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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tokyo rodeo : transnational country music and the crisis of Japanese masculinities / 東京ロデオ : カントリー音楽の越境と日本人男性性の危機 / トウキョウ ロデオ : カントリー オンガク ノ エッキョウ ト ニホンジン ダンセイセイ ノ キキ

永冨 真梨, Mari Nagatomi 21 March 2019 (has links)
本論文は、日本人男性とカントリー音楽を事例とした、日本人のアメリカ文化との遭遇に関する研究である。本論文では、なぜ日本人男性がアメリカのカントリー音楽とそのシンボルであるカウボーイを消費したかについて考察する。日本人男性は、これらの「典型的」とも言われるアメリカのシンボルを通して、日本の国家建設や、方向性に必要不可欠な、日本人男性性について議論していたと主張する。 / This dissertation is a case study about the Japanese encounter with American culture by dealing with Japanese men and American country music. I investigate why Japanese men consumed American country music and cowboy images that served as the music's main symbol. Those Japanese men's encounter with American country music shows us that Japanese men received this music from the US in multifaceted ways, rather than simply as a way to understand US-Japan relations. I argue that these Japanese men used American country music and cowboy images to debate about Japanese masculinity, which was intrinsic to Japanese nation-building, aims and identities. / 博士(アメリカ研究) / Doctor of Philosophy in American Studies / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

美國通俗羅曼史小說中的陽剛男主角 / The Masculine Hero in American Popular Romances

唐偉中, Tang, Wei-chung Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文試圖闡釋美國通俗羅曼史中男性主角的角色特質,及其自一九七二年至二○○○年間所產生的變化。 對通俗羅曼史中的女主角而言,男主角同時扮演著救贖者和迫害者的雙重角色。故事中,男主角自困境中拯救女主角,也是造成女主角各種不安的元兇。男主角的雙重性一方面增加通俗羅曼史的故事性,一方面也反映女性讀者在日常生活中所遭遇的類同困惑。論文由凱瑟林•渥迪威斯的《意外的情人》及露絲瑪麗•羅傑斯的《狂野的愛》兩部一九七○年代的重要作品開始進行討論,試圖勾勒出本文類中男性主角所擁有的概略角色形象。 男主角的陽剛特質通常藉由各種力量的展示表現;這些力量包括經濟、社會及身體等各種層面,並對女主角形成強大的吸引力。陽剛男主角代表著故事最後女主角終將獲得的獎賞,而透過對於陽剛特質的著墨,通俗羅曼史中關於女性力量至上的幻想方能得以達成。然而當男性身體的力量過度被著墨,對於陽剛特質的描述則將陷入暴力或力量的混淆,通俗羅曼史中的強暴情節也則因此產生。 隨著通俗羅曼史的演進,故事中男主角的社會地位不再高不可攀,和女主角的互動也顯得較不強勢。在一九九○年代之後出版的故事中,男主角較少扮演指導者或權威的角色。拯救者和被拯救者角色地位的互換,讓兩名主角取得更加平衡的關係。通俗羅曼史的故事焦點由女主角身上擴展為男女主角雙方的故事,男性主角的角色塑造更加受到重視,而其陽剛特質的詮釋方式也更為多樣化。 / This thesis aims to articulate the role of the masculine hero in American popular romances and the change of their roles throughout the three decades from1972 to 2000. The hero performs as the savior and the villain for the heroine in popular romances. He is the savior to rescue her from the troubles and his villainy can be threatening to her in the story. The duality of the hero dramatizes the romantic narrative and reflects certain everyday situations that trouble female audience. The discussion begins with two important works of the 1970s, Kathleen E. Woodiwiss’s The Flame and the Flower and Rosemary Rosemary Rogers’s Sweet, Savage Love to demonstrate a general picture of the hero’s role in the narrative. The masculinity of the hero usually expressed in the form of display of strength. The strength can be economic, social and physical, and appears all but desirable for the heroine to obtain. The masculine hero is the final prize for the heroine so that the empowerment to women as the fantasy provided by popular romances is then achieved through the elaboration on masculinity. However, when the strength displayed in the physical form is overemphasized, the descriptions on masculinity fall into the confusions between violence and strength. The rape incident in popular romances is a product of such confusions. When popular romances evolve, the social position of the hero declines in the story and he becomes less predominant in the interaction with the heroine. He becomes less an instructor or an authoritative figure in the novels of the 1990s. The reverse roles between the rescuer and the rescued lead to a more balanced relationship between two protagonists. The story of popular romances changes its focus from the concentration on the heroine to a story of the heroine and the hero. The characterization of the hero is then more emphasized, and the expression of the masculinity of the hero becomes more variable.

以社會補償作為減除性別刻板印象威脅之方法 / Social Compensation as a Way to Nullify the Gender Stereotype Threat

何修慧, Ho, Hsiu Hui Unknown Date (has links)
不同於以往採用數學測驗的性別刻板印象威脅研究,本研究採用男性不擅長的剪紙作業為實驗材料,並以男性為烙印團體成員。本研究同時將過去研究未探討的團體作業情境納入實驗考量,以探討在團體作業情境中,同一「刻板印象」可使參與者擔心自己表現不佳而降低表現(刻板印象威脅),但又可使參與者預期伙伴表現不佳而傾向付出更多心力(社會補償),則參與者是否因為付出更多心力而提升了原本受到刻板印象威脅影響所降低的表現。 本研究為2(刻板印象威脅:有 vs. 無)× 2(伙伴性別:男 vs. 女)× 2(伙伴表現:好 vs. 差)的受試者間設計。其中,在刻板印象威脅部分,採用直接告知「女性比男性擅長剪紙作業」的方式引發刻板印象威脅效果。在社會補償方面,分別以「伙伴男性」與「伙伴表現差」二種訊息來引發參與者社會補償。本研究之主要依變項為完成剪紙作業之作業速度與作業品質。本研究有效樣本為121位男性大學生。 研究結果發現,「伙伴表現」與「伙伴性別」二變項之效果皆未達顯著,顯示伙伴訊息未能引發社會補償效果;而針對社會補償是否能減除刻板印象威脅效果之考驗,亦未達顯著水準,因此以社會補償作為減除刻板印象威脅效果的可能性在本研究中未獲支持。然而,卻發現「伙伴表現」與「伙伴性別」的交互作用顯著,即當操弄的伙伴訊息與刻板印象「不一致」時,參與者表現比「一致」時更好,顯示「伙伴訊息」可能另有影響。本文將針對上述結果進行探討,並對研究限制與對未來研究之建議加以說明。 / Different from previous gender stereotype threat studies that use mathematics tests as tools, this study uses the manual task—paper cutting generally not familiar to males as experimental material and take them as stigmatized group numbers. This research take into consideration the group task (cooperation situation) to investigate whether participants’ additional efforts will compensate the degraded performance resulting from gender stereotype threat, in the situation that a stereotype can cause people to lower their effort as a result of their worry about their perceived poor performance (stereotype threat) and can also motivate them to make more effort thanks to their prediction of their partner’s poor performance (social compensation). The participants were randomly assigned to one of the eight conditions in a factorial design: 2 (stereotype threat: salience, not salience) × 2(partner’s gender: male, female)× 2(partner’s performance: good, bad). To evoke stereotype threat effect, the experimenters directly told the participants that “Females are better than males in the manual task.” To evoke social compensation effect, researchers arranged “males” and “poor performance” information. Valid samples were 121 male undergraduates, and their reaction time and quality of the manual task were measured. Not as expected, the results do not support hypotheses. However, it has found out that “the interaction of partner’s gender and partner’s performance” was significant. That is, the participant whose partner’s information is consistent with stereotype performs better than the participant whose partner’s information was inconsistent with stereotype. The result suggests that partner’s information may have unexpected influence on participants’ performance. This article also discusses the results, explains the limitations and offers suggestions for future research.

未婚男性的愛情觀--現象學方法的研究 / Pre-Marital Males’ Views about Love--A Phenomenological Approach

余振民, Jenn-Min Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討未婚男性的愛情觀。探究個人的愛情經驗在他們的生活中所扮演的整體角色,以歸納出愛情對他們個人的意義。並以研究所獲得的結果為基礎,進一步比較當代相關的理論,發展符合本土愛情現象的論述。   研究方法以現象學探索個人「生命世界」的方式為出發點,採用深度訪談及焦點團體來蒐集資料,邀請十一位受訪者參與訪談。訪談資料以現象學方法為基礎發展出基本架構,輔以研究者的主觀知識來完成整體男性愛情觀的詮釋與討論。主要的研究發現如下: 一、受訪的男性在青少年時期大多缺乏兩性親密互動的經驗,他們往往會藉由追求愛情來肯定自己、探索兩性關係。男性在挑選對象時相當注重外表,女性美麗的外表對他們個人的意義,在於帶給他們愉快的感受、性的快感,自我肯定,他們並會藉著女性的外表來判斷她們的內在。 二、男性在愛情關係中常扮演主動的追求者,在不斷追求愛情的經驗中,他們漸漸累積了對真實兩性關係的瞭解,以及兩性互動深刻的體驗。在愛情經驗的累積中,他們滿足自己的需求,像是自我肯定、自我成長、征服感、被關愛、被照顧、擺脫孤獨、性需求等等。透過這些需求的滿足,他們感到愛情的意義。但是對於維繫長期關係所需要的付出、犧牲自由、情慾限制、卻常讓他們感到痛苦。並且無論在他們的內心,以及他們和女友的互動中,都容易會產生不少的衝突。這樣的衝突本身不易解決,往往他們期待脫離當下的親密關係,尋找更適合自己的愛情。 三、整體來說,男性的愛情中包含了以性為主體的親密感,這樣的親密感不只是一種慾力的宣洩,而是包含著身體與心理的親密互動,甚至是一種能達到精神安定的對話關係。此外,愛情還是男性們滿足各種個人需求與成長的一個過程,端看他當下所期待的需求與成長是什麼。而在愛情關係中所獲得的成長,往往也是一種改變,推動他們再尋找最適合他們的愛情關係。   最後依據以上的研究發現,提出有關於男性、女性、諮商者以及未來研究的建議。 目 錄 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍的界定 12 第三節 本研究的限制 13 第二章 文獻探討 15 第一節 愛情的本質 15 第二節 愛情的來源 20 第三節 愛情的過程 24 第四節 兩性特質及其社會化影響因素 28 第五節 相關知識在本研究中的定位 33 第三章 研究方法 34 第一節 研究進行的架構 34 第二節 研究對象的選取 37 第三節 研究者自我涉入與自我檢核 42 第四節 蒐集資料的程序 45 第五節 資料整理與分析 56 第四章 研究發現 64 第一節 對象的挑選 64 第二節 愛情的追求 80 第三節 關係的發展 96 第四節 愛情的意義 109 第五章 結論、討論與建議 125 第一節 研究結論與討論 125 第二節 建議 156 參考書目 162 附錄 169 附錄一 訪談邀請函 169 附錄二 焦點團體邀請函 171 附錄三 訪談契約書 173 附錄四 個別訪談大綱 174 附錄五 田野日誌 175 附錄六 焦點團體訪談大綱 176 附錄七 個別訪談意義單元編輯舉例 177 附錄八 D的中心主題、開放編碼舉例 179 附錄九 個別訪談核心單元編輯舉例 180 附錄十 個別訪談的初步分析結果大綱 182 附錄十一 焦點團體訪談稿意義單元編輯舉例 184 附錄十二 研究方法的背景哲學 191 附表目次 表一 張老師近年求助問題前三名摘錄表 1 表二 台北市「生命線」近年求助問題統計資料 2 表三 愛情的內涵 3 表四 本土心理學界的愛情質性研究 6 表五 愛情的來源 22 表六 愛情的過程 27 表七 台灣男女兩性的特質 29 表八 研究對象的個人基本資料 37 表九 不同文化下的男女特質差異 136 附圖 圖一 研究進行的基本架構 35 圖二 資料分析的步驟 57 圖三 研究發現的初步架構 60 圖四 加入焦點團體資料後的研究發現架構 62 / The purpose of this study is to acquire the awareness of love of single males. This study tries to find the role of love in their lives to define their attitudes toward love. After all, this study compares the finding with contemporary theories, and tries to produce some discourse of romances in Taiwan.   Eleven interviewers have participated in this study. The phenomenological deep interview and focus group were adopted to collect data, along with the method of Phenomenological Psychology to analyze data. Finally, some hermeneutic approaches were used to illuminate the finding. The main findings were as the following.   First, most interviewed males lacked experience of mutually sexual interaction at their teens. They used to confine themselves and explore bi-sexual relations through the pursuing of love. Males intended to care about the appearance of females, as the beautiful appearance is of significance for them. Males judged the existence of females by the appearance of females, as it accommodated males with delighted feeling, sexual contentment, and self-confidence.   Secondly, Males frequently played an aggressive role in the process. Males accumulated their understandings of sexual relationship and experience of impressing sexual interaction. They were mentally and physically fulfilled with self-ascertain, self-growth, sense of conquering, being loved, being cared, and sexual interaction. Through the satisfaction of these needs, they aware the meanings of love. They, however, felt uncomfortable with the consistently long term giving, sacrifice of freedom, and control of sexual desires Such conflicts were not easily resolved, and they led males to pursue more suitable love under the present expectations. Literally speaking, love attitude of bachelors consists of intimacy mainly. Such intimacy contains physical and mental interactions and even the achievement of dialogue relations of spiritual comfort, rather than an outlet of desires.   Furthermore, love is also the process of various needs and self-growth at the moment of what makes expect to obtain and to be. The growth mostly in love relations is a change as well. It motivates males to define a more suitable relationship among themselves and others.   Based on the above findings, comments are made for males, females, consolers, and future advanced research.

情慾三角與性別政治: <<法國中尉的女人>>之女性主義再探 / Erotic Triangles and Sexual Politics: Feminism in THe French Lieutenant's Woman Revisited

蔣勇南, Chiang, Yung-Nan Unknown Date (has links)
傅敖斯的《法國中尉的女人》是否為一女性主義文本一直是批評家爭議的焦點;絕大多數的女性主義批評家都認為傅氏挑戰父權偏見不成而自陷 於其迷宮中。本論文旨在探討傅氏小說中女性主義議題,剖析小說人物的三 角關係與性別政治。 本論文共分四章:首章討論拉岡和李維史托從亂倫禁忌的情慾三角論 述;藉由女性主義家依希葛萊對拉岡和李維史托的批判和挪用,闡釋父權文化如何使女性在心裡和社會層面皆化為第二性。 第二章結合李維史托和依 希葛萊的理論,從查爾斯和提娜的婚盟以及查爾斯的紳士俱樂部集體嫖妓行 為,討論傅氏小說女性淪為男性的交換物,形成依希葛萊所謂父權社會的底 層結構--男(同)性(戀)經濟。 第三章融和拉岡和依希葛萊的精神分析理論 ,討論在查爾斯與提娜, 莎拉的三角戀情呈現的性別政治。第四章討論激 進女性主義和莎拉,蜜莉,克莉絲迪納三人的同性戀:在簡述女同志愛與女性 主義之契合後,由依希葛萊,維蒂格等人的分離主義指出莎柆如何在女人之間的情慾三角糾葛,逾越父權社會定義下的男女性別界限,並且建立獨立男性之外的女性主體。 / Fowles's The French Lieutenant's Woman~U1;'s feminism has been a point of contentions among feminist critics; most feminist critics argue that Fowles is not a feminist but a phallocratic wolf clothed in feminist clothes. This thesis intends to readdress the feminist issues in Fowles's novel by probing onto the multiple layers of triangular relationships and sexual politics among the characters. This thesis consists of four chapters. A theorectical base of this thesis, Chapter one is a discussion on the "the discourse of erotic triangle" posited repectively by Lacan and Levi-Strauss through the idea of incest taboo. Through French feminist Luce Irigaray's critigue and appropriation of Lacan and Levi-Strauss, this chapter lays bare the subordination of women in patriarchal society, psychological or social. Chapter Two is concentrated on what Irigaray calls the foundational structure of patriarchal society--"hom(m)osexual economy". The matrimonial alliance between Ernestina and Charles and the sexual escapade of Charles' gentlemen club are singled out to illustrate how women are exchanged as objects between men. Chapter Three focuses on the sexual politics in Charles' s love triangle with Ernestaina and Sarah. Chapter Four deals with radical feminism and Sarah's lesbianism with Millie and Christina. Irigaray's and Wittig' separatist politics are deployed to show how Sarah transgresses the patriarchally-defined boundary between the sexes, destroys the Victorians' mythologization of women as asexual--yet produtive--Madonna, and then forges an subjectivity independent of the male sex.

色情暴動:女性色情的論述結構與情慾能動性 / Porn Insurrection: The Discourse Structure and Sexuality Agency of Women's Porn

邱佳心, Chiu, Chia-Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
色情不只是男性的專利,女性非但有權享受色情,近年來,更發展出一種專為女性打造的特殊色情類型:男性愛(boys' love)作品中具有明顯的性器官暴露或性行為描述之內容者,本研究稱之為「女性色情」。在女性色情中,觀看主體和慾望客體的性別位置受到翻轉,展現長久以來遭受壓抑和漠視的女性情慾。研究從Butler的「言說暴動」(insurrectionary speech)概念切入,探討女性色情是否隱含顛覆父權體制下性別權力結構的另類論述,重新詮釋女性色情背後所具有的社會意涵。 在對女性色情遊戲文本進行敘事分析,並對女性閱聽人展開深度訪談後,研究結果發現:遊戲文本倒置性別觀看位置,將男性身體予以性感化和客體化,且具有超脫異性戀鐵則的情慾思維;女性閱聽人則從其中獲得逃逸和想像的歡愉,一方面逃離現實性別權力結構的壓迫,一方面從性別權力的倒置中重獲觀看權力,以女性的主動觀看,對男性進行性感化想像。此外,她們亦在實踐中展現情慾能動性,並對父權異性戀宰制性意識形態進行反思,開放情慾態度,反對對性別弱勢的歧視。 / This article defines "women's porn" as the productions which depict genitals or sexualities explicitly in the genre of boys' love, and focus on realizing whether women's porn has a metaphor for alternative discourse of subverting the structure of gender authority in a patriarchal society. The article draws from Butler's notion of "insurrectionary speech" theoretically, and uses narrative analysis and in-depth interviews to study the discourse in a game of women's porn and the reception of female audiences. The study findings are as follows: First, the game text breaks heterosexual rules by sexing maleness body and overturning traditional viewing position. Second, female audiences get their pleasures from two major parts through the reading experiences: Escaping and imaging. That is, evading from the oppression of gender authority in daily life, and put maleness body in a sexing way by viewing actively which empower them to claim their rights of viewing. Besides, they also reveal their agency in sexuality practices, reflect on dominant ideology of patriarchy-heterosexuality, and open their mind toward multiple gender-sexuality practices which differ from mainstream.

失戀男性的網路參與及線上社會支持經驗分析: 以PTT之CATCH板為例 / A study for lovelorn men in PTT CATCH: Their footsteps and on-line social support experiences.

程歆淳, Cheng, Xin Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解失戀男性在社會文化導致的傾訴困境裡,如何藉由參與情感 類虛擬社群,與其成員的互動過程重拾自我,逐步踏上復原歷程的寶貴經驗。本 研究將全國最大的 BBS 批踢踢實業坊(PTT)中的 CATCH 板作為觀察對象,首先以參與觀察的文本所得確實呈現感情類看板風貌;並用深度訪談途徑,瞭解 20至35歲、共計8位男性受訪者的網路參與經驗,成果分析如下: CATCH 板的線上社會支持形式可分資訊、情感與社交類型,成員不僅利用看板直接交流(推文),亦可能在較隱微的互動關係(如站內信、MSN)中,逐步積累情感,最後成為對方的現實好友。CATCH 板具備:多元、客觀、專家、媒介特性而利於個人化使用等,利於男性參與之特性;然而,同時亦有:用語過於直接、無法給予當事者後續關心感、缺少女性觀點與物質層面的探討等缺陷。 對於男性而言,其初始參與契機分為三類:情侶分手欲求解惑、單戀無果可望宣洩、瞭解兩性互動的要訣以及自我提昇的技巧。出於對「人肉搜索」的恐懼,男性可能以單純的觀看者作為參與方式,而主動的發文者則是利用多重身份的培養避免身份曝光。最後,男性在參與過程裡所得到的經驗為歸屬感與自我重建、感情觀與個人角色轉化,以及具體的互動或自我提升的策略。 / Men are restricted by the social stereotype that men should be strong even if they were broken-heart. This study tried to draw the experience of those lost men who joined the community of relationship, understanding that how can they recover from the lovelorn affairs. I interviewed eight members come from CATCH, the relational board of PTT which is the most popular BBS (bulletin board system) in Taiwan. They are 20-35 year-old men and have different professions. Besides, I also tried to be a true observer of the board to describe the factual environment. The results show that: Being a critical function of relational community “CATCH”, the types of online social support should be “information” “emotion” and “social activity”. The members not only talk to each other directly, but also adopt "invisible" approaches like mail or MSN to make friends with others. The relation between members could be "real" even if they were just Web friends. “CATCH” has many properties including “plurality” “object” and “user-friendly", opened communication environment and many professional person, well-known as their opinion, also empower men to communicate freely. However, the board do have its restriction just like "sharp criticism"、"short concern"、shortage of women's point of view and material accepts discussion". The initial motivations to be members for those men are: 1. the relation has been finished without causes. Those men are dedicated to finding the answers.2. The end of unrequired love leads men to depression.3. The members want to get the tips of interpersonal relationship and increase self-charming. For fear of “human-powered search”, members could be a potential viewer without posting and speaking; the active one adopts multi-identification to escape from oversee. Through the “CATCH”, men get sense of belongingness to rebuild them from lost. They learn whole new point view of love and shift themselves to a new life. The concrete strategy of interpersonal relation can also increase self-confidence.

男性受戒治人之改變動機及治療投入對康復態度的影響 / The Impact of drug offender's motivation and treatment engagement on attitude for recovery

顏蔚吟 Unknown Date (has links)
動機是成癮行為改變的重要因素,但動機高者並不能保證治療成效,同時強制治療個案即使在進入治療時動機較低,治療成效卻和自願者組沒有差異,顯示強制治療下即使進入治療時其內在動機較低也不影響治療成效。同時文獻亦證實預測成效最一致的因子為停留在治療期間的長短(retention),而預測治療期間的因子為治療投入,所以在治療過程為架構的研究模式下治療投入為影響成效的關鍵因素。雖然多數研究均顯示進入治療時動機對治療投入及治療期間長短有所影響,但是亦有研究認為治療過程相關因素才是影響治療投入及治療期間的關鍵。基於上述藥癮成效與治療過程、個案動機、治療期間的關係,同時考量台灣戒治制度須有替代治療期間的變項,本研究以探討戒治醫療處遇方案為主,了解治療對受戒治人之出所時康復態度的影響,此外基於動機在改變歷程的重要性,本研究分為二個重點:一、探討動機的相關因素,著重探討認知評估對動機的影響。二、釐清個案動機、治療投入及康復態度之關係。 本研究以台灣北區某戒治所受戒治人為研究對象,在受戒治人出所前三個月開始接受戒治醫療處遇為期六週,治療前施測:動機量表、基本資料、物質使用情形、犯罪/前科/服刑情形、康復態度等,治療結束後施測:康復態度、治療回顧、治療投入、對治療者評價等,最後以65位受試者作為本研究樣本進行分析。 研究結果顯示:一、動機相關因素:(1)人口變項、物質使用情形無法有效預測動機變項。(2)認知評估相較於問題嚴重度更能有效預測動機變項。(3)認知評估作為人口變項、物質使用、問題嚴重度(獨變項)及動機變項(依變項)間的中介效果部分獲得支持。(4)心理問題及困擾、家庭問題能夠有效預測動機。二、個案動機、治療投入與康復態度之關係:(1)治療投入僅與康復態度後測正相關顯著,卻未與康復態度前測相關達顯著。(2) 階層迴歸中治療投入能解釋較大的變異,同時治療投入及個案動機中之治療準備性對康復態度的重要性大。(3).動機及治療投入皆能有效預測康復態度,但康復態度不具有中介效果。同時康復態度前後測差異未達統計顯著性。由上述結果來看,認知評估對動機的影響最為重要,並具有中介效果,顯示除了真實藥癮及其相關問題外,認知性內在動機須由高等認知評價歷程相關較高。儘管進入治療動機能影響康復態度,但是治療投入對於治療結束時對出所後運用社區醫療資源意願有較大的預測力。 最後根據研究結果進行對動機及治療投入相關因素進行討論,並建議未來研究方向及矯正機構毒品犯處遇。 / Aim. This study examined the predictors of drug offender motivation and the relationship among motivation, treatment, attitude for recovery. Setting. The data were collected from long-term mandated residential treatment program located in Taiwan Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Northern Center. Participants. A total of 65clients received drug abuse treatment program were studied. Measurement. Pretreatment variables included: socio-demographic indicators, drug use history and dependence criminality, addiction severity index, TCU three –staged-of- motivation(problem recognition, desire for help, treatment readiness),and attitude for recovery. After treatment variables included: treatment process review, treatment engagement, and attitude for recovery. Results. (1)Cognitive appraisal is the most important predictor of client internal motivation for change.(2)Cognitive appraisal has mediating effect between problem severity and internal motivation.(3)Client motivation(treatment readiness) and treatment engagement are significantly related to attitude for recovery. Treatment engagement is more important than client motivation. The clinical implications and limitation was discussed.

两代中国女性导演视角下的女性电影中女性意识之比较研究 : —以《人鬼情》和《送我上青云》为例 / A Comparative Study of Female Consciousness of ChineseFeminist Films Directed by Two generations of ChineseFemale Directors : Taking Woman Demon and Human and Send Me to the Clouds asExamples

Su, Donghui January 2021 (has links)
As a product of the western feminist movement, feminist films have become an important tool for displaying feminist connotations and reflecting femalec onsciousness. With the advancement of society and the awakening of female consciousness, feminist film theory, criticism and practice have gradually taken a place in the film system dominated by male discourse power, and have constantly tried to speak for women on the big screen. After China's reform and opening up, feminism took root in China. In the 1980s, under the influence of western feminist film theory and practice, Chinese female filmmakers also began to try to express the situation and demands of Chinese women through films. After more than 40 years of drastic changes in reform and opening up, major changes have taken place in alllevels of current Chinese society. Chinese feminism and feminist films have also changed in accordance with the trend of the times. When the next generation of feminist filmmakers stand on the shoulders of their predecessors, they incorporate the spirit of the new era for the expression of feminism. This article selects two representative Chinese feminist films, which are "Woman Demon Human" and "Send Me to the Clouds". Through the comparison and analysis of the thematic contents, narrative styles and lens languages of the two films, the differences between the two are revealed in three aspects of feminist connotation,which include the subjective consciousness, female desires and gender differences. / 作为西方女性主义运动的产物,女性主义电影成为了展现女性主义内涵和反映女性意识的重要工具。随着社会的进步和女性意识的觉醒,女性主义电影理论、批评与实践在以男性话语权为主导电影体系中渐渐占据了一席之地,并不断尝试在大荧幕上为女性发声。中国改革开放后,西方女性主义思潮进一步影响中国。八十年代中国的女性电影人在西方女性主义电影理论与实践的影响下,也开始尝试通过电影来表达中国女性的处境和诉求。在经历改革开放四十多年的剧变后,当下的中国社会各个层面都发生重大变革。中国的女性主义以及女性主义电影也顺应时代的潮流而改变。下一代的女性主义电影人站在前辈们的肩膀上,为女性主义的表达融入了新时代的精神。 本文从上世纪八十年代和近十年的中国影坛选取两部具有代表性的女性主义电影——《人鬼情》和《送我上青云》,并通过对两部电影在主题内容、叙事方式和镜头语言上的分析,发现两部电影在呈现女性意识的三个不同方面——主体性意识、女性欲望和性别差异上的表达呈现出不同的侧重点。由此,从而以小见大,从局部来窥见两个时代的女性主义电影所反映的女性主义的时代性内涵。

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