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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


李文秀, Lee,Wen-hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要係就我國競爭法規範為本,以國際合作之角度,從競爭法之制度規範及實務執行層面,探討寬恕政策應如何運用於各國執行競爭法規範,以有效偵測,進而防杜國際惡性卡特爾。論文架構可分為五個章節,茲分述如次: 第一章緒論在闡述本文研究的背景說明,確認打擊國際惡性卡特爾為國際競爭法合作最佳探討議題,進而提出本文之問題核心及研究動機、目的,並說明研究範圍及以比較法學及分析法學為本論文研究方法,藉以建立本文的架構與目標。 第二章為闡述國際惡性卡特爾之類型及特徵,並以比較各國立法例之方式,對應各主要國家競爭法所規範聯合行為之類型、豁免(例外許可或除外規定)及制裁方式,以瞭解惡性卡特爾於各國競爭法規範上定位;內容包括歸納及整理各國聯合行類型及制裁方式之立法例,藉以建立惡性卡特爾在國際競爭法規範上的實質內涵、規範特徵,作為本文論述的基礎架構;另深入探討國際惡性卡特爾如何開始、如何執行及運作暨何以規避法律,據以確認寬恕政策作為打擊國際惡性卡特爾之工具價值,以進一步探討於國際合作其間運用之可能性。 第三章係針對於競爭法規範制度內已採行寬恕政策有成效之法域:美國及歐盟為探討分析之對象。不僅就該等法域寬恕政策之內涵,加以詳盡說明,歸納其間之差異,並觀察該等施行實務執行經驗,以瞭解實務執行所面臨之障礙及其執行應用於打擊惡性卡特爾是否確具成效。 第四章從前開執行層面之觀察,探討其應用於國際惡性卡特爾之可行性;並以前開已採行及準備引進寬恕政策之我國為假想對象,進一步深入研析該等國家共同合作打擊國際惡性卡特爾之可行性。並針對縱向運用及橫向聯繫之不同合作模式,以進一步評估運用寬恕政策打擊國際惡性卡特爾之可行性,並一一檢測可能國際合作之途徑,以尋求可能之最佳合作管道及層次。 第五章為結論,主要歸結本文的研究成果,除就該等可行性之評估,歸納出最具高度可能性之最佳合作途徑,提供各國競爭法執法機關執法合作之建議,並對於正擬修法引進寬恕政策之我國競爭法主管機關言,予以取法外國立法例之修法建議,使國內修法趨勢得以兼顧競爭法國際合作觀點,不僅得以藉此有效防杜惡性卡特爾,更能有效拓展國際競爭法合作之空間及提昇國際競爭法合作之執行層次。 / The main idea of this thesis is to explain and study how the leniency policy is applied to fight hard-core cartel in one country and among nations. And the structure of the thesis includes five chapters. The thesis is based on the Fair Trade Law of R.O.C , comparing and analyzing the different regulations of hard-core cartel in the United States and the EU, to identify the characteristics of hard-core cartel and further explore the related issues of enforcement if leniency policy is applied to fight hard -core cartel. The thesis also explains the ways of international cooperation how leniency policy is applied to fight hard-core cartel in vertical application and horizontal connection. Finally the thesis submits that the best way of international cooperation in applying the leniency policy to hard-core cartel. In addition, the thesis also submits the suggestion for R.O.C. which plans to introduce the leniency policy in the Fair Trade Law of R.O.C to fight hard-core cartels.

預期因素·貨幣需求與惡性通貨膨脹----臺灣的實驗研究 (民國36-38 年)

方智強, Fang, Zhi-Qiang Unknown Date (has links)
人們對未來的預期會影響其經濟行為。但預期因素在以往的大多數理論中被忽略。自 七○年代後,這項重要的因素始漸引起學者們的注意。 由於預期值無法自觀察得知,要將預期因素引入理論模型,這項本質上的困難必須予 以克服。解決的辦法不外找尋一預期因素的代理變數。「適應性預期假說」是最早提 出而且被廣泛應用的辦法;最近「理論性預期假說」漸漸地被學者們所接受。本論文 將這二種假說放在貨幣需求函數里,以檢討其對人們貨幣需求行為的影響,並用台灣 在36∼38年惡性通貨膨脹期間的資料來做實證研究。 論文大綱如下: 第一章緒論 第二章通貨膨脹預期----理論上的討論 第三章模型之設定 第四章台灣經驗之實證 第五章結論


吳家聲, Wu, Jia-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,開發中國家由於技術落後,引發出許多相當嚴重之問題,諸如成本高昂、品質低劣,同時由於落後國家低生產力所導致低真實所得與低購買力,實無法產生足夠的投資誘因,造成了貧困的惡性循環現象(the vicious circle of poverty) ,因之有所謂技術差距(technical gap) 之,存在,而此問題不僅牽涉到科學與研究發展問題,同時亦須注意外來技術邁入之途徑。 本文主要目的,乃在於了解各國在引進技術與研究發展上所作之努力及其所獲成果情形,並試圖以實證資料來解說技術與經濟發展是否息息相關? 技術進步對台灣經濟發展究有多少貢獻? 同時探討在過去二十年來我國各種產業技術進步是屬中性,抑屬資本集約或勞動集約型態? 最後擬將我國技術進步情形與其他主要先進國家技術進步情形作一比較,冀能由此看出台灣今後在技術上所應努力之方向。 為了估測台灣技術進步之偏向與效果,本文共採用了四種分析方法。( 一 )R.Solow 非體現技術進步測定方法。( 二 )E.F. Denidion 非體現之殘差推算方法( 三 )R. Nelson 之體現技術進步方法。( 四 )利用CES 生產函數之技術進步測定方法。


翁久惠 Unknown Date (has links)
嚴重的廢棄物處理問題,是現今施政的一大課題,而由於垃圾焚化相較於其他處理方式更能達到減量化、衛生化、安定化及資源化之目標,故成為未來垃圾處理方式之主流,垃圾焚化廠亦將陸續興建完工。但不可避免地,垃圾焚化廠亦會產生一些負面影響,往往被視為嫌惡性設施之一種,而形成設置上之阻力。   本研究之目的主要在藉由居民對焚化廠之認知、評價、接受程度、造成影響之感受,以及居民對焚化廠回饋地方措施之期望及其成效如何等相關課題之探討,以了解焚化廠設置形成阻力之原因所在,此外,並輔以相關文獻、專家意見及相關法規等資訊之整合,嘗試對降低焚化廠嫌惡性之可行方向提出建議,冀能對減輕日後興建焚化廠之阻力的有所助益,並期能確保民眾之生活環境品質。   本研究之重要結論與建議如下:   一、結論    (一)民眾對於國內興建焚化廠之品質及二次污染控制能力仍缺乏信心,且居民預期焚化廠可能造成之影響通常會較焚化廠實際產生之影響大。    (二)在居民願意接受焚化廠設置於其住家附近之條件中,以風險減輕方案最為居民所重視。    (三)民眾對焚化廠回饋措施之認知程度愈高者,其對焚化廠接受程度愈高。   二、建議    (一)在焚化廠風險減輕之策略方面,主管單位除了污染防治工作外,還必須了解公眾對風險的感受及反應,縮短政府與民眾在認知上之差距。    (二)回饋措施(經濟誘因)有助於降低焚化廠之嫌惡性,故主管單位應加強焚化廠回饋措施方面之配置與宣導,以爭取民眾之支持。    (三)適當的資訊回饋,可避免民眾對焚化廠之風險太過高估而增添不必要之憂慮,進而減輕其設置之阻力,故主管單位應適時提供民眾所需之環境資訊。 / The serious solid waste disposal problem is one of the challenges to the government policies. Landfilling is not a suitable solid waste disposal alternative in Taiwan, because of the high population density and the difficulty of acquiring land, At the same time, incinerators can help achieve waste reduction, sanitary disposal, stabilty, and resource recovery. Therefore, incineration will play an increasingly important role in the government's solid waste disposal plans.   Although incineration is one of the better approaches to dealing with solid waste disposal, it still has certain negative impacts on the quality of life. Therefore, it has been treated as a NIMBY (Not-In-My-Back-Yard), To some extent, NIMBYs are necessary to the community. The issue to be dealt with, then, becomes"how to find an equitable way to solve this dilemma."   This thesis focuses on three incinerators in Neihu, Wenshan, and Shihlin, Taipei. From the results of literature review, field surveys, data collection, questionnaires, and interviews, this study tries to explore the relationships between incinerators and the quality of life. This study also examines the effectiveness of compensation packages of these NIMBYs and people's attitudes toward incinerators.   The important findings of this thesis are as follows:   1.conclusions    (1).Although most people have positive attitudes toward MSW incinerators, they do not feel confident about the quality of MSW incinerators and the administration's ability to control the second pollution.    (2).People are more concerned with risk reduction strategies, rather than economic incentives.    (3).The degree to which residents accept MSW incinerators will be affected by residents' knowledge about the compensation packages of Neihu incinerator area.   2.Policy implications    (1).From the analyses we can see that people are more willing to accept risk reduction solutions rather than economic incentives. Therefore, if the government tries to increase the acceptance of MSW incinerators among residents, it should focus more on risk reduction plans.    (2).Because residents are still lack of confidence about the quality of MSW incinerators and the ability of the administration to control the second pollution, the government should provide more accurate information to the public and guarantee the quality of MSW incinerators and the ability to control the second pollution.    (3).If the government can provide some economic incentives to reduce the equity issues, the residents may be more willing to live closer to LULU facilities. From the analysis , we can see that economic incentives do reduce the NIMBY syndrome to some extents (even though not so much as risk reduction programs). Therefore, in addition to the pollution prevention and risk reduction programs, the government should also reinforce and provide more information about the compensation packages.

Evaluation of anti-proliferation activities and action mechanisms of the extracts from two species of Ganoderma on tumoral cells / 兩種基原靈芝不同提取物抗腫瘤作用研究

Liu, Yu Wei January 2008 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences

喜樹堿二聚體聚合物膠束的合成, 表徵與抗腫瘤活性研究 / Synthesis, characterization and anti-cancer activity of camptothecin dimer loaded polymeric micelles

徐孟澤 January 2017 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences


陳信宏 Unknown Date (has links)
2004年4月,歐盟執委會頒佈了新的「技術授權協議集體除外規則」及其「指導原則」,以取代1996年開始實施的舊規則。這個規則係在規範技術授權行為於歐體條約第81條下之合法性。其改革所代表的意義,主要則體現於兩個層面。其一,本次改革顯示了歐盟官方對於智慧財產權與競爭政策之關係的態度。其二,則是涉及到歐體競爭法之集體除外制度,乃至於競爭法本身如何更驅現代化的發展軌跡。以前者而言,歐體競爭法在執法思考上傾向於更加尊重智慧財產權之行使;就後者而言,則不論是在競爭規範或執法上,均更強調經濟導向的思維模式。尤其在集體除外規則中設計了以市占率為門檻之安全區制度,將使主管機關更能專注於真正重大限制競爭之案件,並使事業有更大的彈性空間因應日益複雜化的授權實務。 在現今全球化的商業實務,授權活動不可避免地將更具跨國性。因此本文的目的,即在於剖析歐盟新的集體除外制度,希冀提供各界參酌。除此以外,並藉由對歐盟新制的探討,回頭檢視我國公平法對於授權活動之規範。尤其,係對照分析公平會技術授權處理原則之規範說明。希望藉由探討歐盟新架構下的規範思考,亦能夠帶給我國規範或執法上一些新的啟發。 / On 7 April, 2004, the European Commission adopted a new Block Exemption Regulation with respect to technology transfer agreements (TTBER) along with some detailed Guidelines. The new Regulation, which replaces the Reg. 240/96, addresses the evaluation on licensing activities under Article 81 of the EC Treaty. This reform shows the official attitude toward the interaction between Intellectual Property Rights and the Competition Law. Moreover, it demonstrates the path of the modernization of Block Exemption Regulations, and also the EC Competition Law itself. This article will illustrate the framework of the new TTBER with comparison to the old one and the U.S. approach. Furthermore, it will survey our position on licensing practices, especially focusing on our “Fair Trade Commission Guidelines on Technology Licensing Arrangements”. Based on the research, a proposed revolution for Taiwan FTC’s measures concerning the licensing activities will be provided at the end of this article.

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