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員工工作壓力之實證研究--以護理人員為例侯望倫, HOU, WANG-LUN Unknown Date (has links)
(二)人格層面;TYPEA TYPEB。
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漢語的附加問句 / Tag questions in mandarin Chinese李采倫, Li, Cai-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
在語用功能方面,我們認為漢語附加問句可以用來執行兩種主要功能:詢問(Question)及請求(Request)。請求又可分成請求確認(Request for Confirmation)及請求行動(Request for Action)兩種。
經由語法深層結構及語用功能之間的交互作用,因而衍生出漢語附加問句的外在行為表現。 / Tag questions have never been a hot issue among linguists studying questions in Mandarin Chinese. According to previous analyses, since tag questions are merely instances of A-not-A or yes-no questions with sentential subjects or topics, there is no need to recognize a separate category for Mandarin tag questions. In this thesis, it is shown that the underlying form and pragmatic functions of Mandarin tag questions are not so simple and should not be ignored in that way.
Based on our syntactic analysis, the underlying structure of Mandarin tag questions is divided into two subparts, and each performs various syntactic behavior. One is the structure of simple A-not-A or yes-no questions with sentential subjects or topics and the other is the construction of coordination. The former can serve as the subject or direct object of a verb while the latter cannot.
To interpret the complicated relationship between form and function of the Mandarin tag question, a pragmatic analysis is moreover proposed. Based on various illocutionary intents and speaker's psychological states, tag questions are divided into two major kinds to perform different illocutionary acts: 'Question' and 'Request' (including request for confirmation and for action). After relating our syntactic approach to pragmatic analysis, it is manifest that the interaction between underlying form and pragmatic functions results in the surface structure of Mandarin tag questions.
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問題基層金融機構經營特性之研究謝人俊 Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本研究係採用文獻檢討分析法,參考國內外相關期刊、法令及專家學者意見,蒐集整理我國七十九年迄至八十五年底止問題基層金融機構擠兌個案,詳加探討,並針對基層金融機構經營管理問題,彙整出問題機構經營特性,發現分別與外在經營環境不佳、基層金融機構內部管理欠妥及政府法令與監管未盡完善有關。上述現象不僅可以作為該類機構的營運預警指標之參考,另可就上述研究發現提出問題機構管理之建議,以期對擠兌現象及經營風險有較深刻了解與掌握,作為金融業者健全經營及主管機關監督管理之參考,冀使我國整體金融市場發展益臻健全。 / Preventing banking crises and managing problem banks has been a primary concern of the financial authorities. It is also an important area of research for finance scholars. To date, in the wake of a round of financial shocks as well as a deterioration in bank asset quality, American, Japanese, and European supervisors have begun strengthening their supervision and examination of troubled banks, focusing on operational shortcomings and the successful implementation of an early warning system, in order to ensure the safety and soundness of banking, infrastructure and facilitate the smooth operation of payment system.
The pace of financial liberalization in Taiwan has been very rapid over a period of many years. The structure of the financial industry has also been speedily transformed. Community Financial Institutions, faced with stiff competiton, and with spreads that are increasingly squeezed, have been crucially challenged. From the second half of 1995 to the end of of 1996, as domestic economic growth significantly slowed down and both the real estate and stock markets sharply declined, bank runs repeatedly occurred across Taiwan, affecting institutions such as the Changhua Fourth Credit Cooperative, the Fengyuan Credit Cooperative, the Chungli and Yenpu farmers' associations' credit departments, and so on. The financial situation in each case was quite unstable, thereby exposing severe weaknesses in the financial system, institutional internal controls, and other areas.
Owing to the fact that a problem institution or bank failure would not only influences other institutions, but would also tend to undermine the confidence of the community, and, in turn, jeopardize economic development, the poor operations as well as slack management in the case of a troubled community financial institution are indeed issues that cannot be neglected. To study these operational characteristics is also a necessity.
Both qualitative and quantitative approaches are applied in the research. At the same time, both foreign and local papers where relevant, domestic laws and regulations, and professional opinions are cited. In order to engage in empirical analysis, data on community financial institutions from 1990 to 1996 are collected, and the operational discrepancies in respect of these institutions are abstracted. The paper concludes by stating that, although a wide range of bank runs can be attributed to a corpus of causes, they are invariably identified because of the poor institutional setting in which they function, their deficient internal management and controls, and lack of a comprehensive legal and supervisory system. Not only can the above-mentioned phenomena be applied as warning signals, but the recomendations drawn up for the management of problem institutions, which provide a deeper understanding of bank runs and their opertional risks, can serve as valuable reference material for market participants and pervisors, thereby increasing the safty and soundness of Taiwan's financial markets.
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從國際判例探討島嶼對大陸礁層劃界之影響陳盈連 Unknown Date (has links)
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基層行政組織志工參與志願服務之研究:以臺北市內湖區戶政事務所為例 / The research of the basic administration organizes volunteers participating in public service : a case study of household registration office Neihu District Taipei City林雅慧 Unknown Date (has links)
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IUGONETメタデータ・データベースの使い方梅村, 宜生 27 February 2013 (has links)
IUGONETデータ解析講習会, 平成25年2月27日, 京都大学生存圏研究所
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IUGONETメタデータの作成、アーカイブの状況について堀, 智昭, 鍵谷, 将人, 田中, 良昌, 林, 寛生, 新堀, 淳樹, 上野, 悟, 吉田, 大紀, 阿部, 修司, 小山, 幸伸, 河野, 貴久, 金田, 直樹, 田所, 裕康 02 September 2010 (has links)
第154回生存圏シンポジウム 2010.08.16 (情報・システム研究機構国立極地研究所)
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教育機会の階級・階層間不平等の研究 : 持続と変容のメカニズムに関する計量分析 / キョウイク キカイ ノ カイキュウ・カイソウカン フビョウドウ ノ ケンキュウ : ジゾク ト ヘンヨウ ノ メカニズム ニカンスル ケイリョウ ブンセキ / 教育機会の階級階層間不平等の研究 : 持続と変容のメカニズムに関する計量分析白川 俊之, Toshiyuki Shirakawa 31 March 2014 (has links)
本論文では大規模社会調査のデータを利用して、戦後日本社会における教育機会の不平等の変容過程を計量的に示すことを目的に定めた。学校教育の拡大は中等教育進学における階級間の不平等の縮小に寄与したこと、それにより最終到達学歴に対する階級的制約の減少がうながされたこと、その一方で社会の高学歴化がすすむのに連れて、親学歴にもとづく機会の不平等が拡大していることなどを明らかにした。 / 博士(社会学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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從國際司法判例看大陸礁層劃界丘高偉, GIU, GAO-WEI Unknown Date (has links)
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EISCATレーダーデータ解析講習会小川, 泰信 10 August 2012 (has links)
平成24年度国立極地研究所研究集会「地上多点観測データの総合解析による超高層大気研究会」, 2012/08/10, 国立極地研究所(東京都)
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