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汽車產業與智慧財產經營模式之研究-提升產業之經營策略以輪圈業為例 / The Business model of intellectual property management in automotive industrythe management strategy in upgrading the traditianl industry, utilizing alloy wheel industry as case study黃翊珽 Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 供應商因增加經濟規模,增加營收。
(二) 供應商遵循之各車廠規範與認證方式,汽車廠也因整併之故,統整其規範,供應商也因此減少其開發與管理成本。
(三) 藉由中心廠之整併,供應商由原先之供應鏈體系進而擴展其新市場。
儘管智慧財產之管理行之有年,輪圈業也因法規與客戶之需求,創新之技術日新月異,許多長久之know-how 並未妥善之管理,輪圈業者今後需加快建立完整的智慧財產管理,並實際應用其作為行銷之手法。
試圖由研究個案建立起一套完整的管理流程,針對核心技術之管理與行銷之商業模式,建構流程和步驟。並延伸將核心技術受專利或營業秘密保護之後,對內以技術人員專門管理之規範,對外以專利,內部know-how 進而經營輪圈業之品牌。 / This research aims to discuss the intellectual property management in automotive industry. For a long time, the value chain of automotive industry is controlled by the automotive manufactures. Specification and plant certification are different according to each manufacture’s requirement, such as market, regulations, safety and so on. However, it needs to takes lots of time and money to be the one of the automotive family. This expensive prolonged process involves high technology, investment and man-power.
Besides, the international market becomes open under the influence of many global economic organizations, for example WTO. Therefore, the Taiwan’s suppliers are the threatened by not only the US or European’s suppliers, but also the China or India suppliers with cheaper labor cost and raw material.
Taiwan’s suppliers had abundant experiences, including R&D, know-how and customer relationship management. However, those intangible properties were ignored for a long time by most suppliers and the information was not treated as important trade secrets and preserved properly. Those suppliers are situated in a crucial moment. From one side, the prices competition becomes intensified in the market. From the other side, without proper preservation, there will be a gap of professional technology in the company. Therefore, this thesis will focus on how to promote Taiwan manufacture industry on the basis of the abundant experiences of Taiwan and develop a route into the blue ocean strategy.
This research will be focus on the automotive suppliers. We will apply alloy wheel industry as case study. The thesis will describe how a company can pass the certification and participate in the group of automotive family. Besides, the discussion will connect product R&D, wheel structure, and production technology to brand management. How to make innovations into intellectual property and the IP management would be the main concerns of this research.
Before the discussion on the wheel industry, we will need to know about the current condition of automotive industry.
A. The automotive industry
The research discovers that the automotive market were controlled by the biggest ten automotive manufactures due to company merger and acquisition. The action of merge and acquisition can increase the market share and the brand value and bring new product technology by sharing trademark and resource to the manufactures.
The merger and acquisition by manufactures also changes the supplier’s situation and bring suppliers the following success in the future:
1. The supplier increase the sales due to new market expanded.
2. The supplier could decrease the management cost of specification and certification due to the merger and acquisition between automotive makers.
3. The supplier increases its market share due to the manufacture’s merger.
Besides, China and Indian will become the biggest market of automotive industry because of the economic growth in both countries.
B. The supply chain of automotive industry is long and complicated.
The sales channels of automotive components can be divided into two ways, OEM and After Market. This research will explain the different certification and collaboration between those two ways and apply alloy wheels as case study.
The automotive industry is a highly vertical integrated industry from the raw material management to product logistic. This research will elaborate the automotive supply chain and further discuss the value chain between tier 1 and tier 2. We will also discuss about how to manage the supply chain and to create profits from the value chain. It can be done through the decrease of the exchange cost, the purchase low-risked components, the vertical integration of industry and the joint venture.
C. The intellectual property management in alloy wheel industry
In this research, the patent strategy, marketing management and market share of each alloy wheel manufacture will be analyzed to elaborate the patent situation of alloy wheel industry. Form the analysis, we can find that over-filing patents in some American alloy wheel manufactures caused the disclosure of trade secret to their rival companies. On the other hand, some Taiwan suppliers ignore the protection of intellectual property. As a result, their core competence will not be developed.
This research will choose two famous alloy wheel companies, Super Alloy and Rosta as case study. Both companies are typical companies of traditional manufacturers in Taiwan. From the analysis of the two cases, we can understand the position of Taiwan’s suppliers of the world.
The Rosta Group has been in the alloy wheel industry over 30 years. It maintains its international business through the connection with foreign manufactures. Except for the customer relationship, the excellent foundry technology is well-recognized by its customers. However, in past 10 years, China and Indian suppliers offer cheaper price by their lower manufacturing cost. The low cost strategy brought the impact of the market share and original profits of Rosta Group. The research will analyze the Rosta Group by SWOT. The advantage of Rosta group will be its abundant experience and excellent production technology. How to transform the intangible capital into the profitable intellect property will be the main concern of this case study. The thesis suggests to choose the products of higher production technology and high profits, to well apply the trademark value or to offer technology consulting for new suppliers who want to start its alloy wheel business. The conclusion will be a advice of the market strategy for Rosta Group to differentiae from China suppliers.
The Super Alloy was a manufacture of golf iron head in the beginning. In 2003, it started its automotive business. The Super Alloy is strong at its forge technology. It was also chosen as the best 50 profit private companies in 2008. How to maintain the competency and manage the intangible asset would be the key point of this case study.
Though the concept of intellectual property has been promoted for years, it is more practiced in the high technology industry. For the alloy wheel industry, the know-how of design, structure and production technology was not maintained and managed properly. It is suggested that the wheel suppliers should develop an intellectual property management and apply it in marketing strategy.
Through the case study, the thesis will try to build a complete managing process of intellectual property, step by step, including protection of core technology and marketing strategy of business model. Besides, the trade secret management, the patent management, the management and promotion of trademark will also be involved in discussion.
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論我國技術授權與市場競爭之處理原則洪萱 Unknown Date (has links)
本文經由探討美國、歐盟及日本等國家現行競爭法對於技術授權行為之規範:美國”Antitrust Guidelines for the Licensing of Intellectual Property(1995)”、” Antitrust Enforcement and Intellectual Property Rights: Promoting Innovation and Competition(2007)”,歐盟” Commission Regulation (EC) No 772/2004 of 27 April 2004 on the application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty to categories of technology transfer agreements”及其Guidelines,日本2007年新修訂「知的財産の利用に関する独占禁止法上の指針」,以及參考我國公平會(Fair Trade Commission)執法實務之案例經驗,俾掌握技術授權行為如何在鼓勵創新與促進技術流通兩者間加以權衡題,進而試就我國技術授權協議案件處理原則(Fair Trade Commission Guidelines on Technology Licensing Arrangements),提供具體修正建議:
一、適用範圍:歐盟及日本於新修訂的技術授權處理規範中,均將適用客體進一步擴大適用至新式樣專利與軟體著作權(software copyright)。然而,我國公平會目前相關案件量甚少,故是否要隨外國立法例擴大適用範圍,應視我國國情及執法實務加以考量,仍有斟酌餘地。
五、標準化與專利聯盟(standardization and patent pool):從廣受各界關注的「飛利浦案」,公平會對於科技產業的標準化與專利聯盟情形,如何建構妥適的聯合行為管制模式,首要之務是要確立執法立場。對於專利聯盟可能存有惡性卡特爾之風險,一方面仍保有競爭法主管機關的介入空間,亦不能動輒讓產業承擔過高法律風險,導致阻礙創新或影響商機。美國、歐盟、日本立法例多肯定透過專利聯盟集中授權模式,有助減少交易成本等效益,亦建立不少規範與案例,可供公平會借鏡參考。然而,不能忽視的是我國廠商多處於被授權人地位,在高度仰賴技術輸入之現況,如何確保我國廠商得以在公平競爭環境,得以提升產業發展,競爭法主管機關於制定相關法規時,亦須一併加以重視。
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以專利案件為中心論智慧財產案件審理法 / Intellectual property case adjudication act洪陸麟 Unknown Date (has links)
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策略回應對專利訴訟和解影響之研究 / A case study on the competitive dynamics for settlement in mobile patent suits葉君華, Yeh, Chun Hua Unknown Date (has links)
基於智慧財產權對於企業之成長、獲利能力有關鍵性的影響,企業越來越重視智慧財產權的研發及運用策略,有別於以往企業將智慧財產權用在保護自己產品避免被指控侵權,多數企業現在亦將智慧財產權用於干擾競爭對手之商業佈局。又臺灣廠商因智慧財產權佈局較弱,往往係被國際廠商提告的對象,則為免影響企業經營核心事業及避免鉅額之損害賠償,企業傾向選擇與對方和解,本文即係探討倘企業面臨專利訴訟,且經適當之商業評估後,認為與原告和解為最佳的選擇,企業應採取何種方式為自己爭取談判時間,經本文整理後,企業除法律層面的回應—於訴訟中積極答辯、提起反訴或另訴、利用動議拖延訴訟庭審時間,亦可採取商業層面的回應—對外收購專利、策略併購或投資、有效利用友好公司及策略夥伴等,以達到和解之目的。 / Because of intellectual property have key influences that impacts on growth and profitability of individual companies, companies pay much more attention to intellectual property in developments and application strategies. Unlike in the past when most companies use their own intellectual property to protect products and avoid attacks, they use their own intellectual property to interfere with business plans of competitors. As Taiwanese companies are weaker in intellectual property portfolio, leading international companies were often filed lawsuits against them. To avoid being ordered to pay huge amount damages and be able to focus on core business, Taiwanese companies are inclined to settle. This study is focus on when a company evaluates the situation and then decides to settle, the company should take what kind of actions to earn more time to negotiate a settlement. In conclusion, a company can take legal actions such as, defending the lawsuit, bringing the counterclaim, filing another compliant against the plaintiff, filing motions to postpone trial, but also can buy patents, make strategic investments, and make full use of friendly companies and strategic partners in order to reach a settlement.
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台灣法人科專計畫與科技部計畫之資源錯置研究:以專利價值指標為研發產出 / Misallocation of technology development programs and ministry of science and Technology’s programs: using patent value index as the R&D output王郁棋, Wang, Yu Chi Unknown Date (has links)
近年創新研發相關文獻指出創新政策可能因政策不一致性及資源被不適任者所佔有等因素而宣告失敗。其中「資源錯置」此議題乃最為大眾所關注,因此本研究採用Hsieh and Klenow(2009)的資源配置效率模型以檢視台灣兩大科技計畫─「法人科專計畫」與「科技部計畫」是否有資源錯置之情事,以確保我國科技計畫之成效。結果指出,科技部計畫之資源配置效率相對於法人科專計畫較為不穩定,主因為科技部計畫執行機構多為學術型機構,其專利產值較易浮動。研究後續進一步分析兩大計畫底下各機構之扭曲程度。法人科專部份,工研院長期為正向扭曲,中科院則長期為負向扭曲,其正負之差異源自於機構的研發屬性不同;科技部計畫部份,各機構扭曲程度波動較大,乃受到機構研究目的與發表形式差異所導致。本文受限於利用專利作為產出衡量,無法提供科技部計畫全面性的評估觀點。未來若能納入人文社會科學領域且綜合其他學術指標做為產出衡量,將能提供更完整的科技部計畫資源配置效率分析,提供更精確之政策建議。 / Past literature has sounded an alarm to the failure of innovation and warned that policy inconsistency and misallocated innovation inputs as two major reasons to fail innovation. Since Taiwanese government had consistent support over research and development via policy support, this research has focused on the issues of innovation input distortions. In this thesis, the "Technology Development Program (TDP)" supported by Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) as well as endowment projects financed by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) are utilized as the research target to investigate the innovation efficiency. The results in this research suggest that TDP has stably higher performance than the MOST-financed projects. TDP projects are executed as more business-related uses while MOST-financed projects usually focus more on the fundamental technological breakthroughs. Besides, the results also suggest that the innovation objectives set by different institutions are crucial to the current innovation efficiency measure. For example, the TDP projects executed by Industrial Technology Research Institute, a commercial technology developer, record less distortions than other TDP projects granted to other institutions responsible for national defense development. This would shed light on the more aligned innovation objective setup and the following innovation resource allocation.
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高科技產業分析架構研究-以LCD產業為例洪崑欽 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以產業經濟學的產業結構-廠商行為-績效(Structure—Conduct—Performance, S-C-P)理論,為主要的分析架構,再配合Porter的五力分析架構,價值鏈分析和國家優勢競爭之鑽石模型概念分析台灣的LCD產業。希望透過研究的過程,找出一套適用於LCD產業的產業分析架構。在實務上希望能夠作為業者擬定企業競爭策略及政府擬定產業政策的參考。由於本研究有其研究的限制,本文也開列出後續研究的建議,希望提供後者更進一步的研究方向。
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工業電腦產業智慧資本與智慧財產經營研究-以研華公司為例 / Study on the intellectual capital and intellectual properity of industrial computer industry – A case study of Advantech張俊一, Chang, Chun-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
工業電腦產業為資訊電子產業中的利基產業,其產業特性為少量多樣、高毛利、客戶多而分散、競爭者眾多等特性。本研究以工業電腦世界第一大廠「研華股份有限公司」為主要研究對象,資料來源為個人在研華股份有限公司擔任產品開發(Product Manager)職務期間所親身處理相關事務與蒐集公司內部資料為主,並輔以其他工業電腦廠商之新聞、報紙、証交所資料等為輔,從「新產品開發」、「品牌經營」與「行銷通路」三個構面,來探討工業電腦廠商之「智慧資本」與「智慧財產」經營運作模式。
2、研華的電子商務系統服務的對象包含員工、業務、經銷商與終端客戶,並針對不同的使用者發展出不同的線上服務系統,產品開發主要的系統是NPI與PLM,客戶管理則是Siebel CRM,其他財務、採購、生產管理與Logistic則是透過SAP ERP系統,不同的系統之間,已完成資料共享與動態連結。
2、研華公司透過WPC(World Partner Conference)、Global AE Training、Solution Day、Exhibition等活動,與分公司、經銷商及終端客戶(System Integrators)頻繁互動。
1、專利申請前建議召開Braining Storming會議,並請擁有專利專業背景的人員在旁協助會議的進行,以提昇專利品質並達成專利知識內部共享與流通之目的。
4、研華公司透過WPC(World Partner Conference)、Global AE Training、Solution Day、Exhibition等活動的舉辦,增加品牌知名度與價值。
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研發投入與產出對於企業經營績效之遞延效果-以我國電子業上市上櫃公司為例吳佳瑋, Wu, Jia-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現,研發投入之效益於未來第三年實現。研發產出數量對於經營績效並未呈現顯著的相關;而研發產出品質對於當年的企業經營績效即產生效益,且此效益及於未來二年。本研究推論,研發產出的數量雖能反映企業研發投入的成果,但唯有能夠高品質的產出,才能有效提升企業的經營績效。 / For scholars engaged in innovation performance research, they must consider that the impact of R&D activities on financial performance often has a time-lag effect; so do the investors in the capital market. In the past, researchers divided R&D activities into two aspects by means of the procedure, including R&D input and R&D output. The latter also includes the quantity and the quality of R&D output. Therefore, this thesis uses Taiwan’s electronics industry as a research sample and examines the lag-effect of R&D input, R&D output quantity and quality on the companies’ financial performance.
The research results show that the benefits of R&D input are realized in the 3rd year in the future. In addition, the benefits of R&D output quality are realized in the current year, and last to the 2nd year in the future. However, there is no evidence for the relationship between R&D output quantity and companies’ financial performance. Overall, only can the high quality R&D output contribute to the companies’ financial performance.
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台灣專利聯盟(Patent Pool)的可行性探討─以國際產業標準的營運模式為例 / The feasibility analysis of Patent Pool in Taiwan─The Business Model of International Standard徐弘光, Hsu, Henry Unknown Date (has links)
許多專利聯盟案例的成功,如MPEG LA與DVD 6C都說明了以專利為基礎所產生標準後能帶來的龐大商業利益。使得標準之爭,成為國際級大集團的必爭之地。反觀台灣或是中國,近年來都有許多與標準相關的聯盟產生,但都未能為主流產品所遵循、參與。
本文藉由MPEG-2 的案例,對於技術、專利、產品、產業的相互關係作一實證的探討,並以國際級跨國公司的智權管理來分析其營運模鏈式。發現推動標準的領導廠商,在標準制訂過程中,積極地參與標準組織、轉化研發成果為專利;在專利的佈局上,也善用專利申請的技巧在各國廣佈專利;積極推廣標準成為主流後,再組成專利聯盟、訂立授權機制。
國內廠商,若要制訂標準、組成專利聯盟,應建立許多研發的配套機制,例如研發過程中,標準、產品與專利的結、產業上中下游價值鏈的安排、研發聯盟的組成等。 / Hi-tech companies in Taiwan have begun to focus their resources on patent prosecution and the added-value thereafter in recent years. According to the statistics of USPTO, Taiwan ranks 3th on the total patent granted to a foreign origin. This is clearly an achievement to be proud of. However, Taiwan companies are still subject to many infringement challenges, be they in the field of optoelectronics, optical storage, semi-conductor or IC design. Clearly the growing patent ownership has not quite resolved the intellectual property issues these companies must overcome.
The success of patent pools can bring profit to companies. In cases of MPEG LA and DVD 6C, they makes standard war a critical issue to international companies. On the contrary in Taiwan and China, many alliances aiming to promote standard fail to become standard finally.
The case of MPEG-2 is analyzed in the aspects of technology, patent, product, industry and also their interactions. In addition, the IP management of the business model is also discussed. We found the leading company of industrial standard are aggressively participating the standard organization and applying patents. In patent application, there were skillfully in filing patents in different countries. After the technology become dominant standards, they start to form patent pool and build the license mechanism.
Domestic companies should establish the infrastructure of R&D before setting standard and forming patent pool. For example, the connections of standard, product development, patent application, industrial value chain and R&D alliance should be planed and established during R&D process.
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電信競爭與專利策略之研究 / A Study on Telecom Competition and Patent Strategy方修忠 Unknown Date (has links)
專注於科技創新並將之轉化為智慧財產權的應用,可說是通訊產業競爭的關鍵因素;專利不但是通訊科技演變與進步的註腳,也相當程度地解釋了為什麼Ericsson與Nokia之所以屹立不搖,為何Qualcomm得以崛起,為何Ericsson與Sony要合資成立索尼愛立信,又為何NTT DoCoMo的i-mode得以成為今日全世界最成功的無線上網服務,而Lucent與Siemens又為什麼無奈地逐漸淡出市場?答案就是科技的創新與管理!
關鍵字:電信、產業鏈、專利、策略、專利策略、專利分析 / Focusing on innovation and make it a strategy of IPR is one of the sustainable factors of telecom operation in such a fierce competition. Why Nokia and Ericsson keep their competitiveness ? Why NTT DoCoMo and its i-mode are so successful ? Why Lucent and Siemens both fall behind from their telecom competitors ? The same reason in common is technology innovation and management.
Patent strategy primarily includes 3 parts,which are obtaining patent rights, creating patent value, and enforcing them. Patent strategy should run with Marketing strategy so as to apply patents as an isolating mechanism to deterrent other competitors, and to leverage patents to maximize income or using patents as bargaining chips to strengthen companys’ position in dealing with the third parties, as well as to defend themselves against patents owned by others. As a result, patent decisions become sources of dynamic capabilities in the never ended competition.
In this paper, 2 qualitative analysis researches are presented. First, there are several patent award lists of Taiwan’s three major mobile companies breaking down by ROC, USA and PRC respectively. Secondly, 5 in-depth interviews with 4 high rank managers of Fareastone and it patent law firm were made to show how FET perform it patent strategy against a service product made by another mobile company and software company.
This thesis is to provide telecom companies with a successful case study in formulating a patent strategy and expects to raise the suggestion for managers in telecom industries regarding the strategic importance of patents and patents management should be part of the “Entrepreneurship”.
Keywords: Telecom, value chain, Patent, Strategy, Patent strategy, Patent analysis
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