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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

女神運動から紡ぎだされるつながり -イギリス南西部グラストンベリーにおけるオルタナティヴ・スピリチュアリティの文化人類学的研究-

河西, 瑛里子 24 September 2013 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第17909号 / 人博第660号 / 新制||人||159(附属図書館) / 25||人博||660(吉田南総合図書館) / 30729 / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生文明学専攻 / (主査)教授 田中 雅一, 教授 菅原 和孝, 教授 廣野 由美子, 准教授 石井 美保, 教授 島薗 進 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DFAM

走靈山的女人:臺灣當代薩滿「靈乩」的民族誌與精神分析 / Women of Soul Mountain: An Ethnography and Psychoanalysis of Lingji-the Shaman of Contemporary Taiwan

李峰銘, Lee, Fong Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以人類學的田野調查方式,企圖對臺灣當代新興宗教現象會靈山,做一個全面性的田野與歷史探查。以民族誌書寫的方式,結合臺灣歷史的脈絡,勾勒出會靈山在臺灣當代民間宗教信仰中的重要位置,及其全面性之輪廓。以說明,會靈山是臺灣民間宗教信仰,第一次以通靈的方式,來呈現個人對愛的心理區位與精神動力之宗教現象,且打破傳統漢人男性為主的民間宗教信仰結構,所逐漸醞釀崛起的一個新興宗教之靈性運動。文中輔以三位女靈乩為研究個案對象,並以精神分析的取向進行分析—通靈者在靈性的追求上之內在心理機制。並從中發現精神分析的侷限性,與西方理論對於東方宗教的文化內涵,有其認知上的匱乏。因此筆者在此情況之下,援引東方開悟者大師--奧修(Osho)對諸多宗教核心的內在闡述,來作為田野現象與個案分析之依據,補足西方心理學或精神分析對東方宗教研究中的未盡之處。 / In this paper, anthropological fieldwork manner, attempting to contemporary new religious phenomenon in Taiwan Will-Lingshan(會靈山), do a comprehensive history of fields and exploration. Writing Ethnography way to combining Taiwan's historical context, and sketched out an important position Will-Lingshan in Contemporary Folk religion in Taiwan, and comprehensiveness of the outline. In explanation, it Will- Lingshan Taiwan folk religion, the first time psychic way to present personal religious phenomenon of love psychological and spiritual power of the location, and break the traditional male-dominated Han Chinese folk religion structure, which gradually brewing rise of a new religious spirituality movement. Text supplemented by three female spirit mediums case study of object orientation and psychoanalysis were analyzed - psychic in the pursuit of spiritual inner psychological mechanism. And discover the limitations of psychoanalysis, and Western theories of cultural connotation of Eastern religions, there is lack of awareness on their. Oriental religious studies Osho internal elaboration of many religious core, as a basis of case studies and field phenomenon, complement Western psychology or psychoanalysis - so I Under such circumstances, citing the East enlightened Masters The deficiencies of the Department.


唐湘惠, Tang Hsiang Hui Unknown Date (has links)
國內電子商務市場隨著上網人口逐漸增加,在市場中依照商品提供者與消費者來分,B2C的市場中以旅遊及金融商品營業規模最大,而在C2C的市場中,服務則是缺乏相關的研究。本研究將探討透過網路所販售的服務中,最需要審慎評估的服務商品-新娘秘書。 本研究透過網路民族誌的方法搜尋相關消費者分享的經驗,此方法可以在最少干擾下了解消費者在選購此類商品時所考量的相關因素。不足的部分透過深度訪談來補足。從交易成本角度的「外顯單位效益」、「資訊搜尋」以及「道德危機」三方面來了解為何新娘會在婚禮籌備過程中選擇新娘秘書服務,以及選定某位特殊服務提供者的因素。 研究結果得知,在交易成本中,最重要的是道德危機成本,因為婚禮不能重來,所以只能透過多元的作品集來評估新秘的經驗,另外面對面的試妝,可以了解彼此溝通是否順暢。另外所提供效益是新娘考量選購此服務的重要因素,新娘秘書的貼心服務,可以免去新娘在結婚的過程中的舟車勞頓,以及可能會產生「不完美」的疑慮。對於類似性質的網路服務業,也就是能把作品透過照片、影像具體化的行業,如會場布置、表演活動、活動攝影,都可以透過相同的模式來經營。


陳政佑 Unknown Date (has links)
「選秀節目」風潮近幾年來再度席捲台灣,也成功地進入部分網路閱聽人的生活之中,成為一種習以為常的收視經驗,然而,近期節目收視率的滑落並無法斷然宣告網路閱聽人對「選秀節目」失去興趣,為求貼切地理解其動態的收視經驗,本研究從「日常生活理論」面向切入網路閱聽人之選秀節目收視經驗,研究選秀節目如何在網路閱聽人的生活中佔據特定的空間/時間,並結合相關的閱聽人研究,從「主動閱聽人」、「接收分析」面向,歸納出網路閱聽人結合網路使用所具有的「非同步收視」、「強調互動參與感」、「兼具傳播者身分」之收視特質,形構其動態的日常收視形式,並構成收視實踐模式之基礎,藉以詮釋屬於個體微觀的收視實踐戰術。 本研究以台大批踢踢實業坊【SuperStarAve】BBS板作為研究個案,嘗試運用「網路民族誌」(Netnography)-結合網路文本分析、參與觀察、線上訪談之研究方法,試圖描述網路閱聽人日常生活中的選秀節目收視經驗。研究結論指出,網路閱聽人藉由個人與生活脈絡協商、配置的「戰術」,與節目產製「策略」相對地收視著「超級星光大道」,本研究認為,其日常收視經驗需考量個人所處的生活脈絡與網路傳播情境所造成的收視變動性,並因個人對節目「真誠性」的解讀而變動對「超級星光大道」的日常收視形式;藉網路使用之便,重新組配收看節目之生活空間與時間,也各自建置個人迂迴的收視戰術-兼具反制與延伸之意義。是以,網路閱聽人之選秀節目日常收視經驗乃成為動態的過程,從中展現如de Certeau所指游擊式的收視「戰術」,藉以反制節目產製策略,從中找尋獲致個人收視愉悅與意義之機會。 / Recently, “Talent TV Show “ has become such a popular program genre in Taiwan. This study aims to understand how Internet audiences combine heterogeneous elements of their lives. de Certeau’s theory of everyday practices will be applied to serve as the analytical framework, and concretely describe the modalities of watching TV and the formalities of interpret practices. This is a case study that makes use of the research methodology of Netnography to analyze BBS “ SuperStarAve ”. And the main argument of this study shows what Internet audiences’ tactics of watching TV are. Internet audiences alternate different media tactically to fit in with their life arrangements, and they make a detour to interpret the authenticity of the program. In addition, Internet audiences contemplate to seek for opportunities of establishing the trajectory of watching TV to pleasure themselves. As a result, it can be concluded that the feature of diversity existing among individual Internet audiences shapes the movement of the everyday experience of watching TV.

家暴社工,我們為什麼要「演戲」? ──家暴安全網的建制民族誌分析 / “Social Workers - Why are we Acting?” : An Institutional Ethnographic Analysis of Domestic Violence Safety Network

許可依, Hsu, Ko-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究的起點,始自我實習時聽到一位家暴社工抱怨參加「安全網」的網絡會議就像是去「演一場戲」。由於大學時代所學到的「家暴安全網」,是一個將家暴高危機案件篩選出來,藉由網絡會議進行工作交流與服務整合的方案。理想上,「家暴安全網」是將有限資源提供在需要密集服務的案件上,不解為何這樣提升服務效能的美意,卻淪為社工實務場上的「演戲」。於是,為了探究「社工為什麼要演戲」,我決定採用建制民族誌作為研究方法,並站在一線家暴社工的立足點上,解構這個「演戲」經驗如何在建制中被形塑。 當我實際投身成為一名家暴社工,與婦女工作的經驗,揭露了當前國家是如何治理「家庭暴力」,並以一種「安全至上」的意識形態,支配著整個網絡人員的工作。當各種建制的文本啟動,定義著婦女的「安全」,婦女的多元經驗便在「安全」的單一視框中被排除,以致「安全網」時常聽不懂婦女的需要,而網絡的資源也難以「投其所好」。 然而,一線的家暴社工,一面鑲嵌在「安全至上」的流程中,受到各種表單、指標與會議的規訓,一面又要與婦女的自主性並肩前行,在「建制最佳利益」與「案主自決」的角力下,「演戲」便成為社工在這場拔河下的生存方式。只要社工按照安全網所期待的安全劇本演出,婦女就有機會從安全網中「解除列管」。屆時社工就得以從各式的流程、指標中解放,讓工作回歸到相對低度建制的狀態,找回與婦女工作的彈性並減輕行政工作的負擔。 研究結果讓家暴社工看見自己在日常工作中,如何因著建制的流程為自己戴上了一副「安全」的眼鏡,產生了一連串權力關係所建構的知識,藉此看清楚社工所處的權力位置,進而長出抵抗的可能。 / The inspiration for my thesis came from a domestic violence social worker who complained that attending “Safety Network” conference is like acting in a show. From my understanding of “Domestic Violence Safety Networks” in college, these are programs for “high-risk” domestic abuse victims who are subsequently referred to the network conference. At this conference, the domestic violence network work together to explore possible safety options and coordinate resources for the victims. Ideally, the “Domestic Violence Safety Network” uses limited resources effectively. However, when it comes to a social work field, it becomes a “show act”. Based on this disjuncture, I decided to examine these conferences from a social worker’s perspective, using Institutional Ethnography as the analytical approach, to clarify the issue of why social workers are acting in the Safety Network. I started my fieldwork as a social worker. Through my working experience, I found that nation's adhering to the ideology of, “Safety is the top priority” with regard to domestic violence, tended to control how network members nanny battered women. When texts are activated in the institution, high-risk classification typically centers on a battered women's “safety” need to the exclusion of all others. Eventually, these “safety networks” fail to understand the multifaceted needs of abused women, and this, in turn, makes network resources more difficult to access. As a domestic violence social worker, safety and autonomy for abused women must be balanced. As a tool to mitigate the struggle between the “client’s best institutional interest” and the “client’s self-determination”, “acting with the safety script” appears to be a solution for social workers. In this way, battered women were able to remove their high-risk label while social workers were liberated from various processes and regulations. Hence, “acting” is the way by which social workers overcome this contradiction, bringing social work back to a less rigid set of working conditions, and increasing their overall flexibility in dealing with clients. The research maps the social relations of the “Safety Network,” determining where social workers stand with respect to this framework institution, how their “safety lens” are activated, and what aspects of it dominate their work. Once social workers understand how this framework functions, it may increase their potential for constructively opposing it.


李宗正 Unknown Date (has links)

以民族誌決策樹與模糊本體論法研究失智症照護之供需 / Investigation of the long-term institutional care requirements of patients with dementia and their families by qualitative and quantitative analysis

張清為, Chang, Chingwei Unknown Date (has links)
台灣在過去的數十年內,罹患失智症人口逐漸增多,其中的多數皆有接受了各層面的照護,舉凡藥物治療、醫護治療、復健治療以及職能治療,然其中的成效與需求之研究仍相當缺乏。故本研究採以質性與量性研究方法,以便於探索目前失智症患者家屬照護時所面臨的實際抉擇歷程與主要需求,並同時探索個案醫院內的治療效果與病患入院時狀況之關係,本研究希望藉由中部地區失智症病患照護的需求及機構之供給的角度來探索研究所能增進其醫療服務品質之處。 在質性研究方法部分,本研究以民族誌決策樹研究法來洞悉與探索家屬在面臨照護失智症病患時是否要採行機構式照護的決策歷程以及決策條件。藉由深度訪談結果粹取出的判斷準則發現,影響家屬決策之最主要考量為失智症病患者的失智程度,其餘包含道德規範、照護負擔、病患是否需要騎他的專業醫療照護以及照護中心的軟硬體環境。本研究整合考量這些判斷準則的優先順序、輕重緩急以及因果關係後將之建立決策樹,並以另外五十名家屬驗證該模型之預測力,得到預測準確率為92%。 此外,本研究再以量性方法來探索治療對於不同失智症病患的成效。結果顯示入住時狀況較好的失智症住民會以更積極的態度來接受職能治療,也因此他們擁有較大的改善或控制病情的機會,然而當住民以消極的態度接受職能治療時,則其治療效果遠不及積極治療者,也因此病情退步的機會較大,主要原因在於多數情況較差的住民具有攻擊、抗拒治療的傾向,使得照護工作變得更為艱鉅,故本研究建議家屬應重視職能治療以及與病人互動之重要性,不論是在居家照護亦或是機構式照護 / Over the past decade, the number of long-term care (LTC) residents has increased, and many have accepted treatments such as medication, rehabilitation and occupational therapy. This study employs both qualitative and quantitative techniques in order to discuss senile dementia patient care in long-term care institutions, and we use a supply and demand viewpoint to explore what services are really necessary for the patient and their family. In qualitative method, the main purpose of this stage is to use the ethnographic decision tree model to understand and explore the decision criteria of the subject. Our study found that the degree of dementia of the patient always affects the decisions made by family members – in fact, this is the most important of all criteria elicited from the interviews with family members. There are also ethical constraints, care burden, norm of filial obligation, patient need professional medical care and institutional environment, etc. which mentioned by families. We linked together the decision criteria considered most important in accounting for the decision-making sequence of family members to be the ethnographic decision tree model which predictive power is 92%. In quantitative stage, our study discussed the effectiveness of occupational therapy when given to dementia patients of different contexts. The results of this stage showed that patients of a good condition in the first stage present a more positive attitude towards participation in the occupational therapy designed by the institution; therefore, they have a greater chance of their condition improving or remaining the same. However, patients of an average condition have a more passive attitude towards taking part in any therapy; therefore, they have a greater chance of their condition deteriorating, because of their violent tendencies and their resistance to care, the task of caring for these patients is more difficult than caring for patients in the other groups. Above all, we suggest that families adopt the therapies no matter in homecare or institutionalization, as early as possible in order to improve the likelihood of being able to control the patient’s condition. It is understandable that accepting more therapies and interaction in the early stage of dementia, having higher chance to go well, however, by waiting until then they also miss the best opportunity to attempt to improve the patient’s condition, it is really not the good way we suggest to be.


郭維雄 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究動機原在對川西山區人群變遷的歷程作一通盤的考察;繼而欲以川隴交界地區的白馬人為重心,以歷史、地域與文化三面向為觀察途徑。在第一章緒論裡,曾介紹相關學科的演進以建構歷史民族誌撰述的框架,同時就川西山區歷史民族誌的研究歷程、白馬人系屬問題之提出與相關研究概況作回顧。 第二章與第三章所記述的是歷史記憶與文獻解讀的層面,前一章著眼於川西山區全景在魏晉時期以前曾經出現的人群活動、神話傳說及其歷史記載,並試圖在不同的地理分區歸納出個別人群之間的文化類型;其後一章則集中考究活動於川隴之間的古代氐人及其遺裔的歷史,間或以當時華夏人群西部邊緣的消長為時空背景,對照出其人群歷史興衰的過程。 第四章以川隴山區的地理環境為主軸,分別討論今日白馬聚落與古代氐人部落的向外活動軌跡,由對外通道的變遷亦可了解其歷史重心的轉移過程;第五章則以白馬聚落的文化內涵與社會變遷為研究對象,得知古代的氐人與今日的白馬人之間不僅文化風貌極為接近而有前後相承的類緣關係,在地緣上可比對出古代氐羌系人群的文化分布範圍。第六章則以「在變與常之間的山區人群歷史與文化」為全文結論,希冀作為進一步研究其他山區人群歷史民族誌的開端。

閩東Ke Tah畬族村民族小學的教育民族誌觀察

宋狄海 Unknown Date (has links)


呂貴香 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文是以中國大陸甘肅省臨夏回族自治州的州治所在臨夏市為主要的田調場域,研究對象是臨夏市穆斯林社群的婦女們,研究切入的時間點正值西部大開發帶動臨夏社會經濟現代化的契機,此地的穆斯林因應此變化被迫必要調整其傳統倫理規範對婦女們的制約,讓婦女走出家庭、甚至走出河州,解放其勞動力,隨其知識獨立經濟獨立後,藉此良機提升地位,並對社會做更大的貢獻。 臨夏市的穆斯林社群是傳統華夏社會的縮影,惟因位處邊緣加上歷史因素,其社群相對封閉而變化較緩,婦女地位低下仍是目前社群內部普遍存在的問題。搭乘大開發的列車,為呈現穆斯林女性地位已出現或可能有的變化,在章節的安排上,第一章、第二章針對回回婦女集體歷史記錄的失落,企圖利用有限的文獻材料,重構此邊緣族群婦女的歷史圖像,順勢彰顯華夏社會“男尊女卑”、“男主外,女主內”根深柢固的傳統與臨夏穆斯林社群的婦女地位問題相對應的關係,特別是在複合文化交疊、異例突出的邊緣地帶;為釐清外界對伊斯蘭教與回回社群的誤解,特別在第三章釐清這個複合規範的內涵,分從儒家的道德綱常、伊斯蘭的倫理觀與西北特殊的風俗民情三部分論述,時至今日臨夏穆斯林婦女所承受的規範制約,究竟是哪一部分需要調整或必要革新,或許在地的穆斯林也並不是那麼清楚所謂的傳統,究竟是舊封建社會的遺緒,抑或是伊斯蘭教教義、教法使然,不願人云亦云、積非成是地全歸咎於伊斯蘭的宗教特性,對照歷史軌跡尋繹,從理性認知解放臨夏穆斯林婦女,自覺、自尊方能由此建立。 筆者如此關注臨夏穆斯林婦女地位的問題,乃因在臨夏調研時的實際觀察,仍見臨夏穆斯林社群婦女很傳統的生活面向,故在第四章介紹傳統規約下的婦女生活,從婦女的婚姻、家庭生活、勞務分工與宗教規箴對女學的影響等方面提供一些民族誌的觀察。由於社會調查有其普遍採樣的困難和限制,加上臨夏正處在社會經濟變遷的過渡階段,多元、多樣正是此階段的特色,故選擇口訪對象盡可能是在一定的社會高度,有較廣泛見聞以及能理性陳述的對象,不乏公部門幹部、老師、醫師和律師,藉之強化此民族誌觀察的可信度與說服力。 本篇論文的第五章則談論臨夏經濟發展人力需求的趨勢,而穆斯林婦女所須具備的競爭條件,而從臨夏婦女接受義務教育的現實問題、宗教女學蓬勃發展的利弊以及婦女法律認知、制度配套與人為因素致使婦女權利在實踐上出現相當的落差,於田調實察所得數據和資料來說明社群內部有待改變、革新之處。現代化的潮流和進程難以阻擋,臨夏市在現代化社會的轉型過程,舊價值與新發展之間的矛盾和衝突性無可避免,婦女地位提升已成為社會整體進步的關鍵,也漸成為穆斯林社群的共識;包括臨夏面對都市化的衝擊,伊斯蘭Jamaat內部可能面臨的文化危機,保守的宗教體制內是否應該與時俱進地賦予女學新定位、新任務,促使婦女在族教邊界的維繫上發揮固基的力量,故在第六章仍以民族誌的觀察為主,介紹臨夏部分穆斯林女性在宗教、學術、經濟與政治等領域不凡的表現,她們衝破既有族教藩籬與限制,力爭上游,成為在地穆斯林婦女效法的標竿。總之,改善不利於穆斯林婦女發展的負向指標,提升她們的地位,在推動臨夏社會經濟進步極具現實價值,是本論文的研究旨趣所在。 任何社群只要存在兩性的差異,婦女學與兩性研究就有存在下去的理由。過往少數民族婦女議題歸屬學術研究的邊陲,本篇論文就學術價值而言,其貢獻有二:一則,為社會科學研究婦女民族誌開闢了新領域,強化女性文化的基礎;二則,選擇邊緣穆斯林族群的婦女議題,除了釐清對伊斯蘭教在中國西北世俗化過程的許多誤解,也使穆斯林婦女在現代婦女史與婦女民族誌中不再留白,或無言。

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