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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

從生活型態及購買決策模式探析男性專櫃保養品之消費行為 / A Research of the consumer behavior of men's luxury skin care products: In the perspective of lifestyle and purchase decision model

黃浩群, Huang, Hao Chun Unknown Date (has links)
男性保養品市場在近幾年相當受到市場注目,許多大型化妝品集團均針對男性開發男性專屬的皮膚保養用品,在2000年之後,每一年全球的市場均達到二位數之高度成長。從數據上看來,最近幾年的化妝品產業的連年成長,有很大部份是來自於男性消費者的消費主力逐漸產生,他們對於自我外貌的觀念,因為產業、媒體、社會環境的交相傳播影響,使得產品及品牌的觀念漸漸成型,品牌忠誠度與產品的再購也有不少提昇。 本研究即就此一現象做男性專櫃保養品之生活型態與購買決策研究。透過問卷調查,探析男性專櫃保養品消費者的生活型態,並輔以非專櫃保養品之消費者,做兩者的比較分析。本研究共回收937份有效問卷,其中591份是專櫃消費者,346份是非專櫃消費者。本研究利用利用因素分析及集群分析將消費者做生活型態分類;用ANOVA、卡方分析、獨立樣本t檢定分析消費者在購買行為、生活型態、人口變項上的差異;最後用迴歸分析探討品牌滿意度對品牌忠誠度的影響。 研究結果顯示,時尚先鋒族是男性專櫃保養品的目標消費者,其人口變項、生活型態都與其他集群有顯著差異。這個族群對於流行訊息非常敏感,在團體中很活躍、重視社交,並且在意自我形象。他們會透過多元的管道購買專櫃保養品,也會透過網路與其他使用者交換使用心得。而在非專櫃消費者中的時尚先鋒族則是男性專櫃保養品的潛在消費者,他們同樣重視自我的外貌,也會利用較低價的開架式保養品,只是年紀較輕,收入較少,尚未有足夠的預算購買專櫃產品。此外本研究也發現有部分消費者的需求並沒有完全被滿足,某些肌膚問題無法對應該有的專櫃產品。 根據研究結果,企業應加強對時尚先鋒族的行銷,加強價格定位,做好專櫃通路的品牌形象及服務,以提高時尚先鋒族的品牌態度,進而形塑品牌忠誠;強化網路在行銷溝通上的地位,做好網路上的議題管理與公關策略,以強化消費者的品牌滿意度;並且企業應針對目前尚未滿足的需求,發展出對應的專櫃產品,以增加獲利。 / It’s been a wide attention to the men’s skin care matkets in recent years. Many of the large cosmetic groups are developing skin care products specifically for men. After the year of 2000, men’s skin care markets around the world are enjoying double-digit growth every year. Also, based on the numbers, the growth of the entire cosmetic industry in these years has largely benefited from the emerging men’s skin care product consumers. The concept of male consumers’ own look, is changing by the communication of the skin care industry, media information, and the whole atmosphere in the society. This phenominon has the power to form the concept of men’s skin care brands and products, and also raises the brand loyalty and repeated product buying. This research is based on this situation and doing a survey of the consumer lifestyle and purchase decision of men’s skin care products. Through an Internet survey, this research is to analyze the lifestyle of men’s luxury skin care product comsumers, and to compare with the lifestyle of men’s non-luxury skin care product comsumers. Effective samples are in the amount of 937 in total, 591 in luxury consumers, and 346 in non-luxury consumers. The statistics are conducted with factor analysis and cluster analysis to categorize the consumers by their lifestyles; with ANOVA, Chi-square, and independent sample T-test to see the consumer differences in purchase behavior, lifestyles, and demographics; and with regression analysis to discover the impact of the brand satisfaction to the brand loyalty. Based on the prominent differences in demographics and lifestyles, the result shows that the trend-pioneers are the target of the men’s luxury skin care products. This cluster is especially sensitive to fashion information, active in a group, caring about social activities, and their self images. They purchase luxury skin care products in diversed channels, and exchange information after using products with other users through the Internet. And we discover that the potential consumers are inhabited in the trend-pioneers in the non-luxury product consumers. They’re younger, having less income, also caring about their looks, using cheaper skin care products sold in supermarkets and drugstores, and very willing to buy luxury products in the future. They just need some time to get enough budgets. Another discovery in this research is that some comsumer needs are not fulfilled entirely; certain skin problems do not correspond to products with specific solutions. Men’s luxury skin care companies, based on the research results, should reinforce the marketing strategies to trend-pioneers, the price positioning strategies, brand images and services in luxury products channels to raise the trend-pioneers’ brand attitudes, and then to form the brand loyalty. The Internet should get more attention in marketing communication, and be used to enhance the issue management and PR strategies in cyber world, to raise consumers’ brand satisfaction. Additionally, to raise the profits, companies involved should develop corresponding luxury products to specific unfulfilled needs.


黃敬華, Huang, Ching Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本論文從現階段台灣本地的現象出發,爬梳「另類」(alternative)男性氣質的思考與脈絡,而大眾文化的論述又如何建構、行銷、挪用「型男」;進一步分析行動者本身透過跨文化消費與跨性別展演的實踐,重新理解當代的男生/身。 第一章即以台灣本地近年的男性雜誌、電視節目與服裝、化妝品的市場發展為始,勾勒出目前本地型男的發展樣態,接而回溯國外型男的發展歷史,討論國內型男現象如何「引入」國外的風潮。本研究以Paul du Gay與Stuart Hall(1997)所提出的「文化迴路」(the circuit of culture)的概念,作為本研究的思考脈絡依據與研究架構。 第二章的歷史背景陳述,爬梳了男性裝扮的歷史沿革,分別從大眾媒體與消費市場的角度來剖析該風潮的成長與發展,突顯了男性裝扮在歷史脈絡中的轉變,交雜實體的「物」與社會思潮的討論,搭建了本文於今討論的背景基礎。本章透過(數)個經典媒介文本作為對象,分析包括時尚雜誌、電視媒體、網路媒體、消費地景等,剖析媒介文本與消費地景的轉變對男性裝扮的建構與影響,以探討當代男性受媒介文本與消費地景影響後,透過消費與性別的展演作為實踐的方式之可能。 第三章為型男的跨文化消費探討,首先透過消費市場的現況搭建出台灣本地男性消費市場的面貌與幅度,繼而將探討行動者如何透過消費進行自我的風格建構,以及這些風格援引自哪些文化想像與風格類屬,進一步從中釐清消費物、消費文化與消費者之間的三重關係,並構築出台灣本地型男消費的力道與意涵。就個體的身份認同上,個體即在我群與差異化我群之間游移擺盪,正也對照於時尚本質的雙重曖昧性。同時,就跨文化層面來看,台灣本地的現象受到日本、歐洲、美國的文化影響,這三股力量的流動與相互作用,共構了本地行動者對於型男為何物的遙想。然而,本地的行動者也並非被動地接收各類資訊與文化傳播,反而主動地挪用、轉化、拼貼了異文化原始風格的意涵,重新塑造出新的形象,也產生新的意義。 第四章則是討論型男的性別展演,透過與理論的對話,以性別的跨界做為論述主軸,輔以型男自我闡釋的性傾向與性別認同,探勘型男在性別的認同上的突破與變異,勾勒出跨性別認同的光譜。本章以五位不同性取向的男性作為案例故事,從個案中看出「美」可作為男性氣質表現的選擇之一,陰柔的男性不必然是同志,異性戀男子也可以很Gay化;男同志可以與異性戀男子產生性別互動的關係,雙性戀的男性也可以在性傾向的光譜上遊走。因為對於身體的自覺與情慾的自主,才讓男性的性別想像有了更多的可能。 第五章則為結論部份,將對本研究的各面向作一總結,透過與行動者的訪談與二手資料分析,釐清行動者的意圖,沿著文化消費與性別認同兩主軸的概念進行討論,並指出研究過程中的限制與未來可能發展的方向。

男性家庭照顧者之研究 / Research on Male Home-caregivers for the Elderly

陳奎如 Unknown Date (has links)
我國面臨高齡化社會的趨勢,為因應老人照顧需求快速增加,家庭作為老人照顧支持體系的一環,有關老人家庭照顧者的議題得到來自各種專業領域的重視。檢視國內外既有文獻的討論,對於家庭照顧者的照顧經驗及困境,已累積有豐富的研究成果,然而,相關研究成果基本上著重於日益增加的照顧需求如何影響女性照顧者的生活。有鑑於前人研究發現,兩性在照顧工作方面的投入與影響確有差異,因此,為求對我國家庭照顧者有更全面性及完整性的思考,確有需要對從事家庭照顧的男性加以瞭解。本研究立基於國內既有研究成果及國外相關研究的啟發,透過性別關注的角度切入家庭照顧議題,以我國佔三至四成的男性照顧者為對象,瞭解我國男性家庭照顧者的獨特照顧經驗。本研究目的包括:(一)探討男性家庭照顧者形成的歷程;(二)男性照顧者對照顧工作的經驗感受及其影響;(三)男性家庭照顧者的應付策略及社會支持;(四)提出具性別敏感的政策參考。 本研究採用質性研究方法,深入訪談十二位正在從事家庭照顧工作的男性。重要研究發現為:(一)男性家庭照顧者形成的歷程,依序決定於「勞動就業狀況」、「性別角色規範」以及「親屬關係」。(二)男性家庭照顧者的經驗感受,在情緒認知、表達方式及角色自主性方面,存在男性氣概與照顧者被期待特質之間的矛盾拉扯,同時面臨就業及照顧工作的衝突。(三)男性家庭照顧者的應付策略,傾向以工具性問題解決模式,運用個人經濟資源的優勢,解決照顧工作的困境,其方法包括:創新照顧方法、調整自己的想法、及分攤照顧責任。最後,本研究分別從「保障老人權益減少依賴」、「提供性別適切的照顧者福利支持措施」、「解構照顧工作之性別分化」三個方面提出政策建議。 / As a response to the increasing demand of elder care in the modern aging society, the issue of home care for the elder has attracted more attention in several academic fields. In the literature, there have been some research findings about the experiences and challenges of home caregivers. However, these discussions primarily focused on the impact of caring works on the female caregivers. According to the previous research, there exists significant difference between male and female caregivers in their ways of input and impact from caring work. There is a need to study the topics of male caregivers in order to have a thorough understanding of home caregivers. This thesis studies the relations between gender difference and caregiving by exploring the unique experience of male caregivers, who take 30% to 40% share of total caregivers in Taiwan. The main purposes of this research include: (i) the formation of male caregivers; (ii) the experience and impact of caring work on the male caregivers; (iii) the coping strategy of male caregivers and their social support; (iv) the accordingly policy suggestions with gender-sense. This study adopts qualitative research methods by interviewing twelve male caregivers in Taiwan. The major findings can be summarized as (i) The formation of male caregivers depend on the job market condition, the normative gender role, and kinship relations. (ii) There exist conflicts between socially expected characteristics of care providers and male care provider's masculinity in the caregiving process. Examples include the conflicts between recognized and actual ways of emotion expression, between autonomic and constrained (defined) role playing, and between personal career development and home care works. (iii) The male caregivers develop several innovative problem solving strategies, such as using personal economic resources, adjusting predominate thinking, and sharing care responsibilities with others. Finally, this study provides concrete policy implications in three aspects: reducing elders' dependence, increasing governmental support with gender-sense for caregivers, and de-constructing the division of gender on caregiving systems.

臺北市幼兒園家長對男性幼教師在幼兒園任職角色接受度之調查研究 / The study of investigation of the acceptance of male teachers’ occupational roles in kindergarten. A case study of parents of kids in kindergarten.

周麗珍, Chou, Li Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺北市幼兒園家長對男性幼教師專業素養的認同度及在幼兒園任職角色的接受度。本研究採問卷調查法,問卷調查樣本以臺北市十二行政區共十五所幼兒園,含國小附設幼兒園、市立幼兒園、公辦民營幼兒園及私立幼兒園。共計抽取450位幼兒園家長,樣本回收418份,回收率為92.88%;樣本可用405份,可用率90%。研究工具包含自編之「臺北市幼兒園家長對男性幼教師專業素養與任職角色之調查研究」。本研究統計方法包含描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析。研究結果顯示家長教育程度與子女就讀幼兒園所在行政區及園所類型在家長對男性幼教師專業素養認同度、任職角色接受度及在自己子女就讀之幼兒園任職角色接受度等構面有顯著影響;子女就讀之幼兒園內是否有男性幼教師任職,會影響家長對男性幼教師在幼兒園任職的接受度。由研究結果得知,男性幼教師的專業能力是得到肯定的,但仍必須仰賴實際的接觸經驗與相關資訊的透明化,因此男性幼教師需要政府的相關協助包括獎助學金與保障就業等,方能有投入幼教環境的動機,幼兒園主管機關則必須藉由教學分享平台、教學觀摩與親師溝通平台等方式讓男性幼教師能與女性幼教師及家長密切交流,減低家長對男性幼教師的疑慮並增進對男性幼教師的肯定。本研究係以台北市為研究範圍,且僅以問卷調查評估男性幼教師的專業接受度,建議未來研究可將範圍擴大,及可採取質性訪談方式,以訪談或者開放性問卷等方式取得資料,並將研究對象擴及幼兒園管理階層與女性幼教師等層次。 / The study aims to explore the identity of male kindergartens teachers professionalism and their occupational roles in respect to their acceptance by the parents of kids. This study conducts questionnaire solicitation from fifteen kindergartens in twelve districts in Taipei City. 418 sampling questionnaires were collected from a total of selective 450 parents of kindergarten kids. Among those samples 405 are used for this research study. The feedback rate is 92.88% and the available rate is 90%. The fundamental research tools include "The Survey of Professionalism and Occupational Role on Male Kindergarten Teachers by Parents of Preschool Kids in Taipei", which was originated by author. The adopted statistic methods are descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlations and multi-step regressions. The conclusion of study can be summarized as follows. The education degree of parents, the districts where kids studied and the pattern of kindergarten affect significantly in recognition of professionalism on male kindergarten teachers, acceptance of occupational role and acceptance of occupational role in the kindergartens kids studied. Besides, the male teachers are in kindergarten or not affected the acceptance of occupational role in kindergarten kids studied in. According to the results, the abilities of male teachers is approved. But the acceptance is still restricted by the experiences of parents and the information they received. Thus, the government can offer guarantee, awards and subsidy to promote male teachers; institutions of preschool teacher education and kindergartens management can create teaching platform and communication platforms, host teaching observation to promote the interaction between parents, male and female teachers. Due to the sample region restricted in Taipei, the researchers can increase the regions and choose Stratified random sampling. Besides, because other professional domains in male kindergarten teachers and the view of male teachers in female teachers are not the content in the research, they can be added in the framework in the future. The future researcher can adopt qualitative research method and increase open questionnaires for parents, and collect dynamic data. Finally, the management in kindergartens, female teachers and male teachers can be added to the object of study.


柯淑芬, KE, SHU-FEN Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共一冊,約八萬字,分為五章十一節,以下分別扼要說明各章節之內容: 第一章緒論 第一節研究動機與目的 一.研究動機:起於目前勞動市場中,女性所遭受的歧視與不平等的待遇。 二.研究目的:在於瞭解我國大學畢業男女所得之差異,並探討影響差異的重要因素 。 第二節研究的重要性 期經由男女所得差異的採討中,找出影響差異的來源,並設法對減少差異因素的影響 力提出具體建議,以提高女性對教育投資的意願,並希望能促成「男女職業機會均等 」理想的早日實現。 第二章文獻探討 第一節男女所得差異之現況 探討世界各國及我國男女所得差異之情況,及比較差異的程度是否因國別及年別而有 所不同。 第二節影響男女所得差異的重要原因 包括教育程度、婚姻狀況、職業生涯中斷、傳統的性別角色、職業隔離、性別歧視及 生產力等等。 第三節研究假設 第三章研究方法與步驟 第一節研究方法與研究工具 第二節研究步驟 第四章研究結果的分析與解釋 第一節男女所得差異之分析 第二節影響男女所得差異重要因素之分析 第五章結論與建議 第一節結論 第二節建議


沈姍姍, SHEN, SHAN-SHAN Unknown Date (has links)
在急遽變遷的社會裡,人與人的關係益形密切,因此唯有對錯綜複雜之人際關係有所 認識與瞭解,方有助於建立人與人間之良好情誼與避免「疏離感」、「冷漠感」之侵 擾。 性別角色共分為兩性化、男性化、女性化與未分化四種類型。何種性別角色型態最能 贏得他人好感、獲取贊同與維繫友誼?此為本研究之主題之一。 價值觀念常因文化、種族、生活型態等因素之不同而有所差異。並因此差異影響吾人 在態度、舉止舉行為方式上皆有不同。是否此種差異對人際關係之建立與維繫也有影 響呢?此為本研究之主題之二。 本論文共分五章,第一章緒論,旨在說明研究目的、研究方法並闡釋一些名詞之操作 性定義。第二章為文獻探討,敘述及分析有關人際吸引、性別角色及價值觀念之實證 性研究。第三章研究設計,說明研究之對象、工具、實施過程與資料處理之方法。第 四章結果與討論,以資料統計分析之結果考驗假設並討論。第五章結論,以理論及實 際研究發現,歸納結論,並提出可行之建議。


白育珮, Pai, Yu-Pei Unknown Date (has links)
在以性別作為主要分眾依據的時尚雜誌中,男性與女性時尚雜誌對於不同性別的人物報導呈現方式有何差異?本研究引用角色理論、刻板印象概念相關之論述,對時尚雜誌中的封面,以及人物報導文章中的標題、圖片與文字描述等作量化式的內容分析,以探究時尚雜誌中性別角色描繪的區隔方式。 結果顯示男性雜誌中的男性人物通常被賦予嚴謹、理性印象,並且透過與女性化關聯意涵的隔離,刻畫一具「絕對的男子氣概」角色形象;男性雜誌中的女性角色則以表面化、簡單化、帶性意涵的方式呈現,職業角色極微,以符合刻板化典範的策略呈現之。 女性雜誌中的男性性別角色呈現,能允許部分非慣俗刻板印象,但僅限於外顯行為,大部分內容仍為刻板印象的複製;女性雜誌中的女性角色則相對能夠包容最多非刻板印象的角色呈現,內在部分刻畫具嚴謹性,職業形象鮮明,然外在描述則仍著重服裝、外貌身材部分,強調女性氣質,兩造形象的結合實為回應時尚雜誌商業訴求下的女性角色呈現模式。 研究建議後續相關的研究方向應可納入雜誌編輯的意見,以利更加明確的瞭解時尚雜誌行文編輯中運用以描繪性別角色之策略;另外,對閱聽人解讀效果的研究也利綜覽整個時尚雜誌性別角色呈現的傳播過程及其影響。 / To realize the differences of sex roles displayed between men's and women's fashion magazine, this study analyzed the headlines, pictures and contents in the interview articles of famous persons in both men's and women's magazines by quantitative content analysis. Based on the role theory, concepts of stereotype, and theories of communication, the study investigated how fashion magazines try to make distinction between male and female characters. The results of this study suggest 4 conclusions. 1) In men's magazines, male character is often described as serious and rational. Besides, by segregating from any feminine inference, men's magazines portray male character as "absolute masculinity". 2) In men's magazines, female character is simplified, and implied with sexual meaning. Moreover, female's occupational role is rarely mentioned, which is a strategy following stereotyped paradigm. 3) In women's magazines, male character is allowed to show part of unaccustomed image, but only limited to outward behaviors. Most contents still reproduce stereotyped sex roles. 4) Compared with men's magazines, women's magazines tend to grant the female character most non-stereotyped images in their displays. Internally, the female character is often described as staid and professional, while the external focus still centers on dressing, appearances and body shape. In effect, combining these two dimensions above is the strategy adopted by women's fashion magazines in order to fulfill commercial requests. This study also points out some potential issues for following researches. For example, the opinions of magazine editors could be involved to deepen the understanding of the sex-role displaying strategies. Moreover, exploring the effects of audience's interpretation also helps to overview the whole communicating process of sex-role concepts between readers and fashion magazines, and its upcoming influence.


蘇郁雅 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解男性公務人員申請育嬰留職停薪之歷程,及復職或離職後的感受,並對公務人員育嬰留職停薪政策所產生的政策問題意涵加以分析討論。為有效達成上述目的,本研究採取深度訪談法,訪談10名男性公務人員申請育嬰留職停薪者, 並將所得結果詮釋及賦與意義,歸納研究發現如下: 1.男性公務人員在潛意識裡仍有性別分工之意識,然而他們也逐漸體認到性別主流化所倡導的觀念,且願意參與家務,因此性別分工論仍然存在,但似乎有鬆動的跡象。 2.男性會申請育嬰留職停薪去從事其他事務(如進修)者,多數在其原有職務上都產生疏離的現象。另外,其申請過程的順利與否,端視任職機關在機關首長的帶領下,形成的組織文化如何運作。 3.男性公務人員雖會以申請育嬰留職停薪方式從事其他活動,但應可以鼓勵代替防弊,漸進地誘導男性參與家庭來改善,並應建全托育制度,及規劃育嬰留職停薪的相關配套措施。 / This study explores the track of male public servants who took parental leaves and attempts to understand their feelings when they returned to work or resigned. Based on such understanding, the study further analyzes the problems behind parental leave policy. The author conducted in-depth interviews on ten male public servants who took parental leaves and the results of the interviews were interpreted and assigned meanings. The findings are as follows: 1.The male public servants had consciousness of division of labor by gender. However, they were aware of the concept of gender mainstreaming gradually, and were willing to participate in housekeeping. Therefore, the gender division of labor still exists, but it seems to be oscillated. 2.When the male public servants took parental leaves but did other affairs(like studies), most of them had the sense of alienation from their jobs. Besides, whether their applications for parental leaves went smooth or not depended on the culture of the organization. 3.When dealing with the problem that some male public servants take advantage of parental leaves for other purposes, instead of averting their cheating, we should encourage them to participate in family duties. Thus we can improve the situation gradually. Finally, we should amend the childcare policy and formulate supporting measures for the current parental leave policy.

女性雜誌與女性價值變遷相關性之探析 / Research of the Relation Between Women's Magazine and Women's alue Change

賴珮如, Lai, Pey Ru Unknown Date (has links)
女性雜誌之出現,標舉將女性視為一特定閱聽眾。長期以來,女性受到父權意識型態的限制,權利義務被忽略,依附男性而生活,然而這種不平等的現象,隨著社會環境的變遷,而有緩和趨勢。而女性雜誌既為一「女性空間」,是否強化傳統的性別秩序,或呈現無刻板印象的性別角色,值得探討。   歷來探討大眾媒介和社會變遷關係的研究者,把其關係區分為三大類,包括反映者、強化者和促動者。但由於大眾媒介內容和社會環境變遷的時間,很難做清楚的劃分,對二者間的關係,至今仍莫衷一是。   本研究以創刊達二十五年的「婦女雜誌」為對象,企圖找出女性雜誌和女性價值變遷間的相關性。在相關研究中,可以發現,女性雜誌中所呈現的女性,基本仍偏向傳統形象,強調外貌、家庭比工作重要,研究焦點多半著重在人物描繪上。本研究則關切女性雜誌中的報導主題,及傳達的兩性價值和形象,是否因時間推移而有所改變。   研究結果發現,「婦女雜誌」中,以生活資訊報導量最多,但其所占比例逐年減少,同時安排位置也多半在整本雜誌的後半部,而偏向硬性的法律政治和社會議題,則呈逐年增加的情形,顯示「婦女雜誌」逐漸脫出傳統的窠臼,不再只把女性的關心焦點限囿在流行上,原屬男性領域的議題也日受重視。   「婦女雜誌」對兩性形象的呈現方式,仍以傳統角色占居主流,而代表較自由開放的形象,在女性方面,呈逐年增加的情形,而男性方面則呈逐年減少趨勢,顯示「婦女雜誌」在描繪女性時,鼓勵朝自由開放方向發展,而描繪男性時,則著重傳統性別秩序,但也鼓勵自由發展。   在兩性價值方面,「婦女雜誌」中所傳達的女性價值,朝向自由多元的方向發展,鼓勵女性做個有主見的人,但在男性價值方面,仍偏向傳統的價值,和根深柢固的男性形象相符合。   從社會背景變遷和「婦女雜誌」的報導內容來看,在民國59年以前,「婦女雜誌」偏向扮演社會變遷的促動者,到了民國60年開始,和社會變遷的時間差距拉近,反映者和強化者的角色開始突顯出來,但因時間不易明確劃分,促動者的角色也不能率爾去除。   從「婦女雜誌」的報導內容來看,在民國59年以前,父權意識型態色彩濃厚,但自民國60年開始,女性角色日益多元化,兩性關係也朝平等方向發展,顯示父權意識型態的威力已逐年減低。

慕知音:梅爾維爾《克萊柔》中對男性情誼的渴望 / Yearning for a Friend: the Desire for Male Intimacy in Melville's Clarel

童小偉, Tong, Xiaowei Unknown Date (has links)
本文重在分析梅爾維的史詩《克萊柔:聖地朝之》中表現對男性 情誼的渴望。男性是間一種深刻友從心理以及精神層面來看,渴望這種情誼與男同性愛類似,但是前者無關欲的。舉個例子《白鯨記》 渴望這種情誼與男同性愛類似,但是前者無關欲的。舉個例子《白鯨記》 中以實瑪利對魁格的感情就更適合稱作男性誼而非同愛。本文認爲,克萊柔對西利歐( Celio)和薠( Vine)的渴慕純粹是精神上,而他對那 )的渴慕純粹是精神上,而他對那 個對那里昂青年( the Lyonese)卻毫無渴慕之情可言。這個觀點跟很多學者前 卻毫無渴慕之情可言。這個觀點跟很多學者前 輩們的觀點不同,他認爲克萊柔對男性情是跟欲望沾邊。本文指出他們之所以得出 這種結論是由於沒有從整體上去把握首詩。他們抓住了一些 模糊的表述,卻忽略了這些與上下文關係。本對首詩分析會格外注意它的完整性。同時,本文也會借助一些外材料比如艾默生章、霍桑的小説 、梅爾維的通信以及他另外一首詩 《歡會之後 》(“After the Pleasure Party”)。本文的論述主要分 爲四個部,大致跟這首詩的四個部分吻 合 / This paper discusses the desire for male intimacy in Melville’s epic Clarel: A Poem and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land. Male intimacy is intense friendship, the desire for which partakes of spiritual and psychological aspects of homosexual desires but differs from them in that it is not sexual. As an indicative instance, the relationship between Ishmael and Queequeg is more appropriately called “male intimacy” than “the homosexual.” This paper argues that Clarel’s yearning for Celio and Vine is purely spiritual and that the Lyonese is not an object of desire for Clarel. This view is a challenge to many earlier critics’ belief that Clarel’s spiritual pursuit is tinged with eroticism. Their belief, as this paper will demonstrate, results from a limited reading of the poem. That is, they insist on some ambiguous statements without enough regard to the context. This paper attempts to read Clarel closely and comprehensively. It will resort to some external texts, such as Emerson’s writings, Hawthorne’s novels, and Melville’s correspondence, as well as his poem “After the Pleasure Party.” The body of this paper matches the structure of the poem: the four chapters correspond respectively to its four parts.

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