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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vizstory:視覺化數位童話故事 / VizStory: Visualization of Digital Narrative for Fairy Tales

黃詰仁, Huang, Chieh-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
在現今的社會中,我們可以隨處見到影像被用到各個地方,像是報章雜誌、網站或是兒童圖畫書中,影像可以加深讀者對文字的印象。對一般人而言,這些影像往往比周遭的文字來的更吸引人。尤其,童話故事的文本若以影像的視覺方式呈現,將更可吸引兒童的注意。 因此,本論文研究將文字形式的童話故事文本轉換為影像的視覺化技術。我們利用童話故事的敘事結構、角色等特性,將童話故事依故事劇情分段。從中找出代表每個段落主題與故事全文的關鍵字,並利用全球資訊網的影像搜尋引擎來找出初步的影像集合。最後再為每一段落找尋適合的影像,進而達到視覺化的效果。實驗結果顯示,本研究所提出的視覺化技術,在還原童話故事的敘事結構上,準確率約70%。 / Stories are often accompanied with images, in order to emphasize the effect of stories. In particular, most fairy tales written for children are decorated by images to attract children’s interest. This thesis focuses on story visualization technology which transforms text of a fairy tale into s series of visual images. The proposed visualization technology is developed based on the narrative structure of fairy tales. First, the input fairy tale is divided into segments in accordance with the plot of the story. Then, global keywords for the whole story and segment keywords for each segment are extracted. Moreover, expanded keywords which are important but infrequent in each segment are discovered. These three types of keywords are fed into Web Image Search Engine to find the initial image set. At last, the proposed system filters out the irrelevant images from the initial image set, and selects the representative image for each segment. Experiments show that the proposed method achieves 70% accuracy for the reconstruction of narrative structures of fairy tales.

水母不見了:一個數位多文本的創作實驗 / Jellyfish disappear- A experiment of digital multi-textuality

詹琇惠, Chan, Hsiu Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本創作試圖以多文本、跨媒材的方式闡述一個關於水母、關於記憶、關於地景物件的故事。試圖以文字小說、圖像繪本、實拍短片影像,共三種媒材述說相同的水母故事並彙整放置於網站平台上。本創作藉此不同媒材形式的說故事方式,探索實驗各媒材敘事故事的樣貌與氛圍,了解各媒材的特性與質地,開展更多敘事的可能性。 若記憶需要相對物證去指證,故事裡唯一留下的水母,終究也會消失於清澈的水之中,倘若沒有留下任何物證痕跡在另個人的生活裡,他的存在對於不是自己的另個人來說是否可以成立?又或者說我相信人的存在是靠著記憶累積,隨時間堆疊成為存在的實體,一旦失去記憶又沒有留下任何物件指認身分時,那還剩下什麼足以作為存在證明?在形式的部份,以一個故事出發,多種媒材的呈現,包含圖像(繪本)、文字(小說)、影像(電影),最終將各媒材之文本匯流於網站平台上呈現,以此實驗一故事不同形式的創作可能性,其不同形式間的敘事轉變,在文字、圖繪、影像間的比例搭配與適切性實驗。

行車紀錄器的發展策略研究─以A公司為例 / The future trend and developping strategy of drive recorder

吳乃華 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,各國汽車業界由於對於提升行車安全之重視,漸漸從在發生交通事故時可降低傷害程度的「被動安全系統(Passive safety)」,走向能預防發生交通事故的「主動安全系統(Active safety)」,透過預先偵測發生事故的可能性,在駕駛者可能疏忽或視線不加時給予提醒,來避免事故的發生。此趨勢助長了民眾對於行車記錄器之需求,在過去行車記錄器的使用多以商用車為主,然而自2011年起,由於主動安全之議題提起以及肇事重建之實用性,行車記錄器在我國掀起了熱潮,愈來愈多民眾紛紛在自己的車上裝置行車記錄器,使得自用車對行車記錄器的需求大增。 由於自用車對於行車記錄器的需求與商用車不盡相同,其功能趨勢及未來發展也不同,故本研究希望透過觀察行車記錄器之市場現況並以我國一家銷售行車記錄器之公司做個案研究,來分析未來行車記錄器市場趨勢、產品功能趨勢及對未來其他產業的影響,並在最後利用策略矩陣分析法之策略型態六構面,提出該個案公司未來策略之建議。 透過本研究發展之行車記錄器未來的產品功能將包括導航系統、影像功能辨識系統、警示系統以及防盜系統。主要重點將放在影像辨識如車牌、行人、交通號誌/標誌、與前車之距離、車道等的辨識,或甚而偵測駕駛人眼睛閉闔狀況及酒測偵測,以上皆是希望能提升主動式的行車安全,並透過其他如導航及防盜等功能使行車更便利安全。行車記錄器的發展趨勢將會從過去單一的功能系統走向多功能系統結合,並與車廠結合,將這些功能內建(Build-in)於車子內成為標準配備。一旦行車記錄器內建於汽車內將對其他產業造成影響,並且形成新的市場區隔,包括商用車市場、舊車市場、交由交車中心裝配以及與汽車廠合作,各家行車記錄器廠商需要根據自己的優勢與技術來發展出自己最有把握的目標市場方能創造競爭優勢而不被淘汰。

使用可控制反應擴散之影像風格化技術 / Controllable reaction diffusion for image stylization

劉維晉, Liu, Wei Ching Unknown Date (has links)
影像風格化是一種改變輸入影像的重要技術,其用來加強圖像的特徵並傳達視覺上的資訊,其中圖案的形狀與分布構成的風格化的基本要素。然而對於初學者而言,設計一個新的風格化圖案以及適當的分佈配置是不容易的。在本文中,提出了一個使用異向性反應擴散的圖像風格化以及圖案生成的方法,並從已知的反應擴散圖案為基礎做延伸,同時保有反應擴散的自我組織圖案的特性。為了能夠有效的控制圖案的生成,利用調整後的異向性擴散用來控制圖案的形狀並結合流場調整圖案的排列。圖案的大小、密度、方向以及風格化樣式可藉由閥值的調整以及顏色映射加以控制。最後本系統用來生成剪紙、風格化半色調影像以及流場的視覺化的結果以突顯本系統之特色。 / Image stylization is an essential technique to create the style of input images, enhance image features, and express visual cues. The shape and distribution of the primitive are essential elements in stylization. However, designing a new pattern or creating an appropriate distribution can be challenging for novice users. In this paper, an anisotropic reaction diffusion system for image stylization and pattern generation is proposed. This system starts from modify existed reaction diffusion formula, but keeps the behaviors of reaction diffusion: self-organized patterns, stable pattern generation and multiple styled pattern. To enable more effective control over pattern generation, the proposed method utilizes a set of modifications on anisotropic diffusion to control shape and introduces a flow field to guide pattern arrangement. The size, density, orientation, and pattern style can be controlled by thresholding and toon mapping. The proposed system was used to generate images in the paper-cut, stylized halftone, and flow visualization, and the results are presented to highlight the control factors of the proposed system.


劉其輝 Unknown Date (has links)
我國都市發展中,土地利用型態的迅速改變,然而,任何不當或過量的開發均會加速自然生態地區的喪失和經濟資源的浪費。因此,為促進土地資源合理配置,決策規劃者將更需要即時性空間資料的輔助,以有效掌握環境資源變化的情形,拉近都市規劃與實際發展間之差距。 本研究應用四時期SPOT衛星影像遙測技術於大面積土地的探測,並進行監督式影像分類獲取研究區四個時期的土地覆蓋分類成果圖,再配合當地人口之統計資料以及都市計畫之相關圖資,將此空間與屬性資料建構至地理資訊系統中,藉以瞭解都市發展的過程與規律,進而提出都市未來可能的發展方向和趨勢,以提供都市計畫擬訂者科學且客觀的輔助資料,作為其制訂都市整體規劃、動態監測都市發展和及時修正規劃之參考依據。

影像創作者創作歷程研究 / An exploratory study of image creators' creativity process

吳祥三, Wu, Hsiang San Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過研究影像創作者創作歷程,分析其創意和創造力的面貌,最後歸納出影像創作者進行創作時之共同/相似脈絡。 本研究的對象是兩位資深影像創作者,他們擁有豐富的創作經驗以及數量不少的影像作品,本研究進行的方式是透過鑑賞兩位影像創作者的影像作品、並確認其中有創意/創造力的地方,其次則是請他們敘說當時創作那些影像作品的歷程,隨後再將影像創作者的「創作歷程」與「作品呈現創意/創造力」之處進行比對與分析,藉以找出上述兩者之間的關聯性。 本研究參照Amabile的「創造力成份模式」論述,重新提出一個分析影像創作者創作歷程的「影像創作者創造力成份模式」,模式中顯示影響影像創作者的創造力表現之各種「元素」。研究針對創造力被啟發的過程中模式裡之「元素」對影像創作者的影響進行分析,藉以解釋那些「影像創作者的創造力成份」 在一個創作者身上所扮演的角色與作用,並歸納出本研究目的:尋求「影像創作者處於創作狀態時的創作脈絡」。 經過分析與比對,本研究從兩位資深影像創作者的創作歷程中所找出的共同/相似脈絡如下: 創作的歷程都由「動機」開始,舉凡創作者所具有的「內在慾望」;或受到「外來的期待」的刺激;或受「信仰文化力」之影響;或被心中一股「仁愛心」所推動等,都可解釋為影像創作者受創作動機的推動而開始創作的事實。 「個人特質」在影像創作者創作時成了影響創作成果的重要因素,包括「個人經驗」、「聯想力」等個人特質,時刻左右影像創作者的創作歷程。 影像創作者的「領域知識與技術」在其創作歷程中扮演舉足輕重的角色,本研究發現如「領域知識」、「精進的技術」等影像創作者本身具有的學能條件足以決定其作品的成果。 影像創作者「與環境遭遇」所碰撞出的創意/創造力火花是其創作歷程中不可或缺的助力,本研究整理發現兩位影像創作者與「週遭環境」或「心境」的遭遇均牽引出豐盛的創意/創造力。 本研究在研究過程裡發現「專注力」對創作歷程的影響,這項因素雖沒有在考據文獻時注意到,但是它的確對影像創作者在創作時產生特定的作用力,因此將它列入本研究發現的最後一項脈絡。 本研究受限於研究規模,從兩位資深影像創作者的創作歷程裡所歸納出的共同/相似脈絡,雖無法道盡所有影像創作者的創作全貌,然而本研究成果應對相關創作歷程的學術研究有參考價值。 / This study conducts an analysis of creation and creativity, through deeply investigating the process of image generating from creators, and concludes with some common/approximate contexts from different creators. Two senior image creators are interviewed in order to examine their individual image artworks by comparing and analyzing their different process of creation and the ways of idea presentations. This study also tries to identify correlations and features from their image creating process, building up contexts from creators’ ways of thinking and their original creativity. This study proposes a new analytical model, referring to “the componential model of creativity” by Amabile (Amabile, 1996). The new “componential model of creativity from image creators” outlines critical factors (e.g., motivation, domain-relevant skills, concentration, and encounter), referring to the interviewees’ creating process and performance. The components of creativity and their impact to the creators are also analyzed to find the contexts from image creators’ origination. Through the analysis and comparison, this study identifies several common / approximate originating contexts from these two image creators: 1. Creativity comes from motivation. Creators’ desire inside, stimulus from outside expectation and cultural difference, are the key factors affecting creators’ origination 2. Personality is the most important factor during creating process, such as personal experience, imagination, and education etc. 3. Professional knowledge and domain-relevant skills play critical roles to affect image creators’ performance and their creativity. 4. Creativity inspiration also comes from real world. This study shows strong correlation between environment and creators’ rich creations. 5. This study also finds the importance of concentration component during creation. The more concentration the creator pays, the more creativity he gets. This study generalizes some findings and research results; however, it’s still not enough to cover whole picture of image creators’ creativity process due to the limitation of research scale. Continuous study may help people with creating images.


林瑩玲, lin,amy Unknown Date (has links)
TFT-LCD產業發展的過程中,除了企業主本身的努力之外,政府適當的輔導與協助也是一個重要的助力,這也是政府提出的「六年國家總體建設計畫」即把「兩兆雙星」列為重要政策推動重點。而在推動研發活動,實證結果顯示,屬於高技術之產業,由於面臨日本、韓國強烈的國際競爭壓力下,政府在扮演輔導角色的同時,必須將對象擴及上游零組件廠商的產業,對向上垂直整合,降低關鍵零組件成本、交易成本,穩定關鍵零組件之供給,將有所助益。 本研究以TFT-LCD產業為樣本,採普通最小平方法,進行迴歸分析,探討決定TFT-LCD產業研究發展支出的因素。實證結果摘要如下: 一、企業營業收入淨額與研發支出有顯著正向之關係。 二、營業毛利率與研發支出呈現負向且顯著之關係,與預期的結果不一致。雖獲利是企業取得自有資金的主要方式之一,研究發展支出通常都會由企業內部自有資金來支應,故企業獲利能力愈好,研發支出愈有正面的幫助。惟因TFT-LCD產業為高技術新興之產業,不論面板或其上游零組件廠商,皆為新成立。初期營收額不大,且初期研發費用亦較高,致發生毛利率為負數現象,營業毛利率與研發支出呈現負向且顯著之關係。 三、外銷比例與研發支出呈現顯著正向的關係,為TFT-LCD產業面臨日本、韓國強烈的國際競爭壓力,會透過投入研發活動,研發新產品及新製程,以達到增加市場佔有率、降低生產成本及提高生產效率等目標,因此研發支出會較高。 四、企業成立時間長短與與研發支出有顯著負向之關係。乃此產業為了要在市場上佔一席之地,愈會透過研發活動的投入,以提高技術能力及開發新產品。 五、上游產業與其研發支出有顯著正向之關係。意謂著向上垂直整合關鍵零組件之重要性,亦能穩定關鍵零組件之供給

Thin-ideal images, self-esteem and the third-person effects

何怡瑩, He, Yi Ying Unknown Date (has links)
The present study is the first in literature to empirically test how both two dimensions of self-esteem—self-respect and self-efficacy—moderate the third-person perception of thin-ideal images in the mass media. Respondents who were high in self-respect and who were high in self-efficacy in the study exhibited greater third-person perception of thin-ideal images. In addition, as self-respect/self-efficacy decreased, “perceived effects of thin-ideal images in the mass media on self” increased. In addition, the study has expanded the scope of behavioral component of third-person effects. Past studies usually assume one behavior outcome for undesirable or negative media messages. The present study has proposed two behavioral outcomes, including image-related outcome and support for restrictions of ideal thinness, in regard to thin-ideal images in the mass media. Results of analyses showed that “perceived effects of thin-ideal images on self” was a more reliable predictor of image-related outcome and that “perceived effects of thin-ideal images on others” could better predict support for restrictions of ideal thinness in the mass media. The findings of both predictors of behavioral outcomes also indicate that in relation to a media message, individuals might evaluate the media effects at different levels and hence engage in more than one cognitive process. Therefore, using third-person perception to predict behavior may not merely commit a methodological error, but also simplify the possible cognitive processes and fail to solicit accurate results.

多語系個人飲食攝影註記典藏系統輔以群眾外包 / Multilingual Personal Dietary Photograph Annotation System with The Assistance of Crowdsourcing

林睦叡, Lin, Mu Rui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究於個人數位註釋應用程式iPARIS上,建立影像標籤註釋之功能,稱為iPARIS-PLUS。它提供不同於以往文字註釋的新方法,讓使用者可以有另一種選擇,也同時解決在面臨多國語系時的註釋問題,並有效的降低記錄所花費之時間。iPARIS-Plus能讓使用者保有在行動裝置上紀實之便利性的同時,也能兼顧記錄的完整性,讓人們不再將記錄視為一種麻煩。除此之外,我們透過群眾外包的力量將用於註釋的影像標籤轉換為文字後儲存於資料庫中,解決原先因多國語系註釋問題讓使用者無法輸入文字,導致資料庫缺少該筆資料而造成資料空缺。在評估方面,受測者認為影像標籤註釋之方法可以有效的解決多國語系註釋之問題,以及有效節省在行動裝置上打字之時間,更加強了記錄的便利性與完整性,同時也帶來不同以往的新鮮感。而我們藉由群眾外包得到良好的解析率,並且從歷程記錄中發現群眾外包於運作上,越多專業之群眾並不一定帶來越好的成果,只仰賴少部分專業之群眾提供貢獻,反而能減少問題產生,進而得到較好之結果。 / In this study, we created the function of image tags annotating in the application, iPARIS-Plus. It provided a new method of annotation which is different from the text annotations, therefore, users could have another choice. This function could solve the problem of multilingual annotation and reduce the time effectively when users take for the record. iPARIS-Plus allows users to retain the convenience of recording on their mobile device, at the same time, it also considers the integrity of the records, so let people will no longer feel recording is a trouble. In addition, we converted the image tags that used to annotate into text through the crowdsourcing system to solve the problem which users couldn’t enter text because of the multilingual annotation, it resulted in a lack of databases. In the evaluation, users argued that the image tags annotation method could solve the problem of multilingual annotation effectively, as well as saving the time they typing on their moblie devices, even more it can enhance the integrity and convenience of records. We got a good resolution rate of converting the image tags into text by crowdsourcing system and found that more professional crowds do not bring better results. On the contrary, we could rely on a few of professional crowds to reduce the problems, then got a better results.

以臉部特徵為基礎之誇張肖像畫產生系統 / Caricature Generation by Analyzing Facial Features

江佩穎, Chiang , Pei-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
誇張肖像畫是以誇張與諷刺的手法來表現模特兒的特徵。現今這類畫作比起以寫實手法繪製的肖像畫,更受到大眾的喜愛;但是人們若想要自己模仿繪製出這類的肖像畫,除了要有繪畫天賦之外,也必須經過長時間的繪畫訓練以及對人臉的觀察,才能抓出模特兒的臉部特徵,並用生動的手法誇飾出來。 因此,如果電腦能做到代替誇張肖像畫家的工作,自動模仿繪製出誇張化的卡通肖像畫,將能替人們節省大量的時間及經費。本研究主要在設計一套能誇張肖像畫的系統,以根據使用者輸入的臉部影像,自動擷取臉部的特徵(包括特徵點的相對位置、絕對位置、形狀及大小等),並藉由分析這些特徵與常人相異之處,以一致的方式自動將特徵誇張化。這個系統並能以藝術家的作品為輸入,將使用者的臉部影像轉換成具有畫家卡通風格的誇張肖像畫。除了人臉的效果外,我們也進行了頭髮分離與模擬的研究,以強化畫像風格模擬的完整性。最後,我們以實做出了系統對數個具特徵的人臉影像進行實驗,以驗證其可行性及有效性。 / Caricaturists are good at drawing sketches which express the exaggerated likeness of a person with a bit flavor of humor or sarcasm. People are willing to pay for this kind of work because it requires a lot of practice to achieve excellence. Acute observation is needed to extract the distinct features from the subject, and decent painting skill is essential to depict these features vividly. It will save much time and effort if computers can be trained used to draw caricatures. In this thesis, we developed a system which can extract and analyze facial features from simple an input facial images. The main purpose of this system is to generate the user-own caricature model by exaggerating his/her unique facial features. Different types of features, including relative locations and sizes, absolute locations and sizes, and each the shape of features are all taken in accountwill be considered. Unlike the complex process reported in the literature, we develop a transformative process that can handle different types of features in a more uniform fashion. Using an artist’s finished work as the source image; the proposed system is capable of producing cartoon-like colorful caricatures of a similar style effectively and efficiently. Besides the caricature painting of the face part, we also present some approaches for hair segmentation and hair style painting to increase make the system more the completeness of our system. Finally, we prove the feasibility and effectiveness of our system by showing several experimental results.

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