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失業勞工數位學習成效評估之研究—以輔助參加提升數位能力研習計畫者為對象謝雅青 Unknown Date (has links)
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雲端運算環境下學習社群服務導向架構平台之研究 / A study of service oriented architecture based learning communities platform in cloud computing environment劉俊宏 Unknown Date (has links)
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數位圖書館資訊架構對數位學習之學習成效影響研究-以自然與人文數位博物館為例 / A study on assessing the effects of information architecture of digital libraries on web-based learning performance- a case study on “The digital museum of nature & culture”林上資, Lin, Shang Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
現今數位圖書館不僅止於將資源數位化,也必須提供館藏、資訊服務和學術活動整合的環境,並具有保存知識與有效支援學習的功能。本研究探究學習者利用數位圖書館支援數位學習時,數位圖書館的資訊架構設計是否影響學習者之學習成效,以及不同學習風格學習者對於數位圖書館提供的資訊架構,是否具有不同的資訊架構使用歷程與學習成效。本研究以國立自然科學博物館所屬之「自然與人文數位博物館」、Morae人機互動分析軟體以及Index of Learning Style(ILS)學習風格量表為研究工具,並利用「自然與人文數位博物館」進行數位圖書館支援數位學習之學習任務,據此探究數位圖書館資訊架構設計是否影響數位學習之學習成效。本研究結果指出數位圖書館支援數位學習具有良好的學習成效,在資訊架構影響學習成效部分發現,組織系統是影響學習成效的主因,並且不同學習成效學習者使用數位圖書館之資訊架構行為具有差異;總體型學習者之學習成效優於循序型學習者;學習成效較佳以及總體型學習者仰賴組織系統較多;而學習成效較差及循序型學習者則仰賴搜尋系統較多。 / Modern digital libraries not only digitalize resources, they are also required to provide an environment which integrates collection provision, information services, and academic activities, in addition to their functions of preserving knowledge and effectively supporting learning. This study investigated whether the design of the information structure of a digital library influences learning performance when learners use the digital library to supplement digital learning, and whether learners of different learning styles have different experiences and learning efficiency through the course of using different information architectures.
The present study chose the Digital Museum of Nature and Culture established by the National Museum of Natural Science, Morae (a usability testing software), and the Index of Learning Style (ILS) as its research tools. This study used the Digital Museum of Nature and Culture to supplement digital learning tasks, thereby investigating whether the design of the information architecture of a digital library influenced digital learning efficiency.
The present study suggested that the supplementation of digital learning with a digital library resulted in excellent learning efficiency. Regarding the influence of information architecture on learning efficiency, it was found that the organizational system was crucial to learning efficiency. Furthermore, learners with different learning efficiency displayed different behavior when using the information architecture of the digital library. It was found that the learning efficiency of global learners was better than that of sequential learners. Global learners and those learners with superior learning efficiency relied more heavily on the organizational system, while sequential learners and those learners with inferior learning efficiency relied more heavily on the search system.
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數位學習碩士班研究生線上學習、圖書館使用與學習成效之研究 / Study on Online Learning, Library Use and Learning Outcomes for E-learning Master’s Students張艾琦 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過訪談與問卷調查法的方式,分別針對六位數位在職專班生的訪談結果與196位數位在職專班生問卷調查結果進行分析,研究結果顯示:(一)數位在職專班生女性多於男性,平均年齡介於31歲至40之間,修習數位學程的原因會受到居住地與就職地的影響;(二)數位在職專生的自我效能高;(三)數位在職專班生修課動機為「自我追求」,且選擇線上課程時會考量家庭、工作與通勤時間等因素;(四)數位在職專班生使用大學圖書館的目的主要為:專題報告與課業學習需求,且多透過以網路的方式取用,並以使用電子資源的頻率最為頻繁,較少使用圖書館提供的虛擬參考服務。(五)數位在職專班生肯定教學成效且自評學習成效良好但對課程平台評價較低。(六)數位在職專班生對圖書館滿意度高。此外,本研究亦發現「教學成效」、「課程平臺與教材」、「圖書館滿意度」、「自我效能高低」、「年級」、「電子資源使用」皆與「學生自評學習成效」相關,意即當學生對這些因素感受愈高時,其自評學習成效會愈好。根據獲得之結論,本研究針對數位學程與圖書館兩方面提出建議。 / Nowadays, through the Internet, online learning provides learners with more accesses to gaining knowledge. Online students, usually, are different from common students regarding class situations and library use. The objects of this research are master’s students, who are online learners, and are on-the-job, unlike full-time students. The aims of this study are as follows: 1. To explore the characteristics and E-learning experience of E-learning master’s students. 2. To examine E-learning master’s students' utilization of library services and electronic resources. 3. To discuss students' instructional evaluaton and opinions on online course platforms, teaching materials, and satisfaction with libraries. 4. To investigate the factors that affect the learning outcomes of E-learning master’s students.
Via interviews and survey questionnaires, this study respectively analyzes interview outcomes of 6 E-learning master’s students and questionnaire results of 196 E-learning master’s students, and the results and conclusions are as follows: (1) There are more women than men in the E-learning master’s students, of whom the average age is between 31 years old to 40, and the master’s students' sites of residence or their workplace play a dominant role in influencing them to choose digital curriculums. (2) The self-efficacy of E-learning master’s students is high. (3) The motivation of most E-learning master’s students is"self-seeking", and the E-learning master’s students consider their families, works and their commute time when selecting online curriculums. (4) Most E-learning master’s students' purposes of using university libraries are to prepare reports and to obtain learning resources, and they often use library resoueces through the Internet access, in addition, the E-learning master’s students most frequently use electronic resources, while less use virtual reference services of libraries. (5) The E-learning master’s students give recognition to the instructional effectiveness of E-learning curriculums and their self-perceived learning effectiveness is good, but they have less positive comments on online course platforms. (6) The E-learning master’s students have high satisfaction with libraries. Furthermore, this study also finds that: The "instructional effectiveness," "online course platforms," "satisfaction with libraries," "self-efficacy," "grade," and "utilization of electronic resources" are related to the "self-perceived learning outcomes of the E-learning master’s students".Based on the above finding, this study provides suggestions for both digital curriculums and libraries.
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數位教學輔助系統設計-以國中幾何教學為例李樺瑾 Unknown Date (has links)
評估結果顯示,系統的內容與教學概念緊密扣連,其互動控制程度及回饋方式提供老師、學生可以逐步並重覆學習,達到教學目標。同時學生認為這樣的上課方式較專注、容易學習、新鮮有趣。因此,本研究所主張之設計方法達到實質成效,並且創造良好、愉悅的教學/學習經驗。 / E-learning has shaped and transformed the ways people learn. Previous e-learning related researches have focused much on the motives, attitudes, behaviors, satisfactions and effectiveness of the learners. However, the users’ (teacher/learner) learning activities have never been taken into consideration during the e-learning design process. The research intends to bridge the gap between the learning activities and the design process.
During the initial design stage, the researcher interviewed Math teachers from several junior high schools to identify the suitable e-learning subjects which are too abstract to teach otherwise. After the discussion, Geometry was chosen for the e-learning subject. Through the entire design cycle, whether or not the system meets the teaching objects, students’ learning capacities, and classroom environments were iteratively evaluated and modified. The math teachers were involved in the entire design process.
At the end, the completed system was used by teachers in their real math classes. From the results of evaluation, we find that the e-learning system has highly linked to the teaching concepts. The system provides enough interactive controls and feedbacks that allow teachers and students’ to set their own paces to learn gradually or repeatedly. Students agree that this learning process helps them to concentrate more, and achieve better performances. In addition, this e-learning system through the proposed designing process causes a more positive, pleasure and effective learning/teaching experiences.
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網路資訊尋求策略融入數位學習之研究-以Big6結合WebQuest於Moodle為例 / E-learning and information-seeking strategies:Combining Big6 and WebQuest on moodle謝章威, Sia, Chong Wee Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本研究將Big6技能融入WebQuest學習模式之概念,讓學生透過主題探究所提供的鷹架引導學習的同時,也可以訓練學生對資訊的搜尋、處理、分析、展示與應用的能力,希望接近與九年一貫所設定的資訊教育之核心能力目標,並且實作一雛型來驗證此概念。本研究結果顯示Big6技能適合融入WebQuest網路學習模式,而WebQuest & Big6之概念可於Moodle教學平台實現,希望未來提供教學者及學習者使用。 / In recent years, e-learning has developed rapidly and inquiry-based learning network such as WebQuest has become one of the most prominent and latest modes of learning and absorbing knowledge. WebQuest is a sophisticated e-learning tool in which most of the information provided to the learners comes from the web. However, the webs provided are tailor-made and carefully selected by the educators so the learners can engage in the inquiry-oriented lesson step by step and without deviating from the right course.
Furthermore, many scholars has discovered that this particular pattern of learning has proven efficient for internet learners to enhance their skills in higher-order thinking, cooperative thinking as well as problem solving. Given these advantages, it is indisputable that why WebQuests is well received by both educators and learners.
In view of we are living in an information society where information overloads, it is hence immensely difficult for internet users to select and process viable internet resources. In dealing with this problem, in WebQuest, it is the educators who are responsible to sieve out useful internet resources for the learners instead of leaving them alone and helpless with abundant information. With IT education has become one of the important issues of global development, it is extremely essential to cultivate internet users with such selective skill. Taiwan, in particular, has even listed IT education as one of the Seven Issues within the Grade 1-9 Curriculum. As the Grade 1-9 Curriculum and information seeking strategies are intimately related to each other, the information problem-solving process model of Big6 is thus deemed as the optimal way of cultivating one’s information literacy.
Apart from guiding the internet learners with the scaffold of the inquiry-oriented learning WebQuest, my research, moreover, intends to integrate both the Big6 process model and WebQuest together in order to enhance learners’ ability in internet resources searching, processing, analyzing, displaying and application, as so to achieve the goal of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum in promoting IT education. In addition, I will develop a prototype to validate my conception of the combination between Big6 and WebQuest. The result of my research, besides indicating that Big6 can be integrated with WebQuest, has also proven that the combination’s viability on the Moodle’s platform, which I anticipate, will be facilitating both the educators and the learners in the coming future.
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數位學習產品之產品特性對消費者知覺及產品滿意度之研究-以階梯數位學院為例張誌銘 Unknown Date (has links)
數位內容產業的五個核心子產業中,數位學習產業是台灣具有相對較佳全球競爭力的領域。本研究從購買者的角度出發,引用科技接受模式(TAM) ,建構消費性數位學習產品之產品特性如何影響產品購買者之知覺及產品滿意度的評估模式,並進一步根據研究結果對業者提出具體建議。
由單因子變異數分析結果可知,購買者的背景差異會影響其產品滿意度。因此,業者可以在市場區隔、產品組合、定價方式等政策執行面上考量更有彈性做法;並根據顧客資料,重點加強客服作業,彌補業務通路體系之不足,以建立更佳的產品口碑。 / In five nucleus sub- industries of the digital content industry, the e-learning industry is the realm that Taiwan has an opposite global competitive advantage. This study bases on the angle of purchaser, quotes from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), tries to construct a valuation model to study how characteristics of e-learning products could influence the consciousness and the product satisfaction of the purchaser. Furthermore, this study will make suggestions to the suppliers according to the statistical analysis.
We develop a questionnaire after recognizing the path relations between the variables and the characteristics (convenience, interaction, content abundance) which influence the e-learning product satisfaction through the previous studies. Then carry on analysis and inferences by applying convenience sampling, description statistical analysis, path analysis, and single factor variation analysis etc.
According to the valid samples, it induces that middle-class families are the mainly purchaser group of ladder100. And by the path analysis, the results show that the interaction is the most important of three factors which influence the e-learning product satisfaction, and then sequentially the content abundance and the product convenience.
The path analysis also reveals that purchasers’ perceived usefulness has greater influence to the e-learning product satisfaction than purchasers’ perceived ease –of –use. By single factor variation analysis, we know that purchasers’ different back ground will influence their product satisfaction.
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我國高等教育數位學習發展策略與品質認證規劃之研究徐敏珠 Unknown Date (has links)
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數位學習產品之產品特性對消費者知覺及產品滿意度之研究-以階梯數位學院為例張誌銘 January 1994 (has links)
數位內容產業的五個核心子產業中,數位學習產業是台灣具有相對較佳全球競爭力的領域。本研究從購買者的角度出發,引用科技接受模式(TAM) ,建構消費性數位學習產品之產品特性如何影響產品購買者之知覺及產品滿意度的評估模式,並進一步根據研究結果對業者提出具體建議。
由單因子變異數分析結果可知,購買者的背景差異會影響其產品滿意度。因此,業者可以在市場區隔、產品組合、定價方式等政策執行面上考量更有彈性做法;並根據顧客資料,重點加強客服作業,彌補業務通路體系之不足,以建立更佳的產品口碑。 / In five nucleus sub- industries of the digital content industry, the e-learning industry is the realm that Taiwan has an opposite global competitive advantage. This study bases on the angle of purchaser, quotes from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), tries to construct a valuation model to study how characteristics of e-learning products could influence the consciousness and the product satisfaction of the purchaser. Furthermore, this study will make suggestions to the suppliers according to the statistical analysis.
We develop a questionnaire after recognizing the path relations between the variables and the characteristics (convenience, interaction, content abundance) which influence the e-learning product satisfaction through the previous studies. Then carry on analysis and inferences by applying convenience sampling, description statistical analysis, path analysis, and single factor variation analysis etc.
According to the valid samples, it induces that middle-class families are the mainly purchaser group of ladder100. And by the path analysis, the results show that the interaction is the most important of three factors which influence the e-learning product satisfaction, and then sequentially the content abundance and the product convenience.
The path analysis also reveals that purchasers’ perceived usefulness has greater influence to the e-learning product satisfaction than purchasers’ perceived ease –of –use. By single factor variation analysis, we know that purchasers’ different back ground will influence their product satisfaction. / 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 5
第三節 研究目的 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 數位學習 7
第二節 數位學習產業之現況 12
第三節 階梯數位學院 14
第四節 科技接受模型理論 18
第五節 外部變數推導 23
第六節 消費者滿意度 30
第三章 研究方法 34
第一節 研究架構及研究假說 34
第二節 研究變數之操作性定義 40
第三節 問卷設計與調查過程 43
第四節 統計分析方法 45
第四章 研究結果與分析 47
第一節 樣本基本資料分析 47
第二節 信度分析 51
第三節 假說檢定之路徑分析 53
第四節 單因子變異數分析 62
第五章 結論與建議 75
第一節 結論與建議 75
第二節 研究限制與後續研究建議 80
參考文獻 82
中文文獻 82
英文文獻 84
附件 正式問卷 88
表2.3.1 階梯數位學院線上課程分類 16
表3.2.1 學習便利性衡量題項 40
表3.2.2 學習互動性衡量題項 40
表3.2.3 內容豐富性衡量題項 41
表3.2.4 知覺易用性衡量題項 41
表3.2.5 知覺有用性衡量題項 42
表3.2.6 產品滿意度衡量題項 42
表4.1.1 樣本基本資料表 48
表4.2.1 數位學習產品購買者滿意度調查表之信度分析結果 51
表4.3.1 因果關係影響路徑及效果分類表 54
表4.3.2 模式總檢定結果摘要表 55
表4.3.3 路徑分析邊際檢定結果摘要表 59
表4.3.4 本研究之假說檢定結果彙整表 56
表4.3.5 路徑分析各項效果總表 58
表4.4.1 性別對各構面之獨立樣本T檢定結果 62
表4.4.2 年齡對各變項之單因子變異數分析總檢定結果 63
表4.4.3 年齡對產品滿意度之單因子變異數邊際檢定結果 64
表4.4.4 職業對各變項之單因子變異數分析總檢定結果 64
表4.4.5 職業對各構面之單因子變異數邊際檢定結果 65
表4.4.6 教育程度對各變項之單因子變異數分析總檢定結果 67
表4.4.7 教育程度對各構面之單因子變異數邊際檢定結果 68
表4.4.8 家庭總收入對各變項之單因子變異數分析總檢定結果 70
表4.4.9 教育程度對各構面之單因子變異數邊際檢定結果 71
表4.4.10 小孩數對各變項之單因子變異數分析總檢定結果 73
表4.4.11 家庭小孩數對知覺有用性之單因子變異數邊際檢定結果 74
圖2.3.1 理性行為理論 18
圖2.3.2 科技接受模式 20
圖3.3.1 研究架構 35
圖4.3.1 路徑分析邊際檢定結果 56
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數位學習產業新創事業資源演變歷程探討曾威霖 Unknown Date (has links)
Peter F. Drucker在1985年提出「創業型經濟體系」概念,認為創新與創業精神應是今日組織、經濟及社會賴以存續的主要活動,此外根據中小企業處統計:台灣每年約有10萬家新成立的企業,而且中小企業佔台灣所有廠商數目比例達96%以上,因此中小企業一直是台灣經濟成長的重要支柱,本研究希望能透過瞭解新創事業之資源演變情形,得到一些對創業家有幫助的建議。
1. 領導者的背景會影響其所看到的機會。
2. 新創事業第一、二階段之行為模式主要是不斷針對市場機會進行動態調整,努力抓住機會,因此在資源運用上較發散。
3. 新創事業在第三階段之資源運用上大都採用集中強化策略。
4. 新創事業在第三階段會因為之前所累積之資源狀況而影響其機會選擇。
5. 數位學習產業中新創事業最需要獲取的關鍵資源前幾名分別為「合作網絡」、「銷售人才」、「整合性人才」、「流程標準化」、「顧客開發能力」,這些都屬於無形資產或能力。
6. 數位學習產業中新創事業最需要獲取的關鍵資源很難取得,部分關鍵資源至今仍非常缺乏。
7. 數位學習產業中新創事業會與顧客共同演化。
8. 數位學習產業中顧客的固著性很高。
9. 數位學習產業中新創事業在第三階段時與主要合作伙伴間會有共同演化現象。
10. 雖然廠商選擇專注於平台領域之思考重點為以標準品方式銷售,但實際上平台產品客製化程度很高。
11. 在數位學習產業的專案中,平台業者常常是各內容提供廠商的統合者。
12. 數位學習產業廠商正逐步脫離「鴻溝」階段。 / In 1985, Peter F. Drucker brought up the concept of entrepreneurial economic system. He thought the entrepreneurial spirit is the inevitable essence of social and economic activities today. According to the statistic from the government, there are about 100,000 new venture established in Taiwan every year, and the proportion of small and medium enterprises to total companies is over 96%. Therefore, small and medium enterprises are always the essential strength of economic growing in Taiwan. This research hopes to provide some useful suggestions to entrepreneur by observing the resources evolvement in new ventures.
The research observed four companies in e-learning industry. We divide the new venture developing duration into three periods. After researching, we had those discoveries as below.
1.When the leader discovers or judges the opportunity, his background is an importance influencing factor.
2.In the first or second period, the main acting mode is adjusting and trying to catch market opportunities, so the resources using in new venture are more diverse and dynamic.
3.In the third period, most new ventures use the focus strategy.
4.In the third period, new ventures’ opportunities choosing would be influenced by resources which they accumulate before.
5.In the e-learning industry, the key resources are “networking”, “sales talent”, “integrating talent”, “operation standard process making”, and “customer exploiting”. Most of them belong to intangible assets.
6.In the e-learning industry, it is hard to get for those key resources, and some of them are still lacking until now.
7.In the e-learning industry, new venture and his customer are evolving together.
8.In the e-learning industry, the customers are seldom to change their cooperating companies.
9.In the e-learning industry, new venture and his core cooperating corporate would evolve together in the third period.
10.Even thought the portico companies want to make their production standardization, the customer-designed degree in portico production is very huge.
11.In the e-learning industry, the portico company in projection often plays a resource integrating role.
12.The companies in e-learning industry are leaving the “huge gap” step by step.
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