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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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婚暴社工運用優勢觀點的復元經驗及促進復元之因素 / A Study on Process and Facilitating Factors of Recovery among Social workers in the Field of Partner Abuse

賴俐均, Lai, Li Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本文目的在於了解婚暴社工運用優勢觀點的復元經驗及促進復元之因素,包含婚暴社工的工作逆境、復元經驗以及促進復元之因素。本研究以八位民間單位婚暴社工為對象,運用深度訪談法蒐集資料,研究結果發現如下: 一、 本研究發現婚暴社工面臨的挫折與壓力有四個來源,分別為「工作上的挫折與壓力」、「來自個案的挫折與壓力」、「媒體報導」以及「現行家暴體制」。工作上的挫折與壓力分別為:(1)與期待上的落差、(2)家暴工作的本質、(3)紀錄及行政工作;來自個案的挫折與壓力有:(1)個案改變意願不高、拒絕服務、(2)個案反覆、(3)個案質疑、威脅、重大案件、(4)精神疾患;源自現行家暴體制中的挫折與壓力有:(1)人力不足、(2)網絡合作壓力、(3)重大事件的檢討制度。 二、 本研究發現婚暴社工的復元經驗包含工作上的復元以及生活上的復元。工作上的復元包括:工作上的轉念、看待個案的方式、工作模式的改變以及對社工價值的肯定。在生活上的復元包括:正向能量提升、關係改變、教育子女方式改變以及自身的改變。 三、 促進婚暴社工復元的因素有四,分別為「個案部分」、「正式資源」、「非正式資源」以及「社工本身的因素」。個案部分包括:(1)看見個案復元、(2)個案本身的力量、(3)個案回饋;正式資源部分包括:(1)組織協助、(2)督導制度、(3)同儕部分、(4)網絡單位、(5)教育訓練;在非正式資源部分包括:(1)家人的支持、(2)朋友的支持、(3)信仰;社工本身的因素包括:(1)社工轉念、(2)社工特質、(3)社工自我覺察。 四、 本研究歸納社工學習優勢觀點及復元歷程,發現社工將學習優勢觀點視為復元的一部份,因此有「學習期」、「衝撞期」到「成長復元期」。在成長復元期時,正向能量會不斷上升,然而情緒仍會受外在事件影響,只是撫平情緒的速度加快。 五、 本研究之發現,有助於規畫如何發揮現有資源之功能,促進社工員復元。研究者據以針對婚暴社工本身及組織部分提出建議。 / The study aimed to explore the process, and facilitating factors of recovery among social workers in the field of partner abuse. The aspects addressed included the adversities social workers encountered, the recovery experiences and the facilitating factors of recovery. The investigator in depth interviewed eight social workers in NGO. The results are as follows: 1. The results indicated that social workers in the field of partner abuse may encounter four types of work related pressure and frustration : on work、from client、media coverage、and the system of domestic violence. Work related pressure and the frustration include: the gap between expectation and results, the property of domestic violence, work load of case recording and administration; the pressure and the frustration from client includ: lack of motivation for change or receiving services, clients couldn’t make up their mind, client distrust and serious event, and mental disorders. The system related pressure and frustration includ: insufficient social workers, pressure from service network, and the institution review on serious event. 2. The results indicated that social workers may have two types of recovery: work and life. The recovery on work included: reconstruction on their work and clients, changing working model, and reaffirming the value of social work. The recovery on life included: positive power increased, their relationship improved, changing the way of discipling their children and themselves. 3. There are four types of facilitating factors: client, formal resources, unformal resources, and social works. Client related factors includ: clients’ recovery, seeing the power of clients, clients’ feedbacks. Formal resources related factors includ: assistance from the organization, supervision, peer support, the service network, and training. Unformal resources related factors includ: support from family and friends, and spiritual faith. The social works related factors includ: reconstruction, the characteristics of social worker, and self awareness. 4. The process of recovery starts from the “learning stage”,” collide stage” to “growth and recovery stage”. On the growth and recovery stage, the positive energy increased, social workers’ mood would still influenced by external events, and yet could regain peace in a shorter time. 5. The above mentioned facilitating factors of recovery could be useful for planning future employee assistance program. Some suggestions are provided for social workers and NGO.


陳怡婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究藉由探討工作保障機制的內涵,包括:「1.社會福利民營化之相關政策與法令的規範;2.社福機構之勞動條件的制定;3.社工員之社會工作專業的形成;4.社福機構的經營管理」等四項機制;以身心障礙公設民營福利機構為研究範圍。經由文獻整理法、訪談法、參與觀察法、個案研究等方法,來達成本研究之研究目的:1.探究社會工作員工作保障機制之內涵。2.檢視社會工作員工作保障機制之實績。本研究訪談社工專家、社政單位相關人員、社福機構之主管及社工員,並且選擇北市五個社福機構,作為個案研究對象。 在「社會福利民營化之相關政策與法令」方面:公設民營機構在契約時間內,由於政府補助,使機構得以穩定發展並擴大其經營規模,如此有助於社工員之工作安定性,並可能提昇其勞動條件。其次,社會福利相關法及契約內容規定機構須運用社工員來從事福利服務,將可能有助於提昇機構任用社工員的意願。另外,社會福利民營化政策是否繼續推展,將視政府福利政策走向及其財源多寡,因此政策走向將影響契約的存廢,及契約具有期限的限制,續約與否將影響服務對象之權益及機構員工之工作穩定性。 在「社福機構之勞動條件的制定」方面:由於社福機構具有非營利之特質,財務較穩定者,以大型機構居多,其將提供較佳之勞動條件;此外,某些機構的主事者認為在機構工作應持服務、奉獻之心態,不能要求機構應給付較好之勞動條件;所以機構給付較好之勞動條件,須視機構的能力及意願。 在「社工員之社會工作專業的形成」方面:社工師法賦於社工師的合法性以及透過社會福利相關法令強制規定任用社工員,可確保社工員之專業性及增加社工員之就業機會,但實際上社福機構尚未完全認同社工員之專業性,因此機構雖任用社工員,但社工員還可能需要兼任行政人員,若行政業務過多將影響專業服務。 在「社福機構的經營管理」方面:社福機構之人力運用,以專業人員來服務案主,並以志工來補充人力之不足。適用勞基法時將造成勞動成本增加,機構可能減少僱用專職員工。然而,機構藉公設民營取得政府補助,來改善機構之勞動條件及增加專業人員之聘用,以健全機構之經營管理並提昇機構之專業性,並有助於保障員工之工作權益。 本研究以工作權之意義來形成工作保障之意涵;透過四項工作保障機制之運作來看台灣社福機構社工員之工作保障實績,在此四項機制中,社福相關政策與法令以及勞基法,的確有可能提升社工員之勞動條件和福利;但社工專業之形成尚未成熟及機構管理之中介變數複雜,尚有待未來之觀察,才有定論。所以,社工員確實能獲得較佳之勞動條件和福利制度以及增加就業機會等工作保障;但工作穩定性則受政策走向與契約延續之影響。 本研究提出幾點建議,包括:社工員之專業性方面、社福機構方面、政府方面以及對未來研究的建議等。

小型養護機構社工員專業角色發展歷程之初探 / The Development of social workers’ professional role in small-scale nursing home

林易沁 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著高齡社會的來臨、85歲以上之「老老人」人數增長,具有長期照護需求者亦隨之增加;在眾多長期照顧資源中,目前以小型養護機構的所提供的服務量最為多,可見此種機構類型在長期照顧領域中的重要性。由於長期照顧機構間競爭激烈及評鑑期待等因素,使得服務品質成為目前小型養護機構發展的目標;社工員專業功能的發揮對於機構服務品質提升多有助益,但社工員的任用或許因為法源不足、成本考量、機構人員認識不足等因素沒有受到同等的重視,亦形成社工員高流動率與聘僱不易等問題。目前對於此研究對象的相關研究甚少,無法對於此種現象進行瞭解,且不能解答筆者過去一年多兼職工作經驗中所產生的疑慮,因而本研究以小型養護機構社工員為研究對象,探討其專業角色的發展歷程。本研究之目的如下:(1)試圖了解小型養護機構社工員在機構內的工作職責;(2)這些角色如何學習、建構與發展之歷程;(3)社工員的角色認知與其它工作人員角色期待磨合的過程;(4)此段過程中的各式影響因素;(5)期待本研究能使政策制定者、社工教育的學者及實務工作者關注社工員在小型養護機構內奮鬥的辛酸,並提出改善社工員所處情境之建議。 本研究因為過去相關研究甚少、據探索性研究特質、以生命經驗作為探索焦點及重視研究參與者觀點等因素採用質性研究典範,使用深度訪談方式蒐集資料,並以樣版式方法進行分析,在研究過程中亦有處裡研究倫理及信、效度等議題。本研究之研究結果為:(1)社工員於小型養護機構內的工作職責為「與個案一起工作」、「與家屬一起工作」及「與機構一起工作」;(2)專業角色發展歷程大致可歸納為兩主軸,其一為「角色不明確->學習」,初入機構時,多數社工員會感到角色不明確,而出現不知所措、挫折感、壓力、沒有成就感與緊張害怕等情緒,其運用正式教育訓練與非正式觀察模範、蒐集資訊、反思學習等方式進行社工員角色扮演、認識角色組成員、病理知識、組織運作資訊等相關學習,但由於機構內正式訓練不足、非正式學習並無相同專業之指導者,所以社工員紛紛表達需求督導支持;(3)專業角色發展歷程的第二主軸為「角色衝突->因應」,社工員對自己專業角色有所認知,進入機構後,部份機構主管因為對社工員專業角色認識不清、人力聘用不足、較不熟悉電腦操作等因素,對社工員有較高的行政角色期待,而引發角色衝突困境,令社工員感到抗拒、排斥、不滿、專業角色不被重視、想要離職、掙扎或對主管的角色期待產生疑惑等負面情緒,若干社工員以工時不足為由與機構主管溝通協調捍衛自己對於專業角色的認知,但多數仍不敵機構主管的期待而妥協接受機構主管角色期待,成為機構內的行政人員或社工兼任行政人員,在同時扮演兩種角色或捨棄原有專業角色轉而扮演自己不熟悉的角色之情況下,社工員會出現角色負荷過度的問題,並對自己專業成長沒有信心、付出收益不等值及引發自責等負面情緒。但仍有些社工員能運用說服的技巧、堅定拒絕的態度、事先避免等策略來堅持自己所認知的專業角色;(4)在上述的兩個主軸的影響因素中,社工員個人的人力資本、社會支持與自我認同會使得社工員較能堅持專業角色,同樣地組織內機構主管的學習經驗、接觸社工員的經驗也會讓機構主管較為清楚了解社工員的工作角色;但社工員重視人際合諧、畏懼權威等個人特質,會讓社工員妥協接受機構主管的角色期待,而機構內學習資源不足、社工員兼職工作身分等因素會阻礙社工員資訊之取得,機構內無行政專責人員、機構專業分工不清之文化,則會令機構主管對於社工員產生角色期待;除了個人與組織層次之助、阻力之外,社會環境層次中,規範小型養護機構的法規及評鑑項目等亦對於社工員專業角色發展有所影響;(5)學習是小型養護機構社工員專業角色發展歷程之核心機制,貫穿了「角色不明確->學習」主軸,也與角色衝突、因應策略息息相關,更是左右此歷程發展之重要因素。最後,研究者亦有針對上述研究結果之相關議題進行深入討論,並提出數點建議期待研究成果有較為實質的貢獻。 / With the approach of aged society and the growing number of senior citizens over 85, people with the needs of long-term care is also on the increase. Currently, among all the long-term care resources, the amount of service provided by small-scale nursing home is the largest. Therefore, we can realize the significance of such type of facilities in the field of long-term care. However, due to factors like the keen competition and the expectations of evaluation among long-term care facilities, the quality of service has become the goal of small-scale nursing home. The realization of social workers’ professional roles is beneficial to the enhancement of the service quality of facilities. Nevertheless, probably because of reasons such as the insufficient laws, the consideration of cost, and the insufficient knowledge of staff, the employment of social workers is not equally emphasized, and thus causes problems like the high mobility of social workers and the difficulty in hiring social workers. Since there are few related studies on social workers, I could not understand such phenomena and there is no answer to the problems raised from my part-time experience. Hence, studying social workers, this study aims to explore the developing process of the roles. The purposes of this study are as follows: first, understanding the duties of social workers in small-scale nursing home; second, the way social workers learn and construct roles as well as their developmental process; third, the role identification of social workers and the process they conciliate with the role expectations from other staff; fourth, the various influencing variables during the process; fifth, the hope that this study could make policy-makers, scholars in social worker education field and practician concern the hardship and struggle that social workers encounter in small-scale nursing home, and provide suggestions for improving the conditions of social workers in these workplaces. As a result of elements like few related studies, studies with exploratory features focusing on life experience and on the viewpoints of participants, this study adopts the qualitative paradigm, collects data with in-depth interviewing, and explains with the template analysis style. The study also deals with certain issues like ethics, reliability, and validity during the process. There are 5 findings in this study. First, the duties of social workers in small-scale nursing home include “working with the client,” “working with the family,” and “working with the facility.” Second, the developmental process of professional roles can generally be divided into 2 categorizes. One is “from uncertain role to learning.” At the beginning, most social workers feel uncertainty about the role and emotions like loss, frustration pressure, lack of achievement, nervousness and fear occur. With formal educational training, informal observing model, collecting data, and reflective learning, they learn through the role play of the social workers, knowing group members, pathological knowledge, and information about the running of organizations. Nevertheless, owing to insufficient formal training in the facility and no advisor with the same expertise for informal learning, social workers turn to supervisors for help one after another. Third, the other category is “from role conflicts to solutions.” After social workers realize their professional roles and work in facilities, due to facts like insufficient understanding of the professional roles of social workers, insufficient staff, and unfamiliarity of using computers, part of managers in facilities hold higher expectations of administrative roles on social workers, and thus causes social workers the dilemma of role conflicts and negative emotions like resistance, refusal, disaffection, despise of professional roles, resignation, struggle, or doubts about the role expectations from managers. Several social workers negotiate with the managers for the reason of insufficient working time to defend their recognition on professional roles. However, most of them still compromise and accept such role expectations. They become the administrative staff or social worker and part-time administrative staff. Under the circumstances of playing 2 roles at the same time or giving up the previous professional roles and turning into a less familiar role, social workers suffer from overload, become not confident in their professional development, feel inequality between devotion and reward, and have negative emotions like reproving themselves. Yet, some workers employ strategies like techniques in persuasion, firm refusing attitude, and prevention in advance to insist on the professional role in their mind. Fourth, among the variables in the 2 categories, the personal human capital of social workers, social support, and self-identification enable social workers to persist in their professional roles. By the same token, the learning experience of institute managers and their experience of contacting social workers also make managers understand the role of social workers better. Nonetheless, characteristics like emphasis on interpersonal harmony and fear of authority lead social workers to compromise and accept the role expectations of facility managers, while factors like lack of learning resources in the facility and the part-time role of social workers prevent social workers from access to information. The lack of full-time administrative staff and the culture of vague division of work in the facility cause facility managers to hold role expectations on social workers. In addition to the encouragement and obstruction from the personal and organizational level, in terms of social environmental level, the laws and evaluation items that regulate small-scale nursing home also affect the social workers professional role development. Fifth, learning is the core mechanism of the process of social workers’ professional role development in small-scale nursing home. It not only penetrates the category of “from uncertain role to learning,” but also is closely related to role conflicts and responding strategies. Moreover, it is the important element that affects the development of this process. At last, the researcher also has a deep discussion in terms of related issues about the results and proposes several suggestions in the hope that the results could have practical contributions.

小型養護機構社工員工作價值與工作滿足之初探 / The study on the work values and job satisfacation in small-scale nursing home

謝佳男 Unknown Date (has links)
小型養護機構是長期照護的提供者之一,近年來因評鑑制度與市場競爭,機構為提升服務品質,紛紛聘用社工員,社工服務漸受重視。由於小型養護機構社工員的任用誠屬新興的社會福利議題,因此,本研究欲以小型養護機構社工員的觀點,瞭解其工作價值與工作滿足為何。據此,本論文研究之目的為:一、瞭解小型養護機構社工員所抱持的工作價值觀為何。二、探究小型養護機構社工員如何實踐其工作價值,又社工員工作價值的實踐與機構服務品質關係為何。三、探討什麼因素影響社工員工作價值的實踐。四、探究小型養護機構社工員如何描述其工作滿足。五、依據本研究結果,作為服務單位改進措施及政策規劃之參考。 本研究使用質性取向的研究方法,由台北市與新北市地區篩選適合本研究之研究對象,採用半結構式的深度訪談法進行資料蒐集,共計訪談八位社工員。主要研究結果如下: 一、小型養護機構社工員普遍均能正向地看待老人與失能老人;認為家庭、政府及機構均應負起照顧失能老人的社會責任;社工員對於社會工作工具價值重視:服務、社會正義、維護個人的尊嚴與價值、保密及案主最佳利益考量。而社工員所重視的工作價值則是利他考量以及個人的自我提升。 二、社工員透過工作內容的執行、扮演適當的工作角色以及發揮角色功能以實踐自己的工作價值;而當社工員工作價值得以實踐,有助機構照顧服務品質的提升;又機構聘任社工員確能為住民提供心理與社會上的照顧,有助機構服務品質的提升;兼職社工因工作時間因素,對機構提供之服務不若專職社工員。 三、影響小型養護機構社工員工作價值實踐的因素包括人格特質因素以及環境因素。社工員若具備主動積極、樂觀活潑、有耐心、努力且堅持等特質,其工作價值較易實踐;在環境因素中,當社工員接受民主式領導,其工作自主性高,較有可能實踐自己的工作價值;其餘如組織價值信念、組織規範制度以及同儕關係均影響社工員在小型養護機構中工作價值的實踐;而社工員因應環境因素的方式則包括掌握老闆個性、機構不做,我來做、詢問督導或資深社工員、翻閱資料或詢問他人以及考慮離職。 四、小型養護機構社工員透過工作獲得工作滿足。社工員因工作產生:對工作意義的體認、對工作責任的體認以及對工作結果的瞭解等三種內在心理層次之體認,進而獲取對工作之滿足感;而社工員對工作滿足的描述則有:工作滿足來自成就感、來自心靈上的滿足以及自我價值的實踐。

新北市永和區家庭暴力保護令實施之探討 / The study of the effects on Restraining Order implementation for victims of domestic violence - Cases in Youn Ho District, New Taipei City

李薇 Unknown Date (has links)
家庭暴力防治法實施多年,家暴事件數量逐年攀增,保護令是避免家暴事件再度發生的強制力量,而警察機關與社工人員是目前執行保護令的最重要的主體,對保護令實施之探討研究。 本研究以質性研究方式,訪談對象以新北市永和區參與家庭暴力相關勤業務之警察與社工人員及聲請保護令之受暴婦女計10人為主,另增加學者2人之意見,以多面向取得資料。 一、研究發現 (一) 受暴婦女部分:受暴者對暴力行為多半採取隱忍方式承受而 未在第一次受暴後立即報案、受暴婦女直接向社工尋求協助的比例甚少,報案途徑仍以警察為多、婦女在親友的鼓勵與支持下,較會增強求助的動機、婦女因以離婚來結束家暴後,面臨最大的難題是經濟的壓力。(二) 警察人員部分:警察機關的員警以男性成員居多,而家暴案件的被害人又多為女性,在面臨龐雜事務情況下,員警處理家暴案件時態度多趨於保守而不露情緒,反造成不具同理心的誤解、對於家暴法與家庭暴力案件處理內容之瞭解,女性員警較男性員警熟悉流 程且執行態度亦比較積極、警察人員處理家暴案件時,對約制加害人再發生暴力行為具嚇阻成效。(三) 社工人員部分:社工因年輕社會經驗不足有時甚至使受暴者更感到無助、社工人員大多係資淺之聘用人員,家暴事件的複雜性,已超出年輕社工的生命歷練。 二、研究建議 加強宣導保護令的效能、確實執行加害人的「處遇計畫」、簡化處理程序及表格或表單之填寫及提升行政獎勵、安置場所與方式,應符合被害人之期待、建立網絡間聯繫窗口、強化專業程度、縮短審查核發保護令時間及延長保護令的時效。

家暴社工,我們為什麼要「演戲」? ──家暴安全網的建制民族誌分析 / “Social Workers - Why are we Acting?” : An Institutional Ethnographic Analysis of Domestic Violence Safety Network

許可依, Hsu, Ko-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究的起點,始自我實習時聽到一位家暴社工抱怨參加「安全網」的網絡會議就像是去「演一場戲」。由於大學時代所學到的「家暴安全網」,是一個將家暴高危機案件篩選出來,藉由網絡會議進行工作交流與服務整合的方案。理想上,「家暴安全網」是將有限資源提供在需要密集服務的案件上,不解為何這樣提升服務效能的美意,卻淪為社工實務場上的「演戲」。於是,為了探究「社工為什麼要演戲」,我決定採用建制民族誌作為研究方法,並站在一線家暴社工的立足點上,解構這個「演戲」經驗如何在建制中被形塑。 當我實際投身成為一名家暴社工,與婦女工作的經驗,揭露了當前國家是如何治理「家庭暴力」,並以一種「安全至上」的意識形態,支配著整個網絡人員的工作。當各種建制的文本啟動,定義著婦女的「安全」,婦女的多元經驗便在「安全」的單一視框中被排除,以致「安全網」時常聽不懂婦女的需要,而網絡的資源也難以「投其所好」。 然而,一線的家暴社工,一面鑲嵌在「安全至上」的流程中,受到各種表單、指標與會議的規訓,一面又要與婦女的自主性並肩前行,在「建制最佳利益」與「案主自決」的角力下,「演戲」便成為社工在這場拔河下的生存方式。只要社工按照安全網所期待的安全劇本演出,婦女就有機會從安全網中「解除列管」。屆時社工就得以從各式的流程、指標中解放,讓工作回歸到相對低度建制的狀態,找回與婦女工作的彈性並減輕行政工作的負擔。 研究結果讓家暴社工看見自己在日常工作中,如何因著建制的流程為自己戴上了一副「安全」的眼鏡,產生了一連串權力關係所建構的知識,藉此看清楚社工所處的權力位置,進而長出抵抗的可能。 / The inspiration for my thesis came from a domestic violence social worker who complained that attending “Safety Network” conference is like acting in a show. From my understanding of “Domestic Violence Safety Networks” in college, these are programs for “high-risk” domestic abuse victims who are subsequently referred to the network conference. At this conference, the domestic violence network work together to explore possible safety options and coordinate resources for the victims. Ideally, the “Domestic Violence Safety Network” uses limited resources effectively. However, when it comes to a social work field, it becomes a “show act”. Based on this disjuncture, I decided to examine these conferences from a social worker’s perspective, using Institutional Ethnography as the analytical approach, to clarify the issue of why social workers are acting in the Safety Network. I started my fieldwork as a social worker. Through my working experience, I found that nation's adhering to the ideology of, “Safety is the top priority” with regard to domestic violence, tended to control how network members nanny battered women. When texts are activated in the institution, high-risk classification typically centers on a battered women's “safety” need to the exclusion of all others. Eventually, these “safety networks” fail to understand the multifaceted needs of abused women, and this, in turn, makes network resources more difficult to access. As a domestic violence social worker, safety and autonomy for abused women must be balanced. As a tool to mitigate the struggle between the “client’s best institutional interest” and the “client’s self-determination”, “acting with the safety script” appears to be a solution for social workers. In this way, battered women were able to remove their high-risk label while social workers were liberated from various processes and regulations. Hence, “acting” is the way by which social workers overcome this contradiction, bringing social work back to a less rigid set of working conditions, and increasing their overall flexibility in dealing with clients. The research maps the social relations of the “Safety Network,” determining where social workers stand with respect to this framework institution, how their “safety lens” are activated, and what aspects of it dominate their work. Once social workers understand how this framework functions, it may increase their potential for constructively opposing it.

公部門社工專業自主性之探討:以台北市區域社福中心為例 / Research autonomy on the professionalism of social workers in public sectors : Example of the regional social welfare centers in Taipei City

李雪華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過研究者從實務工作角度,整理自身和相關領域社工員於公部門從事社會工作之服務過程與經驗,以深度訪談的方式探究公部門社工員所擁有的專業自主發揮空間,以及提供專業服務過程常需考量及面對之問題,並歸納其存在之歸因與因應方式,從中思考社工專業制度是否有助於公部門社工專業自主性之發揮,並重新檢視社會工作專業存在於公部門扮演之角色及定位,找出可能的修正方向,期讓公部門的社會工作服務能與專業助人機制進行結合,讓社工專業能更貼近服務個案思考及服務。   本研究結果發現:(1)公部門社工專業角色定位不明,影響專業認同度;(2)政府的科層體制限制了公部門社工專業自主發展;(3)學校專業教育訓練是社工專業自主的基礎;(4)現行社工證照制度對於提升公部門社工專業自主性影響有限;(5)公部門督導功能受限於科層體制,影響公部門社工專業自主性的發揮。 根據研究結果,針對行政機關提出四點建議,包含:(1)建立公部門社工專業定位,釐清社工角色及職責;(2)各項福利申請或安置處遇的行政程序應盡量最簡化,減少繁瑣的行政作業,提升社工專業效能;(3)攸關弱勢權益的法規限制放寬其彈性,賦予社工員更多自主裁量空間,以彌補福利法規之不足及限制;(4)建構完善職前訓練制度。此外,針對目前社工專業制度提出三項建議,包含:(1)學校教育應重視培養社工獨立思考及專業自主能力;(2)重新檢視現行社工師證照資格認定方式,落實社工專業服務;(3)強化公部門督導專業角色,建立信任督導關係。最後,針對社會工作者自身則提出三項建議,包含:(1)堅定自我專業信念,建立專業自信及專業認同;(2)善用同儕支持與經驗分享,強化專業信念及專業知能,建構維持公部門社工專業自主的工作模式;(3)強化自我專業知能,累積實務工作技巧及能力,以實踐專業自主。 / The study by researchers from the substantive point of view, organizes their and public sector social workers’ service process and experience of social work and related areas. With in-depth interviews, the study explores that social workers of public sector have independence to develop their profession, finds the problems that often need to consider and face when providing professional services, and concludes with the cause and solution. Thus, it can further think if social worker’s profession system helps the public sector’s social workers have independence to develop their profession and re-examine the role and position that the social workers perform in public sector to find the way o amendments. Therefore, the public sector can be combined with a professional helping mechanism which allows the service to be closer to the social work profession case thinking and service.   The results of the study found that: (1) the role of public sector social worker is unknown that affects the degree of professional identity; (2) Government bureaucracy system limits the development of profession; (3) Professional schools of social work education and training is the foundation of professional autonomy (4) The current licensing system for enhancing the social public sector limited the autonomy of the social work profession influence;(5) Supervisory function is limited to the public sector bureaucratic system which affects public sector workers to develop professional autonomy. According to the research results, there are four-point proposal for the executive authorities, including: (1) Establish public-sector social work professional position and clarify the roles and responsibilities of social workers. (2)The placements of the case of an application for benefits or administrative procedures should be simplified as much as possible and be reduced cumbersome administrative operations in order to enhance the effectiveness of the social work profession. (3) The regulation of minority’s benefits should be more flexible so that it gives social workers more autonomy discretionary space to compensate for the lack of regulations and restrictions on welfare; (4) Establish a concrete pre-employment training system. In addition, there are three suggestions for the current system of social work profession made, including: (1) School education should focus on cultivating independent thinking and professional autonomy for social workers (2) Re-examine the existing qualification of social worker’s certificates to implement social work professional services; (3) strengthen the role of the public sector professional supervision and build a trust relationship of supervision. Finally, social workers themselves have proposed three suggestions, including: (1) firming self-professional belief and establishing professional confidence and professional identity; (2) use peer support and experience sharing, strengthen professional beliefs and professional knowledge and construct maintain professional autonomy of public sector workers working mode; (3) strengthen the self-professional knowledge, skills and ability to accumulate practical work to practice professional autonomy.

標準量表 / Standard Scale of Humanity

何綺, Ho, Chi Unknown Date (has links)
對於社工,一般大眾的瞭解不深,常伴隨著「做好事」、「幫助窮人」、「有愛 心」等刻板印象;或是負面的「拆散家庭」、「多管閒事」、「官僚」;甚至有許多 人以為社工就是志工,是不支薪而樂於付出的一群。創作者自幼長期接觸社工與 其工作環境,盼透過影像創作方式,呈現台灣社工所面臨的某些現實。 《標準量表》從一兒虐案出發,以類紀錄片的方式帶出相關人事物,討論案 中每個角色所面臨的困難與心理衝擊,以及案發後所有人如何適應、回歸、繼續 生活。特別將視角集中在負責本案的基層社工,以她為敘事中心,講述一個社工 與家暴家庭的互動故事,呈現社工在個案服務工作中的心情轉折,讓觀眾有機會 認識這些心理負擔與壓力。並期待透過本片,建構一個兩難的世界,畢竟真實社 會中的習題,往往不是結束在一個定點,而是事情發生後,人們怎麼繼續走下去。 / We don’t know much about social workers, who sometimes been thought of “doing things good”, “helping the poor”, “kind and compassionate”; or accompanied with some negative thought, “destroy families”, “make uncalled-for meddling”, and “officialdom”. Even some people think social workers are volunteers, who are happy and willing to help people without salary. The writer of this story has contacted with social workers since she was a child and tries to show some reality of them by visual productions. Standard Scale of Humanity is a story of a basic level social worker and a child-abused family, and produced by skills of mockumentary. The film lets every character in the case talks about her stories, feelings, and how to back to the normal life after the tragedy, so the audiences have chances to know more about the pressure, load, and difficulties of social workers and offenders. Moreover, the production hopes to create a situation of dilemma, because things not always stop at a particular point in the real world, after all, it is more important to know how to live after something bad happened.

解開「好社工」的封印 ---一段尋找專業與自我靠近的歷程 / Breaking the chain of being a good social worker ----a journey to find the true self

鄭涵尹, Cheng, Han Yin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從我是不是一個好社工的自我懷疑開始,以自我敘事為研究取向,探索:(一)社會工作教育如何建構好社工的樣貌?(二)在家庭經驗和社會工作教育的交織下,我成為了一個什麼樣的社工?(三)如何安放我對好社工的焦慮,找到解放自己的可能性? 透過閱讀、對話與書寫,梳理過去作用在我身上主流的「專業」社工框架,那些對於好的想像,小心翼翼的姿態,一步步抽絲剝繭,如撥雲見霧般看見整體的樣貌,那些小心翼翼源自於自己在原生家庭裡求生存的姿態,在看懂自己身上所烙印對於好的印記後,我開始試著正視它,並直接回到家庭現場面對它,進而面對自己、接納自己的樣貌,讓那些過往為我助人工作的養分,並試著在助人樣貌裡,漸漸展露出自己,成為「我」的特色,而,這也是我所追求一個好社工的樣貌。 / This thesis starts from my self-doubt – Was I a stereotypically good social worker? By means of self-narrative, I will explore: 1st : How our social work education constructs the image of a good social worker? 2nd : What kind of a social worker I have become under the influence of my family experience and the social work educational system? 3rd : How can I release my anxiety of being a good social worker and find out the possibility to unchain myself? Through reading, conversation, and writing, I wish to understand how the mainstream stereotype of a professional social work makes impact on me to see the whole picture of my social worker career. After progressively going over my family circumstances back in the days when I was young, I try to face it, and accept who I am now. Hopefully, these past experiences can be beneficial to let me be my true self while helping others, which is my ultimate goal for being a self-defined good social worker.


黃癸楠, Huang, Gui-Nan Unknown Date (has links)
十八世紀工業革命,二十世紀電腦革命,人類物質文明大進;但精神文明卻不能並肩 齊進,人類的內在心靈和外在環境失調,產生了許多社會問題。同時,自由世界福利 思想大興,社會工作應運而生,福利先進國家已將它發展成達到社會安全的有效工具 。 在台灣,大多數人都承認社會工作的必要性;但是否建立一專業體系,則論點各異, 本文加以比較分析,肯定制度有發展價值。目前台省社工制由官方推動,建制伊始, 未趨健全,尤仍缺一明確總目標,使得社工員角色不清。主管單位,限於職權、法令 、經費、人力和社會認識不足,未能作周詳的設計,本文從各方面探討現制障礙和改 進途徑,從而主張採用混合公務員保障制和教師聘任制的雙軌進用制,建立完整一貫 的遷調、考核、獎懲、保險、撫血、退休、互助的管理系統,規畫有效的反饋制度以 加強溝通和決策參與,組訓並訓練義工,盡速建立周全有效,多元而持續的訓練進修 辦法。 長遠而言,筆者認應教育群眾認識社會工作,激起參與。政府並應加強社會立法,成 立更多的社福機構以配合社會工作的推展。全文共約十萬字,分六章共十八節,先述 研究動機、理論概述,次言現況和他國制度,最後用問卷和訪問探討問題,從而提出 建議。

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