在被授權人的專利策略,也可以得到研發上的啟發,用以進行專利佈局與專利組合策略。再由市場結構與關係網絡,檢視其潛在市場與關係人結構是否能支撐其專利行銷策略與專利授權。 / Entering the era of knowledge economy, patents have become more and more important to the enterprises. But to make patents valuable, it has to rely on the effort of patent management to turn individuals’ or companies’ techniques into valuable properties. One successful example of patent management is former PC industry emperor --- IBM, where it has became a very profitable technology and service provider now. Another outstanding example is HonHai Technology Group, which already possessed a huge amount of patents. This thesis is meant to find out if these successful experiences in patent management can be applied into other start-up companies and research organizations.
In this thesis, we took a start-up company which only has few patents, and a mature organization that already had plentiful patent licensing experience. From the past success in patent management and related principles, we sorted out the theories and discussed them. Through case analysis, we realized what circumstance the case company has encountered, and then we discussed the possible strategies to improve its patent management. At last, we proposed the suggestions of patent management for the case based on patent management model. The purpose of this thesis is to provide the analysis and suggestion about patent management for Taiwan companies to develop the proper strategy of their own.
We propose that the strategy of patent management is related to business growth pattern. We should use different patent management method in different growth period. However, it is necessary to plot the plan of patent management anytime, that can accelerate the prosperity of patent management, and it will also bring fortune to the enterprises. By patent analysis, we can realize the trend of technology, the patent management strategy of the competitors and possible assignees. Companies may also get inspired by patent management for their technology research, and then apply the innovations into its strategy of patent development. From the analysis of market structure and relationship network, companies can further verify if the potential market and network is sufficient to support their patent marketing and patent licensing.
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銀行創新融資商業模式-以專利權及商標為例 / The Innovative financing Business Models of Bank張恆裕 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 專利權與商標之創新融資商業模式會影響個人信貸的業務推展;
二、 專利權與商標之專業審核能力可以降低銀行融資經營風險;
三、 以專利權與商標為融資標的可以開發融資消費客群;
四、 呆帳風險管控有助於降低銀行創新融資所帶來的衝擊。
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網際網路商業方法專利之研究 / The Study of Internet Bussiness Method Patent阮子珊, Judy Juan Unknown Date (has links)
◇ 專利權的有無與網站的存續有關,而網際網路之經營模式亦為影響網站生存的重要因素。
◇ 一般專利數的多寡與網站(公司)之經營規模之關係密切,商業方法專利數的多寡則與網站(公司)之經營模式有重大關聯。
◇ 各類網站經營模式所對應之專利組合不同,專利技術組合中與資料相關之技術多屬基礎性技術,而網站之商業方法專利(線上訂購、線上促銷)多屬關鍵性專利。
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實質變更申請專利範圍之研究-以申請專利範圍之減縮為中心 / A study for alternation of claims' scope周修平 Unknown Date (has links)
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