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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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集合住宅面積混合對社區管理維護影響之路徑分析 / A path analysis for influence of condominiums area mixture on property management

陳妍如 Unknown Date (has links)
我國集合住宅市場常見一個案有數種面積產品混合之現象,在過去研究指出不同面積之產品進行投資組合已成為建商降低風險與穩定報酬的手段,僅在供給面被討論,卻忽略了住宅市場應以『使用』為目的,換言之,產品面積混合(Housing mix)隱含購屋者其生活水平及背景之異質性(Social mix),將可能造成社區管理維護上之不易,本文試圖延伸過去此現象在需求面及管理維護上探討的不足。在實證方面,採問卷調查台北市建管處公寓大廈管理科所提供之已報備成立管理組織的主任委員2,877份,回收率為11.30%,剔除沒有舉辦活動之社區並符合設定樣本大小與母體可容忍誤差α=10%之要求下,共307筆有效問卷。輔以公寓大廈科報備資料掌握至所有面積及其對應之戶數,建立『面積混合度』之衡量,結合當前國內外住宅混合與住宅隔離議題,透過路徑分析方式衡量面積混合對社區管理維護績效之影響為直接影響或間接影響?釐清混合對管理維護影響過程之因果關係。 研究結果顯示,建商供給者之面積混合策略對於住戶需求者之管理維護績效將是間接負面影響而非傳統迴歸所觀察得到的直接影響,驗證了國外負面外溢效果在國內亦是如此。而主要影響路徑為面積混合愈高則提高了社區衝突,進而對管理維護產生負面影響。其次,過去認為除面積混合之外,新舊社區與大小規模亦會影響管理維護,故進行兩群分析究竟何者影響管理維護較大?實證發現混合社區在經過搬遷磨合期將減緩混合因異質性所造成的不和睦,但混合之負面影響仍大於新舊社區之影響。 / The phenomenon of one construction case with housing mix usually appears in the condominium market. Some studies indicated that the portfolio of housing mix has become a means of reducing risk and having a stable reward for construction companies. However, the discussion was only on supply, and ignored that “use” should be the main purpose in the condominium market. In other words, housing mix implied the social mix of homebuyers’ living standard and background, and it might make the community management and maintenance not easy. The study tries to extend the deficiency in the treatment of the phenomenon on supply or on community management and maintenance. In proof, a questionnaire survey was adopted in the study. There were 2877 pieces of questionnaires released to the chairmen of registered management organizations according to the data from the Apartment and Building Management Division in the Building Administration Office of Taipei City Government. The recovery rate was 11.3%. The communities without holding activities were culled out, and in order to satisfy the requirement of the set sample dimension and the error tolerance of matrix belowα=10%, total valid questionnaires were 307 pieces. The measurement of “housing mix” can be built up by the supplementary information from the Apartment and Building Management Division, which includes all square measure and corresponding houses. Combing the subjects of residential mix and residential separation at home and abroad, housing mix could be measured by path analysis to see whether it has a direct or indirect affect on community management and maintenance to further figure out the casual relationship during the affection process of the housing mix and the community management and maintenance. The study results show that the policy of housing mix from the suppliers, construction companies, has an indirect negative affection on the performance of community management and maintenance for residents, the demanders, instead of having a direct affection observed by traditional regression analysis. The result proves the negative spillover effect no matter at home or abroad. The path of impact is that the higher the housing mix is, the higher the community conflict will be, and the situation will generate negative affection on community management and maintenance. Furthermore, except the housing mix, new and old communities or the sizes of communities were thought to affect community management and operation, and they were usually divided into two groups to analyze which one has greater affection on management and maintenance ? It is found by evidences that the communities with housing mix show less disharmony caused by social mix after the run-in period of movement. However, the negative affection of housing mix is still higher than the one of new and old communities.


陳香妃 Unknown Date (has links)
社區意識與管理制度是促成公寓大廈管理維護集體行動的兩種途徑,前者可提升鄰里情誼與環境認同,後者可促使居住品質維持一定水準,兩者對於管理維護表現也都有所影響。透過管理維護主、客觀表現之衡量,社區意識與管理制度對於住宅管理維護有何影響?結合主、客觀二者來看,真正好的管理維護其意涵為何?較佳的管理維護表現組合(主觀滿意度高、客觀績效表現亦好)會受到哪些因素影響?乃本文所關注之焦點。 實證結果發現,社區意識與委外管理程度對於管理維護的主、客觀表現皆有正面的影響,而委外程度的重要性又稍大於社區意識,顯示在促成公寓大廈管理維護的集體行動時,制度途徑(管理制度)的效果比社會途徑(社區意識)來得好一些。此隱含著公寓大廈管理維護不但需要社區內部凝聚共識,也需要建立適宜的管理制度,此可透過專業管理公司或廠商人員給予協助,促使公寓大廈管理維護能確保一定品質。 此外,真正好的管理維護應該是「住家環境非常安全、舒適,住戶也感到很滿意」,透過實證分析可知,社區戶數愈多、屋齡愈新、決議事項執行效率愈好、社區意識凝聚情形愈佳、委外程度愈高,管理維護表現出現「較佳組合」的機率會比「較差組合」來得大。

公寓大廈管理服務人責任之研究 / A study of the apartment building management and maintenance corporations

賴佳琪 Unknown Date (has links)
若將區分所有建築物的問題分為所有關係與管理關係兩大方面,本文係著重於管理關係的討論。公寓大廈管理組織有,(1)管理委員會、(2)區分所有權人會議及(3)規約。 管理委員會是指,為執行公寓大廈管理維護工作,由區分所有權人選任住戶若干人為委員所設立的組織(公寓大廈管理條例第3條第9款);而管理服務人是指,受僱傭或委任,而執行建築物管理維護事務(公寓大廈管理條例第3條第11款);又基於建築物之所有人的地位,全體的區分所有權人對於建築物的設置維護亦有其基本的責任(民法第191條)。若今因對於管理維護的事務有所疏失,應由誰負損害賠償責任,便值探討。 又關於建築物的維護,公寓大廈僅是眾多建築物型態中的一種,但本文的論述範圍僅限於住宅用的公寓大廈或其混合型態,如住商混合或住辦混合之大樓,故諸如商用大樓、行政機關、學校、醫院等建築皆不在論述範圍中。


洪子茵 Unknown Date (has links)
住戶對其居家環境每日必需的管理維護工作通常有兩大類選擇:住戶自行負責或委託管理維護公司。目前國內集合住宅在管理維護執行上的現況,係「自行管理」佔了68﹪,「委託管理」佔32﹪,這樣的比例與香港及日本的集合住宅大部分係屬委託管理的情形相差甚遠。為何台灣集合住宅委託管理的情形較不普遍?究竟是什麼因素在影響住戶對管理維護模式的選擇?而不同的管理模式其管理維護的效果有何不同?又是哪一種管理維護模式最能讓住戶感到滿意?此乃本研究關注之焦點。 實證結果發現,集合住宅的「規模」與「價格」是影響管理模式選擇的關鍵,當戶數規模與管理費用越足夠,選擇委託管理模式的機率將越大。平均而言,高層大廈與社區,選擇委託管理較自行管理的勝算分別為公寓的6.357倍與4.245倍。此外,當戶數規模平均每增加10戶,選擇委託管理模式的機率就會增加3.9﹪;而當管理費用平均每坪增加10元時,選擇委託管理模式的機率亦會增加6.5﹪。 至於管理維護模式與住戶滿意度的探討,委由管理維護公司來維護社區的結果均比自行管理來得讓住戶滿意,而「部分委託管理模式」則是四種模式中滿意度最高者。究其原因,管理公司雖有其專業知能與經驗的優勢,但也可能存在著代理問題,受到這二者相互權衡(trade-off)的影響,全部委託管理的滿意度便不如部分委託管理。 為使理論實證結果能與實務連結,本研究對「規模」與「價格」做門檻值推估,發現委託大樓管理業者的社區,住戶至少每月每坪需繳交70元的管理費,且該社區的總戶數應該在100戶左右,由此可知,台北市集合住宅的平均戶數可能因未達經濟規模門檻值(因為目前已報備管理組織的公寓大廈有八成其戶數都在百戶以下),致使台北市委託管理的情形並不普遍。此外,集合住宅內生存在的協商困難與外部性問題,也是委託管理比例偏低的原因,建議政府應藉租稅優惠方式來使外部效果內部化,並直接或委託民間非營利團體協助輔導集合住宅管理組織之報備,減少其中的協商成本。   關鍵字:集合住宅、管理維護、管理模式、住戶滿意度、戶數與管理費門檻值 / Households typically manage their living environment using one of two modes. Under the first, household conducts all of the basic and day-to-day management functions. Under the second approach, the household hires a property management company to provide and monitor a number of services such as repair and maintenance quality control. In Taiwan, the current proportion of the implementation of condominium ( collective housing ) management and maintenance is 68% of owner management and 32@/o of company management. Comparing to Hong Kong and Japan where the company management is more common than owner management, this proportion is far behind. This research is focus on the reason of less popular of company management in Taiwan collective housing and the factors of affecting the choice of management mode. Moreover this research also discusses the results and effects of different management modes and which management mode can provides the highest degree of satisfaction. The empirical results show that the main factors of selections between different management modes are the "scale" and the "price" of the condominium. On average, comparing company management and owner management, the possibility of choosing company management is 6.357 times more in high-rise buildings (above 13 floor) than in apartment (under 5 floor) and 4.245 times more in the community (large projects) than in apartment. Besides, when the scale of the quantity increases additional ten units averagely, the possibility of choosing company management will increase 3.9% ; and when the management cost averagely goes up extra ten dollars per Pin, the possibility of choosing company management will also increase 6.5 % . As for the discussion of the relationship between the management modes and the household satisfaction, general speaking, the household can get more satisfaction from the result of appointing building management & maintenance companies. Moreover, the outcome of "part company management mode" is the most outstanding one in the four types. The reason is that although the company has the professional knowledge and superior management skills, there does also exist the problem of agency. Due to the trade-off relationship, the satisfaction of complete company management mode is less than part company management mode. In order to relate the theoretical model to the practice, this research infers the thresholds of "scale" and "price". The results show that every household in the community which has hired the building management & maintenance industry has to pay 70 NT$ per Pin-Month in average; furthermore, the number of its households should be approximate 100 units. Therefore it can be said because of the fact that the average number of the household in condominium in Taipei might not excess the threshold of economic scale, company management is not very common in Taipei.( note that at this stage 80% of the registered condominium is less than hundred households.). Besides, the reason of low proportion of company management is that there does exist the difficulty in negotiations and externalities. Consequently, it is suggested that government should use the effect of tax policy to intemalize the externalities. It is also recommended that government can direct or indirectly authorize the non-profit organizations to assist home owners associations to register, so that the cost of negotiations can be reduced. keywords: condominium、 management & maintenance 、 management mode、household satisfaction 、 thresholds of "scale" & "price"

集合住宅管理維護績效之研究:集體行動、管理模式、使用衝突之影響探討 / Performance Evaluation of Property Management Services for Condominiums: A Research of Collective Action, Management Modes, and Usage Conflicts

朱芳妮, Chu, Fang Ni Unknown Date (has links)
集合住宅社區共同使用部份屬於住戶分別共有的「共有資產」,具有類似公共財的特性,可能會因為相關使用衝突課題,或集體行動困境,而減損多數願意配合社區事務的住戶之使用效益。此外,代理問題可能衍生自管理委員會所建立的管理模式,其影響程度可能因決策控制權及管理權不同程度的委外而有異。 因此,本論文主要有三個探討課題:第一,從集體行動困境角度分析並釐清管理委員會自治管理問題;第二,依據代理理論、公司治理機制,從決策控制權移轉的程度來重新定義集合住宅社區的事務管理模式,分析事務管理模式對於管理維護效率的影響;第三,了解使用混合與面積混合所產生的使用衝突與管理維護績效間的相互關係。本文使用台北集合住宅管理維護現況調查的問卷資料進行實證研究,期望透過上述課題的探討,釐清管理維護潛在問題,並對不同類型社區提出適宜管理維護方式的建議,產生兼具學術與實務面之貢獻。 / Common property belonging to all owners of a condominium may cause usage conflicts or collective action dilemmas, due to the characteristic of quasi-public goods diminishing most residents' utility or benefits. Besides, agency problems derived from different management modes established by management committees may have unfavorable influence on management performance to some extent ccording to the delegation degree of decision control and management. Therefore, the main topics of this dissertation are as follows: First, analyzing and cectifying the collective action dilemmas through the self-organized CPR regimes; Secondly, redefining condominium management modes through delegation or outsourcing degrees of decision control according to agency theory and corporate governance framework and analyzing the effects of these modes on management performance; Thirdly, discovering the relationship between usage conflicts derived from the features of housing mix and usage mix and management performance of condominiums. Data collected from a postal questionnaire survey in Taipei city was used in several empirical analyses based on the main topics. Clarify the potential problems of condominium management and proposing appropriate management modes and approaches according to various features of condominiums are expected to be both academic and practical contributions.

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