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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


鄢桃生, YAN, TAO-SHENG Unknown Date (has links)
第一章導論,有關文獻,研究目的,研究範圍,研究方法的簡介。 第二章介紹奧爾森的理論,選擇性誘因和集體財穊念的界定和澄清,團體數量和組織 成功之間的邏輯關係及理論的適用範圍。 第三章驗證奧氏的理論。 第四章討論傳統團體理論和其對政治系統的意含。 第五章建構新的模型,成員入會的誘因,企業家和組織的內部模式,組織的形成,維 持和轉型,有關的新證據。 第六章結論。


王淑慧, WANG,SHU-HUI Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究動機 解嚴之前,工會組織形同虛設,工會功能受到各種法規束縛,解嚴之後社會運動發展 權利意識提高,工會在勞工意識抬頭的情形下熱門起來,研究工會運動的學者都從各 種角度來說明工會的產生及性質,其中M.Olson 集體行動的理論,就經濟人自利,理 性的公設演繹組織的形成邏輯,富有啟發性,個人試就其理論觀點,實證探討我國工 會會員參與工會活動的主要因素,從而建議工會組織的運作方式。今天有許多論點, 都認為勞工權利的爭取必須透過工會的狀大,工會軟弱,則勞工權益無從保障。這種 論點似是而非,就理性的個人從事一件活動時,首先考慮的是其投入與產出的問題, 若工會無法提供足夠利得給會員,工會很難動員會員的力量。工會是個經濟性的組織 ,工會與會員之間不是義務或責任關係,而是純粹的利益關係。 二. 研究目的 1.就M.Olson 集體行動的理論申述工會組織的性質 2.個案研究我國工會會員參與工會的主要因素 3.OLSON 理論的檢討 4.建議工會運作的可能方式 三. 研究架構 理性的個人參與工會活動時, 必然是經過一番考慮而做決定. 因此有學者就個人參與 工會活動的決定視為一種決策過程, 其間影響決策的因素歸納為三方面: 個人需要、 社會環境、工會印象。配合Olson 集體行動理論的要旨及我國工會情形,擬出下列分 析架構: 工會的集體財\工會的選擇性誘因\強制規定或方法工會的規模政治企業家工會的印 象工作條件搭便車傾和向\基本資料\工會活動的參與

生活世界與合理性 / 由哈伯瑪斯何謂普遍語用學至溝通行動理論之探究

吳佩瑾, Wu,Peggie Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要任務為探討哈伯瑪斯(J?rgen Habermas, 1929-) 於《溝通行動理論》(Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns, 1981) 中生活世界概念與其普遍語用學之關聯


陳瑋鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
哈伯瑪斯的政治哲學不僅綜合了當代的許多學科與理論,同時也具體地回應二十世紀許多的政治問題。對於哈伯瑪斯的研究,一直以來可分為許多的切入途徑:現代性、批判理論、論辯倫理學、交往行動理論、歷史唯物論或審議式民主等,那麼究竟有沒有一個「整體的」哈伯瑪斯? 本文的工作便是在回答如何詮釋一個整體的哈伯瑪斯,而研究採取三個層次來鋪陳與推演:普遍性的問題—哈伯瑪斯的「基源問題」何在?特殊性的研究途徑—交往行動理論如何架構起現代社會的批判功能?個別性的判斷—二十世紀的政治問題哈伯瑪斯如何進行回應?此三個層次環環相扣,從第一章現代性的思維特徵與方法、第二章交往行動理論詮釋現代社會之構成,以及開展新的批判之動力,到第三章現代性思維方式的重建與交往行動理論應用到具體的政治問題上,可以見到本文所力圖詮釋的「現代性政治哲學」之意義。 首先,第一章對「現代性」此一頗具爭議的概念進行解釋。哈伯瑪斯考察了啟蒙哲學以來人類的思維狀況,並且從康德、黑格爾與馬克思三人身上,區分出其各自的方法:理性批判、倫理的自我反思,以及政治經濟學批判。哈伯瑪斯進一步拓展,批判了此三種模式的困境,也提出了其後形上學的「方法」。第二章從現代性的社會學理論著手,韋伯提供了最基本的分析架構,而此為法蘭克福學派所一脈相承,然而,連接第一章的後形上學方法來看,社會學理論的概念架構也必須進行重建;哈伯瑪斯的「交往行動理論」,重新回答了「理性之行動」如何可能的問題。第三章從基本問題意識與理論架構的確立,進入政治哲學之判斷;本文將現代性的政治哲學理解為「一元與多元之關係」,而哈伯瑪斯最重要的貢獻,便是提出如何理解「一元秩序」的新可能性。然而,此種新的「一元」之思考,在哈伯瑪斯一生的思考架構中乃是前後一致的,不僅回應了「後形上學」方案,也連結起早期的「公共領域」,以及近期法哲學之研究、「憲政愛國主義」與「後民族格局」等思考。

社論的論證結構分析 / The Analysis of Argument Structures in Editorials

朱灼文, Chu, Chuo-wen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以兩篇結論對立的社論為個案,藉由形式語義學設計出將論說性篇章刻畫成一階謂詞邏輯符號的論述分析程序,使自然語言中對真實宣稱或正當宣稱的爭論還原成真值語義和論證形式有效性的判斷,從而具體地挽救被歧見所破壞的溝通行動。設計過程初擬了處理語篇命題結構、複合語句成分、回指關係、量號轄域歧義、因果語句、隱性前提推論、和引述結構的實用方案。 / By the means of formal semantics, this thesis used two opposite editorials as cases to design a discourse analysis procedure which translates expository-argumentative texts into formulae of first-order predicate logic. The procedure reduces disputes in natual language about truth or rightness claims into judgements on truth values and validities of argument forms, thus the communicative actions disabled by quarrels can be practically redempted. The designing drafted feasible treatments for propositional structures of discourses, compound sentential constituents, anaphoras, quantifier scope ambiguities, cause-and-effect statements, inferences for absent premises, and quotation structures.

英語教學做中學:合作敘事探究 / Learning to Teach English in situ: A Collaborative Narrative Inquiry

陳錦珊, Chen, Jin shan Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文重組並重現一個合作敘事探究的生命經驗。在這集體的生命故事中,研究者與四位女性英語實習教師,透過一個全校性的英語同儕輔導計畫,一同探究學習如何教英語。本研究包含兩個研究重點:(一)探索英語實習教師在教學實習過程中對英語教學的概念覺知與教學發展;(二)檢視機構與社會情境與英語實習教師之教學發展的互動關係。本研究提出三個研究問題核心,協助對於現象的分析與詮釋:(一)英語實習教師在實境教學中教學發展之轉化歷程;(二)驅動英語實習教師之教學發展轉化的支配力類型;(三)英語實習教師對於實境教學之生命經驗的理解與覺知。 本研究發現,英語實習教師的教學發展,呈現前進式的結構模式。教學行動系統中的內、外部矛盾,引發一連串的衝突與失序,直接衝擊英語實習教師的教學發展轉化。在問題解決的轉化過程中,有三種主要的驅動能量,對教學發展轉化形成支配:情境支配力、策略支配力、情意支配力。在故事的尾聲,英語實習教師對於英語教學有新的覺知:對於教學行為及身為英語教師本體的覺知、對於英語學習者的認知、對於英語學習的本質的理解。 本研究回應相關文獻,提出三點新發現。首先,學習如何教的過程,包含持續性的觀察、分析、評量和反思。其次,英語實習教師的教學發展,透過跨層次行動系統的比對與分析,發現並理解可能存在的失序、衝突與解決方案,進而從事教學改變與教學發展轉化。最後,本研究提出,有關教師學習、學習如何教的相關研究,應該採用一種全方位的研究方法、一種廣泛理解的觀點,用以分析詮釋實作教學中既存的知識斷層。 / This collaborative narrative inquiry reconfigures and represents the lived experiences of four female prospective TESOL teachers’ learning to teach through a campus-based tutoring program. The research foci of this inquiry-based study are twofold. Firstly, the research aims at exploring how prospective TESOL teachers learn to teach through practical teaching experiences, as they examine the definition of learning to teach itself and the understanding of the what and how of the learning process evolves. Secondly, the research investigates the role of the social and institutional context in prospective TESOL teachers’ learning to teach, in examining how activity setting shapes the process of learning to teach. Drawing on the research approach of narrative inquiry, prospective TESOL teachers’ stories are told in their own voices while the school’s stories, and the stories about the school are told by the supervisor of the structured program in this research, the researcher, for purpose of providing a context to the prospective TESOL teachers’ stories. Following such respects, research questions are generated with special emphasis on (a) the transformational process of the prospective TESOL teachers’ learning to teach in situ; (b) the driving forces for the transformation to take place; (c) how the prospective TESOL teachers make sense of the lived experiences of learning to teach. The prospective teachers’ collective story appeared to be a progressive mode of development. The transformational process was overwhelmingly influenced by the dissonance and conflicts emerging from the contradictions within and across the collective activity system of teaching, namely primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary contradictions. In order to solve the problems resulting from the contradictions, the prospective teachers undertook changes and transformation in their teaching. Three types of driving force appeared to be significant for the transformation in the process of the prospective teachers’ learning to teach, including contextual force, strategic force, and attitudinal force. During the process of engaging in the socially situated activity of teaching, the prospective teachers formulated new conceptualizations of teaching, inclusive of the understanding of their teaching and of themselves as English teachers, of the students as English learners, and of the nature of English learning. The findings of the research suggest that a campus-based tutoring EFL program could be an alternative form of practicum teaching. Corresponding to previous research into teachers’ learning and learning to teach in second and foreign languages, three notions are provided. Firstly, the process of learning to teach prospective teachers includes continuous observation, analysis, evaluation and reflection on the entirety of the teaching activity embedded within a specific context, rather than shifting their focus from one entity to another entity, such as focusing on themselves at early stage and then shifting their focus to either on students or instructional techniques. Secondly, the process of prospective teachers’ learning to teach includes changes and transformation following iterative analysis and interpretations of cross-level activity systems to determine possible dissonance and solutions with the help of structured resources. Thirdly, research into teachers’ learning should employ a holistic research approach with a comprehensive perspective in analyzing and interpreting existing gaps in teaching practice.


胡敏遠, HU, MING-YUAN Unknown Date (has links)
國際關係理論歷經第三次的理論大辯論後,理論的發展已朝向「自然主義-反自然主義」、「理論-實踐」、「基礎主義-反基礎主義」議題的論爭中。從這些論爭之中使我們發現做為國際關係學科的本體論、知識論及方法論,已經開始向社會學的方向轉折。其中,尤以新自由制度主義及建構主義的轉折更為明顯。然而,從更深層的視野來看目前各學派的理論,多多少少都含有霸權主義的成分於其中。基於此,本論文借用葛蘭西「文化霸權」的理論觀點,檢視現實主義、新現實主義、自由主義、新自由制度主義及建構主義等主流國際關係理論中的文化霸權因素,同時運用哈伯馬斯的「溝通行動理論」的概念,對上述主流國際關係理論的霸權性質進行反思,以期建構出一個在本體論、知識論、方法論上都能獲得解放的國際關係理論。 基於以上理念,本論文的發展與架構鋪陳共分為8章35節。 第一章為緒論,主要敍述論文的整個架構及重要理論說明,包括葛蘭西的「文化霸權」及哈伯馬斯的「溝通行動理論」,藉由上述兩種理論的哲學基礎,以分析說明目前國際關係理論的爭論議題,及其未來可能的發展趨勢。 第二章介紹國際關係理論三次大辯論及其理論的發展現況,然後闡明國際政治各個學派的哲學與後設基礎。 第三章概述葛蘭西「文化霸權」的理論,主要探討葛蘭西的文化霸權;它並不是一個實體的權力,而是一個意識形態及實體相互結合的領導權概念。 第四章是藉由葛蘭西的文化霸權概念,論析目前國際關係理論無論是在物質及精神意識方面,都具有文化霸權的成分。換言之,目前的國際關係理論並無法完達到解放國家受到壓迫的目標。 第五章介紹哈伯馬斯的「溝通行動理論」,主要研究溝通行動理論所涵蓋的範圍:包括了主體與主體、主體與客體及主體與社會之間的溝通關係。 第六章是運用哈伯馬斯溝通行動理論分析主體與主體(國家╱國家)、主體與客體(國家╱客觀世界)、主體與社會(國家╱國際社會、組織、制度…)之間的溝通關係,藉以解放國際關係理論所受到的壓迫與不公平現象。 第七章陳述反思下的國際關係理論其本體論、知識論及方法論。 第八章章為結論,提出本論文的主要貢獻:第一,以溝通行動為媒介的國際關係理論,會出現以國際社會的整體做為各個行動體溝通行動的場域,這個場域是一個「實體(物質)結構」、是一個「關係(權力、制度)結構」、也是一個「觀念(意義)結構」,更是經由實踐所織構出的「網絡結構」;第二,國際關係的本體論、知識論及方法論之間是一個相互辯證的過程,他們彼此之間可以相互辯證轉換。 關鍵詞:文化霸權、溝通行動理論、國際關係理論、國際政治、社會理論 / After three times of intensive debates, the direction of International Relations theory has moved to “naturalism-anti-naturalism”,”theory-implementation”, ”fundamentalism-anti-fundamentalism”. From the debates we can realize the International Relations is supported by Ontological, Epistemological, Methodological and it has change into sociology. Although the direction of neo- Liberalism and Constructivism has become clear and if we read of those theories, all of them have included some degree of Cultural Hegemony. This research takes Antonio Gramsci’s “Cultural Hegemony” theory to exam Realism, neo-Realism、Liberalism、neo-Liberalism and Constructivism. At the same time, I also use “theory of Communication” of Jurgen Habermas to talk about the hegemony among those theories, in order to let the ontological, epistemological and methodological can be applied to the theories. This research paper is divided into 8 sections and 35 chapters. Chapter one is introduction, of both theories of “Cultural Hegemony” of Gramsci and “theory of Communication” of Jurgen Habermas to illustrate today’s international disputes for International Relations and the possible development for the future. Chapter two is the three intensive debates for International Relations and the development of those theories, including international politics fundamental philosophy. Chapter three is the theory of “Cultural Hegemony” of Gramsci. It’s not an existing power but an ideal form in connection with concept of leading power. Chapter four is the use of the theory of “Cultural Hegemony” of Gramsci in the concepts of today’s international relations. Both substantial and spiritual aspects include hegemony. In other words, today’s theories of international relations can’t reach the goals of resolve the nations under pressure. Chapter five is the theory of Communication” of Jurgen Habermas, focusing on the relations of communication of Subjective to subjective, subjective to objective and subjective to community. Chapter six is the use of theory of Communication” of Jurgen Habermas in terms of the communicate relations among subjective to subjective(nation/nation), subjective to objective(nation/objective world), subjective to social(nation/ international community, organization, institution…) and then to prevent from the pressure and unfairness of theory of international relations. Chapter seven is the theory of international relations of ontology, epistemology and methodology. Chapter eight is the conclusion, with two major points: First, the use of communication actions on the theory of international relations will make the global community into a unique arena in order to provide it for different communication groups. These areas are a entity (substantial) structure, a relation(power, institutional) structure and also a aspect(meaning) structure and furthermore it can be implemented into network-structure;Second, the theory of international relations on ontology, epistemology and methodology is a dialogue and development process, that can be interacted and transfered to others. Key Word: Cultural Hegemony, Theory of Communication, International Relations theory, International Politic, Social Thiory

整建住宅住戶社會網絡結構與影響更新因素之研究─以臺北市整建住宅社區個案為例 / A study on social network of reconstruction and the impacts of renewal─Take the resettled tenement community of Taipei as a case

許德和 Unknown Date (has links)
在民國50年代興建的臺北市整建住宅社區(簡稱整宅)歷經近50年的超值使用及增建、違建的超負荷累贅,已使整宅更新改建議題,成為都市統理者與追求社會公平正義的都市計畫研究學者關注的焦點,自民國70年代就取得整宅更新迫切需求的共識,為何又歷經近30年的整宅更新研究與推動,遲遲不見整宅更新的明顯成效,令無數關心社會邊緣弱勢族群整宅住戶的研究學者苦研其癥結,思謀對策提供都市統理者發揮統合公權力,展現整宅更新決策執行的有效方法。 本研究鑑於整宅更新議題的學術研究,有從公私協力方向做實施思考者,有從容積獎勵的提高思考者,有從政府強制公權力排除整宅更新障礙思考者,其思考方向都在以整宅之外部因素做思量,欠缺由整宅住戶社會網絡結構思考者。而本研究除了關注整宅更新的外部因素,更注重整宅住戶的內部因素,也就是摒棄外部與內部的區隔,融洽內外部的更新因素,統合思考整宅更新的全面因素。 本研究就臺北市整建住宅社區全體23處做研究母體,以臺北市信義區吳興街二期整建住宅社區為研究樣本,做社區個案全體住戶普查,以住戶基本社經資料、社區內外部統合社會網絡互動關係,社區住戶關注的影響更新關鍵因素為問卷調查內容,加上對整宅更新研究學者、更新主管機關承辦人員、更新實施建築業者、更新規劃諮詢推展機構、不動產估價師、建築師及稅務、法律等整宅更新有深入鑽研的相關產、經、學界做全面深度訪談,探尋整宅更新現階段的法令規範,實施推展狀況,研究成果與心得,求出整宅更新現階段的阻礙難行癥結,藉資本研究主題的深入瞭解,使整宅更新的困境較清晰浮現,俾以謀求解決對策。 本研究結論:一、整建住宅社區更新有集體行動困境 二、關鍵行動者有信任危機與道德風險 三、不確定風險的承擔機制薄弱 四、選配房屋意願不容易滿足 五、建築融資責任主體有爭議 六、期待利益超越現實 七、政府對整宅社區更新輔導態度消極 本研究提出建議:一、政府依法展現公權力,強制排除非理性反對更新者,積極參與更新推展過程 二、建立社區強聯結管道,透明更新作業系統,爭取社區認同與支持 三、建立風險管控機制 / The Taipei Resettled Tenement Communities were formed in the early years, However; Resettled projects are stalled mostly by reasons of - over usage, increasing buildings and buildings constructed without licenses. Those reasons make resettled tenement communities become to be a new issue to a lot of researchers and scholars. Renewal and /or reconstruction are urgent needed in these communities nowadays. According to academic researches of renewal issue, there are thinking points from public and private interests and bonus regulation, but there is no taking point from the social network of reconstruction. Not only the renewal elements of resettled tenement, but also the residents are the focus of my research. Through those elements deliberate the impacts of renewal. The research takes 21 resettled tenement communities of Taipei city as a population. During the communities the second period of the resettled tenement community in Wu-Xing St as a research sample carries out a census. From those residential backgrounds, interaction of social network in communities and the impacts of renewal as the questionnaire and makes an in-depth interview from people of industry, economy and academy. The key of the questionnaire consists of residential background, interaction of social network in communities, the impacts of renewal and the interview of specialists in industry, economy and academy. Finally, we can understand the bottleneck of renewal and the strategy for solution. It concluded in seven points: (1) the dilemma of collective actor. (2) the crisis from key actor. (3) the weak mechanism to uncertainly risk. (4) the unsatisfied willing of chosen house. (5) the debt in reconstructed finance. (6) the overtaking interests. (7) the passive attitude from government. It provided several suggestions that one is government should exclude irrational against in forced and positively to participate the process of renewal. The other is to build up connection in community, to purify the work of renewal, and to strive for support and identification in community. Thirdly is to build up mechanism to carry on risk.

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