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電視新聞動畫化之倫理研究:真實再現? / The Ethics of Animated News on TV:Representation of Truth?張涵絜, Chang, Han Jie Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以影像倫理作為觀察角度,探討電視新聞動畫化所帶來的真實「再現」與新聞倫理的爭議。本研究採深度訪談法,訪問業與學界共十三人,研究發現,動畫的重建/再現過程,反映感官主義,當新聞報導超越了事實,有可能傷害新聞的專業倫理原則,進而造成資訊淺薄化的發展;再者,虛擬的再現,未必呈現資訊原貌,一則新聞的大量訊息,經過新聞工作者的判斷、篩選,通常只留下具有故事性或衝突性的重點來產製成動畫影像;最後,多層次守門的干擾,影響新聞真實性,在文字轉化為圖影像的過程中,難免會受到編輯室社會控制與新聞價值內化、新聞工作者之間的溝通落差與資訊查證之影響,使得真實性流失成為必然的副作用。 / This study examined that some controversy concerning ethic of images exists in the animated news on television, discussing the relationship changing between representation of truth and journalism ethics during the production process. Through empirical in-depth interviews with journalists and scholars of thirteen, we came to explore the ethical effect of animated news on traditional news production and standards. It reveals that the reconstruction of animated news reflects sensationalism. When news reports are not based on facts, they are likely to harm the profession principles of journalism ethics and they will result in the process of information trivialization. In addition, virtual representations may not present the original information, messages are chosen and judged by journalists from a piece of news with story or conflicting points to make animated images. Finally, because multilevel gatekeeping interference affects the authenticity of news, it will inevitably be influenced by several factors, such as social control in the newsroom, newsworthy internalization, communication gaps between journalists as well as verification of information, during the process of transforming a message from written to animated form. The loss of authenticity is an inevitably side effect.
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影響醫院儀器採購決策因素探討 / A Study on the Factors of Procurement Decisions簡嘉儀, Chien, Chia I Unknown Date (has links)
就各層級醫院採購決策的考量因素而言,儀器預期的財務性效益大多是首要考量,私立醫院較公立醫院更注重之,地區醫院則較醫學中心在意儀器的性價比。此外,貴重儀器之醫療必要性的高低亦造成不同層級醫院的決策差異,儀器本身的技術含量與技術創新速度也可能影響醫院採購的意願。 / There are two purposes of this research. The first purpose is to explore how the ownership of hospitals and the features of devices impact on medical procurement decisions. The second purpose is to investigate the factors affecting innovation adoption of medical devices.
Based on the case studies of procurement decision experiences made by seven selected hospitals and medical centers in Taiwan, the study focuses on analyzing the willingness of adoption, adoption time, and the favorable standards in procurement decision of aesthetic devices and medical imaging devices.
The findings and conclusions drawn from the study show that the academic level and strategy objective of a hospital are associated with the willingness and adoption time of innovation. Academic medical centers are likely to adopt the innovative device earlier for researching purpose, whereas small-to-middle-sized hospitals would be early adopters of innovative products for strategic purpose.
In addition, the features of devices also have substantial impacts upon innovative device adoption. Academic medical centers will be early adopters of the medical devices with significant medical necessity. The degree of technology involved and the length of product life cycle of medical devices will affect the medical procurement decision as well. Besides, the priority of distinct factors affecting medical procurement decisions varies from case to case. However, generally speaking, economic benefit will be the most important concern of both private and public hospitals.
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基於多元編碼機制之區域特徵描述子 / Local Descriptors Based on Multi-level Encoding Scheme翁苡甄 Unknown Date (has links)
影像辨識一直是電腦視覺中很重要的技術,且伴隨著行動裝置與相機的普及,人們更加重視辨識的準確度與效能,以區域梯度分佈及直方圖表示方法為基礎的影像特徵描述子,如SIFT與SURF,是近十多年來的物件辨識技術中所採用的主流演算法,然而此類特徵表示法,常需要為多維度的資訊提供大量的儲存空間與複雜的距離計算流程,因此,近年來有學者提出了另一種形式的區域二元特徵描述子 ( Local Binary Descriptor, LBD),以二元架構建立描述子,使得LBD能在較少空間之下提供可相抗衡的辨識率。
本論文提出以多元編碼機制之區域特徵描述子(LMLED),乃基於LBD的基本架構,但改以多元編碼取代LBD的二元編碼方法,利用緩衝區的架構達到更強的抗噪性,並提出降維方法以承襲二元編碼在儲存空間的優勢,使得多元編碼機制之區域特徵描述子能在不影響匹配能力與儲存空間的情況下,得到更佳的影像辨識能力。 / Efficient and robust object recognition is an important yet challenging task in computer vision. With the popularity of mobile equipment and digital camera, the demand for effectiveness and efficiency in image recognition has become increasingly pressing. In the past decade, local feature descriptors based on the distribution of local gradients and histogram representation such as SIFT and SURF have achieved a certain level of success. However, these descriptors require a large amount of storage and computing resources for high dimensional feature vectors. Hence, local binary descriptor (LBD) arises and becomes popular in recent years, providing comparable performance with binary structure that needs dramatically lower storage cost.
In this thesis, we propose to employ multi-level encoding scheme to replace binary encoding of LBD. The resultant descriptor is named local multi-level encoding descriptor (LMLED). LMLED takes advantage of multiple decision intervals and thus can achieve better noise resistivity. Methods to reduce the dimension have been devised to maintain low storage cost. Extensive experiments have been performed and the results validate that LMLED can achieve superior performance under noisy condition while maintaining comparable matching efficacy and storage requirement.
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以情境與行為意向分析為基礎之持續性概念重構個人化影像標籤系統 / Continuous Reconceptualization of Personalized Photograph Tagging System Based on Contextuality and Intention李俊輝 Unknown Date (has links)
生活於數位時代,巨量的個人生命記憶使得人們難以輕易解讀,必須經過檢索或標籤化才可以進一步瞭解背後的意涵。本研究著力個人記憶裡繁瑣及週期性的廣泛事件,進行於「情節記憶語意化」以及「何以權衡大眾與個人資訊」兩議題之探討。透過生命記憶平台裡影像標籤自動化功能,我們以時空資訊為索引提出持續性概念重構模型,整合共同知識、個人近況以及個人偏好三項因素,模擬人們對每張照片下標籤時的認知歷程,改善其廣泛事件上註釋困難。在實驗設計上,實作大眾資訊模型、個人資訊模型以及本研究持續性概念重構模型,並招收九位受試者來剖析其認知歷程以及註釋效率。實驗結果顯示持續性概念重構模型解決了上述大眾與個人兩模型上的極限,即舊地重遊、季節性活動、非延續性活動性質以及資訊邊界註釋上的問題,因此本研究達成其個人生命記憶在廣泛事件之語意標籤自動化示範。 / In the digital era, labeling and retrieving are ways to understand the meaning behind a huge amount of lifetime archive. Foucusing on tedious and periodic general events, this study will discuss two issues: (1) the semantics of episodic memory (2) the trade-off between common and personal knowledge. Using the automatic image-tagging technique of lifelong digital archiving system, we propose the Coutinuous Reconceptualization Model which models the cognitive processing of examplar categorization based on temporal-spatial information. Integrating the common knowlegde, current personal life and hobby, the Continuous Reconceptualization Model improves the tagging efficiency. In this experiment, we compare the accuracy of cognitive modeling and tagging efficiency of the three distinct models: the common knowledge model, personal knowledge model and Coutinuous Reconceptualization Model. Nine participants were recruited to label the photos. The results show that the Continous Reconceptualization Model overcomes the limitations inherent in other models, including the auto-tagging problems of modeling certain situations, such as re-visiting places, seasonal activities, noncontinuous activities and information boundary. Consequently, the Continuous Reconceptualization Model demonstrated the efficiency of the automatic image-tagging technique used in the semantic labeling of the general event of personal memory.
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跨越田野與創作的界線----青年勞動九五聯盟的創意行動與媒體策略 / Between fieldwork and creation: the creative action and media strategy for Taiwan youthlabor union陳曉雯 Unknown Date (has links)
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醫學影像產業國際市場進入策略 -以C公司為例 / International Entry Strategy of the Medical Display Industry- A Case Study of C Company章家溱, Chang, Chia-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
(2)供應商的議價能力高 (3)現有公司間的競爭高 (4)進入者的威脅高
2.個案公司SWOT分析,發現:(1)優勢:專業領域有百年傳統。研發投入多,專利有900多個。產業鏈完整,成本優勢高。 (2)劣勢:產品線較窄。市場份額較小。新的品牌名稱,故知名度較小。 (3)機會:外部因素/驅力—政策支持、技術到位、資本充沛。內部因素/驅力—行業現狀、患者需求、醫生訴求。個案公司有能力滿足中國市場發展之需求。 (4)威脅:新的競爭者進入中國市場,主要是日本廠商。中國政府大力扶持本土醫學影像廠商。利潤高的膠片市場漸萎縮,影響個案公司整體利潤。
3.個案公司價值鏈分析,結論為:(1)支援性活動:企業的基本設施;技術研發;Shared Service Center—營運管理、人力資源管理、IT、業務客服、供應鏈管理採購、物流、財務;技術客服;外包廠商;利潤。(2)主要活動:後勤進料;生產作業;倉儲物流出貨;行銷與銷售;維修售後服務。
透過個案公司在大中華區醫學影像產業的五力分析、SWOT分析與價值鏈分析,針對該公司自身的競爭優勢及機會,歸納出該公司在中國市場之經營策略為:差異化(集中差異化)策略、關鍵成功因素策略、本土化路線。並加上完整的產業鏈布局:研發 →生產→ 銷售,可謂其核心發展策略。
本論文研究個案公司在大中華區8個區域,針對不同區域特性,分別有以下的進入策略:(1)有6區採用— 合資設立公司、全資子公司、直接設廠、獨資、代理(Agent)+直接銷售(Direct sale) (2)西南區— 採取只有代理之進入策略。(3)香港區— 採取只有直接銷售之進入策略。
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基於近紅外線影像之年齡層估算機制 / A mechanism for age classification using near-infrared images林言翰, Lin, Yan-Han Unknown Date (has links)
相關研究一部分關注可見光年齡辨識,另一部分則聚焦在近紅外線人臉辨識,目前還沒有近紅外線年齡辨識的相關文獻能參考,如何從接近的研究領域找尋是適當的演算法是本研究遇到的第一個挑戰。在資料庫的部分,FGNET和MORPH常被用於可見光的年齡辨識議題; PolyU和LDHF則用於近紅外線人臉辨識相關研究,在目前沒有近紅外線年齡資料庫的情況,本研究自建RSNIR(Intel RealSense Near-Infrared Age Database),因此如何標準化拍攝環境流程、蒐集穩定的近紅外線影像是本研究面臨的第二個挑戰。
區域性特徵擷取方法的關鍵在於特徵描述子的描述力。本研究以LBP(Local Binary Patterns)為基礎,探討LBP在內的24個特徵描述子,最後實驗測試各個描述子在RSNIR的辨識率,結果發現基本型Fuzzy LBP和擴充型RILBP對近紅外線年齡特徵有最佳描述力。在空間譜子區塊(patch)設計部分,以3x3切割子區塊數的辨識效果最好,反應出其與影像校正時的人臉影像空間定義方式有關。
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透過圖片標籤觀察情緒字詞與事物概念之關聯 / An analysis on association between emotion words and concept words based on image tags彭聲揚, Peng, Sheng-Yang Unknown Date (has links)
管道:Flickr單詞查詢、google image單詞查詢、以及我們透過照片
實驗結果發現,我們的方法和google image回傳的結果類似,
google有更佳的強弱分離程度。 / This study attempts to proceed from psychology to explore the emotional
state of the classification method described why, in order to be emotional and
semantic links, images as we try to stimulate the emotional state of the source,
the Internet community for sharing Flickr content sampling and observation,
using basic psychological research in terms of mood changes with the parts of
speech, with word labels extracted 12,000 photos, label and classification of
words and word co-occurrence of emotional computing, computing association
rules. At the same time, through the semantic differential scale, tend to put
forward a new classification of the coordinates and intensity.
Through the frequency threshold filter, filling part of speech combined
with the terms of the method stems from the 65,983 non-duplicate text labels,
the last 272 to get things with the concept of emotional bias term, and positive
and negative emotions tend to association rules. In order to verify these words
through images is to bring people's emotional state associated with our pipeline
through the three sources: Flickr , google image , and photos through our index
labels: the proportion of emotional words, the community filtering parameters to
select the final 42 photos to compare. Through the semantic differential scale,
measuring three photos in 136 users of answers, whether the agreement made
earlier strength - bias model. Experimental results showed that our methods and
google image similar to the results returned, the user survey results support our
approach to determine the positive and negative bias, and the strength of better
than google degree of separation.
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我國法庭開放電視轉播之研究韓義興 Unknown Date (has links)
法庭應否開放電視轉播此一問題,早在1964年,美國因錢德勒案(Chandler v. Florida)沸沸揚揚,當時國內即有倡議開放者。但直到2000年蘇建和等三人刑事再審案開庭時,法院因旁聽席不足,將審理實況錄影轉接至法庭外同步播放,電視媒體則自行拍攝轉播予公眾,變通出「間接轉播」的形式,法庭究竟能否經由電視轉播給公眾觀看,才引起廣泛討論。
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基於行動影像標籤的飲食管理系統之可行性分析 / An Evaluation of Mobile Personal Dietary Management Application Based On Photograph Annotation Evaluation of Mobile Personal Dietary Management Application Based On Photograph Annotation何浩瑋, Ho, Hao Wei Unknown Date (has links)
生活於手機相機普及的今日,人們逐漸依賴隨手可得的行動裝置記錄生活,影像記錄儼然成為今日人們記錄生活的方式之一。本研究致力於提供使用者個人化之飲食管理系統,讓使用者在利用影像記錄飲食之時,改變自身的多樣性飲食攝取行為,讓個體更為健康。透過健康控制與社會認知理論,我們以影像後設資料的運用,增加自我效能,提供使用者方便的飲食記錄方式、以及更能掌握自身的營養狀況,讓使用者在記錄飲食的同時,還能改變自身飲食攝取行為,更能作為未來回憶飲食狀況之線索。在實驗設計上,我們邀請6位受試者使用本研究所開發的飲食管理系統,利用兩週的時間真實模擬生活中的飲食記錄環境。我們分析使用者實驗前後的自我效能問卷,以及所記錄的飲食記錄作為評估依據。實驗結果顯示,我們的系統能夠提升個體自我效能外,還能夠改變個體的飲食攝取行為。因此本研究有效促進自我效能感協助使用者在記錄生活,讓個體飲食更加健康 / In these days, as the popularity of smart phone grows, people tend to rely on mobile devices to record their lives. Digital photograph has become one of the ways people recording their daily lives. This research is aimed at providing users with personalized dietary management system, allowing users not only use photos to record their life, but also change their behavior to keep users in good health. Based on health control and social cognitive theory, this application utilizes the metadata of the images to enhance self-efficacy, to provide users an easier way to record their dietary and take better control of their own health. Furthermore, the data of the application allows users to recall the dietary and thus improves users’ dietary habits. For the experimental design, 6 subjects were invited to use rthis dietary management application, to record their daily dietary in two weeks. The subjects were asked to use the system, and answer a questionnaire related to the self-efficiency of their adequate dietary after using the application. Experimental results shows that this system not only helps users enhance individual self-efficacy in dietary but also change their dietary habit to achieve the goal of balanced dietary and in good health.
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