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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

虛擬國境--以網路虛擬社群為概念的創作文本 / Virtual World----the Creation of the Virtual Community in Cyberspace

李欣頻, Lee, Hsin-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

住宅新推個案市場價量關係之分析 / The relation between housing price and trading volume

羅于婷 Unknown Date (has links)
價量關係研究於金融市場甚豐,然於台灣之住宅新推個案市場則相當匱乏,因此本研究關注台灣住宅新推個案市場之價量關係,考量住宅空間次市場差異,區分為內部關係─價量關係,以及外部關係─價/量波及效果。研究以全國及五大都會區為(台北市、台北縣、桃竹地區、台中都會區及南高都會區)為空間範圍;1996年第1季至2009第4季之可能成交價、成交量資料,運用時間序列分析方法,釐清住宅空間次市場內部之價量關係是否存在差異,以及次市場間成交價/量是否存在相互影響的效果,以提供預測市場價量趨勢之參考。 研究結果顯示台北市之成交量領先成交價3期,價量交互影響程度較其他地區大,可知台北市住宅市場之成交量變動在住宅市場趨勢預測中更為關鍵;南高都會區之價量存在共整合關係,表示價量調整具長期均衡,背離程度有限;台北縣、桃竹地區及台中都會之價量則無明顯領先落後關係,價量關係相對薄弱。波及效果之研究結果顯示成交價之波及效果主要由台北都會區擴散至其他都會區,影響方向為單向且範圍較大;成交量則以相對鄰近之都會區為影響範圍,影響主要為雙向,但範圍較小。本研究認為台灣住宅市場過度關注價格訊息,然而更應重視成交量變化的掌握,並關注住宅空間次市場基本結構之差異,避免使消息面造成的過度預期成為主導市場的力量。 / There are numerous researches in stock markets and finance, but few in Taiwan newly construction and pre-sale housing markets. Using the Cathay Real Estate Index Quarterly Reports for the period 1996-2009 and applying Granger causality test, the thesis examines price and volume relationship in five metropolises (Taipei City, Taipei County, Taoyuan-Hsinchu, Taichung Metropolis and Tainan-Kaohsiung) in Taiwan. And with the concern of the differences of housing submarkets, the price and volume relationship is classified as intra-relationship and inter-relationship. The former is price and volume relationship in a certain metropolis, the later is the ripple effects of housing price or trading volume between metropolises. The result of intra-relationship shows that housing price Granger-cause the trading volume in Taipei city. That is, volume provides useful information to predict future price. And there is a long-run relationship in Tainan-Kaohsiung metropolis. From the aspect of inter-relationship, housing price changes first in Taipei City and Taipei County; trading volumes have mutual ripple effect between two neighboring metropolises. The results of the research are useful for housing market participants: We should keep an eye on the changes of trading volume. Also the structure of the submarket is fundamental to form the investment strategies.

兒童日常生活中數位媒體使用:以台灣學童部落格使用為例 / Children's digital media usage in everyday life: case study on two elementary school students' weblog behavior in Taiwan

翁孝蓁, Weng, Hsiao Chen Unknown Date (has links)
Children use Internet for many reasons, such as playing on-line games, searching for information, downloading music and videos or doing homework. However, there is one interesting tendency that Internet has changed the boundary between the sender and the receiver. Children in this Internet age, they change their roles to become content providers. While they are blogging or uploading photos, they are processing “I media”. In the past, children invite their friends to their bedroom. They talk the secrets or playing games while they are in a parenting area. Today, ‘bedroom’ and ‘digital bedroom’ can be combined. Staying at home, and not going out, but by surfing the (world) of the web, both boys and girls of different ages are engaging in a kind of domestic or bedroom culture that take place in virtual space. In this study, children’s personal weblog may be seen as ‘heterotopias’, Michel Foucault (1986) proposed. This research concerned about children's use of blogs in their everyday life, attempted to learn children's digital bedroom culture through the analyses of all kinds of documents presented in children’s blogs, and to know how children gain identity through blogs.


胡曉嵐 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣地區製造業廠商工廠停工家數極速增加,已有步入西方先進國家產業衰退之現象,探究影響工廠停工之因素相當多,本研究以台灣地區製造業廠商為研究對象,分析影響工廠停工之屬性及其空間分佈。首先,本研究整理相關理論及文獻,再者分析台灣地區已辦竣工廠登記廠商之基本屬性,以此為基礎設計Logit模型進行測試,同時因產業所屬產業生命週期階段之不同,影響其工廠停工之屬性及空間分佈理論上亦相異,故本研究採用二項主要判別指標及一項參考指標,進行產業所屬生命週期之劃分,再以不同產業生命週期廠商為樣本分別進行模型測試。本研究試圖找出影響台灣地區製造業廠商工廠停工屬性及其空間分佈。獲致結論如下:   一、在屬性方面,「廠商年齡」變數在所有模型測試結果皆得到顯著負向結果;「工廠登記年代」變數與「廠商年齡」變數得到相同之結果;「工廠廠房總面積」變數僅在多位置廠商工廠停工模型測試中得到顯著結果,其影響為負向,意即,對於多位置廠商而言,其工廠廠房總面積愈大者,停工機率愈低。以上所得結論皆與理論相符。   二、在空間分佈方面,對於全體製造業廠商而言,「都會區」、「都市計畫工業區」、以及「編定工業區」三項變數對工廠停工之影響皆為正向顯著,影響程度由高至低依序為:「都會區」、「編定工業區」、「都市計畫工業區」。對多位置廠商而言,「都會區」以及「編定工業區」二項變數對停工之影響皆為正向顯著,而影響程度「編定工業區」高於「都會區」。對於產業生命週期各階段廠商而言,「都會區」及「編定工業區」變數影響最大者皆為成長期產業,「都市計畫工業區」變數影響最大者為成熟期產業。對於電子產業生命週期各階段廠商而言,有顯著結果之「都會區」及「編定工業區」二項變數,影響最大者皆為電子產業成長期廠商。

在影像中遊走:城市行銷觀點下的台北城市空間及其影像再現 / Roaming in images: Taipei city space and its cinematic representation from the perspective of city marketing

羅立芸, Lo, Lih Yun Unknown Date (has links)
2008年台北市電影委員會的成立,及台北市文化局補助電影製作案的推行,象徵著台北市政府對於電影作為城市行銷方式採取的積極作為。本研究試圖探究此一因應全球化所引發的城市行銷風潮,在政府正視與政策鼓勵的大環境影響之下,電影中的台北城市空間呈現之樣貌。透過回顧文獻與資料蒐集、分析主要文本,及相關之深度訪談等方式,以台北市文化局補助電影製作案之影片為研究對象,進行分析探討。   研究顯示,台北市政府文化局行銷台北意象之補助政策,與台北市電影委員會之協拍服務,皆對於電影中的台北城市空間呈現造成影響,並形成一種台北城市空間的新興體驗方式。由於行銷台北意象之政策訴求,使得電影中的台北城市空間產生了觀光化的趨勢;對於具有獨特性的台北意象之鼓勵,使得台北城市空間在影片呈現上更趨多元。而台北城市空間與其影像呈現,便在互動的過程中,交織成一個不斷變化的動態結構。台北市電影委員會的協拍機制,使得電影中的台北城市空間,能有不同以往的呈現角度與宣傳可能。台北市文化局對於國際合製的政策鼓勵,亦使得電影中的台北城市空間得以納入多樣的思考觀點,並在海外電影城市行銷上取得先機。行銷台北意象之政策與宣傳方式,則促成了台北城市空間之新體驗。電影作為城市行銷工具,不僅帶動觀光效益,亦使得同時體驗真實與電影城市空間成為可能。而透過網路聯結的電影場景與台北城市空間,則能藉由影像賦予城市的不同氛圍,體驗電影為台北城市空間帶來的多樣感受。 / In 2008, Taipei City Government showed a positive attitude towards film as a city marketing strategy by offering film subsidies and establishing the Taipei Film Commission. This research attempts to explore the cinematic city space under incentive policies to the wave of city marketing in accordance with globalization. The subsidized films would be subjects of study, analyzed by using literature review, textual analysis and semi-structural interviews as research methods.   The result of the research shows that incentives made a great impact on the cinematic city space of Taipei and formed a new way of experiences. As a result of the policies of marketing Taipei, the cinematic city space of Taipei becomes Tourist-oriented as well as promotes unique images of Taipei. The interaction of city development and cinematic city space of Taipei interlace a changeable dynamic structure. The active support of Taipei Film Commission helps to make the cinematic city space of Taipei differently in shooting and publicity. Transnational co-production of film policies subsumes various points of view and heads start in city marketing overseas. Film as a tool of city marketing not only drives tourism benefits, but also realizes in experiencing real and cinematic city space at the same time.

生活風格、空間氛圍與傳記型創業之探討 / Lifestyle and Atmosphere Creation in Biographical Enterprise

劉思廷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討創業家成長歷程對其創業思維的影響及創業家如何將其生活風格透過「信念傳達」、「核心價值」、「產品創意」、「物件揀選」、「氛圍營造」、「成長進修」、「活動舉辦」與「網路社群」八個微型創業元素具體展現於所創事業中。 本論文以傳記型創業家為代表進行微型創業之研究。先由文獻、次級資料及報章雜誌中歸納傳記型創業家的特點與微型創業的元素,挑選三個研究個案從中分析其成長歷程和生活風格對其所創事業之關聯性與展現方式。選擇之研究個案為:於2012年2月被美國知名藝文娛樂網站Flavorwire選為全球最美20間書店中的好樣本事之「好樣集團」、讓人彷彿身處京都町屋風情的「衛屋茶事」及承襲百年歷史風華進而轉型的時尚農業商行「臺灣伍中行」。 研究問題經分析比較企業個案資料所得之結論如下: 壹、創業家的成長歷程如何影響其創業思維? 1. 「文化資本」的累積與深度為傳記型創業家是否能成功的關鍵因素。 2. 運用文化資本創業之過程:(1). 興趣成事業,增強對事物的觀察、理解與應用力;(2). 洞察市場需求,創意佳能將此需求以文化資本作發揮與呈現;(3). 據說故事的能力。 貳、創業家如何將生活風格透過微型創業元素展現於事業體? 1. 洞察生活風格,將價值、資源與物件等元素做拼湊,忠實傳遞生活風格。 2. 經活動舉辦與網路社群經營,傳遞企業理念與提供新風格部落形成平台。 / This is a study on how the life stories of a micro-entrepreneur can have influence on his business ideas, and how his lifestyle can translate to the micro-enterprise through ‘belief propagation,’ ‘core values,’ ‘product creativity,’ ‘product selection,’ ‘atmosphere creation,’ ‘continuing education,’ ‘event organization,’ and ‘social networking,’ which are the eight elements of micro-enterprise. The study has the biographical entrepreneur as its model. Firstly, it summarizes the characteristics of biographical entrepreneurs and elements of micro-enterprise through reviewing literature, secondary materials and journalism. Secondly, three cases are selected as subjects for analyses. The three cases are: (1) VVG Something, one of the Flavorwire 2012 ‘the 20 most Beautiful Bookstore in the World’, (2) Sputnik Lab, a successful creator of ‘Machiya’ atmosphere, and (3) Taiwan Wu Chung Hang, a century-old trading company newly transformed to a food and agricultural product center ‘a-la-mode’. Conclusions on the case study: (1) How can life stories of a micro-entrepreneur influence his business ideas? a. The amount of ‘cultural capital’ that a biographical entrepreneur owns is a crucial key to his success. b. Turn cultural capital into business: (a) Turn interests into profits. Try to make as much observation, understanding and application as possible. (b) Find out the demand, satisfy such demand with creative ideas basing on your cultural capital. (c) Tell engaging stories. (2) How can the lifestyle of a micro-entrepreneur translate to his micro-enterprise through the elements of enterprise? a. Make thorough observations on lifestyle, and recreate and present it through concretizing values, resources and objects. b. Apply ‘event organization’ and ‘social-networking’ properly so that the enterprise is not only a propagated belief but also a platform for forming new ideas. Keywords: lifestyle, spatial atmosphere, biographical enterprise


石田, 皓之, 高橋, 友和, 井手, 一郎, 目加田, 慶人, 村瀬, 洋 01 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.


ISHIKAWA, Yoshiharu, IIJIMA, Yuichi, 石川, 佳治, 飯島, 裕一 01 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.

臺中市國民小學校長空間領導與教師工作滿意度關係之研究 / The study of the Relationship between the Elmentary School Principal’s Space Leadership and the Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Taichung City

陳炫佑 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解臺中市國民小學校長空間領導與教師工作滿意度之現況,並分析不同背景變項之教師在知覺校長空間領導與教師工作滿意度之差異情形,且探討兩者之間的關係,最後藉由校長空間領導對教師工作滿意度進行預測。 本研究採調查研究法,共計抽樣46所,發出576份問卷,回收497份有效問卷,問卷有效率達86.28%。資料處理分別以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方式進行統計分析。 本研究獲致以下之結論: 一、臺中市國民小學校長空間領導為中高程度,以「校長以空間規劃營造教育情境」之程度最高,「校長以空間規劃建立社區關係」之程度最低。 二、臺中市國民小學教師對教師工作滿意度為中高程度,以「同僚關係」之程度最高,「校長領導」之程度最低。 三、臺中市國民小學教師,因其性別及服務年資之不同,而有不同的校長空間領導感受,以男性與服務年資11-15 年及21 年(含)以上之教師程度較高。 四、臺中市國民小學教師,因其性別、擔任職務及學校規模之不同,而有不同的教師工作滿意度感受,以男性、擔任主任之教師及學校規模13-30班之教師程度較高。 五、臺中市國民小學校長空間領導與教師工作滿意度有顯著正相關,校長空間領導的情形愈佳,教師工作滿意度也愈高。 六、臺中市國民小學校長空間領導對教師工作滿意度具有預測作用,以「校長以空間規劃提升學習效能」的預測力最佳。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以供教育行政機關、學校校長與教師以及未來研究之參考。


福永, 修一, 藤本, 健治 01 June 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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