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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

我國成人「可能我」之發展及其相關研究 / The Chinese adult's「possible selves」development in Taiwan

戴伸峰, Tai, Shen-feng Unknown Date (has links)

日間照顧服務社會工作員工作適應之初探 / The Exploration of Work Adjustment of the Social Workers in the Adult Day Care Centers

李琪, Li, Chi Unknown Date (has links)
我國日間照顧服務已在二十多年前由政府和學者引進,成為社區照顧的一環。然,國內日間照顧服務相關研究仍聚焦於日間照顧/護營運的成本評估、日照的服務使用情形及效益,缺乏人力資源管理對於日照單位服務品質相關議題的探討,更遑論社會工作人力的討論。而回顧我的實習經驗,發現日照社工員身處的工作環境將考驗其專業與韌性,故研究者以工作適應理論出發,研究目的陳列如後:(1)瞭解日間照顧社會工作者的工作職責與角色功能;(2)描繪日照社工員的工作困境,並進一步探索「工作適應」對日照社工的意涵;(3)分析影響日間照顧服務社工員工作適應的機制和因素;(4)找出日間照顧服務社工員工作適應的策略。 本研究發現,日照社工員的工作職責和角色繁瑣,實際上日照社工員已扮演一名日間照顧服務方案管理者的角色。由於適應是個體解決困境的歷程,日照社工員面臨的工作困境包括角色困境、工作成效有限及團隊合作不順暢等問題,使社工員產生挫折和離職的念頭;而日照社工員心目中的工作適應是個動態的過程、也是平衡的狀態,即社工員的努力能否與機構的期待達成平衡。良好的工作適應展現在三個面向:(1)日照社工員的工作表現;(2)工作滿意度高;及(3)願意工作下去並發現工作的意義;其中適應良好的日照社工員應有的工作表現,包含:(1) 不會將負面情緒帶給個案;(2)在時限內完成份內工作,並追求創新;(3)幫助團隊運作順利,並與團隊成員相處融洽。 本研究亦發現「日照社工員和工作場域之間的一致性」是影響其工作適應的核心機制,即日照社工員和工作場域能否滿足彼此的要求和期待;而日照社工員和工作場域之間的一致性可為兩種類型:(1)個體的工作表現、專業知能與特質能否滿足工作環境的要求;(2)工作環境能否滿足個體的工作需求,例如工作理念、學習機會、成就感和親和等需求。而日照社工員因應工作困境所發展出來的適應策略包括:(1)做中學,包括調整工作計畫、參與教育訓練、觀摩其他日照單位、搜尋相關文獻和媒體資訊;(2)尋求社會支持,例如督導的工具性支持,及同儕/同僚的工具性和情感性支持;(3)溝通,例如向他人說明自己的工作期待和能力限制;(4)妥協,譬如接受社福界工作量龐大的事實及不同專業的文化,以及放下對社工專業角色的堅持。最後,研究者綜合上述研究發現進行深入討論,並提出數項針對未來社會工作教育和實務之建議。 / The adult day care service has been introduced by the government and scholars for twenty years and has become part of the community care. However, related research on the adult day care service in Taiwan mainly focuses on the operating cost analysis, the application, and the benefits. It lacks the exploration of the quality of the adult day care center from the perspective of human resources management, not to mention the discussion about the workforce of social worker. Reflecting on my internship, I find out that the working environment challenges the proficiency and tenacity of the social workers of the adult day care center. Hence, I start from the work adjustment theory. The research purposes are as follows, (1) to understand the responsibility and the role function of the social workers of the adult day care center (2) to delineate the work predicament of the social workers of the adult day care center, and to further explore the meaning of “the work adjustment” to them (3) to analyze the mechanism and the factors that influences the work adjustment of the social workers of the adult day care center (4) to find out the work adjustment strategy that the social workers of the adult day care center adopt This paper finds out that the work and the role of the social workers of the adult day care center is miscellaneous and complicated. In fact, they play the role of the organizers of the adult day care service. This paper finds out that the work and the role of the social workers of the adult day care center is miscellaneous and complicated. In fact, they play the role of the organizers of the adult day care service. Because adjustment is a process of problem solving, the predicament the social workers of the adult day care center face includes role difficulties, the unsatisfied work accomplishment, and the problem with teamwork. All these problems may result in their frustration and resignation. Besides, the work adjustment for them is a dynamic process. That is, whether the social worker’s effort can meet with the expectation of the day care center. A positive work adjustment is showed in three dimensions: (1) The performance of the social workers of the adult day care center (2) Job satisfaction (3) The willingness to continuing working and finding out its meaning The performance a good social worker of the adult day care center should have includes, (1) Do not bring negative emotions to the case (2) Finish the job within limited time and pursue innovation (3) Help the team to process smoothly and get along with team members well This paper also finds out that “the correspondence between the social workers of the adult day care center and the work field” is the crucial mechanism that influences the work adaptation. That is, whether the social workers of the adult day care center and the work field can meet with each other’s requirements and expectations. There are two categories of the correspondence between them (1) whether the individual’s work performance, professional knowledge, and characters can satisfy the requirements of working environment (2) whether the working environment can satisfy the need of the individual, such as the work ethic, learning opportunity, the sense of achievement, and friendship The adjustment strategies the social workers of the adult day care center develop to meet the work predicament includes (1) Leaning by doing, which includes the adjustment of working plan, attending education training, observing and emulating other daycare centers, and searching for related literature and media information (2) Appealing for social support, such as the instrumental support of supervision, and the instrumental and emotional support from their peers (3) Communication, such as explaining to other people their own work expectation and the limitation of their ability (4) Compromise, such as accepting the big workload of social work and the different professional cultures, and abandon the insistence upon the professional role of a social worker Finally, I will analyze these findings and provide several suggestions to the social work education and application in the future.


蔡佩瑾 Unknown Date (has links)
長壽世代來臨, 2026年台灣將成為「超高齡社會」,65歲以上人口佔總人口數20%,每5人中有1人是老人。2016年全台已有15個縣市老化指數達100.18,代表將近七成縣市老人已經比小孩還多。當人人都能活到100歲,體力將隨之減退,伴隨而來的衰弱、疾病自然影響生活品質,運動+營養是健康的不二法則,當人們開始意識到「健康老去」的重要性,可預見將帶動營養補充品市場蓬勃發展。 然而,營養補充品賣的是「未來的健康」,無法立即見效,是需要深入溝通才能讓消費者信任的產品,消費者才會願意長期不間斷地購買;一直以來營養補充品溝通都是以傳統行銷手法來建立可信度,例如:新聞媒體、電視廣告、醫師講座、口碑宣傳、衛教海報或製作物等,這是因為傳播平台少且溝通對象通常都鎖定年長者有關,在過去媒體只有電視、報紙、廣播、雜誌的年代,溝通相對容易,長者相信專業且相信眼見為憑較容易被說服(認為穿著白袍就是醫師)。但是在數位平台崛起的今日,有自己想法的年輕及中世代消費者成為最重要的溝通對象,這群消費者高度依賴數位平台,他們會質疑、會求證、相對理性判斷,即使眼見也不一定相信,感性上更重視的是有沒有觸動內心感受,時至今日數位平台的互動內容已成為品牌必須要有的溝通方式。 但,網路上健康訊息成千上萬,營養品品牌如何做到讓人印象深刻,暨溝通健康訴求打動消費者的心又讓消費者願意相信品牌、甚至主動傳散擴大行銷效益,本個案探討主要在了解營養補充品透過影片的感性行銷是否有效達到與消費者溝通之目的。由於甚少營養品數位行銷相關的研究個案,無太多學術研究可參考,故本研究主要透過實際經驗、市場觀察數據及個案分析進行探討。


吳孟寧, Wu, Meng Ning Unknown Date (has links)
由於社會變遷和人口結構的改變,終身學習和成人教育的觀念越來越受重視,政府也不斷致力於推廣成人教育,並促進成人教育的法制化,落實終身學習以培養人才提升國家競爭力,公務人員身為政府一員,直接受到政府終身教育政策的推波助瀾,參與在職進修的公務人員日益增多。本論文的研究目的在於了解公務人員參與進修的動機和效用,意即公務人員參與進修對於其職能發展是否有實質幫助。研究對象為目前就讀於碩士在職專班的公務人員,利用問卷調查法蒐集第一手資料,以因素分析萃取出公務人員參與在職專班的進修動機,並以工作專業成長和生涯週期理論歸納出進修後的職能發展情況;再進一步探討公務人員的進修動機、進修期間的學習行為表現和進修後的職能發展面向之間的關係,共包含三個面向:「思考能力」、「專業職能」和「生涯發展」,以及「整體職能發展」為依變項進行迴歸分析。   研究結果發現:一、公務人員以「自我取向」為主要的進修動機,顯示出公務人員已能夠體認到終身學習的重要性,能夠主動地規劃進修學習機會,以促進工作經驗和專業知識的融會貫通,此外,公務人員積極主動的進修心態也直接體現在專業職能和思維模式的發展。二、「社交關係」對公務人員職能發展的影響面向相當廣泛,由此可知,公務人員參與進修除了學習課程內容的專業知識,同學間的經驗交流也使其獲得更多的資訊和新知,而良好的同儕和師生關係更可進一步促進業務上甚至工作升遷的順暢。三、當公務人員以積極增加個人競爭力為進修動機的取向越強烈時,對於專業職能和思考能力的成長越有助益;相對而言,較為消極的進修動機取向則與生涯發展之間的關係較大。四、公務人員參與進修時的學習投入度越良好,對整體職能發展的效果越好,尤其當參與進修動機是消極地受到外界影響而非基於求知興趣時,若能在學習中表現良好,也能有不錯的職能發展。

國中補校學生中輟原因及其因應策略之研究 / A Study on the Causes of Drop - out and the Corresponding Tactics of Students in the Middle School

蔡朝來 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國中補校學生中輟的原因及其有關之變項;並對中輟原因的因應策略進行相關之研究。研究的方法採用文獻探討及問卷調查。研究的範圍為100至102學年度間,曾就讀補校且仍未復學之中輟生,由新北市境內辦理國中補習教育的30所國中,擇17所國中補效實施問卷。將實際收集的有效資料與以分析,得到下列幾項重要的發現及結論; 一、影響國中補校學生中輟的原因多元且複雜,以工作、家庭、自我能力認同、生理、心理及學校等因素居多。 二、國中補校學生中輟最主要原因,乃是工作及家庭因素。 三、學校因素在國中補校學生中輟原因中,在各因素之後。 四、不同個人背景變項之國中補校中輟生,其中輟原因與性別、年齡、婚姻及居住地區有關。 五、因應國中補校學生中輟生的策略,改善教師教學應被視為最重要且須立即進行之因應策略,並輔以加強學生輔導,改善環境與設備,調整課程與內容等策略。 六、在國中補校學生中輟的因應策略上,教師及學生的看法頗為一致。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the cause of dropouts among junior high school extention school (JHSES) students, their related variables and the coping strategies to such dropouts. Methology of research document analysis and questionnaires were performed in the 100-102 school year. Among 30 JHSES in New Taipei City, 17 enrolled in the questionnaire. Following important conclusions were obtained from data collected: 1. Factors influencing JHSES student dropout are diverse and complex, involving work, family, self-identity, physical, psychological and school, among others. 2. Most important factor of JHSES dropout is work and family. 3. School is least influential in the JHSES dropout. 4. JHSES dropout with different personal background is most effected by gender, age, marital status and residential areas. 5. Improvement of teacher instruction should be regarded as most important and immediate strategy, supplemented by strengthening student counseling, improving environment and equipment, adjusting curriculum content, etc. 6. Teacher and student views are consistent in the strategies to improve dropout in JHSES.

成人華語文教學課堂遊戲之調查研究 / A survey on using games to teach adult Chinese learners

翁書怡, Weng, Shu I Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解目前成人華語文教學課堂遊戲設計、規劃與實施的現況,以及成人華語教師對課堂遊戲的看法;調查的內容包括遊戲實施的頻率、目的、優缺點和適用性等。為達成研究目的,本研究採用調查研究法,以調查問卷與焦點團體訪談為研究工具,蒐集研究資料,作為分析與討論問題的依據。本調查研究針對臺北市11所公私立大學校院華語文教學中心之華語教師進行調查,以滾雪球抽樣發出120份調查問卷,回收有效問卷91份,彙整分析調查結果。其後,從表達參與訪談意願的受試華語教師中,隨機選取6位教師進行焦點團體訪談,探討華語教師對成人華語文教學課堂遊戲實施的經驗、想法與意見。 經過研究實施與資料分析,歸結研究結果如下:(一)儘管課堂遊戲並非臺灣成人華語文教學課堂中的主要活動,多數教師仍肯定課堂遊戲應用於成人學生的適用性,並且同意課堂遊戲能有效提升學生的語言能力與學習興趣;課堂遊戲訓練學生的主要語言技能為口說和聽力,確實表現了語言的溝通交際功能;成人學生的華語程度、個性、年齡是主要影響課堂遊戲實施的個別差異。(二)華語教師的「教育程度」會影響其對於「遊戲能否有效提升學生學習興趣」的評估;華語教師在「成人華語文教學以外的教學工作類型」會影響其「設計或規劃課堂遊戲的時間點」。(三)華語教師認為使用課堂遊戲所遭遇的主要問題為「遊戲設計與教具製作費時、缺乏遊戲資料來源」,建議包括同事交換心得、參加教學研習、請學生提供適合的遊戲等;次要問題為「成人學生對課堂遊戲沒興趣、參與意願低」,建議是一旦出現學生不配合的情況,教師應該改變遊戲規則、類型、帶領方式,或是直接結束遊戲。 最後根據調查結果提出相關建議,以供華語教師、學校行政單位以及教學研究者在成人華語文教學課堂遊戲設計、規劃與實施等方面的參考。 / The present study aims to investigate the current situation of classroom games applied in adult Chinese teaching, and teachers’ perspectives toward games used in adult Chinese teaching. A total of 91 teachers of Chinese language center, from universities in Taipei city, responded to a questionnaire designed for this survey. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and cross analysis. Afterward, six Chinese teachers were chosen randomly to participate in a focus group interview. They discussed their experiences and perception of using games to teach adult Chinese learners. Results of this study show: (1) Games are not the main activity used in adult Chinese teaching, but teachers mostly have positive response toward game-using in teaching adult Chinese learners. (2) Teachers’ different educational backgrounds significantly influence their attitude toward the statement “games teaching would increase students’ learning interest”. Teachers’ teaching experiences also influence significantly the timing of preparing classroom games. (3) The duration of game-preparing, the insufficiency of game material, and adult students are unwilling to participate in those games are the main challenges reported by teachers. Based on the findings of the survey, teaching implications and suggestions for further research are included at the end of the thesis.

タンザニアにおける識字教育と識字の効用―1990年代の転換期に着目して― / Literacy Education and Utility of Literacy in Tanzania: Drastic Changes in 1990s

飯田, 優美 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(地域研究) / 乙第13251号 / 論地博第23号 / 新制||地||94(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科 / (主査)教授 太田 至, 教授 池野 旬, 教授 伊谷 樹一 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Area Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM


井上, 慧真 26 March 2018 (has links)
参考 : 「地域における若者支援活動に関する調査」基礎集計表 http://hdl.handle.net/2433/234092 / 京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(教育学) / 甲第20850号 / 教博第223号 / 新制||教||176(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院教育学研究科教育科学専攻 / (主査)教授 稲垣 恭子, 准教授 竹内 里欧, 准教授 田中 康裕 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Education) / Kyoto University / DGAM

繪本與成人華語教學之教學研究:以中級程度免費班為例 / An Exploratory Study on Picture Books and Adult CSL Teaching: A Case Study on an Intermediate-level Free Course

林昕儀, Lin, Hsin Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將繪本運用於成人華語的非正式課程(課外免費教學),旨在透過成人華語學習者對於繪本運用於成人華語文教學的看法及其學習成效,了解成人華語繪本教學的可行性。為達研究目的,本研究採用探索性的研究,以需求分析、課堂觀察記錄與焦點團體訪談為研究工具,蒐集研究資料,作為分析及討論問題的依據。本研究先針對臺灣北部某國立大學之華語文教學中心中級以上之外籍成人學習者發放需求調查問卷,之後以中級程度為限,於該華語中心開設「繪本學華語」免費課,並對修課之學習者進行焦點團體訪談,探討其對成人華語繪本教學的想法與意見。 經過研究實施與資料分析,歸結研究結果如下:(一)有趣又有助於學習者語言能力的繪本教學活動亦適用於成人華語學習者,可見繪本教學不只是兒童的專利;(二)繪本教學能為學習者帶來語言認知、情意上的助益,並彌補正規課程的不足;(三)繪本運用於成人華語教學時,繪本適合與否主要取決於「語言程度」、「繪本題材」與「圖片色彩與畫風」,其中又以「語言程度」最為重要,優先於另外兩者;而就主題而言,與「生活」及「文化」有關的內容最吸引學習者;(四)受限於免費課課程課時短少、分散,且對學習者缺乏約束力與強制力的特性,繪本教學在語言新知與技能提升方面的成效並不明顯,但可作為正規課的複習與輔助教材;(五)繪本運用於中級成人華語免費班教學所遭遇的主要困難為:難以找到與學習者語言程度相符的繪本、過於分散的課型易打斷繪本情節的連續性、免費班學習者語言程度不一。 最後根據調查結果提出華語文教學上的啟發與後續研究建議,以供華語文教學者在成人華語繪本教學方面的參考。 / This study applied picture books to an adult CSL free course, aiming to investigate adult CSL (Chinese as a second language) learners’ perspectives toward using picture books in adult CSL teaching, and the learning efficiency through picture book instruction. The research methods adopted in the study include needs analysis, classroom observations, and focus group interview. The participants of the study are intermediate-level students from a Chinese language center of a university in Northern Taiwan. The results of this study are (1) picture book instruction with interesting and language skill enhancing teaching activities suits adult CSL learners; (2) picture book instruction can benefit adult CSL learners both cognitively and affectively; (3) When using picture books to teach adult CSL learners, the main concerns are language difficulty, topic choice, and the style of pictures; (4) as the instruction time for the adult CSL free course is short and scattered, and it lacks the mandatory and binding force, such picture book instruction does not improve learners’ vocabulary and grammars significantly; however, it may serve as a good supplementary or review course; (5) the three major challenges for picture book adult free CSL course instruction are choices of picture book to suit learners’ needs, short and scattered instruction time, and learners’ various proficiency levels. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for further research are included in the end of the thesis


廖文靜, LIAO, WEN-JING Unknown Date (has links)
女性對繼續教育的參與有急速增加的趨,Cross(1982)及 Long(1983)均 認為是社會變遷下婦女角色轉變的必然結果。自 Houle(1961)建立三類型論動 機的概念架構,對成人教育參與動機的研究,轉向以客觀的動機量表的統計分析,探 討成人參與繼續教育的動機取向。 本研究旨在探討空中大學女生參與動機取向及其影響因素,以供釐定教育課程、制定 教育政策、及實施諮商輔導之參考。由有關文獻之探討入手,再經實地的調查研究, 分析空中大學女生參與動機取向及其相關因素。 本研究抽取空中大學11所學習指導中心的女生1280名為對象,以自編之「女性 參與繼續教育動機問卷」為研究工具,經採用因素分析與變異數分析等方法進行資料 處理,發現如下: (一)空中大學女生的參與動機取向,可分為八類,包括自立與利、他認知與成長、 職業進展、家庭幸福、社交關係、刺激或逃避、人尊與自尊、他人影響。 (二)空中大學女生的主要動機取向,以「認知與成長」最為普遍。 (三)空中大學女生的動機取向受年齡之影響。 (四)空中大學女生的動機取向受社經地位的影響。 (五)空中大學女生的動機取向受婚姻狀況的影響。

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