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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


許馨文, Hsu, Hsin-wen Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探索被「常識化」、「瑣碎化」的一般人的聆聽感受與詮釋,以十二位大學生對歌曲〈菊花夜行軍〉的聆聽論述為分析對象,希望從他們所敘說的「個人真實」中,探究「聆聽者對自身聆聽經驗賦予意義的歷程」。本文具體的研究問題有二:首先,聆聽者如何與一首歌曲文本進行「互動」,將「非語意」的音樂聲響與聆聽感受賦予意義?這些意義是透過哪些敘說類型表達出來?其次,形塑聆聽意義的關鍵因素為何?這些因素如何發生作用? 研究結果發現,人們置身音樂聲響的環抱之初,感受到的是「渾沌」的情緒現身:一種「身處陌生的音樂聲響,意識不知該指向何方」的狀態。為了「領會/理解」自己所聽到的音樂文本「是什麼」,聆聽者朝向自身的「先前理解」尋求答案。在獲得「領會/理解」的歷程中,聆聽者以「分段呼應聲響線索」、「綜合聆聽感受為一意境」、「提出主觀評價」、「拼湊語意線索」、「參照已知歌詞做詮釋」等「意義建構模式」與文本進行互動,此時「先行具有」與「先行掌握」就像折射鏡,讓聆聽者看到當下自己所「先前見到」的聲響線索和語意線索,與自身過去的生命經驗有何牽連。同時間,聆聽感受也就在自身「先前理解」的映照下逐漸「語意化」、「邏輯化」,而獲得具體的意義。這些意義透過各種「意義建構類型」具體地轉化為言語,而以「聯想故事/意象/意境」、「共感性格」、「形式樣態」、「主觀評價」等「譬喻校正」的語彙,以及「提出形式術語」、「搜尋語意線索」、「參照歌詞詮釋」等相對明確的敘說方式給出。 簡言之,「音樂聆聽經驗的意義建構」就像是「究竟」與「認識」的歷程,在此之中,聆聽意義在辨證與給出的過程中與原初的「渾沌情緒」逐漸脫鈎。然而,儘管「音樂聆聽經驗的意義建構」不能充分表達聆聽者當下的體會,但這不表示聆聽者所敘說、分享的故事與感覺不夠「原真」而沒有價值;相反地,聆聽者以自身的意識與生命經驗與文本彼此呼應,從而給作品多采多姿的意義,不但豐富了音樂的價值,更讓聆聽者藉此了解到作品與自身的關係,並且從意義的映照當中,看見自己某個當下的處境、價值與慾求。 / The purpose of this thesis is to explore people’s listening experience, and to establish an interpretative grounded theory about the process of personal musical meaning construction, which is usually thought to be trivial. Several research questions are to be answered under the research purpose above: First, how do listeners interact with a piece of music and locate certain personal meanings in minds for the originally non-semantic acoustic sounds? Second, in which ways are these personal meanings given by oral narrations? Third, what’s the crucial factor affecting listeners’ idea about their feelings? How does the factor influence the process of meaning construction? To answer these questions, the researcher interviewed 12 college students, asking them to talk about their personal views toward one musical text: Labor Exchange Band’s song titled “The Night March of the Chrysanthemums” before and after reading the lyrics. The collective narratives indicate that interviewees felt an ineffable “chaos” state, in which they tried to position their consciousness, once embraced in the sonorous envelop of the musical text. To understand what and why some feelings were aroused in their mind, interviewees searched for the “pre-understanding” themselves, and then the “pre-possession” and the “pre-grasp” in their personal life experience let them make sense of certain “musical attributes” in the musical text, such as melody, harmony, rhythm, timber, language, linguistic meaning. Moreover, the interaction between these musical attributes and listeners’ pre-understanding invented some acoustic or semantic clues, and then produced vivid meanings for the previous chaos listening experience. On the other hand, the personal musical meanings were given in three ways: First, the interviewees expressed their feelings by “metaphorical correction”, which consists of the following four kinds of narrative form: “Associated story, image, or one abstract artistic conception”, “synesthesia character”, “formal condition” and “subjective judgment”. Second, they identified what they had heard by “formal jargons”, which are taken by generally musicological common consensus. Third, they elaborated their musical meanings by “semantic clues” identified by cultural system they aware of, as well as the lyric content they had just caught. In sum, the process of musical meaning construction is like a journey of making sense what the listener has heard within personal psychological history. In the process, the fluid meaning interpreted by the listener might be different from the primitive moved arousal. However, it doesn’t indicate that the reflective discourses are not “authentic” enough or too trivial. On the contrary, the idiosyncratic narratives from private life experience not only bestow diverse values on the musical text, but also represent the relationship between the listener and the music, mirroring the interpreter’s condition, value and desire at a particular moment.

從微觀民意觀點探討中央民意代表之公共服務品質之研究 / Research of the public service quality from micro public opinion viewpoint discussion legislator

華樹華, Hua, Shu Hua Unknown Date (has links)
政治傳播具有高度的不可確定性,傳播過程裡的訊息無時無刻地產生發出,且經常讓人感到不可捉摸,而政治則是為調和成員之間的歧異所達成約束集體決策的活動的過程。中央民意代表對於這種人與人之間的相互傳播過程尤其重視,因為這是他的日常生活與工作的情境,中央民意代表與微觀民意之關係,即是於政治傳播情境中探索人民意義認知與再現的過程,屬於政治社會化歷程。 人民除了以投票的行為表達民意之外,微觀民意,將如何成為政府治理與決策的依據呢?就本文之研究發現,微觀民意不僅具有反映公共政策且具有影響政府決策的能力,但必須仰賴訊息能有效地傳播的基礎。微觀民意如何透過政治傳播歷程形成影響公共的結果?微觀民意與中央民意代表中介者之關係?是本研究的問題意識。中央民意代表接收民意的管道來源包括大眾傳播媒體、本身與民意的互動及週遭人士所提供的訊息等,其中以公共服務所接收的民意訊息最為直接且豐沛,尤其在2008年我國中央民意代表選舉制度改為小選區制後,中央民意代表對於選區內的民意更為重視採用。 公共服務是中央民意代表與微觀民意間重要的中介工具之一,因此使用者體驗之品質評價及其關係管理,成為公共服務流程中重要的品質設計概念,敏銳的生產設計者也可能因此發現使用者的潛在需求,而發揮創新的動能,本研究在中央民意代表的公共服務中,藉由10,000小時以上傳播互動、超過2,000組個案,統計分析微觀民意樣態,以了解使用者實證經驗與評價,以實證質性研究歸納出民意需求的實質內容,整合量化之研究,提出本文之論述:中央民意代表與微觀民意之意義建構在公共服務歷程中共構,形成影響公共的政治傳播。 從微觀民意觀點,探討中央民意代表公共服務之品質,其變項由公共服務品質、信任(滿意度)、政治效能感、忠誠度及形象五個構面加以檢證,公共服務品質之因子包括便利度、可靠度、溝通度、專業度及關懷力五個子構面。研究結果與假設吻合,公共服務品質自變項與應變項各構面間具有相關性及關聯度,且信任(滿意度)為公共服務品質與政治效能感之中介變項。 此外,本研究之重要發現為,在公共服務品質中影響「政治效能感」的評價主要因素為「信任」,而「信任」的建立又奠基於公共服務之「專業度」與「關懷力」,微觀民意因此必須在具有理解的「情感認知」對話情境中,公共服務者提供具有「法理專業」素養對現行公共政策缺陷與潛在需求的「意義建構」澄題與諮商歷程,公共服務品質流程中之「關懷力」評價,對於中央民意代表之「忠誠度」具有重要影響力。 微觀民意鑲嵌公共服務與中央民意代表之政治傳播歷程將因此有新的意義建構,連結並影響巨觀體制的公共的能力,公共服務品質之管理方法論,必須建置以公共利益為軸心之流程設計概念中,注入細緻的創新元素「關懷力」及「專業度」,使人際與語意傳播之意義建構在具政治信任及政治效能感成份之公共服務流程中,微觀民意得以發揮對於巨觀的社會體制產生影響與改變的能力,使百姓與國家治理者產生有效對話機制。


楊子建, Yang,Young Unknown Date (has links)
本研究試圖從Dervin提出的意義建構理論(sense-making theory)出發,瞭解報業組織企畫人員在面對不確定狀態下如何選擇資訊,彌補知識差距以完成其策略。 研究人員訪談四名企畫人員以瞭解其資訊尋求行為,結果發現影響報業組織企畫資訊尋求行為的外在情境因素包括:社會經濟、政府政策、文化創意產業、媒體多角化經營、公司資源與制度、以及合作廠商資源。報業組織企畫人員資訊尋求的過程包括:定義問題、選擇詢問對象、執行查詢、評估資訊、確認資訊等因素。此外,個人的知識經驗、社會智能、技術能力都是影響報業媒體企畫人員資訊尋求。 「新聞倫理」則是影響報業組織企畫人員蒐集資訊的特殊因素。 / The present research focuses on how professionals planners seeking information in media planning process.The sence-making theory were employed to observer the case. Four planner were interviewed in the study obtained the situation context conclusions:social economy、government policy、culture creativity industry、media multi-administration、corporate institute & resource and collaboration corporate resource. The information seeking process include: define meaning of question、choose inquire object、do inquire、assessment of information、certification unformation.Also,individual experience of knowledge、social intellectuality、skill ability could affect information seeking of press organization planner. 「News ethics」were specific fact affecting information seeking of press organization planner.


彭月茵 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討研究生的希望信念、師徒功能、意義建構、學術熱情與情緒調節間的互動關係,以及這些變項對學術動機的影響。本研究以台灣地區公、私立研究所1028位研究生為研究對象,其中包含366位男性、662位女性。研究工具包括希望量表、師徒功能量表、意義建構量表、學術熱情量表、情緒調節量表與學術動機量表。本研究採用單因子多變量變異數分析與潛在變項模式分析進行資料分析。研究發現陳述如下: 一、 以希望信念、師徒功能與意義建構為自變項、以學術熱情與情緒調節能力為中介變項、以學術動機為依變項所建構的路徑模式獲得支持。亦即學術熱情與情緒調節能力會直接影響學術動機;希望信念、師徒功能與意義建構能力則會透過學術熱情與情緒調節能力間接影響學術動機。 二、 參與研究生具有希望信念、知覺到良好的師徒功能、具備意義建構與情緒調節能力、擁有學術熱情與動機。 三、 男性研究生的學術動機高於女性研究生。 四、 已畢業之碩士生的希望信念、所知覺到的師徒功能與意義建構能力均優於全職碩士生。 五、 博士生的希望信念、所知覺到的師徒功能、意義建構能力、學術熱情、情緒調節能力與學術動機皆優於碩士生。 六、 教育學院研究生之希望信念與學術熱情皆高於工學院研究生。 最後,根據本研究主要發現提出若干意見,以提供相關單位與人員在教育以及學術研究上之參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the interactive relationships of graduate students’ belief in hope, perceived mentoring function, ability of meaning making, academic passion, and ability of emotion regulation, and further, how these variables might influence their academic motivation. The participants in this study were 1028 graduate students in Taiwan. Among the participants, 366 were males and 662 were females. Moreover, the employed instruments included the Inventory of Hope, the Inventory of Mentoring Function, the Inventory of Meaning Making, the Inventory of Academic Passion, the Inventory of Emotion Regulation, and the Inventory of Academic Motivation. The collected data was analyzed by one-way MANOVA and SEM. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. The graduate students’ academic passion and ability of emotion regulation had direct effects on their academic motivation; moreover, the graduate students’ belief in hope, perceived mentoring function, and ability of meaning making had indirect effect on their academic motivation via academic passion and ability of emotion regulation. 2. The graduate students had an above-average level of belief in hope, academic passion, and academic motivation. Moreover, they perceived good mentoring function and had good ability of meaning making as well as emotion regulation. 3. Males had stronger academic motivation than females. 4. Graduated students had stronger belief in hope, perceived better mentoring function, and had better ability of meaning making than full-time students. 5. Doctoral students’ belief in hope, perceived mentoring function, ability of meaning making, ability of emotion regulation, academic passion, and academic motivation were better than those of master students. 6. Graduate students in College of Education had stronger belief in hope and academic passion than those in College of Engineering. Finally, the researcher proposed a few suggestions for education and academic research.


林福岳 Unknown Date (has links)
社區的特質和傳播的過程,兩者相似程度甚高,本研究將社區視為研究場域,藉此探索傳播的本質和運作方式。其目的之一,是認為傳播和社區的認同有密切的關聯,因而想從中找到關聯的性質;之二則是相信在社區情境中,可以從更多元而深刻的面向發掘並探討傳播的基本意義。 本研究的脈絡「美濃反水庫運動」,是高雄縣美濃鎮的鎮民因為反對政府的美濃水庫興建案,自民國八十一年開始發動的族群社區抗爭運動。本研究採用運動發動者所使用的論述主題,根據「共識動員」的理論架構分析之,再對照美濃此一客家族群社區原本具備對自身的認同,來檢視上述兩者之間的關係:一、美濃既有的族群認同在論述中如何被呈現;二、在訊息傳播的過程中,認同的意識和機制如何影響運動策略。而經由分析得到的結果,以傳播的角度來觀視,呈現了什麼樣的意義?發掘了什麼過去所末見的觀點? 本研究發現,在一個族群社區中,當發生涉及集體利益的公共議題、攸關族群的存續時,社區應對的機制和過程中,因為祖裔連帶、共同經驗和集體記憶所形成的認同感,往往會成為集結協志力量所動員的主要資源。在美濃反水庫運動的案例中,族群的認同,在整個訊息傳布的過程中,成為論述生產的核心基調。 其次,由於客家族群象徵符號的密集運作,運動的意義已經超越維護性命身家財產安全的現實層次,提升為族群傳統和歷史文化保衛的集體形上意義,召喚出心中對所屬族群和社區共同利益的認同,建構起對社會真實新的認知。 在一個社區內,認同的形塑過程其實也就是傳播的運作過程。人們從社區中吸收和攫取文他特質以形成集體共識,就是透過傳播的機制,藉由符號的傳遞與互動而漸次形成。而每一個成員的活動,也經由轉換成各類象徵符號,傳遞和儲存在社區的集體記隱之中,並形成新的認同。 本研究希望藉由本土的實例研究,開始深刻思索社區傳播此一取向在傳播研究中可以強化既有成果的地方,做為未來進一步研究的紮實基礎,從中累積經驗和論述,逐步建立起一個新的研究領域。 關鍵字:社區傳播、社區、美濃鎮、美濃反水庫運動、社區認同、族群認同、共識動員、社會運動、文本分析、客家、意義建構

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