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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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專利公益訴訟之研究—以中國大陸為例 / The Research of the Public Interest in Patent Litigation—Mainland China as an Example

張雨平, Chang, Yu Ping Unknown Date (has links)
專利權人在權利保護期間享有法律保障之排他性,而智慧財產權之制度設置,必須兼顧個人權利與社會公益,藉由保護權利人進而促進社會公益,但專利權制度中,專利權濫用之現象,對於專利發展中國家而言,尤其是外國專利強權企業利用專利奪取私益已達浮濫程度,造成私益與公益之間的矛盾與衝突,因此專利公益訴訟是平衡兩者之利益的一個手段。而因專利要件審查難以完善,造成許多具有無效事由的專利被授予專利權,這些專利權的存在侵害公眾利益甚鉅,中國大陸的對策為:提起專利公益訴訟使瑕疵專利無效,鼓勵任意第三人對專利之有效性提出挑戰,請求專利管理機關重新進行專利有效性的審查,維護公眾的合法利益;本文比較我國目前具有瑕疵之專利權,仍由民間企業基於非公共利益之商業利益考量而提出專利舉發,分析兩岸的制度及案例,檢視我國專利公益訴訟提出之可能,期使舉發專利無效之制度得以更臻健全。 / The purpose of the study was to analyze the public interest with regards to patent litigation cases in China. Public interest litigation is litigation for the protection of the public interest. Patentees have the exclusive right to prevent others from exploiting the invention without the patentees' consent during the legal protection. However, intellectual property rights are set up to protect not only rights of patentee but also that of social welfare. To reconcile the contradictions between private interest and public welfare, the study focuses on the phenomenon of abuse of patents discussed in the patent systems and the merits of public interest in patent litigation. Furthermore, the study examines China public interest patent litigation to invalidate defected patent system and encourage any third party to challenge the validity of the patent. Under the comparative legal study approach, the study can provide different perspective for our legal system to improve more beneficially our Patent law system.

由訴訟模式探討智慧財產研發公司專利運用 —以記憶體產業Rambus、Tessera公司為例 / Research on the operation of patents of intellectual property development companies from the litigation pattern --Case study on Rambus & Tessera in DRAM industry

朱仙莉, Chu ,Hsien Li Unknown Date (has links)
人類經濟活動重心之變革推動著產業競爭的樣貌,於二十一世紀的今日,知識已成為經濟活動中最主要之價值驅力,與之相應的,產業中智慧財產層面的競爭也逐漸受到重視,發展至今,智慧財產已深入產業鏈且細化為各種以智慧財產運用為中心以創造獲利之企業。 半導體產業於台灣經濟發展之推進中佔有關鍵性之地位,隨著台灣廠商在全球產業鏈中扮演的角色重要性與日俱增,難以避免必須因應半導體產業中由智慧財產所造就的新興商業模式,其中,智慧財產研發公司拋棄舊有以生產製造為主之商業模式,開創以知識為本的競爭場域,並挾其智慧財產進行全球化的授權以及訴訟,扮演著遊戲規則的創造者,尤其記憶體產業之兩大智慧財產研發公司Rambus Inc.以及Tessera Technology Inc.,自2000年起不斷於全球提起專利訴訟,對整體產業乃至於台灣廠商帶來無法忽視之影響。 本研究試圖建立分析智慧財產研發公司之架構,亦即由該等公司之策略演進出發,宏觀的了解其於變動的競爭環境中如何發揮企業優勢;其次,以公司策略定位為基礎,進一步推動資源投入之分配,並形塑商業模式的產生;最後,本研究萃取智慧財產研發公司商業模式中較具特色且影響廣泛之訴訟階段,藉由記憶體產業中之個案分析比較之方式進行深入之實證研究,以管窺該等公司之專利運用模式,期能透過提升對於智慧財產研發公司策略定位、商業模式以及訴訟模式之了解,活化企業智慧財產之管理,並提供台灣廠商面對專利授權與訴訟時因應之基礎。 / The revolution of economic activities of human beings has been the force behind the changing format of competition among industries. In the contemporary 21st century, knowledge has become one of the most valuable forces in economic activities; correspondently, the competition strategy of intellectual property also seized much attention. As of today, intellectual property has already been integrated in each and every industry chains and developed into various enterprises which earn profits by operating it. Semi-conductor industry played an important role in the process of Taiwan’s economic development. As Taiwanese companies claim more crucial roles in the global industry chain, they are inevitably forced to deal with the new business model established by the creation of intellectual properties. Among them, intellectual property development companies have withdrawn from old business model of production and manufacturing and create a new competition field on the basis of intellectually properties. Intellectual property development companies engage in global wide license and litigation, acting as the rule-maker within the new frame of competition. Rambus Inc. and Tessera Technology Inc. are the two leading intellectual property development companies which brought lawsuits internationally since 2000, creating serious impacts on both the entire industry and Taiwanese companies. This research aims to establish an analytical framework to observe intellectually property development companies, starting from the progress of strategy, try to understand how to exercise their advantages in the ever-changing competitive business world; furthermore, based on business strategies, this research look further into the distribution of resources and the creation of business models; lastly, this research closely examines the litigation phase of the business model of intellectual property development companies by comparative case studies, in order to conclude the operation pattern of patents of such companies. With further exploration on the strategic positioning, business model and litigation pattern of intellectual property development companies, this research provides not only a deeper understanding on the management of IPRs but also a framework for Taiwanese companies to cope with patent licenses and litigations.

我國法院審理專利侵權訴訟實務之研究--以第一審為中心 / The study of verdicts of patent infringement in Taiwan's courts

吳俊龍, Wu, Chun Lung Unknown Date (has links)
長期以來,在我國法學欠缺研究法院專利裁判實務之情形下,本文從我國審判實務運作之實證面,將八十九年起至九十九年止,近十一年以來的全國各地方法院之第一審專利訴訟裁判予以全面量化、分析,藉由專利判決或裁定的統計資料呈現出我國專利訴訟之實務現況,包含各法院專利案件分布情形、當事人是否為外國籍、專利權類型、案件平均審理終結日數、原告勝敗訴比率、撤回率、和解及調解比率、裁定停止訴訟比率、鑑定比率等影響當事人權益的重要數據,藉此瞭解及驗證專利訴訟之本質與特徵,並指出法院因應之道。 又我國智慧財產法院在國人期盼下於九十七年七月成立,智慧財產案件審理法及智慧財產法院組織法亦在同日生效施行,經比較智慧財產法院成立前後之審判實務現況,應已大幅改善過去專利審判無效率、訴訟程序不當延宕之缺失,並展現出該有之裁判品質,然亦曝露出某些問題值得探討,特別是法院判決不利於專利權人之問題。 最後,本文以專利案件數量最多、質量最重的台北地方法院所終結的專利侵權判決為研究對象,解構專利侵權訴訟案件之類型,從法院審理的角度將訴訟上爭點予以類型化,區分為「程序問題」、「可專利性與有效性」、「申請專利權範圍之解釋」、「專利侵害認定及鑑定」、「不當行使專利權及其他事由」五種主要類型,再從上開五種主要類型細分成不同之次要類型。透過專利侵權判決類型化之結果,將有利於參與者觀察及瞭解法院審理專利案件之一貫脈絡及重心所在,且有助於集中審理,預防突襲性裁判之發生,以及增進專利裁判之一致性與可預測性,進而提昇專利之價值。

從專利法規與國際藥廠實務變革論台灣藥廠之未來競爭策略 / Competition Strategy of Pharmaceutical Industry in Taiwan based on Changes of Patent law and Practice of International Phamaceutical Companies

賴怡臻, Lai,yi chen Unknown Date (has links)
在全球一片經濟不景氣的環境下,IMS 仍預測2009年全球藥品市場將會成長4.5-5.5%達到8200億美金,這顯示醫藥產業是一個值得投入的領域,台灣政府亦透過政策大力扶植醫藥產業發展,但是醫藥產業知識密集度高,投資金額高,開發時程長,失敗風險也高,台灣醫藥企業要如何擬定經營管理策略,將是影響成敗的重要因素。本文的目的是提出適合台灣藥廠的經營管理策略。 目前國際醫藥產業概況為,受到藥品安全事件影響,FDA對新藥審查越趨嚴格,加上研發新藥的投資成本越來越高,在得到明星新藥的速度追不上失去暢銷藥速度的壓力下,國際藥廠開始削減成本,將部分研發工作分工委外,進行企業聯盟與購併,以充實專利技術與產品版圖;由於眾多專利暢銷藥喪失專利,與政府鼓勵使用低價藥,學名藥市場備受看好。台灣醫藥產業多屬中小型企業,資金與研發能量不足,因此發展學名藥是第一項建議的策略。舊藥新用可以降低研發失敗風險與成本,是第二項建議的策略。技術移轉與授權是第三項策略,由外引進技術可以解決研發能力不足的問題,對外授權技術可以解決資金不足以撐完研發全程的問題,順應國際藥廠分工委外的趨勢,在醫藥產業生態鏈中合適的點進場與出場,能避免資金不足,減輕研發失敗的負荷。 學名藥廠如果能夠提早學名藥上市的時間就能增加獲利,熟悉簡易新藥申請程序、專利延長與資料專屬權保護規定對於學名藥上市時程的規劃有很大的幫助。美國最高法院對Merck v. Integra 的判決擴張藥物研發實驗實施免責權,鼓勵使用他人具專利的化合物進行與藥物審查相關的臨床前期試驗,有利於開發既有藥品的新用途,台灣的專利法相關規定亦在研討修法,希望結果對台灣藥廠採取舊藥新用的策略有所幫助。依據公司專長,研發能力強的公司可以將臨床前期獲得的專利技術授權給國際藥廠,而擅長臨床試驗的公司可以由外授權引進專利候選藥物在台灣進行臨床試驗,之後再對外授權,政府亦頒訂生技新藥產業發展條例,幫助企業應用技術移轉與授權找到生存的利基點。熟悉並活用法律知識是發展醫藥產業必備的工具。 / Even though people are worried about global economy recession, IMS still optimistically predicts that global pharmaceutical market will have 4.5 – 5.5 Percent growth in 2009, exceeding $820 billion. It means that pharmaceutical industry is a field worth investigating. The Taiwan government also provides fully support for pharmaceutical industry development through laws and regulations. However pharmaceutical industry is characterized for requiring high technology, lots of money, long developing time, and high risk of failure. The strategies pharmaceutical companies token will influence their fate to success or failure. The goal of this thesis is to propose suitable management strategies for Taiwan pharmaceutical industry. After several drug safety related incidents in recent years, FDA becomes more conservative and blocks new drug approval. More over, it takes more money to investigate a new drug, and the speed of getting new drugs can not catch up the speed of losing patent of blockbuster drugs. Under such huge pressure, international pharmaceutical companies adopt strategies as outsourcing part of drug developing work to achieve cost down. They also conduct strategic alliances and mergers, which can enrich their patents and products portfolio. Generic drug has great market potential because of several blockbuster drugs losing patents and government favoring cheap drugs. Pharmaceutical companies in Taiwan are all small and medium size enterprises. Their research capacity and capital are insufficient. So the first recommended strategy is developing generic drugs. The second strategy is drug repurposing which can minimize the risk of failure. The third strategy is technology transfer and licensing. Complying with the trend of outsourcing, Taiwan companies can adopt technology transfer and licensing strategy and determine proper points to enter and out of the chain of drug development. Licensing-in can resolve the problem of insufficient research capacity. License-out can prevent shortage of money. If a generic drug company can advance the timing to launch generic drug, it can earn more money. Thus well study of Abbreviated New Drug Applications, patent term expansion and data exclusivity can help plan market schedule. The Supreme Court decision in Merck v. Integra expands the protection of Safe Harbor which exempted from infringement all uses of patented compounds "reasonably related" to the process of developing information for submission under any federal law regulating the manufacture, use, or distribution of drugs. Using patented compound in pre-clinical trials is exempted and it encourages drug developer to use patented compound owned by other companies to explore new usage. The patent ruling law experiment exemption in Taiwan needs further discussion and amended. Hope the result of amendment can help drug repurposing strategy in Taiwan. Research oriented company can license out patented result to big pharmaceutical companies, while companies good in clinical trial study can license in patented drug candidate and do clinical trial in Taiwan. Taiwan Government also set rules to encourage pharmaceutical companies to adopt technology transfer and licensing. Having well knowledge relating to drug approval and patent law is a must to run a successful pharmaceutical company.


蔡旺霖 Unknown Date (has links)
現代人類的文明生活中,不論使用何種能源,絕大部分皆會轉換成電能被使用。基本上,文明社會為一「電」的社會。有鑒於電能儲存裝置對於生活的必要性,本文選定其為發明專利侵權問題之研究標的。 本文首先分析美國之發明專利制度與發明專利侵權成立要件,了解美國法院對於上述要件之看法。其次,針對電能儲存裝置之產業狀況與發明專利申請、布局和侵權訴訟等進行分析,了解此產業中主要的訴訟議題。並配合實際之美國的電能儲存裝置發明專利訴訟案例,了解產業實際的發明專利訴訟問題。且配合台灣廠商之研發與製造情況,針對台灣相關產業在此領域所遇到或可能遇到的訟訴困境提出因應之道。 本文認為台灣電能儲存裝置廠商因整場輸入技術與設備的經營模式,擁有較少的自有技術。對於下ㄧ代之薄膜太陽電池與燃料電池的開發,如能妥善規劃資源投入,並建立關鍵技術,則台灣上述廠商有機會掌握到下ㄧ波產業的先機。 本文經由比較太陽電池與燃料電池的專利申請狀況,發現台灣太陽電池的廠商在專利布局上有所不足,其相對於燃料電池,在美國的專利申請數量較少,且近年來於美國之專利申請數量銳減。發明專利能保護技術研發的心血,完善的專利布局更可讓發明人之技術受到完整的保護,此應為以後台灣廠商進行智慧財產權管理與規劃時,所應深慮的事項。

歐洲統合專利制度與統一專利法院施行之專利策略 -以台灣廠商為例 / The Patent Strategy Analysis of European Unitary Patent System and Unified Patent Court -The Case Study of Taiwanese Enterprises

曹家豪, Tsao, Chia Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在提供台灣廠商在統合專利制度下之歐洲專利策略建議。本論文首先介紹以歐洲專利公約為主之現行歐洲專利制度,其次再介紹統合專利制度與統一專利法院制度。接著再以現階段我國廠商於歐洲專利申請狀況切入,分析現階段我國廠商於歐洲專利之布局狀況,再針對未來即將施行之統合專利制度,對台灣廠商之申請人及專利權人提出策略建議。 歐洲專利公約自1977年生效後,申請人向歐洲專利局遞交歐洲專利申請後,經過指定國程序,即可在歐洲專利公約之會員國間取得專利保護。某些會員國亦會要求遞交翻譯文件及繳納相關規費。然而,相比於美國、日本及中國,現行的歐洲專利制度是分離破碎的,進而導致申請人須負擔高額的申請費用與訴訟成本,同時亦有許多法律不確定性。在2013年2月,歐盟終於完成協商,正式簽訂確立歐洲統合專利與統一專利法院之條約。統一專利法院將在所有參與之會員國間擁有專屬管轄權。統合專利制度之下,申請人獲得歐洲專利之費用下降、申請程序更為簡化,且提供更有利於申請人之申請方式。如此,統合專利制度預期將提升申請專利之效益與吸引更多的申請者。統一專利法院制度之專屬管轄權,將提升專利有效性與訴訟之法律安定性,且訴訟相關費用之減免,亦有利於專利權人。 統合專利制度的所有準備工作雖已於2015年陸續完成,但仍需要德國、英國及另外任一個歐盟成員國批准歐洲統一專利條約方可生效,預計最快可在2017年達成。統一專利法院亦於2016年3月完成裁判費用之規定,並陸續完成各級法院之選址與訴訟案件性質之分類。專利權人與專利申請人應要謹慎思考在新制度下可能帶來之各種挑戰,特別是台灣廠商需要評估在新制度下之專利策略。因此,本文將針對新制度介紹,希冀能提供欲前往申請的台灣廠商專利佈局之策略建議。 / First of all, this Article overviews current European patent system in particular with the system under European Patent Convention. This Article also summarizes the features of new system and considers the practical steps which should be taking now in preparation for the start of new regime. European Patent Convention has entered into force since 1977. Under European Patent Convention, applicant can deliver their application to EPO and once the mention of the grant is published, the patent has to be validated in each of the designated states to keep its protective effect. In a number of member states, the patent proprietors may have to file a translation of the specification and pay fees. However, the current European patent system has been the fragmentation compared to the United States, Japan and China. This has caused to a high cost of application and lawsuit and also a high level of uncertainty. In February 2013, the European Union formally signed an agreement established a single European patent and the Unified Patent Court. The court will have exclusive jurisdiction for all participating Member States. Through European unitary patent system and Unified Patent Court, this new system reduces the costs of obtaining a patent, simplifies procedures, and regulates the language issue in a user-friendlier manner than before. Therefore, unitary patent system are expected to enhance the efficiency and attractiveness. All preparation of unitary patent system is accomplished before 2015, but still need the Germany, the Untied Kingdom and two other European member states to ratify the agreement. The beginning of 2017 is now said to be the earliest that can be achieved. Owing to the new patent system, patent proprietors and applicants, especially Taiwanese enterprises should be contemplating their patent strategy for meeting the challenge created by this new patent right. Thus, the Article presents patent strategy for Taiwanese enterprises under new patent system in Europe.

分紅費用化對公司創新表現的影響-以科技業為例 /

黃冠雯 Unknown Date (has links)
在過去,我們認為有形資產是公司最重要的資產,然而到了現今知識密集產業當道的時代,取而代之的是無形資產:專利,品牌,商業秘密等成為決定公司存亡與進步與否的關鍵,因此研究無形資產的價值成為主流之一。本研究第一部份使用因素分析法捕捉專利四大指標:前引證數、後引證數、專利家族數與請求項個數共同影響專利的因素,我們稱之為「專利品質」,並用此方法來建構台灣上市上櫃電子業公司於2003年至2012年各公司各年度的創新力指標。 本研究第二部分探討員工薪酬對於公司創新力的影響,並且以2008年員工分紅費用化政策作為一工具變數,試看該政策對於公司研發創新的影響。本研究結果顯示,分紅費用化政策對於公司研發創新並無顯著影響。整體來看,費用化後高、低股價公司間的薪酬差距縮小,然而創新研發能力差距卻擴大;若分產業來看,台灣電子業發展有往技術密集產業之高股價公司集中的現象,例如:半導體業、電腦及週邊設備業、通信網路業、其他電子業在費用化後研發產出增加最多,即使該產業亦為費用化後總薪酬下降最多之產業。

遊戲產業智慧財產權相關議題研究 / Research on intellectual property rights related issues of the video game industry

廖蘊瑋, Liao, Yun Wei Unknown Date (has links)
近年來隨著網際網路的普及與科技的進步,以家用電視遊戲機、個人電腦遊戲、線上遊戲、手機遊戲等為主之遊戲產業亦蓬勃發展,電子遊戲結合數位、網路與社交,更逐漸成為現代人生活娛樂不可或缺的一部分。不論國內外之遊戲業者,皆爭相開發新款遊戲欲搶攻遊戲消費市場,因此如何保護遊戲業者投入大量資源與成本開發的電子遊戲、如何藉由智慧財產權保護電子遊戲的內容物,並避免他人抄襲、重製等等搭便車之行為,對於遊戲業者而言即屬重要。 台灣的遊戲業者大致分為大型遊戲公司及小型獨立遊戲工作室,然而因資源相對不足、自行研發成本高,起初大型遊戲公司多以代理國外之電子遊戲為主。而近幾年來隨著大型遊戲公司轉向自行開發遊戲,以及個人或小型團隊為主的獨立遊戲工作室之興起,點亮了台灣遊戲產業未來的曙光。因此如何以智慧財產權制度充分保護我國國內開發之電子遊戲,對台灣遊戲產業之發展即越趨重要。我國法院早期關於電子遊戲智慧財產權之爭議案件多為盜版光碟,而隨著電子遊戲技術之變遷與時代的演進,以架設遊戲外掛程式、私人遊戲伺服器等等侵權爭議亦逐漸增加,然而至今我國法院實務中有關電子遊戲智慧財產保護與侵權判斷標準不明確、亦未建立完善機制,不利於我國遊戲產業之發展。 因此本文歸納出電子遊戲智慧財產權之保護與侵權相關議題,並以2016年全球前兩大遊戲產值國—美國與中國大陸之法院實務見解為主軸,比較台灣法院對於電子遊戲相關案例之見解,藉以提供台灣法院及遊戲產業實務對電子遊戲智慧財產權保護之未來方向。 關於產業面之分析,本文先於第二章論述電子遊戲產業本身,包括電子遊戲之定義、電子遊戲之種類、全球遊戲產業之發展概況及台灣遊戲產業之概況與未來發展。而關於智慧財產法律層面之分析,本文於第三章、第四章則以專利權及著作權為討論核心。第三章關於專利權之保護,本文將比較我國、美國及中國大陸法院關於電子遊戲專利權適格性及專利侵權行為之見解,包括電腦程式之專利適格性、遊戲商業方法之專利適格性、遊戲玩法或遊戲規則之專利適格性,並分析電子遊戲設計專利之專利適格性及侵權判斷。而第四章關於著作權之爭議,本文將比較我國、美國及中國大陸法院關於電子遊戲中各類型著作權之適格性爭議,包括電子遊戲之整體、執行電子遊戲之電腦程式語言、遊戲名稱、角色人物名稱、角色人物對話、遊戲玩法或遊戲規則、虛擬遊戲角色人物、遊戲中的美術元件、背景音樂等,並探討近年來電子遊戲著作權之侵權爭議,包括玩家行為、外掛程式、私自架設伺服器、遊戲畫面之截圖、遊戲攻略、遊戲直播、遊戲之改作等等,以及與合理使用制度間之關聯。 希冀藉由本文歸納之研究結果與淺見,能提供我國法院及遊戲產業實務關於電子遊戲智慧財產權保護之參考,進而使台灣更重視遊戲產業之智慧財產權法律與佈局,從而引領台灣的遊戲產業走向國際。

專利法及藥事法上實驗例外之研究─以製藥產業為中心 / The Research of Experimental Use Exception on Patent Law and Pharmaceutical Affairs Act -Especially in Pharmaceutical Industry

孫小萍, Sun, Hsiao-ping Unknown Date (has links)
專利權具有獨占性,對一國產業發展具有重要影響,為了平衡該權利,各國專利法在給予發明人專利權的同時也加諸某些限制,以我國為例,於專利法第五十七條第一項列舉專利權效力所不及之情形有:(一)為研究、教學或試驗,實施其發明,而無營利行為者。此即所謂之「實驗例外」 (experimental use exception)條款。 實驗例外條款在各國司法實務運作上,最常被引起爭論者向來集中在處方藥市場中專利藥廠與學名藥廠間之競爭議題。因為學名藥廠為了能夠盡早進入市場,不免須在專利期間屆滿前實施原廠專利進行必要之研究、試驗,以符合各國對於藥物上市管理法令之要求。 雖然我國專利法與其他國家一樣也有試驗例外條款,但其中要件嚴格限定為「非營利行為」,從比較法之方式分析,該規定係受美國普通法之影響。美國普通法關於試驗例外係採取嚴格路線,必須行為人之試驗係出於非營利目的,單純追求真相、探求知識理論,或為滿足好奇心,才可主張普通法上之實驗例外,即始係不具營利色彩之公家機關、學術單位從事之試驗,只要背後具有實質的商業目的亦不得主張試驗例外。如此造成要成功適用試驗例外是愈來愈不可能。 國際間對於試驗例外之立法,除美國外,尚存在許多形式值得我國借鏡,以歐洲共同體專利規則草案(Proposal for a Council Regulation on a Community Patent)為例,其區分「私人且非商業性目的之行為」,以及「為試驗目的之行為」,後者要求必須係針對系爭專利技術本身所進行之試驗始非專利權效力所及,若係將該專利技術作為研究工具之用,仍非法之所許。這種區分方法不僅層次分明、無觀念上混淆之虞,判斷上也較具有可預測性。 美國於1984年通過Hatch-Waxman 法案鼓勵學名藥之發展,對於為滿足主管機關關於醫藥品上市要求之試驗,在專利法271(e)(1)明文規定排除在專利權效力之外,即所謂之「Bolar例外」。我國於九十四年二月五日亦增訂藥事法第四十條之二第五項:「新藥專利權不及於藥商申請查驗登記前所進行之研究、教學或試驗」關於Bolar例外之規定。惟或因立法匆促,致法條要件不符合實際狀況,例如限定「申請查驗登記前」之行為,實際上藥廠於提出查驗登記之申請後,往往在主管機關之要求下須進行其他試驗,這些行為均在立法者原欲保護之範圍內,僅因立法用語之不當,造成實務運用之困擾。 筆者最後從法律及商業管理觀點著眼,對國內立法提出下列修法建議,作為本研究之最終成果: 壹、對於專利法第五十七條第一項第一款修法之建議 一、刪除「教學」之行為態樣 二、刪除「而無營利行為」之要件 三、增列關於研究工具之專利則無本條之適用 四、放寬適用範圍為符合主管機關法規要求而實施他人專利亦有實驗例外之適用。 贰、對於藥事法修法之建議 一、刪除「申請查驗登記前」之要件,改以行為目的來限定範圍,即「為通過藥品查驗登記所進行之研究或試驗」,始有本款之適用。 二、明定「物品專利」及「方法專利」均有本條之適用

專利地痞與企業因應策略 / Patent Trolls and Responding Strategies for Industries

黃紫旻 Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟時代,智慧財產權已經成為公司經營的策略重點,不再只是著重於法律與科技等構面,觸角更擴張為經營管理、商業競爭、企業併購、財務規劃與驅策新事業的重要工具。新的專利侵權原告(The New Breed of Patent Infringement Plaintiffs)便趁此一熱潮悄然誕生,美國稱之為「Patent Troll」,其不為營運研發、純粹在全球購買專利,以創造利潤與策略佈局考量為主,挾著專利持有人的地位大張旗鼓尋找「交易」對象,以訴訟為手段作為談判的籌碼,到處發警告函以獲取權利金。「Patent Troll」不僅在法律制度上引發爭議,更提高企業在智財管理方面的困難度,其對專利體系上的影響是全面性的。 本文第一章主要說明本論文之研究動機,包含專利訴訟新趨勢、新的商業營運模式,以及順應而生的「Patent Troll」之情形,闡述其所造成與被授權人間議價能力失衡之現象,接著闡述其對交易關係的影響以及美國法上相應適用的法律原則之變化,最後針對台灣的現況做一說明並向企業提出策略上之建議。 第二章蒐集並整理國內外與「Patent Troll」相關問題的爭議及探討。首先針對智慧財產服務業(IP Service Corporation)及智財控股公司(IP Holding Company)等名詞作一基本介紹。次對「Patent Troll」之名詞、定義、由來及分類做一整理介紹,接著說明「Patent Troll」之特徵、功能及商業模式。最後則針對各方文獻對於專利管理流程以及企業營運策略等建議做一整理分析。 第三章針對「Patent Troll」此一名詞做全面性的介紹與探討。首先對「Patent Troll」的定義、名詞爭議、發展歷史及與類似名詞的區辨為一概括式的介紹,本文將「Patent Troll」定名為「專利地痞」,並認為分析特徵可歸納為下列七項,只有當七項特徵都符合時才是本文所指涉之專利地痞:(一)為專利權人的個人、獨立發明人或公司;(二)藉由購買專利(如MercExchange)或進行技術創新(如Lemelson);(三)不製造生產產品;(四)非提供專利服務;(五)鎖定目標公司(Target Company):該目標公司必須是獨立發明製造技術,真正使用該專利,欠缺專利授權,在商業上成功,並且出現且已投入不可回復的損害;(六)以訴訟與禁制令作為要脅;(七)以達和解授權以獲取權利金等創造利潤及策略布局。接著說明「Patent Troll」的分類,以掌握其可能存在的不同態樣,本文將專利地痞分類為「發明型」專利地痞」,以及「購買型」專利地痞。然後就其特徵、優勢及商業模式加以闡述,歸納出一些共通的特徵,本文認為專利地痞的商業模式可以分成下列幾個步驟,第一階段為累積專利期,第二階段為授權協商期,第三階段則為專利訴訟期。各階段之間有其前後順序,並且環環相扣,除了第一階段需投入成本外,另外兩個階段均以創造利益為最終目的。最後再就全球各主要國家關於「Patent Troll」的現況進行討論並提出結論,以此部分的撰寫與結論作為第四張及第五章關於法律面與管理面相關議題批評檢討的基礎。 第四章探討「Patent Troll」在美國法上涉及的相關法律爭議問題,期以此觀察緣起環境變遷的方式了解國內外法制環境的差異,並定位台灣在此一進程中所處之發展位置,以解析台灣關於「Patent Troll」此議題重視之必要與否以及應該採取的態度與方法。首先以美國法上針對「Patent Troll」此一議題在行政、立法和司法的變革為引,帶出此一議題影響層面的全面性。次專注於美國法上關於立法上「專利改革法案」對於解決「Patent Troll」問題所做的努力,如前已提及之專利先申請原則、專利侵權損害賠償計算基礎、惡意侵權損害賠償、專利核可後非經訴訟程序的異議制度(Post-Grant Opposition)和專利侵權訴訟管轄權等。接著以法院判決的變化演進,如前述主要提及之2006年eBay v. MercExchange一案中對於禁制令核發原則的確立、2007年KSR v. Teleflex一案中對於可專利性原則(Patentability)的解釋運用,2007年MedImmune,Inc. v. Genentech一案對於確認判決(Declaratory Judgment)行使範圍的解釋。2007年Microsoft v. AT&T 針對域外效力(Extraterritorial Impact)的確立,以及2007年In re Seagate一案對於惡意侵權(Willful Infringement)的認定等。最後針對個別修正法案或法院判決的變遷對專利地痞的影響做一說明。 第五章提出企業面對「Patent Troll」此一威脅時所能採取的因應策略。將以第三章所分析之專利地痞商業模式三步驟為本,針對專利地痞行使各該步驟時,企業可能採取的因應策略。第一階段的累積專利期,包含有專利資訊管理、專利購買與公司併購、延攬IP專業人才、保險分擔機制與提撥準備金、技術創新設計、專利交叉授權、專利策略聯盟、契約條款規劃和其他新型態的因應策略等;第二階段的授權協商期,包含有專利評估、和解授權,確認訴訟;第三階段的侵權訴訟期,則有專利訴訟程序、侵權認定程序、善用迴避設計、提出異議制度、提出專利再審查、慎選繫屬法院,以及採取團體訴訟以資因應等。期以一相關流程使企業得以瞭解其現階段落在何種情況時應採取何策略始得降低風險並妥善因應。 第六章為本論文之結論建議,結論部份,將前述第三章、第四章和第五章所提出之觀點作一概括性的總結。建議部分,即就我國產官學各界及現行法制面對「Patent Troll」問題可能適用之解決方式加以檢討並提出建議。 / In the knowledge-based economy era, intellectual property has become the focus of business management strategy. The concerns of intellectual property management extend from law and technology to management, market competitions, mergers and acquisitions, financial plans, and start-ups. The trends also bring forth a new breed of patent infringement plaintiffs, Patent Troll, who do not undertake R&D and purchase patents worldwide as their main profit and business strategy. Those patentees utilize litigation as measures to bargain with their “clients” to obtain loyalties. The issue of Patent Troll is influential in the Patent system. It rouses controversy in legal system and increase difficulty for industry in intellectual property management. Chapter I describes the main concern of this thesis, including new trends of patent litigation, new business model, and “Patent Troll.” The chapter will elaborate an imbalance of bargaining power between licensors and licensees cause by patent troll, the influences of patent troll to IP transactions, and the changes of legal principles under U.S. patent law and judicial decisions. The chapter will outline the current situation in Taiwan and propose some strategy to industries. Chapter II involves relating issues on "Patent Troll" in Taiwan and abroad. First, the chapter will introduce the definition of IP Service Corporation and IP Holding Company. Then the chapter will elaborates and discuss patent troll from the name, definition, classification, origin, features, functions and business models. At last, this chapter will analyze the patent managerial process and operating strategies for the industries. Chapter III focuses on a comprehensive introduction towards patent troll. First, the article elaborates the disputes on the definition, the term, the history and the differences between similar terms of patent troll. A Patent troll should meet all the following seven characteristics, (a) patent owner/independent inventor/company; (b) Compare purchase of rights (MercExchange for example) vs. invention (Lemelson for example); (c) Does not Make, Use, Sell, Offer to Sell, Or Import Patented Article/ Does not Use/Practice Patented Method; (d) no IP Service; (e) Target company (infringer): The target company must be an independent inventor of the technology, has real use of the patent, lacks of patent license, has successful business and devotes substantial investments; (f)Threat of litigation & Injunction; (g) Demand for licensing fee. Then the article describes the classification of patent troll in order to grasp the potential types of it. Patent troll in this chapter will be classified as "inventor" one and "purchaser" one. The business model of patent troll can be divided into three stages: (a) cumulative period ;(b) licensing and consolation period and (c) patent litigation period. The three stages are of time sequence and closely linked together. The “Patent Troll” needs to invest money only in the first stage and take profit creation as the ultimate goal in the other two stages. Finally, the chapter describes and discusses the developments and current status of patent troll in some major countries in the world. The observation and discussion will be served as the foundation for further discussion in the following chapters. Chapter IV focuses on the legal principle changes under U.S. patent system in three dimensions: administration, legislation and jurisdiction and illustrates the effects that occur to patent troll. The changes of administration focus on three parts: the limitation of continuation application, the limitation of divisional application and the limitation of claims. In legislation, the changes focus on “Patent Law Reform Act”, including the first-to-invent to first-to-file principle, the calculation basis of damages, enhanced damages, post grant review procedure, and venue and jurisdiction. The changes of jurisdiction focus on five verdicts and cases, eBay v. MercExchange, KSR v. Teleflex, MedImmune, Inc. V. Genentech, Microsoft v. AT & T, and In re Seagate. The chapter will elaborate the influences of those changes and decisions on the business model of patent troll. Chapter V proposes some possible solutions and strategies to industries when they are confronted with the threats of patent troll. This thesis takes the three stages of patent troll’s business model as a foundation and proposes the strategies for industries against patent troll during different stages. The strategies for first stage are IP information management, patent purchase, mergers and acquisitions of companies, IP professionals recruitment, insurance mechanism, technology R&D, patent cross-licensing, patent alliances, contract planning and other new types of strategies and so on. The strategies for the second stage include patent evaluation, authorization of reconciliation and declaratory judgment. The strategies in the third stage are patent litigation, infringement procedures, patent design around, patent re-examination, choose of venue and jurisdiction and group litigation. The thesis expect to enable industries to understand what stage they fall on and what strategies they can adopt, with the proposal of management procedure. Chapter VI will be the conclusions of this thesis and will include suggestions on the issue of patent troll to industries, government and academia.

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