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早期蒙古游牧社會的結構-成吉思可汗前後時期的蒙古王明蓀 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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北亞游牧民族英雄史詩與民族認同 / Inner Asian nomadic heroic epics and ethnic identity唐霓 Unknown Date (has links)
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十六世紀蒙古社會游牧佛教之研究 / Nomadic Buddhism in 16th Century Mongol Society宋炯瑞, Jon Ryan C. SORIANO Unknown Date (has links)
十六世紀後的蒙古文獻多半主張當時的蒙古社會很像蒙古帝國的元朝,但是這兩個時代的社會並不相同,十六世紀後,蒙古人改信佛教的過程跟他們歷史所描述的元朝有所出入。蒙元政教制度對於一般蒙古生活方式的影響並不如十六世紀之後的蒙古佛教。蒙古人在十六世紀的改信佛教活動,使得蒙古社會產生大規模的文化辯證。本文旨在探討蒙藏社會的多元文化變遷、分析蒙藏社會的宗教辯證,將佛教的宗教制度與蒙古社會的傳統信仰系統(即所謂薩滿教)做出比較。某些學者認為藏傳佛教跟薩滿教之間的關鍵連結即為密教,因此,本文也將分析格魯派佛教中最主要的密教系統,即所謂《密集》(藏:gsang-ba 'dus-pa)的文獻及儀式的發展。《密集》的系統跟薩滿教有許多類似的信仰、倫理、及實踐方式,但兩者之間的區別才是引發蒙、藏社會變遷的關鍵。本文將指出,就是因為《密集》被佛教制度同化、中央化、定居化了,因此才改變了蒙古人游牧的傳統習俗跟意識形態。本文主要的研究方法是分析蒙、藏、漢文的歷史、佛經等文獻以及現代學術的相關理論。本研究將有助於蒙藏宗教歷史的討論以及民族之間的理解。
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蒙古察合台汗國游牧封建體制之研究張中復, ZHANG, ZHONG-FU Unknown Date (has links)
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重塑空間性:尼爾‧蓋曼《無有鄉》裡漫遊於不╱可繪製的倫敦空間 / The Reconfigured Spatiality: Strolling the Un/Mappable London Spaces in Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere楊宗樺, Yang, Tsung Hua Unknown Date (has links)
在蓋曼(Neil Gaiman)第一部小說《無有鄉》(Neverwhere, 1997)裡,透過對地下倫敦的想像,挖掘蟄伏於城市之中的邪惡、混亂與時空的交錯。主人翁理查(Richard)地下倫敦之旅顛覆他對城市既有的認識,城市不是如表面所見的井然有序、善惡分明,而是過去與現在的混雜和交織,惡勢力隨時匍匐其中。本文擬以空間議題為經、城市居民主體為緯,探討蓋曼筆下的倫敦呈現何種後現代都市空間、城市空間和主體間的互動,以及游牧主體如何在他者空間中生成。
論文第二章主要藉助索雅(Edward W. Soja)第三空間(thirdspace)的概念,闡釋小說裡後現代倫敦空間。首先爬梳瑞本(Jonathan Raban)、列斐伏爾(Henri Lefebvre), 和索雅三人對於後現代地理學的觀念,而後側重於索雅提出的第三空間。《無有鄉》裡,城市遠比理查所認為的還要複雜、失序,他漫遊於地上倫敦和地下倫敦之間,其所見景象呈現倫敦浮世繪,解構真實倫敦和想像倫敦間的界線,而此正體現索雅所謂的第三空間。
第三章以班雅明(Walter Benjamin)對漫遊者(flâneur)的討論為出發點,闡釋《無有鄉》裡漫遊者/偵探和城市空間的互動。身兼漫遊者和偵探的理查,由於處在混雜猶如迷宮的倫敦市景中,所以喪失經典漫遊者對城市全景的掌控。雖然《無有鄉》在情節的過程裡呈現後現代氛圍,企圖解構二元對立,但惡勢力最終的剷除,暗示地下倫敦又將回歸秩序,於焉似又陷入善惡二元對立的局面,但另一方面,女性在回歸秩序的過程裡,扮演舉足輕重的地位,女性的參與展現對空間父權化的抵制,而此也打破性別空間的二分法。
第四章著重討論小說的結局。筆者援引德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze)和瓜達里(Félix Guattari)游牧學(nomadology)的概念,闡釋主人翁主體的變異。在他者倫敦空間裡,主人翁和他者接觸而歷經生成他者(becoming-other),並開啟其逃逸路線(lines of flight),所以在回到原本的世界後,他又欲重返地下倫敦,擺盪於兩個世界,不囿於其中一方。
在《無有鄉》裡,兩個倫敦空間並非截然劃分,卻是相互滲透交織。想像的地下倫敦是一個暗喻,代表被城市邊緣化、他者化而忽略的空間,透過主人翁的漫遊,展現倫敦市景的多重面貌。 / Neil Gaiman’s first novel Neverwhere (1996) depicts an imaginary London Below which exposes the urban evil, chaos, and juxtaposition of diverse spaces. After his journey to London Below, the protagonist Richard changes his view of the city. That is, London is not of orderliness as it appears, but of the present interwoven with the past; it lacks a clear distinction between good and evil, and contains evil power embedded underneath. This thesis employs a spatial perspective as a thread to explore postmodern spatiality embodied in Gaiman’s London cityscape, the interaction between urban space and the subject, and the formation of nomadic subjectivity in the spaces of the other.
In Chapter Two, I resort to Edward W. Soja’s conception of Thirdspace to deal with postmodern London spatiality in Neverwhere. I first introduce three spatial critics’ notion of postmodern geographies, including Jonathan Raban, Henri Lefebvre, and Soja whose Thirdspace serves as the main spatial framework of the thesis. Neverwhere delineates the urban landscape which is far more complex and disorderly than Richard assumes. He strolls between London Above and London Below, and his view of these two worlds which deconstructs the line between the real and the imagined presents Thirdspace in Soja’s term.
Chapter Three utilizes Benjamin’s discussion of the flâneur as a starting point to deal with the interaction between the flâneur/detective and urban spatiality. As a flâneur/detective, Richard encounters labyrinthine cityscape, so he loses a classical flâneur’s/detective’s panoramic view of the city. Although Neverwhere as it progresses smacks greatly of postmodern aura by deconstructing dualisms, the collapse of evil power near the end of the novel suggests the retrieved order, so the novel seems to regress into dualisms. Simultaneously, in the process of regaining order, females play an important role, for females’ participation presents their resistance to patriarchal space and also subverts a gendered spatial dichotomy.
Chapter Four focuses on the discussion of the ending of the novel. I apply Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s conception of nomadology to the protagonist’s nomadic subjectivity. I argue that the other London spatiality triggers the protagonist’s becoming-other via the contagion of the other and initiates his lines of flight. Because of this, after returning to his previous world, the protagonist seeks to leave for London Below. He keeps vacillating between the two worlds, for he refuses to be bound by either of them.
In Neverwhere, the multifarious facets of London cartography are outlined through the protagonist’s strolling. The imagined London Below is a metaphor which represents marginalized, otherized and overlooked urban spatiality. The line between London Above and London Below is not completely clear-cut, but interwoven with each other.
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中原朝廷對北亞游牧民族和親公主的政治角色研究-以漢朝到唐初為中心 / The study of the political role of the central China dynasti's politically marry princess to the north Asian nomads - centre from Han dynasty to the early Tang dynasty .孫治安, Sun, Chih An Unknown Date (has links)
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形變的海洋敘事:《白鯨記》的德勒茲式讀法 / A Sea narrative of becoming: A Deleuzian reading of Moby-Dick黃崇福, Huang, Chung Fu Unknown Date (has links)
赫爾曼.梅爾維爾(Herman Melville)的小說《白鯨記》(Moby-Dick, 1851)以其極富深度的思維吸引著讀者,並將捕鯨船上的生活百態萌發為哲學領域的思考。《白鯨記》富有多重意義的特徵使之不乏多面向的解讀,其中若以「海上旅行」作為分析的視角切入,《白鯨記》的成就將益加彰顯。《白鯨記》體現了旅行者如何因心態的不同影響其感知,在伊息默爾(Ishmael)所重述的故事中,以「遇見他者」(encounter the other)的論點觀之,能夠促進存在於伊息默爾與亞哈船長(Captain Ahab)之間相異處的瞭解。自兩者身為彼此殊異的旅行者的對比中,探討旅行者是否真實地「遇見他者」與經歷轉變的過程,本論文將伊息默爾視為能夠真實「遇見他者」的旅行者,亞哈則因其狹隘的復仇心態導致他無法獲得「遇見他者」的機會。
緊接著檢視不同旅行者的探討後,對於旅行者更深層的審視將以德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze)與葛塔力(Félix Guattari)的「游牧理論」(nomadology)進行推論,從游牧推衍的概念如:「戰爭機器」(war-machine)與「國家機器」(the State apparatus),適以處理由伊息默爾、亞哈船長與莫比.迪克(Moby Dick)所構築的關係維度。以啟迪於游牧學的反抗思維進行分析,使得亞哈的捕鯨之旅不再僅是被動地受對莫比.迪克的仇恨牽引,更是蘊藏著亞哈本身具備的能動性。游牧理論能夠開展無法以偏執狂(monomaniac)化約亞哈的特質,讓對亞哈追逐莫比.迪克的解析更形豐富,亞哈不僅具備「國家機器」的控制作為,也擁有「戰爭機器」的抵抗能力。此外,本論文更援引德勒茲與葛塔力的「變成動物」(becoming-animal)理論藉以瞭解亞哈與莫比.迪克之間可能的(變成)關係,「變成」(becoming)理論的應用並非強調外在型體上的相似,而是闡述亞哈身處與莫比.迪克居中關係內所經歷的非形體轉變,亞哈透過「逃逸線」(lines of flight)的模式,使之身處「變成莫比迪克」(becoming-Moby Dick)的進程,藉以顯示其強烈欲望的能量流動。
總體上,本論文旨在將「游牧」與「變成」理論的特質帶入《白鯨記》的文本中,產生進一步的對話空間,能使讀者從僅視《白鯨記》為單純冒險式的捕鯨敘事中進入「游牧思想」體現的思辨過程。 / Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick (1851) captivates readers with its exuberance and renders the experiences of shipboard life into a source of philosophy. Moby-Dick bears manifold characteristics worthy of exploration. Among the multiple entries into the literary research, Moby-Dick’s achievement becomes evident when being analyzed from the perspective of sea journey. Moby-Dick manifests how a traveler’s mind-set influences her/his perception along the way on the sea journey. In light of encounters with the other, Ishmael’s recounted narrative assists in the understanding of the distinction between him and Captain Ahab as different travelers. The contrast between Ishmael and Ahab concerns whether they really encounter the other and undergo transformation. This thesis considers Ishmael as a traveler who really encounters the other while Ahab keeps his one-track mind-set on his revenge, which halts the chance for his encounter with the other.
Following the examination of different travelers, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s nomadology would be applied to further the reading of travelers. The triangular dimension among Ishmael, Ahab and Moby Dick is interpreted with the concepts derived from nomadology such as a war-machine and the State apparatus. Mainly focused on the power of resistance highlighted from nomadology, Ahab’s whale hunt deserves more attention to mobility rather than to the passiveness channeled by his revenge upon Moby Dick. More than what the monomaniac can show, the theory of nomadology would potentially enrich the analysis of Ahab’s pursuit of Moby Dick. Ahab plays both a role of the controlling force like the State apparatus and a role of the resisting power like the war-machine.
Besides nomadology, Deleuze and Guattari also employ becoming-animal to suggest the possible inspirational resonance between Ahab and Moby Dick. Instead of an emphasis on the physical resemblance, “becoming” sheds light on the incorporeal transformation which Ahab undergoes within the in-between relationship with Moby Dick. Through his “lines of flight,” Ahab has been involved in becoming-Moby Dick to assert his energy flow out of the intense desire.
Overall, this thesis aims at generating more dialogue by bringing nomadology and becoming in the context of Moby-Dick. This incorporation would allow readers to consider Moby-Dick as the manifestation of Deleuze and Guattari’s “nomad thought” rather than as a mere whale-hunting story of adventure.
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後現代組織對策略之再思考 / Rethinking Strategy in the Postmodern Organization林俊杰, Lin, Chun-chieh Peter Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討後現代主義思潮對當代組織的影響與啟示為何?部分當代管理情境(或稱後現代情境), 例如,追求一切可能性、對簡單之渴望、感性的思維、 不確定性、 快速變遷、不連續性、模糊、 無界限、解構、 去中間化、 片斷化、 以族群取代社會階級、 多元化、尊重差異、超現實、以及反宰制性規則等等,對當代組織(或稱後現代組織)現在或未來在策略擬定時的影響與啟示為何? 面對後現代情境及其挑戰 , 後現代組織現在或未來對策略之再思考為何? 後現代組織未來可能適用之新的組織模式為何? 以及後現代組織對策略之再思考的實務作為為何?
經由本探索研究後發現,面對後現代主義思維的衝擊,以及後現代管理情境的挑戰,組織應該重新檢視其前提假設、回歸策略本質、勾勒遠大的構想、開創新的價值曲線以避開面對面競爭、重新尋找組織在數位世界的價值定位與經營模式、專注核心、建立社群、培養廣義「顧客」----利害關係人之新的忠誠度、善用所有利害關係人的關係與優勢、 注重組織內外部的整合以及策略要素之間的整合與一致性、擺脫語言牢籠(規則)的束縛而賦予員工彈性、持續尋找任何強調彈性結構、網絡關係、溝通效率、以及民主化機制的組織模式或概念。
最後,對於全球的多國籍企業,本研究建議其必須在全球的產業分工體系之下,勾勒遠大的構想、開創新的價值曲線、發展世界級的核心能力、建立或主導某些內外部社群或電子企業社群、採行time pacing策略以穩健成長、強化跨產業或跨國之組織與策略整合的作為、時時檢視與修改任何宰制性的政策或規則、以及繼續尋找與試行任何可能且可行的組織模式或概念。 / Abstract
Organizations that are parts of social network must take into account those issues discovered and criticized by Postmodernist and those severe challenges facing organizations.
This dissertation tries to explore those impact and implications aroused by postmodernist for contemporary organizations, those contemporary scenario (postmodern scenario) facing organizations, such as in search of possibilities, in need of simplicity, sensuous thinking, indeterminacy, a rapidly changing environment, discontinuity, ambiguity, boundarylessness, borderless, deconstruction, disintermediation, fragmentation, social class replaced by tribes, diversity, apprizing difference or otherness, hyperreality, and against governing rules, that will affect the strategic planning of organizations at present or in the coming future. In addition, this dissertation also tries to explore that currently or in the coming future how organizations rethink their strategies while facing postmodern scenario and its rigorous challenges, what forms, models or concepts of organization design that organizations can apply, and those managerial practices that organizations have ever executed.
The research methodology adopted by this dissertation is primarily literature review and secondary data exploration. The target data including cases are focused on those conceptual strategic thinking. Those cases that are mainly complement to this dissertation are those distinguished multinational corporations (MNC) that have ever been transformed from manufacturing-oriented to service-oriented, or are able to prove partial strategic thinking reviewed in the dissertation.
In the face of those thinking impact stirred by postmodernist and challenges resulted from postmodern managerial scenario, this dissertation concludes that organizations should review and rethink their assumption for the world, revisit the essence of strategy, picture and propose the big ideas, create or explore new value curves to avoid cruel face-to-face competition, explore new value positions and business models in the digital world, focus and develop core businesses and competence, build and manage communities, cultivate new types of royalty for those stakeholders partnering with organizations, utilize the relationships with and advantages from stakeholders, emphasize and advocate internal and external organizational integration and consistence and alignment for strategies, free from the cage of language and empower employees, keep exploring those organizational models or concepts that advocate or propose flexibility, networks of people, efficiency of communication, and spirit of democracy.
In conclusion, this dissertation suggests that under global industrial value chains, multinational corporations should picture and propose the big ideas, create and explore new value curves, develop best-in-world core competence, form or dominate some internal or external communities or e-business communities, adopt strategy of time pacing for sound and moderate growth, reinforce cross-industry or cross-nation integration for organizations and strategies, keep reviewing and modifying any governing policy or rules, and keep searching and experimenting any latest possible and feasible models or concepts of organization.
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