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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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李美君, Lee, Mei-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
一九九六年OECD發表「知識經濟報告」提出了以知識與資訊的生產、分配為重心的─「知識經濟」(knowledge-based economy),宣告知識經濟時代的正式來到。在知識經濟時代,企業有越來越多的核心競爭力是建立在看不見的技術、組織與客戶關係等無形資產上。其中,R&D投入是企業為了獲利所做的一項重要投資。因此高科技產業公司紛紛投入大量的資金進行研究(research)及發展(development)。希望透過研發支出的投入蓄積本身的研發能量,在競爭中脫穎而出。然而當高科技產業投入大量的研發支出以增進公司的競爭能力時,由於R&D的特性,使得研發投入對於公司的效益難以衡量。因此美國財務會計準則委員會(FASB)在一九七四年規定將研發支出以當期費用處理,而國際會計準則委員會(IASB)與我國也是將研發支出以當期費用處理。但是目前許多高度投入研發之企業其帳面價值與市場價值差距日大,使投資人無法正確評估公司的價值。因此有越來越多學者認為將研發支出費用化的結果將會造成會計報表的相關性不足。 研發支出以當期費用處理不僅在會計界引起廣泛的討論,在企業界也開始出現希望將研發支出當作公司資本,以資本化處理的聲浪。究竟企業將研發支出以費用化和資本化這兩種不同的會計處理方式處理下,對於企業的經營績效表現是否具有顯著性的影響,抑或是兩者其實對企業經營績效所造成的差異不大,有進行進一步探討之必要。 本文根據文獻探討發現,目前的研究並未證明費用化與資本化兩種不同做法下,企業財務績效指標的變異幅度如何、差異究竟有多大。為了解決此問題,本研究將企業的資產報酬率(return on assets)化成簡單的模型,採取簡化之會計處理方式,利用模擬來探討不同產業特性、不同政府政策之下,將研究發展支出以費用化或資本化處理,對企業的績效表現有無重大影響;以及費用化與資本化兩種做法下,企業財務績效的變異如何、差異究竟有多大,進一步去探討將研發支出甚至於智慧資本進行資本化,對企業的財務表現之影響。本研究可得以下初步之研究結論: 1.對於研發投入程度高或低的企業而言,研發支出費用化或資本化,對其ROA的影響並不具重要的差別。 2.對於尚未投入研發支出前,本身財務指標ROA高或低的企業而言,研發支出費用化或資本化,對其ROA的影響具有重要的差別。 3.對於研發支出投入後,當年度回收金額佔研發支出比例高或是低的企業而言,研發支出費用化或資本化,對其ROA的影響並不具重要的差別。 4.當攤提年限越長,研發支出費用化或資本化,對企業的ROA越具重要的影響性。 5.對於研發支出投入後,現金利益流入期間長或短的企業而言,研發支出費用化或資本化,對其ROA的影響並不具重要的差別。 6.對企業課以較低稅率的國家,政府在規定將研發支出要以費用化或是資本化處理時,必須較高稅率的國家,更仔細評估研發支出費用化或資本化,對企業的影響性。 7.當政府提供之投資抵減率越高,研發支出費用化或資本化,對企業ROA的影響越有重要的差別。 8.投資抵減率可以作為政府在實行研發支出費用化時,減低企業抗拒之政策工具。 9.當企業連續多期投入研發支出時,若以費用化處理研發支出,將需面對高度的ROA變動風險。 10.當企業投入研發支出的期數越多,研發支出費用化或資本化,對企業ROA的影響越有重要的差別。 11.長期下將未來預期收益作為資本化的基礎,並無法使企業財務指標中之ROA有較好的表現。

影響對外投資廠商國內外研發支出配置的決定因素─以台商赴大陸投資為例 / The Determinants of Research and Development Expenditure Allocation:An Examination of Taiwan Corporation’s FDI in China

籃國仁, Lan, Kuo Jen Unknown Date (has links)


林瑩玲, lin,amy Unknown Date (has links)
TFT-LCD產業發展的過程中,除了企業主本身的努力之外,政府適當的輔導與協助也是一個重要的助力,這也是政府提出的「六年國家總體建設計畫」即把「兩兆雙星」列為重要政策推動重點。而在推動研發活動,實證結果顯示,屬於高技術之產業,由於面臨日本、韓國強烈的國際競爭壓力下,政府在扮演輔導角色的同時,必須將對象擴及上游零組件廠商的產業,對向上垂直整合,降低關鍵零組件成本、交易成本,穩定關鍵零組件之供給,將有所助益。 本研究以TFT-LCD產業為樣本,採普通最小平方法,進行迴歸分析,探討決定TFT-LCD產業研究發展支出的因素。實證結果摘要如下: 一、企業營業收入淨額與研發支出有顯著正向之關係。 二、營業毛利率與研發支出呈現負向且顯著之關係,與預期的結果不一致。雖獲利是企業取得自有資金的主要方式之一,研究發展支出通常都會由企業內部自有資金來支應,故企業獲利能力愈好,研發支出愈有正面的幫助。惟因TFT-LCD產業為高技術新興之產業,不論面板或其上游零組件廠商,皆為新成立。初期營收額不大,且初期研發費用亦較高,致發生毛利率為負數現象,營業毛利率與研發支出呈現負向且顯著之關係。 三、外銷比例與研發支出呈現顯著正向的關係,為TFT-LCD產業面臨日本、韓國強烈的國際競爭壓力,會透過投入研發活動,研發新產品及新製程,以達到增加市場佔有率、降低生產成本及提高生產效率等目標,因此研發支出會較高。 四、企業成立時間長短與與研發支出有顯著負向之關係。乃此產業為了要在市場上佔一席之地,愈會透過研發活動的投入,以提高技術能力及開發新產品。 五、上游產業與其研發支出有顯著正向之關係。意謂著向上垂直整合關鍵零組件之重要性,亦能穩定關鍵零組件之供給

影響海外投資廠商研發投入之決定因素 / The determinants of research and development expenditure in Taiwan FDI manufacturing firms

郭春麗, Kuo, Chun Li Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的趨勢影響下,研發活動不再是先進國家的專利,跨國企業紛紛建立起全球的研發網絡,除了在母國從事研發活動外,亦會因不同研發目的與需求的考量,而在先進國家或開發中國家設立海外的研發據點。本研究首先收集彙整國內外對外投資相關理論及實證研究文獻─探討影響海外投資廠商研發投入的決定因素;之後以2007年經濟部統計處「製造業對外投資實況調查」之問卷資料為分析對象,加以實證研究,運用Probit Model進行估計,從廠商特性、對外投資因素、策略因素等3面向,分析影響對外投資廠商研發投入之決定因素。由實證結果得知,廠商規模越大、產業別傾向為資訊電子業、獲利能力傾向於有盈餘、海外事業投資年數越短、主要對外投資地區傾向工業化國家、當地市場潛力大、出口傾向越不傾向外銷及技術來源越傾向自行研發等八項變數對於研發投入有顯著的影響,此為影響研發投入之重要決定因素。

以債權人觀點論研發支出未來效益與風險之抵換關係 / On the Trade-off between the Future Benefits and Riskiness of R&D:A Bondholders’ Perspective

蘇怡瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
研發支出之會計處理,一直以來,因著研究發展之特性,始終有著相當分歧的看法。由於研究發展支出具有長期性及未來的經濟效益,有人主張將其以「資本化」方式處理;亦由於研究發展支出具有高度的風險與不確定性,有人主張將其以「費用化」方式處理。 Shi(2003)認為研究發展支出資本化與費用化之爭論,正反映了研發支出未來效益及其風險間之抵換關係(trade-off),亦即,若研發支出之未來效益大於其風險,則較傾向將其資本化,其會計處理同於一般的無形資產;相反地,若研發之風險大於其未來效益,則較傾向將其以費用化方式處理,於發生當期即以費用入帳。 本研究以台灣債券市場為研究對象,探討研發支出未來效益與風險間之抵換關係,文中檢視「債券風險衡量因子」(bond risk measures)與「研究發展支出」之相關性,並以「債信評等等級」與「債券風險溢酬」為債券風險衡量因子,決定平均數效果(預期未來效益)與變異數效果(風險)於債券的評價上何者較為顯著。 一般而言,以債券投資者的角度觀之,若「債券風險衡量因子」與「研究發展支出」兩者呈現負相關,亦即平均數效果較強,則代表研究發展之未來預期效益大於研究發展之風險;若此兩者呈現正相關,亦即變異數效果較強,則代表研究發展之風險大於研究發展之未來預期效益。本研究之實證結果與發現如下: 1.對全體樣本而言,研發支出與債信評等等級呈顯著之正相關(本研究採用TCRI為債信評等衡量變數,等級愈高,風險愈大),代表研發支出之風險大於其未來效益。然研發支出與債券風險溢酬之關係未達統計顯著水準,無法再次驗證上述結果。 2.對電子業樣本而言,與上述對全體樣本之結論相同。 3.對非電子業樣本而言,研發支出與債券風險溢酬為顯著之負相關,代表研發支出之未來效益大於其風險。然研發支出與債信評等等級之關係未達統計顯著水準,無法再次驗證上述結果。 4.在全體樣本、電子業樣本、及非電子業樣本中,將研發支出以費用化或資本化方式予以衡量,兩者之實證結果並無不同,顯示兩者對研發支出未來效益與風險間之抵換關係並無顯著差異存在。 5.電子業與非電子業所獲之結論不同,再次驗證產業別對於研發支出之效果確實有其差異性。 6.針對電子業而言,本研究之實證結果較傾向以費用化之方式處理其研發支出;然針對非電子業而言,較傾向以資本化之方式處理之。 / The debate about the alternative accounting treatments of R&D expenditures reflects trade-offs between the future benefits of R&D and its risk. In general, if the uncertainty regarding future benefits is not so high that it disqualifies the measurability criterion of asset recognition, then one may argue in favor of capitalizing R&D expenditures (as is typical for intangible investment). Conversely, if future outcomes are risky and unpredictable, the expensing treatment may be warranted. This is study examines the associations among bond risk measures (bond rating and risk premium) and R&D expenditures to determine whether their mean effect (expected future benefits) or their variance effect (risk) is more significant in pricing bonds. In general, from the perspective of bondholders, a negative correlation between bond risk parameter and R&D expenditures would indicate a stronger mean effect; that is, the expected future benefits of R&D expenditures are more than enough to compensate for the added risk of R&D. Conversely, a positive correlation would imply a stronger variance effect that swamps the mean effect of future benefits from R&D expenditures. The empirical results indicate follows: (1) For all samples, R&D expenditures are significantly positively associated with bond rating. The evidence suggests that, from the perspective of bondholders, the risk and uncertainties of R&D appear to dominate its expected future benefits. However, R&D expenditures have no significant effect on risk premium. (2) For electronic industry samples, the empirical results are the same with all samples. (3) For nonelectronic industry samples, R&D expenditures are significantly negatively associated with risk premium. The evidence suggests that, from the perspective of bondholders, the expected future benefits of R&D appear to dominate its risk. However R&D expenditures have no significant effect on bond rating. (4) The interpretation of this issue are not significant different through the expensing and capitalizing of R&D expenditures. (5) The industry effect is supported by the empirical results that show different effects of R&D on the bond risk measures between electronic industry and the nonelectronic industry. (6) The results indicate that it may be in favor of expensing R&D expenditures for electronic industry and capitalizing R&D expenditures for nonelectronic industry.

經理人過度自信與融資限制對公司研發支出之影響 / The Study of the Effects of CEOs Overconfidence and Financing Constraints on Corporate R&D Expenditures

楊芝榮 Unknown Date (has links)
以往於經理人過度自信對公司投資決策影響之研究中,大部分注重於經理人過度自信與資本投資之關係,僅有少數文獻探討經理人過度自信與R&D支出影響。 本研究主要為探討經理人過度自信、現金部位與融資限制之關聯,針對1993年至2013年間的1,892間美國公司進行分析,首先探討經理人過度自信是否影響R&D支出對現金部位的敏感度,在進一步將公司依融資限制分為五組進行探討,研究結果發現:(1)過度自信的經理人其R&D支出對於公司現金部位的敏感性較高,這隱含過度自信的經理人在公司擁有充裕的現金時可能會過度投資,而現金不足時可能會投資不足之情形。(2)融資限制最高的組別其R&D支出對現金的敏感度顯著大於融資限制最低的組別,同時當公司融資限制的程度提高,過度自信經理人的R&D支出對現金部位的敏感度也持續上升,這樣的結果也隱含在高度融資限制影響下,過度自信經理人在進行R&D決策時,會因公司持有的現金較多而進行更多的R&D投資。

以股權結構觀點探討代理理論與創新投資之關聯性 / The Effects of Ownership Structure on Innovation Investments: an Agency Perspective

洪晏東, Yen Dong Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過不同股權結構來探討傳統代理問題與核心代理問題對於研發支出投入程度之影響。 本研究將具有金字塔結構或交叉持股結構之企業分類為股權集中之企業,而將不具有金字塔結構或交叉持股結構之企業分類為股權分散之企業。實證分析顯示,在股權分散情況下,傳統代理問題的降低有助於研發支出之提升。其中,董事長兼任總經理、經理人持股比率、董監事持股比率、大股東持股比率、法人持股比率及獨立董事席次比率皆對研發支出之投入有正相關影響。在股權集中情況下,核心代理問題的降低也有助於研發支出之投入。 此外,相較於股權分散之企業,股權集中之企業有著較高的研發支出投入,代表股權集中之企業較有辦法投入較多資源於研發支出上。而透過交乘項之實證分析後,發現相對於股權集中之企業,若股權分散之企業的傳統代理問題能降低,那麼會更有效地提高研發支出以提升企業經營績效。同理也得知,在相對於股權分散之企業,股權集中之企業之核心代理問題若能降低,那麼會更有效地提高研發支出以提升公司價值。 / Based on ownership structures, this study investigates the effects of type I and type II agency problem on R&D expenses for innovation investments. This study classifies both pyramid ownership structure and cross-holding ownership structure as ownership-concentrated structure while others ownership-dispersed structure. The empirical results indicate that under ownership-dispersed structure, the reduction in type I agency problems increases research and development (R&D) expenses in innovation investments. The ways that reduce type I agency problem and boost innovation investments include CEO duality, executive ownership, corporate ownership, block ownership, institutional ownership, and the percentage of board seats held by independent directors. Under the case of ownership-concentrated structure, reduction in type II agency problems lead to increase in R&D expenses for innovation investments. Moreover, comparing with ownership dispersed firms, the ownership concentrated firms spend more in R&D expenses. However, if the dispersed ownership firms can decrease type I agency problems then they spend more in R&D relative to the ownership concentrated firms. By the same token, comparing with ownership-dispersed firms, the reduction in type II agency problems of ownership-concentrated firms will more effectively increase R&D expenses to raise the company value.

廠商對外投資對國內經濟的影響:以台灣製造業為例 / Home Country Effects of Foreign Direct Investment: A Case Study of Taiwan's Manufacturing Sector

楊書菲, Yang, Shu Fei Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球化的發展,對外投資不僅在國際經貿中所扮演的角色愈來愈重要,型態也愈來愈多元,呈現出與過去大不相同的特性與風貌。這樣的發展趨勢,再度引起學者對廠商對外投資的影響效果產生興趣。過去有關對外投資影響效果的文獻,主要是以探討對外投資對地主國經濟發展的影響為主,探討對母國或母公司影響的文獻則不多,特別是開發中國家的廠商對外投資對母國影響的研究更是付之闕如。為了彌補此方面文獻之不足,本研究利用台灣製造業1987-2003年的廠商資料來探討廠商對外投資對其技術升級之影響。 廠商對外投資對母國經濟影響的相關議題在台灣一直受到持續的關注,1991年政府開放廠商赴大陸投資之後,該議題更是引發熱切的討論。部分學者擔憂廠商對外投資後將造成國內產業的空洞化;但有另一部分的學者則主張,台灣只要持續技術升級及產業升級就可避免空洞化的危機。有鑑於此,本研究利用三個經濟指標,研發支出、生產力與效率,及技能提升(skill-upgrading)來檢驗不具競爭優勢的產業或附加價值鏈外移,是否有利於台灣進行技術升級。 本研究首先建立了一個理論模型來探討廠商對外投資對其國內研發活動的影響。研究結果顯示,廠商對外投資對其國內的研發支出可能同時產生兩個相反的影響效果,即互補效果及替代效果。互補效果主要來自於廠商對外投資後的「規模擴大效果」,而替代效果的發生則會因廠商對外投資動機之不同,而有不同的來源管道。 本研究實證模型的創新之處在於利用propensity score matching的配對方式搭配difference-in-differences的估計方法來控制實證研究中常會出現的自我選擇誤差(self-selection bias)及互為因果(causality)的問題。本研究採用了四種不同的配對方式來建構對外投資廠商的配對樣本,並發現Nearest available matching within calipers的配對方式可以產生最佳的配對效果,在不犧牲太多樣本數的情況下,顯著縮小對外投資廠商在對外投資前與無對外投資廠商的特性差距。 本研究的實證結果發現,僅管對外投資廠商,特別是赴開發中國家投資的廠商可能對母國的就業造成不利的衝擊,但卻能夠顯著提高母國的研發支出、技術效率及勞工技能,顯示廠商對外投資確實有助於台灣的技術升級。研究結果認為台灣政府應重新思考產業政策及社會福利政策的制定方向,以解決這些新的經濟議題。 / Foreign direct investment has played an increasingly important role in the world economy and, as a consequence, an immense amount of research has investigated its determinants and effects. However, while previous studies have focused on the impact of inward FDI on the host countries, there has been relatively little research on the impact of outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) on the home countries in general, and on developing economies (LDCs) in particular. To fill this gap in the literature, this thesis investigates the home-country effects of the OFDI activity of Taiwanese manufacturing firms. To be specific, the impact of OFDI on the investing firms’ domestic R&D spending, productivity and efficiency, employment and skill-upgrading is examined. A theoretical model is developed to examine the relationship between OFDI and domestic R&D activity. It is shown that OFDI could induce two opposing effects on domestic R&D spending, namely, a complementary effect and a substitution effect. The complementary effect arises mainly due to the “sales-increasing effect” of overseas investment. Substitution effects might arise from different channels depending on FDI motives. Firm-level panel data covering the period 1987-2003 are used in the empirical analysis. The novelty in this thesis is the application of a propensity score matching approach combined with the difference-in-differences method to control for the possible selection bias related to the empirical analysis. Four different matching methods are used to construct matched samples of Taiwan’s OFDI firms. The empirical results reveal that, although Taiwanese overseas investment, especially the investment in LDCs, reduces domestic employment, it stimulates investing firms’ domestic R&D spending, technology efficiency and skill intensity. This implies that while the OFDI activity of Taiwanese firms has brought about a positive effect on their technological upgrading, which is beneficial to the industrial development and resource allocation of the economy, the recent increase in the unemployment in Taiwan could to some extent be attributed to the OFDI activity. It also suggests that the Taiwanese government might need to reconsider its industrial policy as well as social welfare policy in order to deal with these new economic issues.


許戍 Unknown Date (has links)
研究發展與廣告活動是市場上常見的非價格之差異化訴求,且投入與產出間皆具有未來之遞延效益。Sougiannis(1994)認為在衡量研發支出與企業價值之關聯性時應同時考量對盈餘的影響,方能真正衡量研發活動的效益。本研究延續這樣的觀念,不直接將研發、廣告活動與企業價值予以聯結,而試圖找尋存在兩者間的中介績效變數,透過這些績效變數與研發、廣告活動之投入關係來衡量無形資產生產力及對企業的績效貢獻。   異於過去之研究,本研究除探討研發、廣告投入的強度之外,尚考量投入的持續性對企業經營績效之影響。依據投入強度與持續性兩項標準將研發、廣告投入區分為高、低群組,檢定不同群組下研發、廣告投入與四項績效指標(市場佔有率、營收成長率、營業利益率及資產報酬率)的關聯性,並以其中最能代表企業本業營運活動的營業利益率為經營績效變數,分析在不同產業下企業研發、廣告支出與經營績效間之關聯性。   本研究之主要結論,就單變量之分析結果顯示,以研發投入強度及持續性為區分要素,塑化業、紡織業、機電業、資訊電子業樣本中高研發群組之營業利益率顯著優於低研發群組;以廣告投入為區分要素下則以食品業較具顯著性。同時以研發、廣告投入為區分要素時,塑化業、資訊電子業樣本中高群組之營業利益率顯著優於低群組。迴歸分析結果顯示,塑化業、紡織業、機電業、資訊電子業樣本之研發投入強度及持續性愈高,其營業利益率愈大,食品業、塑化業樣本的廣告投入愈大,其營業利益率愈高。   本研究之實證結果隱喻,研發、廣告活動之支出效益具產業差異,而此處資源耗用與預期經營績效具產業差異性之實證發現,或可提供各企業評估是否投入研發或廣告支出決策時之參考。 / Featured with differed and uncertain future economic benefits, investments in research and development (R&D) and advertising activities have been concerned as two major means for non-price competition. Sougiannis (1994) argues that without an understanding in how R&D activity contributes to firm value, the relationship found between R&D intensity and stock price could be spurious. Based on Sougiannis’ perspective, this thesis attempts to explore the productivity of these two long-term or asset-like expenditures. Specifically, this thesis examines the relation between R&D (Advertising) outlays and financial performance measures.   This thesis differs from previous studies in that this research considers not only the magnitude of R&D and advertising outlays but also the continuity in term of time horizon of such outlays. Based on the magnitude and longitude of R&D and advertising expenditures, the sample firms are divided into high and low groups by both criteria. The thesis first tests the correlation between R&D and advertising outlays and some performance measures. The thesis then examines in regression analysis the benefits of R&D and advertising expenditures to operating income in different industries.   The empirical results show that the operating income of high group is significant different from that of low group in Plastics and Chemicals, Textiles, Machineries, Electrical and Electronics. When the grouping is classified by advertising, the operating income is significant different in Foods industry only, while the grouping is based on both R&D and advertising, the significant difference exits in Plastics and Chemicals, Electrical, and Electronics industries. The regression results indicate that R&D outlays displays a significantly positive effect on operating income in Plastics and Chemicals, Textiles, Machineries, Electrical and Electronics industries, while the influence of advertising expenditure is found in Plastics and Chemicals, and Foods industries only. These findings may serve as a basis for strategic decision as to whether to invest heavily on R&D and advertising activities, since the productivity of R&D and advertising outlays, measured as the relationship between the related expenditures and firm operating income, differs across industries.


陳昌民 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討景氣因素、研發外溢效果及技術知識特質對IC設計業研發支出遞延效應之影響。本研究主要採用Lev and Sougiannis (1996)所發展之研發支出遞延效應實證模型,以國內IC設計業上市櫃公司為對象,透過分析產業特性,區分為多應用性IC設計群組及單應用性IC之資訊、通訊及消費性群組,並探討其研發支出遞延效應。研究發現如下: 一、在研發支出遞延效應中,IC設計業受景氣之影響僅限於當期之研發支出;就研發支出效益受影響程度上,IC設計業亦低於其他IC產業。此結果顯示,IC設計業由於具備產品多元化和應用多元等利基市場特性,且在國內是屬於成長型產業,故景氣影響程度不如其他下游產業來的大。 二、多應用性IC設計公司之研發支出所創造之未來效益,比單應用性IC設計公司高。多應用性IC設計公司因為受到研發外溢效果之影響,其當期及遞延一期之研發支出,會比單應用性IC設計公司創造更高之效益。此結果顯示,多應用性IC設計公司投入於不同領域產品之研發支出,存在類似產業內外溢效果,因此亦加強研發支出對未來效益貢獻之程度。 三、資訊類單應用性IC設計公司之研發支出,對未來所創造之效益金額及持續年限,均未優於通訊類及消費類單應用性IC公司。本研究發現,技術路徑相依度及技術變動程度兩種技術知識特質,並不能完全解釋單應用性不同群組之研發支出所創造未來效益的程度,而必須同時考量下游應用市場之目前狀況及未來潛力,才能對其研發支出遞延效應做出更正確之推論。 / This thesis analyzes three R&D performance issues of the IC design firms in Taiwan. First, it addresses the effect of the fluctuating economic cycle in the semiconductor sector on the R&D performance of design and non-design firms in the IC industry. Secondly, this study examines the R&D spillover effect on the R&D performance of the multifunctional and single-functional groups of IC design firms. Finally, this study discusses how technological knowledge (path independence and complexity) influences the R&D performance of the three subgroups (computer, communication, and consumer) of single-functional IC design firms. Three major findings of the study are as follows: 1.The fluctuating economic cycle in the semiconductor sector has less influence on the R&D performance of the IC design firms than that of the IC non-design firms. The fluctuation affects the R&D expenditure of IC design firms only in the current year, but that effect on the IC non-design firms exist in the current year and also the following year. The R&D performance of IC design firms is also less influenced. 2.The multifunctional IC design firms generate more benefit from R&D expenditure than single-functional ones, suggesting that the former group has a stronger R&D spillover effect. 3.Although the computer subgroup of IC design firms possesses high technological path dependence and low technological complexity, its R&D performance is not better than the other subgroups. This finding suggests that technological path dependence and complexity do not fully explain the difference in R&D performance among the three subgroups of single-functional IC design firms.

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