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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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社會企業於臺灣遊民服務的角色 -以大誌與街遊的個案研究為例 / The role of social enterprises in homeless services in Taiwan : case studies of the big Issue Taiwan and hidden Taipei

林德棻 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過比較大誌雜誌與街遊導覽活動社會企業方案對遊民服務產生的影響,以及兩者於服務系統中的角色,了解社會企業於遊民服務中的功能。雖然兩者均以促進遊民就業為社會目的,但是在牽涉教育訓練、生活安排與遊民長期規劃時,兩社會企業方案發展出不同的商業模式。相映著社會企業於臺灣社會福利供給體系日漸重要的角色,本研究關注社會企業的「社會性」如何與商業模式結合,社會與商業的互動如何影響遊民的生活安排,藉此了解社會企業發揮的功能以及對於遊民社會融合的影響。 本研究分析架構是藉由考察社會企業於工作模式與經營目標中的差異,了解其對遊民權益的影響。進一步觀察社會企業所提供的工作性質與企業中組成人員怎麼影響遊民於區域面向、經濟所得、教育訓練、社會參與、勞動市場面向的社會融合效果。此外,特別關注遊民在工作之餘,如何調適生活安排與工作之間的生存策略。 研究結果發現兩種社會企業方案的商業模式與社會目的反應於工作模式和經營目標之間的互動模式與平衡策略,如此的組織設計以及其衍生的互動與平衡策略也使其在遊民福利服務中發揮不同的功能。組織設計而言,大誌偏向以商業模式為主,組成人員為出版專業人員與志工,提供無工作門檻且時間彈性安排的工作機會,使參與者透過販售大誌累積資產與工作經驗。街遊則偏向以社會目的為主,組成人員為社工專業人員與志工,導覽工作需要長期的培訓,因此,街遊志工與社工人員參與個案生活安排的機會較多,因此個案能夠更直接地接觸所需的服務。 兩家社會企業都提供了具促進社會融合功能的支持性就業環境,一方面大誌提供了勞動市場多元的工作機會,另一方面街遊則是提供完整的教育訓練與社會服務,補充了穩定服務中的就業機會與過渡服務中的職業訓練。從兩個社會企業案例可發現,社會企業透過提供穩定工作機會,能夠舒緩社會排除的程度,也嫁接遊民與社會福利體系的連結。本研究認為由於社會企業所目前提供的收入水準仍無法使遊民穩定地維持居住需求,因此若可以搭配安置服務或居住相關的補助,較容易使社會企業方案發揮脫貧功能。次之,建議可以將社會企業納入遊民就業服務的資源之一,由於兩家社會企業方案都提供具有教育與訓練功能的工作機會,能夠補足目前遊民就業服務中較少職業訓練的部分。 / By analyzing The Big Issue Taiwan and Hidden Taipei, in terms of their business models and social aims, this research investigates the role of social enterprise programme in the welfare service for the homeless and the impact of the programme on the latter. Both of the social enterprise programmes aims at offering supportive working environment and job opportunities. However, they have developed different resource balancing and transferring strategies on the issues of homeless’ income, education, training and housing needs. Responding to the gradually important role of social enterprise, this thesis aims at researching how a social enterprise copes with the balance between social aims and business model, and finally, how the balance effects the social inclusion of homeless. The research investigates the differences between two business models to understand how it influences homeless’ rights. Furthermore, by investigating the business model, in terms of the numbers of employee and volunteer and the types of job opportunities being provided, we can understand the effect of social inclusion in various dimensions: for instance, housing, income, education and training, social participation and labour market. Special attention is paid to know how homeless navigate the balance between work and daily life. The result shows the different interaction between social enterprise and homeless, and the balance strategies reflected from the different business models and social aims. Additionally, different business models and the balance strategies have different impacts on the homeless welfare services. As a business-inclined social enterprise, The Big Issue Taiwan offers job opportunities with flexible requirements and working hours. The Big Issue vendors can save money from selling the magazine and gain working experience for the next job. On the other hand, Hidden Taipei, which plays as a pro-social aim business model, offers job with high-quality requirements, which requires long-term training. Therefore, the social workers and volunteers could spend more time with the clients. Both of the social enterprises offer and create a supportive employment environment promoting social inclusion of the homeless and various opportunities in the labour market. While The Big Issue Taiwan has created job opportunities, Hidden Taipei has offered complete employment training program and social service. By creating a stable and supportive working environment, social enterprise has not only changed the vulnerable status and promoted the social inclusion of homeless, but also the connection between homeless and social welfare system. However, The Big Issue vendors and Hidden Taipei guides can still hardly afford the rent for their residence on a stable basis. Therefore, this research suggests that the income may have better effect if it has accompanied with housing-related benefit. Secondly, regarding the lack of the education and training program in homeless service, it is suggested that social enterprise could be integrated into the homeless service for its complete training program.

當社會服務成為一種事業: 以台灣大型非營利身心障礙組織為例 / When social service becomes a business: case studies on non-profit disability organizations in Taiwan

詹景喻, Chan, Ching Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本文以組織社會學的制度邏輯觀點,作為探究國內「障礙就業服務場域」變遷,以及其中非營利身心障礙組織回應策略的理論基礎。首先,在場域層次的部分,本研究以職業重建服務系統的建構作為討論的主軸,依據次級資料與深度訪談的分析結果,將制度場域的變遷過程區分為三個主要的階段,分別是:福利服務時期(1980-1995)、制度建構時期(1996-2005)、以及系統轉型時期(2006-2015)。其次,在組織層次的部分,則進一步透過回顧兩家個案對象的發展歷程,說明傳統非營利身心障礙組織面對環境變化時,如何依據自身組織特質而提出相對應的行動策略。最後,本文亦試圖解釋的是,近年來備受關注的「社會企業」概念,是如何自該場域變遷的過程中浮現,其中的非營利組織又是如何實踐與認知所謂社會企業模式的轉型與發展策略。從而期待藉由上述的分析結果,提供國內身心障礙領域社會企業發展的初步觀察框架。 因此,本文在個案研究裡,以「伊甸社會福利基金會」與「喜憨兒社會福利基金會」作為主要的分析對象,結合場域變遷過程的討論,指出兩家成立於不同時期的非營利組織,在投入就業服務的動機層面上,皆為回應身障者社群的社會參與需求,產業化的目標則在於爭取足夠的服務資源以利組織的生存與發展。然而近年來,隨著公部門引進的經營管理邏輯,以及其與就業服務績效之間的連結,都再一次強化了第三部門內部日益激烈的資源競逐關係。故為了維持組織的競爭優勢,「社會企業」的概念模式,繼而成為他們用以回應環境變遷的轉型策略與發展目標。從而,本文最後嘗試說明的是,一種伴隨組織回應行動而浮現的社會發展邏輯,以及其所可能帶來的預期之外的影響後果。

Golden Tutor社會企業線上學習之商業企劃書 / Business Plan for Social Enterprise: Golden Tutor an Online Learning Community

柯禮安, Leanne S. Castillo Unknown Date (has links)
建立線上教學服務平台,使年長者學習,打破世代藩籬。 / According to the United Nations, one in every ten persons is over the age of sixty and about two thirds of the world’s older populations live in developing countries. These same persons are our grandfathers and grandmothers. Unfortunately, the concept of ageing is often associated with a negative connotation of decline. This initiated our interest to create an online community that engages people of all ages in order to change these warped perceptions. This idea later evolved into Golden Tutor, an online learning community that helps in the development of its registered students and pre-approved tutors in their academic, professional and personal growth. Our aim of “Building a better society for all ages” along with our online learning platform seeks to instill a lifelong love for academic performance, to trigger more discussions on ageism and to spark a curiosity for inter-generational programs as its remedy. Golden Tutor is a socially minded venture that expects both financial and social gains for the benefit of the local communities in which it operates. Funds will first be reinvested and then later used to establish programs that foster offline social interaction. Our overall purpose is to engage older adults with youths in order to lessen the gap between generations; a new transformation fostered by community based solutions.

Web 2.0時代社群網站經營效能之評估:以政府部門與社會企業為例之比較分析 / An Evaluation of Social Media Operational Effectiveness in Web 2.0 Era: An Example Comparing Government and Social Enterprise

卓筱涵, Cho, Hsiao Han Unknown Date (has links)
Web 2.0 概念的開放、即時、互動、同步、多元的資訊傳遞方式創造出更多的群體價值。社群網站讓組織與使用者的互動更加密切,公眾接觸的概念興起,本研究政府部門的臺北市立動物園與社會企業網路媒體社企流個案,均為良好的公眾接觸個案。越來越多組織應用社群網站的程度,依據在於長期來看,社群網站創造多少效果。因此本研究從資訊系統層面、使用者層面與組織管理層面的文獻檢閱,探討社群網站對於各部門組織的重要性、目標與效果。加入Web 2.0的特性所建立效能衡量架構,檢視社群網站對兩研究個案所帶來的效果與經營策略。 研究設計兼具量化與質化的混合方法,透過量化網路問卷蒐集使用者態度,從資訊系統層面的系統品質、資訊品質、服務品質,以及使用者層面的公眾接觸、社會影響等構面,以多元迴歸模型,探討資訊系統滿意度、使用者忠誠度與顧客關係目標等使用者態度。並以質化深度訪談組織內部,從交易成本與組織創新等理論,探討組織如何導入社群網站、管理的過程、分工、評估與策略等。 研究發現,資訊系統層面顯著提升資訊系統滿意度,但對於使用者忠誠度與顧客關係目標無顯著關係;資訊品質對使用者態度沒有顯著關係。在第三部門意指使用者認同其理念,社群網站的介面和管理相對不重要。在政府機關,系統品質對於資訊系統滿意度以及使用者忠誠度皆有顯著影響,顯示政府在Web 2.0時代,社群網站管理者已能掌握資訊傳播的系統品質。使用者層面的公眾接觸與社會影響均具有顯著關係,其中公眾接觸構面的涉入與共同創造為最良好的解釋變項。在社會影響構面,在描述性統計評價最低,但與使用者態度有顯著關係,其中公眾形象為良好的解釋變項。使用者態度的顧客關係目標,資訊傳播最容易達成,實際行動與深化關係相對較難。組織管理層面,發現社企流為有機式組織,可以快速應變環境變化,待改善者為組際間合作。而動物園優勢為機關長官支持與跨組室推動,待改善為上級機關仍不熟悉Web 2.0,難掌握民意溝通管道。 從研究發現可以歸納出各部門均可適用的社群網站經營核心,包括「社群」、「內容」、「管道」。實務建議包括鎖定粉絲專頁的目標族群、虛實整合、提升公眾接觸、加強人際網絡建立、深化關係等。經營策略包括精美圖片、回應使用者問題、提供穩定與精彩的資訊內容、配合時事話題、異業合作等。 / In recent years, Web 2.0 has been the buzz word for the field of e-governance due to its openness, immediacy, and interactivity, which facilitate a more collective and effective networking life of the population. In this thesis, author reviews the literature from information system design, civil engagement, and organizational management to research on the importance, objective, and effectiveness of social media usage and its impact on non-profit organizations. Author selects two cases, Taipei City Zoo (the first sector) and Social Enterprise Insights (the third sector), to investigate and compare them to answer questions concerning the objective and effectiveness of utilizing social media. In this research, a mixed-method approach is adopted to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. An on-line questionnaire was administrated to users of both Facebook Fan Pages and in-depth interviews with organizational staffs. According to literature reviews, the research framework contains two dimensions: information system (system, information and service quality) and civic engagement and social influence on users. Author uses multiple regression to analyze users’ subjective responses. Findings are as follows. First, information system dimension contributes to merely information system satisfaction and information quality is no significant. Second, users’ dimension is significant, but social influence is the worst in descriptive statistics. Third, compared to deeper engagement and take action, communication of information is easy to obtain. Forth, in the organizational management dimension, SEI is an organic organization to adapt the changing environment. Manager support and cross- unit execution cause good-use of social media in the zoo. From this research, practical advices to social media “page masters” contains three main parts. First, the keys to manage social media are community, contents, and channels of communication. Second, the managing goals are focusing on target group, integrating virtual with real world, promoting civic engagement and establishing interpersonal network. Finally, the strategies are utilizing eye-catching pictures, promptly responding to users’ questions, and stable provision of interesting contents.

非政府組織採用並使用社交媒體呈現非物質遺產及展現柬埔寨藝術—以Phare Ponleu Selpak和Phare表演社會企業為例 / NGO Adoption and Use of Social Media for Portraying Intangible Heritage and Celebrating Cambodian Arts: A Case Study on Phare Ponleu Selpak and Phare Performing Social Enterprise

凱洛琳, Mary Caroline Hosey Unknown Date (has links)
Abstract There has been extensive literature published about NGO adoption and use of social media, however these studies have only focused on large, and primarily Western operated organizations, while research on NGO and social enterprise adoption in emergent nations is drastically limited. Cambodia was particularly relevant for a study on social media, because in fact Facebook has surpassed television as Cambodian people’s main source for gathering news. In particular this research focused on a famous Khmer-owned NGO, Phare Ponleu Selpak and their sister organization the Phare Performing Social Enterprise. This organization is well-known in Cambodia, because they produce world-renowned visual and performing artists, and are especially known for the circus, which is a major tourism attraction in Siem Reap. In this anthropological, exploratory case study, I conducted in-depth interviews with key staff members and executed a thematic analysis of PPSA and PPSE’s social media platforms in order to unveil the reasons for social media adoption as well as an in-depth analysis of the strategies involved. The results indicated that community engagement and organizational transparency were the key indicators for social media adoption. For strategy, community engagement and informational postings were also more important than posts that prompted actions such as donating, voting, or participating. Finally, social media was seen as a vital tool in the dissemination of information about Cambodian arts and intangible heritages, because Facebook has become the key source for information in Cambodia due to the state owned media. Therefore, Cambodians are able to learn about their history and the arts by following PPSA and PPSE, particularly on Facebook. Furthermore, tourists can also celebrate and learn about Cambodian art and intangible heritage through these social media channels. Keywords: Nongovernmental Organization, Social Enterprise, Social Media, Social Media Adoption and Use, Intangible Heritage

建構社會價值創造模型─以台灣上市公司為例 / Modeling the social value creation: A case of listed companies in Taiwan

吳浩銓, Wu, Hao Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
近期關於組織目標的研究指出,傳統以營利為目的的公司,隨著政府與大眾對於社會議題的日益關注而開始履行企業社會責任;另一方面,傳統以解決社會問題為目的的非營利組織,為了處理資金問題而開始從事營利行為。因為營利與非營利組織的分界開始模糊,各種混合型態的組織跟著出現,構成了一個組織目標的光譜。然而,這個概念上的目標光譜並不容易呈現,目前針對社會價值的創造(Social Value Creation,簡稱SVC)在量化上的分析成果亦有限。本研究從產業經濟學的混合寡占理論出發,提出一個「SVC投資市場」以衡量組織對於社會價值的重視程度,並使用觀察到的資料描繪出SVC投資市場中的需求。再透過組織目標函數的設定以及在市場中競爭的結果,推估組織考量社會價值的比重,找出組織在目標光譜中的位置。本研究針對台灣上市公司的企業社會責任報告書資料以及財報資料進行分析後發現,目前台灣上市公司的消費者並不太重視公司的SVC活動。政府若欲提升公司對於SVC的重視程度,可以嘗試藉由改變消費者的購買決策來影響公司的目標決策。

以歷史制度論途徑探討工作整合型社會企業之發展:以台北市身心障礙組織為例 / An Historical Institutionalist Analysis of the Development of Work Integration Social Enterprises: the case of the organizations for the disabled in Taipei

蘇厚有, Su, Hou You Unknown Date (has links)
台北市身心障礙領域工作整合型社會企業之浮現,與鑲嵌在身心障礙福利改革脈絡中庇護工場之組織變遷有關。職此,本研究旨從歷史制度論觀點,結合文獻分析法與深度訪談法,探討我國庇護工場、工作整合型社會企業相關政策立法之歷史變革,並研究行動者與身心障礙福利制度之間的交互作用如何形塑台北市非營利身心障礙就業組織制度場域—從庇護工場到現行庇護工場與工作整合型社會企業兩種制度並立的演進歷程,進而理解身心障礙領域工作整合型社會企業的現況挑戰與未來發展圖像。主要的研究發現如下:首先,台北市非營利身心障礙組織創建工作整合型社會企業的外生動因包括,政府補助誘因、身心障礙就業相關法規與政策之瑕疵、沉痾的身心障礙者失業問題、外在財務資源的緊縮、日益盛行的社會企業概念;而內在動因則主要是組織為實踐其理念宗旨與招募合適的經營管理人才兩面向。其次,台北市身心障礙領域工作整合型社會企業成立的關鍵時刻為第三部門組織採納台北市勞動局於2011年所研擬之政策方案;此外,部分由庇護工場所轉型的工作整合型社會企業發生了路徑依賴現象。最後,未來台北市身心障礙領域工作整合型社會企業可發展網絡與協力夥伴關係,並有朝向「四重底線」、作為一般勞動市場而與庇護工場同時並存之發展趨勢。 / The emergence of work integration social enterprises (hereafter WISEs) for the disabled in Taipei is related to the organizational changes of sheltered workshops embedded in the context of the disability welfare reforms. Hence, this dissertation adopts the approach of historical institutionalism and the research methods of secondary literature analysis and in-depth interviews to discuss the historical changes of sheltered workshops and WISEs-related policies and legislation; to explore the interaction between actors and the disability welfare institutions in inducing the process of transformation from “sheltered workshop only” system to one where sheltered workshops and WISEs coexist; and to further discuss the challenges and future scenarios of WISEs for the disabled in Taipei. This study finds that firstly, the exogenous factors of the institutional transformation include: government’s policy incentives, the flaws of disability employment regulations and policies, persistent disabled unemployment issues, the tightening of external financial resources, and the growing popularity of the concept of social enterprise. The ideals of the non-profit organizations and the participation of management experts in these organizations appear to be the endogenous factors. The critical juncture of establishing WISEs for the disabled in Taipei is the implementation of WISE policy by some non-profit organizations in 2011. Path dependence is observed in the transformation of some sheltered workshops into WISEs. Finally, the prospects of WISEs for the disabled in Taipei are building resources network and the collaborative partnership, procuring the “quadruple bottom line”, and coexisting with sheltered workshops simultaneously.

社會企業的經營模式-以里仁事業股份有限公司為例 / The business model of social enterprises- Case study of Lee-Zen company

吳宜蓉, Wu, Yi Jung Unknown Date (has links)
商業上的大趨勢(megatrend)一直是學者專家所研究的對象,因為它影響著企業如何競爭與為消費者創造價值。近年來,由於全球化與新興經濟體所帶來的環境衝擊與自然資源的競爭,迫使商業開始出現本質上的改變。本研究以里仁公司為例,深入研究日益蓬勃發展的社會企業如何因運時勢而生,及其如何運用獨特的經營模式來為消費者以及農友創造價值,以達到經濟、社會與環境的三重盈餘。 本研究採用文獻回顧分析結合非結構式的訪談,與里仁公司的總經理、公關部進行數十小時的溝通與意見交流,以分析歸納出里仁公司的經營模式與關鍵成功因素。里仁公司的成立目的是推廣台灣的有機農業與慈心食品 ,讓消費者有健康的飲食,提升台灣農民的競爭力同時保育環境。里仁公司為佛教徒所創立,其研習的經典「菩提道次第廣論」為組織的思想與價值觀,指導著組織上下的行為法則,形塑出強勢的企業文化。因此相較於一般企業,里仁公司的組織成員目標與組織目標整合程度較高,而由此衍生出來的成功關鍵有三,一為宗教背景帶來的組織整合能力,二為慈心事業利用社會資本所創造的綜效帶來供應鏈的緊密關係,三為里仁公司的創新與研發能力。 里仁公司的成功,有賴於高度的組織認同與組織獨特經營模式的相輔相成,對於里仁公司而言,能夠落實佛法才是事業的意義。因此在面臨市場需求大的組織成長壓力,里仁公司仍堅定步伐讓員工慢慢從佛法內化學習起,因其不以利益擴張為考量,即便組織成長趨緩可能會影響獲取規模經濟的優勢。從經營模式來看,社會資本的大量運用與模式中各個環結串連的流暢性是里仁模式成功的關鍵,慈心事業的各組織分別在供應鏈上扮演著資源的媒合者來把上游供應商、消費者與里仁公司緊緊串連,供應商與消費者亦同時成為組織社會資本的一部分,帶入更多的人來認識里仁與新的消費力量。 里仁公司藉由提供有機與慈心食品給消費者,同時幫助台灣的農民在走向外銷之路上更具有競爭力,盈餘則贊助兩個股東基金會的生命成長營隊、校園蔬食及種樹護地球等讓促進社會健康與改善環境的活動。目前台灣有機農業已逐漸發展成熟,里仁公司已開始邁向新的策略—結合環境保育與有機農業,期望能讓台灣重要的環境保育區、集水區上游有乾淨的水質與土壤,並利用環境保育商標來凝聚消費者對這塊土地的重視。 對於此經營模式如何複製與擴充,作者認為整合經營模式中利害關係人需求間的交換機制以及善用經營模式的可複製元素是成功關鍵。在個案公司的例子中是將佛家以人為本的普世價值形成強組織文化,將供應商、消費者的需求與供給能夠透過組織力量的媒合進行更有效率的交換。強組織文化在此種商業模式的應用上不可或缺,其為累積社會資本的一大關鍵。另外則是運用社會資本產生一回饋系統。 / Business megatrend has always been an important research target, as it influences on how enterprises compete and create value for their customers. In recnt years, globalization and emerging economies bring environmental impact and competition for natural resources, forcing fundamental and persistant shift in how companies compete. In this research, Leesen Company is used as a case of a social enterprise to illustrate how it creates and utilizes social capital to grow and sustain its business, which provides a reference for social entrepreneurs and researchers to develop new business model that achieves the so called triple bottom lines. Systematic paper review combined with 26 hours of low-structured interview with CEO and director of public relations in Leezen Company, this study aims to summarize and analyze the business model and key success factors. Leezen Company is built for promoting organic agriculture and non-toxic food, trying to make healthy food available for all consumers in Taiwan. Founded by a Buddhist, Leezen company is guided by the Buddhist Sutra “Lamrim Chenmo”, which deeply influences employees’ thoughts and core value. This, in tern, results in higher integration of goals between organization and employees compared to other organization. Key success factors are as follows: Highly coordinated and integrated coporate culture formed through buddsim generates great synergy in supply chain of Tzu-Xin conglomerates, where Leezen Company belongs to, and gains great trust from consumers. Also, the innovation and R&D in food technology created by its persistence in doing the right thing strengthens its competitive advantage in in organic argiculture and non-toxic food. Through providing organic and non-toxic food, Leezen Company creates a healthier environment for consumers and bolsters competitiveness of Taiwanese farmers to sale argicultural product abroad. Revenue goes to sponsor various activities that benefit our mind, health and environment of two shareholder foundations. As the organic industry become more mature these days, Leezen Company starts to adopt a new strategy of combining environmental protection and organic agriculture, expecting to replace traditional agriculture in conseravation aeras and upstream reservoirs. Also, it develops an environmental protection trademark for food grown in those areas, trying to arouse the awareness of more people. The key to replicate and expand this business model lies in how the organization can integrate and exchange its stakeholders’ needs, also how it can make good use of its replicable factors in the business model. In this case, Buddhism shapes strong organizational culture, which increases the efficiency of mediating the needs between suppliers and customers, accumulating its social capital. Further, social capital creates feedback system which makes the business model self-sufficient.

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