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GPS座標付き全方位映像群からの市街地映像マップの構築と街並変化の検出佐藤, 准嗣, 高橋, 友和, 井手, 一郎, 村瀬, 洋 01 April 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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複数カメラ入力によるアピアランスベース物体認識のためのカメラ配置決定手法(パターン認識と理解,<特集>画像の認識・理解論文)高橋, 友和, Lina, 松ヶ野, 修功, 井手, 一郎, 目加田, 慶人, 村瀬, 洋 01 August 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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臺灣鄉鎮市政府現金持有之影響因素李慈茵 Unknown Date (has links)
經濟學者 Keynes (1936) 的著作「就業、利息及貨幣之一般理論 (The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money) 」曾提及決定貨幣持有多寡主要有三個動機 : 一般日常生活使用之交易動機、預防勝於治療之預防動機及用於投資獲利之投資動機。當企業持有過少現金時,最糟糕情形可能會有周轉不靈而產生營運風險之情況發生;但是持有過多現金卻可能會減少其他投資之收益及產生代理問題。過去都從營利組織角度探討現金持有相關議題,近年來的文獻開始對於非營利組織之現金持有有更深入研究。至於公部門,只有Gore
在結論部分,從兩種估計方法的迴歸結果來看,由於各鄉鎮市之間的區域差異,因此在pooling OLS迴歸結果中,變數影響較固定效果顯著。此外,由於組織差異性及受限於資料之可取得性,因此過去營利組織和非營利組織對現金持有之影響因素的研究結果可能無法完全適用於政府,仍有待改善之處。本研究主要目的在於探討政府現金持有之影響因素,未來研究方向可以朝向探討政府是否持有超額現金及其可能影響,以檢驗政府是否具備謹慎良好之財務管理政策。
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車両制御システムのためのセンサデータ統合管理方式の検討TAKADA, Hiroaki, TESHIMA, Shigeharu, SATO, Kenya, KAMADA, Hironori, YAMADA, Masahiro, 高田, 広章, 手嶋, 茂晴, 佐藤, 健哉, 鎌田, 浩典, 山田, 真大 01 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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廣告量與客觀品質之關係─以台灣市場為例 / The Relationship of Advertisement Volume and Objective Quality: A Taiwan Market Case廖俊琮 Unknown Date (has links)
由相關分析的結果顯示,廣告量和客觀品質之間存在著輕度正相關,而後續的回歸模式檢定和卡方分析卻顯示,並無法以四個調節變數說明在何種情況下最適合以廣告量作為判斷客觀品質的指標。顯示台灣廠商不傾向以廣告量多寡作為品質信號,而消費者固然可以廣告量作為品質判斷的指標,然而應輔以其他相關指標進行選購以降低決策風險。 / Products with higher advertisement volume are often regarded as possessing better quality by consumers, so companies are willing to spend huge expenditure to enhance their perceived quality and thereby sales volume. Also, scholars in past researches discussed relationship between advertisement volume and perceived quality and finding positive correlation does exist. However, further examination on whether advertisement volume can reflect the real product quality has yet been done, so that consumers have no way to tell is advertisement volume a dependable quality signal or not. Thus, this research targets Taiwan market to discuss the reliability of using advertisement volume to evaluate objective quality.
The research uses methodology of secondary data analysis, adopting “Product Testing Unit” in Chinese Taipei Consumer Report as objective quality sources, and effective advertisement volume by Rainmaker Corp. as advertisement volume data, analyzing data of total 35 product categories or 623 brands to examine the correlation. The research further uses product durability, accessibility of quality evaluation, degree of product differentiation, and financial risk as mediators, categorizing products into four groups to discuss the strength of correlation under various situations. As for advertisement data, the research uses not only advertisement data of the very year products are tested, but also three-year averaged volume to see whether the “lag effect” in advertisement strengthen the correlation.
Correlation analysis indicates positive correlation between advertisement volume and objective quality does exist, yet results by both regression and chi-square analysis denied four characteristics as effective mediators, suggesting companies in Taiwan do not use advertisement volume as signal of quality, and consumers should complement with other signals other than advertisement volume when judging objective quality.
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有機餐食配送公司之商業計畫 / Business Plan for an Organic Diet Delivery Company葛玉芬, Peralta, Vivian Unknown Date (has links)
有機餐食配送公司之商業計畫 / The Organic Food Industry worldwide is at its growing stage, farmers already discovered the advantages of becoming certified organic producers and consumers are starting to value the importance of consuming organically produced food. In Honduras, the industry is still at its embryonic stage since few farmers are able to invest time and money to obtain certification and demand is still low due to the lack of knowledge of a large number of consumers. However, there is opportunity to introduce the organic food consumption trend in Honduras which could help fight nutrition problems, such as overweight and obesity, which affect certain segments of the population.
In order to analyze the feasibility of the organic diet delivery company this document presents data of the organic food market worldwide as well as information of the organic food supply and demand in Honduras. Healthy Diet Company is introduced and a business strategy is developed in order to enhance the strengths and work on fighting possible threats in that industry. A marketing strategy is also presented to ensure the correct introduction of the organic food diets to the target market to make the business successful. Finally, the Business model of the Organic diet delivery company is presented which provides the key factors needed for its success.
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我國壽險資金運用於不動產投資模式之研究 / A Study on the Real Estate Investment in Life Insurance Funds蘇睿信 Unknown Date (has links)
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從顧客觀點探討製造業服務化:從OEM/ODM到OBM / The servitization process from OEM/ODM to OBM: The customer perspective孫婉柔, Sun, Yuan Jou Unknown Date (has links)
從顧客觀點探討製造業服務化:從OEM/ODM到OBM / If we look back at the history of Taiwan’s industry, the main characteristic of its development over the past 60 years has been the appearance of OEM / ODMs. However, due to the shrinking profits of OEM / ODMs, manufacturers are seeking new ways to transform themselves. Therefore further research into the increasingly blurred boundaries between manufacturing and services and the concept of “servitization” is essential. Some companies in Taiwan have successfully transformed from a low-profit path by following a value-added path and transforming themselves from OEM/ODM to OBM. This paper focuses on a study of three OBM companies who were once OEM/ODM manufacturers, but expanded into the role of “customer-oriented services” and explored their capability to transition between OEM/ODM and OBM.
This paper uses a case study methodology and research on these three OBM companies. It will investigate two findings. Firstly, when transforming from OEM/ODM into OBM the process of servitization, is made up of four stages that represent the different roles of the end customers in the process of servitization. Roles like imitation, exploration, inspiration, and aspiration. Secondly, when transforming from OEM/ODM into OBM in the process of servitization, there are four main capabilities needed to develop; customization capability, new value proposition, organization redesign, and new trading norms.
This thesis seeks to make two specific contributions to the discussion of servitization. Firstly, this research will concentrate on consumer goods, rather then capital goods like with previous literature concerning servitization and focusing less on the changes from products to “Back-end services”. Secondly, it will seek to give manufacturers with a desire to develop into an OBM company clear paths to follow. So manufacturers can adjust their own strategies to the specific situation and environment they face.
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企業內虛擬通路與實體通路整合行為之研究-以雄獅旅行社為例 / Multichannel Integration Within Firm : A Case Study of Lion Travel邱柏儒 Unknown Date (has links)
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臺灣租稅政策和外人直接投資之關係 / The Relationship between Taxation Policy and Foreign Direct Investment in Taiwan楊琇媚 Unknown Date (has links)
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