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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

新教科群2 : 心と身体の科学 : 揺らぎを通して多角的に学ぶ (Ⅲ. 高校新教科群の取り組み)

石川, 久美, Ishikawa, K., 佐藤, 喜世恵, Sato, K., 中村, 明彦, Nakamura, A., 山本, 裕二, Yamamoto, Y. 30 November 2005 (has links)

網路公司創新環境設計之研究 / The Case Study of the design for innovative environment of Internet companies

鄭純笛, Cheng, Chun-Di Unknown Date (has links)
李仁芳(2000) 對創新組織提到以下看法,創新需要動員內心深處最深刻的理智與情感資源。如果企業文化氛圍只鼓勵組織成員追索Know What、Know How,以致於Know Why的知識上的好奇心,但文化氛圍中卻缺少對同仁Care Why的支持與對同仁本人Care的溫暖與慈心,這樣的智價創新企業競爭力是不能持久的。最具創新震憾力的靈感(inspiration)孕育自最溫柔的胎床。新的聲音與新的視野的孕育,需要溫暖與紀律、歡愉與智慧間適當的拿捏與平衡。可見創新環境是多麼的重要。 本研究之目的,主要欲探討台灣新創網路公司對於創新環境的設計研究,以多元成員造成的差異性帶來的創新衝擊,配合組織平台的設計及管理技巧來探討,成員差異性則採認知心理學的角度,探討認知差異對組織衝突的意義,如何建立創造性的組織衝突,帶給組織創新的原動力。本研究期望透過個案問卷及開放式訪談的方式,進一步瞭解、並歸納出網路產業中核心團隊互動的模式及成功經驗累積的方法,以期找出網路產業中較適合的創新環境設計。 本研究主要採取個案訪談及思考風格問卷施測,並透過初級訪談資料加上次級資料作個案分析,思考風格問卷分析時,將十三類的思考風格分成三大類分析,第一大類主要為思考風格的行事作風;第二大類主要為思考風格的心理自治型態;第三大類為幅度、範圍、傾向。 本研究主要的研究發現如下: 壹、 網路公司團隊成員多元性與創新表現 一、 網路公司多元性越高,創新表現越佳 二、 網路公司多元團隊角色扮演越完整,創新表現越佳 ;反之,多元團隊角色扮演越不全,創新表現越差 貳、 網路公司組織平台設計與創意表現關係 一、 網路公司中溝通形式設計多元管道之email及intranet,扮演創新表現中的知識累積及點子擷取的平台。 二、 網路公司中,實體物理環境對知識累積的重要性被IT科技取代。 三、 網路公司最常用啟發技巧運用中的腦力激盪作為主要點子擷取的方式。 參、 網路公司中專案領導人在創新表現上扮演的角色 一、 不同類型網路公司領導人對於智慧財產權看法影響智慧財產權的擁有數目。 二、 網路公司的CEO透過容忍智慧型失敗、塑造關懷(Care)與學習的組織環境。 肆、 網路公司創新表現之觀察 一、 網路公司中相當重視經驗傳承,有助於日後的創新表現。 二、 網路公司中有失敗經驗,有助於創新績效。 伍、 綜合發現 一、 網路公司團隊成員的思考風格在三大類分析中各有不同的偏向,思考風格可與創新環境相配合。 二、 網路公司組織文化配合團隊成員的思考風格適合創新表現 第一類思考風格,網路公司團隊成員多屬於立法型與第三類中的自由型有相關,皆為有助於創新表現的思考風格。 第二類思考風格中,網路團隊成員皆屬於階級分明型,而網路公司組織文化對於團隊運作皆採責任制且授權程度高,這對於自主性需求較高的階級分明型成員有助於創新表現。 第三類思考風格中,網路團隊成員多屬於外在型及自由型,只要組織環境與思考風格相符,則團隊成員的創新表現較佳。 / Under the rapid-changing environment, it is not possible that a firm's capabilities can hold sustainable competitive strength forever, as the master told “innovation or die”. A good organization platform can incubate the capacity for high creativity. Now the internet fever spreads to the whole world. Taiwan companies have the opportunity to catch up. Thesis help can analysis the key components that influences the innovation process in the internet companies. Therefore we can find a better organization form to provoke more innovation performances. Objectives From the viewpoint of innovation process and members interaction process, this research is intended to study the internet service provider in order to focus on the platform of the organizational knowledge creation in Taiwan internet companies. Research Structure According to literature survey, we can find that the heterogeneous teams have more innovation behaviors. A well-designed organization platform and a good project leader can help members emerge their potential in the creativity. The research structure is as follows: Case Choice Because many Internet companies have multi-business models, that we choose the 6 companies can group the case companies into ASP, ICP and portal. Case A, B and C are ASP companies. Case E and case F are ICP companies. Case C and D are portal companies. Research Methodology This thesis adopts the case study and the authors interviews some project leader or members who are responsible for top management team or the project team in the companies. And analysis the data of the questionnaire that every team members filled in. Then to complement the case study form the secondary data and information form the internet, as products and services. Case Analysis and Conclusions According to the analyses of the six cases, the author has generated the following conclusions: 1. The diversity between team members affects innovative activities including: ● The more diversity between the team members, the more innovative activities happen. ● The Cultivate Distinct Roles are more complete then the more innovative activities happen. 2. the well-designed organizational platform affects innovative activities including: ● In internet companies, they share knowledge and get new ideas via email and the intranet. ● In internet companies, the importance of physic environment is replaced by IT technology. ● In internet companies, the useful way to get lots of new ideas is brain-storming meeting. 3. the project manager leadership affects innovative activities including: ● The CEOs who in different internet companies such as ASP and ICP have different consideration influences the numbers of IPR. ● In internet companies, CEO builds a warm and learning organization by taking the failing forward and care employees. 4. the innovative activities in the internet companies including: ● The internet companies which do the knowledge management well have better innovation performance. ● The failing forward experiences help the management performance better now in the internet companies.


吳華閔, Wu, Hua-Min Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討在消費者不同訊息處理途徑(中央路徑/周圍路徑)之下,網站之設計架構、訊息呈現次序與價格促銷廣告之出現時機對於消費者之喜好程度與評價的影響。 在ELM之模式下,網站之設計架構、訊息呈現次序與價格促銷廣告之出現時機,可以視為是周圍線索。當消費者具有相關知識且在高度涉入之情況下,會採取中央路徑,故此類周圍線索並不會影響消費者之喜好程度以及評價。但是當消費者缺乏能力(相關知識較低)或是沒有高度涉入的情況下,此時消費者會採取周圍路徑處理訊息,此時此類周圍線索便會對消費者產生影響。 透過在網路上進行實證研究發現,對周圍路徑消費者而言,階層式網站設計所得到的消費者喜好程度與評價都較高,且價格促銷廣告先呈現所得到的喜好程度與評價也高於價格促銷廣告後呈現者。而對於中央路徑消費者而言,網站設計架構、訊息呈現時機與價格促銷廣告出現時機對於其喜好程度與評價並無影響。 本研究之結果,對於企業在網路上針對消費者進行電子商務時,可以作為在架構網站、設計訊息內容與呈現方式時之參考,對於利用電腦、網際網路之功能以達成大量客製化(mass customization)的行銷也有相當助益。企業可以依此針對個別消費者提供適當的架構、訊息,以提高消費者之喜好、評價,進而增進其購買意願。

當設計來敲門:臺灣文具業者以設計力創新打造風格競爭力 / The pursuit of design: Build the magic power of style via design-driven innovation

吳俊瑩, Wu, Jyun Ying Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣文具產業發展至今超過一甲子歲月,環境局勢已經不同以往。各國特色文具來臺競逐池城,大陸東南亞低價文具搶食外銷市場;少子化與電子化縮減市場機會,環保意識加深品質要求;衣食無虞的現代消費者,追求心靈層次滿足。臺灣文具業者下一步該怎麼走?文具強國日本的發展可供借鏡。日本文具業者賦予文具產品新的意義,讓消費者使用意義創新產品打造新生活風格。 本研究探討臺灣文具業者開發意義創新產品的思考想法,從如何賦予產品新的意義,以及如何設計產品樣式,到如何運用意義創新產品打造新生活風格。以Verganti提出的設計力創新為理論基礎,融合Brown的設計思考,以及劉維公的生活風格定義與風格競爭力描述,整理成研究架構。本研究採取解釋性個案研究法,選取偷花(歲時紀)、Micia美日手藝館(Mini Cute印章)、好幫手彩藝(UBook)三家企業個案進行深入訪談,了解企業個案設計意義創新產品的整體歷程。 分析比較企業個案資料所得之結論如下。於構思創新方案階段,企業個案以產品設計團隊親自觀察產品的極端使用者,探尋產品隱藏需求;並以企業的價值理念做為首要評估項目,揉合產品原始意義與特殊用途,構思產品新的意義。於產品樣式設計階段,為了維持意義創新產品之產品意義與價值理念於開發過程前後一致,企業個案掌握設計自主權;為了獲得市場認同,選擇消費者偏好的生活文化題材開發產品內容,並提供產品原始意義觀點下的實用功能。於生活風格提案階段,企業個案以意義創新產品、周邊商品、互動場域構成各種美學體驗形式,讓消費者在體驗過程理解意義創新產品的產品意義與價值理念。意義創新產品開創認同產品價值的消費新市場,但若通路欠缺解說過程,則銷售成績較不好。 最後依據結論給予臺灣文具業者開發意義創新產品的建議,臺灣文具業者宜多研究文具產品於各種生活脈絡中的使用情形,挖掘產品潛在的新意義;在產品樣式設計過程,宜擁有設計自主權,並招募擁有設計管理與行銷管理的跨領域人才,控管意義創新產品的開發流程;宜發展各種美學體驗形式,宣傳意義創新產品,但也必須設想意義創新產品在無人解說的實體通路該如何因應。 / The The Taiwanese stationery industry has developed over more than 60 years, and both the market and the competition have changed a lot in that time. Many foreign stationery companies began operating in Taiwan, and companies in China and Southeast Asia are getting into the world market with lower-price stationery. Due to the decrease of birth rate and the trend of computerization, the market opportunity for physical stationery has decreased by 30% within the last five years. Consumer demand for sustainable products and packaging forces the industry to think innovatively about their products. After being satisfied with the basic needs in life, consumers are looking for a higher level of emotional and spiritual satisfaction from their non-essential purchases. What is the next step for the Taiwanese stationery industry? Recent developments in the Japanese stationery industry provide a good example of how innovation within an industry can lead to increased customer satisfaction by creating New-Meaning Products. A New-Meaning Product is realized when a well-known product with a specific function is integrated with additional form and function in a new way. For example, a video game console which can encourage kids to exercise is a New-Meaning Product. In many cases, the New-Meaning Product can have a powerful effect on the customer's lifestyle. This thesis discusses the process of developing New-Meaning Products by The Taiwanese stationery industry. This process ranges from how to redefine the stationery, design the prototype, and create a new lifestyle for the customer with New-Meaning Products. The research structure is based on Verganti’s design-driven innovation theory, Brown’s design thinking, and Wei-Gong Liu’s definition of lifestyle and the description of the magic power of style. This thesis applies the method of Explanatory Case Study and chooses three business cases – Flowerthief (Chronology Schedule Book), Micia (Mini Cute Stamp), and UBook (UBook) – to do further research and discussion to understand the innovation process of New-Meaning Products. The conclusions of the business cases analysis are as below. At the step of innovation program planning, the product design team would observe the extreme users, and search for the valuable insights and ideas. In addition, they list enterprise value as the main assessment to derive New-Meaning Products. At the step of product design, in order to keep the consistency of the concept of the new meaning and core value of the products before and after manufacturing, the company holds the decision-making power of design. To gain market recognition, they develop the product content based on the life cultural topics the consumers like, and provide the practical functions behind the product original meaning. At the step of lifestyle proposal, they construct variable types of aesthetics experience based on the New-Meaning Product, peripheral products, and interactive field to help consumers understand the New-Meaning Product and enterprise value. The New-Meaning Products has developed new consumer market for product recognition. However, the lack of product exposition will have negative impact on sales performance. This thesis sums up by giving advice to the Taiwanese stationery industry on the development of a New-Meaning Product. First, the Taiwanese stationery companies should research more about the usage of stationery in all aspects of life, and explore the potential meaning in the existing products. To maximize the potential to create New-Meaning Products, the companies should retain decision-making power during the product design process, hire talent with design and marketing management experience, and prudently monitor the sustainability of their products. Lastly, they should pioneer marketing techniques to establish an emotional and spiritual link between the potential consumers and the new-meaning products, enabling customers to visualize the lifestyle benefits that the New-Meaning Products can provide.

サイエンス・リテラシー・プロジェクトI 総論(III. サイエンス・リテラシー・プロジェクトI (SLPI)の取り組み)

石川, 久美, ISIKAWA, Kumi 15 January 2008 (has links)

第1章 サイエンスリテラシープロジェクトI(SLPI)の概要(II. サイエンスリテラシープロジェクトI(SLPI)-好奇心の扉をひらく-)

石川, 久美, ISHIKAWA, Kumi 15 January 2009 (has links)

自然と科学 前期(サイエンスリテラシープロジェクトII : 問題発見・解決型の学習を通して多元的な思考力と探究心を育む)

WATANABE, T, SATO, T, TAKAHASHI, N, 渡邊, 武志, 佐藤, 俊樹, 髙橋, 伸行 01 February 2011 (has links)
No description available.

見樹又見林—系統思考教學與未來人才培育之個案研究 / Teaching of Systems Thinking for Nurturing Future Talents- A Case Study

陳伊瑩, Chen, Yi Ying Unknown Date (has links)
因應未來社會,需要從教育的點滴工程著手。學校為教育的主要場域,教師的教學影響學生學習的成效與關鍵能力的養成。面對複雜而快速變遷的時代,需要培育出具有良好思考力、未來想像力以及團隊合作能力的下一代。本研究採取個案研究方法,以一所位於台北市區國小內高年級的班級做為研究對象,此班級利用綜合活動時間實施系統思考教學,當中包含任教教師與26位學生,利用教室觀察與訪談法、輔以影片分析、學生作品分析、系統思考活動評量、學生自陳式反思問卷、想像力測驗、時間觀量表等工具,探究實施系統思考教學的教師角色(包含教師個人特質、工作動機、專業知能、教學信念和教學技巧)與系統思考教學的交互影響;對於教師班級經營、師生互動與班級氣氛的營造,進一步探究綜合教學實施與經營,與學生對於系統思考的理解和養成之間的關係。再者探究教學活動與培養學生未來想像力之關聯,而課程當中融入小組討論和遊戲教學,藉此探究教學歷程與學生團隊合作能力培養的相關性。本研究以因果回饋圖呈現研究結果,主要發現有以下五點: 1.系統思考教師扮演教室的結構者、引導者,時時精進系統思考認知與教學技巧,帶領學生關注根本重要的事。 2.系統思考教學實施增進師生互動關係和班級正向氣氛,鼓勵學生討論、發表意見與想法,營造班級共同思考與學習的氛圍。 3.系統思考教學培養學生系統思考力,從小關注世界當中重要的事件,瞭解其趨勢變化與關鍵結構,嘗試根本解決問題。 4.系統思考教學實施幫助啟發學生未來想像力,鬆動思考開啟創意想像,展開未來行動具備未來時間觀。 5.系統思考教學當中活動的形態,有助於學生提升團隊合作技巧與能力進而建立共同願景。 由以上研究結果瞭解系統思考教學教師扮演重要的結構者,啟發學生展開思考、想像,進而自主學習創造未來。在未來若要讓系統思考教學更能培養學生面對未來的關鍵能力,教師在課程設計上應將系統思考和未來想像的精神相結合,並且拉長時間、擴大空間,讓學生擁有充分的自主空間,學習思考,掌握根本而重要的事。 / Nowadays schools are still playing an important role in our education. We have to improve our education to let our children adapt to their futures. The way of teaching will influence our students’ learning. In the future world, we should cultivate our children the abilities of thinking skills, future imagination, and teamwork. The current case study selected a sixth grade class in elementary school. There were two teachers and 26 students in this class. In this study, sources and analyses of the data included: classroom observations, interviews, video analyses, students’ work analyses, systems thinking assessments, imagination tests, and ZTPI. Through the data analysis process, it can be inferred that whether the teaching of systems thinking can influence the teachers and students in the class.The purpose of this research is to use the systems perspective on offering advice and ideas regarding how to use systems thinking teaching in class to improve the students’ learning.The results are listed below: 1.Teachers played a role of guiding students and leaded them to what concerns to the root of any given problem. 2.Teaching processes included enhancing good interactions between teachers and students, and building up the positive classroom climate.Through these processes, students had more chances to discuss and share with each others.At the same time, they showed much respect for others, such as listening to others patiently. 3.With the systems thinking ability, students started to care about what is happening around the world and to attend the changing trend.They try to find the important structure behind the problem and solve it with leverage solution. 4.This class inspired students’ future imagination, expanded their ways of thinking and encouraged them to take actions for the future. 5.Through this class, students gained more team work skills and built shared visions. To conclude, the teaching of systems thinking can help our children to think more deeply and systematically. This way of teaching encourages our children to broaden their minds and take actions for their futures.If teacher can combine systems thinking with future imagination in instructional design, students can have more opportunities and time to learn what is the most important value in their life.

學習社群平台對國小學童創造思考歷程之影響研究:以PasteWall為例 / Assessing the effects of learning community platform on promoting creative thinking processes of elementary school students

許毓秀, Hsu, Yu Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
為落實「善用資訊科技、共享數位資源、激發創意思考」之教育理念,本研究分別以採用具備社群互動與資源傳遞功能之社群平台PasteWall的實驗組,以及採用一般實體面對面學習互動模式的對照組,進行創造思考學習活動,以探究社群平台是否有助於提昇學習者創造思考與聚斂評估能力,也進一步分析在電腦中介溝通的學習環境中,同儕資源分享與想法回應情形,是否優於傳統體面對面學習互動。研究結果歸納如下: 一、實體面對面互動的對照組同儕互動程度高於使用PasteWall社群平台之實驗組,但兩者的資源分享量無顯著差異;實驗組訊息回應量顯著高於互動密切的對照組,顯示應用社群平台有助於促進學習資源的傳遞與分享。 二、使用PasteWall社群平台進行互動的實驗組學習者,分享互動後的流暢力與獨創力表現顯著高於對照組學習者;實驗組低創造傾向的學習者在變通力與獨創力表現上顯著優於對照組低創造傾向學習者;研究結果支持PasteWall社群平台有助於提升實驗組與低創造傾向學習者部分擴散思考表現。 三、實驗組獲得正向評價的想法被發表之百分比明顯高於獲得中間評價想法;對 照組獲得正向評價的想法被發表的百分比明顯高於獲得中間及負向評價的 想法;顯示同儕評價向度與學習者的想法發表具有部分關聯。 四、實驗組學習者在創造思考學習任務的成效表現,顯著優於對照組學習者。 此外,根據本研究教學實驗結果,提出以下教學實務建議: 一、教師可應用學習社群平台規劃團體腦力激盪的合作式學習,激發學習者的擴散思考能力。 二、教師應適當應用電腦中介溝通的特點,協助不同特質的學生發展其創造思考關鍵能力。 三、同儕回饋對學習者分享學習成果的意願有一定程度影響,教師可適時應用學 習社群平台提供虛擬互動的學習環境,提升學習者向同儕分享想法的動機。 / In order to fulfill the educational philosophy of Using Information Technology Optimally, Sharing Digital Resources and Activating Creative Thinking, this study used two groups to implement creative thinking and learning activities, including a experimental group, which adopted the community platform of PasteWall with the function of community interaction and resource transfer, and a control group respectively, which adopted usual learning mode of physical face-to-face interaction. If the community platform is helpful to upgrade the learners’ creative thinking and convergent evaluation abilities was explored. Furthermore, if the resources sharing and thought responding among peers in the learning environment with computer-mediated communication are better than that with traditional face-to-face learning interaction was analyzed. The results of the study are summarized as below: 1. The interactive level among peers in the control group with physical face-to-face interaction is higher than that in the experimental group adopting the community platform of PasteWall. However, the volumes of resources sharing between two groups have no significant difference. The volume of response to thought in the experimental group is significantly higher than that in the control group with closer interaction, which indicates that the community platform benefits the improvement of resources transfer and share. 2. For the learners in the experimental group utilizing the community platform of PasteWall to interact, the performance of fluency and originality after interaction is significantly higher than that in the control group. Learners with low creative tendency in the experimental group perform significantly better in flexibility and originality than the learners in the control group with low creative tendency. The results of the study indicated that the community platform of PasteWall was helpful to upgrade the performance of divergent thinking for learners with low creative tendency in the experimental group. 3. The percentage of thought with positive evaluation which is posted in the experimental group is obviously higher than that with intermediate evaluation. For the control group, the percentage of thought with positive evaluation which is posted is also obviously higher than that with intermediate and negative evaluation. It indicates that the evaluation dimension of peers has some correlation with the posting of the learners’ thought. 4. Learners in the experimental group have achieved better performance in the learning tasks with creative thinking than those in the control group. In addition, suggestions are put forward for teaching practice on the basis of the results of the study: 1. Teachers should utilize learning community platform to plan group brainstorming cooperative learning and activate learners’ divergent thinking ability. 2. Teachers should properly utilize the characteristics of computer-mediated communication to assist students with different personalities to develop the critical ability of creative thinking. 3. The responses from peers have some impact on learners’ willingness to share the achivements of learning. Teachers can timely apply learning community platform to provide virtual interactive learning environment and upgrade the motivation of learners to share their thoughts with peers.

分科会報告D 併設型中高一貫カリキュラム評価と学力分科会報告 (VII. 2005年度中等教育研究協議会)

今村, 敦司, IMAMURA, A. 30 November 2006 (has links)

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