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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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企業逆向物流維修服務發展模式之研究—以個案公司為例 / A Case Study of the Development of Business Reverse Logistics Repair Service Model

陳忠勇 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過逆向物流文獻的整理及個案訪談分析針對企業逆向物流運作在企業國際化發展過程中不同時期的發展進行探討,了解逆向物流在個案公司國際化發展歷程不同的階段當中,不同逆向物流維修模式如何演進的過程,企業如何採行不同的組織方式來進行不同的服務模式。根據訪談結果顯示,企業發展逆向物流的階段主要可以依據國際化發展程度區分為四個時期:草創期、成長期、穩定期、精進期,國際化發展程度隨其市場廣度增加而提升。逆向物流維修模式也隨著在工廠內維修到客戶端維修及區域據點設立、到國家層級服務中心設定、以至於全球服務據點運籌布局。從個案公司發展逆向物流的歷程可以歸納出以下幾點發現: 1.資源投入的數量在不同時期皆為影響逆向物流維修模式的重要因素。 2.不同時期發展逆向物流的動機與目標有所不同,皆會影響逆向物流維修模式。 3.隨著企業的國際化發展程度提高,從事逆向物流所需的能力,影響服務模式的重要性逐漸提高,除了基本的維修能力之外,更強調全球運籌及跨國管理的能力。 4.當企業發展到國際化程度非常高時,運用區位優勢來設計維修服務模式將顯得非常重要。 5.逆向物流維修模式的發展随著國際化程度提高,在組織內部有化被動為主動的趨勢,其功能的獨立性也逐漸提升。 綜合以上,企業可以評估自身條件包括規模大小、資源多寡、能力優劣程度、市場的國際化程度以及所面臨的競爭環境,來選擇適當的逆向物流維修模式。在不同階段選擇合適的服務模式將有助於業務的成長甚至建立企業的競爭優勢。 / This research discusses how a firm developed its reverse logistics repair services model in different stage of internationalization. Through in-depth interview, we can understand the evolution of a firm’s reverse logistics repair service model and how they adopt different organization structure to deal with different service model. According to the result of the interview, the process of a firm’s reverse logistics development can be divided into four stages including early stage, growth stage, stable stage, and progress stage according to its degree of internationalization which is measured by the firm’s market scope. Corresponding with different stages, there are four types of reverse logistics repair services models. With the first one, the firm retained most operation in its own factories. With the second one, the firm designated engineers to customers’ location and established regional repair service centers. With the third one, the firm built up country level service centers, and finally, the firm is utilizing global logistics to allocate resources and coordinate activities in different repair service center. From the firm’s development model, there are several findings: 1.The amount of resources commitment is always a critical factor for reverse logistics repair service model 2.Different motives and objectives of developing reverse logistics in different period influence reverse logistics repair service model 3.As a firm’s degree of internationalization is getting higher, the ability to engage in reverse logistics plays a more important role in repair service model. In addition to basic capability of repair service, a company should put more emphasis on global logistics and transnational management 4.When a firm’s degree of internationalization is very high, it’s very important to utilize location- specific advantage to design its repair service model 5.As a firm’s degree of internationalization is getting higher, reverse logistics function evolves from passive to active and becomes more independent Overall, a firm can evaluate itself in terms of scale, resource, ability, degree of internationalization, competitive environment in order to choose appropriate reverse logistics repair service model. Adopting proper service model at different stage is beneficial for sales growth and even establishment of a firm’s competitive advantage.


許績漢, XU,JI-HAN Unknown Date (has links)
維修策略最基本的兩種模型為年齡置換和周期置換。年齡置換是考慮在失敗時, 或是 達到一預定的時間T 時作置換。而周期置換是在固定的周期時間T 作置換, 而在此期 間若發生FAILURE 則作MINIMAL REPAIR( 最小修理 )。所謂最小修理, 就是在經過修 理之后, 其狀態與剛故障之前相同, 也就是經過修理之后, 它的失敗率不變。 在時間是無限的情況下, 對於年齡置換策略,MORSE(1958)證明在使單位時間的平均成 本為最小下, 可以求得最佳的置換區間。而當時間是有限的時候,BARLOU AND PROSCH AN(1962)證明此一最佳置換策略亦存在。 R.CLEROUX,S.DUBUC AND C.TILQUIN(1977) 證明此一最佳置換策略, 在失敗發生時, 根據隨機修理成本, 來決定采行置換或修理的策略。令C1代表失敗時作置換的常數成 本。假如C>aC1,則作置換, 反之, 則進行最小修理, 其中a 為已知參數,0<a<=1,其值 由決策者加以決定。在實際生活中, 對於冰箱、電視, 或汽車每個人都有自己的a 值 , 而決定在故障時作修理或換新時, 就取決於修理的成本和a 值。 現今, 我們考慮更一般的情況, 在第一固定區間x,其置換的機率pl, 修理的機率為1- P1, 第二區間, 置換的機率為P2, 修理的機率為1-P2, 於此類推, 置換的機率為Pn, 修理的機率為1-Pn, 考慮時間nx之後的失敗一律作置換或是在nx時作預防置換, 在上 述條件下求得最佳置換策略。 此模行可將之應用, 例如: 購買一新的機器, 在第一階段有置換機率P1, 修理機率1- P1, 第二階段置換機率P2, 修理機率1-P2, 於此類推, 求得最佳維修策略。

最適房屋維修支出費用:搜尋模型之應用 / The optimal housing maintenance:applying the search model

黃呈惠 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 本文採用搜尋模型,將其中勞動市場上勞資雙方配對工作之方法,應用於房地產市場中房東與房客的配對行為,求得在定態均衡下家計單位的競租函數、房屋維修支出費用函數及房屋品質函數,並探討其比較靜態分析背後所隱含之經濟意義。 本文之研究發現如下,當房東將房屋出租的機率提高時,房屋租金隨之增加;當房客租到房屋的機率提高時,房屋租金將隨之減少;市場利率及房屋租賃契約終止的機率對房屋租金的效果,取決於房屋市場為買方市場抑或是賣方市場。當房東將房屋出租的機率或房客租到房屋的機率增加時,皆使得市場上的房屋租賃配對數量增加,房屋維修支出亦增加;當市場利率或房屋租賃契約終止的機率增加時,使得出租房屋的機會成本增加,進而使房屋維修支出費用減少;房屋的維修成本對房屋維修支出費用的影響為不一定,當房屋的維修成本相對較低時,房東維修支出費用可能增加,但房屋的維修成本相對較高時,使得房東的維修支出費用可能減少。當市場利率或折現率提高時,代表民眾較偏好現在,則房屋品質水準會降低;當房屋契約終止的機率提高時,房屋品質水準會降低;房屋維修的成本提高時,房屋品質水準會降低;市場配對效率越高,房屋品質越高。在政策討論方面,推動市場資訊透明化可增加房東的修繕支出費用,對於房屋品質的提升是有所助益的;租賃住宅租金補貼政策會導致房租之上升,但不一定能提升房屋品質;修繕優惠貸款利率政策,確可使房東之房屋維修支出費用增加,而達到提升房屋品質之效果;最後,政府訂定最低居住水準之政策,由於市場運作機制上自會存在一消費者最適房屋品質水準,若房屋品質低於市場上最低房屋品質,此房屋無法出租下,自然會被市場所淘汰,無須政府訂定最低居住水準即可達成效果,政府政策反而可能會造成市場扭曲。

設計鏈:豪華車輛行動服務體系與使用者導向創新 / Design chain: mobility service organizing for luxury vehicle and User - centric innovation

李志豪 Unknown Date (has links)
雲端技術在各產業發展迅速,在汽車產業,特別是豪華車廠也進入雲端應用的戰國時代。豪華車輛的功能,因車身區域網路CAN-BUS的廣為應用,車上系統與系統之間能以封包方式的溝通,不僅速度加快、可以儲存紀錄,更可以依人性化需求,給予程式上的軟性調整。豪華車廠的服務體系,在維修車輛的同時,已有別於一般尚未大量使用車身區域網路的車廠。而隨著無線通訊的發達,車上工程程式的存取,也可以經由3G及無線網路來進行,這個動作,成為改變了服務廠體系的關鍵,車輛不需一定要回到服務廠,才能進行相關的維修或診斷動作,也因為這樣雙向溝通的能耐,雲端服務人員可突破區域性限制,對車輛進行服務(如遠端解鎖、搖控發動等)。 進一步可預期,更多的應用程式可經由無線通訊,被安裝在車上,想像在不久的將來,我們只需記住自己的鑰匙編碼,到任何一部具有車身區域及無線網路的車輛上,就可以馬上使用你的電子信箱,你的Car App store,也可以將你個人化的設定做轉移,如:你習慣的乘坐的位置、習慣收聽的電台,甚至是你的駕駛模式等,這些都可以透過隨機存取功能的應用程式來實現。 本論文透過行動研究員的身份,採用質性研究方法,經過長時間的田野調查,從汽車雲端技術的組織、雲端技術在服務廠的維修應用、相關人員的工作形態與技能、使用者的行為模式等,做一全面性的資料搜集與整合,並逐一追溯每一細節,分析服務體系創新的元素為何,並透過進一步推論,找出對於其他豪華車廠、其他產業公司之間的啟示,並由此發現,經由雲端維修的應用,可以預見從汽車產業打開的新事業服務平台。 / The fast development of cloud computing has enabled applications in different industries. For the automotive industry, the competitions for cloud computing is particularly intensive in the luxury car sector. This is due to that CAN-BUS local area network specifically designed for in-car communication is widely implemented and utilized for data recording, transmission and management. A lot of services provided by the car manufacturers and dealers can be integrated with this system for more user friendly approaches. For example through the connectives of 3G and wireless network, related maintenances and diagnoses can be carried out over a distance, therefore the cloud network service providers do not need to be on-site for supports. This breakthrough also diminishes the location barrier, and improves the service efficiencies (e.g. remote unlock service and remote engine start service). A peek into the future, there will be more applications enabled by the wireless connectives between the vehicles and the cloud networks. Imagine that by simply remember a set of P-I-N number, the user will be able to access personal email accounts, on-line Car App store accounts, frequently used GPS maps, and preferred driver setting such as seat positions, favor radio channels and engine driving models in the near future. All these are independent of which car the user is actually driving. This thesis is developed through qualitative researches over a long period of field studies from a leading luxury car manufacturer in the industry. It has in-depth discussions on the organization infrastructures, technologies and service flows required to enable cloud computing services related to the after-sale supports and maintenances in the automotive industry. The skills and on-job awareness particular to the front-line staffs and back-end supportive staffs are highlighted, and will be analyzed with different users’ use scenarios. Over these step-by-step examinations, the key elements for service innovation will be identified. To take one step further, these findings will also be related for their implications to other luxury car manufacturers and industries. This is to justify that through the applications of cloud services in the vehicle maintenances, it opens the way for service innovation in service network platform.

無線網路在汽車業的應用研究 / The Reasrch of the Application of the Wireless on Automobile Industry

張啟厚, Chang, Chi Hou Unknown Date (has links)
汽車一直是人類重要的交通工具,近年來由於汽車電子與資訊通訊(Telematics)技術的進步,使汽車的功能更加豐富化;再加上無線網路的普遍應用,使得汽車的角色,從原來的代步工具,逐漸成為行動辦公室、娛樂及生活空間的延伸。汽車業也從傳統的製造業,逐漸邁向高科技。 目前汽車電子結合無線網路的運用,大部份強調在人身安全、緊急救援、車輛保全、提供生活資訊、多媒體娛樂以及道路導航等領域,但對於用車人最基本的需求「用車不中斷」的服務,則尚無應用的案例。 本研究從車商所提供的服務現況開始探討,藉由PZB服務模式的解析,找出供給與需求之間的缺口(Gap),再以無線網路所提供的服務進行模擬,試圖找出應用無線網路來填補車商與用車人之間服務缺口的可行性。 本研究蒐集了現有汽車業領導品牌所提供的汽車電子應用實例,列述其提供服務的項目、重點以及特色,除了比較這些實例的差異之外,同時也與本研究的重點--「如何應用無線網路提供用車不中斷的服務」做比較,以說明其差異之處。 本研究對汽車業未來應用無線網路的情境,提出三種模擬,針對這些模擬的情境,分析對汽車業價值鏈的各個組成要素所可能帶來的影響與衝擊;並針對這些影響與衝擊提出必要的因應措施。以汽車業本身而言,包括流程的改變、組織的改變以及科技工具的應用;對其周邊的產業,例如保險業、租車業、分期購車業、中古車業以及拖吊業等,則描述其可能的改變及需採行的對策作法。 效益是決定新服務模式可行性的關鍵,本研究預期可在無形的效益方面給用車人及汽車業者帶來雙贏的效果,也替汽車業創造革命性的創新服務優勢;在有形效益方面則可降低抛錨的次數,節省維修時間與費用,成果十分卓著。 新的服務觀念與模式是本研究的重要成果,如應用無線網路後,把車商所提供的服務方式由被動轉為主動,把「預測式」保養改變成「預約式」保養,甚至把長久以來車主必須要進服務廠才能獲得服務的方式改變成「到府服務」,「以廠就車」的服務方式,這些都是值得車商採行之處。 但一個創新模式要成功的導入,必須具備幾個關鍵要素。在本研究的最後也一一列述這些關鍵成功要素;另外也列舉了一些未來尚待研究的議題,希望有興趣在此領域的研究先進們能一起來共襄盛舉。 關鍵詞: 資訊、通訊、無線網路、無線通訊、汽車、汽車業、服務、服務模式、服務流程、品質、服務品質、汽車電子、車用電子、車載系統、維修、Telematics, OnStar, G-book / Automobile has been an important mean of transportation to human for decades. With the breakthrough of Telematics technologies and innovation of services, abundant functions on the automobile emerge quickly. Also, of late, the use of wireless has been widespread, this gradually causes the change of the role of automobiles from original purpose of movement to the extension of office, amusement and even the life. The industry of automobile is making progress from traditional manufacturing to high-tech properties. The current application of the combination between Telematics and wireless mostly emphasizes on some specific facets, such as human-safety, emergency-assistance, vehicle-guard, amusement and driving-direction. However, services for “driving without interruption”, which is the basic demand of driving a car, haven’t been implemented in the real world. This research starts from the current situation of the services provided by automobile dealers and uses the celebrated PZB model to analyze the gap between the service side of demand and supply. Depending on those analyses, we simulate the imaginary future service scenario of wireless application, making effort to find the feasible way to balance the service gap. This research provides three scenarios which apply wireless technology to automobile industry to analyze the effect and impact on the component within the value chain of automobile industry. Also, we offer possible corresponding measures, for automobile dealers including the revise of process, the adjustment of whole organization and the manipulation of technologies. On the other side of other related industries, such as insurance business, automobile charter business, second-hand market, we describe the possible change and the mode of coordination with automobile industry. The innovative concept and service model is the important result of this research and is worth adopting. The application of wireless will transfer the service mode from passive way to active way and will bring “reservation maintenance” to replace the current “forecast maintenance”. With the expectation of the conduction of successful service model, industry should possess some key factors. We present these key factors and list other valuable issues for thorough search. Keyword: Information, wireless, automobile, automobile industry, service, service model, quality, quality of service, Telematics, maintenance, OnStar, G-book

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