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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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莊仲甫 Unknown Date (has links)
我國自民國77年於大眾捷運法首創徵收取得區分地上權立法例後,即隨之於獎勵民間參與交通建設條例、促進民間參與公共建設法及土地徵收條例訂定徵收取得區分地上權條文,對公共建設穿越用地之取得有相當大之助益,但由於法制並非完備,致在徵收取得區分地上權補償方面產生了一些問題,此不僅影響公共建設穿越用地取得之順利進行,更有害憲法保障人民財產權之意旨,故本文即從財產權保障觀點,以完全補償理念為核心,對這些補償問題加以探討,並提出建議,以建構完善的徵收取得區分地上權補償制度,及做為政府修改相關法令之參考。 本文共分五章,第一章緒論,說明本文研究動機、研究目的與研究方法、研究範圍與內容。第二章財產權保障與損失補償,分析徵收取得區分地上權對財產權所造成之損失,並闡述財產權保障與損失補償之真諦,以奠立本文後續探討充分彌補被徵收人損失之方法。第三章我國徵收取得區分地上權補償制度之探討,對我國徵收取得區分地上權制度、補償法源及補償內容加以探討。第四章徵收取得區分地上權補償問題之探討,分別就補償性質問題、補償範圍問題、補償標準問題、補償費發放問題四方面加以探討問題之所在,並研擬適當解決方法。第五章結論與建議,對徵收取得區分地上權補償法制提出建議。 / After originating the legal case of the expropriation of space superficies in Mass Rapid Transit Law in 1988, the government soon legislated the clauses for expropriating the space superficies in Statute For Encouraging Private Sector Participation In Transportation Construction, Promoting Private Participation In Public Works Law, and Statute For Expropriating Land. It’s helpful to obtain the lands which public works pass through over or under, but some questions about the compensation for the expropriation of space superficies result from the legal system is not complete enough. This not only affects to smoothly obtain the lands which infrastructure need, and will be more harmful for the meaning of the people's property rights which safeguarded by constitution. Therefore this research takes complete compensation as a core and discusses these questions of compensation from the viewpoint of safeguarding the property rights. Finally, it hopes to make propositions for constructing a faultless system of compensation for the expropriation of space superficies and can be as the reference for government when she revises the correlation law. This research is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is introduction, which shows the motive, goal, method, scope, and content of this research. The second chapter is the indemnification for property right and the compensation for loss, which analyses the losses of property rights caused by the expropriation of space superficies, and elaborates the true meaning of the indemnification for property right and the compensation for loss in order to establish the method for fully making up the losses of the rightful recipients in the following discussion of this research. The third chapter is the discussion for compensative system of the expropriation of space superficies, which discusses the system of the compensation for the expropriation of space superficies, the legal origin of compensation, and the content of compensation. The fourth chapter is the discussion for the questions of compensation for the expropriation of space superficies, which discusses four aspects of questions including the characters, scopes, criterions, and payment of compensation and draws up suitable solutions. The fifth chapter is conclusion and suggestion, which proposes suggestions for the compensative system of the expropriation of space superficies.


翁瑞麟 Unknown Date (has links)
私有土地,如供公眾通行多年而成為道路者,該土地已因時效完成而成立公共地役關係,該私人雖仍保有所有權,但其使用權之行使應受限制,不得違反公眾通行之用,通說將該因通行之事實所形成之道路,稱為既成道路或既成巷道。既成道路存在公用地役關係之限制,致土地所有權人無從自由使用、收益,對於所有權人所受損失,是否應予補償?早期行政法院判決採取否定見解。直到85年大法官作成釋字第400號解釋,宣示國家應就既成道路辦理徵收給予補償。對於既成道路應予徵收補償已無爭議,但是,行政機關迄今未能提出具體有效之解決措施。 囿於既成道路補償問題遲遲未能解決之現況,民間嘗以捐地抵稅作法因應,導致稅基流失;既成道路所有權人,也以釋字第400號解釋為基礎,向道路管理機關請求辦理徵收補償,道路管理機關通常均以財源拮据、暫無徵收計畫等理由回應。人民遭拒絕後向行政法院提起訴訟,行政法院一貫見解均為:人民無請求國家徵收其土地之公法上請求權,道路管理機關非徵收核准及補償金發給機關,對之提起訴訟被告適格欠缺,釋字第400號解釋僅為立法指針不得作為請求徵收之法律基礎,補償金以徵收處分存在為前提,無徵收處分自不得請求補償,不得以平等原則、憲法財產權保障規定作為請求權基礎…… 等理由駁回人民請求。然上開理由是否適切?人民應選擇哪種訴訟類型才能達到權利救濟之目的,引發本文寫作之動機。 從憲法財產權保障觀點而言,財產權受到國家公權力之干涉時,應就財產權之權能減損程度,判斷是否達到「公用徵收」程度,或僅是「財產權內容之確定與限制」。又法規範對財產權內涵之確定與限制,如未侵犯財產權之本質內涵,則屬財產權之合憲限制,構成財產權人之社會義務;然而財產權人所受之限制程度,倘逾越財產權人所可忍受之限度而構成特別犧牲時,國家應給予適當之補償,始合乎憲法保障人民財產權之意旨,此為「應予補償之財產權限制」。釋字第400號解釋指出:「既成道路符合一定要件而成立公用地役關係者,其所有權人對土地既已無從自由使用收益,形成因公益而特別犧牲其財產上之利益,國家自應依法律之規定辦理徵收給予補償。」宣示既成道路所有權人所受限制程度構成特別犧牲,其法律效果應為損失補償。至於,徵收補償或其他補償方法均係填補特別犧牲損失之補償方式,既成道路所有權人應可擇一行使「徵收補償」及「損失補償」兩種請求方式。 現行行政訴訟制度,分為撤銷訴訟、課予義務訴訟、一般給付訴訟及確認訴訟等類型,惟既成道路所有權人提起確認訴訟類型較為少見。從其他類型訴訟的判決理由分析,既成道路所有權人提起撤銷訴訟及課予義務訴訟,無法達到權利救濟之目的,而應提起一般給付訴訟類型,以需地機關為被告,請求需地機關提出徵收計畫書,向內政部申請徵收之應為事實行為訴訟;或以需地機關為被告,請求給付損失補償金訴訟,兩種聲明是可行的請求方式。本文結論部分,就既成道路所有權人提起行政訴訟,從訴訟類型之選擇、請求權基礎及善用確認訴訟類型三方面提出建議;憲法財產權保障之規定,無待實體法明文規定,本身便是一種主觀之公法上權利,財產權保障內涵中,實已包括無補償即無財產權侵害之保障,並於財產權侵害之情形已無法排除時,為補償給付之請求,德國、日本司法實務運作均是如此,我國大法官會議解釋也一再揭櫫此一要旨,行政法院固守請求權基礎,應以實定法條文規定之見解,顯然與財產權保障思潮背道而馳。就行政機關處理既成道路問題,應妥善運用徵收補償,市地重劃、容積移轉、以地易地等地政手段,檢討改進既成道路存廢及補償費計算等角度,多方面思考解決對策,才是根本解決既成道路問題應有的方向。

種々の電子状態評価技法の比較 : ELNESに基づく化学結合性の議論

Tatsumi, Kazuyoshi, Muto, Shunsuke, 巽, 一厳, 武藤, 俊介 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.


Ukyo, Yoshio, Horibuchi, Kayo, Kondo, Hiroki, Tatsumi, Kazuyoshi, Muto, Shunsuke, 右京, 良雄, 堀渕, 嘉代, 近藤, 広規, 巽, 一厳, 武藤, 俊介 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

適應性加權損失管制圖之研究 / The Study of Adaptive Weighted Loss Control Charts for Dependent Process Steps

林亮妤, Lin,Liang Yu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來有許多研究發現,適應性管制圖在偵測製程或產品幅度偏移時的速度比傳統的舒華特管制圖來的快,許多文獻也討論到利用適應性管制技術同時監控製程的平均數和變異數。隨著科技的發達,許多產品在製造上更加精密,現今普遍使用的固定參數管制圖並無法有效率的偵測出製程失控,導致巨大的成本損失。為了改善現有管制圖的偵測效率與有效控制製程失控下的損失,我們提出了三種適應性加權損失管制圖,包括變動抽樣間隔(VSI)、變動樣本數與抽樣間隔(VSI)、變動管制參數(VP)來偵測單一製程與兩相依製程的平均數和變異數。採用製程發生變動後到管制圖偵測出異常訊息所需的平均時間(AATS)與所需的總觀測數(ANOS)來衡量管制圖的偵測績效,並利用馬可夫鏈推導計算得之。從數值分析中發現,適應性加權損失管制圖在「偵測小偏移幅度時的偵測效率」與「成本的控制」明顯比傳統管制圖表現的更好,再加上每一個製程僅需採用單一管制圖,對使用者也較為簡便並且容易理解,因此適應性加權損失管制圖在實務上是值得被推薦使用的。 / Recent research has shown that control charts with adaptive features detect process shifts faster than traditional Shewhart charts. In this article, we propose three kinds of adaptive weighted loss (WL) control charts, variable sampling intervals (VSI) WL control charts , variable sample sizes and sampling intervals (VSSI) WL control charts and variable parameters (VP) WL control charts, to monitor the target and variance on a single process step and two dependent process steps simultaneously. These adaptive WL control charts may effectively distinguish which process step is out-of-control. We use the Markov chain approach to calculate the adjusted average time to signal (AATS) and average number of observations to signal (ANOS) in order to measure the performance of the proposed control charts. From the numerical examples and data analyses, we find the adaptive WL control charts have better detection abilities and performance than fixed parameters (FP) WL control charts and FP Z(X-bar)-Z(Sx^2) and Z(e-bar)-Z(Se^2) control charts. We also proposed the optimal adaptive WL control charts using an optimization technique to minimize AATS when users cannot specify the values of the variable parameters. In addition, we discuss the impact of misusing weighted loss of outgoing quality control chart. In conclusion, using a single chart to monitor a process is inherently easier than using two charts. The WL control charts are easy to understand for the users, and have better performance and detection abilities than the other charts, thus, we recommend the use of WL control charts in the real industrial process.

台灣壽險業健康保險損失率影響因素之探討 / The factors that influence the loss ratio of health insurance policies for life insurance companies in Taiwan

邱于君, Chiu, Yu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討台灣壽險業健康保險損失率之影響因素。首先,了解健康險損失率是否因為壽險公司規模不同而有顯著差異。再者,將壽險公司依主要專注之通路類型分為三類,包括業務員通路、經代通路以及其他通路,而觀察通路對於健康險損失率的影響情形。最後,藉由個體變數與總體變數之分析,期望以其他不同的角度協助保險公司未來對於損失率的風險控制。 研究結果發現: (一)當壽險公司之資產規模不同時,對於健康險損失率有顯著差異上的影響。大型壽險公司的平均健康險損失率顯著高於小型壽險公司之健康險平均損失率。 (二)壽險公司行銷通路的注重程度不同,確實會使健康保險損失率產生顯著的差異。研究結果發現其他通路運用程度越高的壽險公司,其健康險損失率顯著比使用經代人通路和業務員通路的壽險公司之損失率低。 (三)本研究發現健康險損失率受到總體因素的影響,一般而言比壽險公司個體因素的影響微弱。個體因素確實會顯著影響壽險公司健康險損失率,而且壽險公司不同的規模型態,其主要影響健康險損失率的因素亦會有所不同。 / This study examines the factors that influence the loss ratio of health insurance policies for life insurance companies in Taiwan. First, this thesis intends to investigate whether there are significant differences in loss ratios among insurers due to firm size. Secondly, the impact of marketing channels on health insurance loss ratio is analyzed where the distribution systems mainly used by insurers are divided into three categories: employee sales, agent/broker channel, and others. Finally, this study conducts regression analyses on the health insurance loss ratio with firm-specific and macroeconomic variables to help insurers in controlling risks in the future. The empirical results are shown as follows. 1.The loss ratios of health insurance vary significantly with firm size. The loss ratio of large insurance companies is significantly higher than that of small insurances companies. 2.Distribution system has a significant impact on the loss ratio of health insurance. When the insurer relies more on other channels, instead of employee sales and agent/broker, the insurer will have lower loss ratio. 3.The impact of macroeconomic variables on the loss ratio of health insurance is less than that of firm-specific variables. Additionally, the influential variables for loss ratio may be different between insurers of large and small sizes.

銀行業盈餘平穩化對於盈餘資訊性之影響 / Does bank income smoothing affect earnings informativeness?

莊馥瑄 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究目的係驗證銀行管理當局是透過盈餘平穩化,增加盈餘對於未來盈餘的訊息,抑或是操控會計數字從而降低盈餘品質。本文採用兩種指標衡量盈餘平穩化:裁決性的貸款損失準備與公允價值第二等級與第三等級輸入值。以美國銀行作為本論文的樣本標的,經由實證結果發現,盈餘平穩化程度較高的銀行其股價能反映更多未來盈餘的資訊,顯示著平穩化程度會增加銀行當期盈餘對於未來盈餘的預測能力。除此之外,本文依照銀行規模與業務特性,分別比較大小銀行;商業銀行與儲蓄機構,個別探討盈餘平穩化和盈餘資訊性間的關聯。 / This paper investigates whether bank income smoothing is due to communication of future earnings or opportunism to garble accounting numbers. I adopt two measures of bank income smoothing, i.e., discretionary loan loss provision and Level 2&3 fair value inputs. Using a sample of U.S. banks, I find that higher-smoothing banks’ current stock prices capture more information about their future earnings to a larger extent than those of lower-smoothing banks. Moreover, I separate the bigger banks from the small banks and differentiate commercial banks from saving institutions to particularly investigate the association between income smoothing and earnings informativeness.


越田, 裕之 23 March 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第23024号 / 理博第4701号 / 新制||理||1674(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻 / (主査)教授 有賀 哲也, 教授 吉村 一良, 教授 渡邊 一也 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM


北口, 雄也 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第18810号 / 理博第4068号 / 新制||理||1585(附属図書館) / 31761 / 京都大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻 / (主査)准教授 奥山 弘, 教授 松本 吉泰, 教授 倉田 博基 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

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塩足, 亮隼 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第18813号 / 理博第4071号 / 新制||理||1585(附属図書館) / 31764 / 京都大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻 / (主査)准教授 奥山 弘, 教授 松本 吉泰, 教授 倉田 博基 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

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