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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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施秋吟, SHIH,CHIU-YIN Unknown Date (has links)
烏托邦體裁文學的創作自托瑪斯•摩爾(Thomas More)時代至今,已有近五百年歷史。在這一漫長的進程中,由於受到不同社會文化思潮影響,使得烏托邦文學呈現多元的面貌。二十世紀前半葉,烏托邦文學中發展出反烏托邦與解烏托邦形式的小說,例如:薩米爾欽(Е.И. Замятин)的《我們》(Мы)、赫胥黎(A. Huxley)的《美麗新世界》(Brave new world)與歐威爾(G. Orwell)的《一九八四》(1984)。二十世紀後半葉,受到後現代主義的影響,烏托邦文學呈現出不同於以往的風格。前蘇聯第三波流亡作家沃伊諾維奇(В.Н. Войнович)於一九八六年完成的解烏托邦小說《莫斯科二O四二》(Москва 2042),無論是體裁、語言以及文本中的個人崇拜神話結構,皆表現出濃厚的後現代主義徵候。本論文將以沃伊諾維奇的《莫斯科二O四二》為例,分析後現代主義浪潮下解烏托邦小說的特點。 關鍵詞:後現代主義、烏托邦文學、烏托邦、反烏托邦、解烏托邦、個人崇拜神話、狂歡化、戲擬


張宇韶, Yeu, Shau-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

土壤污染與土地利用政策之研究 : 以桃園縣蘆竹鄉鎘污染事件為例

陳志仲, Chen, Chih-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要以土壤污染問題為探討對象,並採用Milbrath「新環境典範」(new environmental paradigm)之概念,以及Jacobs「後現代主義」(postmodernism)的土地利用計畫概念作為理論基礎,對土壤污染的形成原因;政府、污染者(廠商)及民眾之間在土壤污染事件的互動情形;以及土壤遭受污染後,其土地應如何再利用等問題,進行深入的思辯及探討。 為瞭解上述各項問題,本研究在研究方法上乃採取個案研究法,選擇桃園縣蘆竹鄉鎘污染事件為本研究之研究對象,經由對蘆竹鄉個案的深入研究,本研究有著如下發現及主張:首先,在政策層面上,本研究發現政府及專家們仍然習於環境問題化約為科技問題,往往以科技指標為其解決環保問題及土地利用問題的最佳憑藉。故而,本研究認為,政府此種基於主流社典範的思考模式,是造成蘆竹鄉的鎘污染問題遲遲無法解決之主因,必須予以揚棄,而試著納入新環境典範中之各項重要概念。 其次,本研究發現鎘污染的元凶「基力化工公司」乃以極為不負責任的態度來面對無辜的受害民眾,對於已發生的污染,並未設法加以補救,以致於鎘污染範圍一再擴大,其間僅象徵性的給與農民微薄的賠償及補貼金,並在民國77年停工後,完全跳脫其任何賠償責任。由此我們可以看出工業界不負責任的本質,也可以因此理解此等市場運動的可貴處與不得不然,因為法律與政策所保護的竟是污染性的工廠,在此等情況下,唯有藉由民眾的直接抗爭方足以使得生存環境不再惡化。 最後,在土地利用政策上,本研究認為政府及各界不應再奉科學方法為圭臬,並且純然的由科技專家來掌控,在新環境典範及後現代主義的階段,土地利用政策的決策權力應適度下放至地方及社區,並讓地方民眾的意見進入政策制訂過程之中,並且,土地利用政策也應該是一個政治及社會辯論的重要場域,服膺「民主」、 「公平」及「正義」等社會上的重要價值。 基於上述研究發現,本研究乃提出下列的政策建議: 一、在蘆竹鄉個案問題的解決上:環保署及政府其他單位應對蘆竹鄉當地農民將鎘污染土地予以變更使用之期盼予以回應。至於,變更之方法應採區段徵收、市地重劃、新編都市計畫等何種手段,可以與當地民眾充分進行溝通後決定。 二、在土壤污染的防治上:政府相關應該加強台灣島肉工業污染的防治,讓生產者負擔起其應負的責任與環保改善成本,不再允許其任意污染島內珍貴的環境資源。而且,不應再以科技方法,作為解決土壤污染問題的唯一手段。 三、在土地利用政策上 (一)政府應將權利適度下放:政府應拋棄「由上而下」的政策制訂模式,改以「由下而上」的方式,將權利下放適度至地方及社區,聽取地戶及民眾對土地利用政策上之意見,並可提供辯論的空間,尋求最符合民眾利益之政策走向。 (二)政策規畫者應追求社會價值:政策規畫者在參與政策制訂過程時,應是帶有價值的,應試圖將民主、公平、正義等社會價值納入政策之中,而非僅一味盲從於科技及專家之意見。 (三)專家應調整社會定位:專家們應積極涉入土地利用政策之政策制訂過程,並其中教育民眾,幫助民眾瞭解政策制訂上之問題,而非用高深的理論,將民眾意見完全排除於決策之外。

落空的權利—從法律多重製圖觀點看日月潭邵族原住民族土地同意權的實踐 / The Hollow Rights: The Practice of Thao’s Indigenous Land Rights in Taiwan from the Perspective of "Multi-Layered Mapping of Law"

沈世祐, Shen, Shih Yu Unknown Date (has links)
《原住民族基本法》於2005年通過,是台灣原住民族運動努力多年的成果,但是近年來原住民族仍持續面對各種壓迫。在土地權利方面,該法第21條規定政府或私人於原住民族土地進行開發利用時,需事先諮詢當地原住民族之同意或參與(簡稱「同意權」),然而在許多案件中,原住民族主張此條文表達反對時,經常未能得到行政部門正面回應。本研究以日月潭邵族反對向山旅館開發案為例,理解「同意權」如何變成「落空的權利」。 許多文獻討論,將原住民族權利與實踐的落差歸因於「個人權」(individual right)與「集體權」(collective right)兩種概念的差異及行政部門本位主義因素。本研究則想更進一步釐清,又有哪些其他因素也影響原住民族權利的落實? 在這些因素的影響下,「同意權」的規範運作又產生了何種實際效用? 本研究將從「法律多重製圖」之觀點回答上述問題,首先將探究「同意權」概念在國際法、國內法與行政實踐中的規範生產與運作,分析在不同的場域下,場域內的參與者如何對「同意權」進行法律製圖。本文主張,法律生產過程中對權利概念的意義內涵轉換、法律生產與運作場域的邏輯結構,皆影響原住民族權利的實踐。同時,本研究進一步以日月潭邵族的案例,說明原住民族土地權中「自由與事先知情同意原則」或「同意權」規範,理想上是以原住民族的「參與」並實現自決權為目標,但在邵族的案例中,實際運作卻是不斷「排除」原住民族的過程,法律成為排除原住民族權利的合理化機制,更避開各種議題對立面的討論。 權利的落空一方面指權利主張不被理解與正視,更進一步指原住民族社會愈遠離「集體」的過程,因而我們需對原住民族同意權或各種集體權的運作有更多的反省,並持續探詢屬於每個部落或族群中所謂「好生活」(good life)的意義。本文最後藉用「草根後現代主義」(grassroots post-modernism)之概念,介紹原住民族在追求「好生活」的道路上,如何藉著在地思考、找回與族群內部的連結,以此對抗全球化、新自由主義趨勢下對原住民族權利的影響與侷限。 / Though its enactment in 2005 can be regarded as an achievement of Indigenous movement in Taiwan, The Indigenous Peoples Basic Law does not work as it promises. The indigenous people are still struggling for the fulfillment of rights. With respect to land rights, Article 21 of the Law requires the participation and consent of local indigenous people before the development and utilization of the indigenous land. However, the article is often neglected by the government in many cases. This case study then focuses on Thao people (邵族)who live around Sun-Moon Lake (日月潭)and their opposition to a Hotel program located in Xiangshan(向山), which is regarded as the traditional territory of Thao. By adopting the perspective of “Multi-Layered Mapping of Law”, I hope to analyze the enactment process and the effect of law concerning the principle of Free, Prior and Informed Consent as well as land rights of indigenous people, and try to describe how the “right to consent” becomes a “hollow right” in practice. The study depicts the right as “hollow” for two meanings. On the one hand, it shows the situation for indigenous people facing the gap between the law’s promise and law’s practice in the complex process of law making and law enforcement. On the other hand, it further describes the more distance from collectiveness within indigenous society. The study suggests that more dialogue and more reflection is needed when claiming rights. The last part of the study then introduces the idea of “grassroots post-modernism” which discuss the way to “Good Life" and the way of resistance against globalization and neoliberalism. Although the issues need further discussion in future studies, the idea can be a guidance for indigenous people as they pursue the fulfillment of land rights, autonomy and self-determination.

後現代組織對策略之再思考 / Rethinking Strategy in the Postmodern Organization

林俊杰, Lin, Chun-chieh Peter Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 組織乃社會網絡的一員,其必須正視後現代主義者對當今後現代社會的觀察,以及必須面臨的嚴苛挑戰! 本論文旨在探討後現代主義思潮對當代組織的影響與啟示為何?部分當代管理情境(或稱後現代情境), 例如,追求一切可能性、對簡單之渴望、感性的思維、 不確定性、 快速變遷、不連續性、模糊、 無界限、解構、 去中間化、 片斷化、 以族群取代社會階級、 多元化、尊重差異、超現實、以及反宰制性規則等等,對當代組織(或稱後現代組織)現在或未來在策略擬定時的影響與啟示為何? 面對後現代情境及其挑戰 , 後現代組織現在或未來對策略之再思考為何? 後現代組織未來可能適用之新的組織模式為何? 以及後現代組織對策略之再思考的實務作為為何? 本研究主要以文獻探討與次級資料檢索之檔案研究法為主,資料檢索的對象(含個案資料之來源)是以探討較高層次的概念性策略新思維為主。至於屬於研究輔助性質之個案部分,則以屬於營利性質之全球知名多國籍企業、由製造導向轉型為服務導向者、或者可印證本研究所探討之策略新思維者為主。 經由本探索研究後發現,面對後現代主義思維的衝擊,以及後現代管理情境的挑戰,組織應該重新檢視其前提假設、回歸策略本質、勾勒遠大的構想、開創新的價值曲線以避開面對面競爭、重新尋找組織在數位世界的價值定位與經營模式、專注核心、建立社群、培養廣義「顧客」----利害關係人之新的忠誠度、善用所有利害關係人的關係與優勢、 注重組織內外部的整合以及策略要素之間的整合與一致性、擺脫語言牢籠(規則)的束縛而賦予員工彈性、持續尋找任何強調彈性結構、網絡關係、溝通效率、以及民主化機制的組織模式或概念。 最後,對於全球的多國籍企業,本研究建議其必須在全球的產業分工體系之下,勾勒遠大的構想、開創新的價值曲線、發展世界級的核心能力、建立或主導某些內外部社群或電子企業社群、採行time pacing策略以穩健成長、強化跨產業或跨國之組織與策略整合的作為、時時檢視與修改任何宰制性的政策或規則、以及繼續尋找與試行任何可能且可行的組織模式或概念。 / Abstract Organizations that are parts of social network must take into account those issues discovered and criticized by Postmodernist and those severe challenges facing organizations. This dissertation tries to explore those impact and implications aroused by postmodernist for contemporary organizations, those contemporary scenario (postmodern scenario) facing organizations, such as in search of possibilities, in need of simplicity, sensuous thinking, indeterminacy, a rapidly changing environment, discontinuity, ambiguity, boundarylessness, borderless, deconstruction, disintermediation, fragmentation, social class replaced by tribes, diversity, apprizing difference or otherness, hyperreality, and against governing rules, that will affect the strategic planning of organizations at present or in the coming future. In addition, this dissertation also tries to explore that currently or in the coming future how organizations rethink their strategies while facing postmodern scenario and its rigorous challenges, what forms, models or concepts of organization design that organizations can apply, and those managerial practices that organizations have ever executed. The research methodology adopted by this dissertation is primarily literature review and secondary data exploration. The target data including cases are focused on those conceptual strategic thinking. Those cases that are mainly complement to this dissertation are those distinguished multinational corporations (MNC) that have ever been transformed from manufacturing-oriented to service-oriented, or are able to prove partial strategic thinking reviewed in the dissertation. In the face of those thinking impact stirred by postmodernist and challenges resulted from postmodern managerial scenario, this dissertation concludes that organizations should review and rethink their assumption for the world, revisit the essence of strategy, picture and propose the big ideas, create or explore new value curves to avoid cruel face-to-face competition, explore new value positions and business models in the digital world, focus and develop core businesses and competence, build and manage communities, cultivate new types of royalty for those stakeholders partnering with organizations, utilize the relationships with and advantages from stakeholders, emphasize and advocate internal and external organizational integration and consistence and alignment for strategies, free from the cage of language and empower employees, keep exploring those organizational models or concepts that advocate or propose flexibility, networks of people, efficiency of communication, and spirit of democracy. In conclusion, this dissertation suggests that under global industrial value chains, multinational corporations should picture and propose the big ideas, create and explore new value curves, develop best-in-world core competence, form or dominate some internal or external communities or e-business communities, adopt strategy of time pacing for sound and moderate growth, reinforce cross-industry or cross-nation integration for organizations and strategies, keep reviewing and modifying any governing policy or rules, and keep searching and experimenting any latest possible and feasible models or concepts of organization.

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