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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

二、三年級學童使用算式表徵文字題的能力-數學成就、算式類型、文字類型對於算式判斷作業及推理過程的影響 / OMIT

葉淑儀 Unknown Date (has links)
國小學童逐漸累積數的知識,並學習以算表徵及解決文字題。年級與數學 成就皆影響學童表徵文字題的能力,而二、三年級是加減概念的發展期, 所以本研究以二年級的高低數學成就組及三年級的高低數學成就組的學童 為研究對象,探討這四組學童以算式表徵文字題的能力。本研究以個別施 測的方式對80名學童進行晤談。提供學童加減文字題及與文字題配對的 算式。除了請學童判斷算式的對錯外,並請學童說明在判斷作業上所運用 的推理原則。測驗題的算式有四種型式:正確順向算式、正確標準算式、 錯誤開放算式及錯誤標準算式。文字題亦有四種題型:「改變量未加題」 增加型及減少型、「起始量未知題」增加型及減少型。研究結果顯示:三 年級學童在判斷作業上的表現優於二年級、高數學成就的學童優於低數學 成就的學童;學童在正確算式題的答對率高於錯誤算式的答對率;在「改 變量未知題」的表現優於在「起始量未知題」的表現。低數學成就組在區 辨算式為正確或錯誤算式的能力,比高數學成就組差。(以下省略)

推理類神經網路及其應用 / The Reasoning Neural Network and It's Applications

徐志鈞, Hsu Chih Chun Unknown Date (has links)
大部的類神經網路均為解決特定問題而設計,並非真正去模擬人腦的功能 ,在本論文中介紹一個模擬人類學習方式的類神經網路,稱為推理類神經 網路(The Reasoning Neural Network),其主要兩個組成為強記( cram -ming)及推理(reasoning)部份,透過彈性的組合這兩個部份可 使類神經網路具有類似人類的學習程序。在本論文中介紹其中一個學習程 序並用四個實驗來評估推理類神經網路的績效,從實結果得知,推理類神 經網路能以合理的隱藏節點數(hidden nodes)達到學習的目標,並建立 一個網路內部表示方式(internal representation),及具有好的推理 能力(g eneralization ability)。 / Most of artification Neural Networks are designed to resolve spe -cific problems, rather than to model the brain. The Reasoning N -eural Network (RNN) that imitates the way of human learning is presented here. Two key components of RNN are the cramming and t -he reasoning. These components coulds be arranged flexibly to a -chieve the human-like learning procedure. One edition of the RNN used in experiments is introduces, and four different proble -ms are used to evaluate the RNN's performance. From simulation results, the RNN accomplishes the goal of learning with a reason -able number of hidden nodes, and evolves a good internal repres -entation and a generalization ability.


賴芝羽 Unknown Date (has links)

運用層級分析法與案例式推理建立脂肪肝預測模型 / A fatty liver prediction model utilizing analytical hierarchy process and case-based reasoning

陳姵潔, Chen, Pei Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
從現今社會的進步與發展,可以發現人們的生活品質不斷提升且生活型態逐 漸改變,生活型態的改變使得疾病的型態隨之改變,從過去的傳染病演變成現今 的社會文明病─ 慢性疾病。近年來的社會繁榮與經濟進步,使國人有更良好的 飲食營養,且工商進步使得應酬喝酒的機會增加,逐漸使肥胖、血脂過高、糖尿 病的國人越來越多,因此有脂肪肝的人也越來越多,幾乎高達三分之一。脂肪肝 盛行所帶來的健康問題使國人不得不更注意身體的健康,更擴展到疾病預防的概 念,希望能透過及早發現與及早治療來促進健康並省下龐大的醫療費用。因此醫 療照護需求更廣更高。在科技的進步下使得醫學界使用越來越多的資訊科技來輔 助疾病診斷、進行健康管理,另外,醫學界亦越來越注重預防醫學的概念用以面 對龐大的慢性疾病患者,故疾病預測的概念更加被醫學界所關注,不論是在醫療 的前中後期,都依賴著資訊科技輔助其管理與診斷。   目前大多數醫院的健康檢查僅提供檢查報告的數值並隨報告附上正常標準 值的對照資訊,用以提供給健檢者做為建議與自我健康管理的參考。但是對於僅 進行最基本健康檢查的健檢者,如:員工、校園新生等,透過健檢報告的數值來 提供個人化疾病資訊建議的情況較為少見,故本研究希望能透過案例式推理脂肪 肝預測模型來給予患者透過健康檢查報告的數值與日常健康行為的問卷,進行脂 肪肝疾病的預測,幫助健檢者提升對於健檢報告與疾病關係的瞭解,加強健檢者 的自我健康管理,期望幫助未進行完整付費健康檢查的健檢者也能夠透過簡單的 脂肪肝預測模型來初步評估自我健康情況,並作為是否進一步就醫的參考依據; 並提供許多相似案例給醫生從更宏觀的角度去診斷病患,幫助降低診斷錯誤且改 善醫療品質及醫療治療的成效,以達到更完善的自我健康管理及降低個人、社會 醫療成本的負擔。

嬰兒的選擇性模仿:動作-效果整合或目的推理? / Selective imitation in infancy: Ideomotor theory or teleological reasoning?

楊悅如, Yang, Yueh Ju Unknown Date (has links)
選擇性模仿是指嬰兒在不同情境中選擇性地模仿他人的行為,為當今發展心理學備受矚目的議題。在Gergely、Bekkering與Király(2002)著名的研究中,當實驗者的雙手自由放在桌上,示範以額頭碰盒子開燈,嬰兒偏好模仿此新奇動作;但當實驗者雙手緊抓毛毯示範相同的動作則未發現嬰兒有顯著的模仿偏好。有些研究者認嬰兒可以透過目的推理理解他人的意圖,並認為模仿是建立在對意圖的解讀之上;相反地,動作-效果整合理論則認為動作本身的執行困難度與動作-效果連結的穩定性才是影響嬰兒選擇性模仿的主因。 為了解決兩者長久以來對於嬰兒模仿的爭議,本研究修訂Gergely等人(2002)的光盒研究派典,將焦點放在過去一直未受到重視的因果效能概念,降低示範動作的因果效能,嬰兒在實驗過程中會發現示範動作不是每次都能成功讓光盒發亮,藉此釐清目的推理論與動作-效果整合理論對嬰兒選擇性模仿的解釋適當性。實驗1的結果重製了Gergely等人(2002)的實驗結果,實驗2A與實驗2B皆發現18個月大的嬰兒在因果效能較低的情境中很少會模仿示範動作,顯示嬰兒的模仿行為較符合動作-效果整合理論的觀點,主要是受到動作執行的困難度與動作-效果聯結的穩定性的影響。 / Selective imitation refers to a phenomenon which infants differentially imitate the demonstrated action in different contexts. Recently, it has also become a popular research topic in developmental psychology. Gergely, Bekkering and Király (2002) uncovered a classic example of selective imitation. They found that infants tend to imitate the action of touching a light box with their forehead when they saw a model perform the action with her hands placed on the table, but not when her hands were restricted by a blanket. Some researchers claim that infants can interpret others’ intention through teleological reasoning, and they consider infants’ imitation is based on decoding of intentionality. Conversely, ideomotor theory argues that imitation depends on difficulty of the action execution and the stability of link between action and its effect. To address the long-standing dispute with infants’ imitation, we revised the paradigm in Gergely et al. (2002) and focused on the concept of causal efficacy which had been long ignored in the past. Infant would find that the demonstrated action, sometimes won’t turn on the light during the experimentation. In experiment 1, we replicated the results obtained in Gergely et al. (2002). Experiment 2A and 2B both found that 18-month-old infants rarely imitated the demonstrated action when the causal efficacy was relatively low. These results are closer to the ideomotor approach viewpoint of imitation, and it reveals that infants’ imitation depends on difficulty of the action execution and the stability of link between action and effect.

台灣地區社會犯罪住戶面受侵害者模式之研究 / Study in the Social Criminal Victimization's Model on Housing Unit in Taiwan

謝志偉, Hsiesh, Jyh Woei Unknown Date (has links)
傳統的犯罪學在於研究犯罪者生理與心理的特性以及外在環境因素,藉以 尋求預防犯罪的策略。其實,預防犯罪的目的是要減少被害者數目。因此 ,吾人希望藉由探討被害者家庭形態的特質與社會犯罪的關係,使防範被 害的政策能夠落實到家庭層面。所以本研究的目的就是要利用統計方法, 透過數字及圖形上的表達,來描述住戶之家計負責人的特性(如性別、年 齡、教育程度)與住戶遭受侵害的事實(曾或否)及類型(如財物侵害、暴力 侵害、其他侵害)之間的關係,期為犯罪統計工作提供一些分析的工具。 在本篇論文,首先利用對數線性模式分析,選出最適合的模式,以解釋家 計負責人之性別、年齡、教育程度與住戶是否遭受侵害等四個變數之間的 關聯性。接著利用推理值模式分析探討家計負責人之性別,年齡,教育程 度這三個解釋變數各分級對住戶遭受侵害之影響的主效應及交互作用效應 。最後則是利用對應分析處理資料,透過對應分析的顯示圖形,可以用來 解釋家計負責人之性別、年齡、教育程度以及住戶遭受侵害的犯罪類型之 間的對應關係。

替換調適模式之案例式推理於智慧型老人居家照護 / Substitution-Based Case Adaptation CBR for Quality Aging in Place

王詩翔, Wang, Shih-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
老人居家照護是近來愈趨重視的議題,過去ㄧ直以來主要著重在老人生理狀態的偵測及相關居家醫療儀器的研究,但除了生理上訊號所顯現的不適之外,尚有其它的問題困擾著老人的生活。對於在老人身上所產生的許多不適,最直接的就是反映在老人的情緒上,若是能針對老人目前所處的環境狀態分析出造成老人情緒狀態轉變的因素,將有助於提升老人的生活品質。本研究所採用的替換調適模式之案例式推理,有別於一般案例式推理的應用,一般案例式推理需要對於應用領域的知識有相當了解才能達到有效地案例調適,因此在發展案例式推理的應用時,需要經過相當長的資訊收集,而替換調適模式運用一些已經存在的案例,從中萃取出案例間的關聯性,並藉由案例的不斷累積來自動化的調適案例庫中的知識,因此將使得推理的結果更符合老人過去的生活習性,因此能針對老人的情緒狀態找出形成的因素,而找出改變情緒的形成因素之後,將有機會的進一步解決老人目前所遭遇的生活難題,最終本研究期望能藉此達成提升老人生活品質的目的。 / e-Care for aging has become an increasingly important research topic in recent years. Most research focus on the detection of Physiological state or the study of the e-Care medical devices. Nevertheless, there are still other problems tormenting an aging’s life besides physiological discomfort detected from physiological signals. For instance, it is often the case that the discomfort comes from the aging's atypical mood status. In other words, causes behind the change of the aging’s mood status would help improve the quality of the aging’s life. Accordingly, this paper presents a substitution-based case adaptation CBR to analyze the causes of effecting the change of the aging’s mood status. Substitution-based case adaptation CBR differs from general CBR in lean adaptation knowledge required. Most existing CBR systems rely on an enormous amount of built-in adaptation knowledge in the form of adaptation rules (that require a deep analysis of the domain). Substitution-based case adaptation can make use of a limited number of cases to extract the relations between the cases and reach automatic adaptation. With the accumulation of cases in the case library, the result of inference fit in line with the habit of the aging’s life would be improved based on this automatic adaptation. The contribution of our method aims at reaching the e-Care goal of improving the aging’s life quality from the mental perspective.

「規範性理性」在「Wason選擇作業」上所扮演的角色 / 從選擇歷程邏輯性與「雙思考系統理論」的角度探究

陳宏道, Chen, Hung-Dao Unknown Date (has links)
「Wason選擇作業」是推理心理學領域中相當經典的作業,由於原版的 「Wason 選擇作業」正確率相當低,引發許多學者相繼投入研究,並形成了各種理論。例如「實用推理基模理論」、「社會契約理論」、「相配偏誤理論」、「訊息獲得量理論」、「關聯性理論」等等。歷經約四十年的研究,「Wason選擇作業」從經典的推理作業至今則被許多研究者質疑其成為研究推理歷程作業的 適當性,有些研究者則認為「Wason選擇作業」應被視為決策作業而非推理作業,並認為參與者在這個作業上不會表現出合於邏輯的推理能力。本研究重新以「規範性理性」的角度探究參與者在這個作業上的表現。研究一以「命題解讀作業」做為輔助,發現至少三成的參與者在傳統抽象型式的「Wason選擇作業」中的選擇行為是符合邏輯對應的,這樣的比例並不低於「命題解讀作業」本身的「正確」率。由於在傳統「Wason選擇作業」上要有「正確」表現須正確解讀命題且無其他形式誤解題意再加上符合邏輯的選擇歷程,低正確率可能僅是各歷程「正確」率相乘的效果,而非「選擇歷程」不具邏輯性所致。研究二則以「雙思考系統理論」的觀點設計有利於「系統二」(即分析性系統)歷程表現的評估型「Wason選擇作業」,實驗一與實驗二分別有約四成及五成七的參與者表現符合「規範性理性」的預期。本研究認為過去多數「Wason選擇作業」的研究著重在研究「系統一」(即聯結性系統)的歷程,故未能觀察到參與者高程度的邏輯表現。本研究結果顯示「規範性理性」在「Wason選擇作業」仍扮演重要角色。本研究最後提出新的研究取向並討論「理性爭議」的課題。

台灣推理小說文化生產場域的行動者分析 / An analysis of agencies in the field of Taiwanese detective novels production

劉芮菁, Liou, Ray-Jing Unknown Date (has links)
2000年以來,台灣出版社大量引進翻譯推理小說,日本及美國籍推理作家相繼來台舉辦簽書會,顯現推理小說在台灣有一定市場版圖。相對之下本土推理作品卻寥寥可數,本土推理創作者也鮮為人知。本研究以Bourdieu提出的文化場域理論為研究架構,探討創作者與文化中介者的資本組合與美學標準,如何影響本土推理小說的生產機制、交換條件與流通過程,並形成台灣推理市場以翻譯為主的現象。 本研究先以次級文獻分析法調查彙整近年推理小說市場概況,再透過半結構式深度訪談法相關行動者15位。研究發現2000年後歐美與日本推理小說出版產業成熟,相對於1980年代後才重新起步的本土創作,使台灣出版業者傾向引進翻譯作品,其中文化中介者的特定品味扮演了關鍵影響力。本土創作則以文學獎為生產關鍵。創作者不僅能透過文學獎獲得象徵價值,也能獲得出版社與其他創作者的社會資本,是進入本土推理創作文化生產場域的管道。 本研究也發現,這些本土創作者儘管部分堅持推理小說獨特的美學,但主要是受到翻譯書市場排擠,只能以文學獎獲得出版機會,被迫形成小眾市場。本土推理創作因此在台灣形成「小眾」的「通俗文學」。 / Since 2000 A.D, lots of translated detective novels have being published in Taiwan, and noted American and Japanese novelists come to Taiwan to do signing for new books, which demonstrates that detective novel is popular in Taiwan. Nevertheless, there are seldom local detective novels to be published compared to the large market. The paper quoted the theory of field of cultural production by Pierre Bourdieu, and analyzed how the creators and cultural intermediaries’ form of capitals and aesthetic standards have constructing the production mechanism and logistics process of local and foreign novels in order to understand how the market of detective novels in Taiwan are dominated by foreign products. As for the research method, the paper adopts second documentary analysis and in-depth interview. The former is to calculate the published detective novels from 2001 to Sep. 2015 sold in the dominant on-line bookstore, “Books”, in Taiwan, while the latter is to interview 15 related agencies included writers, editors, translators, and manager of bookstore to understand how the whole market of detective novels has changed in recent 15 years and the process of every agency interact with each other through their own capitals and form the production mechanism. The results contain 3 following issues. First, local production has re-started since 1980’s after a long-time decline, while the publishers in west and Japanese have developed into matured system and produced well-known novelist every years. In contrast with spending large costs to cultivate local writers on their own, Taiwanese publishers prefer to produce noted foreign works, while their taste have an influence on the judgement of works. Secondly, literary awards are the vital way in the production of local works, served as the way that the local creators enter into the field of cultural production. The creators receive symbolic capital through awards, and even obtain more opportunities to publish their works or cooperate with other related organization, which means the acquirement of social capital. Nevertheless, the publishers mainly promote those local works through the reputation of awards, so the novelists are still little-known in the popular market, and they still cannot survive through the creation of detective novels. Finally, the market of local detective novels is forced to be the field of restricted production as a result of supplanted by translated novels. There the local works can only be published through literary awards. As a consequence, the production of local detective novels becomes popular literature of niche market.

自由心證之運作 —以間接證明模組建立作為自由心證運用合理化之基礎為核心 / Operations of Free Evaluation of Evidence Principle —On Building Models of Indirect Proof as Legitimized Ground

劉奕榔, Liu, Yi Lang Unknown Date (has links)
職司審判之法院,其職權係為「認定事實」與「適用法律」。就事實之認定,我國採取「自由心證原則」,亦即事實應如何透過證據證明、推論而得,授權由法官於個案中認定,然該原則中「自由」之意義,係具有其具體之內在內涵與外在限制,並非由法官恣意判斷。過去之實務與學說並未就此為深入之闡釋,迭生審級平行與垂直判決之歧異,及人民對法院判決之非議。從而根本之道,應係完整建構自由心證原則之實質意義,由運用之主體、客體、內在內涵、外在限制及其作用等面向,並提出其運用之模組,具體化此立法者規範之不確定法律概念,使運用該原則之法官,得以有依循及參考之路徑。 而自由心證原則內涵中,最常於訴訟中運用者,即為「間接證明」,因主要事實由直接證據直接證明乃少見之情狀,而由間接證據證明間接事實,進而依間接事實之推理作用,推論主要事實存否之情形,乃訴訟中之常態。然間接證明之內涵中,「間接事實之內容與數量」、「推理作用之內涵」、「間接事實間推理作用所得證明主要事實之射程」,皆係高度個案裁量運用之認定,然現今實務之運作,卻出現審級間運用內容及結果極為歧異之現象,從而應探究其內涵,並嘗試提出運用之模組,供運用之法官思考。 自由心證與間接證明作為具有高度實務操作性格之訴訟法原則,其運用之 良窳,已實際影響具體個案事實認定之問題。為改善及斧正目前實務運作上出現之認定歧異、迭經發回之問題,亟須透過以上之研究,提出訴訟中運用之方式,以及其於事實審間、事實審與法律審間運用之審查、互動關係,使該二抽象原則具有一定法安定性,而有一定運用之軌跡可循。 / The court, to act as trial institute, has its major authority to “determine the fact” as well as “apply the law”. As for the fact-finding, our country adopts “Free Evaluation of Evidence Principle”, which authorizes the judge to determine case by case how the fact is proved and inferred through the evidences. However, the meaning of “Free” in that principle is constructed with concrete inner connotation and outer restriction, and not decided by the willfulness of the judge. In the past, courts and scholars didn’t elaborate that principle in depth, which has given a rise to the discrepant verdicts between different courts and criticisms from the people. Consequently, the fundamental solution is to build the substantial connotation of free evaluation of evidence principle, by means of the observations of its operating subject, object, inner connotation, outer restriction and function as well as its operating model, and to reify this uncertain concept of law regulated by legislator, so as to find a way to follow and refer to by the judge. The most commonly-adopted content of free evaluation of evidence principle is “Indirect Proof ”. Owing to proving the direct fact through direct evidence is rarely seen in lawsuit, the application of proving indirect fact by indirect evidence, and then inferring the existence of direct fact through the inferring function of indirect fact, is much common in each case. Nevertheless, in the meaning of Indirect Proof, the “content and amount of indirect fact”, “content of inferring function” and “scope which the direct fact could be inferred from the direct fact” are determined by large-scale discretion of the judge case by case. As a result of the discretion, the circumstances of divergent operating contents and consequences are emerged. Therefore, the connotation of that principle should be analyzed and the operating models are tried to addressed, hoping to provide for the judge to take into account. “Free Evaluation of Evidence Principle” and “Indirect Proof”, which are conducted as civil procedural principle in a highly individually case-operating nature, substantially influence the fact-finding in specific lawsuit with its odds and ends of operation. In order to improve and correct the discrepant fact-finding and constantly-verdict-reversing problems appearing in the courts at present, it is necessary to bring up the ways to operate the two principles as well as the reviewing and interacting relationships between trial courts and trial court and trial of law, and to establish specific legal certainty, legal steability and operation standards.

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