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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


劉僥斐, Liu,Chiao-Fei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在探討年輕成人與老年人之資源流失、控制策略使用對於憂鬱情緒之影響;主要希望了解資源流失對憂鬱具有直接之影響性,或者需透過控制策略間接影響憂鬱;同時,透過年輕成人與老年人之比較,了解各種資源流失的影響途徑以及各種控制策略對憂鬱的影響是否會受到個體所處發展階段的影響。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以台灣地區260名成人為對象,年輕成人組共132人(30-46歲,M=37.2歲),老人組共128人(60-86歲,M=68.7歲)。施以「資源流失調查表」、「控制策略量表」及「貝氏憂鬱量表」,調查所得資料以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及路徑分析等方法進行資料分析。 本研究之主要發現如下: 一、 物質資源流失不論在年輕成人或老年人,對於憂鬱均不具顯著預測力。 二、 在年輕成人組,家庭支持資源流失對憂鬱具最強的預測力,且透過直接的路徑影響憂鬱;能量資源流失則透過積極因應策略間接影響憂鬱,即能量資源流失越多者越少使用積極因應的策略,而增加了個人的憂鬱程度。 三、 在老人組,家庭支持資源流失會透過直接與間接兩種路徑影響憂鬱,即家庭支持資源流失越多者越少使用積極因應與降低要求兩種策略,進而影響個人的憂鬱程度;能量資源流失則是對憂鬱具直接的預測力。 四、 在控制策略對憂鬱的影響部分,積極因應策略不論在年輕成人與老人組均對憂鬱具顯著的預測力,使用越多積極因應策略則憂鬱程度越低;但降低要求策略僅在老人組才對憂鬱具顯著的預測力,且使用越多降低要求策略的老年人,憂鬱程度越高。 本文最後根據研究結果進行討論,並根據研究結果對年輕成人與老年人之心理衛生工作以及未來之研究方向提出建議。 / The purposes of this study were: (1) to investigate the influence of lost resources and control strategies for depression in young adult and old adult. Furthermore, to explore that the relation between lost resources and depression was direct or mediated by control strategies. (2) to find out whether the way that different kinds of lost resources and control strategies influence depression will be varied from different developmental stages or not. Subjects of 260 Adults in Taiwan (132 young adults and 128 old adults) were evaluated by the instruments, including resources evaluation scale, control strategy scale, and Beck Depression Items (BDI). The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and path analysis. The main findings were as follows: 1. Losses of material resources could not predict depression in both age groups. 2. In young adults, losses of family support resources predict depression directly; but the relation between energy resources and depression was mediated by active coping strategy, which means the more energy resources lose, the less active coping strategies were used, and the more depression were reported. 3. In old adults, losses of family support resources predict depression directly and indirectly, which means the more family support resources lose, the less active coping and lowering aspiration strategies were used, and the more depression were reported. 4. As to the relation between control strategies and depression, active coping strategies could predict depression in both age groups, which means the subjects using more active coping strategies had less depression. Lowering aspiration strategies could predict depression only in old adults. In other words, the old adults using more lowering aspiration strategies had more depression. According to the findings, some suggestions for the mental health of young adults and old adults, as well as for further study were provided.

臺北市立圖書館成人英語讀書會之研究 / A Study on the Adult English Study Circles in Taipei Public Library

曾湘雯, Tseng, Hsiang-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
閱讀是通往知識殿堂的道路,是學習的基石,藉由閱讀,能夠擴展眼界,活躍思考。世界各地正如火如荼推廣閱讀,公共圖書館在推廣閱讀上更是不遺餘力,藉由舉辦不同的活動鼓勵民眾培養閱讀習慣,讓民眾親近文字,享受閱讀的樂趣。近年來,為了提升民眾英語閱讀的興趣,增加英語討論的機會,公共圖書館陸續舉辦不少英語讀書會,讓參與者能夠以英語資源為媒介,討論與分享不同的看法。 本研究透過問卷調查法與訪談法了解臺北市立圖書館成人英語讀書會實施現況,並歸納讀書會成員、帶領人以及圖書館讀書會業務負責館員之看法,發現成人英語讀書會之運作特色與遭遇困境,進而分析成人英語讀書會之成效。最後歸納相關文獻與研究結果,提出辦理英語讀書會之具體建議,期望作為日後公共圖書館辦理英語讀書會之參考。 調查結果顯示,成人英語讀書會成員以50歲~59歲的女性參與者為主,職業以家庭主婦居多,但與演講協會合作之讀書會較為特殊,無家庭主婦參與,而以上班族為多。教育程度上,以大專院校畢業者佔多數,而擁有研究所以上學歷者為讀書會的第二大族群。成員參與讀書會的動機為:增加英語表達能力、增廣見聞、拓展閱讀範圍,與喜愛閱讀等。 臺北市立圖書館成人英語讀書會運作特色有:一、學習方式生活化,讓英語更貼近生活;二、報章雜誌、短篇文章為主要的閱讀材料;三、研討的主題呈現多元的風貌,從休閒娛樂、文學、科技、時事新聞、醫療保健、教育、語言學習,到全球性議題;四、以英語歌曲為主之研討深受歡迎,使得原本以閱讀書籍、文章為主軸的討論型態逐漸轉變;五、圖書館英語志工加入英語讀書會,以其專業來協助讀書會之運作。 臺北市立圖書館支援成人英語讀書會的角色可分為主辦與間接推廣,前者是由圖書館自辦英語讀書會,後者是圖書館提供英語讀書會硬體空間與設備之援助。整體來看,圖書館對成人英語讀書會之支援包括:定期辦理帶領人培訓課程;透過網站或電子報、文宣刊物、出版品、海報來行銷成人英語讀書會;於館內展示讀書會成員作品;建置線上「心得分享區」與「線上讀書會」供讀書會成員討論;此外,亦提供「鼓勵讀書會購書優惠」方案,讀書會成員依此管道購買書籍可享有折扣的優惠。 在使用圖書館英語資源與服務方面,未參與成人英語讀書會前,約半數成員未曾使用圖書館英語資源與服務,他們找尋資料的管道主要為網路與自己的藏書。參與英語讀書會後,將近七成的讀書會成員因為讀書會的緣故而更常接觸圖書館,進而利用圖書館英語館藏與服務,資源使用上,則以英語圖書、英語報章雜誌與英語參考工具書被使用的情況較多。同時,有將近八成的讀書會成員平均每個月增加1~3冊館藏借閱量。 參與成員肯定英語讀書會對己身的幫助,例如能夠吸收最新的資訊與專業知識,也能增進國際視野,且經由成員的意見交流與分享,了解每個人不同的思考點,無形中擴展了個人的思考面向。成員英語能力也因為參與英語讀書會而有所提升,尤其是英語會話與聽力。除此之外,自信與勇氣的增加與人際關係的拓展也是成員認為參與讀書會的收穫。成員對成人英語讀書會在各方面之滿意度均呈現不錯的表現,以「讀書會的團體氣氛」與「帶領人的領導」滿意度最高。 研究發現,臺北市立圖書館成人英語讀書會遭遇之困難包括:一、圖書館英語資源無法滿足成人英語讀書會之需求;二、雖然有英語志工的加入,但英語讀書會帶領人才仍非常欠缺;三、成員聚會前的準備與積極性仍需加強。 最後,針對成人英語讀書會之舉辦提出幾點建議供相關單位參考。從圖書館的角度來看,普及舉辦英語讀書會、辦理英語讀書會帶領人培訓課程、充實英語館藏、英語館藏數位化、加強行銷圖書館英語資源與服務、安排英語專題演講、發行英語讀書會刊物、建置線上英語讀書會網站、持續評估成人英語讀書會辦理情形等,都是未來辦理成人英語讀書會可努力之方向。英語讀書會參與成員則可朝向:共同擬定讀書會內部規範、加強積極參與活動、適時提出回饋與建議等方向努力之。 / Reading is the way to knowledge and also the foundation of learning. We can broaden our horizons and activate the thinking through reading. Reading promotion is held worldwide; the public libraries go to great lengths to promote reading especially. Different reading activities are held to encourage the public to develop reading habits and enjoy the reading. In order to elevate the public’s English reading habits and increase the discussion opportunities, public libraries have held lots of English study circles in recent years. The group participants can discuss and share different opinions through English materials. This study adopts questionnaire and interview approach to investigate the status quo of adult English study circles in Taipei public library. Through the ideas and opinions from the group members, leaders and librarians in charge of the study circles, the study will discover the operation characteristics and difficulties English study circles encountered. Further, analyzing the effectiveness of adult English study circles. Finally, the study will provide some suggestions for holding adult English study circles after concluding literatures and study results. According to the study results, female members aged from 50 to 59 years are the primary participants in adult English study circles.The most participants are housewives. However, the members’ main career in the study circles which the library cooperates with Toastmasters International is office worker. As concerned about education background, most members have college degrees. Members have master degrees are the second largest group in adult English study circles. Besides loving reading, members’ participation motives are to increase English expressing ability, to broaden their horizons, to extend the lust of reading, etc. The operation characteristics of adult English study circles in Taipei public library are described as follows: (1)Members can use English in their daily life. (2)English books are not the main reading materials. Instead, many groups use journals.(3)The topics of discussion are divergent, including entertainment, literature, science and technology, current events, medical and health care, education, language learning, and global issues.(4)English song–centered discussion is popular. The discussion pattern has been changing gradually from discussing books and short articles to song-centered symposium. (5)Library English volunteers are engaged in English study circles and use their professional specialty to assist the group operation. The roles of Taipei public library on holding adult English study circles can be divided into auspices and indirect outreach. In the former case, the library hosts the English study circles. In the latter case, the library offers English study circles the place and facilities. On the whole, the library’ supplies include (1)holding regular leader training curricula, (2)propagandizing English study circles through websites, e-paper, publications, and posters, (3)displaying the members’ works in the library, (4)building websites “online reflection sharing” and “online study circles,” and (5)providing purchasing proposal for study circles. As far as library English resources and services concerned, about one half group members never use library English resources and services before participating in the English study circles. They surf the net and use their own collections to find the materials. After participating English study circles, about 70 percent group members go to library more often and they also use English collections and services in the library. English books, newspapers, magazines and reference books are more often used. Besides, nearly 80 percent group members increase documents on loan per capita on the average of 1 to 3 volumes per month. Group members affirm the benefits of taking part in English study circles. For example, they can get latest information, learn professional knowledge, and broaden their visions. Through sharing the opinions, they can learn different thinking from others. After participating in the English study circles, members’ English ability have improved, especially conversation and listening. In addition, self-confidence, courage, and interpersonal relationships are also the benefits. Group members think the performances of English study circles are good in all respects. Among all the performances, members are most satisfied with group atmosphere and leader’s guidance. The study shows the difficulties that adult English study circles have encountered. They include (1) library English collections can’t satisfy group leaders, (2) English group leaders are still going short, and (3) members should have more preparation and initiative. Finally, the study brings up some suggestions about holding adult English study circles. From the library’s perspective, holding more English study circles, running study circle leaders training curricula, increasing English collections, digitalizing English collections, advertising English collections and services, publishing English publications, building online English study circles websites, and keeping on evaluating adult English study circles are some ways libraries can work in the future. With regard to the members, they can draw up the group interior rules, participating in activities more actively, and raise questions or make suggestions at anytime.


成靜傑 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討補習班成人學生之內外控人格特質、不確定感、社會支持與考試因應策略對生活適應影響的歷程。 研究樣本係自台灣北、中、南區補習班抽樣512位至21至48歲的成人學生。以「簡式內外控量表」、「準備考試不確定量表」、「社會支持量表」、「考試壓力因應行為量為」和「生活適應量表」為研究施測工具。所得資料以次數分配、相關分析、徑路分析等統計方法處理。 研究結果發現,在補習班成人學生的生活適應方面,內控傾向較高、社會支持較多及採取問題導向因應策略者其生活適應狀況較佳,而不確定感較高及採取情緒導向因應策略者,其生活適應較差。在壓力因應策略的使用方面,內控傾向較高和社會支持較多者較傾向採取問題導向因應策略,不確定感較高者較不傾向使用問題導向因應策略。而內控傾向較低、個人內在不確定感較高和工具性社會支持較高者,則較傾向採取情緒導向因應策略。 其次,以徑路分析解釋內外控傾向、社會支持、不確定感和壓力因應策略對生活適應之影響的研究結果指出,工具性社會支持和個人內在不確定感會透過問題導向因應策略而影響學習適應。內外控傾向、工具性社會支持、情緒性社會支持和個人內在不確定感會透過情緒導向因應策略而影響身心適應。此外,影響補習班成人學生學習適應的主要因素是個人內在不確定感和工具性社會支持,而影響身心適應的主要因素則是情緒導向因應策略和個人內在不確定感。亦即個人內在不確定感較低以及工具性社會支持較高的補習班成人學生在學習適應方面的狀況較佳,而較不採取情緒導向因應策略以及個人內在不確定感較低的補習班成人學生在身心適應方面的狀況較佳。顯見不論是在學習適應方面或身心適應方面,個人內在不確定感在影響補習班成人學生的生活適應上扮演著重要的因素,此發現可供往後在壓力或生活適應方面的相關研究加以繼續進一步探討。 針對以上結果,提出綜合討論及後續研究在對象、方法、工具以及變項上的建議,並對補習班學生之壓力因應及生活適應、補習班對學生之服務、教育主管行政機關之管理等方面提出建議。


吳松溪 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討台北縣立高中職附設高中職進修學校學生的學習滿意度,作為教育行政機關與學校因應成人學習者終身學習的參考。本研究以台北縣的公立高中職為範圍,包括樹林、清水、三民、海山、永平、秀峰、錦和、安康、三重以及鶯歌高職等十所縣立高中職附設高中職進修學校作為研究對象。各縣立高中職附設高中職進修學校的學生,共計1429人,進行問卷調查。所使用的研究工具為「台北縣立高中職附設進修學校學生學習滿意度調查問卷」,內容包括教師教學、課程內容、學習環境、行政服務等四構面。問卷回收情形,共計收回1220 份,有效回收率為85%。本研究所使用 的統計方法,包含描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析與Scheffe 事後多重比較檢定等方法。 本研究結論如下: 一、高中職附設進修學校學生對於在校學習滿意度,整體而言尚屬滿意。 二、高中職附設進修學校學生滿意度最高的層面為教師教學:於「教師的口 語清楚,教學重點掌握」、「師生互動模式」滿意度較高;「教師使用 視聽媒體能力」滿意度較低。 三、高中職附設進修學校學生滿意度最低的層面為課程內容:只有「課程有 助於促進自我學習」一項滿意度較高;而「課程安排與個人需求相符 合」及「課程內容幫助社區發展與進步」屬於滿意程度較低者。 四、學習環境層面有待改善:「班上同學相互關懷情形」及「班上同學相處 融洽情形」滿意度較高;「班級桌椅的安排適當」及「廁所使用方便與 清潔」等項滿意度較低。 五、行政服務層面仍有改善空間:「註冊手續的方便性」及「提供停車服 務」滿意度較高;而「提供課外學習活動諮詢」及「圖書館開放的時 間」的服務滿意度較低。 六、性別、家庭總收入、上學交通時間及學校歷史等4個背景變項中均未達 顯著差異。 七、年齡、年級、職業、婚姻狀況、教育程度、工作年資及學校性質等7個 背景變項的部分層面中達顯著差異 最後,本研究根據以上結論,分別針對政府、高中職附設進修學校、教師及後續研究提出數點建議。 / The study attempts to understand the degree of learning satisfaction among affiliated adult schools in Taipei county high schools and vocational high schools so as to provide references about lifelong learning of adults for the educational authorities concerned. The subjects of the study include 1429 adult students in nine different county high schools and one vocational high school.There were 1220 valid questionnaires were compiled and the valid percentage was 85%.The contents of the questionnaires include the following four aspects:teaching ,curriculum,learning environment,and administrative service.The tools used in the study include descriptive statistics,t-test,one way ANOVA and scheffe’s posterior comparisons. The results of the study are presented as the following: 1.The general degree of learning satisfaction among the adult students in the affiliated high schools is above average. 2.The aspect of teachers’teaching is the most satisfactory part, with the items of “clear and organized teaching, harmonious interaction more satisfactory” than the item of “teachers’abilities of using audio-visual teaching aids .” 3.The aspect of curriculum is the least satisfactory part, with the item of “courses provided are beneficial to future self-learning” more satisfactory than the items of “the arrangement of course meet individual needs”and “the contents of the courses benefit the development and improvement of the community.” 4.The aspect of learning environment desires to be improved, with the items of “concerning classmates” and “getting along well with classmates” more satisfactory than the items of “the appropriate arrangement of desks and chairs” and “the availability and hygiene of the toilets.” 5.The aspect of administrative service also desires to be improved, with the items of “the convenience of enrollment” and “the availability of parking space” more satisfactory than the items of “the availability of consulting extracurricular activities” and “the availability of library service.” 6.Four background variables, including gender, total family income, commuting time, and school history, are not significantly different in the study. 7.Seven background variables, including age, grade, career, marital status, background of education,work seniority, and school quality, are significantly different in the study. Finally, based on the above results, the study has presented some suggestions to the government, the affiliated adult high schools and vocational high schools, teachers and future researchers.


陳柏年 Unknown Date (has links)
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李靜如 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探討有戀愛經驗大學生的「成人依附」、「社交能力」、「社會支持」、「寂寞」與「憂鬱」之間的關係。依此目的,本研究先探討不同背景變項的大學生在「逃避依附」、「焦慮依附」、「社交自我效能」、「困擾的自我揭露」、「社會支持」、「寂寞」與「憂鬱」上的差異情形,並以兩個模式探究有戀愛經驗大學生的「成人依附」、「社交能力」、「社會支持」、「寂寞」與「憂鬱」之間的關係。模式一探討「逃避依附、焦慮依附、社交自我效能、困擾的自我揭露、寂寞與憂鬱之關係」;模式二探討「逃避依附、焦慮依附、社交自我效能、困擾的自我揭露、社會支持與憂鬱之關係」。研究採問卷調查法,以台灣十一所大學805位有戀愛經驗的大學生為對象,並以隨機方式將之分為兩組,第一組399人,用來刪題與發展模式;第二組406人,用來驗證模式及探究不同背景變項的受試在各研究變項上的差異。研究工具包括成人依附量表、社交自我效能量表、困擾的自我揭露量表、寂寞量表、社會支持量表和憂鬱量表。資料分析方法為因素分析、信度分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及結構方程模式。 本研究以第一組樣本探討初始模式發現,初始模式與觀察資料間適配不理想,故根據修正指標進行修正,修正後的模式與資料適配後,再以第二組樣本驗證模式的穩定性,經驗證模式一及模式二具備相當穩定性,且模式一及模式二都與觀察資料適配,並能有效解釋變項間的關係。 主要研究結果如下: 第一,在背景變項方面:(一)女性受試的「困擾的自我揭露」與「社會支持」顯著高於男性;(二)一年級受試的「焦慮依附」顯著高於三年級及四年級的受試;(三)不在戀愛中受試的「逃避依附」、「焦慮依附」與「寂寞」顯著高於在戀愛中的受試,而在戀愛中受試的「社會支持」顯著高於不在戀愛中的受試;(四)無晤談經驗受試的「逃避依附」顯著高於有晤談經驗的受試,有晤談經驗受試的「寂寞」與「憂鬱」顯著高於無晤談經驗的受試。其他部分則無顯著差異。 第二,在模式方面:(一)逃避依附與焦慮依附會透過社交自我效能而間接影響寂寞,再間接影響憂鬱;(二)逃避依附與焦慮依附會透過社交自我效能而間接影響社會支持,再間接影響憂鬱;(三)逃避依附會透過困擾的自我揭露,間接影響社交自我效能,再透過社交自我效能間接影響寂寞,再間接影響憂鬱;(四)逃避依附會透過困擾的自我揭露,間接影響社交自我效能,再透過社交自我效能間接影響社會支持,再間接影響憂鬱;(五)焦慮依附會直接影響憂鬱;(六)焦慮依附會透過寂寞間接影響憂鬱;(七)焦慮依附對憂鬱的影響效果會大過逃避依附對憂鬱的影響效果;(八)困擾的自我揭露對寂寞不具直接影響力,困擾的自我揭露會透過社交自我效能間接影響寂寞;(九)逃避依附、焦慮依附、困擾的自我揭露對社會支持不具直接影響力,逃避依附、焦慮依附、困擾的自我揭露會透過社交自我效能間接影響社會支持。 最後,根據研究結果,針對個人、學校諮商與輔導實務及未來相關研究提出建議,以供參考。 / The Relationships Among Adult Attachment, Social Competencies, Social Support, Loneliness and Depression of College Students Ching-Ju Lee Abstract The main purpose of this research was to study the relationships among “adult attachment,” “social competencies,” “social support,” “loneliness” and “depression” of the college students who had romance. The researcher first investigated the differences in terms of “attachment avoidance,” “attachment anxiety,” “social self-efficacy,” “distress self-disclosure,” “social support,” “loneliness” and “depression” among the participants who had the different background variables. Also studied were the relationships among “adult attachment,” “social competencies,” “social support,” “loneliness” and “depression” of the college students who had romance by using two models. Model one was used to study “the relationships among attachment avoidance, attachment anxiety, social self-efficacy, distress self-disclosure, loneliness and depression.” Model two was used to study “the relationships among attachment avoidance, attachment anxiety, social self-efficacy, distress self-disclosure, social support and depression.” This study employed questionnaires to collect data. The participants of the study were 805 Taiwan college students who had romance from 11 universities, and were randomly divided into two groups. In group one, there were 399 participants whose data were used to cancel items and develop models, and in group two there were 406 participants whose data were used to test models and study the differences in regards of different research variables among the participants who had the different background variables. The participants were evaluated by Adult Attachment Scale, Social Self-efficacy Scale, Distress Self-disclosure Scale, Social Support Scale, Loneliness Scale and Depression Scale. The data were analyzed by factor analysis, Cronbach α analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA and SEM. The initial models tested by group one did not fit well with the observed data. Therefore, applying the modification index, the researcher modified the models till the models fit the observed data, then tested the models’ stability by group two, and came to confirm the stability of model one and model two. The researcher found both model one and model two fit the observed data, and could effectively explain the relationships among the variables. The main results of this study were as follows: First, about the background variables: 1. The scores of “distress self-disclosure” and “social support” of girls were significantly higher than those of boys. 2. The scores of “attachment anxiety” of freshmen were significantly higher than those of juniors and seniors. 3. The scores of “attachment avoidance”, “attachment anxiety”, and “loneliness” of the students who were not in love were significantly higher than those of the students who were in love, and the scores of “social support” of the students who were in love were significantly higher than those of the students who were not in love. 4. The scores of “attachment avoidance” of the students who had no counseling experience were significantly higher than those of the students who had counseling experience while the scores of “loneliness” and “depression” of the students who had counseling experience were significantly higher than those of the students who had no counseling experience. There were no significant differences among other variables. Second, about the models: 1. Attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety could affect social self-efficacy, and could thus in turn affect loneliness through social self-efficacy, and could indirectly continue to affect depression through loneliness. 2. Attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety could affect social self-efficacy, and could thus in turn affect social support through social self-efficacy, and could indirectly continue to affect depression through social support. 3. Attachment avoidance could affect distress self-disclosure, and could thus in turn affect social self-efficacy through distress self-disclosure, loneliness through social self-efficacy, and depression through loneliness. 4. Attachment avoidance could affect distress self-disclosure, and could thus in turn affect social self-efficacy through distress self-disclosure, social support through social self-efficacy, and depression through social support. 5. Attachment anxiety could directly affect depression. 6. Attachment anxiety could indirectly affect depression through loneliness. 7. The effect of attachment anxiety affecting depression was higher than that of attachment avoidance affecting depression. 8. Distress self-disclosure could not directly affect loneliness, while it could indirectly affect loneliness through social self-efficacy. 9. Attachment avoidance, attachment anxiety and distress self-disclosure could not directly affect social support, whereas they could indirectly affect social support through social self-efficacy. Finally, based on the results of the study, the researcher made some further suggestions for individuals, school counseling and future researchers.

大學生伴侶間人際行為對愛情依附的影響 / The impact of dating couples’ interpersonal behaviors on romantic attachment for college students

孫頌賢 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究試圖整合成人依附理論與Benjamin的SASB人際行為環複模式,主要研究目的有二,研究目的一:探討伴侶間的人際行為是否會影響個人在愛情關係中依附特質的展現,研究目的二:探討伴侶間的人際行為對個人在愛情關係中依附風格、依附特質改變的影響情形。在本研究中,在伴侶間人際行為的內涵包括親和性(又分成滋潤性與破壞性)與互依性(又分成自主性與控制性)等人際行為,伴侶間互動層次共測量個體自陳對方提供行為、實際對方提供行為,個體的尋求行為、以及提供-尋求行為之間的互補性(亦分成個體自陳伴侶間的互補性、以及實際伴侶間的互補性)。依附特質的測量包括個體自陳在愛情中與伴侶間的焦慮與逃避依附特質等,並可組合出安全型、焦慮/矛盾型、逃避型、與錯亂型等四種依附風格。 本研究採取「追蹤研究法」,平均間隔約12.49週,進行兩個時間點的測量,邀請正在約會關係中的大學生伴侶雙方共234人接受單獨的成人依附特質量表(ECR)、伴侶間人際行為量表(SASB模式)的測量,並同時詢問其壓力事件調查表與測驗大學生身心健康調查表(GHQ),以作為排除影響依附風格改變的干擾變項,兩個時間點皆完成測驗且未分手者共計199人。研究目的一的分析對象為第一個時間受測者,但必須是正在談戀愛而未分手的大學生,共計232人符合標準,其中男性佔35%,女性佔65%,,而完整的配對資料共76對,故有152人可進行實際伴侶間互動的分析。 研究目的二的受測者除了兩個時間點皆受測且未分手外,還必須排除在兩個時間點遭受重大壓力者與GHQ量表上表現出身心健康狀況不佳者,共計有效受試者為183人,伴侶雙方皆完成測驗的共計63對,故有126人可進行實際伴侶間互動的分析。本研究亦針對個體自陳對方提供行為、以及各人際行為的親和性與互依性指標、提供與尋求行為的互補性指標等,進行信效度的檢驗。 本研究結果可分成兩大部分。第一,在人際行為對愛情依附特質與風格改變的影響方面,可發現部分伴侶間人際行為的確可對依附特質造成影響:1. 「親和性」人際行為最能影響愛情依附特質,並與依附風格、依附特質改變最有關連;2.「滋潤性親和」不同於「破壞性親和」對依附特質的影響;3.個體在愛情關係中的依附特質,主要受到個體「主觀認知」到的伴侶間人際互動,而並不一定會受到「實際」伴侶間人際互動的影響;4. 逃避特質則較明顯受到伴侶間滋潤性親和人際行為的影響,而焦慮依附特質較受到伴侶間破壞性人際行為的影響,但焦慮依附特質的改變與伴侶人際行為關連性較低。第二,對個體在關係中單向的人際行為而言,親和性比互依性人際行為更能影響愛情依附特質,甚至與依附風格、依附特質的改變更有關連;但互依性指標(自主性)對依附特質並非沒有影響力,而是會顯現在雙向人際行為的互補性當中。 最後乃說明本研究的討論與限制,並提出未來在研究上與伴侶諮商實務上的建議。 / This study tried to integrate adult attachment theory and Benjamin’s Structural Analysis of Social Behavior Models (SASB). There were two major purposes of the study: The first one was to, discussing whether the impact of dating couples’ interpersonal behaviors on romantic attachment characteristics for college students. The Second was to, discussing the impact of dating couples’ interpersonal behaviors on the change of attachment styles and characteristics. In this study, the content of dating couples’ interpersonal behaviors includes affiliation (best and worst) and interdependence (autonomy and control) behaviors. The interactions of dating couples were measured by self reporting partner’s providing behaviors, actual partner’s providing behaviors, subjects’ seeking behaviors, the complements of self reporting dating relationship with providing-seeking behaviors, and the complements of actual dating relationship with providing-seeking behaviors. The measurement of attachment characteristics included anxiety and avoidance trait, which could be combined to four attachment styles: secure, anxious-ambivalent, avoidant, disoriented / disorganized. The study took ‘panel study’, and the average interval of test-retest time points was about 12.49 weeks. Total subjects were 234, who were measured by ECR and couples’ interpersonal behaviors (SASB model). Questionnaires of stress events, and GHQ were interference variables for the use of the purpose of the second study. There were 232 subjects composed of 35% male and 65% female in the purpose of first study. These subjects who were all measured in the first timing were falling in love and not yet breaking-up. There were 76 pairs complete matching data, so 152 subjects could process the analysis of actual dating relationship. There were 183 subjects in the purpose of the second study. Besides subjects who were measured in the two time points were falling in love and not yet breaking-up, it had to eliminate two interference variables. There were 63 pairs complete matching data, so 126 subjects could process the analysis of actual dating relationship. There were two major results in this study. First, couples’ interpersonal behaviors had the impact on attachment characteristics: 1. affiliation interpersonal behaviors could affect romantic attachment characteristics, and was related to the change of attachment styles and attachment characteristics. 2. The impact on attachment characteristics was different between ‘best affiliation’ and ‘worst affiliation’. 3. Self reporting couples’ interpersonal behaviors had impact on attachment characteristics. On the contrary, actual couples’ interpersonal behaviors had no impact. 4. ‘Best affiliation’ had impact on avoidance attachment characteristics, and ‘worst affiliation’ had impact on anxiety attachment characteristics. The association between the change of anxiety attachment characteristics and couples’ interpersonal behaviors was low. Second, for one-way interpersonal behavior in dating relationship, affiliation behaviors affected romantic attachment characteristics more than interdependence. Even affiliation behaviors were more related to the change of attachment styles and attachment characteristics than interdependence. The complement of couples’ autonomy interpersonal behaviors also affected attachment characteristics. In addition, implication for adult attachment research and couple therapy in dating relationship was discussed. Research limitation was also explicated.

HTLV-1 bZIP factorは抑制性免疫補助受容体の機能を阻害しT細胞の増殖を促進する

紀ノ定, 明香 23 March 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(生命科学) / 甲第20534号 / 生博第376号 / 新制||生||50(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院生命科学研究科高次生命科学専攻 / (主査)教授 朝長 啓造, 教授 藤田 尚志, 教授 野田 岳志 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy in Life Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM

成人移民への言語教育 -1945年以降の日本と台湾の場合- / Language Education for Adult Immigrants: in After-1945 Japan and Taiwan

許, 之威 23 January 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第18697号 / 人博第704号 / 新制||人||170(附属図書館) / 26||人博||704(吉田南総合図書館) / 31630 / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生人間学専攻 / (主査)教授 西山 教行, 教授 高橋 由典, 准教授 佐野 亘, 教授 浜田 麻里 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM

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