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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

負盈餘公司之評價-盈餘及帳面價值觀點 / Valuation of Negative-earnings Firms: Earnings V.S. Book Value

張家瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討負盈餘公司的評價,而以財務報表兩大會計數字:盈餘及帳面價值為主要研究項目。本文參考Joos and Plesko(2005),將研究樣本分類為暫時性及持續性負盈餘公司。實證結果顯示,營業活動現金流量對電子業之負盈餘公司較具價值攸關性,尤以暫時性負盈餘公司最為顯著;帳面價值之拆解項目則對非電子業之負盈餘公司及暫時性負盈餘公司較具攸關價值,其中非電子業暫時性負盈餘公司之攸關性最高。 在敏感性分析中,本研究另以實際發生負盈餘的持續度進行暫時性及持續性負盈餘的分類,並考慮公司規模因素。實證結果顯示,帳面價值拆解項目對於公司負盈餘之暫時性或持續性,並無明顯的評價差異;盈餘資訊之攸關性則有限。就規模因素而言,暫時性負盈餘公司及持續性負盈餘公司的盈餘拆解項目大多不具攸關價值,而帳面價值對於持續性負盈餘公司較具攸關價值。若按照電子業及非電子業分類,營業活動現金流量對於評價暫時性負盈餘公司具攸關價值,且較應計項目高;帳面價值拆解項目則無明顯之價值攸關性差異。 / This paper investigates the evaluation of negative-earnings firms by their earnings and book values, which are two of the most important accounting figures in financial statements. Following Joos and Plesko (2005), we classify the sample firms into two categories: transitory negative earnings and persistent negative earnings. The empirical results show that cash flows from operating activities are more value relevant for the negative-earnings firms in electronics industry, especially for those with transitory negative earnings. For the non-electronic industry, decomposed book values are more value relevant for those firms with transitory negative earnings. In performing sensitive analyses, this study further classifies negatives-earnings firms with the actual persistence of their negative earnings as well as the firm size. For the actual persistence of negative earnings, decomposed book values demonstrate no significant difference in the valuation of transitory negative earnings firms and persistent negative earnings firms, and decomposed earnings show little value relevance in either group. When considering the size effect, decomposed earnings aren’t value relevant in transitory and persistent negative earnings firms and decomposed book values are more value relevant for the firms with persistent negative earnings. We also test the industry effect by dividing the sample firms into electronics and non-electronics. The results show that net cash flows from operating activities are more value relevant for transitory negative earnings firms and their relevance is higher than accruals. And decomposed book values show no significant difference in value relevance for both groups.


簡仕宸 Unknown Date (has links)
民國47年7月10日,商樵先生於《稅務》雜誌上發表〈論課稅命令之確定力〉一文,一開頭即提出一項懸宕百年來之問題:「稽徵機關之課稅命令有無確定力?如有,原課稅命令是否可予變更?在何種情形下始可變更?」此問題直至民國65年制定稅捐稽徵法時,仍未獲得解決。蓋當時立法者似乎對課稅處分存續力仍無認識。 立法者真正認識課稅處分存續力之存在,應係在行政程序法制定後。蓋該法第117條以下規定係專為排除存續力規定。惟該法第117條以下規定僅適用於終局性行政處分。換言之,亦僅適用於終局性課稅處分,即未經法令或稽徵機關添加具有暫時性特徵附款之課稅處分。所謂具有暫時性特徵之附款,主要係指調查保留與暫時性而言。具有暫時性特徵附款之課稅處分,因實質存續力之發生受到限制,故不須法律授權,即可由稽徵機關依職權撤銷。反之,不具有暫時性特徵附款之課稅處分,因實質存續力已發生,故稽徵機關原則上即不得撤銷,除非另有法律授權撤銷之依據,始能再次突破實質存續力之限制,而依職權撤銷之。 原則上,撤銷終局性課稅處分須符合以下之一般職權撤銷要件,即:㈠核課期間未屆滿。㈡實質存續力。㈢違法性。㈣無一般失權事由。其次,課稅處分之撤銷範圍,受爭點更正影響,須依違法瑕疵之類型及違法瑕疵在規制上之影響範圍而定。另外,無稅處分屬於授益處分,撤銷無稅處分,自須依授益處分撤銷規定為之。惟撤銷屬於負擔處分之狹義課稅處分,並重為更不利納稅義務人之狹義課稅處分,是否亦須依授益處分撤銷規定為之,即有疑義,而需要妥適解決。

公債與租稅之效率面分析-兼論其穩定條件的差異 / On the Efficiency Effects of Public Debt and Taxation

吳佩凌, Wu, Pei Ling Unknown Date (has links)
租稅和公債是政府籌措財源最主要的兩種方式。然而不同的財源籌措方式將產生不同的影響效果,因此評價並比較各種融通工具的相對優勢,是政府選擇融通方式時,所必須考慮的一個基本且重要的問題。如何籌措財源以舒緩財政窘迫的壓力,是當前政府最急切的關鍵和挑戰。因此本文探討由效率面以租稅或公債融通政府暫時性與永久性支出增加的相對優勢,提供若干理論研究,作為面臨融通工具選擇時的考量因素。   關於融通政府暫時性支出增加的分析,M.Feldstein(1985)認為只有利率等於時間折現率的條件下,公債優於租稅:若時間折現率低於利率時,公債未必優於租稅。本文修正M.Feldstein(1985)模型,進一步考慮公債的債息融通方式及還本期限等問題,計算公債融通的負擔並與租稅負擔相較。   關於融通政府永久性增加的分析,S.J.Turnovsky(1992)比較分別以定額稅、工資稅和資本稅融通對即時效用和福利的影響,認為以短期而言,較佔優勢的融通工具,就長期觀點來看未必如此。其亦注意各融通工具間就穩定性的不同。本文以Turnovsky(1992)模型為分析基礎,加入公債融通的考慮,著重於對公債與定額稅穩定條件差異的強調。

動態輻狀基底函數類神經網路建構之研究 / Dynamic Implement Radial Basis Function Networks

林祐宇 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來輻狀基底函數類神經網路 (Radial Basis Function Networks , RBFN) 應用在時間序列相關問題上已有相當的成果。在這篇論文裡,我們嘗試建構一個電腦軟體工具,可以很容易造出 RBFN,應用在時間序列預測相關問題上。更進一步的說,我們的電腦工具可以輕易做出即時修正,完全符合使用者的需求。我們一開始先複習 RBFN 的基本架構, 並說明如何應用到時間序列的問題上。接著我們研究近年來相當受到重視的 T-RBF (Temporal RBF) 架構。最後,我們解釋如何使用 Adobe Flex 去建構我們所需要的電腦軟體工具。這個工具是跨平台的程式,並且不論是雲端計算或是單機應用皆很合適。 / During recent years, applying Radial Basis Function Networks (RBFN) to time series problems yields many important results. In this thesis, we try to implement a cross-platform computer tool that can easily construct a RBFN applied to time series forecasting problems. Moreover, the RBFN created by this computer tool can do real-time modification to fit specific needs. We first review the basic structures of RBFN and explain how it can be applied to time series problems. Then, we survey on so called temporal radial basis function (T-RBF) model, which draws much attention these years. Finally, we explain how we use Adobe Flex to create a computer tool as we mentioned in the beginning. The computer application is cross-platform and is suitable for both cloud computing and desktop applications.

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