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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


韓聖光, Sheng-Kang, Han Unknown Date (has links)
我國行政院之行政組織權,在中央法規標準法第五條第三款的規定下,長期以來由立法院藉法律保留「持有」這項權力。直到民國八十六年第四次修憲,受到政府再造潮流之影響下,憲法增修條文第三條第三、四項規定由立法院針對行政組織權限相關事項,進行「準則性立法」。同時,中央政府機關組織基準法草案也規定,讓三、四級機關可不受法律保留原則的拘束。然而這項規定是否打破長期以來的均衡態勢,又或只是訓示規定,就成為本篇論文研究的焦點。 本文藉由憲法解釋先尋覓出符合憲法文本體制的行政組織權歸屬方式,以判斷中央政府組織基準法草案,不讓行政院轄下的各部會--亦即所謂的二級機關--脫離法律保留原則,這項規定是否合憲。再區分「二級機關法定化」與「二級機關去法定化」兩項方案,藉由統治成本判斷,以目前的憲政環境,究竟採取何種方案能夠達成修憲者所要求的政府效能。

斯賓諾莎論釋經:《神學政治論》研究 / Spinoza on biblical interpretation: a study of tractatus theologico-politicus

郭大維, Kuo, Da-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
斯賓諾莎的《神學政治論》向來被認為是現代自由民主、與聖經批判的哲學性起源,學者大多認為斯賓諾莎以一種科學式的方法來研究聖經。本文旨在研究斯賓諾莎的聖經觀與宗教觀。藉著對十七世紀荷蘭神學-政治背景、以及《神學政治論》第七章到第十五章的分析,來說明斯賓諾莎所關心的並不是「如何解釋聖經」,而是「誰有權釋經」。他並不是藉著一種客觀的方法論來研究聖經,而是將解釋聖經的判准建立在解釋者的德性之上。而後不斷質疑各種可能形成解釋權威、壟斷信仰的科學式或理論性宗教知識。他把信仰的本質還原為生活,並且主張唯有解釋者有道德行為,他對聖經的解釋才可能是真的。因此,斯賓諾莎解釋聖經的方式不是一種聖經批判,而是一種德性證成的觀點。藉此,他把解釋聖經的權利還諸一切信仰者,並且將哲學與神學分離,前者的基礎是思辨理論,後者的基礎是道德實踐。 / Spinoza's Tractatus Theologico-Politicus has always been regarded as the philosophical origin of modern liberal democracy and modern biblical criticism. Most scholars consider Spinoza’s biblical study as a kind of scientific method. This thesis aims at Spinoza’s view of the Bible and his view of religion. By a description of the theological-political background of the 17th century Dutch, and an analysis of Tractatus Theologico-Politicus Chapters 7 through 15, I would demonstrate that Spinoza cares not “how to study the Scripture” but “who has the authority to interpret the Scripture.” He does not study the Scripture by means of an objective methodology, rather, he sets up the criteria of biblical interpretation upon the virtue of interpreters. Then he doubts constantly every kind of theoretical knowledge of religion which may become the authority of interpretation and monopolize the faith. He reduces the essence of faith to life, and claims that only when an interpreter is moral, can his interpretation of the Scripture be true. Therefore, Spinoza’s interpretation of the Bible is not a kind of biblical-criticism, but a kind of justification by means of virtue. By doing so (or simply “Thus”), he returns the right of interpreting Scripture back to all believers, and separates philosophy away from theology. The foundation of philosophy is speculative theory, and theology is based on moral practices.


劉欣怡 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以證券交易所得稅停徵(所得稅法第4 條之1)與實質課稅原則為中心,蒐集民國95 至97 年度最高行政法院判決書,區分為綜合所得稅與營利事業所得稅,針對判決書之爭點予以統整分析,將爭議型態類型化,並以案件數最多之爭議型態進行法官、財政部發布函釋與大法官會議解釋之統計分析。 研究結果顯示,綜合所得稅有關證券交易所得稅停徵與實質課稅原則之最高行政法院判決書,就公司處分固定資產溢價收入轉列資本公積,先增資、後減資並無償配發股票與自然人股東,應予課徵營利所得之爭議案件,佔本研究資料範圍之九成。營利事業所得稅部分,案件最多之爭議類型有四種:一、依實質課稅原則認定係屬「以買賣有價證券為專業」之營利事業,其應稅收入與免稅收入應如何攤計費用?二、認購售權證相關費用攤計如何認列?三、信託投資事業與相關利息收入如何列計?四、股票股利、短期投資、長期投資與長、短期投資轉列時,有關未分配盈餘加項或減項應如何列計等爭議。 次針對上述爭議類型,進行現行規定之探討,研究範圍內部分案件已列入司法院大法官人民聲請案件審查會待審案中,亦有相同爭議之案件業已提出大法官會議解釋,於日前經審查會作成不受理決議。 本研究以最高行政法院判決書為研究範圍,並以證券交易所得稅停徵暨實質課稅原則於實務之運用,縱向將爭議案件予以分類整理,橫向歸納各爭議類型現 行狀態,涉及人民行政救濟之最後訴訟階段為最高行政法院,例外得依司法院大法官審理案件法第5 條第1 項第2 款聲請大法官會議解釋,涉及納稅者權利保障事項,最重要者為行政法院訴訟階段,本研究針對主要爭議類型之案件,就承審法官予以統計,為保障納稅者之權利,本研究建議未來修法應成立「專業財稅法庭」以及設置「稅法實務問題研究委員會」。

思維模式解釋水平與效期框架之適配對優惠券兌換的影響 / The effect of congruency between construal level of mind-sets and redemption window frames on coupon redemption

鍾欣, Zhong, Xin Unknown Date (has links)
作為行銷的主要推廣工具之一,優惠券可同時使商家和消費者獲益,可謂是一個雙贏的行銷手法。然而在實務上,優惠券的總體發放數量巨大,但整體兌換率卻極低,如何提昇優惠券的兌換率成為企業的重要課題。為了吸引消費者,市面上林林總總的優惠券層出不窮,例如「好友分享券」與「買一送一券」;使用效期的表述亦有多種方式,例如「僅限1月1日可使用」與「1月1日任何時間可使用」。本文由此思考,優惠券上這些看似可隨意混用的文字訊息,也許在不知不覺中影響著消費者的思維模式,並對消費者的優惠券評價、兌換意願及兌換行爲產生作用。 本文結合解釋水平理論與框架效應理論,意圖釐清看似相同的優惠券文字訊息對消費者思維模式解釋水平的影響(實驗一),接著探討思維模式解釋水平與效期框架之適配對優惠券吸引力與兌換意願(實驗二子實驗a、b)及兌換行為(實驗三)的影響,並試圖以處理流暢性解釋此影響過程的心理機制(實驗二子實驗a、b)。 研究主要有兩點發現:(一)「好友分享券」與「買一送一券」文字訊息在影響消費者思維模式解釋水平上具有顯著差異,「好友分享券」文字訊息影響消費者處於高水平解釋思維模式;「買一送一券」文字訊息影響消費者處於低水平解釋思維模式。(二)「好友分享券」(高水平解釋)與「僅限」(限制性效期框架)、「買一送一券」(低水平解釋)與「任何時間」(開闊性效期框架)分別存在適配效果,比不適配的思維模式解釋水平與效期框架更能提升優惠券吸引力及增加消費者兌換意願。最後,本研究探討研究發現的意涵,並對未來研究方向提出建議。 / As one of the major promotional tools for marketing, coupons can benefit both consumers and retailers. Therefore, coupon marketing is considered to be a so-called win-win marketing approach. However, in practice, despite the massive number of coupons distributed, overall redemption rates remain extremely low. The question of how to raise redemption rates has become an important issue for corporations. In order to attract consumers, various coupons keep emerging in the market, such as “share with friends” coupons and “buy one, get one free” coupons. Moreover, the same redemption window can be expressed in different ways, for example, “the coupon can be used only on January 1” and “the coupon can be used anytime on January 1”. This research is interested in whether the seemingly interchangeable coupon messages exert an influence without people's realizing it on consumers’ mind-sets, coupon attractiveness, redemption intention and behavior. By combining Construal Level Theory with Framing Effect, this research attempts to explore the impact of the seemingly equivalent coupon messages on the construal level of consumers’ mind-sets (Study 1), and examine the effect of the congruency between the construal level of mind-sets and redemption window frames on coupon attractiveness, redemption intention (Study 2a & 2b) and behavior (Study 3). In addition, this research tries to draw on processing fluency to explain the mechanism underlying the effect (Study 2a & 2b). The main findings are as follows. First, “share with friends” and “buy one, get one free” influence consumers to construe their mind-sets at a high and low level, respectively. Second, the congruency between “share with friends” coupon (high-level construal) and the restrictive frame “only”, “buy one, get one free” coupon (low-level construal) and the expansive frame “anytime”, enhances coupon attractiveness and consumers’ intention to redeem. The research concludes with the implications of the findings and suggestions for future research.

元明杜律選評本研究 / Research on commented anthologies of Du Fu's metrical poems in Yuan and Ming Dynasties

汪欣欣 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese Language and Literature

民國詞人喬大壯研究 / Study on Ci-Poet Qiao Dazhuang during the Republic of China

胡善兵 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese Language and Literature

楊慎雲南詩研究 =Research on Yunnan poetry of Yangshen / Research on Yunnan poetry of Yangshen

常仙 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese

論蘇軾之歸思 =Discussion about Su Shi's life destination / Discussion about Su Shi's life destination

梁婉喬 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese

張翎小說中的生育話題研究 =A study on the theme of child-bearing in Zhang Ling's fictions / Study on the theme of child-bearing in Zhang Ling's fictions

衛雨檬 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese

桑斯汀的國家管制理論 / Regulatory State Theory of Sunstein

江維萱 Unknown Date (has links)
凱斯‧桑斯汀(Cass Sunstein)為美國著名之憲法學者,其於1990年所出版之《After the Rights Revolution》所欲回應之背景,乃係80年代後美國復興之自由放任之風。本書前半部以1930年代羅斯福新政精神為最上位的基本理念,清楚表示其對管制國家的支持與期待。相對地,本書主要目的在於解決現代管制國家所遇到的困境,並以聯邦主義之思想為基論,娓娓帶出後半部的解決方法,即以法院為主角,藉由其解釋法律的權限以調整管制政策與不公平、不正義的管制結果。本文主要為介紹桑斯汀於此本書所表現出的核心價值與精神;即便日後想法有發生變化,包括其致力研究之方向,在本書皆可找到端倪。於整理本書內容之外,本文更努力清楚交代本書所欲對話的對象,更試圖說明本書對作者日後研究之取徑的地位與重要性。

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