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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

以未經糾正之 DMC 航空影像自動產製崩塌地地理空間資料與資料庫建置 / Automated Generation of Landslide Geospatial Data from Unrectified Aerial DMC Imagery and Database Building

胡惠雅 Unknown Date (has links)
完善的崩塌地資料庫有助於地區土地利用的適宜性評估、與環境保護措施之研訂。目前,崩塌地地理空間資料(Geospatial data)的產生方法主要為:人為判釋經正射糾正(Ortho-rectification)的遙測影像,基於該影像,將辨識目標數位化(Digitizing)。然而,遙測影像的「正射糾正」與「人為判釋」往往不敷災後的緊急需求。為促進資料收集效率,本研究試圖發展一套自動化流程:以「未經糾正的遙測影像」為判釋對象,判釋作業以「物件式影像分類(Object-based classification)技術」進行,並利用「現存地形資料」,實現自動判釋所產生之辨識成果的地理對位(Georeferencing)與過濾篩選;最後,以「與現存各類輔助資料的套疊分析成果」為其屬性,以便利崩塌地地理空間資料的後續應用。 物件式影像分類分為為「影像分割(Image segmentation)」與「物件分類」兩步驟。於影像分割階段,採用多重解析度分割法(Multiresolution segmentation algorithm)─由於陰影下各類地物的影像光譜差異較不明顯,為避免陰影區之錯誤分割,賦予陰影區較小的尺度參數(Scale parameter);於物件分類階段,基於訓練資料,以「線性核函數的支持向量機(Support Vector Machine, SVM, with a linear kernel)」為分類器,偵測「非雲與植被區」,並輸出為向量式資料(Vector data)。而後基於現存地形資料,以光線追蹤法(Ray-tracing algorithm)進行分類器輸出向量式資料的地理對位,並自訂第二階段的地形特徵過濾準則。實驗成果顯示,此自動化流程產出的崩塌地地理空間資料─其生產者精度(Producer’s accuracy)與使用者精度(User’s accuracy)分別介於0.85~0.99與0.44~0.96。

車用影像系統商業模式與發展策略個案分析 / A Case Study on the Business Models and Strategy of the Automotive Imaging System Firm

林智清 Unknown Date (has links)
汽車電子在過去數年中因汽車駕駛輔助系統(Automotive Driver Assistance Systems,ADAS)發展,取得了顯著的進步,除了豐富駕駛體驗,並為駕駛資訊創造新需求,而影像系統一如汽車的眼睛在ADAS中則扮演了關鍵角色。目前新一代汽車影像系統裝有數個攝像頭,它們精確佈置以覆蓋整個汽車周圍,從而實現更優化的安全系統。經由了解影像系統的發展如何成為未來智能汽車的一部分,以及系統如何進行創新演進,對於車用電子產品開發策略來說非常重要。本研究將分五個部分來探討車用影像系統如何成為S電子科技公司企業策略發展產品。   第一章為緒論,主要介紹研究背景、研究動機和研究方法。第二章主要為產業分析和對策略管理相關理論概述。以汽車電子產業為中心,分析汽車零組件、電子元件及電動車發展相關理論,最後介紹策略工具「商業模式圖」。第三章為研究方法,第四章為分析與實證研究,重點分析個案電子公司外部競爭環境及產品競爭力。主要以ADAS在汽車電子產業所誘發新市場及汽車電子零組件產業競爭狀況構面來加以分析,並整合策略競爭理論及汽車電子零組件產業的內、外部競爭,最後藉由「商業模式圖」分析個案電子公司經營策略發展脈絡。   汽車電子市場環境變化的並非同一般高科技電子產業快速,雖然不斷有新技術、新產品與新市場出現,但產品生命週期將會隨車用認證標準所牽制,企業的策略要維持競爭力,不能以短期獲利模式來形塑成本結構。電子產業如何打進主要汽車大廠Tier1、Tier2之供應鏈,將電子產業之豐富資源與汽車電子市場媒合,並為企業帶來創新發展,故相當值得業界與學界深思與探討。僅期望透過個案電子公司的車用影像系統發展研究,乃至於未來車用電子零組件企業進行產品發展決策與執行方針,提供理論和實務的參考。 / Since the development of Automotive Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) prospered, the automotive electronics have significant progress in the past few years, not only enrich the driving experience but also create new demand for the driving information. The imaging system is the automobile's eyes, played a key role in the development of ADAS. A new generation of automotive imaging systems are currently equipped with several cameras, they are precisely arranged to cover the entire car around and in order to achieve a more optimized safe system. Through the development of imaging systems, to understand how they become part of the intelligent car of the future, and how the system evolution. Development Strategy for automotive electronic products is very important. In this study will be divided into five chapters to discuss how a company developing the product of automobile imaging system. The first chapter is the introduction, mainly introduces the research background, motivation and research methods. The second chapter is the industry analysis and an overview of strategic management theory, and introduce the strategies tools "Business Model Canvas." The third chapter is the research methods. The fourth chapter is the analysis and empirical research, focuses on the case of electronic firm external competitive environment and product competitiveness. Mainly in ADAS-induced new market and case study to "Business Model Canvas". The last chapter is the conclusion and recommendations How the electronics firm to becoming the Tier1/Tier2 supply chain of major automotive manufacturers, through the tremendous resources between Electronics Industry and Automotive Electronics Industry. There are many issues worthy of discussion between the industry and academia. We hope that through the case studies on the development of automotive imaging systems, merely provide the theoretical and practical reference.

線性動態模糊影像之研究 / A study of linear motion blurred image

吳諭忠, Wu, Yu Chung Unknown Date (has links)
生活中在使用相機時,由於機器晃動或物體移動所造成的模糊影像時常可見。當影像模糊的成因是影像曝光時間內相機與拍攝物體相對線性移動時,則我們稱為線性動態模糊。理論上,模糊影像可以表示成原始影像與點擴散函數的旋積,本文的研究重點為點擴散函數中模糊參數的估計,雷登轉換將被運用在此問題上。我們首先介紹兩個現有方法,我們將探討這些方法中用來消除雜訊的步驟之適用性及必要性。另一方面,在模糊參數的估計過程中,我們在雷登轉換加入圓限制以及採用移動平均法。我們透過實驗證實,本篇提出的方法可以獲得更準確的估計結果以及更好的模糊影像還原效果。 / Nowadays, collecting a digital image becomes convenient and low-cost due to rapid progress in digital camera technology. Blurred images frequently appear because of camera shake or moving objects. There are several different types of blur. When the blur is caused by the linear motion between the object and the camera during the light exposure, it’s called a linear motion blur. Mathematically, a blurred image is expressed as a convolution of a point spread function and the original image. Our study considers Radon transform for the estimation of the point spread function. To improve the existing methods, a circle restriction and the moving average method are applied in the estimating procedure. Through intensive experiments, the proposed method is found enable to produce more accurate estimation and better performance in image restoration.


鄒博岱, Tsou , Po-Tai Unknown Date (has links)
本研究嘗試不全以負面假設來看待配戴眼鏡對人臉辨識的影響。吾人將以邊緣偵測圖為基礎,以邊點強度的分析來建立一套定位眼鏡的偵測系統。同時用偵測出的鏡框位置,以邊緣點的強度、密度比較的方式,定位眼睛的位置;並以前述兩套偵測演算,採擷其過程的資訊,進一步地定位鼻子與嘴巴的位置。這些演算形成一個簡易的人臉特徵定位系統,其將可處理配戴眼鏡的人臉;吾人也將進一步地經由其處理過程與結果,分析眼鏡對區域人臉辨識的影響,進而引導出非自然物件可能對人臉辨識的阻礙或輔助。 論文也將以全域比對法中的PCA與ICA演算法作一連串的實驗,剖析眼鏡對於全域辨識的影響;此外,亦用相同的方法來測試非自然物(眼鏡)、光源亮度與人臉角度對於人臉辨識阻礙的程度,以探究是否系統值得花費更大的代價,來移除眼鏡這個被一致認定的人臉辨識障礙,並得以在辨識演算法上獲得更高的效能。 / The objective of this thesis is to investigate the efficacy of face recognition systems when the subjects are wearing glasses. We do not presume that non-facial features such as glasses are nuisances. Instead, we will study whether the inclusion of glasses will have a positive impact on the face detection procedure and how it affects the feature extraction process. We will demonstrate how to use techniques based on local feature analysis to reduce the uncertainties in the matching result due to interferences around the eyes and nose caused by optical glasses. We have also conducted extensive experiments to analyze the effect of glasses on face recognition systems based on global matching strategy. Specifically, we perform both principal component analysis (PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA) on face databases with different percentage of subjects wearing eye glasses. It is concluded that external objects such as glasses will have a negative impact on face recognition using global analysis approaches. However, the adverse influences of illumination and pose are more conspicuous during the recognition process. Therefore, one should take caution when attempting to adapt the global matching scheme to handle the difficulties caused by glasses.

IEEE 802.11e無線網路下影像串流之MAC-centric跨層設計 / MAC-centric Cross-Layer Design for Video Streaming in IEEE 802.11e Wireless Network

蘇毓迪, Su,Yu Ti Unknown Date (has links)
近十年來,由於無線網路的普及與人們對於影像串流服務的需求愈高,導致人們迫切需要更好的服務品質。但在IEEE 802.11無線網路中,本身的設計並非針對影像串流來設計,為讓影像串流能在無線網路更有效率,我們必須重新設計適合影像串流的無線網路。本研究首先探討IEEE 802.11 MAC層DCF (Distributed Coordination Function)與802.11e EDCA (Enhanced Distributed Channel Access)機制的潛在問題。由於DCF與EDCA並未特別對影像串流做設計,會導致具有時延(delay time)限制的影像封包等待過久造成失效,卻仍繼續傳送。本研究提出幾個有效方法,改善原本IEEE 802.11無線網路對影像串流傳輸效能不彰的現象。我們將利用跨層設計使MAC層能取得影像串流封包資訊,並改善DCF與EDCA的重傳(retransmission)機制,使用time limit與retry limit混和設計節省不必要的等待時間,並使用single-video multi-level queue改善傳輸效能。最後本研究將利用網路模擬器NS-2 (Network Simulater ver. 2)與影像串流測試實驗架構myEvalvid-NT作不同效能的驗證比較並評估我們所提出方法的有效性。 / Over the past decade, wireless network access and video streaming services have become more popular than ever. People are eager to have better quality of video streaming services over wireless network. However, IEEE 802.11 DCF and IEEE 802.11e EDCA are not specifically designed for video streaming. This leads to the problem of transmitting overdue video packets and thus degrades both the network performance and video quality. In this paper, we propose a hybrid design framework to improve the quality of video streaming. This framework consists of a MAC-centric cross-layer architecture to allow MAC-layer to retrieve video streaming packet information (slice type and transmission deadline), a retransmission mechanism of hybrid retransmission deadline and retry limit to save unnecessary packet waiting time, and a single-video multi-level queue to prioritize I/P/B slice delivery. Simulations show that the proposed methodology outperforms IEEE 802.11e, IEEE 802.11e Timebase and IEEE 802.11e MultiQ in packet loss rate, invalid packet ratio, lost and invalid packet ratio, delay time, jitter, and PSNR.

基於形態轉換的多種表情卡通肖像 / Automatic generation of caricatures with multiple expressions using transformative approach

賴建安, Lai, Chien An Unknown Date (has links)
隨著數位影像軟、硬體裝置上進步與普及,普羅大眾對於影像的使用不僅限於日常生活之中,更隨著網路分享概念等Web技術的擴張,這些數量龐大的影像,在使用上更朝向娛樂化、趣味化及個人化的範疇。本論文提出結合影像處理中的人臉特徵分析(Facial Features Analysis)資訊以及影像內容分割(Image Content Segmentation)及影像變形轉換(Image Warping and Morphing)等技術,設計出可以將真實照片中的人臉轉換成為卡通化的肖像,供使用者於各類媒體上使用。卡通化肖像不但具有隱藏影像細節,保留部份隱私的優勢,同時又兼具充份擁有個人化特色的表徵,透過臉部動畫的參數(Facial Animation Parameters)設定,我們提出的卡通化系統更容許使用者依心情,來合成喜、怒、哀、樂等不同表情。另外,運用兩種轉描式(Rotoscoping)及圖像變形(Morphing)法,以不同的合成技巧來解決不同裝置在限定顏色及效果偏好上的各類需求。 / As the acquisition of digital images becomes more convenient, diversified applications of image collections have surfaced at a rapid pace. Not only have we witnessed the popularity of photo-sharing platforms, we have also seen strong demand for novel mechanism that offers personalized and creative entertainment in recent years. In this thesis, we proposed and implemented a personal caricature generator using transformative approaches. By combing facial feature detection, image segmentation and image warping/morphing techniques, the system is able to generate stylized caricature using only one reference image. The system can also produce multiple expressions by controlling the MPEG-4 facial animation parameters (FAP). Specifically, by referencing to various pre-drawn caricature in our database as well as feature points for mesh creation, personalized caricatures are automatically generated from the real photos using either rotoscoping or transformative approaches. The resulting caricature can be further modified to exhibit multiple facial expressions. Important issues regarding color reduction and vectorized representation of the caricature have also been discussed in this thesis.

使用光束調整法與多張影像做相機效正與三維模型重建 / Using bundle adjustment for camera Calibration and 3D reconstruction from multiple images

蔡政君, Tsai, Jeng Jiun Unknown Date (has links)
自動化三維建模需要準確的三維點座標,而三維點的位置則依賴高精度的對應點,因此對應點的尋找一直是此領域的研究議題,而使用稀疏光束調整法(SBA:Sparse Bundle Adjustment)來優化相機參數也是常用的作法,然而若三維點當中有少數幾個誤差較大的點,則稀疏光束調整法會受到很大的影響。我們採用多視角影像做依據,找出對應點座標及幾何關係,在改善對應點位置的步驟中,我們藉由位移三維點法向量來取得各種不同位置的三維補綴面(3D patch),並根據投影到影像上之補綴面的正規化相關匹配法(NCC:Normalized Cross Correlation)來改善對應點位置。利用這些改善過的點資訊,我們使用稀疏光束調整法來針對相機校正做進一步的優化,為了避免誤差較大的三維點影響到稀疏光束調整法的結果,我們使用穩健的計算方法來過濾這些三維點,藉由此方法來減少再投影誤差(reprojection error),最後產生較精準的相機參數,使用此參數我們可以自動化建出外型架構較接近真實物體的模型。 / Automated 3D modeling of the need for accurate 3D points, and location of the 3D points depends on the accuracy of corresponding points, so the search for corresponding points in this area has been a research topic, and the use of SBA(Sparse Bundle Adjustment) to optimize the camera parameters is also a common practice, however, if there are a few more error 3D points, the SBA will be greatly affected. In this paper, we establish the corresponding points and their geometry relationship from multi-view images. And the 3D patches are used to refine point positions. We translate the normal to get many patches, and project them into visible images. The NCC(Normalized Cross Correlation) values between patches in reference image and patches in visible image are used to estimate the best correspondence points. And they are used to get better camera parameters by SBA(sparse bundle adjustment). Furthermore, it is because that it usually exist outliers in the data observed, and they will influence the results by using SBA. So, we use our robust estimation method to resist the outliers. In our experiment, SBA is used to filter some outliers to reduce the reprojection error. After getting more precise camera parameters, we use them to reconstruct the 3D model more realistic.

散布性私密影像行為之研究 / A study on non-consensual pornography

張凱強 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技日新月異的快速演進,在這資訊科技爆炸性發展的當代社會,傳播科技提供世人許多日常生活中的便利性,然於此同時,亦促發諸多舊有之犯罪態樣因不當濫用傳播科技,而產生新型態之蛻變。近年來,個人與性相關的私密影片照片,在未經當事人同意的狀況下而遭到外流的事件頻傳,此種犯罪態樣在全球氾濫的程度,已然引起各國關注。   這種被稱為「未得同意散布性私密影像」(Non-Consensual Pornography,NCP),亦常被泛稱為「復仇式色情」(Revenge Porn)的新興犯罪態樣,被害人多以女性為主,且經常係發生於親密伴侶在彼此關係破裂後,遭持有影像之一方用以威脅、恫嚇,或進而散布以造成傷害之手段,尤其結合網際網路複製便利、快速傳播及高度匿名等特質,往往會對於被害人造成其隱私、人格、就學就業等人際關係之破壞,更因資訊一旦經上傳於網路即難以完全移除,故此種犯罪行為實會對被害人身心造成深遠、長久且難以挽回的創害。   本文期欲探討「未得同意散布性私密影像」行為,此種犯罪類型在我國有何態樣及其氾濫程度,又我國刑事司法政策對此如何評價。此外,國際立法趨勢又如何防治此種因新傳播科技所衍伸之新興犯罪態樣。故本文於第二章先透過蒐整分析國內外相關新聞資料、學術文獻,以爬梳、探究此一新興之犯罪態樣在國際社會間之發展脈絡及其定義,並蓋覽此一犯罪態樣呈現於各國統計資訊中之盛行趨勢,以及其以女性為主要被害族群之特質,探究社會文化中之厭女文化(Misogyny)惡性因果循環,而此種顯著之性別暴力問題。   進而於第三章中,本文首先將「未得同意散佈性私密影像」予以類型化分為「影像取得階段」、「藉以恐嚇階段」及「實行散布階段」等三種層面,並分別討論我國現行相關法制在其中之適用與司法判決實務現況,進而,剖析現行法益保護之紊亂,以及相關法律適用之錯誤與困境。   有鑑於前揭我國現行法制度之諸般問題,本文於第四章以「比較法分析」為基礎,探究國際社會對此新興犯罪態樣之立/修法趨勢,並分別爰引英國、加拿大、菲律賓及日本等四國之立法先例,探究並闡述各國將「未得同意散佈性私密影像」行為予以罪刑化(criminalize)之保護法益、構成要件與罪責,以及其他對於被害人之保護性措施。   透過前述國外立法先例之引介及分析,本文進而摘整其中值得我國參考借鏡之處,於第五章提出我國未來刑事立法及防治政策之相關建議,期能做為我國整體制度改革之楔子。 中文關鍵字:裸照外流、未得同意散布性私密影像、復仇式色情、散布猥褻物品、性隱私權 外文關鍵字:Non-Consensual Pornography、Revenge Porn、Intimate Sexual Images、Privacy

寫真集影像及其身體政治-媒體文本與閱聽人的性別建構與實踐 / Body Politics in Genderlized Texual and Identificational Reading of Erotic Album

羅融, Lo, Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對寫真集現象所披露的身體性別政治作討論,基於現象社會學的立場,認為媒體事實與閱聽人主觀真實乃不可分割,因此從剪報資料與寫真集讀者的訪談交相參照,來分析討論寫真影像本身於身體、性別兩錯綜交媾的層次間,所遂行的性別化身體定義,及其間的性別差異;另外,我們也從訪談資料來了解性別化的寫真集讀者於閱讀過程中,藉由其肉身與寫真身體影像的對話折衝而進行的性別認同和實踐,以及其間所展現的身體性別政治。 研究發現,寫真集藉助影像,實踐了吾人對於兩性身體的性別化想像,也同時反映出兩性在身體展演上所受的規訓權力差異,寫真女體所受的規訓差異,尤其遠多於寫真男體。 在讀者方面,男性讀者一方面於閱讀寫真女體的意淫幻境中證成自身乃為具有男子氣概的身體,另一方面,其身體卻因過度耽溺於閱讀規訓、鏡像的寫真女體意淫幻境,同時又無能面對自身性生理並與自己疏離,而成為肉身空洞化、僅剩陽具與眼睛獨大的主體;女性讀者儘管面臨包括寫真女體在內的整體社會美體風潮和壓力,其反倒可以從與自己身體的緊密關係出發,而能以實際的肉身經驗作為閱讀寫真女體的基礎,成為抵抗反省美體洪流的力量。

應用衛星影像於宜蘭平原沿海地區之監測 / Monitoring I-Lan coastal zone using multi-temporal satellite images

徐郁晴, Hsu, Yu Ching Unknown Date (has links)
海岸為海洋與陸地交界之處,風、浪與潮流等自然營力長期於此不斷的侵蝕與堆積交互演替。近年來,隨著人口快速增加,人類對於海岸地區土地利用與開發的需求急遽擴張,使得影響海岸地形的變因日益複雜且變化迅速。宜蘭特殊的沙丘性海岸因抗蝕性弱,易受到外力影響而改變地形,海岸後方的沿海平原為人口與產業集中的地區,因此自然營力與人為因素對宜蘭平原海岸地形與環境的影響,備受關注。因衛星影像具多時期與大尺度的空間特性,可提供土地覆蓋變遷分析之有效資訊,故本文使用2003年、2006年與2009年宜蘭平原沿海地區SPOT 5衛星影像,利用階層式分類程序將研究試區分為水體、建成與交通用地、沙地、農地與林地等五種土地覆蓋類別,透過土地覆蓋分類之結果,比較三個時期土地覆蓋型面積的變化;建立馬可夫轉移矩陣,了解各土地覆蓋型轉移的情況;其次,量化地景指標以了解整體土地覆蓋型區塊在空間結構上的情況,並利用Shannon多樣性指標t檢定測驗兩時期間整體地景是否有明顯的變遷。進一步,利用二項式Logit迴歸分析2003至2006年與2006年至2009年間土地覆蓋型的變化與沙丘海岸變遷的關係以及參考前人宜蘭海岸變遷之研究,選擇可能影響此區海岸變遷的自然與人為環境因子,建立二項式Logit迴歸模式,探討各項因子對於沙丘性海岸的影響,並利用海岸沙丘空間分佈預測機率圖,最後以2006年與2009年沙地主題圖作為驗證資料,探討模式的可行性。本研究透過不同的空間計量方法,了解本區土地覆蓋型的變化,期本研究成果對於此區海岸保護與管理政策制定者有一參考的依據。 / Coastal zone is at the junction of ocean and land. The area constantly experiences interchanging succession of erosion and accumulation due to natural forces such as wind, wave, and tidal currents. In recent years, associated with fast population increase, the demand of lands expanded rapidly such that the effects on topography of coastal zone became more complex and changed quickly. Coastal sand dunes are dynamic and fragile terrain often regarded as environmentally sensitive areas. Sand dunes are vulnerable to erosion by natural process and human activity. The objective of this research was to examine the effects of environmental factors and land-use changes on coastal sand dunes in I-Lan County. Satellite imageries are characterized by multi-temporal and large-scale, therefore they are ideal for providing necessary information to facilitate analysis of regional land-cover changes. In this research, three SPOT 5 images acquired in 2003, 2006 and 2009 were used to analyze land-cover changes in I-Lan coastal zone. Firstly, a hierarchical classification procedure was applied to classify the image data to five land-cover types and the land-cover changes were compared. Secondly, based on the classification results, a Markov transitional probability matrix was constructed to understand the transition among different land-cover types, and the Fragstats software was used to quantify the landscape structure of three different periods. By analyzing the spatial distributions of land-cover types in different time periods, we were able to examine to the temporal and spatial changes of land-cover in the I-Lan coastal zone. In addition, a t-test based on Shannon diversity index was used to evaluate the changes of the whole landscape in the study area. Thirdly, by selecting possible natural and man-made factors that are likely to affect coastal environment based on various prior studies, the mathematical models such as Markov chain and binomial logit regression analysis were applied to predict the future overall landscape structure and to simulate the spatial distribution of the sandy coastal zone. Thematic maps derived from satellite images obtained in 2006 and 2009 were used to verify and assess the feasibility of the models. This study integrated several spatial statistical methods to understand the patterns of land-cover changes in the study area. It is expected that the results of this study may offer a valuable reference for the policy-makers of coastal protection and management.

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