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大學生個人思考風格與團隊互動關係之個案研究 / Relationships between undergraduate student individual thinking styles and group interaction: a case study張景怡, Chang, Ching Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解大學生個人思考風格與團隊互動時的領導風格、組織氣氛與團隊策略之關係。本研究採混合研究法,研究工具包含量化的問卷資料及質性的學生週記與訪談資料兩部分,所使用的問卷為Sternberg的心智自我管理理論(theory of mental self-government)提出的思考風格量表(Thinking Styles Inventory,TSI),作為測量學生思考風格之工具。研究者於每週授課時段進入課堂觀察小組互動之情形,時間為一學期,期末施予問卷並另約訪談時間了解團隊互動之過程,自願參與本研究之受測者共計七名,願意受訪者共計五名。研究結果顯示:
參、不同思考風格之人在互動中可能帶來正面影響,也可能造成彼此的壓力。 / This study aims to understand the relationships between undergraduate student individual thinking styles and group interaction, with group interaction including leadership styles, organizational climate and group strategies. A mixed-method study was conducted by using the quantitative measure of a questionnaire and two qualitative measures of students’ weekly journals and interviews. Students’ thinking styles were evaluated by the Thinking Styles Inventory developed based on Sternberg’s theory of mental self-government. Student group interactions in a course lasting for one semester were observed every week. Semi-structured interviews were performed at the end of the semester to understand the process of group interaction. Results of both quantitative and qualitative data analyses revealed that:
1. A team with learning-centered goals would stress more on achieving those goals than on team efficiency.
2. Thinking styles, leadership styles and group strategies work together can make group interaction smooth.
3. People with different thinking styles can either bring positive effects or create stresses within group interaction.
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模糊期望值與模糊變異數的檢定方法 / Methods on Testing Hypotheses of Fuzzy Mean and Fuzzy Variance張曙光, Shu-Kuang,Chang Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:隸屬度函數,模糊樣本取樣,模糊樣本期望值,模糊樣本變異數,人性思考,t檢定,F檢定,模糊常態分配。 / In many expositions of fuzzy methods, fuzzy techniques are described as an alternative to a more traditional statistical approach. In this paper, we present a class of fuzzy statistical decision process in which testing hypothesis can be naturally reformulated in terms of interval-valued statistics. We provide the definitions of fuzzy mean, fuzzy distance as well as investigation of their related properties. We also give some empirical examples to illustrate the techniques and to analyze fuzzy data. Empirical studies show that fuzzy hypothesis testing with soft computing for interval data are more realistic and reasonable in the social science research. Finally certain comments are suggested for the further studies. We hope that this reformation will make the corresponding fuzzy techniques more acceptable to researchers whose only experience is in using traditional statistical methods.
Key words: Membership function, fuzzy sampling survey, fuzzy mean, human thought, t-test, F-test, normally distributed.
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從日本製造型企業探討價值創造導向之企業轉型 / The Value-Creation-Driven Organization Change of Japanese Manufacturing Companies蔡玄, Tsai, Victor Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
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以思維導圖為核心的學習輔導課程對初中學生之學業成績提升之研究 / Study on the effectiveness of Mind Map Based-Learning Counseling Course on elevating the academic achievements of junior high students梁祐澄 January 2000 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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正負向未來思考、行為激發/抑制系統與憂鬱症狀間模式之初探 / The Exploratory Model of Positive and Negative Future Thinking, Behavioral Activation/Inhibition Systems, and Depressive Symptons胡肇勳 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文根據無望感的相關理論,以三種方式探討貝氏無望感量表內的正負向期待為一個概念的兩面,或是表徵兩種不同的概念。首先,本論文進行探索性與驗證性因素分析,以考驗一與二因素模式的模式適合度。再者,MacLeod與Byrne(1996)認為兩類未來思考對憂鬱症狀的影響是相互獨立運作,但可能有過於簡化的限制,故本論文提出四種的可能模式並加以檢驗。最後,根據Trew(2011)所提出的整合性模式,提出行為抑制與激發系統導致憂鬱症狀之兩種競爭模式,檢驗無望感或正負向未來思考在此模式中所扮演的中介角色,以及兩個系統之機制間有互動的可能性。主要的研究結果如下:(1)探索性與驗證性因素結果均支持貝氏無望感量表的二因素結構,並以正負向未來思考加以命名;(2)支持模式二的假設,負向未來思考為正向未來思考與憂鬱症狀間的部分中介變項,但正向未來思考並非是負向未來思考與憂鬱症狀間的部分中介變項;(3)競爭模式二具備較佳的模式適合度,支持Trew(2011)認為憂鬱症時須同時注意BAS與BIS各自不同影響途徑的觀點,亦彰顯正向未來思考的保護因子角色;(4)更重要的是,支持無望感量表中正負向期待內容應被視為兩種不同且各自存在的概念。最後並提出本論文研究限制與對憂鬱症的臨床理論與實務上之建議。 / This study investigated the relation between the positive and negative expectations assessed in Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS) by three ways. First, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were used to test the goodness of fit of one-factor and two-factor models. Besides, MacLeod and Byrne (1996) stated that two kinds of future thinkings influenced the depressive symptoms independently, but this statement had some limitations. Therefore, this study proposed four models to test the hypotheses. Based on Trew ‘s (2011) integrated model, two competing models illustrating the relations among BAS, BIS and depression were proposed to examine the mediation effect of hopelessness or future thinkings. The main results were: (1) the two-factor model of BHS was supported in exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses; (2) the second model was supported that negative future thinking was the partial mediator between depression and positive future thinking; (3) the competing model 2 had the better goodness of fit, supporting that BAS and BIS had important but different pathways to influence the development of depression, and positive future thinking played the protective role in this process; (4) Most importantly, the perspective that the positive and negative expectations assessed in BHS should be treated as two different kinds of constructs respectively was supported. Finally, the limitations of this study and the suggestions for the theories and clinical treatment of depression were discussed.
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價值創造導向之日本企業轉型陳淑梅, Chen ,Shu-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本論文個案的特色:Origin以提案經營結合專業研發能力與客製化的能力創新顧客價值;Shiseido以感性工程來探索顧客的感性品質結合其研發產品的物理品質來滿足顧客並讓顧客驚艷;Hitachi以解決方案提供者為人類打造新時代的生活基礎創造與人類生活息息相關的支援系統;NTT DoCoMo以跨平台整合服務創造整個通訊與生活的整合價值;Olympus的社會關懷務求使社會更為美好來創造產品與服務;Toyota的環保使命重新定義了汽車產業的未來。
對我國企業經營的啟示為跳脫代工製造的角色,以優異的製造、學習、設計能力,整合價值網絡,爲顧客提供整合性的解決方案;強調創新的突破與人才長遠的培育,整合多元性的資源,創造統知型的企業能力;跨越國際的疆界、打破事業的疆界,利用科技與感性的統合、管理與技術的統合、國內外創造力的統合,釋放組織活力,重新在世界舞台上定位。 / In this tiny profit era, we should develop infinite creative space from the hardware structure, and thus deriving added value. The value-creation is the best new thinking model for a business to break through the trap of a blooding competition. The business model has developed from quantity to quality, and even developed as creating new values by helping customers solving the problems. Also, a business can blend technology and talent, integrate platform and service, combine software and hardware, and merge functionality and sensation to vitalize and reengineer the organization to perform value creation orientation.
The research categorizes value-creation orientation as three parts: a business can co-create value with customer, co-create value with value net, and create value for the environment. This value dimension is correlating: “a business integrates partners and creates a boundless business by the power of integrating value net. Driven by customer demands, a business provides total solutions and innovates customer values. Furthermore, a business enlarges his insight for the whole environment and the whole society to create a permanent business by pursuing a permanent environment.” Therefore, a business oriented by “value co-creation with customer”, “value co-creation with value-net”, “value creation for the environment” can break through the boundary of product or service as well the boundary of business, and achieve the goal of being an innovator, an integrator and an improver.
A business takes 3 change steps as strategic rethinking, organizational transformation and change management. Strategic rethinking is to redefine the industry, rethink the positioning and direction of a business, to foresee the future development of the industry, and to select and concentrate the core competence. To establish a vision and make a mid- to long-term change plan(5~10 years) is to carry out an organizational transformation. In change management, we have to establish a consistent value and business culture, and install new intension and new strike to the business culture, so as to change the behavior and attitude of the employees. The research takes 6 business models to present Japanese business transformation oriented by value creation, which takes 3 change steps as longitude and value creation as latitude to construct the structure of the research.
The characteristics of the cases in this research: Origin takes Proposal-type management to combine the R&D ability and customized ability to create customer value; Shiseido takes KANSEI engineering to dig out the KANSEI quality of customers and combine it with physical quality of products to satisfy the customers and surprise them; Hitachi as a Total solution provider creates a new era lifeline support system and the life infrastructure; NTT DoCoMo privides Cross-platform integration service to create the total value of the communication and the life; Olympus’s Social-IN is to make life better by creating new products and services; Toyota’s Environment mission is to redefine the future of the car industry.
As for the revelation for the management of our business, we can take good advantage of the excellent producing, learning, designing abilities and integrate value net to provide total solutions for customers. We can emphasize on the breakthrough of innovation and the long-term development of talents, and integrate diversification of resources to create “knowledge-integration” business ability. We can cross the boundary of continents and break up the boundary of business by integrating functionality and sensation, management and technology, inside and outside innovation, to release the vigor of organization and restart to position on the world stage.
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II.中学2年生の評価の実際(II「総合人間科」, その評価の実際から)(第二部 評価について)(新教科「総合人間科」の実践研究(第3報))(特別研究 文部省研究開発)鈴木, 一悠 01 November 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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III.中学3年生 評価の実際(II「総合人間科」, その評価の実際から)(第二部 評価について)(新教科「総合人間科」の実践研究(第3報))(特別研究 文部省研究開発)川田, 基生 01 November 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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IV.高校1年生 評価の実際(II「総合人間科」, その評価の実際から)(第二部 評価について)(新教科「総合人間科」の実践研究(第3報))(特別研究 文部省研究開発)持山, 育央 01 November 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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V.高校2年生評価の実際(II「総合人間科」, その評価の実際から)(第二部 評価について)(新教科「総合人間科」の実践研究(第3報))(特別研究 文部省研究開発)徳井, 輝雄 01 November 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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