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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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程美華, Cheng, Meihua Unknown Date (has links)
21世紀是數位化時代,網路傳播、數字電視、電子報刊、各種傳統媒體都進軍數位化市場。在科技的整合下,通訊、資訊、廣播已發展成為三位體,廣播不再是單一節目的音訊,透過數位媒介可以結合多媒體傳輸,DAB數位音訊廣播也演化成為DMB數位多媒體廣播,傳播高品質聲音並能傳輸影像、圖文等,替廣播帶來多元化的服務,數位廣播因此被稱為「看得到的聲音」”Visual Voice”或「豐富化聲音」” Rich Voice”。然而,國內數位廣播產業的發展已瀕臨絕境,業者紛紛棄收,唯一存活業者正奮力企盼找出活路。本研究經由對個案進行系統化分析,找出國外範例成功之關鍵因素,建立可能之營運模式,以供業者參考。 本研究以目前發展最為活絡之韓國DAB/DMB個案:T-DMB陣營與TU Media為探討個案,以波特五力分析找出其成關鍵因素,並藉此建立可能之營運模式與產業鏈。以此為基礎審視國內DAB數位廣播發展現況與唯一仍在運作的寶島新聲數位廣播為個案,找出其定位以及可能之營運模式。 本研究經由波特五力分析並歸納發現,韓國DAB/DMB個案:T-DMB陣營與TU Media成功關鍵因素包括:獨特內容、通路、合理價格、廣播訊號覆蓋率佳以及政策創造良好產業環境。其營運模式為跳脫原先廣播業者的定位,將自己定位為內容聚集商或平台營運商,結盟電信業、內容提供商、通路商、接收機製造商等成為一網絡關係系統,並且藉由電信業已架構完整之商務營運平台進行內容訂閱收費制度,開創新收入來源,廣播業者收入不僅限於廣告費。因之,以本研究之國內個案-寶島新聲數位廣播電台而言,其欲成功推展DAB數位廣播業務須借鏡韓國模式,重新定位,並擴大原網絡系統,與產業上下游相關業者,甚至於跨產業結盟。另一方面,政策也應重新定義數位廣播產業在國內數位化計劃的角色,找出適切之政策,以創造良好之產業環境。 / The 21st century is the digital age, the internet, the digital television, the electronic publication, traditional media is going digital. The “chips” changed out live. Under the digital convergence , the communication, the information, the broadcast have been converged. The DAB/DMB is based on the digital technology, and therefore can converged physically with the digitalized communications infrastructure . The digitalized broadcast are not only the voice programme , also multimedia which transmitting video, jpg files, text etc. Therefore, the DAB is called” Visual Voice” or “ Rich Voice”. However, our DAB broadcast industry is dying , the only operator , TNT DAB Radio Station which is the smallest DAB broadcaster is struggling to survival. In view of this, this research will focus on the South Korea cases :T-DMB league and TU Media which are the success model in the world. This research will analyze the business model, industry value chain, key success factors by Porter 5 force analysis and Competitive Advantage. Base on this, this research tries to find the success way of TNT DAB Radio Station. According to the service model of the T-DMB league and TU Media , this study discover the key success factors including unique content, distribution channels, affordable price, broadcast signal quality coverage and policy creating good industry environment. The T-DMB league and TU Media reposition and play the role of operator in the industry. Also they play the content aggregator. The T-DMB league and TU Media leverage to receiver manufactures, distribution channels and provide “Broadcasting and Communication Convergence Services”. The profit model is the content subscription and advertisement fee . Because of it, TNT DAB Radio Station should re-define the strategy- not broadcaster, should be service operator or content aggregator and build up the alliance. On the other hand, the government also should re-think the broadcast policy and create the good industrial environment.


蔡清嵐, Tsai,Ching-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的主要在了解資訊(數位)滙流(Information Convergence)下廣播產業發展趨勢、業者各自優勢及因應策略,內涵則以數位廣播為主要研究對象,分別包含「數位音訊廣播」、「網際網路廣播」及「3G數位廣播」等三類。 影響廣播產業發展因素眾多,其中有確定性、可預測性及不確定性三類,本文引用「產業情境模擬(Scenario Analysis)進行廣播產業未來發展趨勢之整體性研究,產業情境模擬認為不確性因素是影響產業發展最重要因素。本文分別從文獻探討,並參考專家之意見,萃取「數位技術發展」、「新廣播終端設備配合程度」、「廣播數位內容產業的興盛與否」及「經營模式的建立」等四項為不確定因素。 經由「產業情境模擬」分析,本文建議: 一、數位技術方面: (一)數位音訊廣播(DAB)部份:「已進入數位廣播之業者」應積極規劃數 位頻道內容及應用,俟政府核發營業執照,才能推動數位廣播的發 展;「待進入數位廣播業之業者」則建議尋求與「已進入數位廣播 之業者」合作,進而能轉型為數位化電台。 (二)3G數位廣播部份:3G接收機在車儎端目前尚未有模組,可視為未來 發展願景,廣播業者應加強節目內容的蒐集及數位頻道規畫,以因應 未來趨勢。 (三)網際網路廣播電台部份:本身亦具電台身分,可進行內容蒐集與利用 豐富的內容,設計加值的經營模式;若頻寬問題解決,未來可把網 際網路當數據傳輸主幹,為各式終端設備製作數位內容或轉型為視訊 電台。 二、終端接收設備方面: (一)終端接收設備整合:必須研發出螢幕大且誼人式介面、操作簡單、輸 入容易,整合與解決廣播新舊系統、網路、藍芽(Bluetooth)、電 腦、3G及數位音訊等問題之終端設備。 (二)雙網手機應用:透過無線區域網路(WLAN)及行動電話(Cellular) 網路,進行先進的應用與服務。 三、市場開發方面: (一)未來廣播業有兩大族群,一為開車族;一為電腦使用族;DAB的引進 可以大幅提昇車用音響的附加價值,廣播業者可與車商密切合作,優 先開發車儎數位廣播。 (二)閱聽眾收播習慣方面:降低收聽價格與提升內容應用及品質。前者如 收費可採其一固定式月租費,不限上線時數。後者如須針對廣播業特 性,設計出閱聽眾所喜歡節目與數據應用。 四、經營模式方面: (一)完整資料庫內容,授權或加值服務。 (二)網站的建立,進行線上交易。 五、數位內容經營方面:增加資訊人員,針對電台因活動或廣播等所產生 內容進行整理與歸類,未來可就內容進行加值服務。 六、產業價值鏈方面:短期內應仍維持目前經營型態,長期言則需清楚電 台定位,或只從事本身最專長部份、或就節目提供、頻道經營、廣播 系統業等分別成立子公司,一方面符合法制要求,一方面依優勢經 營。 七、媒體跨業經營方面:廣播業除擁有既定閱聽眾,最大優勢在於內容的 蒐集,不可忽視網路廣播電台的發展,當頻寬問題後,傳統廣播業可 利用豐富內容進行加值服務,或轉型為視訊電台或Set Top Box 經營 類型。 八、就政府角色扮演: (一)前端接收機標準的制定者 (二)產業發展的推動者 (三)法規制定的完成 / The main purpose of the research is the understanding of broadcasting industry development trend under the Information Convergence, dealers’ respective dominance and their strategies. Digital Broadcast is the main research object, including Digital Audio Broadcast, Internet Broadcast and 3G Digital Broadcast. There are many factors influencing the Broadcasting industry, among which are categories of affirmation, prediction and uncertainty. Scenario Analysis is cited here to investigate the broadcasting industry development trend in the future. Scenario Analysis thinks the uncertainty factor influences the industry development most. With the document discussion and reference of professionals’ opinions, we abstract four parts, “digital technique development,” “coordination level of new broadcast terminal apparatus, “whether digital broadcast content industry prosperous or not,” and “the construction of business model” as uncertainty factors. With the analysis of “Scenario Analysis”, we suggest as followed. 1.Digital Technique Aspect (1)Digital Audio Broadcast (DAB) “Dealers who have already entered digital broadcast industry”should actively arrange digital channel content and its application. They cannot promote digital broadcast development until the government issues the business license. “Dealers waiting in the line of the digital broadcast industry ”suggest they cooperate with “the dealers who have already entered digital broadcast industry,” which enables the industry transform into digital station. (2)3G Digital Broadcast 3G receiver so far has no model in car and this is viewed as a perspective of the future development. To keep pace with the future trend, the broadcasting dealers should enforce material collection and the arrangement of digital channel. (3)Internet Broadcast As a station, it can work on the material collection and design the value-added business model by using the abundant material. If the broadband problem is solved, Internet can be used as the main assess of transferring data in the future. It will help all kinds of terminal apparatus produce digital content or transform the Internet broadcast into video broadcast. 2.Terminal Receiving Apparatus (1)Integration of Terminal Receiving Apparatus It is necessary to invent a favorable interface with big, simple operation and input method. Terminal apparatus are also needed to be invented to integrate and solve problems of new as well as old broadcast system, Internet, Bluetooth, computer, 3G, digital audio and some so on. (2)The use of Double-Network Through Wireless Area Network (WLAN) and Cellular Network, the advanced use and service are carried on. 3.The Development of Market (1)Future Development The broadcast industry in the future includes two group, car drivers and computer users. The introduction of DAB (Digital Audio Broadcast) greatly enhances the additional value of automobile used stereo. Broadcast dealers can cooperate with the automobile businessmen and develop car digital broadcast in precedence. (2)Audiences’habits of reception Decrease the listening price while enhance the material use and quality. In the former one, the price required, for example, can be fixed as a monthly payment without limitation of time spent on line. The example of the latter one is the design of readers and audiences’favorable program, based on the broadcast industry characteristic, and data application. 4.Business Model (1)Completion of the materials in database; accreditation or additional service. (2)The construction of website and the trade on line. 5.Digital Content Business Increase the number of information people; arrange and categorize the content produced by stations’activities or broadcast. In the future, additional service is provided according to the content. 6.Industry Value Chain In short term, the current business style should be maintained. In long term, we should confirm the status of station, work on our professional field only, or set up chain companies according to the programs provided, channel management, broadcast system and so on. On one hand we comply with the requirement of regulations; on the other, we manage company according to the domination. 7.Cross- Industry Media Business Aside from having the fixed audiences, the broadcasting dealers have the greatest dominance in collecting material. The development of Internet broadcast cannot be ignored. After the broadband problem is solved, the traditional broadcast dealers can provide additional service by using the abundant data or they can transform the station into video station or Set Top Box. 8. Roles Government Plays (1)The enactor of front end receiver standard (2)Promoter of industry development (3)The completion of regulation

台、日數位電視發展之比較研究 / Comparative Study on the Development of DTV in Taiwan and Japan

鄭偉慶, Cheng, Wei-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
數位科技的快速興起與發展,對傳統電視之價值鏈造成相當大的衝擊,促使整個電視產業的再造,重塑產業的競爭模式。日本政府由總務省精密規劃與強力主導之下積極推動廣播電視的數位化,早已1996年透過衛星電視開播日本首例之數位電視平台狹帶域CS,其進程快於台灣。 本研究期望藉由日本發展數位電視之經驗為借鏡,尋找出台灣未來數位電視之發展方向為前提,利用Porter之國家競爭優勢的鑽石模型理論,試圖從台日之發展現況比較分析台灣和日本兩國數位電視產業之競爭優勢,並嘗試針對台灣數位電視之平台發展方向、廣電法修訂方向及營運發展方向之三點,導出未來發展之分析建議,供以參考。 本研究對台灣數位電視發展方向之建議為如下: 一、 台灣政府可參考日本政府推動數位電視的方式加強積極度 二、 台灣應儘早建立「國家通信傳播委員會(NCC)」 三、 台灣可發展衛星電視,作為專門負責提供數位電視頻道之頭端 四、 本研究所提之數位電視播放的平台機制架構,可咨台灣數位電視未來發展參考 五、 台灣發展新衛星電視平台時,應參考日本之經驗,導入製播分離制度 六、 台灣應儘早建立數位電視之付費機制 關鍵字:數位電視、數位衛星電視、數位有線電視、數位廣播、鑽石模型 / The rapid rise and development of digital technologies have caused a major impact on the traditional television's value chain. The impact will compel the whole television industry to restructure and reconfigure their competition model. Through the careful planning and strong initiatives of its Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), the Japanese government has been aggressively pushing for digital television broadcasting. Japan’s first digital TV platform, "narrow band area Communication Satellite (CS)," was already in service by 1996. Thus, progress in converting to digital television was quicker in Japan compared to Taiwan. The premise of this research uses the Japanese development experience in digital TV as a reference point for the development direction for the future of digital TV in Taiwan. The research tries to apply Porter's diamond model to analyze the competitive advantages of the digital TV industries in Taiwan and Japan based on current development conditions. From the comparison of the competitive advantages, the research derives analytical suggestions for the future development of digital TV in Taiwan focused on the following three points: 1. Development direction of Taiwanese digital TV platforms. 2. Revision direction of Taiwanese Broadcasting and Television Law. 3. Development direction of Taiwanese digital TV operations. The suggestions for the development direction of digital TV in Taiwan are as follows: 1. The Taiwanese government can consult the initiatives taken by the Japanese government in aggressively promoting digital TV. 2. Taiwan should create a National Communications Commission (NCC) as early as possible. 3. Taiwan can develop the satellite television; specifically as a site for providing digital TV channels. 4. Taiwan’s future development in digital TV should follow a design for the digital broadcasting platform mechanism provided by this report. 5. When Taiwan develops the new satellite television platform, they should consult the experience in Japan where they separate the institutions for production and broadcasting. 6. Taiwan should create a payment mechanism for digital TV as early as possible. Keywords: Digital TV, Digital Satellite TV, Digital Cable TV, Digital Broadcasting, Diamond Model.


溫俊瑜, Wen, Jiun-yu Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 無線電頻率不當使用會導致相互干擾,故需要由政府介入管理。任何人或團體,未經政府或代表政府之機構核准並發給執照,不得設置無線電台,發送射頻信息,是世界各國共同遵守的管制無線電頻率基礎。世界各民主先進國家均深知執照核換發是廣播媒介管理的主要手段,將廣播電台應獎勵或禁止之事項,納入執照核換發的評斷標準,透過電臺執照申請、撤銷與換發等方式,藉以制約經營者之不當使用或未能實現公共利益行為,發揮無線電頻率之最高使用效益,達成頻道資源之管制目的。 鑑於有五個廣播電台經行政院新聞局駁回換照與撤銷籌設許可處分案件,均在行政救濟過程被判處原處分撤銷,致主管機關對於電台的管理無法發揮制約的效果,因而引發探討我國及歐美先進國家廣播電台執照核換發作業及其他相關管理措施的動機,俾了解我國在管理廣播電台上之問題。本研究並將該五個電台歸納成四種情形,探究我國現行廣電法令規範,在換照審議及撤銷廣播電台證照管理上,違反法律保留、比例原則、明確性原則、最後手段性原則及信賴保護原則等不符合行政程序法之一般性原則之問題缺失。 本研究探討頻率稀有論、公共利益理論、市場經濟論、社會價值論、媒介接近使用論及財產權論等理論,並分別研析美國、英國及澳洲的廣播執照核換發作業及相關廣播電台管理措施,發現該三個國家都有獨立負責的委員會,並以法律位階清楚的將主管機關的組織職權、換發執照程序與標準、廢止執照或撤銷許可等加以規定;此外,各國都已採行拍賣方式核配新的商用廣播執照;在換照方面,各國亦多有民眾參與監督媒介經營與換照機制;在經營管理方面,各國均允許廣播執照讓售交易,並以上限管制作為避免所有權集中與壟斷的配套;在媒介接近使用方面,除了保障應有的答覆權及更正權外,並開放一般民眾得申請設置低功率的廣播電台;並特別鼓勵民選公職人員候選人透過廣電媒體宣揚政治理念,在不得歧視任何候選人規定下,使各候選人得以公平、平等的接近使用廣播媒介。 反觀我國的廣播業者使用稀有頻率卻未盡公共利益;主管機關開放廣播電台,引進市場自由競爭制度,卻不允許執照轉讓交易,更缺乏電台多重擁有權上限管制措施;對於為了落實媒介接近使用權而開放的低功率小範圍的廣播電台,主管機關卻認為不符合經濟規模,擬將其整合成中功率的商業性電台;而各國均逐漸將頻率執照准予分租或轉讓交易,我國卻仍停留在執照不得出租轉讓或借貸的思維模式。 本研究最後根據研究過程分析之資料,提出具體的改革行動方案及配套措施與結論建議,其中包括主管機關組織分工與權責整合的改造;執照的核發制度、執照的換發制度等程序與標準之法令修正;引進民眾參與核換照監督機制、允許商用執照拍賣、轉讓交易、輔以多重擁有權上限管制配套、落實民眾與政治人物公平接近使用廣播媒介權益、檢討廢止廣告時間限制、儘速開放數位廣播等有效的管理措施等,以供政府機關參考,並引發學界之共鳴。

以情境分析法預測台灣行動電視產業之發展 / The Study of Mobile TV Industry Development Trend in Taiwan by Using Scenario Forecasting Methodology

林恆毅, Lin,Heng-I Unknown Date (has links)
全球主要國家正積極推展「行動電視」服務,手持式行動電視將整合無線電視台、手機、電信以及創意與內容產業,被視為新媒體藍海,電視業者與電信業者都有意搶攻行動電視這塊商機。手機結合電視將成為未來行動多媒體影音平台主流,但基於台灣在發展數位廣播技術與相關接收設備產品的時程,遠落後其他已開發國家及開發中國家,因此未來發展的不確定性仍高。本研究主要以SRI情境分析法,對未來五年內台灣行動電視產業的發展進行分析預測,亦進一步探討世界主要國家其行動電視市場發展成功的關鍵因素以及台灣行動電視產業的主要影響因素。針對上述研究問題,本研究之研究結論如下: 1. 在世界各國其行動電視市場發展成功的關鍵因素方面,包括終端設備的多樣性、政府對產業的整體態度、業者策略聯盟的效應、多元或專屬的內容、彈性的營運模式及市場內需需求量。 2. 在台灣行動電視產業發展主要影響因素方面,主要涵蓋政策、技術標準及市場環境等三大構面。 3. 在我國政府與業者在行動電視產業未來的發展策略方面,主要有四大重點策略包括重視軟體研發能力、成立獎勵投資方案、創造產品差異性以及強化進入障礙屏障。 / The world's major countries are actively promoting the "Mobile TV" service, handheld mobile TV will be integrated wireless television stations, cell phones, telecommunications, and the creativity and content industry, as new media’s BlueOcean, the television industry and the telecommunication operators have the intention to grab this business opportunities. Mobile TV will be a multimedia platform for future mainstream, but based on Taiwan in the development of broadcasting technology and related products, far behind other developed countries and developing countries, therefore the future development of the uncertainty is still high. This research is based on SRI scenario forecasting methodology to predict mobile TV industry development trend in Taiwan in the next coming 5 years period, also further explore the key success factors of major countries mobile TV market, and the main influence factors of Taiwan mobile TV industry. The following is the conclusion of this research. 1. The key success factors of major countries mobile TV market, inclusive of the diversity of terminal equipment, government’s attitude, the effects of strategic alliances, Diversity of content, Flexible business model and Market demand for domestic. 2. The main influence factors of Taiwan mobile TV industry, included policies, technical standards and market environment. 3. The future development strategy at mobile TV industry, inclusive of software development capacity, encourage investment program, create product differentiation and strengthen the barrier of entry barriers.

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