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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

兩岸經貿更加緊密對外商在台研發創新活動之影響因素 / The Determinants of Subsidiary's R&D and Innovation in Taiwan as Cross-strait Ties Becomes Closer

姚文中 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化及產業結構快速變遷的世界潮流之下,廠商欲維持競爭的優勢,必須持續更積極投入研發創新活動;同時為了拓展近年來蓬勃發展的大陸市場,在兩岸經貿更加緊密後,外商亦積極增加在台研發創新活動。本研究首先彙整國內外研發創新活動相關研究實證文獻,進一步探討兩岸關係更加緊密後研發創新活動之影響因素;再以2007年經濟部投資審議委員會「華僑及外國人投資事業營運狀況調查表(非服務業)」問卷資料為分析對象,加以實證研究,並運用Probit Model進行迴歸實證分析,從「廠商特性」、「營運特性」以及「策略因素」等三面向,探討兩岸經貿更加緊密對外商在台研發創新活動之影響因素。實證結果發現,「資訊電子業」、「技術密集度」、「鬆綁兩岸經貿政策」、「技術來源」及「當地市場潛力大」等五項變數對於研發創新活動有顯著的影響且為重要決定因素。


金鉉玉 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要以韓國與中國大陸建交後韓中貿易和投資關係為主題,進行分析與討論。從政治經濟的層面,陳述中國大陸對韓半島政策轉變的背景及其戰略構思,觀察中國大陸,與韓國經貿關係的變化,並檢討影響韓中兩國經貿關係發展的主要因素。 世界經濟區域化趨勢的加強和貿易保護主義的加劇,在東北亞區域合作中,韓中兩國的經濟合作交流對兩國帶來互利繁榮嗎?今後韓中兩國國家經濟合作向甚麼方向發展才會促進兩國的經濟發展和對東北亞地區的和平與繁榮呢? 然後,中國大陸在一九九六年就加入了國際貨幣基金組織和世界銀行,二○○一年,中國大陸加入了世界貿易組織。可以說,中國大陸在改革開放以後一步步的加入到了國際經濟組織中。中國大陸在經濟實力持續增長的過程中,將對韓國經濟有哪些影響?這些問題都是本論文企圖處理的議題。 本文共分為五個部份,第一章為緒論,概述本文之研究動機與目的、問題意識、文獻回顧、研究方法、用詞的釐清與研究架構。 第二章為韓國與中國大陸關係正常化的背景與發展。本章主要在探討韓中關係改變之因素、中國大陸對韓國政策的基本目標及政策的演變、韓國對中國大陸政策的演變、與韓國與中國大陸關係之發展,以做為分析韓中貿易與投資往來之背景。 第三與四章要研究韓國與中國大陸經濟貿易關係之發展,以貿易及投資關係為分析兩國雙邊經貿關係的指標。透過韓國與中國大陸經貿合作關係分析而尋覓兩國經貿合作特性、問題癥結以及未來的發展展望。第三章研究了韓國與中國大陸雙方貿易關係之發展。接著,第四章研究韓國與中國大陸投資關係及其他方面之發展,以說明韓中投資關係的發展對兩國經濟的影響。第四章尤其將特別集中在韓國對中國大陸的投資政策與投資行為的變化上,以分析投資對貿易發展的影響。 第五章為結論。 綜合上述各章的分析,歸納為本章結論。由前面各章的分析對韓中經濟合作做一展望,尤其是主要在探討中國大陸加入WTO之後韓中兩國間經貿合作的展望及其影響,及韓中經濟交流協力方案。並就迅速崛起的中國大陸對韓國有何助益做一探討。 對正在迅速崛起的中國大陸,在二十世紀的九○年代中後期,國際上有所謂的中國威脅論之說,但筆者認爲對中國經濟的飛速增長不應稱作“威脅”而應看作“挑戰”。雖然一部分勞動密集型産業和農業領域將面臨競爭,但在汽車、機械製造業等領域也將同時獲得發展機會。韓國只要維持高技術領域的優勢,就能從中國經濟發展中獲利。


古鳳玉 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究目的在於探討1992-2000年期間俄羅斯政經環境對台俄經貿關係之影響。台灣與俄羅斯的貿易自1992年開始,貿易量雖有起伏,但大體來說仍可謂是正成長。然而,當俄羅斯開始走向市場經濟路線、施行震盪療法,經濟轉型不如預期中的順利,再加上金融風暴的發生,導致俄羅斯經濟一蹶不振。到1998年時,由於受到盧布大幅貶值,造成我國部分業者無法收到貨款或訂單被取消,使得業者暫停對俄貿易而改採觀望的態度,台俄貿易量也為之遽減。由此我們發現,俄羅斯政經狀況對台俄經貿關係有相當程度的影響。本論文認為俄羅斯的政治環境與經濟情勢是影響台俄經貿之主因;而由於當前俄羅斯的政經情勢逐漸轉好,因此可以預期未來的台俄經貿情況將會漸至佳境。此一假設命題可再引申為下列邏輯相關的子命題: (一)俄羅斯的政治環境對台俄經貿關係的影響有正、負兩方面 1. 俄羅斯的國內政治環境與對台俄經貿關係的影響為正相關 2. 中俄關係對台俄經貿關係的影響為負相關 (二)俄羅斯的經濟情勢對台俄經貿關係的影響為正相關 1. 俄羅斯的經濟改革對台俄經貿關係的影響為正相關 2. 俄羅斯的經濟體質對台俄經貿關係的影響為正相關 3. 俄羅斯的銀行體系對台俄經貿關係的影響為正相關 (三)根據H-O定理,台俄經貿仍有相當大的發展空間。加上普欽執政後,俄羅斯政經情勢逐漸改善,因此可以預期未來的台俄經貿情況必然會漸至佳境。 上述的三個子命題,構成本論文的核心論點;而對應此三個論點,本論文將分六章探討。第一章為緒論,說明研究動機與研究目的、文獻述評與研究方法、假設命題與研究架構。第二章:台俄經貿之開展及商品結構。此章分為兩節:分別為台俄經貿之開始與推展及台俄貿易之商品結構。第三章:俄羅斯之政治環境對台俄經貿關係的影響。此章分為三節:分別為俄羅斯國內政治環境對台俄經貿關係的影響、中俄關係對台俄經貿關係的影響及小結。第四章:俄羅斯之經濟情勢對台俄經貿關係的影響。本章將先說明俄羅斯的經濟改革,再從俄羅斯的經濟體質及銀行體系兩方面,探討俄羅斯之經濟環境對台俄經貿關係的影響。第五章:台俄經貿的未來走向。本章將依據三、四章之討論結果,對台俄經貿的未來走向做預測。本章分為三節:普欽執政後的政治環境、普欽執政後的經濟情勢及小結。第六章:結論。總結整個論文之重點及研究之結果。 / This thesis is to discuss the influence of Russian Political and economic environment to Taiwan-Russia economy and trade during the period of 1992-2000. Taiwan-Russia trade has started since 1992. Roughly speaking, the amount of the trade was growing. However, when Russia started to change their economic strategy, and carried out the shock therapy, the route of economic reform was not as smooth as expected. The outbreak of financial crisis leaded to the crash of Russia economy. In 1998, some Taiwanese businessmen couldn’t receive payment of goods or the orders were canceled because of the evaluation of ruble. It has made those businessmen change their attitude and stop trading with their Russian counterparts. The amount of Taiwan-Russia trade became decreasing. According to this reason, we found that Russia political and economic situations have great impact upon Taiwan-Russian economic and trade relationship. This dissertation is taking the position that Russian political environments and Russia economic situations are the main reason which influent the economy and trade relation between Taiwan and Russia’s economy and trade relation between Taiwan and Russia. The present Russia political and economic situations are getting better, so we can forecast that Taiwan-Russia economic and trade situation will be better and better in the future. This hypothesis can be further developed into the following three logically intertwined propositions: (一) The impact of Russian political environments upon Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relationship has both positive and negative sides. 1. The impact of Russian domestic political environments upon Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relationship is positive. 2. The impact of China-Russia relation upon Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relationship is negative. (二) The impact of Russian economic situation upon Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relationship is positive. 1. The impact of Russian economic reform upon Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relationship is positive. 2. The impact of Russian economic construction upon Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relationship is positive. 3. The impact of Russian banking system upon Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relationship is positive. (三) According to H-O therapy, the economy and trade between Taiwan and Russia still have large potential. After Putin took power, the Russia political and economic situation gets better. Therefore, we can forecast that Taiwan-Russia economic and trade situation will be better and better in the future. These three interwoven propositions above constitute the core points of this thesis. In accordance with these points, this thesis will be discussed in six chapters. Chapter 1 is introduction, it will explain the motivation, purpose, method, hypothesis and framework of this study. Chapter 2:The start and goods structure of Taiwan-Russia economic and trade. This chapter has two sections, they are the start of Taiwan-Russia economy and trade and the structure of Taiwan-Russia economic and trade. Chapter 3:The impact of Russian political environment to Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relation. This chapter has three sections, including the impact of Russian domestic political environment upon Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relationship, the impact of China-Russia relation upon Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relationship, and the initial conclusion. Chapter 4:The impact of Russian economic situation upon Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relationship. In this chapter, first we explain the Russian economic reform. Then we discuss Taiwan-Russia economic and trade relation through the aspects of Russian economic construction and the Russian banking system. Chapter 5:The trend of Taiwan-Russia economic and trade relation in the future. This chapter will make a forecast to the trend of Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relation. This chapter has three sections, including the political environment after Putin took power, the economic situation after Putin took power, and the initial conclusion. Chapter 6:Conclusion.

利與義孰為重?以中共對台水果統戰為例 / Is the Carrot Mightier than the Stick?Assessing the Effectiveness of China's Fruit Offensive

蔣靜萍, Chiang, Ching Ping Unknown Date (has links)
近年中共在逐漸認知到台灣中南部民眾為擁護民進黨當局獨立訴求之強大力量後,相繼透過與台灣在野政黨合作、牽線,以及「放權讓利」式的大批「惠台措施」,冀求爭取農民好感與向心,進而潛移其政治意向。本論文的目的,乃是嘗試由最基層民意的觀點切入,探討中共此番作為的可操作性。作者以深度訪談 (in-depth interview)方式分析,農業貿易「惠台措施」的過程中,誰是真正的贏家? 再者,讓利措施是否真為解決台灣農產品產銷困境的及時雨?其真正意含為何?最後,農民對「中國」(中共)觀感能否因此變移?又是如何轉變?冀以跳脫一般的思維與視角,看待此一頗為特殊之兩岸經貿議題。 / Relations across the Taiwan Strait are complicated by “a deep political divide, but close socioeconomic integration.” China recently is aware of Taiwan farmers integrate huge power in the DPP’s independence advocacy, thus tries to sway their political tendency by utility of economic leverage in the form of tariff-free in fifteen species of Taiwan-grown fruit. Not knowing the effectiveness, this thesis aims at searching the truth by way of in-depth interviews with people of agricultural professional; and the narration reveals Taiwanese farmers are not the direct beneficiaries, sometimes even sufferers, in the whole process. Is fruit policy a carrot for Taiwanese farmers or a stick for the ruling government? The answer is hard to define. Other maneuvering tactics between the KMT and CCP and interests of fruit agents were hidden behind China’s so-called “good will” behavior.

後冷戰時期中共對朝鮮半島政策:經濟與安全層面分析 / Mainland China's policy towards the Korean peninsula in the post cold war era: analysis of strategic and economic factor

金承漢, Kim, Seung-Han Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

俄羅斯內外在環境因素對俄中貿易之影響 / Russia's internal and external conditions' influence on Russian-Sino trade relationship

楊銘源, Yang, Ming Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
新的俄羅斯聯邦成立以來,不論俄美或者是俄歐的經貿關係都遠比俄中的經貿關係來得重要,但是,俄羅斯政府卻一再地透過公開宣示要盡力發展同中國間的經貿關係,並且雙方的領導人、政府高層每年還定期會晤來商討相關的事宜。所以,俄中經貿關係的研究就顯得有其重要性與時代性,尤其是俄羅斯聯邦成立之初,在國外不僅面對西方國家有意的圍堵;國內還面臨了嚴重的經濟挫敗與政治亂局,使得俄羅斯必須選擇其他對她可能有幫助的國家,而這也突顯了俄羅斯在俄中經貿關係的發展中是扮演著主導的地位。因此,本論文旨在探討俄羅斯內外在的環境因素對俄中經貿關係的影響,並且從俄羅斯的觀點來探討她的的決策過程。   本論文認為:獨立後的俄羅斯所面臨的國際局勢已非過去兩極化的國際體系,在無法完全得知西方國家對於新的俄羅斯所採取的態度情況下,俄羅斯唯有在維護其國家尊嚴與利益的前提,選擇可以令其經濟復甦的政策。由此原始命題可以演繹下列三個邏輯命題:(一)面對美國主導的北約東擴的潛在性威脅,以及西方國家對於經援俄羅斯的態度總是百般刁難、口惠而實不至,造成俄羅斯聯合與她友好的中國,並調整其決策目標取向。(二)在經濟改革上遭到了重大的打擊,並因為外交上的的挫敗所引起的政治上的鬥爭,使得俄羅斯領導階層意識到必須要改變其原本合作的對象,轉而與有共同利益的中國發展政治與經濟的關係。(三)現實上,西方國家已非完全可以信任的合作夥伴,所以,俄羅斯便傾向於選擇在歷史上與情感上較能與自己合作的中國。   上述的三個子命題構成本論文的主要核心論點,第壹章:為緒論,說明研究動機與目的、研究範圍、文獻回顧、研究途徑與架構。第貳章:理性抉擇之檢析,這一章主要為討論理性概念之發展與在「理性抉擇典範」下發展的幾個主要的理論,以及理性抉擇在國際關係上的分析運用。第參章:為國際環境因素的分析,這一章主要為分析俄羅斯在這一段期間所面臨到的國際環境因素對她所造成的影響,包括經濟、政治與戰略等層面的衝擊。第肆章:為國內環境因素的分析,這一章主要為分析俄羅斯在這一段期間所面臨到的國內環境因素對她所造成的影響,包括經濟改革挫敗、政治上府會的鬥爭與俄屬遠東地區開發等因素的互動關係,第伍章:為俄中經貿關係發展的前景,這一章主要為探討前面兩章對於俄中經貿關係發展所造成的影響,並對於俄中經貿關係發展的前景做了一番期許與建議。第陸章結論。 / Even though Russian government always openly declarethat they will develop trade relationship with China, and both of their leaders set a date to discuss thease matters. Since Russian Federation were founded, Russian-U.S. and Russian-E.U.’s trade relationship were been far more important than Russian-Sino trade relation. So, research of Russian-Sino trade relationship has it’s significance and urgency. Especially when Russian Federation were established. Externally the Federation face with western countries’ block, internally, they face serious economical failures and chaotic political situations, which force Russia to search for potential aid. Such situation appear that Russia play the leading role in Russian-Sino trade relation. Therefore, this thesis is purporting the discussion of Russia’s internal and external conditions and it’s influence on Russian-Sino trade relation. Also from Russia’s point of view to discuss their decision-making process.   Unlike the past polarization world, this thesis consider that after Russia’s independence, Russia faced a new international situation. And unknown to western countries’ policy, Russia have to preserve their national majesty and interests, to choose relevent policy in order to revive their country. From this original topic, I’ll deduction the following three logically propositions: (1) Due to U.S. led NATO expansion eastward, and western countries’ unfriendly manner to aid Russia. Russia ally with their friendly neighborhood-China. Then, Russia will adjust their decision objective. (2) Russia suffered serious economic downturn during “Shock Therapy”, and political conflict caused by Russia’s diplomatic failures. Russia’s leading class realized that they must change strategic partners. Providing political and economical relationship with China would be a better choose for Russia, as they have common interests. (3) Russia tend to choose China, due to historical and emotional factors, as they can't completely trust western world.   These three logically propositions above are core topic of this thesis. In accordance with these three points, the thesis will be discussed in six chapters. Chapter one, introduction, it’ll explain the purpose, scope and approaches of this study. Chapter two, an analysis of rational choice, will discuss the concept of ration and some major theories under “rational choice paragon” which analyze on international affairs. Chapter three an analysis of international conditions. This chapter will discuss economical, political, strategic problem it given the change in international environment. Chapter four an analysis of domestic environment. This chapter analyze the changing domestic conditions including failure of its economical reform and political instability. Chapter five outlook of Russian-Sino trade relationship, this chapter provide an insight outlook of potential development of Russian-Sino trade relations. Chapter six conclusion.

兩岸簽署ECFA對我國國家發展之影響研究 / A study on the impact of Cross-Strait ECFA on ROC national development

陳麗雯, Chen, Li Wen Unknown Date (has links)
1990年代以來,區域貿易協定的數目呈現倍數成長,發展到今日,全世界已約有230個FTA。然而臺灣卻因政治因素被屏除在區域經濟整合之外,將為臺灣經濟帶來諸多挑戰,我國若欲走出困境、強化在國際間的競爭力,勢必要有所作為。因此馬英九總統在競選總統時就以「與世界連結,參與全球區域經濟整合」為經貿政策主軸,而充分利用中國大陸現有的資源與市場,與其簽署區域貿易協定更是最具關鍵性的一步。經過多次正式與非正式的溝通協調,2010年6月29日,兩岸正式在重慶簽署ECFA,並於同年9月12日正式實施。 但從ECFA議題拋出到簽署實施,各界的爭辯從未停止,究竟ECFA對臺灣是危機還是轉機?是幫助臺灣走向世界還是被鎖進中國?值得深入研究,因此本文藉由國內外相關文獻來探討簽署ECFA對我國政治、經濟社會以及國家安全層面的影響,以增加閱讀者對ECFA的了解,也能成為政府推動ECFA的參考。 / Since 1990s, the number of the region trade agreements has been doubling, and until now there has been a total of 230 FTAs around the world. However, due to political factors, Taiwan has been dismissed outside the regional economies conformity, which will bring many obstacles toward the economic development in Taiwan. If our country intends to walk away from the dilemma and raise our competiveness, some steps must be taken. Therefore, while running for the presidency, President Ma Yingjiu brought up, 〝Links with the world, participates in the whole world regional economies conformity〞 as his economics and trade policy. By fully making using at the mainland China’s existing resources and markets, it was a must for Taiwan to sign the region trade agreement with china. After several official and unofficial communication and coordinating, on June 29, 2010, the Cross-Strait ECFA was signed officially in Chongqing, and implemented in the same year on September 12. Nevertheless, since the ECFA was carried out and signed, the debates from all walks of life has never come to an end. Is ECFA a crisis or a turning point for Taiwan? Does it the help Taiwan to move toward the world or to be locked within China?It is worthwhile to conduct a research to clear out the doubts. This article dims to take a deeper look at how ECFA is influenced on Taiwan n terms of politics, economy, and national security. So that not only can the readers have a better understanding of the ECFA but also the government refers to it while the implementation of policy.

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