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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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相機鏡頭保護鏡之新產品上市計畫 / Operating and launching strategies for camera lens protector

林正峯, Lin, Jeff Unknown Date (has links)
The demand of digital cameras in Taiwan has been steady increasing during 2011 to 2012; the total sales volumes are expected to be positive in the future. On other hand, due to consumers are pursuing higher quality lives, they buy more functionalities cameras. As DSLR cameras are too heavy and low-end digital cameras have low functionalities, which are why DSLR-like cameras and high-end digital cameras have become more popular recently. Despite the increase sale of cameras, the qualities of cameras accessories are still in chaos, especially in products like camera lens protector. There is no such a high C/P value of camera lens protector in the Taiwan market. Because of the above opportunity, some of my friends and I have founded a company to produce a high C/P value of camera lens protector. Our company vision is to product the best quality camera lens protector with medium price in Taiwan. Our company goal is to reach 50% market share in the camera accessories market. We have our own R&D in Taiwan, and guarantee that our products will be made in Taiwan. Our camera lens protector will be mainly sold in Taiwan in the beginning of year. About our channel selections, we will mainly focus on some independent stores in Bo-Han camera areas, two largest 3C chain stores. In order to sell our products to those independent and chain stores, pre-launching marketing is also needed. We will provide POSM to channels, incentives to sales people, and internet marketing to promote our products. When our products are steady in Taiwan, our company will be discovering more export sales in overseas. We are looking forward to doing OEM or ODM, if there were any opportunities in the future.


白詩瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探究,數位相機與人們之間的意義構連,在經過數位化後的數位相機進入生活之後,如何改變家庭關係、自我論述、個人生活記憶和社會網絡,而數位相機對其生命歷程意義何在。 本文透過文獻回顧,耙梳攝影和照片的基本概念,從底片相機的意義、功能和敘事方式,與其再現真實的討論,歸納出底片相機的可能性及運作方式,接著討論進入數位化後的數位相機,其意義和功能、分享特性、敘事方式以及再現危機,整理數位相機的特殊性和與底片相機的共通性。另透過敘述訪談(narrative interview),分析兩個案例,以發現其如何在生活情境中建構屬於他們和數位相機的互動意義。 研究發現兩個案例皆在現實生活中運用數位相機,使生活過得更順遂,心情更平穩(紓壓、平衡),兩者亦將數位相機作為解決(情緒、人際、生活困境)的方式,並從中又開啟了不同的領域(創作、部落格),並將之分享。兩人在現實生活中,皆因工作失去平衡,而後透過數位相機,找到調節生活壓力和彌補缺憾的方式,且獲得超越記憶與保存的意義,而衍生出更深層的情感。 因此數位相機不僅延續了傳統相機的記憶留存的功能,且更加的著重在溝通、分享與認同。數位相機並非只是一個科技物,而是實際深入於人們生活之中,參與並建構人們的生活,共同與人們創造出獨特的意義。再者,數位相機使得攝影的意義並不僅止於照片本身或事件之中,而是包括拍攝的動作、拍攝前的意圖和運用的方式,皆有其代表性。其產生的意義是延伸、互動的,透過被攝者、觀者和攝影者的定義,找出自身角色與意義,並將意義延伸出更為複雜的解釋,深入於生活之中,持續影響著彼此。

創業計劃 內建相機模組 / Business Plan – Camera module house

張博凱, Chang, Allen Unknown Date (has links)
CMOS module house, which still enjoys the double digit gross margin in component supply chain, is one of the reasons facilitating the idea of start-up. We think this idea is practical and also profitable as we have solid network in high-tech industry, as well as comprehensive knowledge and relatively easier than others to find talent for the team up and to be one of key suppliers in the supply chain in the future. In order to make the business plan more structural, we explain the industry, product itself, market trend, market size and potential value we can earn, as well as the key names in the supply chain, including names of suppliers, competitors, and customers. Regarding to the business target, we are not aiming the goal too high to be reached. Instead, we set 3-5% of total market share (in Notebook PCs, Tablet PCs, and Smartphones) after 1-2 years business operations. We think this is practical and also profitable as the size of PC and consumer electronics (CE products) are huge, and the earnings is usually surprising even the gross margin is low, as long as the volume is huge enough.


黃順當 Unknown Date (has links)
以實質選擇權的方法探討台灣消費性電子產業,在新產品開發過程中的決策點,期望能由其中歸納出適當可以簡易運用的模型供經理人員參考運用。更進ㄧ步藉由模型的結構化特性,以Lint & Penning的新產品開發程序(NPD)模型之結構,幫助經理人員分析各個考慮因素,對於最終決策的影響方向與影響程度加以量化,使經理人員在專案接近決策臨界點,比較模糊的狀況下,仍然能夠經由簡單的量化分析,做出正確的決策。


張敏聰 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於從類比往數位化科技的演變已成為新的趨勢,以及其創造出的影響力十分龐大,不僅改變人類的生活型態且深深影響著使用行為。傳統相機的數位化過程,提供了最好的例案。近年來台灣也開始從原本Wintel的IT 產業往消費性產業(Consumer Electronics)移動。想快速複製在IT產業所累積的經驗,運用到消費性電子業上,再一次創造主導生產端的全球優勢。雖然IT產業的成功,提供廠商極佳的參考價值,但二者有著極大的不同。IT產業有Wintel的共通平台,標準一致性高,這對有大量複製能力的台灣廠商,提供了絕佳的發展機會與空間,而事實也証明是成功的。但在消費電子業上,因沒有共同平台可用,就沒有如此方便的架構可供參考。各家都必需有其特色,產品才會有其吸引力,也唯有貼近消費者需求的產品,才是價值所在。而所有令人眼睛一亮的創新產品背後,都是建構在嚴格的技術與管理的體系上,且無一例外。產業是企業的組合,企業的成長與否正是驅動產業生態變化的主要原因。 本研究主要探討集團內部創業過程中,有效的應用產品生命週期演化中所決定的市場關鍵性變數,以集中資源,重點突破的管理模式,達成組織目標。希望透過研究成果對台灣公司往消費性電子的發展有所貢獻。僅透過單一公司內的事業部做深入分析。研究架構以Timmons Model做為主軸,以機會、資源、團隊做為主要的基礎研究構面,配合龍捲風暴(Inside The Tornado)競爭優勢的三個關鍵性變數之互動中,做進一步的檢驗,並對此一模型提出建議並供業界參考。 / In light of the paradigm shift from the analog to digital in people’s life and the trend in this way which not adjusted the living style of mankind but varied behaviors of manipulation has a huge impact. The sample that traditional cameras were substituted for digital cameras could be a valid evidence. Taiwan has been recognized as a successful story of major hardware providers for the IT industry. The main reason behind it is a platform defined by Wintel (Windows and Intel) and that makes the development easier for Taiwanese companies to have a quick move. Because of more than 20 years booming IT industry, the opportunity which is open so wider and Taiwan has performed as a great model during the time period. The good result turns out that Taiwan can explore the same DNA which is embedded from IT industry to make another successfully story on Consumer Electronics fields. Obviously, that is not the same game rule as history of IT industry due to no common platform for quick “copy and paste” mechanism defined by Wintel. Whoever wants to be the key figure in the market of consumer electronics, therefore, should provide excellent products as well as solid management skills for himself and whole market in the realm. The permanent rule is only the products which really touch the wants of consumers can enjoy the great success and the different way of thought or action based on what has been learned from IT mode. The purpose of this research is try to explain the inner incubator system to a newly establishment BU (business unit) for how to utilize the opportunity and to allocate the resources no matter inner or out source, then organize a great team work to make the BU successful. The concept adopted here, is based on “Timmons” model and combines the way with “Inside the Tornado” for developing new management scope and business model. The structure of this thesis is imitated with depending upon the theory of “Timmons” & “Inside the Tornado” and provides the conclusion and suggestion after solely case study, then.

企業多角化策略與雙元組織管理探討 / A Case Study on the Corporate Diversification and Organizational Ambidexterity

劉慰祖 Unknown Date (has links)
過去的企業經營追求的是規模經濟,多角化為可能的策略選項,透過多角化的經營進行擴張,並希望組織的互補運作能降低風險產生綜效。學術上多著重於探討企業多角化經營所能帶來的結果,而非探討企業多角化經營的目的與動機,以及企業內部如何進行組織的運作與變革。今日多變的環境與激烈的競爭,為企業經營帶來挑戰,要能生存並追求永續經營,創新成為基本要件,多角化經營中如何應用既有核心事業的能力,以對新市場與新機會進行探索,新舊組織運作中的矛盾與衝突,如何轉化為企業創新的動力,使得組織的雙元性成為近來組織管理中熱門的議題。 本論文即以相機模組產業為例,選定具代表性的個案公司,採用質性研究中個案研究法與參與觀察法兩種方式進行研究。科技的日新月異促使此產業快速發展,許多廠商紛紛投入,更有中國大陸挾其廣大的內需市場建立產業鏈,使得產業競爭益形激烈,台灣廠商莫不積極尋求新藍海思考轉型。個案公司成立已逾四十年,紮根各種影像科技產品近二十年,為台灣相機模組產業的先驅,從初期聚焦於行動電話市場,透過產品多角化跨入筆記型與平板電腦市場,再嘗試進入安防監控與其他應用,探究其實務運作上所採取之多角化策略思維與動機,以及因不同市場特性所形成之雙元性組織運作模式,應可為多角化策略與雙元組織管理帶來實際可供研究之案例,並為台灣資訊電子產業企業組織運作參考之依據。

台灣數位相機代工產業的供應商涉入新產品開發模式之研究-以兩家上市公司為例 / The Research of Supplier Involvement Model of New Product Development of Taiwan Digital Camera Industry

廖雲娥, Liao, Grace Yun Er Unknown Date (has links)
台灣數位相機代工業出貨量穩居世界第一, 2011年渴望突破五成,毛利率維持10%以上,堪稱台灣代工業的典範,除了具備一向擅長的低廉製造成本優勢,數位相機沒有共同平台與主流設計可以依循,如何兼具「低成本」、「創新」與「速度」,並掌握市場終端消費者的需求,成為核心競爭力,這對於一向習慣於大量複製的台灣電子代工業而言,是很大的挑戰。 本研究的宗旨在於探討台灣數位相機代工業的供應商涉入新產品開發模式,以廠商內部因素與供應商條件考量兩個構面,透過個案研究的方式,深入訪談個案公司的研發高階經理人,探討影響數位相機廠商的供應商涉入產品開發的因素,研究對象是台灣數位相機代工業中的經營卓越的兩家上市公司,不論在公司規模、市佔率與產品開發成熟度上都具備代表性,透過個案訪談與個人參與觀察,輔以次級資料蒐集與相關文獻的學理驗證結果,提出以下的研究發現與建議,期望能提供其他台灣電子產業與後續研究參考與建議。 1. 經營卓越的台灣數位相機代工廠商會透過產業鏈上游垂直整合的方式,與關鍵元件供應商建立密切的合夥關係並視為企業的延伸,共同解決問題,以降低交易成本,穩定供貨,掌握品質。 2. 台灣數位相機代工廠商非常重視關鍵零組件供應商的研發能耐與其技術規劃是否符合品牌客戶的需求以及市場趨勢,是產品生命週期短的消費性電子代工業能夠建立兼具「創新」與「速度」兩種核心能耐的關鍵。 3. 台灣數位相機的產業鏈互賴結構密切,代工廠商與供應商合夥程度高,對代工廠商短期生產力的提升與長期策略優勢有相當大的幫助。 關鍵詞:數位相機代工,供應商涉入,新產品開發,垂直整合 / Taiwan digital camera shipment has been ranking worldwide first these years. Acoording to authoritative research, Taiwan is forecasted to take more than 50% of worldwide digital camera production market share in 2011. The major difference between digital camera and computer for OEM companies is that digital camera does not have common platform and design to follow. Except the Taiwan OEM industry’s strength, low production cost, how to establish and remain the core competenace of low cost and fulfill innovation and speed simutaniousely and know end-customer’s requirements are seriouse challenge for Taiwan electronic OEM industry. This research adopts “Case Study” research method to study the supplier involvement model of new product development of Taiwan digital camera OEM industry. Frame work is consisit of digital camera manufacturers and suppliers. Target compaies are two listed and big scaled companies of Taiwn stock market which have outstading performance in market share and marketplace, product research and development.There’re three findings of this research: 1. Taiwan outstanding digital camera OEM companies establish close partnership with key component suppliers and take suppiers as extension of their firms to decrease transation cost, stabilize supply and product quality. 2. Taiwan digital camera OEM companies pay much attention to whether the product research and development capability of key component suppliers could meet branding companies’ requrirements and fulfill market trend. This is very ctrical factor for consumer electronics industry which is well-known for short product life cycle could establish their two core competencs: innovation and speed. 3. The interdependence of Taiwan digital camera supply chain between OEM manufactures and suppliers is very close. Their strong partnership helps OEM manufactures increase their shot-term productivity and establish long term strategy. Keywords: Digtial Camera OEM, Supplier Involvement, New Product Development, Vertical Integration

應用資料採礦技術於數位相機產業消費者行為研究 / Applications of Data Mining Techniques on Consumer Behaviors in the Digital Camera Industry

陳雨農 Unknown Date (has links)
數位化科技帶給人們生活莫大的便利,科技的日新月異,現代人已經很少再像過去一樣靠著寫日記描繪出生活的點點滴滴,而是利用「拍照」來留下想要回憶的時刻,而數位相機正是現代人記錄生活的道具。根據產業情報研究所預估,2009年全球數位相機出貨量約為1.2億台,而過了2010年後,數位相機將會有穩定上升的成長率,本研究找出購買數位相機的消費者個人特色,深信藉此對於行銷上會有很大幫助。 本研究使用使用4種模型建置方式,分別為C5.0、CART、類神經網路和K-means模型,從模型結果中找出數位相機在市場上消費者的共通特性,並依照這些特性擬訂不同的行銷手法。 經由分類矩陣比較3種模型之優劣,最後建模結果顯示C5.0模型為三者模型中的最佳,所以本研究選定C5.0為最後的解釋模型。C5.0選出前10項影響「是否購買數位相機」的重要變數,分別為「搜尋資訊」、「樂活自足」、「網路購物」、「初戀」、「出國旅行」、「年齡」、「家庭月總收入」、「收聽網路電台或音樂」、「個人月可支配所得」、「實用特性」,本研究依據數位相機的產品、價格、通路、推廣等項目提供行銷組合分析。另外,將K-means模型分成三群後,樂活務實群和資訊達人群中,受訪者購買數位相機比例分別為48.17%和49.11%,因此參考此兩群的受訪者特性和C5.0的結果,找出會購買數位相機者的特質,針對這些特質制訂一些行銷策略,希望可以提供給數位相機廠商或其他研究者參考。


江炳彰 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣消費性電子產業和以往在資通訊電子產業的經驗,有極大的不同。以往廠商只要在Wintel架構下,依循主流設計發展產品,做個快速的跟隨者,只要掌握製造優勢的條件,往往就能創造硬體產品的興盛。然而,對於沒有共同平台、沒有主流設計的消費性電子產業,這些都不足為憑,只有不斷推出令人驚艷的創新產品,才是價值創造的最大根源。因此,消費性電子產品的創新,不僅來自於豐富的專業的創意,更需要仰賴極致的技術和管理開發的效率。 本研究的目的,旨在探討台灣的企業邁向消費性電子產業的產品創新模式,這種模式必須整合不同的技術、發揮想像力、提高產品開發管理能力及運用企業內外資源等要素。其中,尤以培養創新的組織文化,是企業突破窠臼的重要因素。 本研究,透過單一公司的深入分析,將其創新能力的育成,分為內部管理機制及外部技術資源的運用兩個構面,並以國際大廠做為互補性資產,將破壞性創新產品巧妙的與市場連結,而推展到消費者手上的成功經驗。在研究中,內部管理機制方面,分別探討企業內部的創新平台與組織文化;在運用外部技術資源方面,則討論技術吸收的模式與策略夥伴的幫助。最後,對創新成果做進一步的檢驗,並對此一創新模型的複製與應用提出建議,以提供業界進行消費性電子產品創新管理與發展之參考。 / There are enormous different experiences between consumer electronic industry and IT Industry in Taiwan. In the past, as long as a maker keep himself as a rapid follower under Wintel design concept and grasping the manufacturing advantages, the make normally can easily create a booming market of hardware products. However, that is not enough for the consumer electronic product as there is no standard platform or main stream to follow, thus the true value can only created by the continuous new shinning products innovation and development. Thus the innovation of consumer product is not only from the creativity, it also relies on the ultimate technology and high efficiency of product development. The purpose of this research is to investigate the innovation model of Taiwanese enterprises in consumer electronic industry. This model has to integrate the various technologies, to extend the imagination, to manage the ability for product development and to utilize the internal and external resources; especially to cultivate the creative culture is the key factor for a company. This research adapts the detailed analysis of single company, whose incubates its ability by internal management mechanism and utilization of the external technical resources. To leverage the global firm’s market power as complementary assets, promotes the disruptive innovation product to consumers. In terms of internal management mechanism, discusses the internal innovation platform and organization culture. The other hand of utilizing the external resources, discusses the ways of technical knowledge learning and the support from the strategic partners. In the end, do the further exam on the innovation results, and offer the opinion on the duplication and application for the model. This could be a reference for product innovation and management of consumer electronic industry.

航空影像控制實體 於近景影像光束法區域平差控制之精度探討 / Accuracy Investigation on Using Control Entities of Aerial Images as Controls in Bundle Adjustment of Close Range Images

林汝晏, Lin, Ju Yen Unknown Date (has links)
近來三維數值城市及數碼城市(Cyber City)為各界極欲發展及研究的課題,為了要增加三維數值城市的擬真性及美觀程度,通常是將建物模型敷貼真實拍攝之牆面影像,增加三維模型的細緻化程度。而欲精確的敷貼牆面紋理影像,必須嚴密地將所拍攝之近景影像定位定向,一般採用光束法區域平差解算,此時需加上適當的控制點控制資訊才能完成,因此控制點控制資訊若來自地面測量將相當耗費成本。多年來,各地方政府製作大比例尺地形圖時已拍攝相當多的航照影像,可用來做為上述的控制資訊,亦即航空影像控制實體,若能使用這些航空影像控制實體作為控制資訊,不但可有效利用資源,亦能減少控制點取得所需花費的成本。因此,本研究將使用航空影像控制實體所提供的控制資訊做為控制來源。 本研究探討以航空影像控制實體作為控制資訊時,使用非量測型相機以類似傳統航測拍攝方式及旋轉多基線交向拍攝方式拍攝涵蓋建物牆面的目標區影像後,於最少控制且不同控制分布時,對光束法區域平差精度之影響。因使用非量測型相機,故本研究先以iWitnessPRO近景攝影測量軟體率定相機參數,接著以PHIDIAS近景攝影測量軟體解算光束法區域平差。過程中探討使用航空影像控制實體作為控制資訊時,於最少控制且不同控制分布時,加入附加參數解算的自率光束法區域平差與與一般光束法區域平差之精度。根據實驗結果,低樓層取像的光束法區域平差之檢核點RMSE精度,其結果大多可應用於LOD 3精度等級的牆面敷貼。另,因都市地區高樓林立,狹小巷弄多,有鑒於此,本研究使用旋轉多基線交向攝影,結果顯示其將有機會運用於近景攝影測量LOD 3精度等級的牆面紋理敷貼。 / Recently, the studies about the cyber city have become a popular topic. For improving the level of detail of cyber city, photo-realistic textures from images are mapped onto the surfaces of 3D building models. Before the accurate texture mapping, bundle block adjustment can be performed to recover the parameters of exterior orientation for each close-range images more accurate and more precise, where the control information is necessary. For the past years, many aerial photogrammetry projects were done by local governments for the mapping of 1/1000 topographic maps. Those historic aerial images can be used as control information to reduce the cost and increase the efficiency. Therefore, this study investigates the accuracy of bundle block adjustment about non-metric close-range images, taken from the ways similar to the traditional aerial photogrammetry and the rotating multi-baseline photogrammetry, by using control entities from historic aerial images as the minimal controls under various control distributions. Since the non-metric camera is used for collecting the close-range images, the iWitnessPRO software is utilized for camera calibration. After that, the PHIDIAS software, a close-range photogrammetry software, is employed to performed the bundle block adjustment. During performing the bundle block adjustment, the camera parameters are regarded as unknowns and determined, called as self-calibration bundle adjustment. The results of self-calibration bundle adjustment will be compared with conventional bundle adjustment. The test results show that the accuracy of most self-calibration bundle adjustment about close-range images covered with low buildings can be used for the application of LOD 3 texture mapping. Moreover, the test results of using close-range images from rotating multi-baseline photogrammetry in urban areas show the potential possibility for LOD 3 texture mapping in urban areas with high buildings and narrow alleys.

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